IOB DAILY PRESS, Newport News, May 15, 1966 EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT FINANCIAL FINANCIAL ARTICLES ANIMALS EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT Business Opportunities 38 Jobs of Interest to Men 33 Money To Loan 40 Articles For Sale 51 Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 47 Jobs of Interest to Men 33 Jobs of Interest to Men 33 Jobs of Interest to Men 33 BOOKKEEPING and tax service for GERMAN SHEPHERD Female ENGLISH BICYCLE, S24. Also single bed mattress, $20. 722-882. 41 ELECTRONIC LAB TECHNICIAN Jobs of Interest to Women 32 saie. Kepiy p.o, box 3062, New-! lEGGETT'S of Downtown N.N.
Jobs of Interest to Women 32 SERVICE TRAINEE $4800 up. Show AKC reg. 5 months old. Cream Local opening. Must have test port News, va.
Diack, Wi to good home. 723-2M9 Has immediate opening for Buyer Department Manager. In drapery a mechanical aptitude and train to build excellent future with large equipment and instrument background. $140 to $150. BAILEY EM After 5 p.m.
47 LINCOLN NATIONAL COFFEE MACHINE service route. STENOGRAPHER $3120. Use your '65 CHEVY VAN, tx. cond. Lg.
eng. Heat defrost, aux. teats, aide rear drs. wglast, new snow tires, extra tires, will arrange to finance. 596-5628.
51 organization. Some college or high BE A SUCCESS If you are hopest, dependable and willing to work you should apply for this lob. Must be married and have car. PA 3-7225, 10a.rn.-4 p.m. (White) 33 iw units.
245-7822. Evenings. 38 PLOYMENT, 21-34th St. 244351. nousenoid furnisning depertment, 5 day week.
Liberal fringe benefits. BIRD DOG Puppies, bred for excep school graduate. 18 to 24. Now 2016 tional nose and nunt ng aoimies. RESTAURANT-GIFT SHOP, Intersec ppiy to personnel Office, 4th Floor AVON CALLING For AMBITIOUS Women No experience necessary.
Call 244-8604 S38-0143. Or see at 2959 North Arm Mon-Frl. 10 a.m.-Noon. Or 2:30 tion ot 2 busy seats 100, modern fixtures, equipment, 2 istead Ave. HPf.
47 Kecoughtan Rd. WILSON PERSONNEL p.m. teggetrs, 3001 Washington Ave. N.N. 33 typing ana snortnand ability to start with excellent salary with periodical raises.
NOW 2014 Kec-oughtan Rd. WILSON PERSONNEL Mortgage Investment Co, 5838 Jefferson Ave. Have the advantage of a con MISCELLANEOUS household articles, Lewt vacuum cleaner, breakfast set, dish cabinet. Reasonable other articles. 245-0962.
51 acres, living quarters. $125,000. L. G. Atkins, Realtor, Farmvllle, Va.
Horses, Livestock 48 Engineers IBM 392-4695 or 392-4607. 38 33 Complete line of Mlley Horsetrallers YOUR IDLE cash needed for 1st PARTS for 1957 Ford. AT, Household Items. 247-3180: etc. 51 solidated loan explained to you at NO Cost by calling International Corp.
has Im CA5TEKN TRAILER SALES at MARINE ENGINEERS DECK OFFICERS AND RADIO OPERATORS mortgage. New home 6 per cent plus bonus. 877-1064 eves. 38 mediate opening for a part time SIMMONS hlde-a-wav sofa, $99. AND 11203 Jefferson Ave.
LY 5-0331 UNIT MANAGER Key punch operetor witn a mini- Excellent condition, pa 3-662, si NATIONALLY famous CHICKEN DE SUMMER EMPLOYMENT EVENINGS Need 5 men to work for small appliance outlet of Corllng Corporation. mum of 1 yrs. experience. Eventual LARGE HOME STUDY SCHOOL Needs permanent Representative In this area to close furnished qualified leads. Must be man of high Integrity, reliable, good work habits, capable of efficiently supervising protected terlrtory.
Liberal commission and bonus. Right man can earn Write Box 99-Q CO Daily Press, Inc. Mr. Brooks 244-7997 We need 2 ladies for managerial 1 TAPPAN DELUX 4 burner gal CHESTNUT GELDING 1212 BIG BETHEL RD. fu time employment.
LIGHT Store. Owner must sell due to other business committments. position. (Team Captain) We train. PA 3-7225, 10 a.m.- p.m.
(White) Immediate seagoing lobs available. For Interview appointment call 138-3468 or 838-3144 between I a.m. to stove, $70, 1 trailer S35, 1 trailer (150. A antique bed WOO. 594-2176.
51 win sacrifice tor quick sele. Call including ships to Southeast Asia $2.00 per hour, minimum 20 hoursj 32 826-0513. 38 Designers 5 p.m. Mon. tnru Frl.
An Equal Opportunity Employer) RECEIVE $800 WHITE WOMAN to do light house- ARTICLES GARAGE Service station and used. GAS RANGE, refrigerator, freezer. 32 "100 bonus." U.S. Coast Guard license as third Assistant Engineer or third Mate or higher required. For radio operators FCC first class car otrice, 2B00 sq.
ft. Lot size 100 odd! ends. 824-1 4th St. 245-0586. 51 Keeping at DaDvsming from P.m.
for 1 2-yr. old girl 7-yr. old boy aft. sch. 877-406? aft.
6 p.m. per week. Apply Employment Office CM Bank Bldg. 700 Newmarket Square Suite 214 33 TO $8,000 Articles For Sale 51 LOCAL INTERVIEWS DRESS, Sz. 15-15.
Some new, others ft. station inspection facility, with $10,000 and equipment, all for $33,000. Easy financing available. SECURITY REALTY, INC. 244-7333 32 EXPERIENCED FURNITURE SALESMAN WANT If you have made at least or second class radio telegraph license required.
Veterans with equivalent deck or engine room experience may also apply. Write WHITE WAITRESS Over 21 for ADDING MACHINES, CALCULA- MAIDS WK. "Top lobs, best homes In N. Y. City, New Jersey.
Fare sent, rush refer- ences. Miss Dixie Employment Agency, 300 W. 40 N.Y.C. Dept. 58.
32 same as new (gained weight), make offer. 596-4569 aft. 12 noon. 51 iuks tasn register, typewriters, Monday, 7 P.M. Sharp GARAGE and parts business.
8000 a a.m. p.m. snift. Good pay S. good working conditions.
