Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (2025)

Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (1)

A commitment to world class performance

Spirit of excellence

Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (2)

How Acromat became a leader 2

Why Acromat remains a leader 2

Performance at the top 2

Full in-house service 4

The best seats in the house 4

Our customers expect the best 4

Acromat’s free planning service 5

Design for superior performance 5

Professional installation 6

Maintaining the standard 6

Product Group Index 7

General Specifications 7 2

Company Safety Policy 7 2


Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (3)

Acromat has long championed the cause of quality and integrity in gymnasium and sporting equipment. Our company’s commitment to world-class performance in design and manufacturing has resulted in Acromat equipment being consistently selected for use at the highest levels of competition, including the Olympic Games. We simply strive to build the best, for the best.

Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (4)

How Acromat became a leader

The creation of world-class gymnasium and sporting equipment requires a unique understanding of athletes’ needs at all levels. Not just their ultra-demanding competition needs, but their vital training requirements as well.

Acromat has that depth of understanding because of its deep appreciation of gymnastic performance in particular, and athletic achievement in general. This knowledge stems from our company’s founder, Lance Otto, whose background as a gymnastics competitor profoundly influenced his thinking as a professional mechanical engineer. His knowledge of sporting performance and his quest for innovative engineering solutions resulted in a powerful coupling of skills that attracted the attention of national and international sporting bodies and coaches.


Why Acromat remains a leader

The passion for performance that Lance Otto brought to the design and manufacture of his equipment continues to drive Acromat today under the guidance of Craig Otto. Like his father, Craig combines his profession as a mechanical engineer with a lifetime interest in gymnastics. He has been prominent as a competitor as well as in the administration of the sport as Chairman of the Men’s Gymnastic Technical and Judging Committees in South Australia for many years.

In his role as Managing Director, Craig’s qualifications and experience have led to Acromat’s development of cutting-edge computer design facilities and computer controlled production methods. These ensure on-going advancement in design innovation and product integrity and safety, ensuring further expansion of our international client base.

Performance at the top

Acromat is now recognised as a world leader in gymnastic and sporting equipment, with the company’s performance finely tuned to match the high expectations of athletes at all levels of competition. To ensure the needs of gymnasts and athletes are met, especially in the critical areas of engineering strength and safety, we design much of our equipment in close consultation with leading coaches.

Our expertise has seen the adoption of Acromat equipment at many landmark international sporting events including:> 1990 Commonwealth Games, New Zealand> 1994 World Gymnastic Championships, Brisbane> 2000 Olympic Games, Sydney> 2001 Goodwill Games, Brisbane

Acromat has also been the official supplier to the Australian Gymnastic Federation for over 30 years.

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Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (6)

The best seats in the house

While Acromat’s reputation is built on the superiority of our gymnastic and other sports equipment, we are also highly regarded for our innovative approach to the design and manufacture of retractable tiered stadium seating. We design and custom build seating to suit a wide range of needs and venues.

In addition to seating, we also design and manufacture retractable stage extensions for theatres and schools.


Full in-house service

At the heart of our business is a deeply ingrained enthusiasm for exploring new ways of solving complex engineering problems and for inventing and making things.

This has led us to maintain a full range of services in-house including:> Computer design> Metal fabrication> Welding> Jig construction> Wood machining> Painting> Upholstering > Specialised gluing techniques

Acromat’s expertise in these diverse areas means we are able to maintain the highest possible standards throughout the manufacturing process as well as ensure timely delivery of product to our customers.

Our customers expect the best

Acromat’s customers in Australia and overseas include:> Schools (both government and private)> Sports clubs> Recreation centres> Premier sporting venues> Entertainment facilities

While our customers have diverse and often highly individual needs, they all have one thing in common. They expect nothing less than the highest engineering standards to ensure the safety of athletes and the general public.

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Acromat’s free planning service

We are often asked why we don’t charge for our comprehensive planning service. The answer is simple. We believe it is our responsibility to help our customers select the correct equipment for specific sporting needs and programs. Offering this service not only adds value but also enhances safety and ensures the long-term viability of major equipment purchases.

Acromat’s team of sports engineers and facility planners help plan the most efficient and economical use of gymnasium and sporting facilities. This service is especially valuable for:> Architects> Builders> Facility managers> Coaches

Our free planning service embraces such considerations as anticipated pattern of use, projected spectator capacity, games court layouts, recommended positioning of Acromat equipment and optimum seating arrangements. Attention to these details not only ensures the best use of available space but also the most efficient use of the project budget.

Design for superior performance

One of the most astonishing aspects of sport at the highest levels is the way in which performances continue to improve and records continue to be broken. Today’s elite athletes are producing outcomes that even a decade ago would have seemed improbable.

Sporting equipment must keep pace with these ever-improving performances through smarter design and superior manufacturing standards. Acromat, through its long and personal association with the world of gymnastics, has a unique understanding of how athletes train and compete. Combining this understanding with excellence in design results in the creation of world-class equipment to match the very best performances.

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Professional installation

Because Acromat builds its sporting equipment to meet the highest professional standards, we believe it demands the highest standards of installation. Therefore we strongly recommend that all Acromat equipment be installed by our own service engineers so that it operates correctly and adheres to the required safety standards. Our installation service is available worldwide.

Maintaining the standard

All Acromat equipment is of a very high standard and built to last. However, its use in the quest for high sporting achievement means it will naturally be subject to wear and tear over time. So it is important that regular inspections are carried out and that any maintenance required is performed immediately to ensure the safety of the athletes using the equipment.

As part of our on-going service, we offer maintenance programs and detailed Safety and Maintenance reports. This thorough approach to maintenance extends to Acromat keeping complete client records of all purchases, regardless of how long ago the equipment was bought from us. This enables the speedy replacement of worn or damaged components, or the timely upgrading of equipment.

Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (9)


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A1 Balance Beams 8

A2 Balance Benches 1 0

A3 Beatboards 1 1

A4 Safety Belts 1 2

A5 Climbing Ropes, Tracks & Attachments 1 3

A6 Floor Plates 1 4 Floor Sockets 1 5 Cover Plates 1 6 Outdoor Sockets & Plates 1 7

A7 Horizontal Bars – Single & Combination, Men’s & Women’s Rails 1 8

A8 Mats - Landing, Carpeted & Vinyl Covered 2 0 Mats – Supersoft, Hard/Soft, Soft Landing 2 1 Mats – General Purpose, Stetching, Pool, Martial Arts, Wrestling 2 2 Mat Trolleys 2 3 Padding Blocks 2 3 Floor Areas & Floor Strips 2 4 Spring Floors 2 4 Rhythmic Gymnastic Floors 2 5 Aerobic Floors 2 5

A9 Parallel Bars 2 6 Uneven Bars 2 8

A10 Rings and Trapeze Bars 3 0

A12 Mini, Power Mini & Double Mini Trampolines 3 2 Tumbling Trampolines 3 3 Trampolines 3 4

A13 Pommel Equipment & Mushrooms 3 6 Vaulting Table and Horses, Vaulting Equipment & Run Up Strips 3 7 Vaulting Boxes – Foam & Timber 3 8

A14 Wall Bars & Attachments 3 9

A15 General Gymnasium Equipment Dividing Curtains – Vertical Lift 4 0 Dividing Curtain – Side Drawn 4 1 Dividing Nets – Removable 4 1 Protection Nets & Roof Nets 4 2 Chalk and Chalk Stands, Resin Gum 4 3 Palm Guards & Wrist Straps 4 3 Padding Boxes 4 3 Medicine Balls 4 3 Wobble Boards 4 3 Scoreboards 4 4 Scoreboards & Shot Clocks – Electronic 4 4 Score Benches 4 4 Jump and Reach Boards 4 4 Pegboards 4 4 Horizontal Ladders 4 4 Ballet Rails 4 5 Boxing Ring & Equipment 4 5

A16 Games Equipment Basketball Backboards 4 6 Basketball Backboards – Outdoor Use 5 2 Winches 5 4 Volleyball Equipment 5 6 Multi-Sport Games Posts & Beach Volleyball 5 8 Netball Equipment 5 9 Badminton Equipment 6 0 Tennis Equipment 6 1 Indoor Goals – Soccer, Hockey, Lacrosse 6 2 Soccer & Hockey Barriers 6 2 Court Lining 6 2 Storage Brackets & Trolleys 6 3

A17 Gym time Equipment 6 4 Parachutes 6 4 Gym Fun Balls & Hoops 6 4 Physio & Pool Balls, High Hoppers 6 4

A18 Rhythmic Gymnastics Gym Balls, Ribbons, Clubs & Ropes 6 5

A19 Gymnastic Shoe 6 5

A20 Foam Shapes 6 6

A21 Landing Pits & Equipment 6 8

A23 Safety Padding 7 0

Acromat Gymnasium Equipment Catalogue No. 7

How to use this catalogue

> The PRODUCT GROUP INDEX will help you find the item you need.> A number in a black circle indicates the product in the photo> Products without a number are similar but vary in size to the one shown.> A red number followed by a letter indicates optional items, associated equipment or replacement parts.> A code such as A1-1 will help you find the product in the Acromat Price List.

How to order

To ensure the correct purchase from this catalogue:> Quote the PRODUCT NAME and CODE.> Post, fax or email your order to Acromat Head Office or your nearest Acromat representative.

Where an item is to be fixed to the building:> Include all relevant details and measurements of the building or the following architectural drawings. - Plan - Internal elevations - Sections of floor, walls and ceiling - Structural steel drawings

Your local Acromat representative will be pleased to assist in this regard, or phone Acromat Head Office on 1800 808 451.


(Dimensions are always in millimeters except where otherwise stated)O.D. Outside diameterI.D. Inside diameterD. Diameterm. Metresmm. MillimetresR.H.S. Rectangular or square hollow sectionF.M.S. Flat mild steelw. Witworth threadN.B. Nominal BoreD.L. Dead Loadkg KilogramsCSK Countersunk

Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (10)

A 1 B A L A N C E B E A M S


General Specifications The design and construction of ACROMAT beams conform to Olympic F.I.G. specifications. Beams are used for competition and training. The lightweight, non-twisting, stable aluminium beam extrusion is fully padded and covered with non-slip, moisture absorbent suede. Legs are made of steel with non-marking ribbed rubber feet.

Foam beams are used for kindergym and primary school programmes as well as training and fun activities.

Safety Do not use beams on soft or unstable surfaces. Check beams regularly, ensure they are in good condition, covers are not slippery or torn and are safe to use. Repair or replace damaged parts.


A1-1 Balance Beam - Olympic/F.I.G. Specifications Complete beam consists of beam top A1-2 and legs A1-3. Height adjustment: Wind up and down using removable handle A1-50. This unique system improves safety; leg bases do not move when beam height is changed, eliminating the need to change mats. Length: 5000mm. Balancing surface width: 100mm. Height adjustment: 700-1300mm.

A1- 11 Balance Beam - Olympic/F.I.G. approved Similar to A1-1 but has legs with weighted base fitted on the beam top A1-2. Used for national and international competitions.

A1-16 Balance Beam - School Model Similar to A1-1 but with no padding under suede cover.

1a A1-60 Balance Beam Leg Safety Padding Set Carpet covered, Acrolite foam, fastened with touch tape. Completely covers legs and brace from mat to underside of beam.

1b A1-34 Balance Beam Training Pad - Soft, 1000mm long Canvas covered foam, 20mm thick. Touch tape holds pad firmly onto beam.

1c A1-50 Handle - Beam - Height Adjusting - Replacement Removable for safety.

1d A1-54 Knob - Rubber - Replacement Locking knob for height adjustment.

1e X6-11 Foot - Rubber - Replacement Non-marking ribbed rubber.

1f A1-6 Balance Beam Transporters Two timber platforms each with 4 swivel castors.


A1-27 Balance Beam - Fixed Height Beam top A1-14 with legs A1-3 that may be fixed at any height and removed for storage. Length: 5000mm. Balancing surface width: 100mm.

2a A1-43 Balance Beam Training Pad - 3500mm long Canvas covered foam, 20mm thick, fits over top and sides of beam. Touch tape holds pad in place. Top of pad is same width as beam, 100mm, for training with added safety.

A1-25 Balance Beam Cover Material - Replacement Length: 5400mm. Width: 460mm. For recovering beams.

2b A1-13 Balance Beam Cover, Sewn Ends - Replacement Length: 5000mm.



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A1-4 Balance Beam with 60mm high legs Fully padded and suede covered aluminium beam top A1-14 with legs A1-5. Length: 5000mm.

A1-44 Balance Beam - Junior, with 60mm high legs Suede covered aluminium beam top A1-51 with legs A1-5. Length: 3000mm.

3a A1-5 Balance Beam Low Legs, 60mm high - Replacement Fixed height legs.

3b A1-47 Balance Beam Dust Cover Vinyl cover, secured with touch tape, helps protect beam when handled and stored. Length: 5000mm.


A1-53 Balance Beam - Junior, with 250mm high legs Suede covered aluminium beam top A1-51 and legs A1-42. Length: 3000mm.

A1-33 Balance Beam with 250mm high legs Fully padded and suede covered aluminium beam top A1-14 and legs A1-42. Length: 5000mm.

4a A1-42 Balance Beam Legs, 200mm high - Replacement Fixed height legs.


A1-52 Balance Beam - Foam Practice Strip High density ‘Acrolite’ foam with touch tape on underside for attachment to carpeted floorstrips. Length: 5000mm. Width: 100mm. Height: 20mm.


A1-70 Balance Beam - Foam - Gym Fun High density foam covered with fire retardant vinyl. Touch tape provides good stability on carpeted floorstrips or when used with gym fun benches or foam vaulting boxes. Length: 2400mm. Height: 300mm. Width at top: 125mm. Width at base: 265mm.








Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (12)

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A 2 B A L A N C E B E N C H E S

General Specifications Timber balance benches may have hooks fitted on one end allowing attachment to wall bars and other apparatus to provide flexibility of use. Benches may also be used upside down. The bottom rail is ideal for practicing balancing.Foam benches are designed for kindergym or primary school training activities.

Safety Check equipment regularly. Ensure benches are in good order. Repair or replace damaged parts.


A2-1 Balance Bench with Hinged HooksTimber top, steel tube legs with sealed ends, non-marking feet and timber rail. Hinged plastic coated hooks fitted to one end. Length: 3350mmWidth: 250mmHeight: 300mmTimber rail width: 90mm

1a A2-3 Balance Bench Hooks - ReplacementHinged plastic coated hooks.

A2-2 Balance Bench without Hooks


A2-10 Balance Bench - Foam - Gym FunHigh density foam covered with fire retardant vinyl. Touch tape provides good stability when used on carpeted floorstrips or with gym fun beams and foam vaulting boxes.Length: 2400mmHeight: 300mmWidth of top: 265mmWidth of base: 400mm




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General SpecificationsF.I.G. specification beatboards and airboards are used for competition and training. Components are formed from high quality veneers of European Beech timber laminated under extreme pressure and temperature. The top board is curved to give maximum height and lift at take off point. The take off area is padded and carpeted in a contrasting colour to the blue mats and vault runs. Legs are fitted with non-marking, non-skid feet.

Foam beatboards are designed for a variety of fun activities and skill training for recreation gymnastics, kindergym and primary schools.

Safety Check beatboards regularly to ensure they are in good order and safe to use. Repair or replace damaged parts.


A3-45 Beatboard - International, 9 Spring, F.I.G. dimensionsFitted with conical springs. Some springs are removable to adjust rebound.

1aA3-28 Beatboard Foot - Rubber - ReplacementMoulded non-slip, non-marking tapered ribbed rubber. Easy fixing with two screws. Size: 140mm x 70mm


A3-40 Beatboard - Stratum F.I.G. SpecificationFitted with conical springs. Some springs are removable to adjust rebound.


A3-14 AirboardOriginal ACROMAT system. Fully adjustable rebound by altering the pressure in the air bags - suits all gymnasts. Guided travel system - torsion stabiliser ensures smooth even take off for vaulting.

3aA3-22 Airboard Air Bags and Fittings - ReplacementTwo air bags with hoses.

3bA3-28 Beatboard Foot - Rubber - ReplacementMoulded non-slip, non-marking tapered ribbed rubber. Easy fixing with two screws. Size: 140mm x 70mm


A3-3 Beatboard - 3 Coil Spring, Steel BasePlywood top board with carpeted take off area. Steel base has non- slip rubber. Centre spring is removable when used by smaller children. Recommended maximum gymnast weight 40kgs.


A3-60 Beatboard - Foam - Gym FunHigh density Acrolite foam covered with fire retardant vinyl. Length: 1200mmWidth: 600mmHeight: 200mm

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A 4 S A F E T Y B E L T S





General SpecificationsACROMAT Safety Belt Systems are designed for use over trampolines, floor areas and other equipment. Complex movements can be performed with the assistance of one coach or spotter. Bungee systems can be added allowing specialist training techniques and high repetition training. Belts are ordered separately.

Installation When ordering safety belt equipment please supply details and size of the support member or drawing of the building. ACROMAT’s trained engineers will design and supply all fittings for installation.

SafetyCheck belts, ropes, shockcord and all pulleys regularly. Ensure they are in good condition and safe to use. Repair or replace all damaged parts.


A4-5 Safety Belt System - OverheadUsed in conjunction with safety belts, bungee shock cords and swivels. The pulley and rope system is fixed to the roof structure. Belts seperately ordered.


A4-9 Safety Belt System - Travelling OverheadThe safety belt system travels along cables allowing continuous tumbling movements. Cables, 10mm D, are fixed to the building structure. Strong fixing points are required.

A4-10 Safety Belt System - Overhead with Linear ControlFor use over apparatus or pits where it is required to fix the system in a particular position. Consists of a travelling safety belt system with control ropes and pulleys to move and position safety belt system.

2aA4-8 Safety Belt Holding Rope - Overhead - Replacement


A4-14 Safety Belt System - Pulleys & Adjustable Straps, Travelling BungeeAllows a bungee tumbling system to travel for use over a tumbling run. These pulleys and adjustable webbing straps are fitted to the cables of the A4-9 travelling safety belt system. Belt, bungee shock cord and swivels ordered separately.


A4-11 Safety Belt - Bungee, TumblingDesigned for repetition bungee tumbling but ideal also for hand-held tumbling skills or overhead safety belt systems. Adjustable waist and leg straps.

4aA4-12 Bungee Shock CordFor repetition tumbling training. Attaches between A4-5 or A4-14 safety belt system and A4-11 belt.

4bA4-13 Safety Belt SwivelsStainless steel ball bearing swivels attaches to safety belts allowing free rotation.


A4-20 Safety Belt - Wide TumblingAttaches to any safety belt system or hand-held ropes. Adjustable leather belt, 150mm wide, padded with Acrolite and fitted with ball bearing swivels for free rotation. Fastened by double webbing straps and buckles. Fits waist size 500mm - 650mm.


