Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ... · molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (2024)

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (1)

Technische Universitat MunchenPhysikalische Chemie I

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular Interactionsand Conformational Structures of Flexible Molecules andComplexes by Mass Selective High Resolution Resonance

Enhanced Two Photon Ionization Laser Spectroscopy

Sotir Chervenkov

Vollstandiger Abdruck der vonder Fakultat fur Chemie

der Technischen Universitat Munchen

zur Erlangung des akademischen Grades eines


genehmigten Dissertation.

Vorsitzender: Univ.-Prof. Dr. St. J. Glaser

Prufer der Dissertation:1. Univ.-Prof. Dr. H. J. Neusser2. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. A. Laubereau

Die Dissertation wurde am 05.03.2007 bei der Technischen Universitat Munchen eingereicht unddurch die Fakultat fur Chemie am 29.03.2007 angenommen.

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (2)


Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (3)

To the memory of my father,

Minko Sotirov Chervenkov

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (4)


Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (5)


The myriad of chemical and biological systems, their macroscopic properties and functionality,the numerous natural phenomena people encounter, are manifestations of the collective behavourof matter constituents, atoms and molecules, governed by a fascinating subtle interplay betweenseveral types of interactions at microscopic level. This model on how the nature is built up recog-nizes the notion that complexity grows out of simplicity. That is why, for a better understandingof many physical, chemical, and biological processes, and optimization of various applicationsrelevant to biotechnologies, medicine, and industry, a profound insight into the microworld isindispensable.

The interactions between atoms lead to the formation of a qualitatively new objects, molecules,whose properties are completely different in chemical aspect from the ones of their buildingcomponents. This type of interaction was called covalent . Covalent interactions were ade-quately described as early as 1916 by Lewis [1], five years prior to the formulation of the laws ofquantum mechanics. The modelling of covalent chemical bonds has drawn a significant interestand has become a subject of intense experimental and theoretical research over the years thusultimately leading to a consistent theory which has turned into the pivot of modern chemistry.Along with covalent interactions, there exists another class of interactions termed noncovalent(nonbonded, weak). They were first discovered by the Dutch physicist J. D. van der Waals [2] inthe end of the 19th century. Nowadays, it is well established that covalent interactions lead to theformation of classical molecules, crystals, etc., and the nonbonded ones are responsible for theformation of molecular clusters (molecular complexes), liquids, and for solvation processes. Ithas been found that noncovalent interactions are one-two orders of magnitude weaker comparedto covalents ones, and for this reason, the traits of the molecules building up a molecular clusterremain relatively unaffected compared to their isolated state. Still, however, some small changesin the subsystems occur, which can serve as a signature for the cluster formation. It was notuntil the 1970s when the significance of the noncovalent interactions was recognized in physics,chemistry, and biology-related disciplines. This marked the onset of an active exploration ofweak interactions, which is still a hot topic in present time due to its relevance to diverse fieldsranging from biochemical and pharmacological research through material sciences.


Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (6)


Most of the processes interesting for chemistry and biology occur in the condensed phase wherenoncovalent interactions come to the fore and gain additional significance. Noncovalent interac-tions play an important role in liquids, solvation phenomena, secondary structures of biologicalmacromolecules such as DNA and proteins, molecular recognition, supramolecular chemistry,crystal packing, etc. It has been shown (for a comprehensive review, see [3]) that molecularconformations determine the reactivity and functionality of biomolecules. Molecular shapes onthe other hand are stabilized by intramolecular noncovalent interactions. For a number of chemi-cal and biological phenomena such as solvation, molecular transport, and molecular recognition,pertinent to transport through membranes, neurotransmission, drug-receptor matching, virus de-tection, enzyme catalysis, etc., not only the conformations of the involved molecules are impor-tant but also the interactions with the molecules of the surrounding environment, which comprisethe intermolecular weak interactions. Thus, in real biochemical systems, the ultimate conforma-tional shape and reactive properties of the molecules are determined by the delicate balancebetween intra- and intermolecular interactions. This aspect has not been yet fully studied andneeds further elucidation. supramolecular chemistry is another realm of noncovalent interactions.It has been aptly defined by Lehn [4, 5] as ”chemistry beyond the molecule”. The so-called non-covalently assisted synthesis is used to produce molecules with predefined shape, respectivelyproperties, employing the stabilization provided by the recognition binding sites embedded inthe precursors. It provides a convenient means for targeted synthesis of varios supramolecularstructures. Depending on the particular system, various types of nonbonded interactions can beharnessed: hydrogenbonds (H-bonds), charge-transfer interactions, electrostatic interactions, hy-drophobic interactions, stacking interactions, metal coordination [6]. By noncovalently assistedsynthesis special new materials can be produced, which meet specific requirements. Thus, forinstance, polymers whose molecules are bound by both covalent and noncovalent interactionsmanifest novel and drastically different physical, chemical, electrochemical, photochemical, op-tical, thermal, and catalytic properties in comparison with the classical polymers, based onlyon covalent bonds. The applications of targeted synthesis cover diverse fields: drug design [7],catalysis [8, 9], molecular electronics [10].

The detailed study of nonbonded interactions necessitates investigation of well-defined finite-sized isolated model systems of molecules and molecular complexes. This has provided a greatimpetus for the development of techniques for production of the aforementioned model systemsin the gas phase. The most advantageous and robust method for isolating molecules and molecu-lar clusters in the gas phase is the supersonic jet expansion leading to the formation of molecularbeams [11]. In cold molecular beams, the translational and internal degrees of freedom arecooled down [11, 12] and as a result, along with the isolated molecules, weakly bound com-plexes held by nonbonded intermolecular interactions are formed. These complexes survive on atimescale of several microseconds after the adiabatic expansion. An additional asset of molecularjet expansion is that it allows, through varying of certain parameters, for an efficient control of

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (7)


the cluster formation process, thus making possible the formation of complexes of different sizeranging from two to tens of molecules in a frigid state, which is on the grey line between the gasphase and bulk condensed phase [13]. In the cold molecular beam, the species do not interactwith each other and thus can be considered as nonperturbed by external influences.

Laser spectroscopy provides versatile and powerful, yet nondemolishing and gentle, means forprobing of isolated species. So far, a great number of spectroscopic techniques have been de-veloped to investigate various aspects of the structure and dynamics of isolated molecules andmolecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecularbeam, the spectroscopy of electronic states is often preferred compared to microwave and in-frared spectroscopy. The UV electronic excitation of an isolated species can be relatively easilydetected. The simplest way is to monitor the spontaneous fluorescence emission from the ex-cited electronic state. This technique is commonly known as laser induced fluorescence (LIF).Measuring the fluorescence decay in the time domain, one can readily obtain information on thedynamics of the respective electronically excited state. Such type of measurement is not attain-able by microwave and infrared spectroscopy due to the small spontaneous emission probabilitystemming from the ν3 law (for review, see [14]). A powerful UV laser spectroscopy technique,particularly suitable for detection of electronically excited complexes in the cold molecular beam,is the resonance enhanced two-photon ionization (R2PI) spectroscopy, in which a further photonis absorbed in the electronically excited state leading to ionization of the species. This techniquesprovides an additional experimental advantage compared to LIF; this is the mass selectivity. Thisfeature is particularly important when many different species are present in the cold molecularbeam, as is usually the case. On top of the exerimental advantages R2PI spectroscopy yieldsimportant information on the dynamics and energy transfer occurring upon deposition of a cer-tain amount of energy in the electronically excited states, resulting in a fragmentation of thespecies. For noncovalently bound complexes it is interesting to observe the energy redistributionfrom excited intramolecular vibronic modes to intermolecular modes. This is closely related tothe stability of weakly bound complexes in electronically excited states since if the depositedvibronic energy exceeds the cluster dissociation energy, this will lead to a fragmentation of thecomplex (for review, see [15]). Such experiments are of paramount importance in photochem-istry, particularly concerning the stability of biological systems such as DNAs.

R2PI UV spectroscopy with spectral resolution of several tenths of a cm−1 is referred to as vibra-tional (low-resolution) since it can resolve only the vibronic structure of the excited electronicstate but not the rotational one. It has provided over the years a wealth of valuable informationon the vibrational structure of many molecules and molecular complexes [16]. The change of thebinding energy of molecular clusters upon electronic excitation can be obtained by measuringthe frequency shift of the rotationless transition due to the complexation [17–19]. The widthof vibronic bands can also serve as a source of information on the energetics and dynamics ofmolecular complexes [20, 21]. Further, a detailed and accurate information, particularly on the

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (8)


structure of isolated molecules and molecular complexes, can be retrieved from the experimen-tal technique combining i) rotationally resolved (high-resolution) R2PI UV spectroscopy and ii)mass selectivity. This method features several important assets:

• it enables a selection of the particular molecular complex to be studied.

• it provides a resolution of the rotational structure and hence, the values of the molecularinertial parameters and transition moment ratio.

• it makes possible on the basis of the obtained molecular parameters, the geometrical struc-tures of the observed species to be reliably assigned, even in the case of complex molecularsystems.

For high-resolution spectroscopy it is necessary that the Doppler broadening be eliminated. Itis known that the Doppler broadening is the limiting factor in room- temperature measurementssince it mars the spectral resolution and the rotational lines are concealed under the envelope ofthe Doppler width. That is why, cold supersonic molecular beams provide advantages also inthis case. They inherently reduce the transverse velosity distribution of the species and hence,the Doppler broadening [22–24]. Rotationally resolved R2PI UV spectroscopy with mass selec-tivity is helpful also in the analysis of isomerization and fragmentation processes occurring uponelectronic excitation.

For a successful and reliable analysis and interpretation of highly resolved spectra of largemolecules and molecular complexes, which are composed of densely spaced and partially over-lapping rotational lines, a special fitting routine based on genetic algorithms has been developedin our group. It is able to determine the rotational constants, the transition moment ratio, andother molecular parameters, from spectra with densely spaced peaks or low signal-to-noise ratio.

The structures of molecular conformations are encoded in their highly resolved spectra. It iswell-known, however, that for molecular systems with complex shape, the rotational constantsalone, respectively principal moments of inertia, obtained from the high-resolution spectra donot provide unique information on the structure of the observed molecule or molecular . Toassign molecular structures, the experimental results have to be combined with theoretical sim-ulations based, in most cases, on ab initio quantum chemistry calculations. Quantum chemistrycalculations of large molecules and molecular complexes bound by noncovalent forces werealmost intractable or unreliable due to the intrinsic flexibility of such systems [25–30]. An ad-ditional challenge posed to this type of systems is often the very flat and anharmonic potentialenergy surface. The rapid development of numerical algorithms combined with the progress incomputational power available, however, has significantly enhanced the reliability and expandedthe applicability of quantum chemistry computations of the energetics, structure, dynamics, andfrequency analysis of structures stabilized by weak interactions. Thus, the strategy successfullydemonstrated in the present work employs the synergism between high-resolution R2PI UV spec-

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (9)


troscopy with mass selectivity and high-level quantum chemistry ab initio calculations: theorypredicts possible geometrical structures and the experimental results show which of them areobserved under the experimental conditions.

The most widely studied molecules are the aromatic ones, and their clusters in the gas phase.There are two reasons for considering such systems. The first one is that the aromatic rings arepresent in a great deal of organic and biologically relevant molecules. They are typical examplesfor molecules containing delocalized electrons, which play an important role in nonbonded in-teractions. The second argument to focus on benzene-containing molecules is that they are goodchromophores and thus are suitable for laser spectroscopy investigations.

The purpose of the present work is to present a systematic investigation of various noncova-lent intra- and intermolecular interactions and the subtle interplay between them with a specialemphasis on the following issues highlighted in the respective chapters:

• The effect of the π-electron conjugation on the structure of an aromatic molecule contain-ing a side chain covalently bound to a benzene ring. This phenomenon is manifested instyrene, described in Chap. 7.

• Formation of a nonconventional C-H· · · π bond. Binding preferences and binding patternof the complex between styrene and acetylene. The issue on how the π-electron systemof the acetylene molecule interacts with the two conjugated π-electron systems of styrene,whether in the complex acetylene acts as a proton donor or as a proton acceptor, is eluci-dated also in Chap. 7.

• Weak van der Waals dispersion interactions in a system with conjugated π-electron sys-tems: Ar binding to styrene. The discussion on this topic is in Chap. 8.

• The effect of a strongly electronegative substituent on the electronic distribution of amolecule with conjugated π electrons. Competing phenomena: mesomeric vs. electron-withdrawing effects. Formation of a classical intermolecular hydrogen bond. Favouredbinding site and cluster pattern of the singly hydrated complex of p-fluorostyrene (seeChap. 9).

• The effect of intramolecular weak interactions for the stabilization of biologically relevantmolecules: the neurotransmitter molecule, ephedrine (Chap. 11), and neurotransmitter ana-logue, 2-phenylethanol (Chap. 10).

• Interplay between intramolecular O-H· · · π bond and an intermolecular dispersion interac-tion present in the model cluster between 2-phenylethanol and Ar (Chap. 10).

• Conformationally selective fragmentation: the neurotransmitter molecule, ephedrine (Chap. 11).

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (10)


Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (11)


Preface 3

I Theoretical Fundamentals 15

1 Molecular Interactions 171.1 Chemical Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171.2 Weak Molecular Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

1.2.1 Attractive Molecular Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181.2.2 Repulsive Molecular Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

1.3 The Concept of Weak Molecular Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201.4 Classification of Weak Molecular Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

1.4.1 Hydrogen Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221.4.2 Quadrupole-Quadrupole Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241.4.3 Charge-Transfer Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241.4.4 Ion-Mediated Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241.4.5 Hydrophobic Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251.4.6 Dispersion Bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

1.5 Binding Motifs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

2 Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Calculations 272.1 Semiempirical Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272.2 Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

2.2.1 Self-Consistent Field Hartree-Fock (SCF-HF) Method . . . . . . . . . . 282.2.2 Basis Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282.2.3 Configuration Interaction (CI) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302.2.4 Configuration Interaction Singles (CIS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312.2.5 The Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322.2.6 The Coupled-Cluster Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

2.3 Density-Functional Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34


Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (12)


2.4 Molecular Mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352.5 Molecular Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

2.5.1 Equilibrium Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352.5.2 Potential Energy Surface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362.5.3 Geometry Optimizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362.5.4 Conformational Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

2.6 Molecular Vibrational Frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372.7 Programme Packages for Theoretical Molecular Investigations . . . . . . . . . . 38

3 Interaction between Light and Matter 39

4 Molecular Quantum Mechanical Characteristics and Molecular Structure 434.1 Born-Oppenheimer Approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 434.2 Rotation of Molecules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

4.2.1 Molecular Rotational Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454.2.2 Molecular Rotational Energy Levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464.2.3 Electric Dipole Transition Moment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494.2.4 Selection Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494.2.5 Transition Intensity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494.2.6 Deviations from the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation . . . . . . . . . 50

4.3 Rotational Constants and Structure of Molecular Species . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

II Spectroscopic Investigation ofMolecular Systems 53

5 The Concept of Spectroscopy 555.1 Survey on Molecular Spectroscopy Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555.2 Molecular Electronic Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

5.2.1 UV Laser Induced Fluorescence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565.2.2 UV Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575.2.3 Spectrosopy of Resolved High Rydberg States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575.2.4 Zero Kinetic Energy (ZEKE) and Mass Analysed Threshold Ionization

(MATI) Spectroscopies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575.2.5 Double Resonance Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

5.3 Near- and Far-Infrared Laser Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585.4 Microwave Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595.5 Raman Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595.6 Rotational Coherence Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605.7 Gas Electron Diffraction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (13)


6 Resonance Enhanced Two-Photon Ionization Spectroscopy in Molecular Beams 616.1 Resonance Enhanced Two-Photon Ionization (R2PI) UV Laser Spectroscopy . . 626.2 Experimental Set up . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

6.2.1 Cold Supersonic Molecular Beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636.2.2 Laser System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666.2.3 Control of the Experiment. Data Acquisition System . . . . . . . . . . . 68

6.3 Genetic Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

III Results and Discussion 73

7 Evidence for a C-H· · ·π Type Weak Ineraction: Styrene-Acetylene Complex 757.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767.2 Experiment and Data Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787.3 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

7.3.1 Ab initio Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787.3.2 Vibronic Spectra of the ST·C2H2 Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817.3.3 High Resolution Spectrum of the 00

0 Origin Band of ST·C2H2 . . . . . . . 837.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867.5 Summary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

8 van der Waals Complex of Styrene with Argon 938.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 948.2 Experiment and Data Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 958.3 Ab Initio Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 958.4 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

8.4.1 Low Resolution Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 978.4.2 High Resolution Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

8.5 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 988.6 Summary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

9 Evidence for a σ-type Hydrogen-Bonded Dimer: p-Fluorostyrene-Water 1039.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1049.2 Experiment and Data Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1049.3 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

9.3.1 Ab Initio Calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1059.3.2 Vibronic Spectra of the p-FST·H2O Cluster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1089.3.3 High Resolution Spectrum of the 00

0 Origin Band of the p-FST·H2O Cluster1129.4 Summary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

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10 Dispersion and H- Bonding: The Complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar 11510.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11610.2 Experiment and Data Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11710.3 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

10.3.1 Low Resolution Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11710.4 High Resolution Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

10.4.1 Main Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11910.4.2 Red-shifted Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

10.5 Theoretical Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12410.5.1 Ab Initio Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12410.5.2 Kraitchman Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12610.5.3 Transition Moment Orientation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

10.6 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13010.7 Summary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

11 Fragmentation and Conformational Preferences of Ephedrine 13511.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13611.2 Experiment and Data Processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13711.3 Results and Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

11.3.1 Low Resolution Spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13711.3.2 High Resolution Spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

11.4 Summary and Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141

IV Concluding Remarks 145

Bibliography 154

List of Figures 170

List of Tables 172

List of Publications 175

Poster and Oral Presentations 176

Index 178

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (15)

Part I

Theoretical Fundamentals


Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (16)

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (17)

Chapter 1

Molecular Interactions

This chapter presents the molecular interactions and their most importantcharacteristics. It makes a classification of the weak intermolecular bondsalong with examples of their typical occurrrences. Stabilization of molecularstructures and binding patterns of molecular clusters resulting from the subtleinterplay between various weak interactions are highlighted.

1.1 Chemical Bonds

The formation of chemical bonds is a quantum mechanical phenomenon manifesting itself in theinteraction of two atoms and resulting in the building of more complex objects such as moleculesand solids. Chemical bonds can be subsumed into three main categories: covalent (hom*opolar),ionic, and metallic [31].

• Covalent bonds are formed by sharing an electron pair between two atoms, thus leadingto a minimization of the total energy of this system. When two identical atoms form acovalent bond, for instance H2, O2, etc., the electron density is distributed symmetricallybetween them and the bond in this case is referred to as nonpolar. In general, however, thetwo atoms participating in the covalent bond formation have different electron affinities,and hence the electron density is shifted towards the one with higher electronegativity,thus resulting to a polar bond: HCl, HF, etc.

• In the extreme case, when the difference of electron affinities of the two atoms is verylarge, the electon pair is shifted to the strongly electronegative atom, thus giving rise tothe formation of two electric charges which are held together by Coulomb electrostaticattraction. In this way the strongly polar covalent bond transforms into an ionic bond such


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18 Molecular Interactions

as in the case of NaCl, for instance. The border between strongly polar covalent and ionicbonds, however, is not rigorously set.

• Metallic bonds are strongly delocalized. They result from sharing the valent electrons,which are in the conduction band, between all atoms, thus forming the so-called electrongas.

Chemical bond energies range between 1 and 10 eV, and their typical distances are between 1and 3 Å. They determine the ‘skeletal‘ structure of molecules.

1.2 Weak Molecular Interactions

In isolated molecules the negatively charged electron shell shields off the positively chargedmolecular core, thus yielding a neutral system. When molecules are close to one another, how-ever, their electron shells experience not only the influence of their own positive cores but alsothe presence of the electron shells of the surrounding molecules. This brings about a deformationand redistribution of the electron charge within the molecules, leading to an incomplete shieldingof the positive cores and, respectively, to the appearance of locally charged molecular species.Thus, molecules interact with one another by electrostatic forces acting between the positivelycharged molecular cores and the negatively charged shells. Weak molecular interactions are alsoreferred to as nonbonding or noncovalent to distinguish them from chemical (also called bond-ing) interactions. Nonbonding interactions are two types: attractive and repulsive. Attractiveweak molecular interactions are classified as electrostatic, inductive, and dispersion. Repulsiveinteractions stem from the Pauli exclusion principle.

1.2.1 Attractive Molecular Interactions

Permanent-Charge-Distribution Interactions

Static charge distributions can be expanded in a series of multipole moments. Thus, two molecules,A and B, interact with each other through the interaction of the static multipole moments of theircharge distribution. That is why, this type of intermolecular interaction is referred to as elec-trostatic, and the resulting interaction energy is designated as Eel. This type of intermolecularinteractions is subject of the first-order perturbation theory . The electrostatic energy can bepresented in the following way:

Eel =qAqB

|r| +qA|µB|


qB|µA|r2+µA · µB

|r|3 +qAQB

|r|3 +qBQA

|r|3 +µA · QB

r4+µB · QA



|r|5 +· · · (1.1)

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1.2 Weak Molecular Interactions 19

where q, µ, Q, and r stand for the electric charge, electric dipole moment, electric quadrupolemoment, and the position vector of the second molecule relative to the first one, respectively. It isimportant to emphasize that the energy, Eel depends not only on the magnitude of the multipolesbut also on their mutual orientation (this is encoded in the dot products in Eq. 1.1). That iswhy, in natural systems the molecules are oriented such as to minimize the total electrostaticenergy. It is obvious from Eq. 1.1 that the magnitude of the higher-order terms in the multipoleexpansion dwindles down very rapidly with the intermolecular distance (inverse power law) andfor this reason, the interaction energy can be described fairly accurately only by retaining thefirst nonvanishing terms in the multipole series. Some molecules, due to symmetries, do not havelow-rank permanent multipoles, and hence necessitate the inclusion of higher-order terms. Thereexist also molecular systems, e.g., complexes with rare gas atoms, that do not have permanentmultipoles at all, and for them the electrostatic interactions do not come to the scene.

Induction Interactions

The induction interaction between two molecules, A and B, originates from the interaction be-tween the permanent dipole moment of one of the molecules with the induced dipole moment(it induces) in the other one. The magnitude of the induced dipole moment depends on themagnitude of the permanent dipole moment, the spacing between the two molecules, and thepolarizability α of the molecule in which the dipole moment is induced. This model constitutesthe so-called second-order perturbation theory . The potenatial energy of induction interactions,Eind, can be presented in the form:

Eind = −12αB



r4+ f1(µA,µB)


r6+ f2(µA,µB)



), (1.2)

where α, q, µ, and Q designate the polarizability, the electric charge, the electric dipole moment, and the electric quadrupole moment , respectively. The molecule with permanent multipolesis denoted by A, and the one with induced multipoles by B. Functions f1 and f2 depend on themutual orientation of the two molecules, A and B.

Dispersion Interactions

Dispersion interactions constitute the third type of attractive intermolecular interactions. Theyderive from the mutual polarization of the instantaneous electron density distributions of the twomonomers, A and B. They were for the first time rationalized and described by London [32], andhence called also London inetractions. The potential energy of such an interaction, Edisp, can becast in the form

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20 Molecular Interactions

Edisp = −C6

r6− C8

r8− C10

r10− · · · (1.3)

C6, C8, C10, etc. are empirical constants, and r is the position vector of the molecule B relativeto molecule A. London [32] has discovered a relation between the above-mentioned constantsand the polarizabilities αA and αB of the two interacting molecules, A and B, and their ionizationenergies. Notwithstanding it is the weakest among the attractive interactions, the dispersioninteraction gains importance in nonpolar molecular complexes where it gives rise to the onlybinding force. Hence, it is of paramount importance in large molecules with large polyrizability,and in complexes containing a noble-gas atom, as will be shown in this work.

1.2.2 Repulsive Molecular Interactions

The only repulsive intermolecular interaction arising when two molecules, A and B, are close toeach other stems from the exchange interaction. The latter is a manifestation of the fundamentalPauli exclusion principle, which precludes the penetration of electrons from one of the molecularmoieties into the occupied orbitals of the other one. The description of the exchange interactionis based completely on quantum mechanics. The resulting energy, Eexch has been mathematicallyformulated by Heitler and London [31–33] through an exponential or inverse power law :

Eexch = A · e− 2ra0 (1.4)

Eexch =Brn


In Eq. 1.4 a0 is the Bohr radius of the hydrogen atom, and A is an empirical constant. In Eq. 1.5B is an empirical constant, and the power n ranges between 10 and 20. The inverse-power lowdescribes the exchange repulsion in cases of very small separation distances between the twomolecules, A and B.

1.3 The Concept of Weak Molecular Bonds

Weak molecular interactions (descibed above) are not isolated but usually co-exist and act co-operatively. The net effect of the concurring weak interactions is a result of a delicate balancebetween them, ultimately leading to the formation of a weak bond whose nature, however, is dif-ferent from the nature of chemical bonds (see Sec. 1.1 above) altogether. Its strength is typically

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1.3 The Concept of Weak Molecular Bonds 21

from one to two orders of magnitude weaker compared to the one of chemical bonds, dependingon the nature of the particular molecular system and the weak interactions involved. Usually, theenergy of weak molecular bonds, Ebond, is in the range of 0.01-1 eV, and the interatomic distancesare longer (2-5 Å) than the ones in the case of chemical bonds.The total energy of a weak molecular bond, Ebond can be presented as a sum of the energies ofthe interactions involved

Ebond = Eattr + Erep = Eel + Eind + Edisp + Eexch (1.6)

The interaction potential and its two constituents, the repulsive and the attractive potentials, arepresented schematically in Fig. 1.1

Figure 1.1: Schematic representation of a weak two-atom molecular interaction potential com-posed of a repulsive and attractive potentials. r0 designates the interatomic distance correspond-ing to the the minimum of the potential well, and D0 is the depth of the potential well.

It is interesting to observe that due to the balance between the attractive and repulsive potentials,in most cases, there exists an equilibrium interatomic distance, r0, at which the net interactionenergy has minimum. It may happen, however, that the attractive potential cannot make up forthe action of the repulsive potential at any point, thus leading to a nonbonding potential, i. e.,

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22 Molecular Interactions

a potential that do not pertain a minimum. In this case no weak bond can be formed. It is im-portant, however, to point out that for a bond to be formed, not only must the potential have aminimum, but also the zero-point vibrational level must be below the dissociation energy.Very often, for practical needs, the shape of the interaction potential must be known. Obtainingthe shape of the potential starting from first principles and considering all types of interactionsinvolved is quite demanding, and in most cases, untractable problem. Another approach to solv-ing the problem is to devise a model potential, i.e., a special function containing free parameters,as the ones shown in Fig. 1.1, and to fit those parameters to experimental data. The simplest, yetsustainably popular one, was suggested by Morse [34] in 1929. It is a zeroth-order approxima-tion to experimental potentials. To more accurately describe real potentials, one has to resort tomore complex potentials, the most commonly used one being the famous Lennard-Jones poten-tial [31, 35, 36]. It includes two terms accounting for repulsive and the attractive interactions.In real systems, the interactions are not constrained to two-body ones. For an adequate desscrip-tion of weak molecular interactions involving more than two particles, the many-body interactionis reduced to a two-body interaction, wherein the above-discussed treatment applies.