Must ED FOR NEWPORT NEWS 2 payments on your home, regardless of equity, you are 33 sq. rt. building, prime location 200 Rentals from 1 day on electric or manuals. IBM, Sales, Service, Rlb- tv ai" oe willing to work regular. 5 Day ZENITH.
Good cond. 525. 595-3722. 51 ft. commercial front.
Financing can week Mon. Frl. Call 595-3530. 32 eiigioie. oons supplies.
Burton Typewriter, oe arranged, security realty, The Rust Engineering Company 9964 Jeff. Ave. LY WM00, 595-1801. SEAMEN 5TERO 1964 model AM and FM INC. 244-7333.
38 WANTED SV DAYS White lady AGED white lady to live In It care for elderly couple. Light housekeeping. Denbigh area. Call 877-2091. 32 ANTIQUE Picture frames, wash- OLDEST LARGEST FURNITURE STORE.
APPLY MR. JETT, PHILLIP LEVY CO. 2707 WASHINGTON AVE. 33 LONG Established restaurant beer ror ngni nousework babysitting. 244-5245 Aft.
p.m. 32 PAY OFF ALL stanas, carnival glass, pressed Immediate seagoing lobs, steady em business. Excellent Newport News MILITARY SEA TRANSPORTATION SERVICE Brooklyn, N.Y. 11250 Or Phone Area Code (212) GE 9-5400 Extension 5122 or 5124 redio with multiplex and 4 speed record player. 6 speakers.
Original price $299.95, Balance owing $147. Pay $10 and take payments. New guarantee. location. Growth potential.
Owner ployment, Including ships to Southeast Asia "100 bonus." Must have giass. pie sate. Round oak table. Etc. Crockett Rd.
Seaford, Va. 89e-539. ji tired. Terms. ZELL REALTY CO MORTGAGE PROCESSOR-Busy ofc.
needs highly skilled lady. Start Jobs of Interest to Men 33 594-5038. LY 6-1417. 38 HAS CAREER POSITIONS SCHERTLE TV AND APPLIANCES 29th and Huntington Ave. CH 7-6601 AUTOMATIC WASHER-Waytag De-; to $350.
TRAINEE. $6500 luxe, original price $299.95. Bal owing SIM. Pay $10 and take up payments. Guaranteed.
AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY Four 350 apartment unit proiect up srarr. irem to handle appliance turntable). Part TV, bov't bike, strobe light, slot-car racing tbi. Tent acc. 826-1414.
51 EMPLOYER oept. tor national co. BAILEY Em SCHERTLE TV AND APPLIANCES SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE, NATIONAL COMPANY will employ 4 women in career field. Bar Maids, waitresses, car hops, host- esses preferred. $440 a month to start.
Phone 247-1573 daytime 10-12 noon 4-6 p.m. 32 33 ployment, 216-34th St. 247-6351 YOUR BILLS Yes, Homeowners, You Can Receive $700 to $10,000 inn ana Huntington vt. CH 7-W08 validated Coast Guard document for A. B.
oiler FWT or higher. Veterans with equivalent deck or engine room experience may also apply. Write: Military Sea Transportation Service Brooklyn, N.Y. 11250 An Equal Opportunity Employer 33 7 WEEKS PAID TRAINING FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO QUALIFIED PERSON. MANAGER TRAINEE $4800.
Become BOOKS Used book sale. Priced from STEREO Ampex tape recorder. Portable or with system. Exc. buy.
$175. 826-5200 alter 7 p.m. 51 branch manager of office of na AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN tefii. none nigner. rAUL a For Complete Information Call: Must be thoroughly experienced in alt phases of maintenance, supervision of help, have ability to maintain good tenant relations and be a willing worker.
Wife to assist in renting. Life time opportunity for qualified couple. Top salary plus benefits, including beautiful apartment. State experience for past 5 years. Write Box 97-F RECEPTIONIST Lite typing lots of smiling.
Front desk (4) NEW CAR salesmen needed at once to meet the sales demand at the Peninsula No. 1 Rambler and PIPING STRUCTURAL MECHANICAL CIVIL ARCHITECTURAL HV AC ELECTRICAL tional chain, after training period. Car furnished; many fringe benefits. Must be high school graduate. 21-35.
Now 2016 Kecoughtan 5UN OIL CO. P.O. BOX 1110 NORFOLK. VA. handle money.
To $260. Call 247 CAMERAS Argus C-3, Pola- 3331, KINGSTON, 130-28th St. 32 PHONE Kl 5-2421 roia; top trades; expert re jeep dealer. Experience not necessary. New car demonstrator, hospi Evenings: 595-4055 38 pairs, House, NMkt.
51 SEDGEFIELD AREA Babysitter to Come in today for a free talization insur. and many other Company benefits. Apply in person do ght house work day week CAMERA, LEICA M-3 w50 mm KQ. WILSON PERSONNEL 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. 596-1790.
32 Money To Loan 40 mm. i n. n. eo Daily Press, Inc. 25th N.N., Va.
to tne new car sales manager, MR. WHITLEY, TIDEWATER RAM. RETAIL MANAGER meter, JHters, case. Very Reasonable. 596- PROCESS CONTROLS 33 interview with our ex perienced consultant or JUST RETURNED FROM MODEL APARTMENT 4 COMPLETE ROOMS OF FURNITURE INCLUDING REFRIGERATOR BIER JEEP, 3614 HUNTINGTON N.N.
33 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT EXPANDING CHAIN NEEDS CAMPING TRAILER Plywood, 2 SECRETARIES -We have (7) immediate openings'! Best firms on Peninsula list with us. Salaries range from $275 to $425. Inquire Call wamea tor 2oo unit apartment proiect. Must be between age ATTENDANTS WANTED Apply For Persons Seeking Professional Advancement wuoib ounKs witn toam mattresses. Call aft.
5 P.m. $87-5375. 51 QUALIFIED MANAGERS for Mens' Wear and Sporting Goods store in local area. Retail experience pre n.ayo service station, 1004 Jef HOME OWNERS Call 826-6800 CONTACT FARMERS AROUND NEWPORT NEWS ferson Ave. 33 CAMPING TRAILER I beds.
Ice jiv ano married, starting salary $90 per week, plus an air conditioned apartment. Please reply by mall stating qualifications, to PER- An established leader In the engi KINGSTON PERSONNEL, 130-28th St. 32 AUDITOR Excellent leading Co. pre oox stove. Equipped for lights.
neering, design and construction ot fers aegree in Accounting. Solid fu I yr. oiq. 9butft. 51 ferred but not necessary, salary plus Commissions.