A4-2 Safety Belt - TumblingIdeal for hand-held tumbling skills or for overhead safety belt systems. Acrolite pads covered with soft vinyl. Two hand-held ropes with swivels A4-7 are provided. Webbing with D’s allows adjustment to fit waist size 500mm - 850mm.

6aA4-7 Safety Belt Holding Rope - ReplacementUsed with any safety belt when hand-held.


A4-1 Safety Belt - TwistingIdeal for teaching twisting somersaults and dismounts. Lightweight cast aluminium outer and inner rim separated by free running ball bearings. Padded safety belt with webbing strap and slide buckle fits most waists. Waist belts supported on heavy rubber shock cords. Two hand-held ropes with swivels are provided. Weight of belt 2kg.

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General SpecificationsACROMAT rope track system is designed to allow a ladder, trapeze or rings to be added to the track. These are ordered separately.

A heavy duty track is attached to a structural member by clamps X4-600 or X-601. Roller hangers are connected to the ropes. The hanger allows the rope to move freely in all directions and provides long lasting bearing surfaces.

The hauling rope on pulleys moves the ropes to the working position where it is fixed by a cleat mounted on the wall. Correct spacing between ropes is maintained by 5mm D chain shackled to hangers. A wall bracket and chain holds the ropes to the wall when stored.

Installation When ordering rope equipment please supply details and size of the support member or drawing of the building. ACROMAT’s trained engineers will design and supply all fittings required for installation.

Safety Check ropes and all fittings regularly. Ensure they are in good condition and safe to use. Repair or replace all damaged parts.


Rope Tracks

No. of Track Acromat ropes Length (mm) Code

4 3300 A5-24

5 4050 A5-25

6 4800 A5-26

7 5550 A5-27

8 6300 A5-28

9 7050 A5-29

10 7800 A5-30

Safety ropes fitted to rope tracks are not designed for swinging.

1aA5-18 Ladder - Add to Rope TrackRoller hangers on extended rope track support rope ladder A5-16. Track length: 1080mm

A5-16 Ladder Webbing 50mm, supports hardwood rungs 25mm D at 300mm centres. Length to suit customer's requirements.

1bA5-19 Trapeze Bar - Add to Rope TrackHangers and 5mm D steel cable on extended rope track support the trapeze bar with adjustable webbing straps A10-48.Track length: 1250mm

1cA5-20 Rings - Add to Rope TrackHangers on extended rope track support the rings with adjustable webbing straps A10-2. Track length: 1750mm


A5-40 to 43 Climbing Rope - SisalRope 32mm D is a soft laid three ply sisal. The top of the rope has a steel clamp bolted and riveted forming a closed loop. A vinyl sock is spliced and sewn at the bottom of the rope to prevent fraying. Please advise length when ordering.

A5-40 Climbing Rope 0-1990mm

A5-41 Climbing Rope 2000-2990mm

A5-42 Climbing Rope 3000-4990mm

A5-43 Climbing Rope 5000-8000mm

Customer to specify exact length

A5-49 Climbing Rope - Knotted Ideal for primary school and kindergym activities. Knots at 300mm centres make climbing easier and more fun for small children. Length to suit customer's requirements.

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A 6 F L O O R P L A T E S

Free Advisory ServiceWith the variety of sports floors available, eg. air cushion, strip timber (T&G) flooring on stumps and bearers or ply sub floor, parquetry on concrete, synthetic on concrete, the range of fixings for cables and posts is large. Please contact ACROMAT for advice on the best system to suit your floor. ACROMAT designs floor fittings to suit special applications and for new flooring systems.

LayoutsACROMAT will provide layouts of socket and floor plate positions together with details required during the construction of the building.

InstallationACROMAT provide a comprehensive installation service to ensure correct installation and operation.

OrderingPlease provide drawings of the building - a) floor plan b) section of floor

SafetyCheck all floor fittings regularly. Ensure they are clean, flush with the floor and safe to use.


A6-1 Floor Plate - Lift Up HookUse: Best system for attaching chain where load pulls at an angle. Eliminates the need for shackles and eye bolts. Hook is counterbalanced to hinge down when not in use. Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: Disc - 108mm D x 4mm thick. Hook - 8mm thick.


A6-8 Floor Plate - Lift Up Eye, 13mm DUse: Floor anchor point for climbing walls or where load is vertical. Counterbalanced to hinge down when not in use.Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: Disc - 108mm D x 4mm thick. Plate - 8mm thick with 13mm D hole.


A6-6 Floor Plate - 1/2" w ThreadUse: Anchoring equipment with holding down bolts or eyebolts. Nut welded under plate. Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: Disc - 108mm D x 4mm thick.

A6-77 floor plate ½w thread SS Similar to A6-6 material stainless steel


A6-18 Floor Plate Eye Bolt, 1/2" wMaterial: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: Staple 10mm D with 1/2" w set screw.


A6-7 Floor Plate - 13mm D HoleUse: Locating plate for padbolts or equipment. 3 CSK holes for fixing. Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: Disc - 108mm D x 4mm thick. Hole - 13mm D in centre of plate.


A6-15 Floor Plate - KeyholeUse: For A16-117 badminton posts. Keyhole slot in centre of plate. Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: Disc - 108mm D x 4mm thick.


A6-17 Floor Plate Hook - KeyholeUse: For A6-15 keyhole floor plate.

Hook welded to flat plate has a rivet with head protruding under the plate, suits keyhole slot in floor plate. Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated. Size: Hook - 10mm D.


A6-24 Anchor and Shackle for Concrete FloorUse: For permanent fixings in concrete or for under cover plates. Masonry anchor has screw in block with a stainless steel shackle for fixing to chain or cable.When reordering replacement parts please specify the thread required. Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated. Size: Depth-65mm. Thread - 5/8” w or M16.

8a EM1-40 Anchor for Concrete M16Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated. Size: Depth - 65mm. Thread - M16.

EM1-39 Anchor for Concrete M12Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: Depth - 50mm. Thread M12


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A6-11 Floor Socket - Flanged, 64mm I.D.Use: To support games posts. Flange with 6 CSK holes for fixing, is welded to a pipe. A centre stem with disc on top reduces the opening eliminating the danger of open holes and the need to remove cover plates. Centre cap is removable for cleaning.Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: Flange - 145mm D x 4mm thick. Socket - 64mm I.D. 76mm O.D. x 250mm deep. Centre disc - 49mm D.

A6-71 Floor Socket - Flanged, 79mm I.D.Use: To support larger diameter games posts. Similar to A6-11.Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: Flange - 145mm D x 4mm thick. Socket - 79mm I.D. 88.9mm O.D. x 250mm deep. Centre disc - 59mm D.

9a A6-37 Floor Socket Handle Used to remove centre cap for A16-11 and A6-13.

9b A6-51 Floor Socket Centre Cap - Replacement For A6-11 and A6-13 sockets.


A6-20 Under Floor Socket, 79mm I.D.Use: Supports A6-11 or A6-50 sockets. Pipe with closed end is cast into concrete under timber floor. Material: Steel.Finish: Galvanised. Size: 79mm I.D 88.9mm O.D. x 290mm deep.


A6-12 Under Floor Pipe, 79mm I.D.Use: Supports A6-11 or A6-50 sockets or large diameter posts. Cast into concrete under a floor on bearers and stumps. Length varies to suit distance from floor to ground. Material: Steel. Finish: Galvanised. Size: 79mm I.D. 88.9mm O.D


A6-9 Under Floor Socket, 64mm I.D.Use: To support games posts. Cast into concrete slab under an access cover plate. Pipe with closed bottom end and flange welded to the top. Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: Socket 64mm I.D. 76mm OD x 240mm long. Flange 115 O.D.


A6-70 Under Floor Pipe with Flange, 64mm I.D.Use: Supports games posts. Similar to A6-9 under floor sockets. Cast into concrete under a floor on bearers and stumps. Length varies to suit distance from floor to ground. Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated. Size: 64mm I.D. 76mm O.D.

A6-69 Under Floor Pipe with Flange, 79mm I.D.Use: Supports games posts. Similar to A6-70. Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated. Size: 79mm I.D. 88.9mm O.D.


A6-13 Floor Socket - No Flange, 64mm I.D. Use: To support games posts.Similar to A6-11 but with no flange. Cast into concrete floor. Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: Socket - 64mm I.D. 76mm OD x 250mm deep. Centre disc - 49mm D.

A6-74 Floor Socket - No Flange, 64mm I.D., Stainless Steel Use: For games posts, hand rails or other removable posts, indoor or outdoor. Similar to A6-13 socket.


A6-50 Floor Socket & Access Cover PlateUse: To support games posts. Cast into floor slab or used for timber floors fitted to underfloor pipes A6-20 or A6-12. Consists of A6-9 socket welded to A6-44 cover plate. Reversible cover is recessed for inlay of floor material.Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: Flange - 145mm D. x 19mm thick. Socket - 64mm I.D. 76mm OD x 250mm deep.

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A6-44 Cover Plate - Access, 120mm I.D.Use: For access to fixing points and sockets under floors. Cover is reversible. One side is recessed for inlay of flooring material. Cover is removed with A6-46 handle. Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: 145mm O.D. x 19mm deep.


A6-46 Cover Plate HandleSimple hook for removing covers.


A6-43 Cover Plate - Access, 225mm I.D.Use: Large diameter cover for access to power or score board cabling. Cover is reversible. One side is recessed for inlay of flooring. Cover is removed with A6-46 handle. Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: 250mm O.D. x 19mm deep.


A6-45 Cover Plate - Access, 48mm I.D.Use: For access to anchors under the floor.Cover is removed with A6-46 handle.Material: Bronze. Size: 66mm O.D. x 19mm deep.


A6-2 Cover Plate - Access, Bronze, 97mm I.D.Use: For access to fixing points or sockets under floors. Flange has 6 CSK screw holes for fixing. Cover is removed with A6-46 handle. Material: Bronze. Size: 145mm O.D. x 19mm deep.


A6-22 Cover Plate - Access, for Inlay Flooring, Bronze, 97mm I.D.Use: For access to fixing points or sockets under floors. Flange has 6 CSK screw holes for fixing. The cover is recessed for inlay of matching floor materials. Cover is removed with A6-46 handle. Material: Bronze. Size: 145mm O.D. x 19mm deep.


A6-48 Cover Plate - Access, 120mm I.D. x 8mm DeepUse: For access to fixing points and sockets under synthetic floors. Low profile for thinner flooring material. Installed after floor laid.Flange has 3 CSK hole for fixing.Cover is reversible. One side is recessed for inlay of flooring material. Cover is removed with A6-46 handle. Material: Steel. Finish: Zinc plated.Size: 145mm O.D. x 8mm deep.

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A6-42 Socket with Cap - Outdoor, with drainage tubeUse: Cast into concrete to support games posts. Pipe with tube at bottom allows water to drain away. Hinged cap eliminates danger of open top.Material: Steel.Finish: Hot dip galvanised.Size: Socket 64mm I.D 76mm O.D. x 240mm deep.


A6-30 Socket with Cap - OutdoorUse: Cast into concrete to support games posts. Hinged cap eliminates danger of open pipe.Material: Steel.Finish: Hot dip galvanised.Size: Socket 64mm I.D 76mm O.D. x 240mm deep.

A6-39 Floor Socket with Cap - Stainless SteelUse: For games posts outdoors.Socket with hinged cap is similar to A6-30. Material: Stainless steel.Size: 64mm I.D 76mm O.D. x 240mm deep.


A6-40 Puddle Flange Socket - Stainless SteelUse: For sports courts on the roof of a building. Puddle flange is cast into concrete slab where moisture barrier is required. A6-39 socket is then grouted inside the puddle flange socket. Material: Stainless steel.Size: 125mm I.D x 270mm deep.


A6-75 Floorplate Keyhole - Stainless SteelUse: For games posts outdoors. Insert cast into concrete has a cover with keyhole slot. Cover is removable for cleaning.Material: Stainless steel.Size: 140mm O.D. x 80mm deep.


A6-76 Floorplate 1/2 w - Stainless SteelUse: For games posts outdoors. Suits holding bolts 1/2 w. Insert cast into concrete has a cover with nut welded underneath. Cover is removable for cleaning.Material: Stainless steel.Size: 140mm O.D. x 80mm deep.

O U T D O O R S O C K E T S & P L A T E S A 6


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General Specifications Horizontal bars and women’s rails conform to Olympic F.I.G. specifications.

Stainless steel bars are high tensile to conform to Olympic F.I.G. specifications.

Fibreglass rails have a timber veneer on outer surface to improve grip.

Superwood rails are made from densified beech veneer with steel cable insert to improve strength.

Competition type: Steel tubular uprights with removable threaded height adjusting pins allow adjustment from 1540mm to 2740mm in 50mm increments.

Training type, club or single bar: RHS uprights are 50mm square. Bars and rails have ‘U’ shape fitting with toggle pins that locate the holes in the uprights. Height adjusts from 345 to 2545 in increments of 100mm. Floorplates A6-7 locate the bottom of the uprights.

Freestanding: These consist of a bar, two uprights and four cables. Floor plates must be ordered separately.

Wall hinged: These consist of a bar, two uprights, one being fixed to the wall and floor, two cables and two floorplates A6-1, plus a wall storage bracket to hold upright against the wall when not in use.

OrderingSelect the type required> competition or training> free standing or wall hinged> type of bar - stainless steel - women’s fibreglass or superwood> type of floorplates to suit the floor.

InstallationPlease provide drawings of the building -

a) floor planb) internal elevations b) section of floor and walls.

ACROMAT’s trained engineers will design and supply all fittings required for installation.

SafetyCheck bars and all fittings regularly. Ensure they are in good condition and safe to use.


A7-1 Horizontal Bar - Olympic The bar attaches to chrome plated ACROMAT swivel head system on adjustable height upright. The cables are plastic coated for additional safety and connect to 12mm turnbuckles for tensioning. Floor plates must be ordered separately.

1aA7-11 Crossbar - Stainless Steel For A7-1 & A7-2.

1bX6-12 Foot - Rubber - Replacement For A7-1 and A7-2.


A7-101 Horizontal Bar - Olympic / F.I.G. Approved International standard. Similar to A7-1 but with high performance bar and swivel head fittings.


A7-2 Horizontal Bar - Wall Hinged Competition type system. Plain galvanised cables and floor plates A6-1 supplied.

3aA7-4 Spotting Platform The padded platform, 500mm x 500mm is mounted on a steel frame which clamps to an ACROMAT horizontal bar or uneven bar upright and can be set at any height. An additional base fitting is required to prevent the upright from turning on the A7-1 and A7-2.

3bA7-15 Replacement Cable - Chain and Turnbuckle

A7-16 Replacement Cable and Chain


A7-45 Single Bar Rail End Replaces the fitting on A7-1 horizontal bar uprights when using A9-13 fibreglass or A9-54 superwood women’s rails.

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A 7 H O R I Z O N T A L B A R S - S I N G L E & C O M B I N A T I O N , M E N ’ S & W O M E N ’ S R A I L S









Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (21)

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A7-32 Horizontal Bar - Club Model, with Stainless Steel Bar - Free Standing

A7-39 Single Bar with Women’s Fibreglass Rail - Free Standing

A7-40 Single Bar with Women’s Superwood Rail - Free Standing

A7-27 Combination Horizontal Bar & Women’s Superwood Rail - Free Standing

A7-28 Combination Horizontal Bar & Women’s Fibreglass Rail - Free Standing

5aA7-20 Crossbar - Stainless Steel, 50 Sq Ends - Replacement

5bA7- 25 Rail - Women’s Fibreglass - 50 Sq Ends - Replacement

5cA7-48 Rail - Women’s Superwood, 50 Sq Ends - Replacement


A7-19 Horizontal Bar - Club Model, with Stainless Steel Bar - Wall Hinged

A7- 42 Single Bar - Women’s Superwood Rail - Wall Hinged

A7-41 Single Bar - Women’s Fibreglass Rail - Wall Hinged

A7-29 Combination Horizontal Bar & Women’s Superwood Rail - Wall Hinged

A7-30 Combination Horizontal Bar & Women’s Fibreglass Rail - Wall Hinged

6aA7-9 Access Platform - Tilt Up The padded platform, 500mm x 500mm is mounted on a steel frame and is spring loaded to tilt up when not in use. It attaches to holes in 50mm square uprights of single and horizontal bars and can be positioned on either side or in line with the bar. Access pegs included.

6bA7-15 Replacement Cable - Chain and Turnbuckle


A7-38 Single Bar on Stands Designed for handstand and balancing training. Timber bar, 1800mm long on tubular stands 300mm above the floor. Rubber feet X6-11 protect the floor.

7aX6-11 Foot - Rubber - Replacement Non marking ribbed rubber.


A7-60 Single Bar - Portable, Height Adjustable Ideal for primary school and recreation use for indoors and outdoors. Uprights support single bar of 34mm D pipe x 1200mm long. Easy grip for small children. Rubber feet X6-11 protect the floor. Dismantles easily for storage. Adjustable height 1800, 1500, 1200, 900 and 600mm. Recommended maximum weight child - 40kg.

H O R I Z O N T A L B A R S - S I N G L E & C O M B I N A T I O N , M E N ’ S & W O M E N ’ S R A I L S A 7








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Diagram relates to tables in 1 & 2

General Specifications The leading sportsmen and women use ACROMAT mats at major training venues, such as the Australian Institute of Sport.

ACROMAT selects the very best foams available for our wide range of gymnastic and sporting mats. Our policy of continual development ensures you receive the very best mats available.

Mats with vinyl covers are double stitched for years of trouble free use. The material is a durable fire retarded vinyl, treated against mildew and rot and is stabilised against ultra violet rays. Carpeted mats have needle punched polyolefin fibre carpet adhered to a foam base. Various types can be grouped according to the intended use.

Landing Mats 1 to 3 These are vinyl covered or carpeted. Foam core consists of a top layer of Acrolite 30mm or 20mm thick on high density polyurethane foam I.D.F. 300-350, density 30kg/m3. The 200mm thick mats have a layer of shock absorbing foam on the underside. ACROMAT has a range of F.I.G. mats and 120mm and 100mm thick mats.

The Federation of International Gymnastics (F.I.G.) specifies the exact requirements for International Championships and Olympic Games. ACROMAT mats have been tested and approved by the F.I.G. The thickness specified is 200mm for all apparatus, except 100mm for pommels.

Supersoft, Hard-Soft and Soft Landing Mats 4 to 8 For improved safety on landing when learning new skills. Generally the thicker the mat, the greater the safety. Vinyl covers have heavy duty zips and webbing handles. Supersoft mat foam core is polyurethane I.D.F. 70-90, density 15-18kg/m3. Soft landing mat foam core is polyurethane I.D.F. 185-350, density 29-31kg/m3

General Purpose Mats 9 to 13 Used for general exercises, kindergym and gym fun activities, tumbling, aerobics or judo and wrestling training. General purpose mats have vinyl covers and a core of reconstituted polyurethane of 100kg/m3 density or Acrolite 30kg/m3. Acrolite mats are one third the weight, are light to handle and offer similar impact protection. The weight of the heavier mats reduces

the movement of mats during use.