1.4 Classification of Weak Molecular Bonds

The combination of the various types of weak molecular interactions gives rise to a big variety ofbonding patterns. Though there is no rigorous borderline between them, a general classifcationaccording to the nature of the interactions involved, bond energies, and bond lengths can bemade.

1.4.1 Hydrogen Bonds

Hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) are one of the most abundant and important types of weak molecularinteractions in nature. They determine the properties and behaviour of liquids and biologicalsystems. Hydrogen bonds have the general motif X-H· · ·Y, where the X-H group is a protondonor , and Y is a proton acceptor . Usually, X is an electronegative atom (O, N, Cl, F, etc.),and Y is most typically either an atom possessing a lone electron pair or it is a π-electron sys-tem (benzene ring, or double or triple chemical bond), which has an excess of electron density.Weak hydrogen bonds involving a π-electron system have attracted scientists’ attention for morethan 60 years since Dewar’s work [37] appeared, and their significance has been recognized inmany biologically relevant systems. It was not until recently, when the importance of anotherspecific type of hydrogen bonds was realized; these are the C-H· · ·Y (nonconventional) hydro-gen bonds [38–42], which play an important role for the stabilization of molecular structures.Usually, Y is an electronegative atom or a π system. They are much weaker compared to the

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1.4 Classification of Weak Molecular Bonds 23

conventional hydrogen bond, and with respect to the binding energy they are at the borderlinebetween hydrogen bonds and dispersion bonds (see below).

The most significant features and properties of hydrogen bonds are highlighted in the following.

• Hydrogen bonds are stabilized by a subtle interplay between electrostatic, induction (charge-transfer), and dispersion interactions [43]. The most important contribution, however, isthe electrostatic one, realized mainly through dipole-charge and dipole-dipole coupling.This brings about the next traits of hydrogen bonds.

• Hydrogen bonds provide a typical example of a two-body interaction. Due to the electro-static attraction the H-bond length is shorter than the sum of the van der Waals radii of thetwo atoms, X, and Y.

• Directionality. Hydrogen bonds are strongly directional, i. e., the three atoms, X, H, andY, lie down a straight line.

• Typical H-bond lengths range between 2 and 3 Å.

• The energy of H-bonds varies between 0.1 and 1 eV, depending on the nature of X and Yatom (groups), and consequently, on the relative contributions of the constituting interac-tions. Thus, some H-bonds render themselves at the brink of chemical bonds

Altogether hydrogen bonds can be subsumed into three major groups: proper (red-shifting),improper (blue-shifting), and dihydrogen bonds.

Proper Hydrogen Bonds

Proper (red-shifting) hydrogen bonds weaken the covalent X-H bond thus leading to its elonga-tion, and respectively, to a red shift of the X-H stretching vibrations . The nature of this effecthas been explained on the basis of bond orbital analysis [43, 44]. The latter shows that a chargetransfer takes place from the lone electron pair or the π-electron system of the proton acceptorto the antibonding orbitals of the proton donor. This leads to an increase of the electron densityin the antibonding orbitals, which causes the weakening of the X-H chemical bond, and to itselongation.

Improper Hydrogen Bonds

Improper (blue-shifting) hydrogen bonds [43,45] exhibit behaviour opposite to the one of properhydrogen bonds (see above), i. e., upon the formation of such weak bonds the chemical X-Hbond shortens and the frequency of the X-H vibration increases. Blue-shifting hydrogen bonds

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24 Molecular Interactions

were theoretically predicted for carbon proton donor-benzene complexes [46] and later on, theirexistence was experimentally verified for the model system chloroform-fluorobenzene complex[47]. As in the case of red-shifting bonds, a charge transfer process underlies the observedphenomena. In this case, however, the charge transfer is directed to the remote part of the X-Hbond, followed by a structural change in the proton-donor molecule.

Dihydrogen Bonds

Dihydrogen bonds [43, 48] have the pattern X-H· · ·H-Y, where X is an atom of a metal element,and Y is an electronegative atom. They were discovered only recently in a hydrogen-bondedcomplex containing Ir [49]. The mechanism of these bonds was rationalized a bit later [50], andit is quite straightforward. The metal atom donates electron density to the covalently attached toit H atom, thus creating a partial negative charge upon it. On the other hand the electronegativeatom Y withdraws the electron density from the adjacent H atom so that the latter becomespositively charged. In this way the dihydrogen bond is stabilized by a multipole interaction.

1.4.2 Quadrupole-Quadrupole Bonds

The occurence of quadrupole-quadrupole bonds is limited to systems containing benzene rings.They determine the T-shape structure of the benzene dimer, and play an important role for thestabilization of secondary and tertiary structures of macromolecules.

1.4.3 Charge-Transfer Bonds

Charge-transfer (CT) bonds emerge when one of the bonded moieties is a good electron donor(it has a low ionization potential), and the other one has high electron affinity. Donors pertainantibonding orbitals designated as n, σ, and π, respectively, and acceptors have vacant orbitalslabelled as v*, σ*, and π*, respectively. The strongest of the so-formed CT complexes are theones of n-v type.

1.4.4 Ion-Mediated Bonds

Ion-mediated bonds stem from the presence of metallic cations, which have high electron affinity,and hence form polar bonds on the basis of multipole interactions.

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1.5 Binding Motifs 25

1.4.5 Hydrophobic Interactions

Hydrophobic interactions are a special class of interactions representing associations of non-polar groups in polar solvents. It has been found [43, 51, 52] that the change of the enthalpy isalmost vanishing, and the driving force for the reorganization of the molecules in a solution isthe entropy. This is their most distinctive feature compared to the above-described bonds, whichare formed as a result of an energy minimization.

1.4.6 Dispersion Bonds

Dispersion bonds are formed when the interacting moieties do not have permanent charge distri-bution, and hence only the dispersion term in the attractive potential is accounted for. Dispersionbonds lack directionality and help for the stabilization of molecules and molecular complexes.Their manifestation is most pronounced in molecular complexes containing a noble-gas atom.Examples for the formation of such a bond are discussed in Chap. 8 and Chap. 10 of this work.

1.5 Binding Motifs

Weak interactions and weak bonds can be intramolecular or intermolecular. Intramolecular weakbonds play an important role for the stabilization of molecular structures, in particular, thosethat have many internal degrees of freedom and can assume different conformational shapes.The most abundant intramolecular bonds are the hydrogen ones, though quadrupole-quadrupolebonds are also observed. The most typical occurrence of such bonds is in biologically relevantmolecules, as will be discussed in Chap. 10 and Chap. 11. Intermolecular bonds are responsiblefor the formation of supramolecular structures . When benzene-ring-containing molecules areinvolved in the formation of a complex with another molecule, two binding patterns are possible.A bond that is formed between an atom/molecule and the π electrons of the host molecule isreferred to as a π bond. A bond that is realized between an atom/molecule and a benzene-ringsubstituent is termed a σ bond. An example for an intermolecular σ bond is presented in Chap. 9.A π-bonding motif of a C-H· · · π bond is discussed in Chap. 7.

The molecular interactions and molecular bonds are summarized and presented with their inter-connections schematically in Fig. 1.2.

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26 Molecular Interactions


Red-shifting Blue-shifting

CT Quadrupole

Hydrophobic Ion-Mediated


Van der Waals

Metallic Ionic Covalent




Dispersion Multipole


Repulsive Attractive Metallic Ionic Covalent




Figure 1.2: Schematic representation of the various types of molecular interactions and molec-ular bonds, and the interconnections between them.

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Chapter 2

Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Calculations:Structure, Energetics, and FrequencyAnalysis of Isolated Molecular Species

The interpretation of the experimental results is greatly underpinned by the-oretical studies. The theoretical prediction of molecular properties has everbeen a challanging task. Many models describing one or a few aspects ofthe molecular behaviour have been developed over the years. Until recently,many theoretical studies even on small molecules were untractable due totheir, mainly, mathematical complexity. The rapid enhancement of computa-tional power, however, has stimulated the development of sophisticated algo-rithms, and enabled the treatment of medium-sized and large molecules andmolecular complexes [53–55]. The existing methods for the calculation ofmolecular structures and properties can be grouped in four categories, whichare descibed in the following. The main emphasis, however, is put on thequantum-mechanical methods, which will be presented in more details [56].

2.1 Semiempirical Methods

Semiempirical models use for the description of molecules a simpler Hamiltonian than the realone, and employ a set of parameters whose values are adjusted to match the experimental data,and hence the name semiempirical. A typical example of such a model is the Huckel molecularorbital model (for definition of MO see Sec. 2.2.1), which employs a one-electron Hamiltonian,and the bond integrals play the role of the adjustable parameters.


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28 Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Calculations

2.2 Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Calculations

Ab initio quantum chemistry calculations are based on the use of the ’first principles’ and thefundamental physical constants. They employ the true molecular Hamiltonian, which accountsfor all the interactions within the molecular system. It should be pointed out, however, that dueto the approximations inevitably introduced in the solving of the Schrodinger equation, ab initiocalculations do not provide the exact solution to the treated problem. The main idea on how theSchrodinger equation can be solved along with some important concepts are desribed below.

2.2.1 Self-Consistent Field Hartree-Fock (SCF-HF) Method

The purely electronic nonrelativistic Hamiltonian for a polyatomic molecule is presented in theform

Hel = −12


∇2i −




|r|ia +∑


∑i≥ j

1|r|i j

, (2.1)

where the second term in the Hamiltonian represents the interaction of the electrons with thenuclei, and the third member describes the interelectronic interaction. It can be shown [57] thatif the interelectronc repulsions are neglected, the zeroth-order wave function is the product ofone-electron spatial functions [56]. The one-electron spatial functions are referred to as molec-ular orbitals. Taking into account the electron spin and the Pauli exclusion principle leads tothe zeroth-order wave function, which is the antisymmetrized product of molecular-spin orbitals,each molecular-spin orbital being a product of a spatial MO and a spin function. Hartree-Fockself-consistent field (HF SCF) [58] function is the best function that has the form of an anti-symmetrized product of spin-orbitals. It does not account for the interelectronic repulsion. It isconvenient for the MOs to be expressed as a linear combination of basis functions. If the set ofthe basis functions is large enough then the so-presented MOs are an accurate approximation tothe HF MOs. Molecular orbitals that have the same energy form a shell.

2.2.2 Basis Functions

The idea of decomposition of the HF function into basis functions was introduced by Roothan[59]. The one-electron function can be presented by expansion over basis functions in the fol-lowing way:

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2.2 Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Calculations 29

φi =∑


cikχk, (2.2)

The representation of molecular orbitals through basis functions is not unique. For practicalreasons, two types of basis functions are commonly used, the Slater-type (ST) and the Gaussian-type (GT) basis functions, the latter being more commonly employed. The Gaussin-type basisfunctions were suggested in 1950 by Boys [60]. A Cartesian Gaussian basis function centred onatom a has the form

gi jk = Nxiay



a , (2.3)

where i, j, and k are nonnegative integers, α is a positive orbital exponent, and xa, ya, and za

are Cartesian coordinates with origin pinned at the nucleus a. N is a normalization factor thatsatisfies the condition:

N =


) 34


(8α)i+ j+ki! j!k!(2i)!(2 j)!(2k)!


Depending on whether the sum of the integers i, j, and k is 0, 1, or 2, the Gaussian functions arereferred to as s, p, and d type, respectively. A Gaussian function does not have a cusp at the originof the coordiante system, and for this reason, it fails to describe correctly the atomic orbitals forsmall values of ra. That is why, rarely are Gaussian functions themselves used, however, as basisfunctions instead, it is customary to form the basis function as a normalized linear superpositionof several primitive Gaussians:

χk =∑


dklgl. (2.5)

In this linear combination, the primitive Gaussian functions have the same values for i, j, and k,but different values for the orbital exponents, α. Usually, dkl is termed a contraction coefficient.A great variety of basis sets has emerged over the years. The correct choice of the basis setdepends on the particular problem to be solved and on the computational resources available.More extended basis sets, in principle, provide more accurate theoretical results, but on the otherhand are computationally more demanding. Thus, the choice of the ”best” basis set for a certainproblem is often a matter of trade-off between accuracy and time spent. A comprehensive surveyon ab initio basis sets can be found in the following compendium [61].There are four sources of errors in ab initio calculations:

• Neglect of or approximate treatment of electron correlation.

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30 Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Calculations

• Incompleteness of the basis set used. This leads to the so-called basis set truncation error.

• Omission of relativistic effects.

• Break down of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation (See Sec. 4.1 of this chapter).

In most cases the first two factors render the biggest contribution to the theoretical errors. Theinteraction between the electrons in a molecule leads to an electron correlation, i.e., the wavefunction of an electron is not independent of the wave functions of the other electrons in theconsidered system. There are various approaches to account for the electron correlation. The firstone is to include the interelectronic distances, ri j, between every two electrons in the molecularsystem. This is the most straigthforward way but it is limited only to small systems containing afew electrons.Nowadays there exist several ab initio methods that employ different approaches to the solutionof the complete Schrodinger equation trying to minimize the errors, in particular, those stemmingfrom the electron correlation and the incompleteness of the basis sets. They are presented brieflyin the following sections.

2.2.3 Configuration Interaction (CI)

It has been shown [56] for the He atom that the first and higher-order corrections to the wavefunction mix in contributions from excited electronic configurations. This effect is known asconfiguration interaction or configuration mixing, and it is present in all many-electron systems.The configuration interaction is calculated by employing the variational method . The SCF MOs,φi, are presented as a linear superposition of the basis functions in a basis set. The expansioncoefficients are found by solving the HF set of equations [56]. The number of the SCF MOs,φi, is the same as that of the basis-set functions used. The lowest-energy MOs are the occupiedorbitals for the ground electronic state, and the remaining unoccuupied orbitals are referred toas vacant orbitals. From the one-electron spin-orbitals one can form multielectron functions, Φi,having different electron occupancies. These many-electron functions are called configurationstate functions (CSF) or just configuration functions. It can be proved that the true wave functionof the system under consideration is a linear combination of the above-described CSF:

ψ =∑


ciΦi (2.6)

The above equation can be viewed upon as a variation function with respect to the coefficients ci

aiming at the minimization of the variational integral

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2.2 Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Calculations 31

∫ψ∗ Hψ dv∫ψ∗ ψ dv


which leads to the secular equation

det(Hi j − ES i j) = 0, (2.8)

where Hi j ≡ 〈Φi | H | Φi〉, and S i j ≡ 〈Φi | Φ j〉. The secular equation 2.8 is then solved for theenergy and the associated linear equations yield the values of the coefficients ci in Eq. 2.6.

2.2.4 Configuration Interaction Singles (CIS)

The configuration interaction singles (CIS) (also known as Tamm-Dancoff) is a simple and com-putationally inexpensive method for modelling excited electronic states of molecules and molec-ular complexes [62]. The methodology used can be described briefly in the following way. Thegeometry of the molecule is optimized for the ground electronic state. Then, a single-determinantSCF MO, Φ0, is calculated for the gound electronic state at the already optimized geometry. Asit was shown above, the so-obtained SCF MO wave function contains also vacant orbitals. Thisallows for the CIS wave variational function ψi to be presented as a linear combination of singlyexcited occupied orbitals:

ψCIS =∑i, j

ci jψji , (2.9)

where ψ ji designates that the occupied spin-orbital i is repalaced by the vacant spin-orbital j. The

ψCIS function is repalced in the secular equation whose roots are an approximation to the energyof the excited electronic states at the given geomtry. It has been shown, however, that the CISmethod yields poor approximation to the excited state energy but it can model accurately thegeometric structure and the vibrational frequencies of electronically excited states [63].It is worth to draw the attention to the following important difference between the ordinary CIand the CIS calculations. While in the ordinary CI calculations the reference function is theone of the respective state under consideration, in the CIS method the reference function forthe calculation of an excited state is the one of the ground state, and it does not appear as acomponent in the linear decomposition of the ψCIS. This is an important issue since the ψCIS

function for the excited state and the ground-state reference function Φ0 are orthogonal and thisprecludes the excited-state calculations from relaxing to the ground electronic state.

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32 Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Calculations

2.2.5 The Møller-Plesset Perturbation Theory

The Møller-Plesset (MP) perturbation theory [64] is a particular case of the many-body per-turbation theory when the interelectronic repulsion is treated as a perturbation to the interactionenergy between the nuclei and the electrons of a molecular system. The first practical applica-tions of the MP theory came to the scene only in 1975 with the work Pople and co-workers [65].Nowadays, it is widely used for accurate modelling of molecules and molecular complexes, andit is of particular significance when electron correlations must be accounted for. The overviewpresented below is restricted only to closed-shell ground-state molecules. For practical reasons,the spin-orbitals, rather than the spatial orbitals, are used. For spin-orbitals, the HF equations forelectron m in an n-electron molecule have the form

f (m)ui(m) = εiui(m) (2.10)

The spin-orbital Hamiltonian can be cast in the following form

f (m) ≡ −12∇2

m −∑





[ j j(m) − k j(m)]. (2.11)

j and k are the Coulomb and the exchange operators, respectively . They are defined as

j j(α) f (α) = f (α)∫| φ j(β) |2 1

r αβdvβ (2.12)

k j(α) f (α) = φ j(α)∫ φ∗j(α) f (β)

rαβdvβ (2.13)

In both definitions above, the integration is performed over the whole space, f is an arbitraryfunction, and α and β label the electrons. The Coulomb operator shows the interaction of electronα with the spread-out charge of electron β. The exchange operator does not have an intuitivephysical meaning. It originates from the condition of of the wave function upon the exchange oftwo electrons.It can be proved that the sum of the zeroth- and first-order energies equals the HF energy. Thatis why, the first significant improvement in the MP energy is introduced through the inclusionof the second-order energy correction. For a comprehensive discussion on the matter, the readeris referred to Levine’s textbook on quantum chemistry [56]. The second-order correction to theenergy is

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2.2 Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Calculations 33

E(2)0 =


| 〈ψ(0)s | H′ | Φ0〉 |2E(0)

0 − E(0)s


where the summation is performed over the excitation of the zeroth-order wave function, i. e.,single, double, etc. excitations.

2.2.6 The Coupled-Cluster Method

The coupled-cluster (CC) method was invented in 1958 by Coester and Kummel. A nice discus-sion on this method can be found in [65]. The fundamental equation the coupled-cluster methodis founded on is,

ψ = eTΦ0 (2.15)

In this formula, ψ is the exact nonrelativistic ground-state molecular electronic wave function,and Φ0 is the normalized ground-state HF function. The exponential operator is presented by itstaylorization,

eT ≡ 1 + T +T 2


T 3

3!+ · · · =


T k


T is referred to as a cluster operator, and T = T1 + T2 + · · · + Tn, where n stands for the numberof electrons in the molecule. Only the low-order cluster operators are of practical importance.The two most commonly used cluster operators are the one-particle excitation operator, T1, andthe two-particle excitation operator, T2, which are defined as

T1Φ0 =



taiΦai (2.17)

T2Φ0 =





tabi j Φ

abi j (2.18)

In the above definitions, Φai , and Φab

i j designate singly-, and doubly-excited Slater determinants,where the occupied spin-orbital ui is replaced by the vacant orbital ua, and the occupied spin-orbitals ui j are replaced by the vacant orbitals uab, respectively. The coefficients tai , and tab

i j arenamed amplitudes. The goal of a CC calculation is to find the amplitudes. It is worth pointing

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34 Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Calculations

out that two important approximations are present in the CC calculations: i) the basis set is notinfinite but has some finite number of members included; ii) only the first couple of terms inthe cluster-operator expansion are considered. Theory shows that the main contribution to T isprovided by T2, and hence the approximation

T ≈ T2 (2.19)

is justified. With the approximations made, the ground-state wave function ψ becomes

ψCCD = eT2Φ0 (2.20)

Coupled-cluster methods provide very accurate treatment of electron correlations, but they arealso quite computationally expensive, and hence are applied predominantly to small and medim-sized molecules.

2.3 Density-Functional Theory

Density-functional theory (DFT) emerged in 1964 with the Hohenberg-Kohn theorem [66]. Thetheorem states that the ground-state energy, E0, the wave function, and all molecular propertiesare uniquely determined by the the electron probability density. Mathematically, this means thatthe ground-state energy is a functional of the electron density distribution, ρ0. The latter dependson the three spatial coordiantes x, y, and z.

E0 = E0[ρ0(x, y, z)] (2.21)

This relation between the molecular properties in the ground state and the electron probabilitydensity lays the ground for the development of the DFT. The approach of the DFT is to deriveground-state molecular properties from the electron probability density.In the DFT the potential nuclei create on electrons is considered as an external potential since itcomes from outside the electron system. It is clear that the ground-state energy depends on thetypes of the nuclei and on their configuration, hence the electronic ground-state energy can bepresented in the following manner

E0 = Ev[ρ0] =∫

ρ0(r)v(r) dr + T [ρ0] + Vee[ρ0] =∫

ρ0(r)v(r) dr + F[ρ0] (2.22)

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2.4 Molecular Mechanics 35

The index v shows that the energy depends on the nuclear potential, and F is a functional thatdepends on the average kinetic energy of the electrons and on the interelectronic interactions,but it does not depend on the external potential. This result as a stand-alone does not have anypractical application since the functional F[ρ] and the probability distribution are unknown. Toharness Eq. 2.22 for practical needs, Hohenberg and Kohn have proven the following theorem.Let be given a trial electron probability density, ρtr(r), that obeys the relations

∫ρtr(r) dr = n (n is

the total number of electrons in the molecular system), and ρtr(r) ≥ 0. For every trial probabilitydensity ρtr, the following inequality holds

E0 = E[ρ0(r)] ≤ Ev[ρtr(r)], (2.23)

where ρ0 is the true molecular electron probability density. The inequality can be also reenun-siated that the true molecular electron probability distribution minimizes the energy functionalEv[ρtr(r)]. This theorem is a step ahead towards the practical implementation of the DFT since itclaims that in principle all ground state molecular properties descend from the electron densitydistribution but, it still does not provide a recipe on how to do that. The practical aspect of theproblem was resolved by Kohn and Sham [67]. Many functionals have been proposed for F, andthey have proved themselves to be efficient in describing a great variety of molecular systems.The most typical and widely used functional is the B3LYP one [68].

2.4 Molecular Mechanics

The molecular mechanics (MM) method is not a quantum mechanical method. It treats moleculesas a system of atoms held together by ellastic bonds characterized by force constants, and obeyingthe equations of classical mechanics. On the basis of the force constants, the molecular energyand the vibrational frequencies are calculated. This method is computationally cheap, and hencesometimes provides a good starting point to quantum-mechanical calculations.

2.5 Molecular Geometry

2.5.1 Equilibrium Geometry

Finding of the equilibrium geometry of a molecule is one of the major goals of the theoreticalcalculations. The equilibrium geometry of a molecule represents the arrangement of the atomicnuclei that minimizes the molecular energy, E, including also the internuclear repulsions. Thetask of finding the equilibrium geometry becomes more challanging with the increase of the

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36 Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Calculations

molecular size. The problem is aggravated by the fact that polyatomic molecules have verymany degrees of freedom, and often several different atomic arrangements may result in a sim-ilar molecular energy, which poses very stringent requirements on the accuracy of the energycalculations.

2.5.2 Potential Energy Surface

The geometrical structure of a molecule is uniquely determined by defining 3N-6 independentcoordinates, where N stands for the number of atoms in the molecule. As mentioned in the pre-ceding section, the energy of a molecule depends on the atomic configuration. That is why, itis convenient to present the molecular energy, E, as a function of the 3N-6 independent coordi-nates. This will result to a hypersurface (potential energy surface (PES)) in the 3N-6-dimensionalspace. It can be formally written as E = −E(r). The minima on this surface correspond to stable-equilibrium structures of the molecule. The lowest-energy minimum is referred to as the globalminimum . All other minima are called local minima. The potential-surface maxima correspondto unstable-equilibrium structures that relax to the nearest minimum. There are also points on thePES corresponding to minima for 3N-7 coordinates, and to a maximum for one coordinate. Suchpoints are referred to as saddle points. The calculation of the energy at a fixed conformation iscalled a single point energy calculation .The set of the dihedral angles about all bonds in a molecule defines its conformation. The con-formation corresponding to an energy minimum (local or global) is termed a conformer . Thelarger the molecule, the bigger the number of conformers it has. That is why, the prediction ofmolecular conformers is one of the major goals of the theoretical calculations.

2.5.3 Geometry Optimizations

A geometry optimization or energy minimization is the procedure of finding the molecular con-formation correscponding to an energy minimum in vicinity of some initially defined moleculargeometry (conformation). From the view point of mathematics, this is the problem of the multidi-mensional optimization. There exist various algorithms to handle the problem. The most efficientones are the gradient method , the Newton-Raphson method, the steepest-descend method, etc.To find different molecular conformers, one has to probe different starting geometries, and locallysearch for the energy minimum. The problem is aggravated in molecules with many internal de-grees of freedom, which may have many different conformers. The finding of the global energyminimum is not a trivial task, and in general, this problem has not been solved yet. The guess ofthe starting conformation in the vicinity of which the global energy minimum is expected mightbe misleading since often it may happen that the most stable conformer (this is the conformer

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2.6 Molecular Vibrational Frequencies 37

corresponding to the global energy minimum) is rather unconventional. This necessitates thedevelopment of algorithms for global optimization.

2.5.4 Conformational Search

Many algorithms have been invented to treat the problem of the global optimization though, noneof them can provide a complete reliability. For this reason, sometimes, a combination of differentalgorithms is used to solve a particular problem. The general name of these algorithms is globaloptimizers. In the following, they are listed without presenting the details on how they work. Acomprehensive survey of these techniques can be found in [56].

• Systematic (grid) search method.. This is one of the commonly used techniques forglobal-energy-minimum search. This method samples the PES with a certain step andat each sample point it calculates the single point energy. For practical reasons usuallyonly a few molecular coordianes are scanned (most typically dihedral angles), while theother coordinates are kept fixed at their initial values. Then a local seacrh is applied to thelowest-energy sample point. In this way the global energy-minimum can be found.

• Random (Stochastic or Monte Carlo) search method.

• Distance-geometry method. In this method the molecule is described as a distance matrixwhose elements, di j, are the distances betwee atoms i and j.

• Genetic algorithm. This method is described in detail in Sec. 6.3 in conjunction with theanalysis of highly resolved molecular spectra.

• Molecular dynamics search.

• Metropolis (Monte Carlo) method.

• The diffusion-equation method.