Give full qualifications and salary expected. Write: Retail Manager, P.O. Box 1835, Richmond, Va. 33 suinimel, P.O. BOX 1065, NEW- start to $7,800.
call Mrs. CAPEHART Mahogany TV, Stereo, PORT NEWS, VA. 33 Leading manufacturer of farm lubri SALES This houseful of furniture has been Compare these rates why pay more Black, 247-3331, KINGSTON PER AM-hM radio, console. 10 speakers. SINNEL, 130-28th St.
33 heavy industrial plants offers positions created by growth and expansion. Opportunities to gain broad experience in such fields as pulp and paper, steel, chemical, synthetic fibers, and rubber. Progressive maintenance MEN Neat, non- on a 2nd mortgage loan? Cash Keasonaoie. 826-3620 after 3 p.m. 51 cants ana grease wants man to handle steady repeat customers.
Full-time or part-time. Worth up Republic MORTGAGE CO. 2406 Mercury Blvd. "Near Aberdeen Road" to 48 40 BRICKLAYERS FOR Phi Beta Kappa Hall, Williamsburg. In person drinker for Garden Apt.
bldg. Must be able to do general maintenance and repair cooling heating. Apply FULL AND PART-TIME positions at you mos. mos SUPERVISOR GUARD or pnone 7 a.m. to 5 p.m $1,000 $27.41 $23.
CARPET FACTS can sell first quality DuPont 501 regular $7.99 sq. yard for $3.99, sq. yard. Acrylic regular $8.99 so. vrd warwicK tor expenenceo women.
A splendid opportunity for perma-nent employment in pleasant sun to in a year for rural man. Take orders we deliver now customer pays next fall you get tOO COmlmssion rhark In mM. ousiness office 9517 Warwick Blvd. 33 1,500 41.11 35. COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE Ma- management stresses advanced engineering techniques, computer applications, educational and professional advancement on an individ 2.500 48.53 lor food co.
Salary open, a pres roundtngs. Apply to Mr. Larry, MAN WANTED for general main tige firm. BAILEY EMPLOYMENT vance. Write air mail to N.
J. Ken for $4.99 sq. yard. CALL MR. msa 71.
5,000 137.04 119, ual basis. 216-34th St. 247-6351. For a progressive growing company 33 nedy, Kovai on Box 446, Fort nuiiLca. U4-I4M.
dealer. Downtown store, a.m. Daily La VOGUE WASHINGTON AT 32ND tenance to take care of large apt. proiect. Must be married.
Must be willing to live at Ft. Monroe. For interview, see Mrs. Sinka at 306-A Worth, Texas 76101. 33 CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATOR A $40.
Round oak table DESIGN OFFICES IN: solid co. offers BAILEY IMMEDIATE OPENINGS 32 e. cnairs, J. washstand $22, Walnut bed, $35. Mlscell.
Items. 39 EMPLOYMENT, 216-34th St. 247- Birmingham, Alabama t-enwicx Rd. Ft. Monroe.
No phone calls, please. 33 6351. 33 'SARAH COVENTRY Jewelry Com lavaiier ko. Hampton, pa 3-8507. CAMERON-BROWN CO.
247-3689 National company will employ i men pany needs fashion show directors, to direct a civilian contractor guard force of approximately 50 men at Langley Research Center. Minimum salary $5,200 per year plus fringe benefits. High school graduate or equivalent. Minimum 5 years guard experience, 3 in supervisory position preferably with civilian guard force. Knowledge of D.O.D.
Industrial security regulations guard training technique required. U.S. MAN WANTED for police duties. CLOTHES LINE POSTS Hunrsville, Alabama Calhoun, Tennesse No investment. 877-9089.
32 on display In a model apartment for about 30 days and looks lust like new. Apartment manager has leesed all of the apartments and request we sell all the merchandise as soon as possible. In order to sell quickly It has been. REDUCED from $1,012.44 to only $692.78 payments only $6.00 per week SOUTHERN FURNITURE WAREHOUSE iwnirej tor local branch office. Must be neat, own car 8, be able to live on approximately $112.50 Paul B.
Powell, 411 Rotary. Hmot. SECRETARY Excellent firm willing must bonded have clean record. To be court appointed special policeman. Must be over 6 CAMERA DEPARTMENT Manager Trainee Can anytime 836-5309.
Fast Service. Pittsburg, Pennsylvania to pay witn no sat. excel lent fringe benefits. BAILEY EM weekly to start. Phone CH 7-1573, daytime 4-6.
33 wu ids. tvenings 81 weekends, PLOYMENT, 16-34th 247-6361. 32 Apply immediately to 224 Resort CLOTHES LINE POST By W. L. Shelton at An w.Minn APPOINTMENT FOR INTERVIEW Splendid opportunity for advance Bivo.
Buckroe Beach. 33 CALL: ment. Apply in person to James SECRETARY Small office. No short-! MONEY LOANED on TV's, shotguns, 5873 Jefferson Ave. Shop.
245-0802, background mandatory. Must be in Help Wanted, Male, Female-34 good health with no defects or MANAGER TRAINEE Age 21-30. hand, bailey employment. 21-34th St. 247-6353.
32 coins, lewelry, silver, cameras. DIXIE LOAN OFFICE Qto-mj, compare our prices. Pierce, G-E-X Camera between p.m. daily. Or call 826-1220, ext.
79. 33 Look no more! Nat' Co. will train abnormality, vision correctable 20 COLOR TELEVISION, 1964 model. personable man. Start $400.
After 3403 Washington Ave. 40 SECRETARY Looking for a young SHORT ORDER COOK WANTED: Apply in person. Starlight Restaurant, 1729 w. Pembroke Ave. 34 to 30 with no color blindess.
Write giving full details of background 1 yr. to. will pay tuition for Co 25" rectangular tube. Deluxe console. Oris, price siua.
ni lady with excel I. skills to $540. Fee CAR SALESMEN Consolidate Your Bills With A 2nd Mortgage HOME LOAN NO ADVANCE FEES NO BROKER'S FEES Your Application Costs You Absolutely Nothing LOANS PROTECTED BY INSURANCE Life, Health Accident Coverage Included Fidelity CAN SAVE YOU MONEYI Phone In Your Application CH 5-0019 Fidelity Commercial Co. Room 210 Newmarket Bldg. Weekdays 9-5, Sat.