Joinable Mats 2 & 9 Mats are secured with touch tape, 50mm wide minimum, to make larger areas.Touch tape on the top surface covers the joins.JAS - joining all sidesJEO - joining ends onlyJSO - joining sides only

Care and Cleaning of Mats Carpeted Mats with Acrolite Foam - Vacuum regularly and steam or dry clean as required.


Mat - Landing, Carpeted Designed for competition and for areas where the mats are permanently in place and cut around equipment.

A x B C C C Size (mm) 100mm 120mm 200mm

3000 x 2000 A8-169 A8-171 A8-172

2000 x 2000 A8-300 A8-342 A8-360

3000 x 1000 - A8-340 A8-364

2000 x 1000 - A8-341 A8-365

Mat - Landing, Carpeted, Olympic / F.I.G. International Landing area for each apparatus is made up of carpeted mats, cover mats and carpeted touch tape joining strips.A8-250 Mat - Pommel, 4000 x 4000 x 100mmA8-251 Mat - Rings, 6000 x 2000 x 200mmA8-252 Mat - Parallel Bars, 11000 x 6850 x 200mmA8-253 Mat - Horizontal Bar, 12000 x 2000 x 200mmA8-254 Mat - Vault - Men’s, 6000 x 3000 x 200mmA8-258 Mat - Vault - Women’s, 6000 x 3000 x 200mmA8-259 Mat - Uneven Bars, 14000 x 2000 x 200mmA8-260 Mat - Beam, 18000 x 6000 x 200mm A8-363 Parallel Bar Fill In Mat - Carpeted, 200mm Thick Suits carpeted mat system. Size: 2400 x 850 x 200mm.A8-343 Parallel Bar Fill In Mat - Carpeted, 120mm Thick Suits carpeted mat system. Size: 2400 x 850 x 120mm.

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A8-64 Mat - Hard-Soft, 3660 x 1830 x 300mm This dual purpose mat is useful in any gymnasium. Supersoft mat on one side plus a 30mm Acrolite foam layer on the other side to give a firmer surface for landing training.

A8-65 Mat - Hard-Soft, 3660 x 1830 x 200mm Similar in construction to A8-64 mats. Designed to be used on top of landing mats. Useful for high repetition landing training for gymnastics or judo.


A8-243 Mat - Soft Landing, 4000 x 2000 x 100mm Designed to be used on top of landing mats for training or competition as allowed by F.I.G. regulations. Touch tape on underside helps prevent mat from moving.

A8-173 Mat - Soft Landing, 3000 x 2000 x 100mm Same construction as A8-243. To be used on top of landing mats.

A8-244 Mat - Soft Landing, 3000 x 2000 x 200mm Similar to A8-243 but thicker for a softer landing surface. To be used on top of landing mats.


A8-168 Mat - Coaches Helper, 3000 x 2000 x 50mm Designed to be used on top of landing mats or floorstrips. Soften the impact for high repetition landing training. For competitions as allowed by F.I.G. regulations.


A8-245 Mat - Soft, Canvas, 2000 x 1000 x 100mm Used on top of landing mats or floorstrips. Softens the impact for high repetition landing training. Canvas cover provides a soft non-slip surface.

Cover Mats Used to join carpeted landing mats and in high traffic areas. Carpet sewn to soft vinyl with intergral strips of touch tape to attach to landing mats.A8-380 Mat - cover carpeted, 3.2m x 2mA8-381 Mat - cover carpeted, 6m x 2mA8-383 Mat - cover carpeted, 8m x 2mA8-384 Mat - cover carpeted, 8.5m x 2m


Mat - Landing, Vinyl Covered Used where mats have to be moved or stored regularly.

A x B C C C Size (mm) 100mm 120mm 200mm

3000 x 2000 A8-180 A8-149 JEO JEO A8-142 A8-134 A8-137 JSO JSO JSO

2000 x 2000 A8-143 A8-136 A8-138 JSO JSO JSO

3000 x 1000 A8-144 A8-135 A8-147 JSO JSO JSO

2000 x 1000 A8-145 A8-148 JSO JSO -

JAS - joining all sides JEO - joining ends only JSO - joining sides only


A8-130 Mat - Landing, Folding, 3600 x 2000 x 100mm Mats fold to allow larger areas without joins. Easy to move and store. Used as a landing area for vault or beam.

A8-133 Mat - Landing, Folding, 4900 x 2000 x 100mm Fits neatly under A1-1 Balance beam.

A8-131 Mat - Landing, Folding, 5400 x 2000 x 100mm


A8-49 Mat - Supersoft, 3660 x 1830 x 450mm One side is covered in breather fabric, vinyl coated mesh, to allow mat to expel air when impact occurs. Used for gymnastics training.

A8-48 Mat - Supersoft, 3660 x 1830 x 610mm Used for gymnastics training.

A8-25 Mat - Supersoft, 3660 x 1830 x 305mm Used for gymnastics training or for school and recreation activities where a soft landing area is required.

A8-26 Mat - Supersoft, 1830 x 1830 x 305mm For where a smaller soft landing area is required.

A8-51 Mat - Supersoft, 2750 x 1370 x 305mm For recreation gymnastics and kindergym activities or where a smaller soft landing area is required.

Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (24)


A8-6 Mat - General Purpose JAS, 1830 x 1140 x 50mm For general recreation use, aerobics and stretching exercises. Touch tape 50mm wide allows mats to be joined together. The weight of this mat helps reduce movement during use.

A8-415 Mat - General Purpose JAS, Acrolite, 2000 x 1000 x 40mm Light and easy to handle for general recreation use, aerobics. Touch tape 50mm wide allows mats to be joined together.


A8-18 Mat - General Purpose, 1830 x 915 x 50mm For general recreation use, aerobics and stretching exercises. Used where mats do not need to be joined together.

A8-20 Mat - General Purpose, 1830 x 1140 x 50mm Same as A8-18 but wider.

A8-410 Mat - General Purpose, Acrolite, 2000 x 1000 x 40mm Light and easy to handle for general recreation use, gym fun and kindergym or aerobics and stretching exercises.


A8-21 Mat - Individual, 1220 x 610 x 20mm Used for stretching exercises. Soft vinyl cover.

A8-11 Mat - Individual, Acrolite, 1220 x 610 x 30mm Same as A8-21 only thicker and stronger vinyl cover.


A8-287 Mat - Stretching, 2000 x 1000 x 40mm Low cost mat. Acrolite foam with embossed surface and radiused corners.

A8-286 Mat - Stretching, 2000 x 1000 x 20mm Low cost mat. Acrolite foam with embossed surface and radiused corners.


A8-401 Mat - Pool, 1000 x 500 x 30mm This poolside exercise mat is suitable for use in the water to assist children with flotation. Acrolite closed cell foam covered with breather fabric.

A8-406 Mat - Pool, 2000 x 1000 x 30mm Similar to A8-401. Used for adults and children.


A8-210 Mat - Judo, Red, 2000 x 1000 x 40mm Textured vinyl cover is adhered to shock absorbing foam. Used for competition and training for judo or martial arts activities.

A8-211 Mat - Judo, Green, 2000 x 1000 x 40mm Similar to A8-210.

A8-214 Floor Area - Judo, 16000 x 16000 x 40mm Competition floor area consisting of green mats A8-211 Qty 110 and red mats A8-210 Qty 18.


A8-178 Wrestling area 12m x 12m x 40mm includes compotion markings Acrolite shock absorbing foam has touch tape around the edges to hold the vinyl cover in place. Painted markings for competition wrestling are included.

A8-174 Wrestling area 10m x 10m x 40mm

A8-176 Wrestling area 8m x 8m x 40mm

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A 8 M A T S - G E N E R A L P U R P O S E , S T R E T C H I N G , P O O L , M A R T I A L A R T S , W R E S T L I N G








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A8-31 Mat Trolley - Castor Wheels, 1800 x 1200mm For handling and storing mats indoors. Plywood top, 10mm thick, is fixed to 25 NB pipe frame. Rubber wheels - 100mmD. Castors with ball bearing swivels at handle end.

A8-33 Mat Trolley - Castor Wheels, 2400 x 1200mm For larger mats. Similar design to A8-31.


A8-32 Mat Trolley - 255mmD Wheels, 1800 x 1200mm Used for handling and storing mats, outdoor and indoor use. Plywood top, 10mm thick, is fixed to 25 NB pipe frame. Rubber tyred wheels - 255mmD. Handle and swing axle at front, fixed wheels at rear.


A8-221 Padding Block - Red, 1800 x 1200 x 450mm Used extensively for special training purposes, padding platforms and lots of fun activities. Brightly coloured fire retarded vinyl sides with handles, breather fabric top and bottom. Foam core of high density polyurethane foam 31kg/m3.


A8-220 Padding Block - Yellow, 1200 x 900 x 450mm Similar to A8-221. Used extensively for special training purposes, padding platforms and lots of fun activities.


A8-223 Padding Block - Red, 900 x 600 x 300mm Similar to A8-221. Used to mount beams or bars as well as fun and training activities.


A8-222 Padding Block - Yellow, 900 x 600 x 150mm Similar to A8-221. Used for stretching exercises, special training purposes and gym fun activities.


A8-428 Mat - Interlock, 1890 x 900 x 30mm

A8-427 Mat - Interlock, 1890 x 900 x 40mm

A8-425 Mat - Interlock, Carpet Covered, 1890 x 900 x 30mm

A8-426 Mat - Interlock, Carpet Covered, 1890 x 900 x 40mm

Mats Safety Tips> Mats and protective equipment are not

the complete answer to eliminating or reducing injuries. It is more important that falls be prevented rather than to assume that mats will make the fall safe.

> Additional mats cannot safeguard against careless progression or escalated learning at the expense of control and ability.

> Landing on the head or landing in an out-of-contol position can result in serious injuries regardless of extra mats.

> Some good common sense and logic needs to be exercised in determining the size and number of mats needed for a particular activity.

> It would be most difficult to establish absolute mat requirements for every situation.

> In a gymnasium, mats should never be idle. There is always a place for additional mats.

> Mats are not fail-safe. There is no substitute for proper instruction, spotting and good common sense in the teaching of gymnastics.

M A T T R O L L E Y S , P A D D I N G B L O C K S A 8








Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (26)

Floor Areas and Floor Strips

General SpecificationUsed for all tumbling activities or in a multi-purpose area for kindergym, aerobics, general exercise, and martial arts.

The Acrolite foam has excellent rebound characteristics. Acrolite base of closed cell resilient foam is covered with needle punched polyolefin fibre carpet. An additional Acrolite underlay can be added to improve performance.

Care of FloorstripsMats must be rolled up with the carpet on the outside of the roll. This prevents creases forming in the carpet and allows the carpet to be flat when used.

Tumbling RunsFloor components may be ordered separately to make up the required area.

Spring FloorsUsed with carpeted floor areas and underlay to make up high performance tumbling areas. Resilient foam blocks are fixed under the timber panels. Joining strips and connectors hold the floor sections together.


A8-565 Floor - Olympic/F.I.G., 14000 x 14000mmComplete international floor. A8-106, A8-237, A8-562, A8-571, A8-125, A8-561

A8-566 Floor - Competition, 14000 x 14000mmComplete competition floor similar to A8-565 but floor area A8-101 with touch tape on top of carpet.

A8-106 Floor area carpeted with intergrated touch tape14000 x 14000 x 35mm

A8-561 Floor area skirting 4 lengths 14000 x 1000 with intergrated touch tape

A8-567 Floor - Club, 13000 x 13000mm Complete club floor, similar to A8-566 but smaller floor area A8-128 and smaller tapered surround.

A8-563 Floor Area Tapered Surround, 13000 x 13000 x 500mm For spring floor A8-571.


A8-100 Floor Strip, Carpeted, 14000 x 2000 x 30mm

Carpeted Acrolite foam used for tumbling and aerobics or as a general activities area for kindergym and recreation gymnastics.

A8-127 Floor Strip, Carpeted, 13000 x 2000 x 30mm

A8-103 Junior Floor Strip - Carpeted, 6500 x 2000 x 30mm

A8-237 Floor Area Underlay - Olympic, 14000 x 14000 x 30mmAcrolite foam with integrated touch tape joining system.


A8-233 Floor Area Underlay, 14000 x 14000 x 30mmAcrolite foam without touch tape.

A8-235 Floor Area Underlay, 13000 x 13000 x 30mm A8-563 Floor Area Tappered Surround, 13000 x 13000 x 500mmFor spring floor A8-571.

25a A8-125 Touch Tape, White, 4 @ 12000 x 50mmDefines the performance area.

25b A8-118 Touch Tape, Blue, 14000 x 100mmFor joining floor strips together to form a continuous carpeted mat.


A8-46 Floor Strip TrolleyFor transporting rolled mats.Two trolleys with 100mm D wheels with cross bar.


A8-310 Floor - Rhythmic, Spring Timber Floor and Carpet, Olympic/ F.I.G. Specification 15000 x 16000mm tape border defines the performance area. 27

A8-568 Floor - Rhythmic, 14000 x 14000 x 10mmFloor consisting of: Floor strips A8-122, touch tape and touch tape border.

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A8-571 Spring Floor - Resilient Foam Block, 12000 x 12000mmFloor sections, floor joining strips, floor corner connector and floor edge connector.

28a A8-572 Spring Floor Section - Resilient Foam Block, 2400 x 1200mmTimber panel with foam blocks and holes drilled for corner connectors. Joining strips A8-573 or A8-574 and connectors A8-575 or A8-576 ordered separately.

28b A8-573 Spring Floor Joining Strip, 1060mm‘H’ section supports the joints between the short side of floor sections.

28c A8-574 Spring Floor Joining Strip, 2260mm‘H’ section supports the joints between the long sides of floor sections.

28d A8-575 Spring Floor Section Corner Connector

28e A8-576 Spring Floor Section Connector

A8-577 Spring Floor Section Resilient Foam Base - Conversion KitResilient foam blocks used to convert existing spring floor sections 2400 x 1200mm to foam base system. Adhesive for fitting foam blocks is included.Joining strips and connectors ordered separately.


A8-122 Floor Strip - Rhythmic, 14000 x 2000 x 10mmAcrolite base 10mm thick lightweight resilient foam and reinforcing layer covered with beige coloured needle punched polyolefin fibre carpet.

29a A8-570 Touch Tape, White, 4 @ 13000 x 50mmDefines the performance area.

29b A8-124 Touch Tape, Beige, 14000 x 100mmUsed for joining R.G floor strips together to make a continuous carpeted area.

Aerobic Floors


A8-532 Aerobic Floor - Competition, 12100mm x 11600mmTimber panels with resilient foam blocks and touch tape interlocking system. Top surface consists of interlocking laminate parquet flooring panels and provides an ideal surface for aerobics. Floor marking tape, 50mm wide, defines the competition area.










Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (28)

General SpecificationsMen’s parallel bars all have the Olympic F.I.G. specification rail profile. There are different models for Olympic standard, training and recreational activities.

SafetyCheck bars, height and width adjusting system and all fittings regularly. Ensure they are in good condition and safe to use.


A9-86 Parallel Bars - Olympic, Fibreglass RailsRails A9-11, fibreglass with timber veneer for improved grip. ACROMAT cam operated lever clamps uprights to allow width and height adjustment. Uprights are powder coated heavyweight pipe, inner uprights are chromed 35D solid steel with offset at top for adjustment. Base made from 80x40 RHS is splayed and weighted for stability. Base has keyholes for transporters A9-9. Rubber feet X6-14 protect the floor.Width adjustment: 410mm - 660mm. Height adjustment: 1520mm - 2150mm from floor, 50mm increments. Rail length: 3500mm.

A9-115 Parallel Bars - Olympic/F.I.G. Approved - Fibreglass Rails Similar to A9-86, but with heavier wider base.

A9-85 Parallel Bars - Olympic - Superwood Rails Same as A9-86 but with superwood rails A9-15.

A9-84 Parallel Bars - Junior Olympic Superwood RailsFor school and recreation use. Rails A9-14. Height and width adjustment system is the same as A9-86 but with lighter base and uprights.Width adjustment: 365 - 615mm.Height adjustment: 1120 - 1800mm from floor. Rail length: 3500mm.

1aA9-11 Parallel Bar Rail - Fibreglass - ReplacementConforms to F.I.G. dimensions and specifications. Fibreglass core with timber veneer. Length: 3500mm. Size: 51 x 41mm

A9-15 Parallel Bar Rail - Superwood - ReplacementConforms to F.I.G. dimensions and specifications. Beech veneers glued under extreme pressure and temperature.Length: 3500mm. Size: 51 x 41mm.

A9-14 Parallel Bar Rail - Steel / Oak - ReplacementAustralian Oak with a 22mm D high tensile steel core. Conforms to F.I.G. dimensions.Length: 3500mm. Size: 51 x 41mm.

1bX6-14 Foot - Rubber, Rectangular - Replacement Non-marking rubber. Size: 80 x 40mm.

1cA9-12 Parallel Bar Fill In Mat - Carpeted, 80mm ThickCarpet covered Acrolite foam. Fills in base area of parallel bars and covers RHS base. Fits A9-84, 85, 86. Size: 3440 x 670 x 80mm.

1dA9-79 Parallel Bar Rail Pad - 900mm LongHigh density foam with vinyl cover and touch tape joining.Size: 90 O.D x 50 I.D x 900mm long.

1eA9-80 Parallel Bar Upright Pad - 900mm LongHigh density foam with vinyl cover and touch tape joining.Size: 90 O.D x 75 I.D x 900mm long.

1fA9-9 Parallel Bar TransporterSteel frame with safety catch, fits onto parallel bar base. Rubber wheels 160mm D. Fits A9-115, 84, 85, 86.

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A9-7 Parallel Bars - Club Model - Superwood RailsDesigned for recreation and gymfun use.Rails, A9-18 are superwood. RHS base and square uprights with height adjustment pin X4-40 and rubber knob X6-1 screw clamping. Rubber feet X6-14 protect the floor. Width adjustment: 405 - 660mm.Height adjustment: 940 - 1750mm from floor, 100mm increments. Rail length: 2750mm

2aA9-18 Parallel Bar Rail - Superwood - ReplacementElliptical shape made from superwood.Length: 2750mm. Size: 48 x 41mm


A9-160 Parallel Bars - Gym Fun - FoldingDesigned for kindergym and primary school activities. Bars are 34mm D for easy grip for small children. Steel base with pivoting uprights for width adjustment and storage.Width: 500mm maximum.Height: 750mm. Length: 1800mm.