• The low-mode conformational search.

2.6 Molecular Vibrational Frequencies

The conformational search and the geometry optimization of a molecule provide the electronicenergy of this molecule. Since, however, atomic nuclei are never at rest but perform small os-cillations about their equilibrium positions, it is of importance to calculate also the molecularvibronic frequencies.The energy of a harmonic oscillator Evib is

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38 Ab Initio Quantum Chemistry Calculations

Evib =

(v +


)hν (2.24)

where v stands for the vibrational quantum number that can take on values from 0 to infinity,and ν is the vibrational frequency. The vibrational energy corresponding to v = 0 is known asthe zeroth vibrational energy . For a 3N-atomic molecule there are 3N-6 vibrational modes ifthe molecule is not planar, and 3N-5 modes if the molecule is linear. Each of the modes has afrequency vn, which is called a fundamental ferequency . In the harmonic approximation, thetotal vibrational energy of a molecule is the sum of the vibrational energies of all vibrationalmodes presented as indiviadual harmonic oscillators

Evib =


(vn +


)hνn, (2.25)

where M = 3N − 6 in the general case, and M = 3N − 5 for linear molecules. The sum of allthe zeroth vibrational energies yields the the so-called zero-point vibrational energy (ZPVE).This is the lowest energy level a molecule can occupy for a certain conformer. In practice, thefundamental vibrational frequencies of a 3N-atomic molecule are determined through the mass-weighted force-constant matrix elements . Force constants are also called Hessians,

Fi j =1√


(∂2U∂xi∂x j


The real treatment of molecules requires also the inclusion of anharmonic corrections. Themethodology is desribed in very detail by Wilson, Decius, and Cross [69].

2.7 Programme Packages for Theoretical Molecular Investi-gations

Various commercial programmes for modelling of molecular structures and properties, and the-oretical investigation of molecular phenomena are available nowadays. One of the most prolif-erated programme packages is G [70]. It has been used also to provide the theoretical re-sults in this work. Other, also powerful, programmes are M [71], T [72], GAMESS(General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System), Q-C, which is optimized forcalculation of large molecules containing several hundred atoms, J, ACES II, CADPAC,SPARTAN.

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Chapter 3

Interaction between Light and Matter

Spectroscopy deals with transitions between states in atoms and molecules actuated by an exter-nal electromagnetic field (light, in the case of laser spectroscopy). The studied quantum systems(atoms or molecules) start from some stationary state, and as a result of the interaction withthe light, they end up in some other stationary state. Quantum transitions are described by thetime-dependent Schrodinger equation

i�∂ψ(q, t)∂t

= [H]ψ(q, t), (3.1)

where q designates the 3N spatial and the N spin coordiantes of a system consisting of N parti-cles, and t is time. The Hamiltonian of the joint system molecule-electromagnetic wave can bepresented as the sum of the isolated-molecule Hamiltonian H(0) and the Hamiltonian describingthe interaction between the molecule and the external field Hint (the lower-case index ’int’ standsfor ’interaction’), i. e.

H = H(0) + Hint(t) (3.2)

As seen from Eq. 3.2, the interaction Hamiltonian depends on time. It can be shown [73, 74]that the time-dependent wave function ψ(q, t) can be expanded in terms of the time-independent(stationary-state) wave function corresponding to Hamiltonian H(0),

ψ(q, t) =∑


ai(t)ψi(q) (3.3)

After some standard mathematical trasformations, and bearing in mind that the stationary-statewave functions ψi(q) are orthonormal, constitute a complete basis, and Eq. 3.2 can be transformed


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40 Interaction between Light and Matter

into its equivalent form,


dt= − i



m | Hint | ψ(0)n 〉,m = 1, 2, 3, ... (3.4)


ωmn ≡ E(0)m − E(0)



Eq. 3.4 is solved on the basis of the theory of perturbations. The interaction Hamiltonian istreated as a perturbation to the molecular Hamiltonian. If the perturbation is applied to themolecule at the time t = 0 in stationary state n then at t = 0, ψ(q, 0) = ψn(0), and from Eq. 3.3,it can be inferred that cn(0) = 1, and ci(0) = 0, for i � n. Assuming also that the perturbation issmall and acts for short time from t = 0 to t = t1, it is reasonable to infer that dcm

dt is also small,and hence the coefficient cm is obtained as

cm(t1) = − i�

∫ t1


m | Hint | ψ(0)n 〉 dt (3.6)

where cm(0) = δmn. The probability for the system to commute from the initial quantum state ninto a new state m is given by | cm(t) |2. This formula is the onset for the derivation of the famousFermi’s golden rule [75], which calculates the transition rate (probability of transition per unittime) from a certain energy eigenstate of a quantum system into a continuum of eigenstates,caused under the action of perturbation. This rule applies when there is no depletion of theinitial-state population. Fermi’s golden rule has the form

Tn→ f =2π�δ(E f − En) | 〈 f | Hpert | n〉 |2 ρ (3.7)

In the formula above n is the initial state, f designates the continuum of states, and ρ shows thedensity of the destination states.Formula 3.6 is irrelevant of the nature of the perturbation applied. The interaction of light withquantum systems is rationalized in the frame of the semiclassical theory, wherein light is treatedas an electromagnetic wave. The interaction between light and atoms/molecules can be viewedupon as an interaction between an electromagnetic wave and the dipole it induces in molecules.This is the so-called electric dipole approximation . The interaction Hint has the form

Hint = −µ · E(t) (3.8)

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Interaction between Light and Matter 41

E(t) represents the electric-field vector as a function of time. It is convenient to represent a time-varying electric field as a supeposition of plane-polarized waves with different frequencies, ωi,time-dependent amplitudes, fi(t), and planes of polarization e. The expansion in terms of planewaves is described by the next formula

E(t) =∞∑


ei fi(t)e−iωit (3.9)

On the basis of formulae 3.6 and 3.7, the following important for spectroscopy conclusions canbe drawn.

• An optical transition is possible only when the energy of the photon equals the energydifference between the two levels, n and m. This is the so-called resonance condition.

• If the resonence condition is met, the intensity of the transition depends on the matrixelement | 〈ψ(0)

m | Hint | ψ(0)n 〉 |2. There are two cases when a transition may be resonance-

allowed but the intensity of the transition may be zero, or very small. i)When the interac-tion Hamiltonian Hint is very small due to the small induced dipole moment µ the abovematrix element is also small. ii) Because of molecular-symmetry considerations, the ma-trix element may vanish even in cases when the induced dipole moment is not zero. Thislays the ground for the establishment of selection rules, i. e., there are allowed and for-bidden transitions [73]. The particular selection rules that apply to rotationally resolvedspectroscopy are discussed in Chap. 4.

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42 Interaction between Light and Matter

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Chapter 4

Molecular Quantum MechanicalCharacteristics and Molecular Structure

Molecules are complex quantum-mechanical objects. For the understanding of their structuresand properties, the entangled interactions between their constituents have to be explained. TheHamiltonian of a molecule with m nuclei and n electrons is

H = HN + HE + HNN + HEE + HNE (4.1)

In this formula HN is the kinetic energy of the nuclei, HE is the kinetic energy of the electrons,ˆHNN is the interaction energy of the nuclei, HEE stands for the inetarction between the electrons,

and the last term describes the interaction between the nuclei and the electrons.The substitution of the above Hamiltonian into the equation!Schrodinger (see Chap. 3), andthe solution of the latter, in principle, yields all the information on the energy levels and wavefunctions of this molecule. Due to the complicated form of the Hamiltonian, however, the so-produced Schrodinger equation does not render itself to a direct solution. That is why, somereasonable assumptions have to be made in order to make the solution tractable.

4.1 Born-Oppenheimer Approximation

The most straightforward and widely-used approximation, when treating molecules quantum-mechanically, is the Born-Oppenheimer approximation [76]. Electrons are ca. 2000 times lighterthan protons/neutrons. This means that for a small to medium-sized molecule containing severaltens of atoms, the ratio between the mass of the electrons and that of the nuclei is in the range10−3 − 10−5. Due to the higher, mass nucleons are intrinsically more inert than electrons, and


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44 Molecular Quantum Mechanical Characteristics and Molecular Structure

hence their response to forces is slower. This implies that at every instant of time the electrons ina molecule experience a static potential created by the nuclei. Thus, the electronic wavefunctionreacts adiabatically to any change in the nuclear configuration, i. e., the nuclear configuration is”encoded” in the electronic wave function. Actually, the equilibrium configuration of the atomicnuclei in a molecule is the one that yields minimum of the sum of the energies resulting fromthe interaction between the nuclei, ENN, between the electrons, EEE, and between the nuclei andthe electrons, ENE. The binding of atoms to form a molecule brings forth the electronic energyof a molecule, Eel. The atomic nuclei in a molecule oscillate about their equilibrium positions,so these oscillations have vibrational energy, Evib. Molecules also rotate with rotational energy,Erot. When considering molecular properties, the overall translation of the molecule is irrelevant,and hence it is omitted.Thus, the Born-Oppenheimer approximation states that the electronic motions, the vibrations,and the rotations of a molecule can be treated separetaly, and the total energy of a molecule(excluding its translational component) is the sum of its electronic (the potential that keeps theatoms bound together), vibrational, and rotational energies:

E = Eel + Evib + Erot (4.2)

There is a relation between the magnitudes of the electronic, vibrational, and rotational energies:

Erot ≈√


Evib ≈ mM

Eel (4.3)

The energies differ by two-three orders of magnitude from each other. It is seen also that theelectronic energy constitutes the largest contribution to the total energy.It is important to point out that the Born-Oppenheimer approximation is not always valid. Thereare cases which cannot be described correctly within this approximation. Such cases are re-ferred to as the Born-Oppenheimer approximation break-down. Typical examples of the Born-Oppenheimer approximation break-down are the vibration-rotation interaction through the Cori-olis coupling [77], or the interaction between the electronic wave functions and the vibrations,which is known as the Herzberg-Teller effect [78].

4.2 Rotation of Molecules

The analysis and interpretation of rotatianally resolved molecular spectra necessitates cognizanceof the theory of the molecular rotation. This theory relates in an elegant way the structure ofmolecules with their rotational spectra.

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4.2 Rotation of Molecules 45

4.2.1 Molecular Rotational Energy

If one assumes that the interatomic distances in a molecule are fixed to some vibrationally av-eraged values, then the molecule can be treated as a rigid body and hence the energy levelscorresponding to its overall rotations can be calculated. The assumption of rigidity is well justi-fied in many cases. When, however, this assumption fails due to molecular distortions, the latterare accounted for by an explicit inclusion of distortion coefficients.Every rigid molecule is characterized by its tensor of inertia I [79, 80]

I =

Ixx Ixy Ixz

Iyx Iyy Iyz

Izx Izy Izz


The matrix elements are defined in the following way

Ixx ≡∑


mi(y2i + z2

i ) etc., Ixy ≡∑


mixiyi etc. (4.5)

where xi, yi, and zi are the coordinates of atom i with respect to an arbitrary coordinate system,and mi is the atomic mass. When this tensor is diagonalized (all off-diagonal elements Ixy becomezeros), it yields the three principal moments of inertia , designated as Ia, Ib, and Ic, about the threeprincipal axes of inertia, a, b, and c, respectively. The principal axes of inertia are labelled sothat to produce the inequality

Ia ≤ Ib ≤ Ic (4.6)

With respect to their principal moments of inertia molecules can be divided into four groups.

• Spherical top. Ia = Ib = Ic, for instance CH4

• Prolate symmetric top. Ia < Ib = Ic, for instance CH3Br. Linear molecules constitute aparticular case of prolate symmetric tops when Ia = 0 and Ib = Ic. All diatomic moleculesbelong to this class of molecules.

• Oblate symmetric top. Ia = Ib > Ic,

• Asymmetric top. Ia � Ib � Ic

The rotational kinetic energy Hamiltonian of a rigid molecule can be expressed through its tensorof inertia and angular velosity

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46 Molecular Quantum Mechanical Characteristics and Molecular Structure

Hrot =12

Ii jωiω j (4.7)

In the principal coordinate system, the rotations about the three principal axes of inetria are de-coupled and the total rotational kinetic energy becomes the sum of the rotational kinetic energiesabout the three axes

Hrot =12

(Iaω2a + Ibω

2b + Icω

2c) = AP2

a + BP2b +CP2

c (4.8)

The coefficients A, B, and C are called rotational constants, and obey the inequality A ≥ B ≥ C.They are inversely proportional to the moments of inertia, and are defined by the expressions

A =�


2IaB =


2IbC =



As will be shown in the subsequent chapters, rotational constants play an important role in theanalysis of rotationally resolved spectra, and the assignement of molecular structures on the basisof spectroscopic data. The quantities Pα, α = a, b, c, are the angular momenta of the moleculerelative to its principal axes of inertia.

4.2.2 Molecular Rotational Energy Levels

To obtian the energy levels of a rigid molecule, it is convenient to represent the quantum-mechanical Hamiltonian through the angular momenta of the molecule as shown in the lastequality of Eq. 4.8. Several important properties and relations of the rigid-molecule angularmomenta are highlighted in the following. The detailed derivation of these properties and re-lations can be found, for instance, in [73, 81, 82]. Let XYZ be a space-fixed coordinate systemwith its origin in the centre of mass of the molecule, and abc be the coordinate system of theprincipal axes of inertia of the molecule. Then the following relations between the projections ofthe squared angular momentum, P2, onto the axes X, Y , and Z, and a, b, and c, and the rotationalHamiltonian Hrot hold

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4.2 Rotation of Molecules 47

P2 = P2a + P2

b + P2c = P2

X + P2Y + P2

Z (4.10)

[PX, PY] = i�PZ etc. (4.11)

[Pa, Pb] = −i�Pc etc. (4.12)

[P2, Pc] = 0 etc. (4.13)

[P2, PZ] = 0 etc. (4.14)

[PZ, Pc] = 0 etc. (4.15)

[Hrot, P2] = 0 etc. (4.16)

[Hrot, PZ] = 0 etc. (4.17)

It can be shown that for every rotor, there exist some fundamental relations

P2ψ = J(J + 1)�2ψ, J = 0, 1, 2, ... (4.18)

PZψ = K�ψ, K = 0,±1, ...,±J (4.19)


J(J + 1)� is the magnitude of the total rotational angular momentum and K� is its com-ponent along a space-fixed axis.The energy levels for the different types of moleculs, spherical top, symmetric top, and asym-metric top, are listed below.

Spherical-Top Energy Levels

E = AJ(J + 1) (4.20)

where A = B = C is the rotational constant of the molecule.

Symmetric-Top Energy Levels

E(J,K) = BJ(J + 1) + (C − B)K2 oblate top (4.21)

J = 0, 1, 2, ... K = 0,±1,±2, ...,±J

E(J,K) = BJ(J + 1) + (A − B)K2 prolate top (4.22)

J = 0, 1, 2, ... K = 0,±1,±2, ...,±J

E = BJ(J + 1) linear (4.23)

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48 Molecular Quantum Mechanical Characteristics and Molecular Structure

As seen from the above formulae, the rotational energy of symmetric tops depends not only on Jbut also on a second quantum number, K, which determines the projections of the total angularmomentum along a molecule-fixed axis of the symmetric top.

Asymmetric-Top Energy Levels

The formulae for the energy levels of asymmetric-top molecules are quite complicated, and theenergy levels can be obtained analytically only for small values of J. For large values of J, theenergy levels are calculated numerically. An important parameter in the analysis of asymmetricrotors is the Ray’s asymmetry parameter , defined as

κ =2B − A −C

A −C(4.24)

This parameter shows the deviation of the particular asymmetric top from either the prolate or theoblate symmetric top. The energy levels of an asymmetric top are, usually, designated as JKprKob ,where Kpr and Kob designate the the values of K for the prolate and oblate symmetric tops,respectively, that correlate with the asymmetry-top level under consideration. It is important toemphasize, however, that Kpr and Kob are not true quantum numbers for the asymmetric top. Analternative notation for the asymmetric energy levels is Jτ, where τ = Kpr − Kob.The following table (taken from Ref. [80]) shows the analytical solutions for the first few energylevels of an asymmetric top.

JKprKob τ = Kpr − Kob E(J,Kpr,Kob)000 0 0110 1 A + B111 0 A +C101 -1 B +C

220 2 2A + 2B + 2C + 2√

(B −C)2 + (A −C)(A − B)221 1 4A + B +C211 0 A + 4B +C212 -1 A + B + 4C

202 -2 2A + 2B + 2C − 2√

(B −C)2 + (A −C)(A − B)

Table 4.1: Rigid asymmetric-top energy levels

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4.2 Rotation of Molecules 49

4.2.3 Electric Dipole Transition Moment

It is proved [73] in the electric dipol approximation (see Chap. 3) that the transition probabilityof a molecule from state n to state m under the action of plane-polarized (in the x direction)monochromatic light with electromagnetic energy density ux at frequency νmn for a time T is

| cmn(T ) |2= 2π�−2T | 〈m | µx | n〉 |2 ux(νmn) (4.25)

In the above equation µx is the x component of the molecular dipole moment. The matrix element| 〈m | µx | n〉 | can be written in the more general form

| 〈m | µ | n〉 |2=| 〈m | µx | n〉 |2 + | 〈m | µy | n〉 |2 + | 〈m | µz | n〉 |2 (4.26)

where µ = iµx + jµy + kµz. | µ〉 is called transition dipole moment or transition moment. Thetransition moment is a vector quantity, and it is usually defined with respect to the principal axesof inertia of the molecule. Depending on whether the transition dipole moment is oriented alongthe the a, b, or c principal axis of inertia, one distinguishes between three types of transitions,a−, b−, and c−type.

4.2.4 Selection Rules

Not all transitions between the energy levels of an asymmetric top are possible. One-photontransitions are allowed only for transitions for which ∆J = 0,±1. In a set of transitions those forwhich ∆J = −1 form the P branch, those for which ∆J = 0 give rise to the Q branch, and ∆J = +1form the R branch. For two-photon transitions, the selection rules are different from those forone-photon transitions. In this case ∆J = −2,+2, corresponding to O and S branches [83].

4.2.5 Transition Intensity

Transition intensities are determined by statistical weights depending on the degeneracy in thequantum number K, nuclear spin, the polarization of the light inducing the transition, and on thethermal distribution of the species given by the Boltzmann formula





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50 Molecular Quantum Mechanical Characteristics and Molecular Structure

where ∆Emn is the energy difference between levels m and n, k is the Boltzmann constant , and Tis the rotational temperature .

4.2.6 Deviations from the Born-Oppenheimer Approximation

The discussion hitherto was on rigid molecules obeying the Born-Oppenheimer approximation(see Sec. 4.1). Sometimes, however, these approximations break down, and one has to eleboratedifferent models to treat the molecular behaviour properly. The most typical deviations from theabove approximations are listed here.

• Centrifugal distortion. When considering high values of J, molecular bonds stretch andhence molecules can be no longer treated as rigid objects. In this case, their rotationalenergy levels are calculated by including in the respective rigid-molecule-approximationformulae a correction for the centrifugal distortion expressed by centrifugal distortion con-stants [73, 81]

• Coriolis coupling. The Coriolis coupling in molecules results from the coupling betweenthe molecular vibrations and the overall rotation of the molecule. The Coriolis-couplingcorrection in the Born-Oppeheimer approximation is introduced through the theory of per-turbations.

• Herzberg-Teller effect. The Herzberg-Teller effect [78] is the gain of intensity by an elec-tronically forbidden but vibronically allowed transition from another both electronicallyand vibronically allowed transition through vibrational coupling.

• Jahn-Teller effect. If at a certain symmetrical nonlinear nuclear configuration of a poly-atomic molecule, two electronic states are degenerate, the latter can be lifted by somenuclear distortion. The splitting of the electronic degeneracy by a nuclear distrosion ac-companied by the interaction between the rotation-vibration levels of the two electronicstates is referred to as the Jan-Teller effect [84].

4.3 Rotational Constants and Structure of Molecular Species

From the rotationally resolved spectroscopy one can derive the values of molecular rotationalconstants, which are related to the principal moments of inertia of the studied species. Unfortu-nately, rotational constants do not provide unique information on the molecular structure sinceit may happen that different structures may have very similar rotational constants. That is why,it is necessary to find a method to assign structures on the basis of the experimentally observedrotational constants.

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4.3 Rotational Constants and Structure of Molecular Species 51

Molecular structures are determined by defining the interatomic distances, planar, and dihe-dral angles . Regarding bond lengths, the following bond-length definitions have to be distin-guished [80].

• re is the bond legth that corresponds to a hypothetic vibrationless state of the molecule.

• r0 is the effective bond length corresponding to a ground-state vibtation. It is these dis-tances that are involved in the measured rotational constants.

• rs is the bond length corresponding to an isotopic substitution. The so-defined bond lengthis discussed in conjuction with the Kraitchman equations [85]

• 〈r〉 is an averaged bond length corresponding to some atom positions resulting from partialcorrection to the vibrational effects.

• rm is the mass-weighted bond length derived from the averaging of the bond lengths of alarge number of isotopically substituted species.

Kraitchman equations [80, 85, 86] are a convenient analytical tool for determining the coordi-nates of an isotopically substituted atom in a rigid molecule with respect to the center-of-mass(COM) principal axis system of the parent molecule (the molecule before the isotopic substitu-tion). Kraitchman equations allow the coordinates of the substituted atom to be found on thebasis of the measured rotational constants for the particular molecular species before and afterthe isotopic substitution. This approach has been successfully applied to the analysis of manynoble-gas clusters of benzene (Bzn) and benzene derivatives [87–89]. The coordinates of an iso-topically substituted atom with respect to the principal-axis system of the parent molecule arecalculated by the formulae

| x |=√∆Px


(1 +


Py − Px

)(1 +


Pz − Px


| y |=√∆Py


(1 +


Pz − Py

)(1 +


Px − Py


| z |=√∆Pz


(1 +


Px − Pz

)(1 +


Py − Pz


where µ is the reduced mass of the molecular species

µ =M∆m

M + ∆m(4.29)

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (52)

52 Molecular Quantum Mechanical Characteristics and Molecular Structure

M is the mass of the molecule before the isotopic substitution, and ∆m is difference of the massesbefore the substitution.

Px, Py, and Pz in Eq. 4.3 are defined as

Px =12

(−Ix + Iy + Iz)

Py =12

(−Iy + Iz + Ix) (4.30)

Pz =12

(−Iz + Ix + Iy)

Ix, Iy and Iz designate the principal moment of inertia of the unsubstituted molecule. Differences∆ of parameter P in Eq. 4.3 are defined as

∆Px = P′x − Px

∆Py = P′y − Py (4.31)

∆Pz = P′z − Pz

The primed parameters in the above definitions correspond to the molecular species after theisotopic substitution.

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Part II

Spectroscopic Investigation ofMolecular Systems


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Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (55)

Chapter 5

The Concept of Spectroscopy

Spectroscopy provides information on the quantum-mechanical energy levelsof physical systems. It is an efficient experimental tool for the investiga-tion of molecular structure and dynamics. Over the years, spectroscopy hasdiversified, and nowadays, there exists a great variety of spectroscopic tech-niques [3,13,22,43,90–96]. It is difficult that all spectroscopic techniques beencompassed and described in detail. This chapter aims at providing a generaloverview of the existing advanced spectroscopic methods that are relevent tothe investigation of weak molecular interactions, molecular conformations,cluster patterns, and molecular ionization and fragmentation. Their advan-tages and drawbacks are briefly discussed along with the main realms of theirapplicability.

5.1 Survey on Molecular Spectroscopy Techniques

For weak interactions to be studied, it is important that the model systems (molecules or molec-ular complexes) should be isolated and unperturbed by external influences. There are severalmethods to produce isolated molecular species.

• Molecular beams. A convenient and powerful method for production of molecular speciesin the gas phase is the supersonic jet expansion [11, 14, 97–103]: the studied species areentrained in some carrier gas (usually He, Ne, Ar), and the mixture is expanded througha pulsed nozzle into vacuum, thus yielding a cold molecular beam. The cooling processcompells the species to occupy the lowest-energy conformations; thereupon only the moststable conformations can be experimentally identified. An additional phenomenon stem-ming from the adiabatic cooling is the formation of weakly bound clusters [11, 14, 101].


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56 The Concept of Spectroscopy

The details on the supersonic molecular jet expansion are presented in the next chapter.

• Matrix isolation. Matrix isolation is an experimental technique used to embed molecularspecies in an unreactive matrix [104, 105]. Usually the guest sample is diluted in the ma-trix host material and the so-produced mixture is cooled down to less than 10 K. Thus, thestudied species is trapped in the matrix formed by the condensed host material. Most fre-quently, noble gases and nitrogen are used as host materials. The matrix isolation techniquewas suggested in 1954 by Pimentel and co-workers [104], and since that time, it has de-veloped as one of the techniques employed to isolate molecules and molecular complexes.It has been applied also to the investigation of biologically relevant molecules [106].

• Helium droplets. An advanced technique for the investigation of molecular conformationsis the spectroscopy in heluim droplets [107–110]. It is an alternative to the collisional cool-ing in supersonic jet expansions [111]. The studied molecular species is embedded in ahelium droplet that provides an isothermal environment achieved by evaporative coolingdown to 0.37 K (4He droplets), or 0.15 K (3He droplets) [110]. Because of the super-fluidity of helium at these low temperatures, the helium-droplet environment mimics thegas-phase conditions, but at very low temperature. The helium-droplets technique has beenshown to be a promising technique for the exploration of even large biologically significantmolecules [112].

For convenience, the spectroscopic techniques that have been elaborated to study isolated molec-ular species can be devided into several categories [13]: electronic [13, 113], near-infrared[114, 115], far-infrared [116, 117], microwave [118], Raman [119, 120], rotational coherence[119, 121, 122], gas electron diffraction [123], zero electron kinetic energy (ZEKE) [124], massanalysed threshold ionization (MATI) [125].

5.2 Molecular Electronic Spectroscopy

5.2.1 UV Laser Induced Fluorescence

In the UV laser induced fluorescence (LIF) experiments, the molecules are excited from theirground electronic state to an excited electronic state. Then the total fluorescence is measured.Through scanning the frequency of the excitation laser, one can chart the excited-state energylevels. Depending on the excitation-laser resolution, LIF spectroscopy may be low-resolution(laser linewidth ∆ν ≥ 0.05 cm−1 FWHM (Full Width at Half Maximum)) allowing for dis-tinguishing single vibrational bands or rotational band contours in the first excited electronicstate [126–129], and high-resolution (laser linewidth ∆ ≤ 0.005 cm−1 (FWHM)) resolving sin-gle rotational lines or clumps of rotational lines. Low-resolution LIF experiments are routinely

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5.2 Molecular Electronic Spectroscopy 57

conducted in many laboratories. They employ pulsed excitation . High-resolution UV LIF ex-periments are more sophisticated, and, in order to achieve high spectral resolution, the excitationis performed by continuous-wave (cw) laser light. Such experiments are carried out by Pratt andco-workers [130–136], and Meerts and co-workers [137–141]. LIF spectroscopy is a sensitivetechnique but it lacks mass selectivity, and hence spectra originating from different molecularspecies in the cold molecular beam may overlap and impede the analysis of the so-obtainedresults.