9-11 evening courses. Call Mrs. Black, MONDAY, MAY 16, 1964 3:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. TUESDAY, MAY 17, 1964 9:00 A.M.
to 9:00 P.M. Mr. Ed Weems THE GOLDEN TRIANGLE paid. Would prefer single girl or and qualifications to Vice President, Operations, Advance Indus Pay $20 take us evmti. Nm, MANAGER for Beachcomber Res 247-3331, KINGSTON, 130-28th St.
33 Due to Increased volume In '66, the guarantee. married, no children. BAILEY EM-, PLOYMENT. 216-34NI St. 247-4351 trial Security, 2045 Peachtree Rd MANAGER TRAINEE Reatil store.
SCHERTLE TV 4PPI lAurcc peninsula No. Ford dealer is in need of 6 good men for their new N.E., Atlanta, George 30309. 32 taurant, Yorktown, Va. basis. 1 yr.
supervising commercial food operations essential. P.O. Box 49, Daily Press. 34 LET US tn Huntington Ave. CH 7-4601 An Equal Opportunity Employer MONTICELLO AND WEST OLNEY 33 Must oe snarp eager to edvance.
Start $500. In 4 yrs. be near $9,000. BAILEY EMPLOYMENT, 216-34th St. 247-6351.
33 RECEPTIONIST for established real estate firm. Short- DINING ROOM SET Danish walnut, 7 pes. Like new. Cell ft-40M. EXPERIENCED PRESSERS for 1802 W.
Pembroke Ave. Hampton, Va. Phone 722-7423 DELIVERY UP TO 200 MILES SI COLLEGE STUDEN and used car departments. Experience not necessary as we will give you on the iob training, demonstrator plan, hospitalization and many other sound company benefits. Apply In person to new car sales manager.
Center Ford, 2900 hand 8. typing necessary. Apply be-' tween a.m. 5 p.m.. Great tic Agency, 323-25th N.N.
32 MARKETING REPRESENTATIVE khaki wool. Piece work. Excellent pay. Hospitalization. Apply 1241 FLUORESCENT light fixtures.
WW grinder, shredder. Movie outfit, miscellaneous items. $87 Harpers- Any degree desire to enter executive program. 4A Co. $6,000 olus N.
King Street, Hpt. 34 HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Branch office of local concern now WANTED Double entry book t-o. car. Kay Jones, 247-3331 block, Huntington Ave. No phone LIKE NEW APPLIANCES GE RANGE 30" 93 KELVINATOR, IS eu.
ft. 1 year euar-nra. ti KINGSTON, 130-281H St. 33 calls please! 33 keeper. Good starting salary for SECRETARY Age 25-35.
General of- flee. Pleasant working conditions. Shorthand and typing required. Sal- ary negotiable. Call 244-7333.
For appointment. 32 PAY Your Bills RECEIVE GARAGE CLEAN OUT, beds, drese- hiring students for the summer. Data processing supervisor MECHANIC First class, to repair qualified Person. Must start Immediately. Call Ch 5-0025.
for ap ADMRIAL Refrig. Automatic Must be 18 or older. Can earn $550 small electric items. (No radio ori Tape disk. Supervise Instruct.
NORFOLK, VIRGINIA TELEPHONE: 427-5555 QUALIFIED APPLICANTS CALL COLLECT IF AN INTERVIEW IS NOT CONVENIENT, WRITE TO: The Rust Engineering Company pointment. 34 oining sets, trencn doors, flo-rescent lights, aquarium, buffet tables, baby bed, stroller, tenda ft Playpen. LY 6-3954. 51 salary open. BAILEY EMPLOY SELECT POSITIONS defrost 9i HOTPOINT Apt.
tire Across foe Irmmtmr im iv work.) start at once. w. J. Carneal, 7324 Warwick Blvd. CH TEACHERS For Information on MENT, 21-34th T.
247-4351. per month. Salary while working for scholarships, cash prizes. Including 9 day all expense paid vacation to Rome. Interviews being PENINSULA EMPLOYMENT 5-4171.
33 GERMAN China cabinet. Urge. $1,000 TO $12,000 MESSENGER full time. Must be 16 DESIGNERS school and college placement in South, especially Forida, write Southern Teachers Agency, Box 364, Columbia, S.C. 34 held daily.
For appointment CALL: SERVICE EXPERIENCED ESTABLISHED -V2415 Washington Ave. Monroe Bids COPPERTONE Frlgldalre re-trig CONN'S SERVICE BARGAIN HOUSE 5003 West Mercury Blvd. 826-8114 Lixe new. or best offer. $51-5563.
Cell anytime. 51 INSTRUCTION or over have bicycle. 40 hrs. wk. hpi.
western union, 107 E. Queen Call 247-5231 GOLF CLUBS 11 Irons. 4 wood. 32 St. 33 $1 MAN OR WOMAN to supply estab 244-2198 BEFORE 1 P.M.
ASK FOR MR. FIELDS bag, cart. 1 year old. First Flight. $170.
838-1931, after p.m. 52 instruction 43-A 'EXPERIENCED BEAUTICIAN MARINE IF YOU HAVE MADE AT LEAST CHAIN LINK FENCE Low Drlre. miv hmu MUFFLER INSTALLER WANTED. Call Chamberlain Beau- lished customers with nationally advertised family products in city of Newport News. Earnings $2.85 per hour and up possible.
Full or HOTPOINT Elec. range, full size. TWO PAYMENTS ON YOUR HOME YOU CAN QUALIFY FOR Shop, 722-6031. 32 Must be experienced. Salary plus HIGH SCHOOL AT HOME FENCE CO.
147.1431 PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT No classes. Standard texts furnKhed $40. Excel, cond. Cell $38-2506 after 5:30 p.m. 5) 51 part time.
Write Watkins Products, commission. Excellent opportunity, for permanent man. MIDAS MUFFLER SHOP, 2801 W. Mercury Blvd. 33 low mommy payments.
Write or Phone for free 55-paoe Bulletin. LADY to live In eere for I email children while mother works. References, small pay. 898-- 6764 between 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 32 Inc.
D-41, Winona, Minn. 34 KELVINATOR Refrlgerator-freei-i American School, P.O. Box 1234, II CU. FT. ADMIRAL Delux refrigerator, freeier too, excel, cond.
Reasonable. Also, other Items. 247-1094. 5 THIS UNIQUE PLAN. Consolidated MORTGAGE SERVICE, INC.
1814 Kecoughtan Rd. ee 2 oven range, Hotpoin! TEACHERS Newport News. Call 596-1479. 43-A PRODUCTION CONTROLMAN 4A giinwosner, 2-1769. 5 PRIVATE SCHOOL HISTORIC EAST LIFE PRESERVER cushions, 2 for TRAIN FOR Civil Service positions.