A9-8 Parallel Bars - Low BalancingIdeal for balance training. Steel base with pivoting uprights for width adjustment and storage. Rails A9-19. Height: 400mm. Length: 1800mm

4aA9-19 Rail - Oak - ReplacementAustralian Oak timber Length: 1800mm. Size: 45mm D.

4bX6-11 Foot - Rubber, Tubular - ReplacementNon-marking rubber. Size: 100mm long x 46mm I.D.


A9-33 Parallettes - Oak For hand balancing practice.Size: 35mm D.

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Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (30)

General SpecificationsThe uneven bars are unique. The ACROMAT SYSTEM provides an accurate measurement of the distances between the rails regardless of the height or width adjustment. This system is available in both free-standing and wall hinged models.

Olympic/F.I.G. specification rail profile is available in either fibreglass or superwood.

InstallationACROMAT provides a comprehensive installation service.Please provide drawings or details of the building:a. Planb. Elevationc. Section of wall and floorACROMAT engineers will design all fixing to suit the building.

SafetyCheck bars, height adjusting system, cables, pulleys, cable tensioners and all fittings regularly to make sure they are in good condition and safe to use.


A9-120 Uneven Bars - Acromat System - Olympic/F.I.G. ApprovedRails A9-113 fibreglass, are fixed to the uprights with bolts. Height and width of rails are adjustable without changing cables. Adjust height by releasing load on tension indicator A9-119 fitted to cables and releasing spring-loaded pins. Width adjustment is controlled by ACROMAT patented slide system between rails. This incorporates a measure device. Steel bases with transport wheels have supports pivots for chromed tubular uprights. Plastic coated cables connect to top of outer uprights. Floor plates must be ordered separately.Height adjustment: Low bar 1570 - 1820mmHigh bar 2370 - 2630mm.Width adjustment: 1070 - 1900mm.

A9-121 Uneven Bars - Acromat System - Fibreglass RailsSame as A9-120 but cable system has webbing cable tensioners and rails A9-13 are removable.

A9-122 Uneven Bars - Acromat System - Superwood RailsSame as A9-121 but superwood rails A9-54.

6aA9-113 Uneven Bar Rails - Fibreglass - Olympic/F.I.G. - ReplacementFibreglass section with thin timber veneer bonded to the surface. Fabricated steel end fittings with hole, are riveted to the fibreglass.Length: 2400mm. Size: 40mm D.

A9-13 Uneven Bar Rail - Fibreglass - ReplacementSimilar to A9-113 but end fittings with pin to suit A9-121.

A9-54 Uneven Bar Rail - Superwood - ReplacementConforms to F.I.G. dimensions. Thin European Beech veneers are laminated under extreme heat and pressure to produce superwood. Safety galvanised steel cable inserted into the timber rail fitted with steel end fittings.

6bA9-103 Uneven Bar Width Adjuster - Acromat System - ReplacementWidth adjustments to F.I.G. dimensions.

6c A9-110 Uneven Bar Cable, Pulley and Chain - ReplacementFour required for A9-121. Plastic coated cable.

6dA9-119 Uneven Bar Tensioner/Indicator Unique ACROMAT system. Increase or decrease tension on the cables by rotating the handle. Scale indicates the load on the cable. WARNING - not to be used with cable and pulley systems made before January 2001.A9-116 Uneven Bar Tensioner/Indicators, with Cables, Pulleys and Chains - Conversion KitIncludes the complete set of two tensioner/indicators A9-119 and four cables, pulleys and chains.Used to upgrade existing uneven bar system to include the tensioner/indicator.

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A9-123 Uneven Bars - Wall Hinged - Fibreglass RailsSame height and width adjusting system as A9-121 but with one side hinged from a wall. Wall bracket supplied for storage against the wall. Ideal system to save space. Set up can be completed quickly and easily with one person. Floor plates A6-1 are included.

A9-36 Uneven Bars - Wall Hinged - Superwood RailsSimilar to A9-123 but with superwood rails.

7a A9-124 Uneven Bars Wall Hinged SteelworkUsed to convert free-standing uneven bars to wall hinged.

7b A9-78 Uneven Bar Rail Pad - 400mmHigh density foam with vinyl cover and touch tape joining. Size: 90 O.D x 50 I.D x 400mm long.

7cA9-107 Uneven Bar Webbing Cable Tensioner - ReplacementSlide tensioner made from heavy webbing.

A9-112 Uneven Bar Cable Padding - Set of 4Carpeted padding wraps around the cables. Touch tape fastening.


A9-128 Uneven Bar Single Rail Conversion Kit for A9-120Allows the low bar to be removed for single bar training.

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Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (32)

General SpecificationsThe timber rings used by ACROMAT conform to Olympic F.I.G. Specifications. These superwood rings are made from veneers of European Beech laminated under extreme pressure and temperature.

InstallationWhen ordering fixed or hoistaway rings, please provide details of building where fixings occur.a. Floor planb. Internal elevationsc. Sections of wall and ceilingd. Structural steel drawingsACROMAT’s trained engineers will design and supply all fixings required for the installation.

SafetyCheck rings and straps, cables, height adjusting systems and all fittings regularly to ensure they are in good condition and safe to use.


A10-9 Ring Canopy - Olympic/F.I.G. ApprovedLightweight 65mm square tube sections slide together without any bolts required. Made in seven sections for easy storage, handling and transport. Individual cables can be adjusted to level rings. Galvanised steel cables 5mm D with pulleys, 12mm turnbuckles and chains have additional heavy webbing slides for tensioning.Rings A10-36 and floor plates must be ordered separately. F.I.G. hanging height: 5800mm from floor.Height adjustment: 5500 - 5950mm from floor. Floor plate spacing: 5500 x 4000mm


A10-36 Rings, Cables and Swivels - Olympic/F.I.G. Approved Superwood rings A10-7 are sewn into heavy webbing straps with a triangle link at top. Galvanised cables 5mm D. attach rings to swivels X4-93 to allow rotation during use. Strap length: 700mm. Overall length: 3000mm.2aA10-7 Ring Timber - Olympic/F.I.G. Approved - ReplacementSize: 180mm I.D. x 28mm D cross section.

A10-1 Rings - Fixed Straps, Cables and SwivelsSimilar to A10-36 but supplied with swivel safety hooks A10-14. For hanging heights other than 5800mm please advise ACROMAT so that cable length may be adjusted. Order fixing brackets separately.


A10-2 Rings - Adjustable Straps, Cables and SwivelsUseful as a teaching aid. Rings, cables and swivels same as A10-1. Order fixing brackets separately.Adjustment: 500mm


A10-48 Trapeze Bar - Adjustable StrapsFabricated steel end fittings riveted to timber bar. Webbing straps are sewn to fittings and terminate in triangle link.Order cables and hooks separately.Size: 610mm long x 35mm D. Adjustment: 500mm.

A10-10 Trapeze Bar - Fixed StrapsSimilar to A10-48 but fixed straps. 5

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A10-13 Trapeze Bar - for RingsBar with plastic coated hooks for attaching to rings. Size: 610mm long x 35mm D.


A10-5 Rings - Hoistaway, Double SetRings A10-7 sewn to webbing straps with swivel link, are connected to 5mm D cables. The cables pass over nylon pulleys fixed to structure of the building and down the side wall to wall fixing plate. Rings with a sandbag counterweight are hoisted to ceiling when not in use.Height adjustment: 1100 - 2900mm above floor.

A10-4 Rings - Hoistaway, Single SetSame system as A10-5 but only one set.

6aA10-29 Counterweight for Rings -Hoistaway - ReplacementAttaches to ring cables before hoisting away. Vinyl sandbag.


A10-45 Cross MachineDesigned to allow progressive strength training for ring exercises.



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Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (34)

General SpecificationsTrampolines are used for competition, the development of skills and techniques as well as for recreation or fun activities. Safety pads are provided with mini, power mini and double mini trampolines. Frames and legs are made of steel to withstand harsh treatment. Non-marking rubber feet are fitted to protect the floor.


A12-170 Mini Trampolines with Safety BedRemovable front leg reduces mounting height for small children. Height adjustable back leg. Folds flat for storage - lightweight. Top frame 1030 x 1030mm from 38mm D tube. Legs from 32mm D tube. Safety bed A12-172 consists of pads permanently fixed to the bed. Springs A12-26, Qty.28. Non-marking rubber feet A12-175.

1aA12-172 Mini Trampoline Safety Bed (28 Spring) - ReplacementSafety pads fixed to the bed to form one piece. Eliminates the possibility of getting feet caught between bed and pads.

Foam core 10mm high density closed cell foam is covered with fire retardant vinyl. Bed, 470 x 470mm with clips for 28 springs.

A12-174 Mini Trampoline Safety Bed (32 Spring) - ReplacementAs for A12-172 but bed is 380 x 380mm with 32 springs.

1b A12-175 Foot - Rubber - Replacement Moulded non-marking rubber foot. Two bolts for fixing included.

1c A12-81 Mini Trampoline Adjustable Leg Set - Replacement Consists of inner and outer tube, height adjusting knob X1-200 and leg spring X5-3.

1d X1-200 Mini Trampoline Height Adjusting Knob - Replacement Knurled knob for height adjustable leg.

1e A12-84 Mini Trampoline Height Adjusting Tube - Replacement Inner tube only for height adjusting leg.

1f X5-3 Mini Trampoline Height Adjusting Leg Spring - ReplacementFor adjustable or fixed leg. Length: 75mm.

1g A12-26 Spring - Small - ReplacementGalvanised 3mm super spring wire with tapered ends. Length: 210mm.Used on mini, double mini, power mini and tumbling trampolines.


A12-120 Power Mini Trampoline High performance mini trampoline. Approach and landing net have no frame and springs. Adjustable leg braces allow wide variation in height and angle of bed to suit small children up to high performance gymnastics training. Wheels away and folds flat for storage. Side frames 65 x 35mm RHS. Net A12-121. Safety pads A12-122. Springs A12- 26, Qty 34. Overall size: 1300 x 1250mm.

2a A12-121 Power Mini Trampoline Net - Replacement Size: 600 x 600mm

2b A12-122 Power Mini Trampoline Safety Pads - Replacement High density closed cell Acrolite foam 15mm think covered with fire retarded vinyl


A12-10 Double Mini Trampoline with Wheels Conforms to F.I.T. dimensions and specifications. Easy folding and unfolding - lightweight. Wheels included. Top side frames, 65 x 35mm RHS- no end frames. Sheet bed A12-49, polypropylene with zone markings. Safety pads A12-43. Springs A12-26, Qty 88. Overall frame size: 3300 x 1650 x 750mm high.

3a A12-49 Double Mini Trampoline Bed - Replacement Size:2850 x 920mm

3b A12-43 Double Mini Trampoline Safety Pads - Replacement Acrolite foam, 15mm thick with fire retarded vinyl cover.

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General SpecificationsHigh performance tumbling trampoline as used at the Australian Institute of Sport. Designed for repetition work for developing and perfecting skills.

Safety Warning Trampolines are fun, but must be treated with respect, as there is a very high risk of injury. ACROMAT recommends that trampolines should never be used without the supervision of a qualified coach.> The majority of trampolining accidents

have resulted from failure to provide adequate supervision.

> Selection of equipment must never be considered as a substitute for proper coaching and supervision.

> People using trampolines must be made aware of the risk of serious injury or death and of the rules that will help minimise these risks.

> Implement programmes that have good progression of safety skills and allow participants to acquire a wide variety of skills while having fun.

Check safety pads, net, springs and frame regularly to make sure they are in good condition and safe to use. Repair or replace worn or damaged parts.


A12-140 Tumbling Trampoline - Fixed Top frames 50 x 50mm RHS with spring lugs, supported by leg frames with non marking rubber feet X6-13. Net A12-141, black polypropylene fabric, 9550 x 1400mm. Springs A12-26, Qty 264. Safety pads A12-142, 30mm Acrolite foam with vinyl cover permanently fixed to top frame. Overall frame size: 10000 x 2200 x 650mm.Options :- Adjustable legs A12-134 converts

one end to a slant tramp.- Horizontal bar A12-156 clamps on

to top frame.- Additional length made to order.


A12-150 Tumbling Trampoline - Folding Similar to A12-140, but end frames fold for storage. Net 5550 x 1400mm. Springs A12-26, Qty 160. Overall frame size: 6000 x 2200 x 650mm. Stored size: 3500 x 2250 x 800mm high. Options: Wheels A12-155 fitted to legs. Adjustable legs A12-134 converts one end to a slant tramp

5a A12-134 Tumbling Trampoline Adjustable Legs Fittings clamp to the legs on one end to lift the end frame up. Height adjustment: 0 - 300mm

5b A12-155 Tumbling Trampoline Wheels Four swivel castors fit to legs and screw down to allow the folded trampoline to be moved easily.

5c A12-156 Tumbling Trampoline Horizontal Bar Used for a variety of training activities. Bar, 34mm D is clamped to top frame and is 100mm above the trampoline net.

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General Specifications ACROMAT trampolines are designed to provide the very best performance. Frames are constructed of steel to survive the most rugged use in schools, clubs or the back yard. Nets are made from UV stable materials. The use of safety pads on all trampolines is recommended. Pads cover the frame and vinyl covers the springs. Safety pads must be ordered separately.

Safety Warning Trampolines are fun, but must be treated with respect, as there is a very high risk of injury. ACROMAT recommends that trampolines, as with other equipment, should never be used without the supervision of a qualified coach.> The majority of trampolining accidents

have resulted from failure to provide adequate supervision.

> Selection of equipment must never be considered as a substitute for proper coaching and supervision.

> People using trampolines must be made aware of the risk of serious injury or death and of the rules that will help minimise these risks.

> Implement programmes that have good progression of safety skills and allow participants to acquire a wide variety of skills while having fun.

Check safety pads, net, springs and frame regularly to make sure they are in good condition and safe to use. Repair or replace worn or damaged parts.


A12-2 Trampoline - Goliath - Folding, with Woven Net ,4270 x 2130mm Suitable for indoor use. Lightweight top frame from 65mm x 35mm RHS with 32mm tube leg frames. Spring lugs welded to frame. Complete with detachable carrying wheels fitted with 100mm D non-marking swivel castors. Woven net A12-18. Springs A12-25, Qty 112. Folded trampoline fits through a 2030 x 760mm doorway. Safety pads A12-12 ordered separately.

A12-5 Trampoline - Competition - Folding, with Woven Net, 3660 x 1830mm Similar to A12-2 but smaller. Woven net A12-19. Springs A12-25, Qty 92. Safety pads A12-13 ordered separately.

A12-8 Trampoline - Competition - Folding, with Sheet Bed, 3660 x 1830mm Similar to A12-5 but with sheet bed A12-20. Safety pads A12-13 ordered separately.

6a A12-12 Trampoline Safety Pads - Goliath for A12-2 Core material of 38mm reconstituted foam, 100kg/m3, covered in vinyl. A vinyl panel covers springs. Pads are fixed to frame with webbing straps. Corner pads A12-100 ordered separately. Suits frame size: 5315 x 3050mm. Net size: 4270 x 2130mm

A12-13 Trampoline Safety Pads - Competition for A12-8 Similar to A12-12 but suits frame size: 4715 x 2720mm. Net size: 3660 x1830mm Corner pads A12-100 ordered separately.

6b A12-100 Trampoline Corner Safety Pads Fits on the corners to completely cover the trampoline frame. Used with A12-12 or A12-13 safety pads.

6c A12-18 Trampoline Woven Net - Goliath, 4270 x 2130mm - Replacement Two string net, 6.3mm weave spacing. Made from polyester netting twine 44kg breaking strain. Twine is glued to the clips to reduce wear at this point. Net is painted with white rubberised paint and red marking lines. Spring clips, Qty: 37 x 19.

A12-19 Trampoline Woven Net - Competition, 3660 x 1830mm - Replacement Similar to A12-18. Spring clips, Qty: 31 x 15.

A12-21 Trampoline Woven Net - Little Giant, 3050 x 1520mm - Replacement Similar to A12-18. Spring clips, Qty: 21 x 11.

6d A12-25 Spring - Large 280mm - Replacement Galvanised 3mm super spring wire with tapered ends. Used on all large trampolines.

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A12-65 Trampoline - Competition - Rigid Frame, with Sheet Bed, 3660 x 1830mm For school, club or home use. Suitable for outdoors. Two end frame, two side frames and four legs of galvanised pipe which slide together without bolts. Spring lugs are provided. Sheet bed A12-20. Springs A12-25, Qty 92. Safety pads ordered separately.

A12-7 Trampoline - Competition - Rigid Frame, with Woven Net, 3660 x 1830mm For school, club or home use. Suitable for outdoors. Similar to A12-65 but with woven net A12-19. Springs A12-25, Qty 92. Safety pads ordered separately.

A12-4 Trampoline - Goliath - Rigid Frame, with Woven Net, 4270 x 2130mm Similar to A12-65 but with woven net A12-18. Springs A12-25, Qty 112. Safety pads ordered separately.

7a A12-20 Trampoline Sheet Bed - Competion, 3660 x 1830mm - Replacement Tough polypropylene breather fabric stabilised against ultra violet light for long outdoor life. Spring clips Qty 31 x 15.

A12-22 Trampoline Sheet Bed - Little Giant, 3050 x 1520mm - Replacement Similar to A12-20. Spring clips Qty 21 x 11.

7b A12-33 Trampoline Safety Pads - Competion Rigid Frame, 30mm Acrolite Foam

A12-34 Trampoline Safety Pads - Goliath Rigid Frame, 40mm Acrolite Foam


A12-9 Trampoline - Little Giant - Rigid Frame, with Sheet Bed, 3050 x 1530mm Similar to A12-65 but with smaller sheet bed.

Suitable for kindergym or home use. Springs A12-25, Qty 64. Safety pads A12-14 ordered separately.

A12-60 Trampoline - Little Giant - Rigid Frame, with Woven Net, 3050 x 1530mm Similar to A12-65 but with woven net. Springs A12-25, Qty 64. Safety pads A12-14 ordered separately.

8a A12-14 Trampoline Safety Pads - Little Giant, 30mm Acrolite Foam

A12-28 Woven Net Paint - White, 2 litres All woven nets used outside should be painted annually with net paint to prevent deterioration in ultra violet light and to reduce wear.

A12-32 Woven Net Paint - Blue, 2 litres

A12-29 Woven Net Paint Thinners - 4 litres Used to clean up net paint.

A12-181 Trampoline Spotters Mat, 2000 x 1000 x 100mm

Soft mat with foam core 130kg/m3. Vinyl cover has webbing handles on one side for ease of handling.

Trampoline Flyaway Frames For additional safety, these frames are fitted to each end of the trampoline. Contact ACROMAT for more information.