5.2.2 UV Resonance Enhanced Multiphoton Ionization

The UV resonance-enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI) spectroscopy can be also twotypes, low- and high-resolution. This technique has been used to obtain the results presented inthis work; therefore it is very coprehensively described in the next chapter.

5.2.3 Spectrosopy of Resolved High Rydberg States

The spectrosopy of high-lying Rydberg states [142, 143] is important for the understanding thebehaviour of highly excited molecules, and it paves the way to the investigation of molecules andmolecular complexes in the ionic state. Employing a specially developed fitting technique [143],one can obtain the Rydberg series limits. The spectroscopy of high Rydberg states has beenapplied to various molecules and molecular complexes [144–146].

5.2.4 Zero Kinetic Energy (ZEKE) and Mass Analysed Threshold Ioniza-tion (MATI) Spectroscopies

Both zero electron kinetic energy (ZEKE) and mass analysed threshold ionization (MATI) spec-troscopies explore the energy levels in the cation. They exploit the same fundamental principlesbut differ in the type of the detected particles. After ionization, ZEKE spectroscopy detects elec-trons, whilst MATI detects ions. For charting the energy levels in the cationic state, however,the frequency scan alone does not suffice: increasing the frequncy of the ionization laser pulsesleads only to higher kinetic energy of the ejected electrons. That is why, an additional parameterbesides the laser frequency must be also fixed. This parameter is the kinetic energy of the ejectedelectrons. The underlying idea in ZEKE and MATI spectrosopies is that every cationic stateis the limit of a converging Rydberg series of neutral states. Thus, a selective excition of highRydberg states, followed by a pulsed-filed ionization results in spectrally resolved energy levels

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58 The Concept of Spectroscopy

of the cation. ZEKE spectroscopy came to existence in 1984 with the work of Schlag, Muller-Dethlefs, and Sander [147, 148], and it has been applied to many molecular systems [149–151].MATI spectroscopy has the advantage of mass selectivity. This technique emerged in 1991 withthe work of Zhu and JohnsonS [125, 152]. It has provided valuable information on the structureand properties of various molecular monomers and complexes in their ionic state [153–156].

5.2.5 Double Resonance Spectroscopy

Double resonance spectroscopy is a technique that allows for the separate identification of dis-tinct molecular conformations or isomers in the cold molecular beam or can be used also tostudy the vibrational dynamics in liquids [3, 157–159]. There are two types of double resonancespectroscopy: UV-UV hole-burning, and IR-UV ion-depletion. In the former, two UV lasers areused, one probe laser whose frequency is fixed to a certain transition from the ground electronicstate to a vibrational level in the excited electronic state, and a second, UV ”burn”, laser whosefrequency is scanned across the vibrational spectrum of the excited electronic state. The probelaser is delayed relative to the ”burn” laser. Thus, transitions originating from the species thatbrings forth the transition the probe laser is tuned to will burn out its population in the groundstate and this will bring about intensity drops in the signal originating from the probe laser. Whenthe UV-UV hole-burning spectrum is compared with the REMPI spectrum, the vibronic bandsassociated with different species are discriminated. UV-UV hole-burning experiments have beenused to distinguish between different conformations of small biological molecules [160–162].The other alternative to the UV-UV hole-burning spectroscopy, the IR-UV one, employs alsotwo lasers, one IR ”burn” laser which is fixed to a certain vibrational transition in the groundelectronic state, and a second, UV probe, laser whose frecuecy is scanned across the vibrationallevels of the excited electronic state. The IR ”burn” laser depopulates the ground state of onlyone of the species in the cold molecular beam; thereby, the electronic transitions associated withthis species will be greatly reduced or removed from the LIF/REMPI spectrum [13, 163–165].A type of double resonance spectrosscopy is also the coherent ion-dip spectroscopy [142, 166].It is more important from the view point of molecular dynamics rather than for determination ofmolecular structures.

5.3 Near- and Far-Infrared Laser Spectroscopy

Near-infrared (near-IR) spectroscopy is used to measure the vibrational spectra of molecules andmolecular complexes. Infrared lasers with optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) and frequencymixers are used as tuneable light sources [40, 167, 168]. The spectra are measured by moni-toring the depletion of the fluorescence [169, 170] or the ionization [40] signal as a function of

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5.4 Microwave Spectroscopy 59

the frequency of the IR laser. Important improvements in the sensitivity of the near-IR spec-trosopy have been brought by IR absorption in slit jets [171, 172] and cavity ring-down (CRD)spectroscopy [173–176]. Slit jets are used to increase the interaction path between the molecularspecies and the laser beam/pulses. Cavity ring-down spectroscopy is an absorption spectrosopywith very high sensitivity. It is not affected by fluctuations in the laser-source intensity because itmeasures the absorption rate rather than the absorption magnitude of light pulses travelling backand forth between two plano-concave mirrors forming a high-Q cavity. Since the light pulses inthe cavity traverse through multipassing enormous distance (several kilometers), even very smallabsorptions can be readily detected.The far-infrared (far-IR) spectroscopy covers the spectral range 20-150 cm−1. It is also referredto as a vibration-rotation tunnelling spectroscopy since its main application area is the investiga-tion of the transitions between vibration-rotation tunnelling states. This technique was pioneeredby Saykally [177], and successfully applied by Winnewisser and co-workers [178].

5.4 Microwave Spectroscopy

Microwave spectroscopy plays a very important role in structural assignments since it providesvery accurate rotational and distrorsion constants of the studied species [80]. It has been usedto study isolated molecules [179–181] and molecular complexes [182, 183]. The assignmentof molecular structures, however, is not straightforward since usually the parameters needed tounambiguously assign the molecular structure are more than the data provided by microwavespectroscopy. This warrants microwave spectroscopy to be combined with other techniques.Another limitation of microwave spectroscopy is that it can investigate molecular species only intheir ground electronic state.

5.5 Raman Spectroscopy

Notwithsatnding Raman spectroscopy is applied to the condensed phase rather than to the gasphase, it is listed here because it is a source of important information on the low-frequencyvibrational modes of molecules in a solution. It uses a laser to excite the molecules and thesubsequent Stokes or anti-Stokes emission is detected [119, 120].

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60 The Concept of Spectroscopy

5.6 Rotational Coherence Spectroscopy

Rotational coherence (RC) spectroscopy was invented by Zewail and co-workers [121]. It yieldsthe moments of inertia of freely rotating molecular species from the measurements of their char-acteristic rotational times. The so-measured moments of inertia in conjunction with theory canprovide information on the molecular structure. The characteristic rotational times are measuredby a pump-probe spectroscopy. A linearly polarized pump laser pulse excites all species whosetransition dipole moments are aligned parallel to the laser polarization. Some time after theexcitation the initial alignment breaks due to the different characteristic rotational times of thedifferent species. The initial alignment, however, recurs after a certan time period that dependson the rotational constants. This characteristic time period is probed by a second time-delayedlaser pulse [119,122]. This technique has been demonstrated to yield rotational constants which,along with theoretical predictions, can be used for the assignement of molecular structures [184].

5.7 Gas Electron Diffraction

The gas electron diffraction is a particular case of the electron diffraction [123]. It is applied forthe determination of molecular structures in the gas phase. The electron diffraction pattern is afingerprint of the molecular structure, i. e., from the observed electron diffraction pattern onecan reconstruct the molecular structure that brings it forth. The physics behind this technique isbased on the wave-particle duality nature of electrons. What is recorded is the total scatteringintensity, which depends on the electron momentum transfer, i. e., the difference between themomentum vector of the impingent electron beam and that of the scattered one. The electronmomentum transfer consists of an atomic and molecular component. The former does not dis-play any structure. The molecular component, however, has a pattern which results from theinterference between the spherical electron waves scatterred from the individual atoms buildingup the molecules of the studies species. Thus, the molecular structure is encoded in the interfer-ence pattern and hence can be worked back once the interference pattern is known. It is worthto point out that for large molecules the determination of their structures only on the basis ofgas electron diffraction measurements is not always straightforward; it is often necessary in suchcases, information from other types of spectroscopy to be adduced [185].

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Chapter 6

Resonance Enhanced Two-PhotonIonization Spectroscopy in MolecularBeams

S. C, P. Q. W, R. K, T. C, J. E. B, H. J. N P. SPIE 5830, 246 (2005).High-resolution Doppler-free resonance enhanced two-photon ionization(R2PI) spectroscopy with mass selection of jet-cooled (2-12 K) molecularspecies is renowned as a powerful experimental technique for studying ofisolated molecules and molecular complexes in the gas phase. It allows ro-tationally resolved (FWHM = 70 MHz) spectra of the vibronic bands of theS1 ←− S 0 electronic transition of the studied molecular systems to be mea-sured at their mass channel. The so-obtained spectra are analysed by a spe-cially designed computer-assisted fitting routine based on genetic algorithmsand thus accurate rotational constants in the ground, S0 and the first excited, S1

electronic state, respectively, and the transition moment ratio of the observedspecies can be determined.


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62 Resonance Enhanced Two-Photon Ionization Spectroscopy in Molecular Beams







ν2 = const


(a) One-colour ionization (b) Two-colour ionization

Figure 6.1: Resonant two-photon ionization (R2PI) scheme.

6.1 Resonance Enhanced Two-Photon Ionization (R2PI) UVLaser Spectroscopy

UV R2PI spectroscopy of jet-cooled molecular species explores the transitions between the elec-tronic ground, S0, state and the first excited, S1, state. All of the studied molecular systems areproduced at low rotational temperature via supersonic jet expansion. The R2PI technique em-ploys one excitation photon to promote the molecules from their ground, S0, electronic state tothe first excited, S1, electronic state and a second photon to ionize them. The energy scheme ispresented in Fig. 6.1.

There are two types of R2PI experiments: one-colour (see Fig. 6.1a) and two-colour (see Fig. 6.1b).In the first type, two photons with the same energy (ν1) from a single light source are used bothfor the excitation and ionization steps. The drawback of this scheme is that when scanning abroad region in the S1 electronic state, the total photon energy (2ν1) may exceed the dissociationenergy in the ion and thus lead to an undesired fragmentation of the studied species, especially incase of weakly bound complexes. This shortcoming is overrun by using a two-colour ionizationscheme, in which one photon with energy ν1 is employed to excite the molecules from their elec-

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6.2 Experimental Set up 63

tronic ground state to the first excited electronic state and a second photon with a constant energy(ν2 = const) is used to ionize the already excited molecules. The energy of the excitation photonis scanned and the one of the ionization photon is fixed to a value which exceeds (typically 100cm−1) the ionization limit but is below the dissociation energy of the cluster ion. The excitationand the subsequent ionization occur only if the resonance condition is fulfilled (see Eq. 6.1).

∆E = hν1 = En − Em (6.1)

With respect to the linewidth of the scanned laser, R2PI spectroscopy may be low- and high-resolution. The low-resolution R2PI spectroscopy is used to find the position of the vibrationaltransitions, and the high-resolution spectroscopy yields the rotational structure of the respectivevibronic bands.

6.2 Experimental Set up

The experimental set up comprises three functional units: vacuum equipment with pulsed heat-able nozzle for production of jet-cooled molecular species [11, 101, 102] and a coupled time-of-flight mass spectrometer with an ion detector, a laser system for low- and high-resolutionspectroscopy, and a data acquisition system. They are described in detail in the following sub-chapters.

6.2.1 Cold Supersonic Molecular Beams

The supersonically jet-cooled molecules and molecular complexes are produced by adiabatic ex-pansion through a pulsed nozzle into vacuum. The vacuum chamber consists of two differentiallypumped subchambers: a forechamber and an interaction chamber (see Fig. 6.2).

The forechamber contains the pulsed nozzle, and the cold molecular beam is produced there.It is evacuated by a turbomolecular pump (Balzers TPU 2200, 3200 l/s) maintaining vacuumin nozzle-nonoperating regime of 9.10−9 mbar. When the nozzle is operating, the pressure canincrease up to 5.10−5 mbar. The interaction chamber is connected to the forechamber through askimmer with a clearance of 1.5 mm, through which the molecular beam passes. The interactionchamber is the place where the interaction between the molecules and the laser pulses takes place.It is also the receptacle of the time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The vacuum in this subchamberis produced by a turbomolecular pump (Balzers TPU 510, 510 l/s). On two of the opposite wallsof this subchamber, there are quartz windows that transmit the counterpropagating UV laserpulses.

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64 Resonance Enhanced Two-Photon Ionization Spectroscopy in Molecular Beams

Pulsed nozzle

Gas inlet Skimmer

Linear TOF

Turbomolecular pump

Turbomolecular pump

Figure 6.2: Schematic view of the molecular-beam set up and the time-of-flight mass spectrom-eter set up.

The cold molecular beam [11, 101, 102] is produced by expansion of the investigated speciesentrained in a carrier gas through a heatable (up to 120◦ C) nozzle with an orifice diameterof 300 µm. The sample is contained in a small cup inside the nozzle, just before the orifice.This allows for the vapours of the sample to mix with the carrier gas prior to the expansion.The container can be heated and the temperature can be maintained stable (within 0.5◦ C) by aprogrammable electronic thermocontroller (H G 901). Solvent molecules (such aswater, acetylene, methanol, etc.) can be introduced together with the buffer gas. In this case,the buffer gas is mixed with the solvent molecules in a metal cylinder. In this way, the partialpressure of the two components (buffer gas and solvent) can be precisely controlled (withinseveral mbar). The so-obtained gas mixture is supplied to the nozzle where it hom*ogenizes withthe investigated species. The carrier gas is usually Ar since it favours the collisional cooling dueto its large atomic mass. Ne can also be used, though the cooling process in this case is not veryefficient. The stagnation pressure of the carrier gas inside the nozzle is typically in the range2-4 bar. The molecular beam is laced through a conical skimmer (see Fig. 6.2). The skimmerposition is fixed but the nozzle position is adjustable so that the nozzle to-skimmer distancecan be optimized as a trade-off between the ion signal intensity and the Doppler broadening.Table 6.1 (Taken from [36]) presents the Doppler broadening at a skimmer orifice diameter of1.5 mm as a function of the buffer gas and the nozzle-to-skimmer distance.

Usually, the Doppler broadening is reduced down to 40-50 MHz. The ions produced as a resultof the interaction between the molecular beam and the laser pulses are mass selected with ahomebuilt [186, 187] linear Wiley-McLaren [188] time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer (see

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (65)

6.2 Experimental Set up 65

Carrier gas Nozzle-to-skimmer distance Doppler broadeningmm MHz / cm−1

Ne 50 85 / 0.0028Ne 100 40 / 0.0013Ar 50 60 / 0.0020Ar 100 30 / 0.0010

Table 6.1: Doppler broadening at a skimmer orifice diameter of 1.5 mm as a function of thecarrier gas and the nozzle-to-skimmer distance. For comparison, the Doppler broadening ofC6H6 in a gas cell at room temperature is 1600 MHz (0.053 cm−1) [36].

Fig. 6.2). The ion optics of the spectrometer consists of three elements (deflectors), which createan electric field deflecting the ions from the initial straight trajectory of the molecular beam ina direction perpendicular to the plane defined by the molecular beam and the path of the laserpulses. Thus, the ions are targeted at the detector, which is on top of the interaction chamber. Thedeflector comprises two regions: the ion extraction region and the ion steering region. The laser-generated ions are extracted by the electric field created between the repeller plate (bottom platein Fig. 6.2), to which a voltage of +300 V is applied, and the diafragm (middle ring in Fig. 6.2),to which a voltage of +220 V is applied. The upward trajectory of the extracted ions is correctedby the weaker electric field formed by the diafragm and the mesh (grounded) (upper plate inFig. 6.2). The ions pass through a drift region of 20 cm and then are detected by microchannelplates whose amplification ranges between 106 and 108. It is well-known that the nonrelativistickinetic energy of charged particles is proportional to the charge and the potential difference.Mathematically, this relationship is expressed by the equation:


mv2 = eU (6.2)

Since the R2PI experiments are concerned with singly ionized molecules and molecular com-plexes and the applied electric field in the TOF is the same for all ions, the above equation can berecast to demonstrate that the arrival time of the ions at the detector is proportional to the squareroot of their mass:

t ∝ √m (6.3)

Thus, the measured arrival time can be easily transformed into ionic mass. By using referentmolecular systems (e. g. C6H6), the proportionality constant has been determined to be 2.70µs.u−2.

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66 Resonance Enhanced Two-Photon Ionization Spectroscopy in Molecular Beams

6.2.2 Laser System

The laser equipment encompasses two functional laser units, presented schematically in Fig. 6.3.

• broadband tuneable dye laser, which is used as a source both for the excitation and ioniza-tion photons in one-colour low-resolution experiments, and as a source for the ionizsationphotons in two-colour high-resolution experiments.

• pulsed amplified narrow-band single-mode continuous wave (cw) ring dye laser, whichprovides the excitation photons for the two-colour high-resolution measurements.

Ar+ laser Ring Dye laser

FL 2002

Excimer laser

Vacuum chamber

3-stage amplifier


Figure 6.3: Schematic representation of the laser system for low- and high-resolution resonanceenhanced two-photon ionization experiments.

Ionization Laser

The ionization photons are produced by frequency doubling in abeta-barium-borate (BBO) orpotassium-dihydrophosphate (KDP) crystal of the output pulses of a commercial tuneable broad-band dye laser (L P FL2002) with a linewidth of 0.4 cm−1 (FWHM) . This laser hasan oscillator and an amplifier. The frequency tuning is performed by tilting of a diffractiongrating, which plays also the role of a high-reflective rear mirror of the oscillator. Both oscillatorand amplifier are pumped transversely by a XeCl excimer laser (L P EMG 203 MSC)generating pulses at 308 nm with an energy of 230 mJ and duration of ca. 18 ns (FWHM). The

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6.2 Experimental Set up 67

frequncy-doubled dye laser pulses have an energy of the order of 1 mJ. The so-produced UVlaser pulses pass through a telescopic system before they enter the vacuum chamber. This allowsfor the laser spot size at the interaction point with the molecular beam to be controlled.

Single Mode cw Ring Dye Laser

The narrow-band single-mode cw laser is a ring dye laser (C CR-699-21) operatingwith Rhodamine 6G for the range between 550 and 610 nm, and with Coumarin 521 for therange between 510 and 550 nm. It generates cw laser beam with a bandwidth of 2 MHz andan output power ranging from 200 to 500 mW, depending on the pump laser power and the dyeused. Single seamless scans within 30 GHz (1 cm−1) are routinely performed. The pump sourcefor the ring laser is an Ar+ ion laser (C I 400) operating at its strongest lines at 488nm (for Rhodamine 6G) and 514 nm (for Coumarin 521). The pump power varies between 4 Wand 6 W.

Pulsed Amplification

Pulsed amplification was invented by Hansch and Wallenstein [189, 190], first realized by Sa-lour [191], and applied to molecular spectroscopy by Riedle et al. [192]. The output of thesingle-mode ring laser is pulsed amplified in a three-stage homebuilt amplifier. The latter con-sists of three dye cells. The seeding cw beam goes through the three cells where it is transverselyamplified by the pulses of the excimer laser described above (see Sec. 6.2.2). The energy of theexcimer-laser pulses is not distributed evenly at the three cells but in proportion 10:20:70 start-ing from the first one. There are pinholes and interference filters down the seeder beam path toprevent generation of amplified spontaneous emission . The so-amplified high-resolution laserpulses are coupled into a (BBO / KDP) for second harmonic generation (SHG). The frequencydoubled pulses are nearly Fourier [193–195]. Their frequency bandwidth is ca. 70-100 MHz,pulse duration 18-20 ns and maximum energy 0.5-1.0 mJ. They are then laced through a tele-scopic system, similar to the one used for the broadband laser pulses (see Sec. 6.2.2), prior tobeing steered into the vacuum chamber (see Sec. 6.2.1 and Fig. 6.2) where they counterpropagatewith the pulses from the broad-band dye laser and overlap with them in space and time at thecrossing point with the molecular beam.

Frequency Measurement and Relative Calibration

The absolute frequency of the spectra is measured automatically with a wavemeter (A 007),which is characterized by a precision of ∆ν/ν=10−8 and absolute frequency measurement of

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68 Resonance Enhanced Two-Photon Ionization Spectroscopy in Molecular Beams

0.003 cm−1. The relative calibration of the high-resolution spectra is performed by simultaneousrecording of the fringe pattern of a confocal Fabry-Perot interferometer whose free spectral rangeis 150.09590 MHz.

6.2.3 Control of the Experiment. Data Acquisition System

For the laser pulses and the cooled molecules to arrive simultaneously at the interaction point, theopening of the nozzle and the excimer laser pulse generation must be concerted. The coordinationis realized by a master trigger that sends trigger pulses to the nozzle controller (it can control thenozzle opening (typically 50 µs) and hence, the quantitity of the ejected molecular species) and adelay generator (S R S DG 535). The latter determines the time after thenozzle opening at which the excimer laser must produce a shot. This is the time necessary for theejected from the nozzle molecules to drift the distance from the nozzle to the interaction pointwith the laser pulses. This delay can be manually controlled and optimized for every particularcase. To minimize the effect of the temporal jitter of the excimer laser, its pulses activate aphotodiode, which serves as a trigger setting time zero for the TOF and the data acquisitionsystem.The data acquisition system consists of three boxcar integrators (S SR280) and a personal computer (PC). The boxcar integrator integrates the ion signal within thespecified time gate whose width is usually 50 ns or 100 ns. The signal is digitized and recordedon a PC.The laser scan (both for low- and high resolution experiments), the recording of the absolutefrequency markers, the relative calibration with the Fabry-Perot interferometer, and the dataacquisition system are controlled by a homemade software operating in LabVIEW environment.

6.3 Data Analysis of Dense Highly Resolved Spectra:Computer-Aided Rotational Fit Based on Genetic Algo-rithms

The high-resolution UV spectra of the vibronic bands of large-sized molecules are usually quitecongested. They normally feature densely spaced peaks which are formed by aggregation ofrotational lines. That is why, the conventional method of single rotational line assignment is notfeasible. For the correct interpretation of the experimental data and extraction of relevant scien-tific information such as rotational constants and transition moment (TM)!ratio, one has to resortto special computer-assisted fitting techniques. There exist several approaches to the fitting ofexperimental spectra, and all of them employ well-established procedures for finding maxima

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6.3 Genetic Algorithm 69

in a multidimensional parameter space. They include simulation annealing, downhill simplexmethod, gradient method, etc. [196]. These methods have been successfully implemented in theanalysis of highly resolved spectra of isolated molecules and molecular complexes in the gasphase [197–199]. Usually, they provide very reliable and accurate data on rotational constants,transition moment (TM)!ratio, rotational temperature, etc. in cases when the cross correlationbetween the experimental and theoretical spectra manifests a prominent maximum. This occurs,mostly, when the experimental spectra are not too dense and exhibit a well-expressed structure.A drawback of these algorithms is that they may adhere to a local maximum and miss the globalone, which makes them strongly dependent on the choice of the starting values of the parameters.A step further to overcome this problem, is the development of fitting routines based on geneticalgorithms (GA), which have been successfully applied to the analysis of highly resolved spectrawith densely spaced peaks or with a low signal-to-noise ratio [139, 200–205], and it has beeneven applied to the high-resolution spectra of pliant biologically relevant molecules and theircomplexes [201, 205]. A new software package employing genetic algorithms has been devel-oped in our group. The methodology of the computer-aided rotational fitting routine based ongenetic algorithms is schematically described in Fig. 6.4.As an initial step, the program generates several trial solutions based, in most cases, on arbitraryvalues of the participating parameters. Any trial solution is referred to as an individual. Any setof trial solutions is termed population. The size of the population, i.e., the number of solutionsin a given set, is a free parameter and it can be user-defined. Normally, this number depends onthe particular problem and varies between several tens to several hundreds. After a populationhas been created, there comes the second step, the evaluation. The quality can be ranked and aspecial number called fitness is used as an indicator for the quality. Usually, the fitness is nor-malized and it takes on values in the range between zero and one. As a figure of merit for thequality of the trial solutions is used the comparison of any of the simulated spectra with the ex-perimental one. The comparison is based, usually, either on cross correlation or on least squaresfit. Experience shows, however, that cross correlation yields better results. When the spectra arecompletely different, the fitness tends to zero, and vice versa, when the spectra are very similar,the fitness converges to one. When the quality estimation is over there comes the selection step,in which of all initially generated spectra only the fittest ones are selected and subjected to a fur-ther treatment. The number of selected and preserved spectra is a free parameter. The selectedspectra are allowed to bring forth a new generation through the processes of reproduction [200].This process generates two new solutions; each of them having features from either of the parentones. Some mutations using random number generator are applied to the new generation. Thisoperation is necessary since it exploits the whole multidimensional space and prevents clingingof the solution to a local maximum. When the described procedure is repeated iteratively, itultimately yields the best solution. Very often, it is necessary that the contribution of the peaksin P and R branches, respectively, be emphasized. For this purpose, the experimental spectrumis multiplied by a specially designed weighting function prior to being cross correlated with any

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70 Resonance Enhanced Two-Photon Ionization Spectroscopy in Molecular Beams

of the synthesized spectra. This approach has turned out to be successful in many cases. Toaugment the efficiency of the fitting routine, the explored multidimensional volume can be re-stricted by imposing some constraints to the possible values of the fitted parameters. To enhancethe power of this method, in principle, several auxiliary techniques can also be employed [200].They include elitism and hybridization. The elitism prevents the best individuals from a cer-tain generation from crossover and mutation and passes them on to the next generation intact.This option increases the efficiency of the global optimization algorithm. The hybridization is acombination of several optimizing strategies depending on the particular optimization problem.The hybridization may considerably enhance the capability of the program when some specificfeatures of the task are utilized.

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (71)

6.3 Genetic Algorithm 71

Experimental Spectrum Theoretical Model: Asymmetric Top

Watson Hamiltonian

Spectroscopic Parameters

n -th generation of spectra Number of individuals p in

one generation


Comparison: Cross-correlation

Least squares

Predefined generation N





The best m spectra are selected and

passed on to the next step

Mutation and reproduction of the spectroscopic parameters

The best-fit spectrum

Figure 6.4: Block diagram of the computer-assisted rotational fit routine based on genetic algo-rithms.