Co. offers solid future. Background in Accounting or Production a must. ERN SHORE. Qualified teachers WANTED WHITE LADY to live In, do light house work cere for 3 -v.
children, school age. Call bewfeen 8 a.m. 2 P.m. 32 PIPING Mechanical DESIGNERS ENGINEERS Coldsoot 17 Cu. ft.
freeier. Excellent condition. $130. 851-0716. start to S8.000.
call Mrs. ack. KEY TRAINING SERVICE 15 Lynnhaven Dr. Phone 826-6691 43-A needed. Interviewing for elementary and secondary grades BROADWATER ACADEMY, Exmore, Va.
51 247-3331, KINGSTON PERSONNEL, I30-Z6th St. 33 coast Guard approved, kapok filled; jacket styled, new design, adult youth $2.49. A Stores: 3000 8. 3410 Washington 17 E.
Steel Stg. shed. 5x7, $65. 2 mow rnone 44Z-yu4i. 34 CSC Operating Systems REGISTERED BARBER WANTED ARE YOU A WIDOW? "If you are over 40, of neat appear- CASH! tires fc wheels 750 14.
$20. w- Crystal Barber Shop. Fox Hill. 33 Salesmen Wanted 34B 5709. 51 Cashier Training Institute LOW COST-USED: apt.
os. ETAIL SALESMAN-To sell men's ance and anxious to earn above the average income, we would like to talk to you concerning a perma- SALESMEN Over 21. Part-time. Full Baran Marine Division, Im clothing and sporting goods.
Full or part-time. Opportunity for advance COLD SPOT Auto. Dehumldlfler. 20 Pint ceoeclty. Orlg.
sold for will sell for $60. Used only mo. Call 245-6011 or TR 7-1S79. mediately needs marine designing $20; 5 rm. os.
sp. htr. $40; dbl bed m7s $25; cab. sink $20; gs. HWH $25; crib ms $10; bath tub 4' etc.
LY 6-2216 or CH 5-30T4 ment. Apply A Stores, 3000 time, sen Mutual Funds. We train. Our expense. Call Norfolk 425-0341 (collect) for appt.
Investors Plan 125-26th Street S45-5489 wasnington f-ve. N.N. 33 MEN-WOMEN people. Long Term Contracts. nent selling and public relations We pay you salary while "in training.
Hours can be arranged suit your needs. Car necessary, Write to Box B-503 for Interview, eo Daily Press, Hpt. 32 AUTO. RCA WSHER-ACond. Cab- ning Corp.
of America, Plaza One, Opp. Norfolk Civic Center. 34-B ROUTE SALES OPENING with es RCA freezer, pay $10, take up pay-j ments $11 JO. 33 tablished local firm. Steady work, 1401 Computer Prog.
IBM Key Punch Cashier Checkers Tvoist ooor' ltrle tan. -47-1074 before noon. si These openings In the San Francisco SALESMAN for cookie 8, cake route. SHAWEL'S APPLIANCE SERVICE 386! KECOUGHTAN ROAD 723-1402 FOOD MANAGER 4 openings with Programmers regular income. Base pay plus commission.
Average $400 mo. You earn Bay area. exp. neiptui out not necessary. Send resume to Daily Press, Box All age groups.
Day and night while you learn. Call 877-0741. 33 EDTION World Book Encyclopedias, dictionaries Atlas. '44 edition Chlldcreft Encvelo-teacher. Never been used.
Call 595-1719. 51 classes. Free iob assistance. Send resume to: leading Industrial, schools, etc. $110 to $9,000.
BAILEY EM PLOYMENT, 214-34th St. 247-351. 33 86E, N.N., Including phone ad- SALESMAN An excellent opportunity Homeowners! You Can Get $1,000 to $10,000 REPAY ONLY $3.82 TRAIN NOW PAY LATER LADY TO care for tnvalld widower. Full time. In family home.
Nurs- Ing experience not necessary. Surry Va. If interested call A. M. Savedge, 596-7685, evenings 595-0054.
32 REGISTERS ADDERS TYPEWRITERS SALES SERVICE RENTAL 1 HARTZ CO. 244-7136 51 oress. 34B MARINE DIVISION BARAN Gr SALESMEN: If you are a Real Es CHARLES BEAUTY SCHOOL witn a leader in office machine sales. $7200, BAILEY EMPLOYMENT, 216-34th St. 247-6351.
33 FIELD AGENT No edperlence00 Pre REMANtlPArTllpen a.ODI fer young bright man. Old local firm will train. Start $400. Call FOR POSITIONS IN New York State tate or car salesman where selling market has dropped and desire to make a change, we would like to may June classes forming Nationally accredited. Call or Write RVICE STATION ATTENDANT Ray Jones, 247-3331, KINGSTON ASSOCIATES Brentwood Texaco Station.
201 Beech Dr. LY 4-9959. 33 124-30th Street, N.N. CH 4-5221 PERSONNEL, 130-28th St. 33 talk to you about a permanent position.
Some of our salesmen have WHITE or colored lady preferably fn Maxwell Lane Area or with own trans. To keep 2 boys age 7 9 do light housework. Must be -deoendable. 5 days a wk. 596-3834, tt.
6:30 p.m. 32 ELECTRIC end gas ranges, automatic washers end dryers and air conditioners. Priced from $35 up. Easy Terms. CONN SERVICE 1425 KECOUGHTAN HPT.
PHONE CH 4-1491 COLLEGE OF HAMPTON ROADS SHIPPING CLERK-Age 18-27. Re FELD AGEINT No experience! Pre- made over $15,000.00 per year. Our work is dignified. This is not iust Day Evening classes. Veteren Approved.
Accredited by ACBS. immed. need. Golden oppty. for young bright man.
No exp. required. $410. Call Mrs. Black, 247-3331, quires H.s.
Grad. Old prestige Co. $350. Call 247-3331, KINGSTON PERSONNEL, 130-28th St. 33 1155 Crane Ave.
Mento Park, Calif. U. S. Citizenship Required An Equal Opportunity Employer Excellent IBM Card Punch Speedwritina ShorihanH opportunities exist Programmers with NOW LEASINO AH Two Bedrooms $.54 Includes elr eondltlonlnj, car. pet, range and refrigerator, Venetian blinds, alt utilities, except electricity.
Newmarket Court, 401 4th it Office Phone: 245-3883 Nite Phone: 244-8142 Bailey Realty another lob. For personal appointment write Box CO Daily Press, stating background and telephone number. 34-B systems WANTED Female kitchen help for shift. Apply in person. Mr.