A12-3 Trampoline - Pit - Goliath, with Woven Net, 4270 x 2130mmFrame from galvanised pipe with spring lugs. Rests on firm flat surface around the pit. Ideal for backyard or disabled users. ACROMAT can provide pit detail dimensions. Woven net A12-18. Springs A12-25, Qty 112. Safety pads A12-12 ordered separately.

A12-6 Trampoline - Pit - Competition, with Woven Net, 3660 x 1830mm Similar to A12-3 but smaller woven net, 3660 x 1830. Springs A12-25, Qty 92.

Pit Trampolines - Open Ends For specialist training facilities. Refer to pit information A23 section.

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Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (38)

General SpecificationsOlympic/F.I.G. vaulting and pommel horses have two telescoping uprights. The two uprights are bolted to the base made from 80mm x 40mm R.H.S. Height adjustment system has a spring loaded locating pin and a large locking T screw.

All pommel and vaulting horse bodies have provision for holding down chains.

For ease of transport, lifting wheels can be fitted.


A13-87 Horse - Pommel - Leather - Olympic/F.I.G. Approved Base with two uprights. Long lasting leather cover is fitted to the fabricated steel body padded with 20mm highly resilient foam. Pommels A13-12. Pommel width adjustment: 380mm to 470mm. Height adjustment: 1000mm - 1350mm from the floor, 50mm increments.

Wheels and hold down chain order separately.

1a X6-14 Rubber Foot - Replacement Non-marking rubber foot. Size: 80 x 40mm.

1b A13-12 Pommels and Bolts - Olympic/F.I.G. Approved The pommels are superwood, mounted on aluminium casting with slotted base. Pommel handles A13-75 are fixed by a T-handle and are designed to fit all ACROMAT steel horse bodies.

1c A13-23 Horse Chain, Turnbuckle and Floorplate Hold down chain, 5mm zinc plated, 10mm turnbuckle and floorplate A6-1 with lift up hook.

A13-117 Horse Chain and Turnbuckle Padding Carpeted Acrolite foam held in place with touch tape.

1d A13-88 Wheels - Two Upright Horses Two 100mm D polyurethane tyre wheels can be bolted to standard A13-86, A13-87 and A13-121 base in holes provided. By lifting the horse body the wheels drop under gravity and are held in position by lowering the horse.

A13-76 Horse - Pommel - Leather, 4 Legs Body and pommels same as A13-87 but with 4 leg system. Suitable for training or school use.


A13-98 Buck - Pommel - LeatherDesigned for junior use and training. Single upright.Pommels may be ordered separately. Body size: 650mm long x 180mm high. Height adjustment: 650mm - 850mm.

2a X6-13 Rubber Foot - Replacement Non-marking rubber foot. Size: 50 x 6mm


A13-112 Horse - Pommel - Junior, Leather Designed for training junior gymnasts. Similar to A13-87 but smaller body, 1300mm long. Pommels A13-12. Pommels width adjustment: 380 - 470mm. Height adjustment: 750 - 950mm from the floor.


A13-72 Mushroom - Senior with Single Pommel For advanced double leg circle work on single pommel. Dished steel plate top is padded with 20mm reconstituted foam 100kg/m3 and covered in vinyl fabric. The top is supported on four tubular legs with one adjusting leg for stability. Attachment point for holding down chain provided. Removable pommel bolted to centre of top. Size: 1200mm D x 650 high.

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A13-71 Mushroom - Intermediate Ideal for learning double leg circles. Dished steel plate top is padded with 20mm reconstituted foam 100kg/m3 and covered in vinyl fabric. The top is supported on four tubular legs with one adjusting leg for stability. Attachment point for holding down chain provided. Size: 600mm D x 650 high.

5a FC1-411 Rubber Foot 32 I.D.


A13-121 Vaulting Table - F.I.G. Specifications Curved top is padded with highly resilient foam and covered with non-slip synthetic fabric. Adjustable height uprights and base support the top. Base includes holes for anchoring and rubber feet X6-14 to protect the floor. Table size: 1000mm - 1400mm. Height adjustment: 1050 - 1450mm Wheels A13-88 and upright padding are optional and ordered separately.

6a A13-148 Vaulting Table Upright Padding Carpeted Acrolite foam held in place with touch tape.

6b A13-147 Vault Table Height Indicator

6c A13-88 Vault Transport Wheels Table


A13-108 Vault Run Up Strip - Olympic/F.I.G. - 25000 x 1000 x 20mm Needle punch polyolefin fibre carpet is glued to reconstituted foam base of 150kg/m3 density. Reduces stress and repetition injuries.


A13-74 Vault Run Up Strip 25000mm x 660 x 15mm Similar to A13-108. Used for training. Markings allow vaulting run to be measured. Markings are painted at every 1000mm and 0 to 2000mm and 20000mm to 25000mm marks at 200mm. Each metre mark is numbered from 0 to 24.


A13-109 Vault Safety Block ‘U’ Shape For round off vaults the safety block provides an area around three sides of the beatboard minimising the risk if the gymnast partly misses the beatboard. High density foam base with resilient top layer of Acrolite foam is covered in vinyl. Contrasting colour to beatboard. Size: 1200 x 1150 x 200mm


A13-120 Vault Mat - Anti Sting, 1200 x 1000 x 20mm Textured vinyl cover, contrasting colour to vault run. Touch tape on underside holds mat in place during round off vaults.








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Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (40)

General Specifications Vaulting boxes, especially the foam vaulting boxes, are used for a wide variety of training and gym fun activities in kindergyms, schools and clubs.

Foam vaulting boxes are high quality lightweight foam covered with fire retarded vinyl. Full height vault is firm enough to stand on. Individual sections are useful for a wide variety of training and fun activities. Continuous touch tape holds sections firmly together. Webbing handles at each end make handling easy. All sections may be ordered separately.

Safety Check covers and all fittings regularly to ensure they are in good condition and safe to use.


A13-129 Vaulting Box - Foam - Gym Fun, 4 Section Four sections. Top section is in three parts that can be removed individually for vault training and fun activities. Base: 965 x 1200mm. Top: 400 x 1200mm.

A13-128 Vaulting Box - Foam - Gym Fun, 3 Section Same as for A13-129 with top 3 sections only. Height: 300, 600 and 900mm. Base: 825 x 1200mm.

Vaulting Box - Foam - Replacement Sections

Code A B C D

11a A13-130 300 400 400 540

11b A13-91 300 1200 540 685

11c A13-92 300 1200 685 825

11d A13-93 300 1200 825 965

11a A13-90 300 1200 400 540


A13-29 Vaulting Box - Foam, 4 Section Similar to A13-129 but top section is one piece.


A13-8 Vaulting Box - Timber - Type B, Senior Pyramid type with 40mm x 40mm x 3mm angle frame, clad with smooth splinter free 17mm water resistant melamine coated plywood. Top is 40mm 100kg/m3 reconstituted foam with vinyl cover. All sections are bolted together and are fitted with safety catches. Heights: 640, 830, 1020 and 1200mm Top: 1240 x 450mm Base: 1200 x 1000mm

A13-28 Box - Vaulting - Timber Type A, Junior Same construction as A13-8. Heights: 425, 620, 810, 1000mm. Top: 1240 x 450mm Base: 1200 x 900mm.

13a A13-14 Wheels Fixed to Vaulting Box Two 50mm D nylon wheels are mounted on bracket which can be bolted to vaulting box A13-8 and 28.

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General SpecificationsUsed in schools and gym clubs for climbing activities for young children, general exercises or as part of circuit training for fitness. Wall bar stiles are made from 90mm x 40mm hardwood. Rungs, 35mm D hardwood, are fixed to each stile with CSK screws. All timber has two coats of clear finish.

InstallationWhen ordering, please provide details of building where fixings occur. ACROMAT’s trained engineers will design and supply all fixings required for the installation.

Safety Check panels, cables and all fittings regularly. Ensure they are in good condition and safe to use.


A14-5 Wall Bars - Wall Hinged, Two Panel, 3600mm High x 3000mm Wide Bottom hinge is fixed to floor and top hinge to wall. Top of panels are held by toggle tensioner system and cable fixed to the wall leaving the floor area clear. Bottoms of the stiles are fitted with non-marking polyurethane wheels. Padbolts locate in floor plates A6-7. Stored depth: 165mm

A14-4 Wall Bars - Wall Hinged, Two Panel, 3600mm High x 2300mm WideSimilar to as A14-5 but with 4 vertical stiles per panel.

A14-6 Wall Bars - Wall Hinged, One Panel, 3600mm High x 2300mm Wide Similar to A14-4 but one panel only.

A14-7 Wall Bars - Wall Hinged, One Panel, 3600mm High x 3000mm Wide Similar to A14-5 but one panel only.

1a A14-28 Wall Bar Cross Bar with Four Climbing Ropes The 50mm square steel R.H.S. is connected between adjacent panels. Four climbing ropes A5-1 are attached on the cross bar and can be moved to any position.

1b A14-54 Rope, Knotted - Attached to Cross Bar Makes climbing easier for smaller children.

A14-51 Rings - Attached to Cross Bar Rings A10-2 with adjustable straps, cables and swivels.

A14-52 Trapeze - Attached to Cross Bar Trapeze with adjustable straps A10-48 and cables.

1cA14-53 Ladder - Attached to Cross Bar Ladder with 300mm rung spacing.

1d A14-10 Horizontal Rope - Attached to Wall Bars Climbing rope with clamp and large rubber covered shackles at each end is tensioned between wall bar panels.

1e A14-9 Swedish Beam - Attached to Wall Bars For balancing or forming part of a circuit for fitness training. Timber beam is bull nosed on one edge with two coats of clear finish. End fittings allow beam to fit to any intersection of stile and rung. Beam size: 120 x 65mm Length: to suit wall bar panel spacing.

1f A14-11 Horizontal Ladder, Tubular - Attached to Wall Bars Steel tubular ladder with hooks at each end, 710mm wide with 22mm diameter rungs at 300mm spacing for easy grip for small children. Length: 2400mm or made to suit wall bar panel spacing.

A14-8 Ladder - Attached to Wall Bars Webbing 50mm wide with timber rungs at 300mm centres. One end is fitted with safety hooks. At the other end the hooks are tied to ropes to suit width of wall bars.


A14-43 Wall Bars - Fixed, 4 Section, 2400mm High x 3095mm Wide Rungs at 150mm spacing. Top bracket is fixed to the wall and supports a top rung chinning bar 95mm in front of the panel. The bottom is fixed to the floor.

A14-2 Wall Bars - Fixed, 1 Section, 2400mm High x 760mm Wide

A14-1 Wall Bars - Fixed, 2 Section, 2400mm High x 1520mm Wide

A14-42 Wall Bars - Fixed, 3 Section, 2400mm High x 2335mm Wide

A14-44 Wall Bars - Fixed, 5 Section, 2400mm High x 3855mm Wide

A14-45 Wall Bars - Fixed, 6 Section, 2400mm High x 4615mm Wide










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General Specifications Curtains are used to divide sports hall into individual areas and act as a visual barrier between groups increasing the versatility of your centre.

Curtains are made to order and can be:a. Solid panel (opaque) - vinyl, fire retarded.b. Net - 50mm square x 1.4mm white sports mesh, ultra violet stabilised. Options: Black mesh and 25mm square mesh.c. Solid panel (opaque) and net - vinyl 2000mm high, double stitched to net.

Vertical lift curtain - Lifts up to clear the floor area. Must be fixed to the roof structure or a beam.

Side drawn on track curtain - Requires storage area at the wall when curtain is drawn to the side. Must be fixed to the roof structure or a beam.

Side drawn on cable curtain - No beam or roof structure required. Structural fixing points on the walls or columns are necessary for fixing the cable. Draw cords may be required. Storage area at the wall is required when curtain is drawn to the side.

All net curtain - Used where a visual barrier is not required.

Removable net - Economical alternative. Net is taken down and stored when not required. Designed for indoor or outdoor use.

Protection net - Reduces the risk of damage to ceilings, lights and windows.

InstallationAcromat’s trained engineers will design and supply all fittings required for the installation of the curtains or nets.

SafetyCheck tracks, ropes, cables, winches and all fittings regularly. Ensure they are in good condition and safe to use.


A15-28 Curtain - Vertical Lift, Opaque and NetCurtain panel:Vinyl - opaque blue, 2000mm high Net - White 50mm square, 4800mm highLifting system: Brackets fixed to roof structure support the curtain, carrier track and pulley system. Lifting cords are attached to bottom of the curtain. These cords are threaded up through the vinyl and mesh, over nylon pulleys and are fixed to the carrier. A cable from the carrier to the winch raises the curtain. A safety catch system stops the curtain dropping if the cable fails.Bracket spacing: 1500mm approx.Stored depth: 600mm approx.Total weight (including all fittings): 10kg/lineal metre

Winch options (ordered separately):a. manual winch A16-11 or A16-12b. manual winch A16-11 or A16-12 with portable electric driver A16-13c. electric winch, key operated A16-52d. electric winch, cordless remote control A16-550


A15-62 Curtain - Vertical Lift, OpaqueCurtain panel: vinyl full height.Similar fixings and lifting system as A15-28Winch options (ordered separately): similar to A15-28


A15-41 Curtain - Vertical Lift, all Net Curtain panel: White, 50mm square net with black vinyl edging on bottom. Similar fixings and lifting system as A15-28Winch options (ordered separately): similar to A15-28

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A15-42 Curtain on Track - Side Drawn, all Net Curtain panel: White, 50mm square with black vinyl edging all sides.Track system: similar to A15-29.

A15-29 Curtain on Track - Side Drawn, Opaque and NetCurtain panel: Vinyl - opaque blue, 2000mm high Net - White, 50mm square, 4800mm high with vinyl edging Track system: Millstrut P1001 track is fixed to roof structure or special beam. Rollers at 600mm centres with two cords, one supports the net and vinyl panel. Brackets on the wall retain the stored curtain. Total weight (including track and all fittings): 11kg/lineal metre.Options: - - Bi-parting panels overlap 300mm in

the centre.- Draw cords to operate the curtain from

one side wall. A spring loaded pulley and jamming cleat keeps the rope taut.

- Winch options (ordered separately): similar to A15-28

A15-31 Curtain on Cable - Side Drawn, Opaque and NetCurtain panels: Vinyl - opaque blue, 2000mm high Net - White, 50mm square, 4800mm high with vinyl edging. Bi-parting panels overlap 300mm in centre.Cable system: 10mm D cable fixed to structural members each side of building. Centre of cable is fixed to the roof. Rollers at 600mm centres, have two cords, one supports the net and one the vinyl panel. Draw cord running through pulleys controls the curtain from one side wall.Brackets on wall retain the stored curtain.


A15-131 Roof NetsNet: White, 50mm square with touch tape joining system allows access to lights.Cables tensioned between structural members of the building support the net.


A15-124 Dividing Net - Removable, 4800mm High Net: White, 50mm square with black vinyl border, prestretched rope top and weighted bottom. Fixings to structural members each side of building and intermediate support posts included. Winch A16-18 and storage box A16-148 ordered separately.

6aA16-148 Storage Box with Wheels

A15-133 Dividing Net - Side Drawn, 4800mm HighNet: White, 50mm square with black vinyl border, weighted bottom.Cable system: Fixed to structural members each side of building. Intermediate posts support the cable. Shackles at 600mm centres fix net to the cable. To store, remove intermediate posts and slide net to the side wall.Fixings allow cable to be removed if required. Winch A16-18 and storage box A16-148 ordered separately.


A15-126 Dividing Net - Removable, 2400mm HighNet: White, 50mm square with black vinyl edging, prestretched rope top, weighted bottom and intermediate posts.Fixed to structural members each side of building or free-standing posts in sockets. Winch A16-18 and storage box A16-148 ordered separately. Floor sockets ordered separately.






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A15-113 Dividing Net - Removable, Outdoor, 2400mm HighNet: White, 50mm square with black vinyl border, prestretched rope top and weighted bottom.Support posts designed to suit local conditions and intermediate support posts are all included.Finish: Posts - hot dip galvanised.Winch A16-18 and storage box A16-148 ordered separately.


Cricket and Sports Nets - Special Purpose Nets Generally designed to suit the specific location, either indoor or outdoor use.Construction similar to details for dividing curtains.


A15-128 Protection Nets - FixedNet: White, 50mm square with black vinyl edging all sides.Height: as required.Cables top and bottom are fixed to the building to hold nets permanently in place.

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SafetyCheck all gymnasium equipment regularly to make sure it is in good condition and safe to use.


A15-101 Chalk Stand - OlympicCovered clear plastic bowl with hand holes. Supported by a single upright and base.


A15-79 Chalk Blocks - Carton, 36 PacketsContains 36 packets A15-78


A15-78 Chalk Blocks -Packet, 440gMagnesium Carbonate - 8 x 55g blocks.


A15-89 Chalk Powder - 25kgBulk chalk powder.


A15-84 Resin Gum - 1kg Provides extra grip.


Palm Guards - Leather Leather palm guard, with two finger holes, sewn to wrist strap with buckle.

Code Size

A15-80 Super Small

A15-81 Small

A15-82 Medium

A15-83 Large


A15-9 Palm Guards - VictorLeather palm guard, with three finger holes, sewn to wrist strap with buckle.


A15-52 Palm Guards - AdrianovProvides extra grip on rings and horizontal bar.


Wrist Straps - SetStraps made from 25mm wide heavy nylon webbing sewn to form loop.Used to prevent the gymnast from losing grip when teaching giant swings on horizontal bar. Select the correct size pair of straps to suit each gymnast.Warning: Must be used under supervision of qualified coach.

Code Size

Marking Circ. mm

A15-68 0000 530

A15-69 000 555

A15-71 00 580

A15-72 0 605

A15-73 1 630

A15-74 11 655

A15-75 111 680

A15-76 1111 705

A15-70 SET OF 8


A15-67 Padding Box, 1200mm x 900mm x 600mmFlat firm surface ideal for padding. Three usable heights. Lightweight polystyrene foam 1200mm x 900mm x 600mm with zip on cover made from fire retarded vinyl fabric.

A15-97 Padding Box with Acrolite LayerSame as A15-67 but with an additional layer of resilient foam for softer outer surface.


A15-66 Wobble Board Ideal for rehabilitation of ankle injuries.Spring, 65mm high is fitted between 19mm plywood boards. One board is 400mm square and one 300mm D. Non-marking rubber buffers protect the floor.


A15-21 Medicine Ball - 2kgA15-22 Medicine Ball - 3kgA15-23 Medicine Ball - 4kg





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A15-107 Scoreboard - Gymnastic Competition - Seven NumeralThree black numerals A15-19 for the gymnast’s number and four for the score (one black and three red A15-20). Numerals are fixed to a plywood panel supported by a single upright and heavy base. This allows the board to rotate for viewing.

23aA15-19 Scoreboard Numerals 0-9 - BlackThe 190mm x 335mm plastic box has 10 numbers (0-9) 245mm high. Change numbers by moving the levers on side of the box. Simple and easy to operate - a host of uses for all games.