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72 Resonance Enhanced Two-Photon Ionization Spectroscopy in Molecular Beams

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Part III

Results and Discussion


Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (74)

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (75)

Chapter 7

Evidence for a C-H· · ·π Type WeakIneraction: 1:1 Complex of Styrene withAcetylene

S. C, P. Q. W, J. E. B, T. C, H. J. N,P. C. C. P. 9, 837, (2007).The 1:1 complex of styrene with acetylene has been studied by mass selec-tive low- and high-resolution UV R2PI spectroscopy combined with genetic-algorithm-based computer-aided fit of the spectra with partial rotational res-olution and high level ab initio quantum chemistry calculations. Two stableconformeric geometries of the 1:1 complex of styrene with acetylene havebeen theoretically found: one with acetylene binding to styrene as a protondonor and one with acetylene acting as a proton acceptor. From the analysisof the vibronic structure of the S 1 ←− S 0 spectrum and the fit of the highlyresolved spectrum of the 00

0 origin band of the complex, it is shown that thefavoured conformation is the one in which acetylene binds to the benzenering of styrene through formation of a nonconventional hydrogen bond of C-H· · · π type with no marked change of the transition moment orientation ofstyrene. The styrene moiety remains planar and the acetylene molecule istilted by a small angle of 4◦ relative to the C6 symmetry axis of the benzenering, most likely, due to the reduced symmetry of the benzene ring π electronsrather than to a direct interaction with the vinyl group.


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76 Evidence for a C-H· · ·π Type Weak Ineraction: Styrene-Acetylene Complex

7.1 Introduction

Dimeric molecular complexes which are bound by weak π-hydrogen bonding interactions, aclassical prototype of which is the benzene-water mixed dimer, have attracted a lot of attentionfor spectroscopic investigation in recent years. The species serve as models to investigate thedetails of the π-hydrogen bonding interaction potentials, which are believed to play a vital rolein supramolecular assemblies and crystal engineering [206, 207]. The weakest of this noncon-ventional hydrogen bonding is the C-H· · · π type, wherein a CH group is the hydrogen bonddonor [39]. The delicateness of the interaction can be recognized by comparing the acid dis-sociation constants of alkanes, e.g., the pKa of methane is 49 [208], with those of conventionalhydrogen bond donors, e.g., OH of water (pKa = 15.74). A recent high level ab initio calculationon hydrogen-bonded acetylene-ethane complex, performed by Tsuzuki et al. [209], predicts thatthe binding energy is only 1.82 kcal/mol (629 cm−1). Thus, hardly can the species be distin-guished from a typical van der Waals complex and hence can be placed at the borderline of thetwo categories of interactions. Nevertheless, there are experimental evidences for the existenceof such a C-H· · · π hydrogen bond; it is supposed to be important in crystal packing and molec-ular recognition [39, 210]. The acidity of CH groups is largely enhanced in alkynes e.g., pKa

of acetylene is 25 [208]. Thus, the dimeric complex of acetylene (C2H2) with benzene (Bzn)is easily formed in a supersonic jet expansion and the complex has been the subject of severalspectroscopic studies in recent years [38, 41, 211, 212]. Fujii et al. [41] have recently performedan IR-UV double resonance spectroscopy measurement on the Bzn·C2H2 mixed dimeric com-plex and their results reveal that the antisymmetric C-H stretching vibration of the C2H2 moietyexhibits a large red shift (22 cm−1) in the complex and the shift shows a positive correlation withthe π-electron density of the phenyl ring, which in turn indicates that the C-H bond of C2H2

is bound to the π-electrons of the ring. Quantum chemistry calculations predict that the C2H2

moiety is placed on the C6 axis of the benzene ring and calculated stabilization energy (MP2calculation extrapolated at the basis set limit incorporating coupled cluster CCSD(T) correctionterms) is 2.83 kcal/mol (978 cm−1). In the present study, the vibronically and rovibronically re-solved electronic spectra for the S 1 ←− S 0 transition of a 1:1 complex of acetylene (C2H2) withstyrene (ST) has been measured in a supersonic jet expansion. The goal is to explore how theintermolecular interaction potential, which is manifested in the resolved electronic spectrum, isaffected on increasing the acceptor π-electron density of the phenyl group by vinyl substitution.The structure and the atom labels of the ST·C2H2 complex are shown in Scheme 7.1.

In the case of the 1:1 complex of acetylene with Bzn, the 610 transition of the latter shows only

a single peak in both FE [211] and R2PI spectra [38, 211, 212]. The upper limit of the bind-ing energy of the complex in the S1 state has been estimated to be 680 cm−1 by comparing thedispersed fluorescence spectral features of the complex as a function of the excitation excessenergy. In contrast, the R2PI spectrum of the 1:1 Bzn·H2O complex is complicated because of

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7.1 Introduction 77



H(7) C(6)






H(11) C(α)

C(β) H(12)







● O

Figure 7.1: Atom labels of the ST·C2H2 complex. O is the geometrical centre of the benzenering.

large-amplitude tumbling motion of the water molecule on the surface of the benzene ring [213].With vinylbenzene (ST) as the hydrogen bond acceptor and H2O as donor, the one-colour R2PIspectra for the S 1 ←− S 0 transition of the clusters have been measured recently by Mahmoudet al. [214]. The signal for the 1:1 complex appears very weak. The 00

0 band shows a blue shiftof 22 cm−1 compared to bare ST, which can be compared with +50 cm−1 shift for the Bzn·H2O1:1 complex. The large-sized clusters exhibit extensive fragmentation following the two-photonionization and this behaviour is similar to that of the Bzn·H2O large-sized clusters.On the other hand, we have recently shown that on substituting the para position of ST by afluorine atom, the fragmentation channel following the two-photon ionization of the 1:1 ST·H2Ocomplex is completely blocked and the intensity of the vibronic bands of the 1:1 complex ap-pears to be quite strong [203].In the present case, there are several possible sites for binding of the C2H2 molecule with ST. Wehave discerned these possibilities using high-resolution spectroscopy. Quantum chemistry cal-culations at the MP2 and B3LYP level of theory with an extended basis set have been performedto substantiate the experimental results.

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78 Evidence for a C-H· · ·π Type Weak Ineraction: Styrene-Acetylene Complex

7.2 Experiment and Data Processing

The low-resolution spectra of ST and its single and double complexes with C2H2, as well asthe high-resolution spectra of ST and the ST·C2H2 complex have been measured by R2PI spec-troscopy with mass selection in a supersonic jet-cooled molecular beam!supersonic using theexperimental set up thoroughly descrbed in Sec. 6.2. ST was bought from Fluka with a purity of96% and used without further purification. No heating was used. The ST vapours were entrainedin Ar mixed with C2H2 at a backing pressure of 3 bar. The Ar+ ion laser was operating at 514nm yielding output power of 4 W necessary to pump the ring dye laser. The latter was usingRhodamine 6G dye achieving an output power of 300 mW.For the analysis and interpretation of the measured highly resolved spectra of the ST monomerand the ST·C2H2 complex, the computer-assisted fitting routine based on genetic algorithms (seeSect. 6.3) has been employed. For the fits of both spectra, 500 generations with 500 individualsin each have been used. The attained best-fit cross correlations are 98% and 95% for the STmonomer and the ST·C2H2 complex, respectively.

7.3 Results

7.3.1 Ab initio Calculations

Ab initio quantum chemistry calculations both for the styrene monomer and its complex withC2H2 have been performed at the MP2 and B3LYP DFT level of theory for the ground, S0,electronic state, and at CIS for the excited, S1, electronic state, respectively, with 6-311++G(d,p) basis set using Gaussian 03 programme package [70]. The structural and inertial parametersof the ST monomer for the ground, S0, and the first excited, S1, electronic state, respectively, andthe transition moment ratio, are listed in Table 7.1.

To find the energetically most preferred binding sites of C2H2 to ST, a grid search with a singlepoint energy calculation was performed for the ground, S0, electronic state. In this search theposition of the C2H2 moiety was scanned along two mutually orthogonal circumferences witha common origin located at the centre of the benzene ring thus mapping a sphere around theST molecule. The azimuthal angle about the long benzene axis, C(1)-C(4), was scanned from0 to 180◦ by a step of 20◦, and the azimuthal angle about the short axis was scanned from 0 to360◦ by a step of 20◦. Totally 360 points were explored. The two lowest-energy conformationswere selected and subjected to a full structural optimization. The resulting structures include oneout-of-plane, herein referred to as Conformer I, and one in-plane, designated as Conformer II.In Conformer I, C2H2 is located above the benzene ring of ST in an upright position and acts

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7.3 Results 79








S 0S 1

S 0S 1













N e-










B e-







r 1C













r 2C













r 3H









r 4C










r 5H










49r 6











r 7H





























































τ 1C



















τ 2C




















2 a:µ

2 b:µ

2 c-



































































































d,S 1

























EN e


EB e












































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80 Evidence for a C-H· · ·π Type Weak Ineraction: Styrene-Acetylene Complex

(a)Conformer I (0.0)

(b)Conformer II (0.15 kcal/mol)

Figure 7.2: Electronic ground state, S0, structures for the two lowest-energy conformers of theST·C2H2 complex optimized at the B3LYP/6-311++G (d, p) level of theory. The relative energies(kcal/mol) calculated at the same level are given in parentheses. Details and comparison with theMP2/6-311++G (d, p) calculations are presented in Table 7.1.

as a donor!proton. In Conformer II, C2H2 is almost perpendicular to the plane of the benzenering and binds to the latter sideways, acting as a . (see Fig. 7.2). The most important structuralparameters obtained from the geometry optimization both for ground, S0, and the first excited, S1,electronic state, respectively, and the binding energy without and with counterpoise correction[215] for the basis set superposition error (BSSE) for the two conformations are summarizedin Table 7.1. Conformer II is less stable than Conformer I by 1.07 kcal/mol (MP2) and 0.15kacl/mol (B3LYP), respectively. For the optimized structures, I and II, in the excited, S1,electronic state, the vibrational frequencies have been calculated. For Conformer II, however,one negative frequency (-3.4 cm−1) was obtained and though the applied stringent constraintson the energy threshold the negative frequency persisted. This is an indication that most likelythe observed structure corresponds to a on a very flat excited state potential surface resulting ina small negative frequency. The frequencies corresponding to the excited state of Conformer Iare positive, and they are compared with the observed vibrational bands in the low-resolutionspectrum of ST·C2H2.

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7.3 Results 81

Figure 7.3: Low-resolution one-colour R2PI spectra of the S1 ←−S0 electronic transition ofjet-cooled ST and its complexes with C2H2 measured at their mass channels: (a) ST monomer(m/z = 104), 00

0 origin band is at 34 758 cm−1; (b) ST·C2H2 complex (m/z = 130 cm−1), 000

origin band is at 34868 cm−1; (c) ST·(C2H2)2 complex (m/z = 156), 000 origin band is at 34

903 cm−1. They have been normalized to the intensity of the main band of the ST monomer.Corresponding peaks are designated by vertical dashed lines.

7.3.2 Vibronic Spectra of the ST·C2H2 Cluster

Figure 7.3 shows the low-resolution one-colour R2PI spectra of the S 1 ←− S 0 electronic transi-tion of a) ST monomer (m/z = 104), b) ST·C2H2 complex (m/z = 130), c) ST·(C2H2)2 complex(m/z = 154). The vertical dashed lines indicate the corresponding peaks in the ST monomerspectrum descending from fragmentation of its complexes with C2H2.

The blue-shifted bands in the ST spectrum at 110 cm−1, 122 cm−1, and 126 cm−1 result fromfragmentation of the ST·C2H2 complex and the one at 144 cm−1 descends from fragmentation ofthe ST·(C2H2)2 complex. The ST monomer spectrum compares well with the one from Mahmoudet al. [214]. The origin band of the ST·C2H2 complex is 110 cm−1 blue-shifted relative to theorigin band of the ST monomer. This means that in the first excited, S1, electronic state the

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82 Evidence for a C-H· · ·π Type Weak Ineraction: Styrene-Acetylene Complex

Figure 7.4: Low-resolution one-colour R2PI spectra of the S 1 ←− S 0 electronic transition of jet-cooled ST·C2H2 complex (top) recorded at m/z = 130 mass channel and ST monomer (bottom)recorded at m/z = 104 mass channel as a function of the relative excitation energy above theindividual electronic origin. The S1 ←− S 0, 00

0 origin band of the St·C2H2 complex is locatedat 34 867 cm−1 and the one of ST is at 34 759 cm−1. The experimental band positions aresummarized in Table 7.2.

complex is destabilized compared to the ground electronic state. This effect is typical also forthe hydrated complexes of ST [214] in contrast to the van der Waals clusters, as can be observedin the case of the ST·Ar complex [216, 217].

In Fig. 7.4, the low-resolution R2PI spectra of the ST monomer and the ST·C2H2 complex areplotted with a common origin position as a function of the relative excitation energy. In thisway the features arising from the intermolecular vibrations in the ST·C2H2 complex can be eas-ily identified. It is obvious that all peaks in the low-frequency region up to ca. 100 cm−1 inthe spectrum of the ST·C2H2 complex do not have counterparts in the vibronic spectrum of theST monomer and hence can be attributed to intermolecular vibrational bands of the cluster. Thepeaks at 11 cm−1 and 60 cm−1 have been assigned to the vibronic band 291

1 and the cross-sequenceband 411

04201 of ST, respectively [214]. The experimental vibrational frequencies of the ST·C2H2

complex are listed in Table 7.2, where the corresponding theoretical frequencies obtained from

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (83)

7.3 Results 83

the vibrational analysis of the excited, S1, electronic state of Conformer I are also shown. A

Peak No Exp.position, cm−1 Calc. position, cm−1 Conformer I Assignment1 0 0 00

2 12.7 11 A Bending3 17.8 13 B Bending4 25.0 22 2A5 28.7 24 A + B6 31.1 34 C Stretching7 34.9 - Fragmentation8 45.6 45 D Swinging9 50.1 48/52 B + C or 3B10 55.2 56 A + D11 60.2 58 E Swinging12 68.4 69 A + E13 78.3 78 C + D14 84.8 - Fragmentation15 89.9 90 2D16 99.4 98 F17 104.4 103 D + E

Table 7.2: Experimental and calculated(CIS/6-311++G (d, p)level of theory) intermolecularvibrational frequencies of the ST·C2H2 complex. A uniform scale factor of 0.94 has been appliedto all vibrational frequencies of Conformer I. Capital Latin letters from A through E designatethe fundamental vibrational modes. F refers to the intramolecular bending mode of the vinylgroup in ST. For details of the assignment, see text.

uniform scale factor of 0.94 has been used for all theoretically predicted vibrational frequencies.There is a good agreement between the experimental and the theoretical band positions of Con-former I. The strongest single peak has been assigned as the origin band of the ST·C2H2 complex.The vibrational assignments of the observed vibronic bands are presented in the last column ofTable 7.2.

7.3.3 High Resolution Spectrum of the 000 Origin Band of ST·C2H2

ST Monomer

As a first step towards the investigation of the ST·C2H2 complex, we measured the high-resolutionR2PI spectrum of the ST monomer. The resulting R2PI spectrum of the S 1 ←− S 0 band of the

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84 Evidence for a C-H· · ·π Type Weak Ineraction: Styrene-Acetylene Complex

Figure 7.5: High-resolution two-colour UV R2PI spectrum of the S 1 ←− S 0, 000 origin band

of ST recorded at m/z=104 mass channel with the rotationless transition located at 34 758.79(1)cm−1. Upper trace: experimental spectrum. Lower inverted trace: the best-fit simulated spectrumyielding the constants listed in Table 7.3. For details, see text.

ST monomer located at 34758.79(1) cm−1 measured at its mass (m/z=104) channel is depictedin Fig. 7.5 (upper trace).

Its structure measured at spectral resolution of 110 MHz is very similar to that measured previ-ously using fluorescence detection [218]. The obtained best-fit rotational constants are in a verygood agreement with the ones from microwave [219] and fluorescence detection [218] experi-ments. They produce only a small inertia defect (-0.68 amuÅ and 0.20 amuÅ for the ground, S0,and the first excited, S1, electronic state, respectively). This result affirms the planar structureof the ST monomer both in the ground and the first excited electronic state. The relatively largeerror in the values of the experimental rotational constants corroborate the conclusion of Lom-bardi and co-workers [220] that the spectrum is not sensitive to changes in the absolute valuesof the rotational constants. The best-fit spectrum is shown in Fig. 7.5 (lower inverted trace).The achieved cross correlation in this case is as high as 98%. Though not apparent from theappearance of the spectrum, it is almost completely a type with a very small b contribution. Therotational temperature has been found to be 13 K and this is the reason for the relatively broad

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7.3 Results 85

spectrum spanning over more than 5 cm−1. The final results of the GA fit of the high-resolutionspectrum are summarized in Table 7.3.

Rotational constant Ground State S0 Excited State S1

GHz cm−1 GHz cm−1

A 5.175(130) 0.1726(43) 4.993(128) 0.1666(43)B 1.546(37) 0.0516(13) 1.532(37) 0.0511(12)C 1.193(33) 0.0398(11) 1.173(34) 0.0391(11)∆I=I0

c − I0a − I0

b , amuÅ2 -0.68 -0.20Transition moment ratio µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c 97:3:0Origin ν0 , cm−1 34758.79(1)Temperature T , K 13.6(7)Best-fit cross correlation (%) 98

Table 7.3: Experimental rotational constants, transition moment ratio, origin band position, androtational temperature of the ST monomer from the GA- based computer-aided fit of the highlyresolved spectrum (Fig. 7.5) of the S 1 ←− S 0 00

0 origin band (see Fig. 7.3and Fig. 7.4) of ST(for details, see text). The numbers in parentheses represent one standart deviation in units of theleast significant quoted digit. The uncertainty of the relative values of µ2

a, µ2b, and µ2

c is 2%.

ST·C2H2 Complex

The highly resolved spectrum of the ST·C2H2 complex is shown in Fig. 7.6 (upper trace). Itsquality is not so good as the one of the ST monomer because of the low signal intensity. Thespectrum is superimposed on a background and covers more than 3.5 cm−1. It differs completelyin structure from the spectrum of the ST monomer in Fig. 7.5.

The spectrum can be referred to as a hybrid a and b type, the latter being the dominating con-tribution. It has a narrow central dip, a weak Q branch, and well expressed P and R brancheswith irregularly densely spaced aggregations of rotational peaks with a minimum linewidth of ca.250 MHz (FWHM). As in the case of the ST monomer, we employed the GA fitting routine toanalyse this spectrum. The stick spectrum was generated using asymmetric top Watson Hamilto-nian [221–223]. The maximum rotational quantum number J considered for the calculations was40. The simulated spectrum was obtained by convolution of the stick spectrum with a Gaussian-shaped line with a linewidth of 150 MHz (FWHM). The optimum linewidth used to fold the stickspectrum is slightly broader than the spectral resolution of our experiment [110 MHz (FWHM)].We tentatively attribute this to saturation effects rather than to a short lifetime of the excited, S1,electronic state. The rotational temperature has been determined to be 9.2 K, which is lower thanthat of the ST monomer. A plausible explanation is that only the sufficiently cold species of the

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86 Evidence for a C-H· · ·π Type Weak Ineraction: Styrene-Acetylene Complex

Figure 7.6: High-resolution two-colour UV R2PI spectrum of the S 1 ←− S 0, 000 origin band

of the ST·C2H2 complex recorded at m/z = 130 mass channel with the rotationless transitionlocated at 34 867.36(2) cm−1. Upper trace: experimental spectrum. Lower inverted trace: thebest-fit simulated spectrum yielding the constants listed in Table 7.4 (for details, see text).

complex of ST and C2H2 survive under molecular beam conditions and hence can be observed.The experimentally deduced transition moment ratio is 22:78:0, which is a clear manifestationof the hybrid character of the spectrum. The resulting rotational constants for both ground, S0,and first excited, S1, electronic state together with the other molecular parameters are presentedin Table 7.4.

7.4 Discussion

The planarity of the ST monomer has been a subject of debate and extensive experimental[218–220, 224–228] and theoretical [229–232] investigations for a long time. Our experimentalhigh-resolution results convincingly support the conclusion of Pratt and co-workers [218] thatST is planar in both ground, S0, and first excited, S1 electronic state. The inertia defect fromour experiment (-0.68 amuÅ as well as those from microwave experiments [219] and highly re-solved fluorescence excitation experiments [218] only slightly deviate from zero. This finding isin line with the predicted flat torsional potential about the C(1)-C(α) bond of ST in the groundstate [30,219,229,231] and might be an indication that the energy minimum is at a nonszero but

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7.4 Discussion 87

Rotational constant Ground State S0 Excited State S1

GHz cm−1 GHz cm−1

A 1.3731(330) 0.0458(11) 1.3671(360) 0.0456(12)B 0.905(23) 0.03018(75) 0.894(20) 0.02982(66)C 0.6886(69) 0.02297(23) 0.687(18) 0.02292(61)Transition moment ratio µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c 22:78:0Origin ν0, cm−1 34 867.36(2)Temperature T , K 9.2(5)Best-fit cross correlation (%) 95

Table 7.4: Experimental rotational constants, transition moment ratio, origin band position, androtational temperature of the ST·C2H2 complex from the GA- based computer-aided fit of thehighly resolved spectrum (Fig. 7.6) of the S1 ←−S0 00

0 origin band (see Fig. 7.3and Fig. 7.4) ofST (for details, see text). The numbers in parentheses represent one standart deviation in units ofthe least significant quoted digit. The uncertainty of the relative values of µ2

a, µ2b, and µ2

c is 5%.

small torsional angle. Theoretically, planarity of ST in the ground electronic state, however, hasbeen found only by DFT B3LYP calculations (cf. Table 7.1). The calculation at the MP2 levelwith 6-311++G(d, p) basis set yields nonplanar structure. The theoretical modelling of ST in thefirst excited electronic state at CIS/6-311++G (d, p) level of theory predicts completely planargeometry. The rotationally resolved spectrum of the ST monomer is sensitive to alterations ofthe transition moment ratio [201, 218]. The experimentally found orientation of the TM vectoris in line with the predictions of our ab initio calculations on the excited electronic state. Thisdemonstrates that the CIS method with 6-311++G (d, p) basis set can adequately describe theelectronic excitation in a system with an unsaturated group covalently bonded to a phenyl ring.

The origin band of the ST·C2H2 complex is blue-shifted by 110 cm−1 relative to the origin band ofthe ST monomer. This is a typical behaviour for π-bonded systems [13, 25–27, 29, 30, 233–241],which suggests that most likely C2H2 binds to ST via formation of a C-H· · · π hydrogen bondbetween the terminal C-H group of C2H2 and the π electrons of the phenyl ring in ST. On thegrounds of the ab initio calculated binding energies, the structure where C2H2 is the protondonor (Conformer I) is the favoured one. The good agreement between the predicted theoreticalfrequencies (see Table 7.2) and the observed vibronic bands (see Fig. 7.3 and Table 7.2) is afurther argument in addition to the energy considerations that Conformer I produces the mea-sured spectrum. This finding is in accord with the results for similar weakly bound molecularcomplexes [41, 43, 45, 211, 214, 242]. The blue shift in the case of the ST·C2H2 complex is big-ger compared to the corresponding blue shifts in the ST·H2O complex [214]. This demonstratesthat upon electronic excitation the ST·C2H2 cluster is destabilized more than the ST·H2O com-

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88 Evidence for a C-H· · ·π Type Weak Ineraction: Styrene-Acetylene Complex

plex. As seen, the ST·C2H2 complex (m/z=130) undergoes an efficient fragmentation into themass channel of ST (m/z=104) similar to the ST·H2O cluster (m/z=122) [214]. In the case ofone-colour experiments the most straightforward explanation for the fragmentation might be thehigh excess energy of the ionization photon above the dissociation limit in the cluster ion. Theobserved efficient fragmentation also in the case of the two-colour high-resolution experimentssuggests that the fragmentation mechanism of the ST·C2H2 complex is the same as in the caseof ST·H2O, i.e., the fragmentation results from a structural change between the neutral and theionic cluster [214] as the polarizable part of the C2H2 π electrons confined between the two car-bon atoms would try to reorient the ST species. This leads automatically to high excess energyafter an efficient ionization resulting in a subsequent fragmentation. From the analysis of thefragmentation pattern and the frequency assignments, we can infer that C2H2 binds to ST as aproton donor forming a C-H· · · π bond with its CH group and the π electrons of the benzene ring.The alternative structure, in which C2H2 acts as a proton acceptor and bonds via its delocalized πelectrons to one H atom from the benzene ring and one H atom from the vinyl group (ConformerII), has not been observed in our experiment. It is worthwhile to note that a similar binding pat-tern has been theoretically predicted also for Bzn·C2H2 complex [43,45]. This structure has beenfound to pertain a very flat potential surface and it corresponds to a local potential minimum .Very small negative values for the lowest vibrational frequencies of stationary point structures invicinity of the minimum have been observed, which correlates well with the ab intio predictednegative vibrational frequency for Conformer II of the ST·C2H2 complex (see Sec. 7.3.1).

The most stringent and detailed information on the structure of the C-H· · · π bound complex ofST and C2H2 can be retrieved from the analysis of its highly resolved UV spectrum with par-tial rotational resolution. As seen from Table 7.1, the theoretical investigations at the MP2 andB3LYP model theories predict different values for the tilting angle (α3 n· · ·C(16)-C(17)) of theC2H2 moiety and the torsion of the vinyl group (τ1 C(β)C(α)C(1)/C(α)C(1)C(2)) for the morestable Conformer I. It merits discussion whether the torsion of the side chain predicted by theMP2 calculation results from an interaction between the attached C2H2 moiety or it is a com-putational effect similar to the one in the case of the ST monomer where the MP2 theory failsto predict the experimentally confirmed planarity. In the MP2 calculated structure of ConformerI, the torsion of the vinyl group is accompanied also by a significant tilting of C2H2 relative tothe perpendicular n to the benzene ring plane in direction to the side chain. This suggests aninteraction between the π electrons of the vinyl group with the ones of C2H2. The inertial pa-rameters of this structure, however, deviate noticeably from the ones deduced from the fit of thehighly resolved spectrum of ST·C2H2. The experimental rotational constants for the electronicground state, on the other hand, agree best with the ones resulting from the B3LYP calculations.In the latter, the C2H2 moiety is only slightly tilted from the perpendicular to the benzene ringplane. Obviously, in this geometry the relevant binding interaction is that between C2H2 and

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7.4 Discussion 89

the π electrons of the benzene ring. It is worth to note that the torsion of the side chain in theMP2 optimized geometries both for ST and ST·C2H2 is almost the same (cf. Table 7.1), whicheliminates a possible influence of C2H2 on the torsion of the side chain in ST. This observation,in conjunction with the discrepancy between the experimental and the MP2 theoretical constantsfor Conformer I, leads to the implication that the vinyl group bending out of the benzene ringplane is a computational artefact. Thus, we can confidently conclude that the structure of theST·C2H2 complex observed under conditions of molecular jet expansion is closest to the onepredicted at the B3LYP level of theory.