B's Restaurant. 9959 Jeff. Ave. 32 KINGSTON PERSONNEL, 130-28th RUMMAGE SALE In garage, household furnishings furniture reasonable, everything must go by June 1, 219 E. Pembroke Ave.
51 least 3 2603 W. Mercury Blvd. 826-0147 years experience St. 33 SHORT ORDER COOK NIGHT SHIFT. APPLY SHONEY'S, WARWICK SHOP.
Beauty Services by students Infor young man with a little acct. exp. design and programming of: Compilers Assemblers Executive Systems Real-time Systems SALES TRAINEE Inside sales00 SODA FOUNTAIN machine. AC, heater, all other equip. 2505 Wash-Inoton Ave.
Novelty Cigar Store. who can type. To $125. BAILEY EMPLOYMENT, 214-34th St. 247- Must have Va.
Driver's license Apply Best Ever Ice Cream Co Nat'l Co. offers solid future. Fori 2nd MORTGAGE RATES WAITRESS and short order cook. mation on complete beauty course. Dial 596-8669, 9903 Warwick Blvd N.N., or PA 2-0211, 111 W.
Queen St. 43-A AM'T OF LOAN REPAY PER WK, 4351. 33 419 Rotary St. Hpt. 33 SALES SERVICE "Must be over 21, have transporta SOFA MATCHING Chair $25.
young H.S. Grad. $375 to start. Call Ray Jones, 247-3331, KINGSTON PERSONNEL, 130-28th St. 33 3.82 5.42 DRUG SALESMAN Requires Coll xalea Hpt.
51 Computer Sciences Corporation tion. Apply Airport Restaurant, Patrick Henry Airport, 877-1952. 32 $1,000 $1,500 $2,000 $3,000 Guards degree with 20 hrs. Natural Science th enation's leader in computer SAI FSMAN.DBV ftnf)r Co. car expenses.
Leading Co ANIMALS 7.09 $10.45 $18.93 WAITRESSES SHORT ORDER BIG 10 and '12 Comm. ONE WHEEL metal trailer wbump-er hitches, $55. Church York-town TU 7-5427. 51 Applications now being accepted for $5,500 software development. Because of this singular orientation to the information sciences, the success of VCOOKS HOSTESS CASHIER $6,500 plus.
Call Ray Jones, 247-3331, KINGSTON, 130-28th St. 33 selling Trimmings, Baby Wear, Handbags, Jewelry, Scarves, Hdkfs, fun or part time guards to be em REPRESENTATIVES Apply Virginia Employment Com- ployed by civilian contractor at Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 47 Smission, 6012 Jefferson Ave. N.N EXPERIENCED Salesman wanted Belts, Toys, Notions, to retail our company is dependent upon tne professional capability of our pro Stores. TIP ESTABLISHED LINE EXPANDING National Company will acquainted with wholesale plumbing and heating supplies. Apply Haioca Corporation, P.
O. Box BROADWAY MERCH. 487 Wednes. May 11th between 9 a.m. 4 p.m.
32 Waitresses 3-11 shift only. Apply! gramming staff. As a result, programmers are very important BLONDE COCKER PUPS 877-1431 47 Langley Research Center beginning July 1, 1966 $2.07 Per Hour Paid vacations and holiday 1st 2nd 3rd Mortgage Loans MUTUAL OF VIRGINIA 316 CMJ Bank Building quality representatives for Newport News area. Broadway, New York City. 33 people at CSC vital associates in 6158, Milan Station, Norfolk, Virginia.
33 SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMMER Local COLLIE PUPPIES Sable white. a vibrant young company. in person. Howard Johnson's Restaurant, 6065 Jefferson N. N.
Applicants must be U. S. Citizens, ex AKC $20. 1540 Morgan EXCELLENT earnings on salary. mmmm EXPERIENCED salesman wanted Hpt.
722-5028. 47 Wa offer liberal compensation, gen WAITRESS White. Experience. Age opening to $10,000. Research.
Permanent with top employer. BAILEY EMPLOYMENT, 214-34th St. 247-4351. 33 commissions, and bonus, with sound career future. We offer com cellent character, able to be cleared for government classified information, high school graduate or the acquainted with wholesale refriger BLACK POODLES for sale, un 25-40, for day shift.
Apply per- son. Mr. B's Restaurant. 9959 Jeff. Newmarket Shopping Center ation supplies.
Apply Haioca Corpor plete training. erous employe benefit plans, and the opportunity to associate with men who are this country's leading computer specialists and senior equivalent, age 21-55, able to pro ation, P. o. Box else, Milan Sta registered, $50 apiece. Call CH 5-7673.
47 TAve. 32 with SYSTEMS ANALYST Position with CALL CH 5-3261 duce evidence of good health tion, Norfolk, Virginia. 33 VERSATILE abilities could qualify DACHSHUND Black, months, old scientists. no physical disability or abnormality, minimum 20-30 vision, correct. you for any 1 of 3 positions now WAITRESSES APPLY IN PERSON -HOWARD JOHNSON'S PESTAUR- EXPERIENCED PHOTO DEPT.
COLONY'S TOWNHOUSE APARTMENTS 1-2 Bedrooms 1 Batht Air Conditioned Sound Insulated Private Entrance Private Pool Laundry facilities From $100Mo. newiy formes systems group. Top salary. A chance to be in on the ground floor. BAILEY EMPLOYMENT, 214-34th St.
247-6351. 33 temaie. no akc reg. B77-i. open.
References a must. Call 595- MANAGER. Good starting sal be. AND. 6065 Jefferson Avenue.
32 To arrange a prompt, company-paid ary, paid vacation, and retirement, DACHSHUND STUD SERVICE Sir J6 tor appointment. 34-B PART TIME OPENINGS Oi Age no barrier. Apply Mr. Hfnes. i.
WAITRESSES CURB GIRLS APPLY 4Mh TECHNICAL WRITER Solid exp. in ing superb puppies. Mrs. Mav berry, 138 Denbigh Blvd. 877-1832.
47 MASON'S DISCOUNT STORE. Mer Assignment number and hours of work cury Blvd. 33 SHONE Y'S Situations Wanted, Female 36 POINTER PUPPIES MUST BE 1. 6:30 a.m. to 12 noon, Mon.
thru 1 interview in New York city TELEPHONE COLLECT Electronics field. Familiar with Mil. Specifications. Benefits galore. Salary to $9,000.