23bA15-20 Scoreboard Numerals 0-9 - Red


A15-135 Scoreboard - Electronic, 1200 x 700mmFully microprocessor controlled. Control console and cable included. Time: 4 red digits, 1-99 minutes selectable. Scoring: Two teams, 3 red digits. Time out: 1 yellow digit. Team fouls: 1 green digit. Period and substitution: blue

A15-136 Scoreboard - Electronic, 1500 x 1000mm Similar A15-135 but larger.


A15-137 Shot Clock - Electronic, 190mm Single Row LEDSet of two.

A15-138 Shot Clock - Electronic, 200mm Double Row LEDSet of two.


A15-140 Score Bench - 4 Person, 2400mm long x 650 wideSteel tube frame construction with melamine panels. Lockable castor wheels.

A15-139 Score Bench - 3 Person, 1800mm long x 650 wide A15-141 Score Bench - 5 Person, 2850mm long x 650 wide A15-142 Score Bench - 6 Person, 3400mm long x 650 wide


A15-12 Horizontal Ladder - Wall FixedThe ladder is fixed 230mm from wall and height above floor as requested. Steel supporting frame is fixed on wall or structural member and is braced with 5mm D galvanised steel cables and turnbuckles.Ladder: 4800mm long x 455mm wideStiles - 120 x 50mm Australian OakRungs - 35mm D hardwood at 380mm centres.


A15-53 Jump & Reach Board (Sergeant Jump)Used for physical ability testing. Formed completely from galvanised steel sheet metal with 900mm high sliding calibrated front panel. Front panel raised to starting point. Magnet marks height of jump.


A15-16 Pegboard - 900 x 900mmIdeal for upper body strength work.Pegboard is fixed direct to the wall. Melamine coated 17mm plywood has holes at 180mm centres fitted with steel tube and flange. These support the 25mm D plastic pegs A15-51 used when climbing. Pegs: Qty 2.

A15-17 Pegboard - 1500 x 300mmMounted on the wall vertically. Supplied with 2 pegs. Pegs: Qty 2.

A15-55 Pegboard - 1200 x 1200mmPegs: Qty 2.

A15-45 Pegboard - 1800 x 1200mmPegs: Qty 4.

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A15-10 Ballet Rail - Height Adjustable, Free StandingSteel base with non-marking rubber feet.Rail: 44mm D Australian Oak with clear finish. Length: 3000mm Height adjustment: 620mm to 1025mm

30aX6-11 Rubber Foot - Replacement


A15-7 Ballet Rail - Wall Fixed Steel wall brackets support 44mm D Australian Oak timber rail with clear finish. 3000mm length or made to suit customers’ requirements


A15-11 Ballet Rail - Adjustable Height, Wall Fixed Steel wall brackets with keyhole fitting supports 44mm D Australian Oak rail with clear finish. Length: 3000mm or made to suit customes' requirementsHeight adjustment: 150mm


A15-90 Boxing Ring - 6100 x 6100mm with Raised Platform 7100 x 7100 x 900mm HighPlatform: Free standing base consisting of interlocking R.H.S. steel frames support 19mm plywood platform. Corner post slide into the base frame.Ropes: 5mm D galvanised steel covered with 20mm D flexible conduit.Corner pads: 20mm thick Acrolite foam covered with vinyl.Mat: 20mm thick Acrolite foam, white 400g/m2. canvas cover. Tensioning system fitted around the perimeter holds cover taught.

A15-91 Boxing Ring - 5490 x 5490mm with Raised Platform 6420 x 6420 x 900mm HighSimilar to A15-90.

A15-24 Boxing Ring, Posts, Mat, Padding Complete, Floor Fixed, 4270 x 4270mm.Suitable for training. Dismantles for storage.Posts: 1360mm high, with staples and turnbuckle support main ring cables.

Floorplate A6-7 locate the post base. Top is held by cable and turnbuckle fixed to a floor plate A6-1.Ropes: 5mm D galvanised steel covered with 20mm D flexible conduit.Corner pads: 20mm thick Acrolite foam covered with vinyl.Mat: 20mm thick Acrolite foam, white 400g/m2 canvas cover. Tensioning system fitted around the perimeter holds cover taught. Mat size: 1000mm wider than ring.

A15-25 Boxing Ring, Posts, Mat, Padding Complete, Floor Fixed, 4880 x 4880mm.Similar to A15-24.

A15-26 Boxing Ring, Posts, Mat, Padding Complete, Floor Fixed, 5490 x 5490mm.

A15-27 Boxing Ring, Posts, Mat, Padding Complete, Floor Fixed, 6100 x 6100mm.


A15-35 Punch Ball Wall Bracket and FloorplateSame as A15-34 with A6-1 floor plate.


A15-37 Punch Ball - Leather, - Floor to CeilingInflatable leather covered ball with rubber tensioning cords top and bottom. Fixes onto wall frame A15-35 and floor plate.


A15-34 Boxing Bag Wall BracketPipe frame 20 N.B. is hinged to wall and held in working position by ropes. Support boxing bag 1525mm from wall.


A15-36 Boxing Bag - VinylVinyl covered bag, 1200mm high, with straps and ring for fixing to wall bracket A15-34.


A15-44 Speedball and Board - Wall Fixed, Adjustable HeightSteel frame mounted on wall, supports plywood board 900 x 900 x 19mm with radius at front.Speedball: inflatable, leather covered, with swivel. Height adjustment: 300mm.

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A 1 6 B A S K E T B A L L B A C K B O A R D S

General Specifications Basketball backboards are supplied with a timber board A16-111 and ring A16-1 and can be fitted with glass backboard with snap-down ring and mini basketball height adjusting frames.

Glass backboards: International standard. Also used where the spectator area is behind the backboard. Armour plate glass 12mm thick mounted in 50 x 50 x 5mm angle frame and held in by 25 x 25mm steel section. High density closed cell foam channel isolates glass from the frame. Heavy duty bottom frame 65 x 35mm steel tube supports the snap down ring A16-43. Fixing is completely independent of the glass.

Timber backboards: International size, 1800 x 1050mm, white with 50mm wide black international markings outside edge and shooting rectangle. Board is fixed to a 38 x 38mm steel tube outer frame with vertical centre member for fixing the basketball ring A16-1. Basketball ring, snap down A16-43 can be fitted to any backboard.

Design ConsiderationsSelecting an appropriate backboard for your facility will often depend on the building construction and available fixing points.

All Acromat basketball backboards are designed to comply to the Australian and International Basketball Federation (FIBA) Rules and the British and European Standard BS EN1270: 1998. Live load requirements and the ‘snap-down’ loads for the rings are set out in the standards.

Acromat provides a design service to determine the type of backboards to suit your building. Please supply the following architectural drawings of the building.a. Floor planb. Internal elevationsc. Sections of wall and ceilingd. Structural steel drawings

Installation ACROMAT’s trained engineers will design and supply all fixings required for the installation of the backboards and provide details of any additional structural requirements.

SafetyCheck cables, winches and all fittings and fixings regularly. Ensure they are in good condition and safe to use.


A16-600 Basketball Backboard - International, Mobile, Cantilever 3250mmInternational standard. Incorporates mini basketball height. Low profile base for minimum obstruction for spectators behind backboard. Backboard frame, underside of arms and the complete base are padded. As the backboard is raised, cams lower a wide front rubber covered foot to the floor. This takes the load of the backboard off the wheels to reduces movement during use. Rear anchor points and floor fixings are included. Backboard: glass, armour plated A16-45. Ring: snap down A16-43.Operation: Push button, electric 240volt hydraulic pump. Base: Width - 1320mm. Length - 2105mm.Distance from court to wall: 5000mm min. Stored size: Width - 1900mm. Length - 4000mm. Height - 1830mm.Weight: 1200kg approx.


A16-78 Basketball Backboard - Mobile, Cantilever 2300mmIncorporates mini basketball height. Padded base and backboard frame. Floor anchors included. Backboard: glass, armour plated A16-45.Ring: snap down A16-43.Operation: manual hydraulic pump.Base: Width - 1300mm. Length - 1650mm.Distance from court to wall: 3500mm min. Stored size: Width - 1860mm. Length - 3050mm. Height - 2100mm. Weight: 800kg approx.

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A16-79 Basketball Backboard - Mobile, Cantilever 1800mm Adjustable for mini basketball. Front of base is padded. Floor anchors included. Backboard: timber A16-111. Ring: A16-1. Operation: manual hydraulic pump. Base: Width - 1200mm. Length - 1200mm. Distance from court to wall: 3000mm min. Stored size: Width - 1800mm. Length - 2700mm. Height - 1800mm. Weight: 400kg approx.


A16-43 Basketball Ring - Snap-Down with Bolts and NetInternational standard. Australian and International Basketball Federation (FIBA) Rules and the British and European Standard BS EN1270: 1998. Ring is hinged on a base plate with a spring release and a spring return mechanism. The spring release allows the correct load to be applied before the ring “snaps down”. High tensile bolts are supplied for fixing ring to the frame under the glass backboards or through the centre frame behind the timber backboards. Ring size: 450mm I.D. x 20mm D high tensile solid steel. Net: A16-25.


A16-1 Basketball Ring, Bolts and NetInternational dimensions. Ring has 6mm steel base plate, 10mm D steel support brace and 12 rams horn hooks for attaching the net. High tensile bolts, nuts and washers for fixing are included.Ring size: 450mm I.D. x 20mm D high tensile solid steel. Net: A16-25.

5aA16-25 Replacement Net - White

A16-2 Replacement Net - Heavy Duty

A16-625 Replacement Net - Extra Heavy Duty


A16-4 Basketball Glass Backboard and Frame with Snap-Down RingGlass backboards are an alternative to timber backboards. Ideal for competition venues and especially where spectator area is behind the backboard. These are best incorporated at the design stage. Fixings can be provided to suit existing structure when upgrading to glass. Snap down ring A16-43 is bolted to 65 x 35mm R.H.S. heavy duty bottom frame. Ring fixing is completely independent of the glass.

6aA16-44 Basketball Backboard Frame Padding Shock absorbing foam pads the bottom and 300mm up the sides of the backboard. Supplied with fixings for installation by customer.


A16-90 Mini Basketball Height Adjusting FrameFor junior basketballers. The system can be added to any Acromat backboard and is best incorporated at the design stage. Consists of two interlocking frames. One is fixed to the backboard support structure and one to the backboard. A latch system and gas struts allow the board to be lowered to mini basketball height. Operated from the floor with handle provided. Ring height adjustment: 3050 - 2600mm from floor.

7aA16-694 Replacement Handle for Mini Basketball



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A 1 6 B A S K E T B A L L B A C K B O A R D S


2900 F.F.L.



2900 F.F.L.



2900 F.F.L.




A16-631 Basketball Backboard - Side Swinging, Suspended, Double Wall BracketUsed where the distance behind the court to the wall is a maximum of 5000mm and when it is acceptable for the board to store against the wall. Wall frame, arms and board frame are a minimum of 38mm sq. steel tube. All hinge points have steel tube bearings. A telescopic brace holds board in playing position. Cables with 12mm turnbuckles are fixed to the wall or structure of building to support the weight of the board. Beams between columns may need to be provided by the customer.Board: Timber A16-111. Ring and net: A16-1.

8aA16-111 Basketball Backboard - Timber, InteriorInternational size 1800mm x 1050mm x 18mm, tough white melamine coating with 50mm wide black international markings outside edge and shooting rectangle.

A16-3 Basketball Backboard, Ring and Net Consists of backboard A16-111 and ring A16-1 for indoor use.


A16-633 Basketball Backboard - Side Swinging, Suspended, Top Wall BracketSimilar to A16-631. Used when the height of the wall fixings suits arms at 3950mm above the floor. The bottom arms are angled down to support the bottom of the board.


A16-632 Basketball Backboard - Side Swinging, Suspended, Bottom Wall BracketSimilar to A16-631. Used when the height of the wall fixings suits arms at 2900mm above the floor. The top arms are angled up to support the top of the board.


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A16-634 Basketball Backboard - Side Swinging, Suspended, Variable Wall BracketSimilar to A16-631. Used when the arms to support the top and the bottom of board are angled to suit the height of the wall fixings.


A16-8 Basketball Backboard - Side Swinging, CantileveredSimilar to A16-631. Used where there is no available fixings for support cables or where the arm length is less than 2500mm and the wall fixings are strong enough to take the loads. Diagonal braces between side arms to support the board.Beams between columns may need to be provided by the customer.


A16-46 Basketball Backboard - Wall Fixed, Maximum Cantilever 1200mmUsed for training. Installed in a location clear of other courts and equipment. Frames of square steel tube fixed to the wall support the board. Diagonal bracing holds the structure rigid. Strong wall fixings required. Board: Timber A16-111. Ring and net: A16-1.


A16-53 Basketball Backboard - Direct on WallUsed for training. Steel tube frame with lugs for attaching direct to wall or column. Board: Timber A16-111.Ring and net: A16-1.


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A16-84 Basketball Backboard - Hinged ForwardUsed where the board is lifted up forward to clear area. The location of available fixings and other features of the building determine the direction the board hinges.The backboard supported by diagonally braced arms 95mm x 35mm steel tube hinged from a beam or roof structure.Beams or fixing point for hauling and support cables may need to be provided by the customer. Board: Timber A16-111.Ring and net: A16-1.Winch options (ordered separately):a. manual winch A16-11 or A16-12b. manual winch A16-11 or A16-12 with

portable electric driver A16-13c. electric winch, key operated A16-52d. electric winch, cordless remote control



A16-70 Basketball Backboard - Hinged BackwardSimilar to A6-84 but hinged backwards.Winch options (ordered separately): Same as A16-84.


A16-22 Basketball Backboard - Backward FoldingUsed where there are no fixings available in front of the backboard. Backboard is fixed to vertical members hinged on two beams or the roof structure. Bracing frames fold to allow storage of backboard close to the ceiling. Beams or fixing points may need to be provided by the customer. Board: Timber A16-111.Ring and net: A16-1.Winch options (ordered separately): Same as A16-84.


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A16-590 Fall ArrestorUsed where backboards are stored over seating

Length of strap: 11 metres


A16-68 Basketball Backboard - Forward Hinged, Sliding BraceUsed where the area in front of the backboard must be clear of all structure and insufficient area behind the board requires it to fold forwards for storage.Backboard is fixed to vertical members hinged on two beams or the roof structure. Rear braces lock board into playing position. As the backboard is raised, braces slide on guide rods behind backboard. This allows the backboard to store close to the ceiling. Beams or fixing points may need to be provided by the customer. Board: Timber A16-111.Ring and net: A16-1.Winch options (ordered separately): same as A16-84.


A16-6 Basketball Backboard - Wall Hinged, Lift UpOnly used where the backboard must be lifted up for storage and the only available fixings are on the wall.Similar to A16-631 but the hinge system allows board to lift up. Support cables 5mm D and turnbuckles are attached to top corners of board and are fixed to wall or structural member. Diagonal braces between the arms stabilise the board.Board: Timber A16-111. Ring and net: A16-1.Winch options (ordered separately): Same as A16-84.


2900 F.F.L.Winch



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Y 7 B A S K E T B A L L B A C K B O A R D S - O U T D O O R

General SpecificationOutdoor backboards consist of 1800 x 1050 x 19mm waterproof ply A16-112 fixed to 40mm square steel tube frame. Hinge points on arms have steel tube bearings. Diagonal braces between the arms hold the board in position. All steelwork is hot dip galvanised. Ring and net: A16-1. Basketball ring, snap down A16-43 and removable ring brackets Y7-45 can be fitted to any backboard.

Design ConsiderationsWind loads - Acromat outdoor basketball backboards comply with the Australian Building Code - AS 1170.2-2002). If wind loads exceed these loads, please contact Acromat as backboards can easily be designed to suit local conditions. Footing design is based on soil with bearing load of 100kpa (AS1289). It is the customer’s responsibility to check the local conditions. Cantilever - is the distance from the court side of the upright to the face of the backboard. The cantilever can be reduced to suit local conditions.

InstallationACROMAT provides a design service to determine the type of backboards to suit your court area and local conditions. Please supply architectural plans of the area. ACROMAT’s trained engineers will design the backboards and uprights and provide layouts of courts, socket locations and footing details.

SafetyCheck all fittings and fixings regularly. Ensure they are in good condition and safe to use.


Y7-30 Basketball Backboard - Two Uprights, Side SwingingBoard and frame is supported by four arms hinged on a frame clamped to the uprights. Telescopic brace Y7-51 locks board in playing position. Cantilever - 7000mm maximum. Uprights (order separately) Y7-43, Y7-40, Y7-41, Y7-42, Y7-44 are installed off the playing area.Options (ordered separately): Mini basketball height adjustment A16-90.

21a Y7-44 Uprights for Y7-30, Maximum Cantilever - 7000mmSquare steel section, end capped and hot dip galvanised. The local conditions and the required basketball backboard arm length determine size of uprights. Y7-42 Uprights for Y7-30 Maximum Contilever 5600mm

Y7-41 Uprights for Y7-30, Maximum Cantilever - 4000mmGalvanised pipe, end capped. The local conditions and the required basketball backboard arm length determine size of uprights. Y7-40 Uprights for Y7-30 Maximum Contilever 3200mm

Y7-43 Uprights for Y7-30, Maximum Cantilever - 2700mmRegions A and B only.

21b Y7-48 Upright with Storage Lock for Basketball Backboard, Side SwingingUsed in windy areas. Lock holds backboard to the upright in the stored position. Backboard and uprights ordered separately.

21c Y7-35 Basketball Post Safety PaddingHigh density closed cell foam 15mm thick with vinyl cover. Touch tape fastening allows padding to be removed for storage.Suits post up to 165mm diameter.Height: 2000mm.

21d A16-112 Basketball Backboard - Timber, OutdoorInternational size 1800mm x 1050mm x 19mm, water proof ply painted white with 50mm wide black international markings outside edge and shooting rectangle.

A16-83 Basketball Backboard, Ring and Net - Outdoor Consists of backboard A16-112 and ring A16-1 for outdoor use.



21b Stored 21 21


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B A S K E T B A L L B A C K B O A R D S - O U T D O O R Y 7





Y7-33 Basketball Backboard - Single Upright, Side Swinging Maximum Cantilever - 2400mm Board and frame is hinged on two 75 x 50mm tube arms. Telescopic brace locks board in play position. Upright rotates and board stores parallel to base line.Options (ordered separately): Mini basketball height adjustment Y7-34


Y7-39 Basketball Backboard - Single Upright with Socket, Reversible Maximum Cantilever - 2400mm Board and frame is supported by two 75 x 50mm tube arms. Upright rotates in the socket to move board clear of the court area for other activities. Clearance required behind upright: 3300mm. Options (ordered separately): Netball ring A16-230. Mini basketball height adjusting brace Y7-34.