The transition moment ratio found from the fit of the highly resolved spectrum (µ2a:µ2

b:µ2c =

22:78:0) is substantially different from the one of ST (µ2a:µ2

b:µ2c = 97:3:0) but is in excellent

accord with the one theoretically predicted for the ST·C2H2 complex, Conformer I. Since C2H2

is a nonpolar molecule and the interaction with the π electrons of the ring is weak, it is antic-ipated that the formation of a complex between ST and C2H2 will not alter the orientation ofthe transition moment vector of ST. To probe this statement, we calculated the projections of theab initio found TM vector of the ST·C2H2 onto three mutually perpendicular unit vectors witha common origin at the centre of the benzene ring. The three unit vectors have been defined tobe collinear with the short and long benzene ring axes, and the C6 symmetry axis, respectively.The result is that in Conformer I, the TM vector is polarized almost completely along the longaxis of the phenyl ring, i.e., no deviation of the TM vector upon complexation between ST andC2H2 occurs within the accuracy of the experiment. Thus, the different TM ratio of the ST·C2H2

complex is a pure mass effect coming about because of the rotation of the principal axis systemdue to the attachment of C2H2.

It is instructive also to compare the binding pattern and the interactions in ST·C2H2 with those ofsimilar systems. Mahmoud et al. [214] have shown that in the case of the ST·H2O complex H2Obinds out of the plane of the benzene ring along the C(1)-C(α) bond. It interacts both with the πelectrons of the phenyl ring and with those of the vinyl group, the latter interaction being slightlystronger. The stronger interaction of H2O with the vinyl group determines the small blue shift(21.5 cm−1) [214]. Unlike the case of the Bzn·H2O complex [243], in ST·H2O, the water moietyis strongly shifted towards the side chain due to the additional interaction with the vinyl group.This clearly demonstrates that ST provides two binding sites for proton donors: the π electrons ofthe phenyl ring and the π electrons of the vinyl group. The discussed binding pattern of ST·H2O issimilar to the one characterizing the T-shaped structure observed in Bzn·(C2H2)2 [41]. Regardingπ electrons, the vinyl group is similar to C2H2 where the π electron density forms a ring aroundand perpendicular to the C(16)-C(17) bond [45, 244]. This similarity lends a ground for treatingthe interactions in the ST·C2H2 complex in a fashion similar to the Bzn·(C2H2)2complex. It hasbeen found [45, 244] that the most stable structures of the Bzn·(C2H2)2 complexes when both

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90 Evidence for a C-H· · ·π Type Weak Ineraction: Styrene-Acetylene Complex

C2H2 moieties are on the same side of the benzene ring are the T-shaped ones: the two C2H2

molecules form a bond between the C-H group of one of the moieties and the π electrons ofthe other one. We would expect a similar interaction also between C2H2 and the vinyl group,if such existed, i.e., one of the C-H groups of C2H2 should point to the π electrons of the vinylgroup. The lack of an H atom directed towards the π electrons of the vinyl group precludes theformation of an H· · · π vinyl group bond in the case of ST·C2H2. This brings the conclusionthat in the conjugated system of the benzene ring and the vinyl group in ST, the benzene ringis the stronger proton acceptor from nonpolar molecules such as C2H2. In a simpler complex,Bzn·C2H2, the C2H2 moiety lies on the C6 symmetry axis binding to Bzn through a C-H· · · πbond [45, 242], a pattern established also for the case of ST·C2H2. The tilting of the C2H2

moiety in ST·C2H2 relative to the perpendicular axis to the benzene ring is brought about bythe asymmetry of the π electron density of the benzene ring due to their conjugation with theπ electrons of the vinyl group rather than to a direct interaction between C2H2 and the vinylgroup. The stronger interaction of the C2H2 moiety with the benzene ring in ST·C2H2 comparedto ST·H2O determines also the bigger blue shift.

7.5 Summary and Conclusions

The weakly bound complex of ST with C2H2 has been studied by mass selective low- and high-resolution UV R2PI spectroscopy in combination with computer-assisted rotational fit analysisand high-level ab initio calculations with extended basis sets. Two stable conformers of theST·C2H2 complex have been found by a grid search and subsequent structural optimization inthe ground state at the MP2/6-311++G (d, p) and B3LYP/6-311++G (d, p) level of theory, re-spectively. In the lowest-energy conformer, C2H2 donates a proton to the π electrons of thebenzene ring of ST thus forming a nonspecific hydrogen bond of C-H· · · π type. In the secondlowest-energy geometry, C2H2 binds to ST sideways being a proton acceptor from two benzene-ring H atoms. Only one conformational structure has been identified in the molecular beam fromthe fit of the highly resolved spectrum of ST·C2H2 measured at its parent mass (m/z = 130)channel and has been assigned to the ST·C2H2 conformer in which C2H2 is a proton donor. Allother bands of reasonable intensity have been assigned as vibrational states of the ST monomerby comparison with the results from the CIS/6-311++G (d, p) calculations. In neither of the twoconformers, however, does the binding pattern of C2H2 to ST make the interaction between C2H2

and the vinyl group of ST feasible. The experimental results on the ST·C2H2 complex are satis-factorily reproduced by the B3LYP-optimized structure where the C2H2 moiety is slightly tiltedto the benzene ring plane with ST being planar. The latter is in agreement with the planarity ofthe ST monomer again confirmed by our high-resolution experiment. The observed small tiltingof the C2H2 moiety descends from the asymmetry of the π electrons of the benzene ring due to

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7.5 Summary and Conclusions 91

their conjugation with the ones of the vinyl group. No change of the TM orientation of ST hasbeen observed upon the cluster formation with C2H2. The different TM ratio in the ST·C2H2

complex compared to that in ST is a mass effect arising from the attachment of C2H2. The bind-ing pattern of C2H2 to ST, the formation of a C-H· · · π-type hydrogen bond, and the traits of suchtype of interaction support the results obtained for similar systems, e.g., Bzn·C2H2. This resultclearly demonstrates that though the conjugation and the competition between the two π-electronsystems, the one of the phenyl ring and the one of the vinyl group, the phenyl ring remains thepreferred binding site for C2H2.

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92 Evidence for a C-H· · ·π Type Weak Ineraction: Styrene-Acetylene Complex

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Chapter 8

van der Waals Bonding to a Molecule withπ-electron Conjugation: Complex BetweenStyrene and Ar

S. C, P. Q. W, T. C, H. J. N, Z. P. C.221, 1 (2007).

Combining high-resolution mass-selective resonance-enhanced two-photonionization spectroscopy analysed by genetic-algorithm-based computer-assisted rotational fit and high-level ab initio calculations we were able todetermine the structure and the transition moment orientation of the styrene-Ar complex. The results demonstrate that Ar binds to the benzene ring ofstyrene. The binding site of Ar is 3.42 Å above the benzene-ring plane and isclose to the C6 symmetry axis of the aromatic ring, but slightly shifted to thevinyl group, which implies that the binding pattern is perturbed by the pres-ence of the bonded to the benzene ring vinyl group. The transition momentratio of the styrene-Ar complex is considerably different from the one of barestyrene, this being a purely mass effect stemming from the reorientation ofthe principal axes of inertia upon the cluster formation. The red shift of the00

0 origin band of the styrene-Ar2 complex is almost twice that of the singlecomplex, indicating that the red-shift additivity rule holds in this case. Onthis basis we conclude that the second Ar atom is bound to the opposite sideof the benzene ring.


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94 van der Waals Complex of Styrene with Argon

8.1 Introduction

Complexes between substituted benzene molecules and noble-gas atoms serve as prototype sys-tems for exploration of microsolvation processes and weak van der Waals interactions with π-electron systems, which play an important role in liquids and supramolecular assemblies. Thesesystems have been a subject of intense scientific interest over the last two decades [14, 17, 27,210, 245–248]. A considerable insight into the nature of this type of weak interactions has beenachieved both by spectroscopic experiments [17–19,23,88,205,245,247,249–259] and advancedtheoretical modelling [258, 260–266]. Most of the systems considered to date include clustersbetween a noble-gas atom and a molecule with a single π-electron system. Thus, in this case,the binding pattern of the noble-gas atom to the host molecule is predominantly determined bythe aromatic ring that contains the π electrons, and is weakly perturbed by the presence of thebenzene ring substituent. Molecules containing an unsaturated carbon bond in a side chain co-valently bound to a single benzene ring constitute an interesting class of species whose intrinsicproperties are determined by the conjugation and further delocalization of the two π-electronsystems [42]. Such molecules pose an interesting issue on the preferred binding site of the noblegas atom, which can serve as a signature for the degree of electronic conjugation. The simplestamong the above-mentioned class of molecular species is styrene, which consists of a benzenering and a vinyl group covalently bound to it. It is known that ST exhibits a strong mesomeric ef-fect and hence due to the electronic density delocalization the benzene ring is no longer expectedto be the only possible nesting site for a van der Waals bonded noble-gas atom. On the otherhand, a binding site off the benzene-ring plane can serve as a convenient probe for the planarityof ST, which has been debated for a long time.

In this chapter, the investigations of the complex of ST and Ar and ST and two Ar are presented.The experimental results include one-colour low-resolution R2PI spectra measured at the masschannels of the ST monomer and the ST·Ar complexes as well as the rotationally resolved two-colour spectrum of the of the origin band of ST·Ar along with the fitted spectrum. To supportthe experimental findings, we performed high-level quantum chemistry ab initio calculations onthe structure and the energetics of the ST·Ar complex in both ground, S0, and first excited, S1,electronic state. The π-electron interaction in ST is a challenge to ab initio calculations becauseof the orbital delocalization. A possible consequence is the torsion of the side chain, which hasbeen discussed for a long time [219,220,225,226,228,229,232]. Microwave and high-resolutionUV spectroscopy have been used to investigate the planarity of the ST monomer. Here, wesuggest a much simpler method to check the planarity based on the possible slightly differentbinding sites of an Ar atom (up and down) in case of an out-of-plane tilted side chain. It isbased on the nonequal binding energies in case of two different out-of-plane binding sites of Ar,which should lead to a small splitting of the red-shifted electronic origin bands. In this work we

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8.2 Experiment and Data Processing 95

demonstrate the application of this very accurate and sensitive approach to the case of ST.

8.2 Experiment and Data Processing

Both low-resolution spectra of ST, ST·Ar, and ST·Ar2 complexes as well as the high-resolutionspectrum of the ST·Ar complex have been measured by R2PI with mass selectivity in a super-sonic molecular beam. The experimental set up has been described in detail in Sec. 6.2. STwas bought from Fluka with a purity of 96% and used without further purification. The low-resolution spectra of the three species, ST, ST·Ar, and ST·Ar2, were recorded under the sameexperimental conditions, whereas the highly resolved spectrum of the ST·Ar complex was ob-tained after an optimization of the backing pressure and the nozzle-to-skimmer distance. Thebacking pressure was varied in the range between 2 and 3 bar, and a nozzle orifice of 300µm wasused. The skimmer-to-nozzle distance was optimized within the limits of 5 and 7 cm. The Ar+

ion laser was operating at 514 nm yielding output power of 4 W necessary to pump the ring dyelaser. The latter was using dye achieving an output power of 300 mW.

The analysis of the highly resolved spectrum of the ST·C2H2 spectrum has been performed withthe computer-assisted fitting routine based on genetic algorithms, described in detail in Sec. 6.3.A stick spectrum was generated employing the asymmetric top Watson Hamiltonian [221, 222]and a maximum quantum number J equal to 20. The best-fit spectrum of the ST·Ar complex wasproduced after a fit using 200 iterations with 200 individuals. The achieved cross correlation is96%.

8.3 Ab Initio Calculations

Ab initio quantum chemistry calculations at the MP2/cc-pVTZ level of theory for the structureand at the MP2/6-311++G (d, p) level of theory for the frequencies in the ground, S0, electronicstate of the ST·Ar complex have been performed using Gaussian 03 programme package [70].The present study involves weak van der Waals interactions and this warrants electron correla-tion methods with extended basis sets to be used. The torsional angle about the C(1)-C(α) (seeFig. 8.1) bond was kept fixed (0 deg) during the ground state structural optimization. The opti-mized structure of the ST·Ar complex in the ground, S0, electronic state is depicted in Fig. 8.1.The most important structural parameters obtained from the ab initio calculations for the ground,S0, electronic state are summarized in Table 8.1. The three lowest vibrational frequencies alongwith their assignments are also presented in Table 8.1 for comparison with the frequencies of thethree blue-shifted bands observed in the one-colour low-resolution spectrum in Fig. 8.2.

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96 van der Waals Complex of Styrene with Argon

Structural and inertial parameters Vibrational analysisMP2/cc-pVTZ MP2/6-311++G (d, p)

Frequency, cm−1 Assignmenth, A 3.42 11.7 Long axis bendings1, A 0.24 26.2 Short axis bendings2, A 0.02 34.2 StretchingA, GHz/cm−1 1.34753/0.04495B, GHz/cm−1 1.02483/0.03418C, GHz/cm−1 0.75026/0.02503

Table 8.1: Structural and inertial parameters: distance from the Ar atom to the benzene-ringplane, h, projections of the Ar atom onto x and y axes of the benzene-ring-fixed coordinatesystem, s1, and s2, respectively, and rotational constants for the ground, S0, electronic state ofthe ST·Ar complex calculated at the MP2/cc-pVTZ level of theory. Vibrational analysis: thethree lowest intermolecular vibrational frequencies of the ST·Ar complex and their assignmentscalculated at the MP2/6-311++G(d, p) level of theory.

Figure 8.1: Electronic ground state, S 0, structure of the ST·Ar complex optimized at the MP2/cc-pVTZ level of theory. The xyz coordinate system is the benzene-ring-fixed coordinate systemwith its origin pinned at the centre of the benzene ring. The z axis is parallel to the C6 symmetryaxis of benzene. For details, see Table 8.1.

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8.4 Experimental Results 97

8.4 Experimental Results

8.4.1 Low Resolution Spectra

Figure 8.2 shows the mass discriminated low-resolution one-colour R2PI spectra of the S 1 ←−S 0 electronic transition of a) ST monomer when measured at the mass of m/z = 104, b) ST·Arcomplex (m/z = 144), and c) ST·Ar2 complex (m/z = 184). The vertical dashed lines indicate thecorresponding red-shifted bands in the ST monomer spectrum originating from fragmentationof its complexes with Ar. The 00

0 origin band of the ST·Ar complex is red-shifted by 31 cm−1

relative to that of bare ST, and the origin band of the ST·Ar2 complex is red-shifted by 64 cm−1.It is seen that a detachment of a single Ar atom brings about the small red-shifted band observedat the mass channel of the ST·Ar complex. The observed red shift of the ST·Ar complex is ina good agreement with the one observed by Jortner and co-workers [216]. The low-resolutionspectra of both ST·Ar and ST·Ar2 exhibit bands to the high energy side of the respective originscorresponding to low-frequency intermolecular vibrations of the complexes. The blue-shiftedbands of the ST monomer have been discussed in a recent publication by our group [42].

8.4.2 High Resolution Spectrum

For determination of the structure of the ST·Ar complex, the high-resolution spectrum of the00

0origin band has been recorded and analysed. The experimental spectrum with partial rotationalresolution of the ST·Ar complex is presented in Fig. 8.3 (upper trace). The spectrum sits on abackground and spans over 3 cm−1. Its overall profile is significantly different from that ofthe ST monomer spectrum [42]. The spectrum can be referred to as a hybrid type. It has aprominent Q branch, a weak central dip, and well pronounced P and R branches composed ofirregularly spaced clumps of rotational lines with a minimum linewidth of 250 MHz (FWHM). Toanalyse the spectrum, we employed the GA fitting routine described in Sec. 8.2. The simulatedspectrum was obtained after convolution of the stick spectrum with a Gaussian-shaped line witha linewidth of 220 MHz (FWHM), which is larger than the spectral resolution of our experiment(110 MHz (FWHM)). We attribute this to saturation effects. The rotational temperature has beendetermined to be 6 K, which is lower than that for the ST monomer [42]. We propose tworeasonable explanations: either the observed ST·Ar complex descends from fragmentation oflarger clusters (ST·Arn, n≥2) and the obtained temperature is a result of evaporative cooling orthis is an indication that only sufficiently cold cluster species can survive under molecular jetconditions. The transition moment ratio, µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c , is 47:52:1. The inertial parameters for theground and the first excited electronic state along with the molecular characteristics are listed inTable 8.2.

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98 van der Waals Complex of Styrene with Argon

Figure 8.2: Low-resolution one-colour R2PI spectra of the S1 ←−S0 electronic transition of jet-cooled ST and its complexes with Ar measured at their mass channels: a) ST monomer (m/z =104), 00

0 origin band is at 34 758 cm−1; b) ST·Ar complex (m/z = 144), 000 origin band is at 34727

cm−1. The blue-shifted intermolecular vibronic bands are designated by 1, 2, and 3, respectively;c) ST·Ar2 complex (m/z = 184), 00

0 origin band is at 34 693 cm−1. The vertical dashed linesindicate the fragmentation of the clusters leading to a signal at the ST·Ar and the ST monomermass channel.

8.5 Discussion

The planarity of the ST monomer has been a subject of intense debate over the past three decades.Microwave experiments have shown that ST is planar in the ground electronic state [219]. Thishas been confirmed also by rotationally resolved LIF experiments [218] and high-resolution R2PIexperiments in our laboratory [42]. The latter have ascertained planarity of ST also in the firstexcited electronic state. It is reasonable to assume that due to the weak van der Waals interaction,the attachment of an Ar atom to a molecule does not alter the structure of the latter neither doesits transition moment orientation [205]. For this reason, the complexation with Ar can serve as a

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8.5 Discussion 99

Parameter Ground state S0 Excited state S1

GHz cm−1 GHz cm−1

A 1.337(14) 0.04461(46) 1.3179(81) 0.04396(27)B 1.0343(78) 0.03450(26) 1.1152(87) 0.03720(29)C 0.7600(66) 0.02535(22) 0.7198(63) 0.02401(21)TM ratioµ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c 47:52Origin, ν0, cm−1 34726.597(3)Temperature T , K 7.5(3)Best-fitcross correlation (%) 96

Table 8.2: Experimental rotational constants, transition moment ratio and band origin frequencyof the ST·Ar complex resulting from the fit of the rotational structure of the S 1 ←− S 0 electronictransition (see Fig. 8.3). The numbers in parentheses represent one standard deviation in units ofthe least significant quoted digit. The uncertainty for the relative values of µ2

a, µ2b, and µ2

c in thetransition moment ratio is 2%.

very sensitive probe for planarity of aromatic molecules. If such a molecule is nonplanar, the twobinding sites of Ar on both sides of the benzene ring are not completely equivalent thus leadingto slight differences of the binding energies for the two conformers, as we have recently demon-strated for the case of the complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar [205]. This shows up as twodifferent S 1 ←− S 0 origin band transitions of the complex separated by 2 cm−1 correspondingto the two binding patterns. For the shorter side chain of ST, even a smaller splitting should beexpected, particularly for a small torsional angle about the C(1)-C(α). On the contrary, if thehost molecule is completely planar, the two binding sites of Ar on both sides of the benzene ringare completely undistinguishable leading to the appearance of a single origin band. In the caseof ST·Ar neither splitting of the 00

0 origin band nor appearance of a second peak in the vicinityof the first one in the low-resolution spectrum measured at the cluster mass channel have beenobserved. However, a small splitting can be recognized only under high resolution conditionsas has already been shown for the case of the complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar [42].Figure 8.3 clearly shows that the measured rotational structure is explained by a single vibronicband and no splitting is observed within the effective linewidth of 250 MHz. This is a clearevidence for the planarity of the ST monomer. The three blue-shifted vibronic bands 1, 2, and3, in the low-resolution spectrum of the ST·Ar cluster (see Fig. 8.2) are satisfactorily reproducedby the frequency analysis of the theoretically optimized structure of the complex (see Sec. 8.3and Table 8.1), and they are assigned as long-axis (along y axis) bending , short-axis (along xaxis) bending, and stretching (parellel to z axis) vibrations, respectively. This result is a furtherconfirmation for the structural assignment of the observed ST·Ar complex. The small differ-

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100 van der Waals Complex of Styrene with Argon

Figure 8.3: High-resolution two-colour UV R2PI spectrum of the S 1 ←− S 0, 000 origin band

of the ST·Ar complex recorded at m/z=144 mass channel with the rotationless transition locatedat 34726.597(3) cm−1. Upper trace: experimental spectrum. Lower inverted trace: the best-fitsimulated spectrum yielding the constants listed in Table 8.2 (for details, see text).

ence between the experimental and theoretical vibrational frequencies is not surprising bearingin mind the pronounced of this type of intermolecular vibronic modes, which ususally mars theaccuracy of the theoretical predictions.

The origin band of the ST·Ar2 complex is red-shifted twice (64 cm−1) as much as the red shiftof the ST·Ar complex (31 cm−1). This is a clear manifestation of the additivity rule, which holdswhen no three-body interaction is present, i.e., the second Ar atom binds to the opposite sideof the benzene ring of ST without being affected by the presence of the other Ar atom througha deformation of the π electrons of the benzene ring. It is obvious that upon ionization theST·Ar2 complex undergoes an efficient fragmentation which brings forth the red-shifted peak atthe ST·Ar mass channel.Since ST possesses two π-electron systems, it provides two possible out-of-plane binding sitesfor Ar. The observed red shift of the origin band of the ST·Ar complex, however, is typical forAr complexes in which the Ar atom is bound to the benzene ring, e.g., toluene [267]. More

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8.6 Summary and Conclusions 101

detailed information on the structure of the complex can be obtained from the analysis of thehighly resolved spectrum in conjunction with quantum chemistry ab initio calculations. Therotational constants found from the fit of the high-resolution spectrum are in accord with theones predicted by the MP2/cc-pVTZ theory for the structure where Ar is situated above thebenzene ring. The analysis of this structure reveals that the Ar atom does no longer lie on the C6

symmetry axis of the benzene ring but is shifted by 0.24 Å towards the vinyl group. There is noappreciable displacement along the short axis of benzene. We attribute the shift along the longaxis of the benzene ring to the reduced symmetry of the benzene ring π-electron system due tothe conjugation with the π electrons of the vinyl group rather than to a direct interaction betweenthe Ar atom and the vinyl group. The TM ratio of the complex (µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c = 47 : 52 : 1) isdifferent from the one of the ST monomer (µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c = 97 : 3 : 0) [42]. We have proved thatthis is a pure mass effect resulting from the attachment of Ar and leading to an axis switching,and the binding of Ar does not influence the orientation of the TM relative to the frame of thebenzene ring.

8.6 Summary and Conclusions

The van der Waals complex between ST and Ar has been studied by high-resolution mass se-lective R2PI spectroscopy combined with rotational fitting spectral analysis based on geneticalgorithms and high-level ab initio quantum chemistry calculations. The results show that theAr atom is located above the benzene ring of styrene in vicinity to the C6 symmetry axis of thearomatic ring. The complex is bound by a weak van der Waals interaction between the Ar atomand the π electrons of the benzene ring. The complexation pattern is slightly affected by thepresence of the bonded to the benzene ring vinyl group and the π electronic delocalization ofthe styrene moiety. The manifestation of this influence is the shorter distance from the Ar atomto the benzene ring compared to the benzene·Ar complex and the small shift of Ar in directionto the vinyl group. It has been shown that the orientation of the transition moment of styreneremains unaffected by the complexation with Ar. The comparison between the observed blue-shifted vibronic bands in the low-resolution spectrum of the ST·Ar complex with the results ofthe theoretically calculated vibronic frequencies of the cluster ascertains that those bands corre-spond to intermolecular bending and stretching vibrations . No splitting of the main band of theST·Ar complex has been observed neither in the low- nor in the high-resolution spectrum, whichdemonstrates that styrene is planar. In addition to the ST·Ar complex, the structure of the ST·Ar2

complex has been briefly discussed on the basis of the experimentally observed red shift of its 000

electronic transition. The latter is almost twice as much as the one of the single cluster, whichimplies that the additivity rule applies in this case. This is an indication that the second Ar atombinds to the other side of the benzene ring with a neglible through-ring interaction with the first

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102 van der Waals Complex of Styrene with Argon

Ar atom.In conclusion, we have demonstrated that the combination of high-resolution mass selectiveresonance-enhanced two-photon ionization spectroscopy, rotational analysis based on geneticalgorithms, and ab initio quantum chemistry calculations is a powerful approach towards theinvestigation of weakly bound complexes. It is capable of providing reliable information onthe structure of such complexes and thus allows for the understanding of the subtle interplaybetween the effects involved in the stabilization of the complex. In addition, the attachmentof a noble-gas atom to a molecule provides an efficient and sensitive method for probing itsplanarity/nonplanarity by detecting under high resolution a possible small splitting of the ori-gin band electronic transition observed in case of nonequivalent binding sites for nonplanarmolecules.

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Chapter 9

Evidence for a σ-type Hydrogen-BondedDimer: High Resolution UV Spectroscopyof p-Fluorostyrene-Water

S. C, P. Q. W, J. E. B, S. G, H. J. N, C. K.N, T. C, J. C. P. 122, 244312 (2005).Ab initio calculations predict four stable conformational structures of thesingly hydrated cluster of p-fluorostyrene: two out-of-plane with π- andtwo in-plane with σ-type intermolecular hydrogen bonding between p-fluorostyrene and water. Mass selective resonance enhanced two-photon ion-ization high-resolution (100 MHz FWHM laser bandwidth) spectroscopy hasbeen employed to partially resolve the rotational structure of the 00

0 originband of the S 1 ←− S 0 electronic transition. A computer-aided fit based ongenetic algorithms has been used to analyse the experimental high-resolutionspectrum and to determine the observed conformational structure. The goodagreement between the experimental and the simulated spectra of the 00

0 bandand the assignment of the other prominent bands as inter- and intramolecularvibrational progressions clearly demonstrates that the anti in-plane conformeris the most abundant one in the molecular beam. The existence of the σ-typehydrogen bond between p-fluorostyrene and water manifests that the electronattracting effect of fluorine dominates over the releasing mesomeric effect ofthe vinyl group and thus a π-type hydrogen bonding with the aromatic ring isnot favoured in this case.