Call 247-3331, 130-28th St. 33i EXPERIENCED Appliance TV SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. Frl. COLORED LADY wants baby sitting 868-9904. 47 8:15 a.m.
fs 12 noon, Mon. thru Waitresses Night shift. Neat in appearance willing to work. AP-iply Mr. York, between 2-4 p.m.
rat Strawberry Banks Motor Inn at delivery man. Top wages. Paid vacation, hospitalization. Apply In ngnt nousexeeping, day week. 723-3154.
34 Fr. PUPPIES Short haired Terrier. SALESMEN person. 2B17 Huntington Ave. 12 noon to 5:15 p.m., Mon.
thru House pets, $15 $20. Apply Greg- SCHERTLE TV. APPLIANCES. Accepting applications for part time WILL DO IRONING in my home. Fri.
Reasonable prices. 722-1751. 34 erson's Army Store, 2-7 p.m. wk-davs. Close to Lee Theater, Phoe- 8:15 a.m.
to 4:15 p.m. Saturday, Mr. B. A. Garner In New York City sun.
and noiidavs KEEP CHILDREN In my home ous. 47 4:15 p.m. to 12:15 a.m. Sun. (212) 765-9117 Monday through Saturday, May 16 through 21.
lM Colony 'Realty Co. l't 13441 Warwick Blvd. 877-9211; wniie Mother works, like children work with reputable international organization. Selling experience preferred, however will train high potential candidates. For appointment call 722-0507 between 10 a.m.-lO P.m.
33 EGISTERED Beagle Pups for sale. and Holidays 12:15 a.m. to 8:15 a.m. Sun. and holidays My back yard is fenced.
Phone 245-5781. 34 weexs 010. 1313 N. Mallory St. 47 If a call is inconvenient at this time, please send your resume to Mr.
COLLIE 1 female, trl color, 2 yrs. Men who can work part time for SEWING REPAIRS alterations B. A. Garner CONSOLIDATE ALL YOUR BILLS INTO ONE LOW PAYMENT Homeowners are eligible regardless of equity $700 TO $20,000 595-0385 Prudential MORTGAGE CO. 103G9 Warwick Blvd.
in HILTON VILLAGE oio. mi reg. va. After a p.m. SALESMEN tne days and nours specified everv my home.
723-056. 34 see at 512 LaSalle Ave. 47 week will be given preference PRACTICAL Nurse desires work tak Please state availability and iob $2.00 Hr. guaranteed. No experience SIAMESE KITTENS, Call 826-2757.
SEALPOINT 47 ing care of invalid or child. Other assignment number desired when 8 en Atftfear far f8 fwfoarafto tittntg your nagb eficte Jma, tm alt sMt a rmtnpb fnwt AS. duties if necessary. Exc. ref.
CH 5- applying to this advertisement. necessary. 1 ransporratton furnished. Call Mr. Kay, 723-9260.
33 1294. 36 MINIATURE DACHSHUND Male FULL TIME OPENINGS puppies Black tan. A.K.C. regis SALESMEN 15 p.m. to 12:15 a.m.
and 12:15 to Shots 826-55S4. 47 Situations Wanted, Male 37 No down payment No credit check. 8:15 a.m. shifts. TOY FRENCH Poodle Pups, 4 mo old, ex.
bloodline. Call aft. 4 p.m Computer Sciences Corporation ROOM 120 N. Sepulveda Blvd. El Segundo, Calif.
678-0592 An Equal Opportunity Employer CARPENTER Desires alterations. une signature. Daytime Deal. Will make above average earnings. Call HOUSEHOLD GOODS X-2 Successful applicants must be able Elec-Gas Appliances XI additions, repair work.
Free est- $50. UP. 595-3453. 47 to produce evidence of current Mr. Rosen, 723-9215.
33 mate. Fin. arranged. Build-i knowledge of firearms and guard MALE. ers, call 595-3407 or 877-4421.
37 COMPLETE NURSERY pieces, $55. 167 Henry clay Rd. LY 4-2085. FREE KITTENS, LY 6-8709. 30" KENMORE GAS STOVE, exc.
cond. $50. 22 Burke Ave. N.N. 596- functions before commencing work.
7 BUILDER Exp. all types bldgs. 4.2388. -l Free training to be provided. Send resume of background and request 4" PHILCO CONSOLE $30.
1325 Roa- II houses, addit. or 1st Class trim STOCKROOM ATTENDANT Male attendant, to help In marking merchandise and rolling stock to selling floor. Permanent 12 months a year employment. 40 noke Ave. 247-5633.
X-2 FN MORE wringer washer, $40. Rt, work. Reas. prices 247-3739. 37 for application to: SIAMESE KITTENS seals Chocolates, house raised, eligible for registry.
Reasonable! 2W-5732, 564-3207. 47 IX Box 445. Yktown. 887-5428. X-l $85.
EXP. PAINTER desires work. Any PIANO in excellent condition, 4809-82nd St. 826-1893. IP none X-2 sYFNMORE auto, washer.
Good cond CONFIDENTIAL LOANS on dia size iob. 20 yrs. exp. Ail work guar. 245-4196 after 5.
37 33 ADORABLE TRUE MINIATURE H50. 421 Brewer St. 826-4718. X-l 4 ROLL-AWAY bed weover, $30. 54 Raleigh Rd.
LY 4-5903. X2 uaensnuno puppies, lerrinc blood monds, radios, TV's, watches, shot guns, coins, cameras, silver. SIEGELS LOAN OFFICE Personnel Dept. Advance Industrial Security 2045 Peachtree Rd. N.E.
Atlanta Ga. 30309 A. EDUCA. (Guidance-Counselor), KENMORE AUTO. Washer, 850.
476 line, superb pets. AKC. 826-8865. GETTING READY FOR EXPANSION college instructor, seeks summer nours per week. Hospitalization! Two weeks paid vacation! Discount on purchases! Free life Insurance! Apply in person.
PENNEY'S I NEWMARKET SHOPPING CENTER Wmsbg. CA 9-5859. XI BONDED INSURED 2605 Wash. Ave. 11 Radio-TV Sets X4 placement tutor, guide dynamic Hampton Chevrolet is now taking ap upen Mon.
en. Evenings REGIS Red Bone Coon Hound. Mother 5 puppies. 7 mo. old.
Had all shots. $200 for all. 826-6457. amiable personality, athletic, excel 1A4 KENMORE gas dryer, ex. cond I nterviews will be arranged by 21" PHILCO Console TV.
$40. 208 La lent references. Write Box 90-J r9. 185 Carinthie Dr. 877-9690.