23a A16-230 Netball Ring and Net - PracticeFor fixing direct to a wall, post or Y7-31 and Y7-39 backboard uprights.


Y7-36 Basketball Backboard, Single Upright with Socket, Fixed, Maximum Cantilever - 2400mmBoard and frame is supported by two 75 x 50mm tube arms bolted to a square steel section upright.Equivalent to NSW Dept. of Public Works Specification Standard SS57 Mini basketball height adjusting brace Y7-34. Ordered Seperately.

Y7-31 Basketball Backboard - Single Upright with Socket, Fixed, Maximum Cantilever - 1800mm Similar to Y7-36. Y7-56 Mini Basketball Height adjustment brace for Y7-31.

24a Y7-34 Mini Basketball Height Adjusting BraceAdded to Y7-36, Y7-39, Y7-33, Y7-37 to adjust board from competition height to mini basketball height. Spring loaded pin locates each height and gas strut counterbalances the weight of the board.


Y7-37 Basketball Backboard - Single Upright with Socket, No CantileverBackboard and frame is fixed directly to a square steel section upright.Options (ordered separately): Mini basketball height adjustment A16-650.Netball ring A16-230.


Y7-45 Removable Ring BracketsBracket fitted to backboard allows ring to be removed. Handle Y7-46 ordered separately.

26a Y7-46 Handle - Removable Ring BracketUsed to remove basketball or netball rings from removable ring brackets Y7-45.

Stored 22 22 23


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A 1 6 W I N C H E S

General specifications Winches have large diameter drums to suit 5mm D steel cable. Brackets or fixing plates are included. Covers are provided.

Advisory Service The selection of winch will depend on the load to be lifted, the type of operation and electrical connection options.> manually operated> manual with portable driver, 240volt> electric, 415 volt 3 phase or 240 volt

single phase -

Electrical connection options 1 Customer to provide all electrical

connection, wiring, switchgear and key-operated switch.

2 Customer to provide power outlet only. Acromat to provide all electrical connection, wiring, switchgear.

3 Customer to provide power outlet only. Acromat to provide cordless remote control system.

Installation Acromat will assist you with the selection of winch to suit the application and supply details of electrical requirements to be provided by an electrician. Acromat’s trained engineers will design and provide all fittings required for installation.

SafetyWinches must be serviced regularly. Check oil level, fixings, cables and fittings. Ensure they are in good condition and safe to use. Repair or replace all damaged parts.


A16-52 Winch - Electric, Three Phase (No Switchgear or Wiring)Three phase 0.35KW, 415volt, 50 cycle motor drives 140mm D cable drum through worm reduction unit. An oil bath is provided for the gears. Limit switches control the up and down movement.Customer to provide electrical wiring, switchgear and key-operated control switch. This must be fitted by an approved electrician. Lift: 14 metres max. Safe load capacity: 350kg.

A16-559 Winch - Electric, Single Phase (No Switchgear or Wiring)Used when three phase power is not available. Similar to A16-52 but with single phase 0.75KW, 240volt motor.Customer to provide electrical wiring, switchgear and key-operated control switch. This must be fitted by an approved electrician.


A16-565 Winch Electric Switchgear and Wiring - Three Phase, for A16-52 WinchSwitchgear, wiring and key-operated control switch is pre-assembled to the winch in the factory.Customer to provide a 415volt three phase power outlet at winch location.

A16-566 Winch Electric Switchgear and Wiring - Single Phase, for A16-559 WinchSwitchgear, wiring and key-operated control switch is pre-assembled to the winch in the factory. Customer to provide a 240volt single phase power outlet at winch location.


A16-552 Winch Remote Control Switchgear - Three Phase, for A16-52 WinchCordless remote system is factory fitted to the winch. Customer to provide 415volt three phase power outlet only at winch location.

A16-556 Winch Remote Control Switchgear - Single Phase, for A16-559 WinchCordless remote system is factory fitted to the winch. Customer to provide 240volt single phase power outlet only at winch location.




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A16-11 Winch - Heavy, Worm Drive Hand OperatedThe 125mm D cable drum holds 25 metres of 5mm D galvanised steel cable. An oil bath is provided for the gears. The winch is operated both up and down with removable handle. Safe load capacity: 500kg.Drive options: - portable electric winch driver A16-13.- electric motor drive A16- 551.

A16-12 Winch - Light, Worm Drive Hand OperatedSimilar to A16-11 with drum 100mm D, cable length 8 metres.Safe load capacity: 250kg.


A16-13 Winch Driver - Portable ElectricSingle phase 240V, 720 watt 50 cycle. Up and down switch. Designed to operate winch A16-11 (max. load 250kg), and A16-12 (max. load 200kg). Adaptors FZ2-1, FZ2-2, A16-51 are provided.Economical system when several winches are used in one gymnasium.

5aA16-51 Winch Driver AdaptorSuits winch A16-11 and A16-12. For winch driver A16-13.

5bFZ2-1 Hexagon Adaptor 3/8 sq. DriveFor winch driver A16-13.

5cFZ2-2 Socket 5/8 AFFor winch driver A16-13.


A16-551 Winch Motor Drive - ElectricSingle phase 0.56KW 240volt motor, gearbox and switchgear permanently fitted to winch A16-11 (max. load 200kg), or A16-12 (max. load 150kg). Key-operated switch and limit switches control the up and down movement Customer to provide 240volt single phase power outlet only at winch location.


A16-18 Winch - Mechanical Auto BrakeRatchet type winch with over-ride brake. Winch must be wound up and down. Mounting bracket included. Winch must be checked periodically for wear and adjusted. Cable length: 7metres.Safe load capacity: 300kg.


A16-14 Winch - Ratchet Removable Handle Boat type ratchet winch with special large drum to reduce damage to cables. Drum capacity, 4m of *mm rope


A16-570 Tensioner - LinearThe handle is operated for tensioning and releasing the load. Used where minimum travel and continuous adjustment are required. Maximum travel: 300mm.Safe load capacity: 280kg.





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A 1 6 V O L L E Y B A L L


General specifications International Federation of Volleyball, Australian Volleyball Federation.

All Acromat games posts are made of steel and designed to be as light as possible but robust enough to withstand harsh treatment and comply with the international standards.


A16-61 Volleyball Posts - with Two Tensioners, for Socket 64mm I.D. (Pair)For competition, schools and clubs use. International standard. Post consist of 75mm x 50mm steel section with 65mm x 35mm telescoping inner section for height adjustment. Spring-loaded pin sets the height. Linear tensioner A16-570 tensions the top of the net. The handle must be operated for both tensioning and releasing the load. A winch and pulley A16-101 tensions the bottom of the net. Base of post is pipe to fit sockets A6-9, 11, 13 and 50. Heights at centre of net: 2430, 2350, 2240, 2150, 2100, 2050, 2000mm above floor.

1a A16-101 Volleyball Winch & Pulley Conversion KitFits A16-62 volleyball posts. Allows the bottom of the net A16-92 to be tensioned with a winch.


A16-91 Volleyball Umpire StandInternational standard. Plywood platform, 610mm x 665mm x 19mm, adjustable in height from 730mm to 1330mm is supported by a 20N.B pipe frame. Wheels are fixed to frame for easy handling.


A16-431 Volleyball Umpire Stand Safety PaddingPadding covers three sides of the umpires stand A16-91. Acrolite foam 20mm thick carpeted on the outside and attached with touchtape.


A16-94 Volleyball AntennaeAntennae clamps to the net top and bottom above the court line. Two striped fibreglass antennae 10mm D x 1820mm long. Suits any volleyball net with 1000mm drop.


A16-92 Volleyball Net - InternationalStandard 100mm square mesh 2mm D polypropylene, with fibreglass batten each end and lacing cord. Suit posts, A16-61 and A16-64. Order antennae and side band A16-94 separately.Size: 9500mm long x 1000mm drop.






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A16-93 Volleyball NetSuits posts A16-62 and A16-63.Standard 100mm square mesh, 2mm D polypropylene.Size: 9500mm long x 1000mm drop. Post spacing - 11000mm.


A16-62 Volleyball Posts - with Linear Tensioner, for Socket 64mm I.D. (Pair)Similar to A16-61 but with one tensioner A16-570 for the top of the net.

7a A16-330 Volleyball Linear Tensioner Conversion KitReplaces ratchet winch on earlier model volleyball posts A16-62. The handle is operated for tensioning and releasing the load.

A16-59 Volleyball Post - Centre - with Linear Tensioner, for SocketWhere there is limited space between courts, this double-sided centre post can have a net fitted to each side. Similar to posts A16-62.

A16-64 Volleyball Posts - International, for Socket 78mm I.D.For international competition.Similar to A16-61, stronger, heavier steel sections.Suits sockets A6-20 and 69 and 71.


A16-63 Volleyball Posts with Linear Tensioner, for Floor Anchors (Pair)Used where floor sockets cannot be installed. Similar to A16-62 but with a ‘T’ shaped base and floor anchors selected to suit the type of floor. Wheels fitted to base for easy handling. When ordering, please advise type of floor.


A16-65 Volleyball Post - Centre with Linear Tensioner, for Floor AnchorsUsed where floor sockets cannot be installed. Where there is limited space between courts, this double-sided centre post can have a net fitted to each side. Used with posts A16-63. Minimum space between courts 1400mm.


A16-100 Volleyball Net with RopeFor recreational and primary school use with games posts A16-57, 58 and A16-300. Size: 9500mm long x 1000mm drop.


A16-432 Volleyball Post Safety Padding - Moulded (Qty 1)Pads 2200mm high, high density moulded foam 15mm thick. Pads are held in place by touch tape straps.


A16-67 Volleyball Post Safety Padding (Qty 1)Pads 2200mm high, high density Acrolite foam 15mm thick completely covered with tough UV stabilised vinyl. Pads are held in place by continuous touch tape that closes over the tensioned volleyball net.








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A 1 6 M U L T I - S P O R T G A M E S P O S T S



General specifications All Acromat games posts are made of steel and designed to be as light as possible but robust enough to withstand harsh treatment and comply with the international standards.


A16-57 Games Posts, for SocketsFor primary school or recreation use. Two posts 50 N.B. pipe with hooks to attach net. Fits sockets A6-9, 11, 13, 30 and 50.Net heights: Volleyball, badminton, tennis and mini tennis.


A16-58 Games Posts - Double Sided, for SocketsUsed between courts. As detailed in A16-57 but hooks on both sides.


A16-311 Volleyball Net Tensioner with Clamping System for Beach VolleyballHot dip galvanised fittings with pulley and linear tensioner A16-570. Clamping system allows net height adjustment for different competitions and changes in beach sand level. Order net A16-93 separately. Posts to be provided by the builder/customer.

A16-312 Post to suit A16-311 - 100mm x 100mm Galvonised (Pair)


A16-310 Volleyball Post, Net and Pegs - OutdoorFor recreation or beach volleyball. Tubular steel posts with spike base and hooks at the various volleyball heights. Net A16-100 and pegs included.


A16-300 Games Post - Freestanding, Adjustable HeightFor primary schools or recreation, outdoor and indoor use. Adjustable netball post fixed to a ‘T’ shaped weighted base with 150 D wheels with rubber feet X6-13 to protect the floor. Two spring hooks allows attachment of a net and a sliding brace gives additional stability.Ring height: 3050mm and 2440mm.Net heights: variable, for volleyball, badminton and tennis.Stored size: 730mm x 780mm x 2135mm.


A16-301 Games Post - Freestanding, with Junior Backboard and CounterweightFor junior primary school use. Consists of A16-300 games post with removable fan shaped junior basketball backboard A16-661 and counterweight A16-302.Warning: Always use counterweight base for additional stability.

18a A16-302 Counterweight for Games Post A16-300Additional weight fits neatly over base. Must be ordered if adding junior backboard to A16-300.

18b A16-661 Basketball Backboard - Junior, Fan ShapeFor junior primary school use. Steel frame supports a fan-shaped board 750mm x 450mm. Fits to any existing ACROMAT netball post. Counterweight A16-302 must be used if adding this backboard to A16-300.







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N E T B A L L A 1 6

General specifications International Federation of Netball Associations, All Australian Netball Association.

All Acromat games posts are made of steel and designed to be as light as possible but robust enough to withstand harsh treatment and comply with the international standards.


A16-75 Netball Post and Net - for Socket (Qty 1)Competition standard. Steel tube 64.5mm (21/2") D upright with ring and net.Suits socket A6-9, 11, 13 and 50. Locating pin prevents rotation.Ring: 380mm I.D. x 16mm D high tensile solid steel with 12 rams horn hooks to attach net. Ring height: 3050mm above floor.

A16-232 Netball Post and Net - Galvanised, for Socket (Qty 1)Competition standard. Steel pipe 60mm D upright with ring and net. Locating pin prevents rotation. Suits socket A6-30. Hot dip galvanised finish for outdoor use. Ring is as detailed for A16-75.


A16-21 Netball Post - Adjustable Height, for Sockets (Qty 1)Adjusts for junior competition. Similar to A16-75 but upper section of post telescopes. Ring is as detailed for A16-75. Ring height: 3050mm and 2440mm above floor.


A16-10 Netball Post, Net and Floor Plate (Qty 1)Used where sockets cannot be installed. Steel pipe supported by a T-shaped R.H.S. steel base with rubber feet X6-13 and transport wheels. Holding down knob X6-39 and threaded floor plate A6-6 are included. Ring is as detailed for A16-75.Ring height: 3050mm above floor.


A16-74 Netball Posts - Adjustable Height and Floor Plates (Qty 1)Used where sockets cannot be installed. Similar to A16-10 but adjustable height.Ring height: 3050mm and 2440mm above floor.


A16-230 Netball Ring and Net - Practice (Qty 1)Fixed direct to a wall or post and to the back of outdoor basketball backboards for Y7-31 and Y7-39. Ring, as detailed for A16-75, is welded to an L-shaped bracket with two holes for fixing.


A16-25 Net - Replacement Suits all netball rings.


A16-30 Net - Chain - Replacement Used on outdoor netball rings.


A16-438 Netball Post Padding, Moulded 3000mm High (Qty 1)Pads consist of high density 15mm moulded foam. Maximum post diameter: 60mm.


A16-439 Netball Post Padding, Moulded 2400mm High (Qty 1)Similar to A16-438 but for adjustable netball posts.










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General specifications The International Badminton Federation Statute Book.

All Acromat games posts are made of steel and designed to be as light as possible but robust enough to withstand harsh treatment and comply with the international standards.


A16-16 Badminton Posts - Freestanding (Pair)For international competition. Net cord passes over grooved top cap on post and is fitted into a jamming cleat to give exact adjustment. Post 38 x38mm tube is fixed to a 30kg base. Rubber feet X6-13 protect the floor. Wheels, 50mm D are fixed to base for ease of handling.Net height: 1525mm in centre. Post height: 1550mm


A16-117 Badminton/Mini Volleyball Posts with Floor Plates (Pair)Tube upright 32 x 32mm sq. is fixed to T-shaped base 50mm x 6mm F.M.S. with 12 mm D braces. The height adjustable extension 38 x 38mm sq. tube is fixed by T-screw. Grooved top cap and hook for net cord. Rivet head below base locates into a keyhole floor plate A6-15 supplied. Rubber feet X6-13 protect floor.Height adjustment: badminton 1550mm mini volleyball 2200mm maximum.

29aX6-13 Foot - Rubber - 50 x 6mm - ReplacementSuits badminton post bases.

29bA16-400 Badminton Post Safety Padding - Base and Upright (Qty 1)

A16-401 Badminton Centre Post Padding –Base and Upright for A16-119 (Qty 1)


A16-119 Badminton/Mini Volleyball Centre Post with Floor Plate (Qty 1)Used where there is less room between courts. Similar to A16-117 but with cross base and centre rivet head. Nets can be fitted to each side of the post.


A16-27 Badminton/Mini Volleyball Posts, for Sockets (Pair)Alternative to A16-117. Same upright but welded to pipe base to fit sockets A6-9, 11, 13, and 50.


A16-28 Badminton/Mini Volleyball Centre Post, for Socket (Qty 1)Similar to A16-27. Nets can be fitted to each side of the post.


A16-24 Badminton NetInternational standard. Nylon mesh 20mm sq. with white polyethylene headband and 3mm D top cord.Size: 6100mm long, x 760mm drop.

A 1 6 B A D M I N T O N






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T E N N I S A 1 6

General specifications Lawn Tennis Association of Australia Rule Book.

All Acromat games posts are made of steel and designed to be as light as possible but robust enough to withstand harsh treatment and comply with the international standards.


A16-238 Tennis Posts with Linear Tensioner, for Sockets (Set)Pipe 50 N.B. with tensioner A16-570 one side and hook other side. Fits sockets A6-9, 11, 13, 30 and 50. Hot dip galvanised finish is optional.


A16-239 Tennis Posts - Freestanding, Mobile (Set)Where sockets or floorplates cannot be installed this system with castors is wheeled into place. Posts and base 75 x 50mm sq. steel sections slot together for easy dismantling for storage. Tensioner A16-570. Ordered Net A16-87 separately.


A16-89 Tennis Posts, Linear Tensioner and Floor Plates (Set)Used where sockets cannot be installed. T-shaped base locates in keyhole floor plate A6-15. Tensioner A16-570. Rubber feet X6-13 protect floor.


A16-87 Tennis NetMesh 50mm square 2mm polypropylene, 50mm white net binding at top.Size: 11665mm long x 820mm drop.


A16-237 Tennis Umpire StandHot dip galvanised frame but with seat. Writing tablet ordered separately.

A16-240 Tennis Umpire Stand Writing TabletFits onto umpire stand A16-237.






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A 1 6 H O C K E Y , S O C C E R & L A C R O S S E G O A L S , C O U R T L I N I N G T A P E




General specifications Hockey: International and Women’s International Hockey Rules Board.

Soccer: Australian Indoor Soccer Federation Inc.

All Acromat games posts are made of steel and designed to be as light as possible but robust enough to withstand harsh treatment and comply with the international standards.


A16-106 Soccer/Hockey Goal - Indoor - Folding, 3100 x 2050mm HighFrame 50mm sq. light steel tube with hinged end frames for storage. Removable rods hold the 50mm sq. sports mesh to the frame. Rubber buffers FCI-431 protect the floor. Holding down plates A16-225 and pads ordered separately.

A16-105 Lacrosse Goal - Indoor - Folding, 1320 x 1270mm HighSimilar to A16-106.

A16-104 Soccer Goal - Indoor - Folding, 5000 x 1250mm HighSimilar to A16-106.

39aA16-225 Indoor Goal Holding Down Plates Filled to Bottom RailUsed if the goals must be fixed to the floor. Suits all indoor goals. Holding down knob X6-39 retained by a chain, screws into a threaded floorplate A6-6.