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104 Evidence for a σ-type Hydrogen-Bonded Dimer: p-Fluorostyrene-Water

9.1 Introduction

Gas-phase clusters consisting of aromatic molecules and protic solvents have attracted a lot of at-tention aiming at the understanding of the microscopic details of hydrophobic interactions, whichplay a vital role in determination of the structure and function of proteins, micelles and biologicalmembranes. In this context, aromatic molecule-water clusters are the most studied prototypicalsystems, and considerable amount of spectroscopic and computational data concerning the struc-ture and dynamics of such clusters have been accumulated over the years [3, 13, 240, 268]. Fora comparative estimate of interactions between different groups and their effects on structures,it is essential to investigate aromatic systems with various substitutions at different sites of thearomatic ring. The investigations of fluorine-substituted compounds are of particular interestbecause, in spite of being the highest electronegative element, the crystal structure data indi-cate that covalently bonded fluorine atoms in organic molecules are very poor hydrogen bondacceptors [269]. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the hydrogen bonding with fluorinatedcompounds at molecular level. This chapter reports on our gas-phase spectroscopic studies ofwater binding to p-fluorostyrene (p-FST) in a cold supersonic jet expansion. This cluster is asuitable prototype for the investigation of molecular systems manifesting competing types of in-teraction. Two mutually counteracting effects are expected: the mesomeric effect of the vinylgroup and the electron attraction by the electronegative fluorine atom.The vibronically resolved S 1 ←− S 0 electronic spectrum of the 1:1 dimeric complex of p-FSTand water was measured by one-colour R2PI method in a linear time-of-flight mass spectrometer.For theoretical predictions of possible structures of the complex in the electronic ground state,ab initio quantum chemistry calculations taking into account electron correlation have been per-formed. Theoretical calculations for the electronically excited state using the CIS method havebeen also performed. To identify the structure of the experimentally observed p-FST·H2O cluster,a high-resolution two-colour R2PI experiment with mass selection has been carried out. It willbe demonstrated that a comparative analysis of the partially rotationally resolved spectroscopicresults with the theoretical predictions greatly enhances the unambiguous determination of therealized experimental structure and elucidates the influence of the fluorination on the hydrogen-bonding properties of this class of molecules.

9.2 Experiment and Data Processing

Both low- and high-resolution experimental spectra of the p-FS·H2O complex were measuredthrough R2PI spectroscopy with mass selection in a supersonic jet-cooled molecular beam. Theexperimental set up is described in detail in Sec. 6.2. The cold molecular beam was produced byadiabatic expansion of the mixture of p-FST and water vapours at room temperature seeded in

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9.3 Results and Discussion 105

Ar buffer gas at a backing pressure of 3 bar through a pulsed nozzle with an orifice diameter of300 µm. The molecular beam was passed through a skimmer with an orifice diameter of 1.5 mmbefore reaching the interaction point with the laser beams 5cm downstream from the skimmer.

The highly resolved two-colour R2PI spectrum of the p-FST·H2O complex was analized by em-ploying the computer-aided rotational fitting technique based on genetic algorithms descripbedin Sec. 6.3. The values of the parameters used in this particular case are as follows: the number ofgenerations was 1000, and the number of individuals was 1500. The achieved cross correlationwas as high as 96%.

9.3 Results and Discussion

9.3.1 Ab Initio Calculations

For a detailed discussion of the high-resolution spectra of the experimentally observed 1:1 p-FST·H2O cluster, ab initio quantum chemical calculations were started from various chemicallyreasonable binding sites of water to the p-FST molecule. The geometries were calculated atthe RHF, B3LYP DFT and at the level using Gaussian 03 suite of programmes [70]. A fulloptimization of the geometries was carried out using 6-311G (d, p) basis set. Figure 9.1 showsthe optimized structures of the four lowest-energy conformers. The basis set superposition errors(BSSE) in the binding energy in each case was corrected by the counterpoise method of Boys andBernardy [215]. The energy minima corresponding to these structures are verified noting that allvibrational frequencies calculated by the DFT method using B3LYP/6-311+G (2d, 2p) basis setare positive. Calculated energies at different levels and some key geometrical parameters of theisomeric species are presented in Table 9.1.

It is seen that compared to the π-hydrogen species, the in-plane σ- hydrogen bonded complexesare more stable at all levels of theory.It is well-known that the explicit inclusion of electron correlation is essential to get more reliablegeometries of benzene-containing complexes. That is why we, performed our calculation at theMP2 level, too. But as far as the binding energy is concerned for the 1:1 p-FST·H2O conformers,the B3LYP level of calculation is more reliable than the others. From Table 9.1 one can seethat for conformer III and conformer IV (here, the OH group of the water molecule is involvedin the formation of a six-membered ring with the F-C-C-H of the aromatic ring of the p-FSTmolecule) the binding energy is almost the same but for the two out-of-plane conformers thebinding energy is smaller by 0.54 kcal/mol for conformer II and 0.74 kcal/mol for conformerI. Recently, Brutschy and coworkers [270] have shown that the in-plane structures for the 1:1fluorobenzene·water and p-difluorobenzene·water clusters are more stable than the out-of-plane

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106 Evidence for a σ-type Hydrogen-Bonded Dimer: p-Fluorostyrene-Water

(a)Conformer I(0.74 kcal/mol)

(b)Conformer II(0.54 kcal/mol)



(c)Conformer III(0.0 kcal/mol)



(d)Conformer IV(0.02 kcal/mol)

Figure 9.1: Geometries of the four lowest-energy conformers of the 1:1 p-FST·H2O complex,optimized at the B3LYP/6-311G (d, p) level of theory. The relative energies (kcal/mol) calculatedat the same level are given in parentheses.

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9.3 Results and Discussion 107





























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B ere
























































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108 Evidence for a σ-type Hydrogen-Bonded Dimer: p-Fluorostyrene-Water

π hydrogen-bonded structures. In the case of the p-FST·H2O complex, the same result is foundfor the in-plane conformers for all levels of calculation. The strength of stabilization of thein-plane conformers is due to the electrostatic interactions of the fluorine atom with the waterhydrogen atom. Though the vinyl group acts as an electron donor to the aromatic ring, thefluorine atom pulls over the electron density from the benzene ring. As a result, the π-electroncloud density is decreased in the fluorinated styrene and hence the binding energy is smaller forthe π-bonded out-of-plane conformers.

In conformer I, one of the O-H bonds of water is π-hydrogen bonded. The distance of the H atomof water from the aromatic plane is 2.423 Å, 2.480 Å, 2.428 Å at the MP2, HF, and B3LYP levels,respectively, which is comparable to the previous experimental values from the high-resolutionspectroscopy of the centre-of-mass separations between benzene and water: 3.32±0.07 Å [271],3.329 [272], and 3.347±0.005 [273], given the O-H bond length in water is 0.96 Å [273]. Thecentre of mass of the water molecule is shifted towards the vinyl group. In conformer II, bothH atoms of the water molecule are directed towards the π electrons of the aromatic ring and thecentre of mass is shifted towards the vinyl group. The distance of the oxygen atom from thearomatic ring in this conformation is 3.14 Å. In conformers III and IV, the complex is nearlyplanar, the oxygen atom is only 0.3 Å off the plane of the aromatic ring and one of the water H-Obonds points to the electronegative fluorine atom. The F· · ·H distance in both conformers is thesame, 2.186, 2.190, 2.161 Å at the MP2, HF, and B3LYP levels, respectively, and these values aresimilar to what has been calculated by Tarakeshwar etal. in the case of the fluorobenzene· · ·water(FBzn·H2O) complex [270]. The rotational constants are also listed in Table 9.1.

For the excited state calculation, the CIS method with the same basis set, 6-311G (d, p), wasused. For the geometry optimization in the excited state, the ground state geometries were takenas inputs for each of the conformers. The binding energies predicted by such calculations for thefour isomeric geometries of the cluster are presented in Table 9.1. The calculation shows that theexcited-state binding energies for all the discussed conformers are smaller than the ones of theground state thus demonstrating that the complex destabilizes in the excited state compared to theground state. In summary, from the theoretical calculations, one expects that a planar structurewill be the most stable one. However, because of the small differences in the binding energies ofthe predicted conformers, in particular of conformers III and IV, a reliable identification of therealized structure in the beam cannot be made. For this reason, a high-resolution experiment ofthe 00

0 origin band of the S 1 ←− S 0 electronic transition of the cluster was carried out.

9.3.2 Vibronic Spectra of the p-FST·H2O Cluster

Figure 9.2 (upper trace) shows the one-colour R2PI spectrum of the S 1 ←− S 0 electronic transi-tion of p-FST·H2O up to an excess energy of 900 cm−1 recorded by selecting the ion signal at the

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9.3 Results and Discussion 109

parent (m/z = 140) mass channel. The R2PI spectrum of the p-FST monomer (m/z = 122) [274](see Fig. 9.2 (lower trace)) was measured to identify the additional features arising due to theintermolecular vibrations of the cluster. Both spectra are shown with a common origin positionas a function of the relative excitation energy. The spectrum for the mass channel of m/z = 158,which corresponds to the p-FST·(H2O)2 cluster, was also recorded simultaneously (not shownhere) to check whether part of the signal at m/z = 140 resulted from fragmentation of largerclusters. In this way, it was verified that all the sharp features in the top spectrum (Fig. 9.2 (uppertrace)) are exclusively due to p-FST·H2O. The 00

0 band of the p-FST·H2O complex (34416 cm−1)is blue-shifted by 104 cm−1 from that of the p-FST monomer (34312 cm−1). The low-frequencybands at 51, 84 and 102 cm−1 are due to intermolecular vibrations. The 102 cm−1 band can beassigned as the overtone of the mode bringing forth the 51 cm−1 band, and the feature at 84 cm−1

must correspond to a different mode. Our DFT/B3LYP/6-311+G (2d,2p) calculations predict forconformer III that in the ground state, the lowest two intermolecular vibrational frequencies ofthe complex are 42 and 74 cm−1, and they correspond to the out-of-plane and in-plane twistingof the two molecular moieties. Thus, the 51 and 84 cm−1 bands can be assigned to these twointermolecular modes . The vibronic bands corresponding to the intramolecular modes of thesolute p-FST in the complex are indicated by dotted vertical lines. It is seen that the frequenciesof these vibrations are rather insensitive to water binding.

Another notable feature of the spectrum is that the electronic origin (000) and other vibronic bands

(e. g. 84 and 89) of the cluster appear as doublet. The separation between the two subbands at theorigin is ca. 5 cm−1. An immediate explanation of the splitting is that it can be due to an internalrotation of the weakly bound water molecule, similar to what has been observed before in thecase of benzene-water clusters [269, 275]. To test this the one-colour R2PI spectrum of the p-FST·D2O complex was measured at its parent mass (m/z = 142) channel. Part of this spectrum,containing the 00

0 origin band profile of the S 1 ←− S 0 electronic transition of p-FST·D2O at34421.0 cm−1, is shown in the inset of Fig. 9.2. It shows that the splitting in the deuteratedcomplex is 5 cm−1, and is the same as that of the hydrated cluster. Therefore, the possibilitythat an internal rotation or tunnelling are the reason for the observed splitting is ruled out. Otherreasons could be sequence transitions or transitions corresponding to a different conformer ofthe complex. We have measured the spectrum under various cooling conditions of the nozzleexpansion and noticed that the relative intensities of the subbands remain practically unaltered.Therefore, it is possible that the two subbands correspond to the electronic origin of two differentconformational isomers of the dimeric species. Such an assignment would be consistent with ourab initio calculations predicting two planar conformers with almost the same binding energy (seenext Section).

The resonant two-photon ionization spectra of unsubstituted styrene-water complexes (ST·(H2O)n)have been measured recently by Mahmoud et al. [214]. The S 1 ←− S 0 origin of the complexexhibits a blue shift by only 21 cm−1 with respect to the isolated monomer. This shift is five times

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110 Evidence for a σ-type Hydrogen-Bonded Dimer: p-Fluorostyrene-Water

Figure 9.2: R2PI spectrum of the S 1 ←− S 0 transition of jet-cooled p-FST (top) recorded atm/z = 140 mass channel and pFST·H2O (bottom) recorded at m/z = 122 mass channel as afunction of the relative excitation energy. The S 1 ←− S 0 00

0 origin band of the p-FST·H2Ocomplex is at 34 416 cm−1. The inset shows the profile of the S 1 ←− S 0 origin band of p-FST·H2O at 34 421 cm−1 recorded at m/z = 142 mass channel.

smaller than that in the p-FST·H2O cluster. Furthermore, the higher ST·(H2O)n clusters [n > 1]show extensive fragmentations and the band intensities of the 1:1 cluster appear in the spectrumvery weakly [214]. Such fragmentation behaviour has been also reported for benzene-waterclusters. On the contrary, the 1:1 p-FST·H2O cluster is quite stable and no fragment signal wasnoticed in the monomer mass channel when the excitation frequency of the laser was scannedacross the 00

0 band of the p-FST·H2O complex. This provides an indication that the binding pat-tern of water to p-FST is different from that ofs ST. Mahmoud et al. have performed an ab initioquantum chemistry calculation for structural prediction of the ST·H2O complex using a relativelylow level of theory (HF/6-31+G (2d, p)), which favoured a π-hydrogen-bonded complex whereboth of the water hydrogen atoms point to the aromatic π-electron cloud. To our knowledge, nohigh level theoretical calculation has been attempted so far on the ST·H2O cluster system.

It is instructive to compare the observed spectral blue shift of the 000 band of the p-FST·H2O dimer

(104 cm−1) with the ones of the fluorobenzene·water (+118 cm−1) [270,276], p-difluorobenzene·water

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9.3 Results and Discussion 111

(+167 cm−1) [277], and benzene-water (+50 cm−1) 1:1 complexes [275]. Because of the increas-ing blue shift, it appears that fluorination of the aromatic ring destabilizes the excited electronicstates of the above 1:1 clusters with water, compared to their respective ground states. Re-cently, we have performed a complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF) calculationon p-FST and related systems in the ground and excited states. The results show that the partialcharge on the electronegative F atom in p-FST monomer is smaller in S1 than in S0 electronicstate [278]. Thus, the prediction of the CASSCF calculation provides a qualitative explanationfor the observed blue shifting of electronic transition energy of the p-FST·H2O complex, as-suming that the O-H bond of water is σ-hydrogen-bonded to the F atom of the p-FST in thecomplex. A more rigorous calculation is required to explain the trends of the blue shift amongthe different fluorobenzene·water clusters mentioned here. Recently, Brutschy and co-workershave investigated the binding of water molecules to fluorobenzene using infrared ion-depletionspectroscopy [276]. In the FBzn·H2O cluster, the IR spectral features of the water ν1 and ν3

modes are quite simple, and unlike the benzene-water complex, no splitting of these bands hasbeen observed. In the latter complex, the antisymmetric stretching mode (ν3) of the water ex-hibits a complex spectral splitting due to its simultaneous rotation and rocking motions aboutthe six-fold axis of the benzene ring [213]. On the basis of these contrasts in spectral patternin the two systems, the authors have inferred that the water molecule in the FB·H2O complexis symmetrically placed on top of the ring wherein both hydrogen atoms point to the aromaticπ-electron cloud. The simple IR spectrum of the FBzn·H2O complex was interpreted as dueto hindrance of the water rotation by the local dipole moment induced by the fluorine atom.However, in a later theoretical study, Tarakeshwar, et al. suggested a co-planar structure for thecomplex, in which the O-H of the water molecule forms a six-membered H-bonded (σ-type) ringsystem with the F-C-C-H of the phenyl ring. In the present case of the p-FST·H2O system, thereduced π-electron density on the ring due to the electron attracting fluorine atom can be partiallycompensated by the electron releasing mesomeric effect of the vinyl group. As a consequence,the π- and σ- type hydrogen bonding of water with the solute p-FST could be equally probableand this is consistent with the predictions of only a small energy difference made by our ab initiotheoretical calculations (see Table 9.1). From the calculation of the binding energies alone, itis not possible to identify the structure of the p-FST·H2O cluster present in the molecular beam.To identify the realized structure and to provide additional information to the ongoing discus-sion on the type of the hydrogen bonding in fluorinated aromatic molecule-water complexes,high-resolution experiments on p-FST·H2O were performed.

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112 Evidence for a σ-type Hydrogen-Bonded Dimer: p-Fluorostyrene-Water

9.3.3 High Resolution Spectrum of the 000 Origin Band of the p-FST·H2O


The high-resolution spectrum of the 000 origin band of the p-FST·H2O cluster located at 34416.004(5)

cm−1 and measured at its mass (m/z = 140) channel is depicted in Fig. 9.3 (upper trace). Thespectrum is characterized by well-pronounced P and R branches, and a weak central Q branch.It features a prominent central dip and a typical periodic structure in the P branch. The spectrumis referred to as a hybrid a and b type [94]. The observed peaks are formed by aggregationsof single rotational lines and their smallest width is about 300 MHz. This necessitated the ap-plication of the computer-assisted fit (see Sect. 6.3) of the experimental spectrum to derive therotational constants and the transition moment ratio. To aid the GA fit, described in Sec. 6.3, thefour positions of the water molecule with respect to the benzene ring as predicted by the ab initiocalculations were assumed and used as starting geometries: two in-plane, and two out-of-plane,respectively. In the first step, a reasonable fit was achieved only for the anti in-plane conformer.For further improvements, a planarity condition for this conformer was imposed to the fittingprogram as a physical constraint restricting the multidimensional search space. The result ofthis fit is also presented in Fig. 9.3 (lower inverted trace). It was obtained by convoluting thetheoretical stick spectrum by a Gaussian profile with a linewidth of 220 MHz.

The rotational energy levels were calculated on the basis of the asymmetric top Watson Hamilto-nian [221–223]. Both rotational band contour and most of the typical features of the experimentalspectrum are well reproduced by the simulation. The broad linewidth of 220 MHz necessary toconvolute the stick spectrum making it match the experimental one is tentatively ascribed to asaturation of the observed transitions rather than to a lifetime broadening. The resulting rota-tional constants for the ground, S0, and the first excited, S1, electronic states, and the transitionmoment ratio are listed in Table 9.2.

The rotational temperature has been found to be 5.5 K. The transition moment ratio is µ2a : µ2

b : µ2c

= 55:45:0, which agrees with the hybrid character of the spectrum. On the basis of the best fit ofour highly resolved spectrum obtained by employing the parameters of conformer III as startingconditions for the fit, one infers that the measured signal of the 00

0 origin band of the p-FST·H2Ocluster originates from this conformer. This is in accord with the theoretical predictions showingthat this is the most stable conformer. The experimentally found transition moment ratio of thep-FST·H2O complex (a:b = 55:45) is different, though not very much, from the one of the baremolecule (µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c = 67:33:0) [279]. This finding can be interpreted merely as a mass effectcausing a rotation of the coordinate frame due to the attachment of the water molecule. Thedirection of the transition moment with respect to the aromatic ring is not changed by the σ-hydrogen-bonding of the water molecule. This explanation asserts that there are no pronouncedelectronic effects involved in the microsolvation by the attachment of one water molecule, andwhat is observed is a local excitation of the p-FST monomer remaining unaffected by the water

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9.3 Results and Discussion 113

Figure 9.3: Highly resolved spectrum of the 000 origin band of the S 1 ←− S 0 electronic transition

of the pFST·H2O cluster at ν0 = 34416.004(5) cm−1 recorded at m/z = 140 mass channel. Uppertrace: experimental spectrum. Lower inverted trace: the best-fit simulated spectrum yielding theconstants listed in Table 9.2. For details, see text.

Rotational Constant Ground state S0 Excited state S1

MHz cm−1 MHz cm−1

A 3215(12) 0.10924(40) 3211(15) 0.10713(52)B 592(15) 0.01977(51) 586(16) 0.01957(55)C 502(11) 0.01674(37) 496(12) 0.01655(40)

TM ratio, µ2a : µ2

b : µ2c 55:45:0

Origin ν0, cm−1 34 416.004(5)

Table 9.2: Experimental rotational constants of the p-FST·H2O cluster giving rise to the 000

origin band of the S 1 ←− S 0 electronic transition (see Fig. 9.2). The rotational constants and thetransition moment ratio were obtained through computer-aided fit of the highly resolved spectrum(Fig. 9.3) of this conformer (for details, see text). The numbers in parentheses represent onestandard deviation in units of the least significant digit. The uncertainty for the relative values ofµ2

a, µ2b, and µ2

c in the TM ratio is 4%.

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114 Evidence for a σ-type Hydrogen-Bonded Dimer: p-Fluorostyrene-Water

complex formation. This conclusion conforms to the recent high-resolution results of Pratt andcoworkers [133] on the p-difluorobenzene·water complex where the structure of the complexis also planar and the attachment of water does not influence the orientation of the transitionmoment relative to the monomer reference frame. To explain the nature of the second peak ofthe origin band located 5 cm−1 to the blue side (34421 cm−1) of the main peak, a high-resolutionexperiment also for this peak was carried out. The lower ion signal intensity, however, didnot allow us to measure a well-resolved spectrum and for this reason, the rotational fit analysisdescribed above was not applicable in this case. Comparing the measured rotational contourof this band with the ones simulated with the parameters for the two out-of-plane conformers(I and II) and for conformer IV without making a fit, it was found that the spectrum of the in-plane conformer IV exhibits the closest similarity with the experimental result. On this basis,we tentatively assert that the blue-shifted sub-band can be the origin band of the gauche in-planeconformer (conformer IV).

9.4 Summary and Conclusions

Both low- (0.4 cm−1) and high-resolution (0.003 cm−1) R2PI spectra with mass selection ofthe singly hydrated cluster of p-fluorostyrene have been presented. Calculations at the RHF,B3LYP and MP2 levels of theory using 6-311G (d, p) basis set predict four stable conformers:two out-of-plane and two in-plane , the latter being more stable than the former by an energyof only about 0.5 kcal/mol. A reasonable fit of the high-resolution spectrum of the 00

0 originband of the S 1 ←− S 0 electronic transition was only produced by employing the rotationalconstants of the anti in-plane conformer (conformer III) as starting parameters. For this reason,we infer that conformer III is the most abundant one in the molecular beam. From the measuredtransition moment ratio we find that the binding of water does not cause a reorientation of thetransition moment with respect to the aromatic ring, which implies that σ-bound water does notinduce a noticeable π-electron structure rearrangements. The gross rotational structure of thesecond 5 cm−1 blue-shifted peak of the main band is more similar to the rotational structurecharacteristic for an in-plane configuration rather than to the more different rotational contour ofa π-hydrogen bonded out-of-plane conformer. In this way, we rule out the possibility of an out-of-plane conformer and tentatively explain the origin of this sub-band either as due to a sequencetransition of the anti in-plane conformer or due to the gauche in-plane conformer. This meansthat due to the subtle interplay between the electron attraction of the electronegative fluorineatom and the electron releasing mesomeric effect of the vinyl group both π- and σ-type hydrogenbonding of water with p-fluorostyrene are feasible but the energetically slightly favoured σ-typehydrogen bonding of the water proton with the fluorine atom is dominating in this case.

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Chapter 10

Specific and Nonspecific Interactions in aFlexible Molecule: 2-phenylethanol and itsComplex with Argon

S. C, R. K, J. E. B, H. J. N, S. S. P, T. C, J. C. P. 124, 234302 (2006).The conformational structure and transition moment orientation in 2-phenylethanol and its 1:1 clusters with argon have been determined by high-resolution R2PI spectroscopy in combination with genetic-algorithm-basedcomputer-aided rotational fit analysis and ab initio quantum chemistry cal-culations. The results clearly demonstrate that the gauche structure of 2-phenylethanol, which is stabilized by the intramolecular π-hydrogen bondbetween the folded side chain and the benzene ring, is the most abundant inthe cold molecular beam. In this conformer the transition moment is rotatedby 18◦ from the short axis of the aromatic ring. Two distinct 1:1 complexesof 2-phenylethanol with argon in a cis- and trans- configuration with respectto the side chain have been found. By employing the Kraitchman analysis ithas been found that the structure of the 2-phenylethanol moiety and the ori-entation of the transition moment do not change after the complexation withargon within the experimental accuracy. From the measured band intensities,it can be concluded that in addition to the dispersion interaction of the argonatom with the aromatic ring a hydrogen-bond-type interaction with the termi-nal OH group of the side chain stabilizes the cis structure of the 1:1 complexof 2-phenylethanol with argon.


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116 Dispersion and H- Bonding: The Complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar

10.1 Introduction

2-phenylethanol (2-PE) is the hydroxy analogue of the simplest aromatic amine neurotransmit-ter, 2-phenylethylamine. The molecule consists of an aromatic ring and a flexible side chainwith a terminal alcoholic group. In recent years, much effort has been devoted to understand-ing the conformational behavior of a variety of such flexible biomolecules in the gas phase.Under isolated conditions, the molecular conformation is determined by a balance of interac-tions between different groups within the molecules. However, to perform biological functions,the molecule has to dock to a receptor site where the binding, mostly, occurs through nonco-valent interactions, like hydrogen bonding as well as pure dispersion interactions. Therefore,it is of paramount importance to know not only the most favorable conformations of the barebiomolecules [126, 127, 129, 180, 201, 280–287] but also their conformational preferences in thepresence of other species [126, 129, 160, 280, 288].In the case of bare 2-PE, recent spectroscopic measurements and theoretical calculations [126,160, 283, 284, 287] indicate that its most favoured conformation in the electronic ground statecorresponds to a gauche geometry. The primary factor that stabilizes this conformeric structureis a nonclassical π-hydrogen bonding of the terminal alcoholic group of the side chain with thearomatic ring. Calculations indicate that the binding energies of such hydrogen bonds are nearlyan order of magnitude smaller compared to the classical X-H· · ·Y type hydrogen bonds (seeSec. 1.4). However, recent measurements in our group using mass selective threshold ioniza-tion spectroscopy have shown that the binding energy of the intermolecular π- hydrogen-bondedindole-benzene complex is in the range of ca. 1600 cm−1, which is similar to the classicalhydrogen bond energy [153, 289]. A direct identification and assignment of the gauche struc-ture of 2-PE by rotationally resolved UV spectroscopy is still missing. Here, high-resolutionmeasurements of the main band allowing for an unequivocal identification of the respective con-formational structure of 2-PE are presented. Furthermore, in the present study, as a first step,the 1:1 complex of 2-PE with Ar has been chosen as a convenient model system to learn howthe subtle balance of π- hydrogen bonding and dispersion interactions determine the preferredconformation of this dimeric adduct. The method of high-resolution UV spectroscopy has beenused here for the first time to investigate the structure of the 1:1 Ar complex of such a flexi-ble side-chain-containing biologically relevant molecule. In this way, one is able to comparethis result with previous high-resolution spectroscopy results of clusters of benzene (Bzn) withAr [248, 253]. For the latter, it has been demonstrated that a (1|1) type conformation in whichone Ar atom is on top of either side of the aromatic ring is favoured over the (2|0) type confor-mation, even though the (2|0) configuration may be stabilized by the Ar-Ar interaction [253]. Inthe Bzn·Ar case, both sites are completely equivalent. Similarly, in the present case of 2-PE, forthe preferred binding site, we have to consider not only the nonspecific interaction of Ar with thearomatic ring but also the specific hydrogen-bond-type interaction with the OH group of the side

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10.2 Experiment and Data Processing 117

chain [160, 288]. There are three distinct possibilities that must be considered: i) preserving thegauche conformation of the side chain, the Ar atom can bind to the aromatic ring at the oppositeside of the OH, ii) the Ar atom is attached to the ring on the same side of the OH group, andiii) the Ar atom binding to the aromatic ring makes the side chain change its structure, assumingan extended geometry. To ascertain which scenario(s) is realized in the conditions of the coldmolecular beam, high-resolution experiments have been carried out.