X-l pointment at Virginia Employment co Daiy Press. Inc. 37 rissa Dr. 595-3580. x-4 commission, aotz jerrerson Ave.
KENMORE auto, washer $55. 1394-A SKYE TERRIERS like Walt Disney's Grey Friars Bobby. Williamsburg area. Call LO 4-3787. 47 2nd MORTGAGES 247-6321 FOUSHEE REALTY 132-26th St.
1ST CLASS PAINTING. Exterior or An Equal Opportunity Employer Washington Blvd. Lee Hall. 887-4902. Miscellaneous X5 Interior.
Also roofing. Free estimates. 245-3920. 37 plications for positions as sales representatives. If you think you can sell or willing to learn, come and talk It over with us.
Highest commissions, demonstrator. Hospital and life insurance, vacation and many other fringe benefits are enjoyed by our salesmen. Apply in person to Harry Schulte, Sales Manager, Hampton Chevrolet, 827 W. Pembroke Hampton. 33 Village Apartments 1 2 Bedrooms GUARANTEED $300 per mo.
plus KENMORE Gas Range Good cond. $75. 734 Ellitft Rd. N.N. 596-7772 WANTED for exterminating work, 4 salesmen, 2 helpers, 1 pest control man, I man for annual inspections, I man for manager.
Over 21 and Va. drivers license required. Call or contact Va. Termite insect Control, 200 S. Armistead 723-7791.
33 tips. Apply Mac's Cab 10193 War STEAMRO-BUN WARMER $45. 12 wick no phone calls. 33 Clark Rd. Hpt.
851-0273. X-5 after 6 PM. x-l INSIDE SALESMAN Need 4. Any 20 guage, Beretta double, $99. l-30th JV' G.E.
ELEC. RANGE. $40, good LIVE LUXURIOUSLY ON THE WATERFRONT! will average $125. Trainee $90. at.
Z43-U4B3. X-5 cond. 123 Cherokee Rd. 7Z3-5738. x-l Call Ray Jones, 247-3331, KINGS ENCYCLOPEDIA AMERICANA year TON PERSONNEL, 130-2Sth St.
33 REFRIGERATOR, 825. 1541 Mark Dr. Hpt. 826-5011. X-l Front I Rear Entrants 55 Acres of Play Area Near To Your Job Free Furniture Least Plan dooks.
41? Pin oak Rd. 595-1410. X-5 Adjoining Lake 0 Washer Dryer Hookup Free Water Sanitation Refrigerator and Range from NVESTIGA.TOR With AAA-! firm. $450 plus liberal expense acct. Prefer some college interest In ac CHEV.
'52, $80. 346 Wrexham X-5 MODEL OPEN TODAY 2 Bedrooms Open Occupancy OLD POINT Hpt. 851-2154. CU. FT.
FRIGIDAIRE ref. $25. 1001 Russell Ct N.N. 245-7852 XI RIGIDAIRE IRONER $30, 464 Al-t eonquin Rd 722-0442 after 5 p.m. XI counting.
BAILEY EMPLOYMENT, 1011 216-34NI 5t. 247-4351. 33 '56 FORD Straight shift, $99. Harpersville 595-2448. "GlenGarden are the apartments with more than you ever asked for" 1, 2 and 3 BEDROOMS $115 to $175 per Model Apartments Open Daily PHONE 826-7161 X5 LOCAL neighborhood swimming pool '55 RAMBLER, good running cond.
needs responsible person to manage pool. Must have WSI certifi $99. 5 Quinn St. 722-0108. X5 KENMORE" automatic Ironer, like $15.00.
3 -Matthew Rd. N.N. XI FURNISHED APTS. FROM $77.50 cate. Call 596-7138.
33 4-800 14 TIRES with wheels, used 3 weeks, $75.00, 3 Matthew N.N. X5 KENMORE AUTO. WASHER -24 Smiley Rd. Hpt. 723-1565.
XI a COLONIAL PEMBROKE fiNMORE AUTO WASHER Excel- 14' FIBERGLASS bottom boat good ri kcMn Wm Ul itiiitin 3216 Butternut lent condition, $80. APARTMENTS Bus service at front door Next door to elementary school 5 Minutes from Ft. Monroe 5 Minutes from Hampton Institute' 10 Minutes from Langley Field condition. $99.00. 3 Matthew Rd.
N. N. X5 APARTMENTS 2121 E. Pembroke Ave. IMMEDIATE OTniPAMrV XI i Dr.
Hpt. 826-8882. 1957 FORD SS, $99. 10 PINE CHAPELkff SE AUTO, washer, $50. 810 Forrest Dr.
S94-9176. x-l 1 block from Buckroe Shop I Carlton Rd. Lee Hall, 887-5259. X5 $50. 40" ELEC.
GE $10 Forrest Dr. RANGE 596-9176. Mercury Blvd. to Sinclair Circle I H. Armistead to Freeman Dr.
Day ir Nite PHONE 838-2911 Eves, 'tit 9 Open Oaily Sat. 9-5 Sun. 1-5 1 22 AUTO SPRINGFIELD Rifle, w-scooe. $50. tlO Forrest Dr.
596-9176. x-5 X-l ping at micKroe Btacn Furn.Unfurn. 1 BR. FROM $89.50 2 BR. FROM $99.30 Spacious 2 Bedroom Townhouse Apartments Extra Half Bath.
Walking distance to downtown Hampton Private Patio Individual heating and air conditioning. DIRECTIONS located at 501 Bridge St. 1 block north of the -fampton Yacht Club in one of Hamptoa'a finest neighborhoods. Contact Resident Manager at 711-7491 anytime or come by Apartment 2-B for m-formation. GREAT ATLANTIC AGENCY PHONE: 245-3231 Air Conditioned HOUSEHOLD SOODS X-2 SHIPYARD AVtNUE VA Inc.
utilities except electricity UTILITY TRAILER Enclosed, waterproof. $99. 17 Marvin Dr. 77-3700. x-5 I apartments SINGLE BOX SPRING never used fORT MONBOt Office Hours: 10-6 HARRISON LEAR, INC.
710 W. Mercury Blvd. Hampton, Va. Phone 838-1111 $.7, 208 Massel Ct. 596-9oM X-2 Ph.
722-1701 722-5614 I SET NEW Standard Encyclopedias, wup-tc-date yr. books, $60, 4071 Jeff. 4TIL. TRL. 7x3' i.
Excel), buy. $85. 3347. 113 Pennwood Dr. X2 Ave.
zf-3752 atter p.m. X-5 1 iM 1 fc fc m. j..