39bA16-216 Soccer/Hockey Goal Net - Indoor 3000 x 2000mm - ReplacementNylon sports mesh 50mm sq. with 6mm polyethylene rope in the bottom edge.

39cA16-443 Soccer/Hockey Goal Safety PaddingTwo pads for the 50mm sq. vertical front frames. Carpeted covered Acrolite foam 20mm thick is held in place with touch tape.


A16-217 Hockey Barrier, 95mm HighSteel tube with timber front face angled to deflect balls downwards. Locating pins fit into floor plates A6-7 and interlocking pins link the 4000mm long barrier sections together.


A16-218 Soccer/Hockey Barriers - Removable, 2400 x 1200mm HighPlywood panel is supported by tubular steel frame with folding leg. Holding down fittings and floor plates to suit the type of floor are ordered separately. Option: Clear perspex top half of barrier to improve spectator viewing.


Court Lining TapeUsed for temporary courts or where it is not practical to use painted lines. Self adhesive PVC tape suitable for smooth floors. Rolls length: 33metres.

Width 48mm 36mm 24mm

Colour Code Code Code

Red A16-120 A16-127 A16-135

Green A16-121 A16-128 A16-136

Black A16-122 A16-129 A16-134

Yellow A16-123 A16-130 -

White A16-124 A16-131 -

Blue A16-125 A16-132 -

Court Lines - PaintedWhere painted lines are required, Acromat can provide layouts, make recommendations or arrange for the work to be done.







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S T O R A G E B R A C K E T S & T R O L L E Y S A 1 6

General SpecificationsStorage brackets - Maximise the use of available storage area, help to minimise damage to the equipment and makes handling of games posts easier. Steel brackets are fixed to the wall and floor.

InstallationAcromat’s trained engineers will design and provide all fixings required for installation.

Storage trolleys - Most useful in larger stadiums where it is not practical to carry equipment to and from the storage area or if storage racks cannot be installed. Trolleys have a steel frame and timber base fitted with non-marking wheels.


A16-149 Storage Trolley - Games PostsUseful for transporting games posts. Timber base provides additional storage area for nets etc. Castor wheels 95mm D.Maximum load: 250kgs. Size: 1600 long x 600 wide x 980mm high.


A16-148 Storage Box with WheelsUseful for storing nets, balls or other equipment. Box is constructed of plywood 19mm thick and fitted with non-marking castor wheels 95mm D.Size: 1500 long x 600 wide x 600mm deep.


A16-219 Storage Trolley - Hockey BarriersDesigned for the storage of 4000mm long hockey barriers. Steel angle frame with plywood base bolted to pipe side frames. Fixed centre wheels 150mm D and end castors 95mmD.Size: 2135 long x 680 wide x 750mm high side frames.


A16-140 Storage Bracket - Vertical, Four Post Designed for netball, volleyball or tennis posts, as well as uneven bars and rails. Wall bracket with a hook and chain for each post, holds the post vertically against the wall. Floor bracket retains the bottom of the post and prevents floor damage.

A16-139 Storage Bracket - Vertical, Three PostSimilar to A16-140.

A16-138 Storage Brackets - Vertical, Two PostSimilar to A16-140.


A16-143 Storage Bracket - Badminton, Four PostConsists of 50 x 6mm FMS fixed to the wall with 12mm rod pegs spaced to suit badminton posts.

A16-142 Storage Bracket - Badminton, Two PostSimilar to A16-143.


A16-137 Storage Bracket - HorizontalUsed when storeroom ceiling height is too low to store posts vertically. Consists of a pair of brackets to store posts or other equipment horizontally.


A16-141 Storage Bracket - RacquetSimilar to A16-143 but with 6 pairs of pegs spaced to suit approximately 26 tennis or badminton racquets.


A16-146 Storage Strap - for Super Soft MatsWebbing strap 50mm wide holds mats vertically against the wall as safety padding or for storage.





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A 1 7 / 1 8 / 1 9 R H Y T H M I C G Y M N A S T I C S & G Y M F U N E Q U I P M E N T

SafetyCheck all fittings and upholstery regularly to make sure they are in good condition and safe to use.


A17-29 Parachute - 6000mm DLightweight parachute, two colours, 16 webbing handles for good grip with children’s hands. Storage bag supplied.

A17-30 Parachute - 4000mm DSimilar design to A17-29. Two colours, 16 handles.


A18-96 Physio Ball - 1000mm DFor school and gym club use, stretching or fun activities.


A18-95 Pool Ball - 500mm DFor small children and gym fun activities. Light inflatable ball.


A18-71 Gym Fun BallFor small children and gym fun activities. Inflatable plastic balls 150mm D.Colours: red, blue, green and yellow.


A18-75 Gym Fun HoopFor primary school and kindergym use. Solid unbreakable polypropylene plastic.Size: 750mm D x 12mm D cross section. Colours: red, blue, green and yellow.


A18-73 High HopperHelps children have fun while developing balance and movement skills.







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R H Y T H M I C G Y M N A S T I C S & G Y M F U N E Q U I P M E N T A 1 7 / 1 8 / 1 9

7a 7b 7c 7d 7e 7f

7g 7h 7i 7j 7k 7l

8a 8b 8c 8d 8e

10a 10b 10c 10d 10e 10f

8f 8g 8h 8i


Gym Ball - Olympic/F.I.G. - RubberInternational standard, 190mm D inflatable.

Gym Ball - Olympic/F.I.G. - PlasticInternational standard 190mm D inflatable.

Colour Plastic

7a White A18-33

7b Light Blue -

7c Aqua A18-35

7d Green A18-34

7e Yellow A18-32

7f Red A18-30

7g Blue A18-31

7h Purple A18-50

7i Mauve -

7j Fluro Pink A18-36

7k Pink A18-49

7l Black A18-46


Gym Ribbon on Wooden Stick - 6000mm LongAnti-static ribbon 50mm wide fitted to a wooden stick 10mm D x 530mm long with screw eye and swivel hook. Extra length allowed for shrinkage.

Gym Fun Ribbon on Wooded Stick - 3000mm LongShorter ribbon for small children.

Colour 6000mm 3000mm

8a Red A18-19 A18-219

8b Gold A18-21 A18-221

8c Green A18-25 A18-225

8d Light Blue A18-26 A18-226

8e Dark Blue A18-27 A18-227

8f Purple A18-28 A18-228

8g Mauve A18-16 A18-222

8h Pink A18-20 A18-220

8i White A18-23 A18-223


A18-80 Ribbon RollerUsed for storing ribbons. Length: 440mm. Weight: not less than 150g.


Gym Club - Olympic/F.I.G. - PlasticLength 440mm. Weight not less than 150g.

10aA18-39 Gym Club - Plastic, Black

10bA18-43 Gym Club - Plastic, White

10cA18-42 Gym Club - Plastic, Yellow

10dA18-40 Gym Club - Plastic, Red

10eA18-44 Gym Club - Plastic, Green

10fA18-41 Gym Club - Plastic, Blue


A18-17 Gym Rope - Olympic/F.I.G., 3000mm LongPlaited polyester rope, 8mm D with knot each end.






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A 2 0 F O A M S H A P E S

General SpecificationsDesigned for educational gymnastic programmes especially with small children.

All foam shapes are covered with tough fire retarded vinyl cover for indoor or outdoor use. Colours vary between panels to give visual interest to young children. All seams are double stitched. Heavy-duty plastic zips allow easy replacement of damaged foam or cover. The foam is 23-32kg/m3 premium grade polyurethane to give shape and stability to the shapes. Other shapes made on request.


A20-1 Cylinder, 900 x 600mm D

A20-2 Cylinder, 900 x 500mm D

A20-3 Cylinder, 900 x 400mm D

A20-4 Cylinder, 900 x 250mm D


A20-7 Steps, 750 x 900 x 600mm 3 steps x 250mm wide

A20-8 Steps, 1200 x 900 x 500mm 3 steps x 400mm wide


A20-12 Hexagon, 900mm Across the Flats x 500mm

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F O A M S H A P E S A 2 0


A20-14 Sphere, 760mm D

A20-15 Sphere, 600mm D

A20-16 Sphere, 450mm D


A20-18 Wedge, 1800 x 900 x 12 to 400mm


A20-20 Wedge, 1200 x 900 x 12 to 700mm


A20-19 Wedge, 700 x 900 x 12 to 400mm


A20-17 Wedge, 750 x 900 x 12 to 250mm


A20-61 Wedge - Folding, 1800 x 1200 x 600mmHigh density foam covered with tough fire retarded vinyl. Wide enough for children to roll down sideways. Designed for kindergym, school and gymnastic programmes. Wedge folds to form a padding box - 1200mm x 900mm x 600mm. Touch tape holds it closed.




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A 2 2 L A N D I N G P I T S A N D E Q U I P M E N T

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General SpecificationsTraining pits are used extensively in training gyms. They provide a softer landing area that assists in the development of new skills and high repetition training. Most pits are below floor level but in some situations above floor level or moveable pits can be provided.

Warning Pit foam and padding must be in good condition to provide the maximum level of safety.

Guidelines USA GYMNASTICS Safety Handbook for Gymnastics and other Sport Activities

Acromat uses the recommended guidelines for pit sizes and safety requirements set out in the handbook.

Design and Construction Requirements Acromat provides layouts to determine the most efficient use of the gymnasium and ensure there is sufficient landing area for each apparatus. Details will be provided to assist in construction of the pit.

Pit Equipment Acromat will recommend the appropriate apparatus, trampolines, pit edge safety padding, access systems, pit covers and foam fillings.

Installation Acromat’s trained engineers will design and supply all fittings required for the installation of the pit equipment.

Safety In the event of fire in the pits containing polyurethane and other foams - toxic smoke and fumes emitted can cause serious risk to life. Extreme care should be taken to prevent the possibility of fire. Fire retardant can be added to the foam. If this is required please specify it when requesting pit information or quotations.


A22-50 Pit Trampoline with Woven Net and PaddingTrampoline with no frame or springs on landing pit end. Frame is fixed to floor. Carpeted padding on three sides covers springs and frame and provides access. Woven net A22-54, 4270 x2135mm. Springs A12-25, Qty 120.Pit size: Width - 3000mm minimum.Depth under trampoline - 1200mm minimum. Length - 5400mm.Landing area length - 5000mm minimum.Landing area depth - 1800mm minimum.


A22-250 Pit Foam CubesUsed in landing pits to provide a soft landing area.Warning - Care must be taken to ensure the pit is kept full of foam and it is not packed down hard.


A22-23 Equipment Stand with Access PlatformSupport uprights fitted into each side of the pit suits all horizontal and single bars. One side is fitted with a padded access platform 500 x 500mm that can be locked into position.


A22-29 Pit Edge Safety Padding - Carpeted, FixedProvides protection on the top edge of the pit. Foam core, density 29-32kg/m3 with Acrolite top layer is carpeted and fabricated to suit the shape of the pit. Padding is fixed to the floor with a steel strip fitted in a pocket sewn into the carpet and to a timber member on the pit wall. Size: 290mm wide x 120mm above the floor level.





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L A N D I N G P I T S A N D E Q U I P M E N T A 2 2


A22-38 Pit Edge Safety Padding - Carpeted, for Spring Floors and Landing MatsUsed to pad the edge of a spring floor, landing mats or sunken landing mat. Carpet covered Acrolite foam is fixed to the carpeted floor with touch tape. A pocket sewn into the carpet holds a steel strip fixed to the pit wall.


A22-24 Access Platform - Cantilever 1800mm Allows access to rings or other equipment over a pit. Brackets fixed to floor or wall supports a hinged arm with a padded platform 500 x 500mm.


A22-240 Pit Base - Suspended Air Flow SystemPit base fitted 1200mm below floor level, allows airflow, reduces the volume of foam cubes required and helps prevent foam from packing down. Steel framework fixed to pit wall supports springs A12-25 attached to vinyl coated mesh fabric. Foam layer on the floor of the pit provides additional safety.Pit size: Depth - 1800mm minimum.Width - 3000mm minimum.


A22-85 Pit Covers - Hinged Lift UpUsed where the landing pit needs to be covered to allow other activities.Steel framework panels with 19mm plywood flooring span across the pit are hinged on one side. Anchor point on the other side is provided for the electric hoist A22-87 (ordered separately). This allows the panel to lift up and store vertically. One person operation. Pit edge safety padding is required (ordered separately).


A22-87 Pit Cover Electric Hoist - 3 Phase, 1 TonChain hoist for lifting pit covers. Fittings, guide pulleys and limit switches are included. Beams to support the hoists may need to be installed by the builder.


A22-81 Pit Covers - Removable, Manual Lift OutUsed where the landing pit needs to be covered to allow other activities.Steel framework 600mm wide with 19mm plywood flooring panel span across the pit. Fitted with keyhole plate lifting points. Handles are provided. Two to four people are required to move panels to a storage area. If a travelling electric hoist is used, larger panels can be provided. Removable pit edge safety padding is required (ordered separately).


A22-45 Pit Edge Safety Padding - Carpeted, RemovableRemovable padding suits pit covers A22-81 or A22-85. Similar to A22-29 but held in place by studs welded to the steel strip and held to the floor with keyhole floor plates A6-15.

Gymnastics safetyACROMAT Pty Ltd would like to point out that gymnastic activities involve the possibility of accidental injury. We stress that our equipment should never be used by anyone who is not properly trained and supervised. The best gymnasts in the world are extremely safety conscious; they know how dangerous it is to use equipment without proper supervision. Be sensible... recognise not only your limitations (as a gymnast or supervisor), but also the limitation of the equipment. Always check apparatus to make sure it is safe before using it.


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A 2 3 C O L U M N P A D D I N G

General SpecificationsPadding consists of 30mm Acrolite closed cell foam covered with blue needle punched polyolefin fibre carpet fabricated to suit the shape required. Standard height - 2000mm. Fixings vary to suit the application and structure of the building. Padding other than standard sizes can easily be made. Contact Acromat for more details.

Vinyl covered padding is available if required.

Design and Installation Acromat’s trained engineers will design and supply all fittings required for the installation of the padding. Padding can be designed and manufactured to improve safety in almost any situation.

Warning To reduce the risk of injury, padding must be provided where columns or other obstructions protrude into the building and where runoff areas around games courts or activities are insufficient.


A23-1 Column Padding - Flange OnlyPadding is fabricated to suit the shape and size of universal columns.Can be installed by customer, no tools required.Standard size: up to 300mm wide flange.


A23-2 Column Padding - Flange with Wall BehindUsed where a column flange protrudes up to 30mm in front of the wall. Padding is fixed to the wall.Standard size: up to 300mm wide flange.


A23-3 Column Padding - Flange and Wall One side of padding is fabricated to suit the flange and the other side is fixed to the wall.Standard size: up to 300mm wide flange.


A23-11 Duct and Pipe PaddingPadding fixed to the wall curves around in front of the obstructions.Standard size: up to 400mm wide x 400mm deep.


A23-10 Column Padding - Circular, Touchtape fixings allow installation by customer, no tools required.Standard size: up to 400mm D


A23-20 Column Padding - RectangularTouchtape fixings allow installation by customer, no tools required.Standard size: up to 200 x 200mm.

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W A L L P A D D I N G , C A B L E P A D D I N G A 2 3


A23-40 Column Padding - ‘U’ Shape‘U’ shape padding fixed to the wall.Standard size: up to 100 x 200 x 100mm.


A23-30 Corner Padding‘L’ shape padding fixed to the wall.Standard size: up to 100 x 100mm.


A23-31 Wall and Corner Padding‘L’ shape padding fixed to the wall.Standard size: up to 100 x 1000mm.


A23-50 Wall Padding - Removable, 3000 x 2000 x 30mm Carpeted padding fixed to the wall with touch tape edging A23-51. When not required as wall padding it can be removed and used as exercise or tumbling mats.

10aA23-51 Touch Tape Edging - CarpetedUsed to fix carpeted padding to the wall or provide a neat finish and permanently fixes carpeted landing mats, tumbling runs or floor areas to the floor. Touch tape hook 50mm wide sewn to one edge attaches onto carpet. Pocket sewn in the other edge holds a steel strip for fixing to the wall or floor.


A23-60 Wall Padding - Fixed, 3000 x 1700 x 30mmCarpeted padding. Pockets sewn in the carpet on all sides holds steel strips for fixing to the wall.

A23-61 Wall Padding - Fixed 6000 x 2000 x 30Carpeted padding fixed to wall through steel strips on back of padding.


A23-63 Wall Padding - Vinyl, 3000 x 2000 x 100mmUsed when vinyl covered wall padding is required or where it is removed and handled regularly. Touch tape straps A23-64 fixed to wall holds the vinyl covered mat A8-173 in place.


A23-115 Cable Padding - Carpeted, 2000mm LongCarpet wraps around the cable and is held in place by 25mm wide touch tape.


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Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (74)

General specificationsThis catalogue has been prepared to give details of standard Acromat equipment. The range includes simple, sturdy, yet inexpensive equipment as well as world class equipment designed to meet the latest international specifications (that is Olympic Standard).


F.I.G. Federation of International Gymnastics - measurements, dimensions and forms.

S.A.A. Australian Standards Z12-1962

Basketball and mini ball: Australian and International Basketball Federation Rules (FIBA). British and European Standard BSEN1270:1998

Netball: International Federation of Netball Associations, All Australian Netball Association.

Volleyball: International Federation of Volleyball, Australia Volleyball Federation Sports Organising Commission & F.I.B.V.

Badminton: The International Badminton Federation Statute Book.

Tennis: International Tennis Federation Rules.

Hockey: International and Women’s International Hockey Rules Board.

FinishAll exterior surfaces which are not zinc or chroma plated will be painted with Acromat blue lacquer A1/305 over self etching primer, or powder coated in special colours. All removable bolts and nuts are zinc or chrome plated depending on location and item or equipment.

Company safety policyAcromat believes that coaches and athletes should be aware of the potential danger of activities such as gymnastics and the possibility of accidental injury. We recommend that equipment should never be used without proper supervision by a qualified coach. The apparatus should be checked by the coach and the athletes prior to use. All precautions should be taken to minimise risk by working within your known experience and limitations.

ImprovementsAcromat has a policy of continually improving its products. As alterations occur to National and International Specifications, or improvements in product design are engineered, the improved product will be substituted.

SafetyAcromat equipment has been constructed so that it will withstand harsh treatment. Knobs and other protrusions have been eliminated wherever possible to minimise the risk of injury.

AlterationsAcromat does not recommend the modification of equipment in any way. To do so would negate our responsibility towards guarantee and product liability.

Product InformationWhilst every care has been taken to provide accurate information and product specifications, Acromat accepts no responsibility for errors in this catalogue.Acromat reserves the right to change information and specifications without prior notice.

Copyright 2001©

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Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (76)

Acromat: Gymnastics and Sporting Equipment Catalogue - [PDF Document] (2025)


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