10.2 Experiment and Data Processing

The low-resolution spectra of 2-PE and its complexes with Ar as well as the high-resolutionspectra of 2-PE and the 2-PE·Ar complex have been measured by R2PI spectroscopy with massselection in a supersonic jet-cooled molecular beam using the experimental set up thoroughlydescrbed in Sec. 6.2. The Ar+ion laser was operating at 488 nm yielding output power of 4 Wnecessary to pump the ring dye laser. The latter was using Coumarin 521 dye achieving an outputpower of 250 mW.

For the analysis and interpretation of the measured highly resolved spectra of the 2-PE monomerand the 2-PE·Ar complex, the computer-assisted fitting routine based on genetic algorithms (seeSec. 6.3) has been employed. For the fits of both spectra, 500 generations with 500 individuals ineach were used. The attained best-fit cross correlations are 97% and 95% for the 2-PE monomerand the 2-PE·Ar complex, respectively.

10.3 Experimental Results

10.3.1 Low Resolution Spectrum

The low-resolution one-colour R2PI spectrum in the vicinity of the origin of the S 1 ←− S 0

electronic transition of the 2-PE monomer is shown in Fig. 10.1. It was recorded under water-free conditions by selecting the ion signal at the parent (m/z = 122) mass channel. Duringthe scan, no signal at smaller mass channels was observed, which demonstrates that (unlikeephedrine [201]) 2-PE does not fragment upon ionization even under the conditions of a one-colour experiment with a total excitation energy of 75200 cm−1. This is not surprising since anexcess energy of 3690 cm−1 above the adiabatic ionization energy (AIE) is expected from thedata for the AIE (71550 cm−1) published recently by Weinkauf et al. [290]. The absorption ofseveral photons in the 2-PE cation is not expected for the small laser intensities that were used.The spectrum in Fig. 10.1 is dominated by a high-intensity peak A, which has been interpreted

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118 Dispersion and H- Bonding: The Complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar

Figure 10.1: One-colour R2PI spectrum of the S 1 ←− S 0 electronic transition of 2-PE seededin Ar, and recorded at the monomer (m/z=122) mass channel. Peak A is the strongest band in theS 1 ←− S 0 spectrum. For explanation of peak B, see text.

as the origin band of the most abundant conformer of the 2-PE monomer [126, 160, 284, 287]. Anumber of weaker features on the blue side (not shown in Fig. 10.1) have also been observed,and they are supposed to originate from vibrational modes of the same conformer, from differentconformers, or else, from hydrated complexes [160,287]. It is interesting to observe also a weakband B, which is red-shifted by ca. 30 cm−1 with respect to the main band. There are two possibleexplanations for its appearance: i) due to hot bands or ii) resulting from the 2-PE·Ar complexafter fragmentation since no signal at the 2-PE·Ar mass (m/z=162) channel was detected. Thered shift of this band is similar to the red shifts measured for other aromatic molecule-Ar clusters[87], and for this reason, the second explanation appears to be more plausible. Experiments usingHe as a carrier gas were attempted but in this case the band in question was not observed. Todemonstrate the gauche structure of the 2-PE monomer giving rise to the main band A and toinvestigate the structure of the 2-PE·Ar complex, high-resolution R2PI experiments of the twodiscussed bands combined with ab initio calculations were performed.

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10.4 High Resolution Spectra 119

Figure 10.2: High-resolution two-colour UV R2PI spectrum of peak A in Fig. 10.1. It is assignedas the S 1 ←− S 0 00

0 origin band of the gauche conformer of 2-PE with the rotationless transitioncentred at 37621.296(3) cm−1. The spectrum is recorded at m/z=122 mass channel. Uppertrace: experimental spectrum. Lower inverted trace: the best-fit simulated spectrum yielding theconstants listed in Table 10.1 (for details, see text). The inset shows a magnified portion of theexperimentally highly resolved spectrum and the best-fit simulated spectrum.

10.4 High Resolution Spectra

10.4.1 Main Band

The highly resolved UV spectrum of the strongest band A at 37621 cm−1 of the 2-PE monomer isshown in Fig. 10.2 (upper trace). It manifests a pronounced rotational structure covering a rangeof about 10 cm−1, indicating a relatively high rotational temperature in the molecular beam. Itis worth to point out, however, that the excitation of high J levels did not deteriorate the qualityof the rotational structure of the band. The spectrum is characterized by a central dip, a weakcentral Q branch on the red side of the dip, and very well pronounced P and R branches. Thespectrum reveals a hybrid a-, b-, and c- type character with the b contribution dominating. Itdoes not feature single rotational lines but rather aggregations of the latter forming sharp peakswith FWHM of about 150 MHz. The rotational constants for the ground, S0, and the firstexcited, S1, electronic state as well as the transition moment ratio, the rotational temperatureand the 00

0 position, ν0, have been determined by the computer-assisted procedure described

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120 Dispersion and H- Bonding: The Complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar

in Sec. 6.3. The fit was started with the rotational constants in the ground state known frommicrowave experiments [283] and restricting the search space for these constants within 0.5 % oftheir initial value. The search space for the rotational constants in the excited state and that for theother parameters was retained broader. The resulting theoretical stick spectrum was convolutedusing a Gaussian line shape with a FWHM of 150 MHz. The best-fit simulated spectrum is alsoshown in Fig. 10.2 (lower inverted trace). There is a close match in both peak positions andpeak intensities, as seen in the inset of Fig. 10.2, showing a magnified part of the spectrum. Theexperimentally obtained values of the rotational constants, the transition moment ratio, and therotational temperature are detailed in Table 10.1.

Rotational constant Ground State S0 Excited State S1

GHz cm−1 GHz cm−1

A 3.3380(74) 0.11134(25) 3.2377(54) 0.10800(18)B 1.0835(71) 0.03614(24) 1.0673(69) 0.03560(23)C 0.9589(54) 0.03199(18) 0.9340(57) 0.03116(19)TM ratio µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c 18:74:8Origin ν0 , cm−1 37621.296(3)Temperature T , K 12.5(3)Best-fit cross correlation (%) 97

Table 10.1: Experimental rotational constants, transition moment ratio, origin band position ν0,and rotational temperature, T , of the gauche conformatin of the 2-PE monomer resulting from theGA- based computer-aided fit of the highly resolved spectrum of the S 1 ←− S 0 00

0 origin band(see Fig. 10.1 and Fig. 10.2) (for details, see text). The numbers in parentheses represent onestandard deviation in units of the least significant quoted digit. The uncertainty for the relativevalues of µ2

a, µ2b, and µ2

c in the transition moment ratio is 4.

The deviation of our experimental ground state rotational constants from those found from mi-crowave experiments [283] is within the accuracy of the fit of our experiment. There is a verygood agreement between the values of the rotational constants in Table 10.1 and those found byab initio calculations for the gauche conformer [126, 283] for both the ground, S0, and the firstexcited, S1, electronic state. On the other hand, the experimental transition moment ratio fromthis high-resolution R2PI experiment (µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c = 18:74:8) differs considerably from the onetheoretically predicted at the CIS/6-31G (d) level [126] (µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c = 2:96:2). It differs alsofrom the theoretical predictions at the CIS/6-31G (d, p) level (see Table 10.3), the theoreticalresults asserting that the transition moment ratio is oriented along the b principal axis of inertia.The transition moment ratio obtained on the basis of the low-resolution rotational band contouranalysis of Ref. [160] (µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c = 0:88:12) also differs from the discussed high-resolutionspectroscopy result, though the disagreement in this case is less pronounced. It is interesting topoint out the discrepancy in the a and c contributions. While the low-resolution band contour

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10.4 High Resolution Spectra 121

analysis states there is no a type contribution and there exists a weak c type, the high-resolutionresults clearly show that there are both a and c -type components of the highly resolved spectrum.To explain the discrepancies of the transition moment orientation, ab initio quantum chemistrycalculations with an extended basis set of the S1 excited electronic state of the 2-PE monomerat the CIS/6-311++G (d, p) level of theory were performed. The transition moment ratio in thiscase is µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c = 19:72:9, and it conforms very well to the experimental result obtained fromthe fit of the highly resolved spectrum.

10.4.2 Red-shifted Band

In Fig. 10.3, the weak band B at 37589 cm−1 is shown when measured under high resolution atm/z=122. Assuming that it originates from a 1:1 complex of 2-PE with Ar, an attempt was madeto measure the high-resolution spectrum of this band at the 2-PE·Ar complex mass (m/z = 162)channel. Unfortunately, even under the conditions of the two-colour experiment with a stepwisedecrease of the energy of the ionization photon, a strong enough signal at this mass channel wasnot sobserved, and for this reason, the highly resolved spectrum of band B was recorded at the2-PE monomer mass (m/z = 122) channel. Only under high resolution, it becomes apparent thatthis band consists of two subbands, shown in the upper trace of Fig. 10.3 a) and in Fig. 10.3b), respectively, which are not resolved as separate features in the low-resolution spectrum ofFig. 10.1. Their rotational structures are similar to each other but completely different from theone of the strongest peak A, shown in Fig. 10.2. Both highly resolved spectra in Fig. 10.3 featurea very intense central Q branch. The stronger peak, shown in Fig. 10.3 a), has a steep rise onthe red side and a typical shading on the high-energy side. In addition, it features weak P andR branches composed of very well-resolved regularly spaced features. Therefore, the spectrumin Fig. 10.3 a) can be referred to as a predominantly c type, which is completely different fromthe b-type main band A in Fig. 10.2. The Q branch of the weaker subband seems to have areversed shading with the steep rise on the blue-energy side (See Fig. 10.3). In this case, the Pand R branches are very weak and noisy, and with a somewhat different, less regular, structurecompared to that of the stronger subband but the overall profile is very similar to the one of thespectrum in Fig. 10.3 a), and the weaker subband can be assigned also as a predominantly c type.

To analyse both spectra, the automated fit based on genetic algorithms described in Sec. 6.3 wasapplied. The first step is to find reasonable starting values for the rotational constants. Constraintson the starting values of the rotational constants in the ground state were imposed. This was donein the following way: A plausible reason for the different rotational structure is a switching of theprincipal axes of inertia if a heavy atom is attached to the 2-PE molecule in an out-of-benzene-ring-plane position. Then, the c axis of the complex does no longer coincide with the c axis ofthe monomer. This implies that even if it is assumed that no change of the orientation of the tran-sition moment relative to the 2-PE molecular framework occurs upon complexation with Ar, the

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122 Dispersion and H- Bonding: The Complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar



Figure 10.3: High-resolution two-colour UV R2PI spectrum of peak B in Fig. 10.1. Thedisclosed two subbands are assigned to two different 2-PE·Ar complexes: (a) cis-complex(ν0 = 37588.040(1)cm−1) and (b) trans-complex (ν0 = 37590.5cm−1). Upright spectra in (a)and (b): experimental spectra. Inverted spectrum in (a): the best-fit simulated spectrum yieldingthe constants listed in Table 10.2

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10.4 High Resolution Spectra 123

projections of the transition moment onto the principal axes of inertia of the 2-PE·Ar cluster willbe different, which leads to a different transition moment ratio and hence to a different rotationalband structure [94]. Assuming that the two subbands originate from fragmentation of a 2-PE·Arcomplex, two feasible positions of the Ar atom with respect to the benzene ring are reasonable:i) the Ar atom is atop of the benzene ring on the side of the side chain (cis cluster conformer) ,and ii) the Ar atom is on the other side of the benzene ring located on its C6 symmetry axis (transcluster conformer) . The distance between the Ar atom and the benzene ring was taken fromRefs. [87, 291]. For these two configurations, two sets of rotational constants were obtained,which were used to calculate the corresponding rotational band structures. The so-produced twospectra exhibit the same rotational band type but their rotational structures are different for thetwo sets of starting values: the one with the Ar adjacent to the side chain (cis configuration)displaying a regular structure with peak spacing close to the one of the experimental spectrumof the stronger subpeak (Fig. 10.3 a) while the calculated spectrum for the trans configurationof Ar showing irregularly more closely spaced peaks in both P and R branches, resembling thepattern of the weaker experimental sub-band (Fig. 10.3 b). These two sets were used as startingparameters for the GA fits of the experimental spectra. The FWHM of the Gaussian line used toconvolute the stick spectra was 150 MHz. Unfortunately, because of the insufficient quality ofthe experimental spectrum, the fit of the weaker (higher-energy) subband did not yield reliableresults. The rotational constants from the fit of the band in Fig. 10.3 a) for the ground, S 0, and thefirst excited, S 1, electronic states , respectively, the transition moment ratio, the rotational tem-perature, T , and the exact position of the 00

0 transition for the cis configuration are summarizedin Table 10.2. The best-fit spectrum for this configuration is presented in Fig. 10.3 a) (lower

Rotational constant Ground State S0 Excited State S1

GHz cm−1 GHz cm−1

A 1.018(10) 0.03396(34) 1.0451(92) 0.03486(31)B 0.954(11) 0.03182(38) 0.9330(56) 0.03112(19)C 0.6187(51) 0.02064(17) 0.6293(52) 0.02099(17)TM ratio µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c 14:3:83Origin ν0 , cm−1 37588.040(1)Temperature T , K 2.2(3)Best-fit cross correlation (%) 95

Table 10.2: Experimental rotational constants, transition moment ratio, origin band position ν0,and rotational temperature T of the cis conformatin of the 2-PE·Ar complex resulting from theGA- based computer-aided fit of the highly resolved spectrum of the S 1 ←− S 0 00

0 origin band(see Fig. 10.3) (for details, see text). The numbers in parentheses represent one standart deviationin units of the least significant quoted digit. The uncertainty for the relative values of µ2

a, µ2b, and

µ2c in the transition moment ratio is 5.

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124 Dispersion and H- Bonding: The Complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar

inverted trace) along with the respective experimental spectrum (upper trace). It reveals a veryclose match to the experimental one both in peak positions and peak intensities. The found tran-sition moment ratio for this peak is µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c = 14:3:83. In the case of the weaker subband, areasonable visual agreement between the experimental spectrum and a spectrum simulated withthe rotational constants of the trans structure of the 2-PE·Ar complex with transition momentorientation fixed to that of the 2-PE monomer is observed. On this basis and by the red shift, onecan tentatively assign the trans 2-PE·Ar complex as giving rise to the second subband. It is inter-esting to point out that the rotational temperature found for the cis 2-PE·Ar complex (T = 2.2K)(by the appearance of the spectrum it is very likely that the rotational temperature of the weakersubband is similar) is significantly lower than that for the 2-PE monomer (T = 12.5K). Theexplanation of this finding is that in the case of the 2-PE·Ar complex, due to the low bindingenergy only the sufficiently cold species survive under the conditions of the molecular beam andgive rise to the observed spectrum.

10.5 Theoretical Results

10.5.1 Ab Initio Results

To support the structural analysis of the 2-PE·Ar complex, a series of ab initio structural op-timizations using Gaussian 03 suit of programmes [70] were performed. The high-resolutionexperiments of this work clearly demonstrate that the strongest band A in the UV spectrumoriginates from the most stable and the most abundant conformation of 2-PE, i.e., the gauchestructure, in which the side chain is bent towards the benzene ring (see Fig. 10.4 ). Because ofthe red shift of bands B from the main band A (gauche structure), it is plausible to assume thatthe Ar atom is attached to the gauche structure of 2-PE. Two feasible binding sites of the Ar atomto the gauche 2-PE have been considered: i) Ar located in vicinity to the C6 symmetry axis ofthe benzene ring adjacent to the side chain (cis conformer, Fig. 10.5 a), and ii) Ar situated closeto the C6 symmetry axis of the benzene ring on the side opposite to the side chain (trans con-former, Fig. 10.5 b). As a first step, a full structural optimization of the ground state of the 2-PEgauche conformation of the monomer at the MP2/6-31G (d, p) level of theory was performed.The theoretical results at this level agree well with those present in the literature [126, 283]. Inaddition, a full structural optimization of the gauche conformation of 2-PE for the first excited,S 1, state at the CIS/6-31G (d, p) level of theory was carried out. The results of these optimiza-tions, including some typical distances, planar and dihedral angles characterizing the shape andposition of the side chain, are listed in Table 10.3. The dihedral angles defining the structure ofthe side chain are depicted in Fig. 10.4. The so-optimized structure of the 2-PE monomer wasused as a starting point for the optimization of its dimers with Ar at the MP2/6-31G (d, p) level

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10.5 Theoretical Results 125

Figure 10.4: Electronic ground state, S 0, structure of the gauche conformer of 2-PE optimizedat the MP2/6-31G (d, p) level of theory. The xyz coordinate system is the benzene-ring-fixed co-ordinate system with its origin set in the centre of the benzene ring. The curved arrows designatethe orientation of the dihedral angles defining the geometry of the side chain (see Table 10.3).The bold arrow shows the orientation of the transition moment relative to the benzene ring.

of theory, the same as for the monomer, so that a direct comparison of the results is possible.

The optimized structures of the 2-PE·Ar complexes are shown in Fig. 10.5, and the results of thecalculations are summarized in Table 10.4. It is obvious that in both structures the Ar atom is notdisplaced much from the benzene ring symmetry axis. Comparing the results of the structuraloptimizations of the 2-PE monomer and its two dimers with Ar, it is worth pointing out thatthe planar and the dihedral angles relevant to the side chain remain unchanged in both 2-PE·Arconformers, cis and trans . This is a strong indication that the interaction of the Ar atom ispredominantly with the π electronss of the benzene ring and the side-chain structure remainsalmost intact by the cluster formation. Furthermore, from the ab initio calculations, the distanceof the Ar atom from the benzene ring plane, and the projections of the Ar atom upon the short andthe long axis of the benzene ring for the two 2-PE·Ar complexes have been found. In both bindingsites of Ar to 2-PE, this distance is larger (3.75 Å for the cis conformer and 3.68 Å for transconformer, respectively) compared to the one in Bzn·Ar (3.58 Å (Ref. [291])), this differencebeing more expressed in the case of Ar binding next to the side chain (cis conformation). Thisresult is not surprising from the viewpoint of the interaction of the benzene ring with the sidechain moiety in the 2-PE monomer (cis conformer), as will be discussed in the next section.

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126 Dispersion and H- Bonding: The Complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar

Ground state, MP2/6-31G (d, p) Excited state, CIS/6-31G (d, p)r(H(15)-C(1)), Å 2.55 2.74α1(C(2)C(7)C(8)), deg 111 113α1(C(7)C(8)O(9)), deg 112 113α1(C(8)C(9)C(15)),deg 106 109τ1(C(3)C(2)C(7)/C(2)C(7)C(8)), deg 88 90τ2(C(2)C(7)C(8)/C(7)C(9)O(9)), deg 61 65τ1(H(15)O(9)C(8)/O(9)C(8)C(7)), deg 299 297A, Ghz / cm−1 3.3359 / 0.11127 3.3584 / 0.11202B, Ghz / cm−1 1.1118 / 0.03709 1.0631 / 0.03546C, Ghz / cm−1 0.9637 / 0.03215 0.9192 / 0.03066TM, µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c · · · 1:98:1

Table 10.3: Theoretical interatomic distances, r, planar angles, α, dihedral angles, τ, and ro-tational constants for the ground, S0, and the first excited, S1, electronic state of the gaucheconformer of the 2-PE monomer calculated at the MP2/6-31G (d, p) and CIS/6-31G (d, p) levelof theory, respectively. The transition moment ratio, TM, was obtained from a CIS/6-31G (d, p)calculation for the optimized excited state geometry of the 2-PE monomer.

(a) (b)

Figure 10.5: Electronic ground state, S 0, structure of the cis (a) and trans (b) conformer of the2-PE·Ar complex optimized at the MP2/6-31G (d, p) level of theory.

10.5.2 Kraitchman Equations

The Kraitchman equations (see Sec. 4.3) have been successfully applied to the analysis of manynoble-gas clusters of benzene and benzene derivatives [87–89]. In the case of the flexible sidechain molecule 2-PE, this method is also expected to provide reasonable results as the ab initiocalculations show that the 2-PE molecule indeed does not undergo structural changes due to thecomplexation with Ar (see Table 10.4). The use of the Kraitchman equations and the comparisonof the so-obtained results with those of the ab initio calculations can elucidate two important

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10.5 Theoretical Results 127

cis conformer,MP2/6-31G (d, p) trans conformer, CIS/6-31G (d, p)r(H(15)C(1)), Å 2.55 2.55α1(C(2)C(7)C(8)), deg 111 111α1(C(7)C(8)O(9)), deg 112 112α1(C(8)O(9)H(15)),deg 106 107τ1(C(2)C(3)C(7)/C(2)C(7)C(8)), deg 89 88τ2(C(2)C(7)C(8)/C(7)C(8)O(9)), deg 61 61τ1(H(15)O(9)C(8)/O(9)C(8)C(7)), deg 298 299r(ArC(5)), Å 70 65α4(ArC5C2), deg 70 66τ4(ArC5C2/C5C2C6), deg 3 -1h, Å 3.74 3.68s1, Å 0.26 -0.02s2, Å 0.08 -0.23A, Ghz / cm−1 0.9779 / 0.0326 1.4409 / 0.0481B, Ghz / cm−1 0.9675 / 0.0323 0.5824 / 0.0194C, Ghz / cm−1 0.6143 / 0.0205 0.5017 / 0.0167

Table 10.4: Theoretical interatomic distances, r, planar angles, α, dihedral angles, τ, distancesfrom the Ar atom to the benzene ring plane, h, projections of the Ar atom onto x and y axesof the benzene-ring-fixed coordinate system, s1 and s2, respectively, and rotational constants forthe ground, S0, and the first excited, S1, electronic state for the cis and trans conformers of the2-PE·Ar complex calculated at the MP2/6-31G (d, p) level of theory.

aspects: i) whether indeed the 2-PE molecule retains its structure after the cluster formation,and ii) to confirm the theoretical predictions. To use the Kraitchman equations, the rotationalconstants of the 2-PE monomer and the 2-PE·Ar complex must be known. As a first step, the abinitio rotational constants of the 2-PE monomer and 2-PE·Ar complex were used to calculate theAr atom position from the Kraitchman equations. The resulting Ar position was compared withthe theoretically predicted one and this comparison was used as a kind of test for the applicabilityof the Kraitchman equations in this case. The very good agreement between the two resultsreveals that the use of the Kraitchman equations is indeed justified in the present study. As asecond step, the Kraitchman equations were employed to calculate the experimental Ar atomposition using the experimental rotational constants of the 2-PE monomer (main band A) and itscis Ar complex (red-shifted band B) , respectively, obtained from the fits of the highly resolvedspectra (see Figs. 10.2 and 10.5 a). There exist 8 positions of the substituted atom with respectto the parent molecule, all of them yielding the same set of rotational constants for the cluster.However, not all of these 8 positions are chemically feasible and hence some of them can beruled out. That is why, only the position of the Ar atom which matches the one theoreticallypredicted has been considered. The coordinates of the Ar atom with respect to the COM principalaxis system of the parent molecule were then transformed into three coordinates relative to the

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128 Dispersion and H- Bonding: The Complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar

cis conformer trans conformerEl. state S0 S1 S0

Method Theor. Expt. Expt. Theor.h, Å 3.74 3.63(32) 3.53(29) 3.68s1, Å 0.26 [0.37] [0.43] -0.02s2, Å 0.08 [0.11] [0.04] -0.23

Table 10.5: Distances from the Ar atom to the benzene ring plane, h, projections of the Aratom onto x and y axes of the benzene-ring-fixed coordinate system, s1 ans s2, respectively,for the ground, S0, and the first excited, S1, electronic state for the cis conformer of the 2-PE·Ar complex obtained from the experimental results by employing the Kraitchman equations.The theoretical values of the above parameters for the ground, S0, state for the cis and transconformers, respectively, obtained from ab initio calculations at MP2/6-31G (d, p) level of theoryare presented for comparison. The numbers in parentheses represent one standard deviation inunits of the least significant quoted digit. The experimental values of the displacements s1 and s2

are given in square brackets: they are characterized by large deviations (more than 50%) and arepresented in the table for completeness.

benzene ring: distance from the benzene ring, h, and displacement along the short and the longaxes of the benzene ring, s1, and s2, respectively. All these results for the cis 2-PE·Ar complexconformation are summarized in Table 10.5. Within the accuracy the agreement between theAr position relative to the benzene ring derived from the Kraitchman equations and the oneobtained from the ab initio calculations confirms the result from the ab initio calculations that noobservable structural changes in the 2-PE monomer occur upon complexation with Ar.

10.5.3 Transition Moment Orientation

The orientation of the TM in a molecule or molecular complex is of importance since it providesinformation on the electron density distribution. The change of the transition moment orientationmay be indicative for the presence of particular types of intra- and intermolecular interactions[292] and hence implications on the conformational structure of the species can be made. To in-vestigate alterations of the TM orientation induced either by conformational distortions or by theattachment of another atom or molecule, one has to eliminate the mass effects, i.e., changing ofthe principal axes of inertia and hence the projections of the TM caused by the different mass dis-tribution. Towards this end, in the case of the 2-PE monomer the projections of both theoreticallypredicted (ab initio calculations) and experimentally found (GA fit of the rotational structure) TMonto the three mutually orthogonal and normalized axes of a 2-PE molecular-framework-fixedcoordinate system were calculated. The same approach was applied to the experimental TM of

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10.5 Theoretical Results 129

2-PE monomer 2-PE·Ar cis conf.Theor. Expt. Expt.

∠x, deg 18 17(5) 15(5)∠y, deg 108 106(3) 104(3)∠z, deg 91 92(4) 93(6)

Table 10.6: Angles between the transition moment vector and the three unit vectors, x, y, and zof the benzene ring for the 2-PE monomer and the cis conformer of the 2-PE·Ar complex (fordetails, see text). The numbers in parentheses represent one standard deviation in units of theleast significant quoted digit.

the 2-PE·Ar cluster. In the case of the 2-PE monomer, among the 8 principally possible orienta-tions of the TM yielding the experimentally found TM ratio only one that matches the theoreticalpredictions was found and it was assigned to be the true TM. For the 2-PE·Ar complexes, no re-liable ab initio results can be obtained at the level of calculation presented here. However, thereexists an orientation of the transition moment deduced from the experimentally determined TMratio of the cis 2-PE·Ar complex that coincides with that of the monomer (See Table 10.6). Thisresult is very unlikely to be explained by an arbitrary coincidence. This means that the van derWaals interaction is too weak to cause a reorientation of the TM itself relative to the molecularframework due to the attachment of the Ar atom. As seen from Table 10.6, the theoretical TMangles relative to the aromatic-ring-fixed axes of the gauche conformation of the 2-PE monomerconform very well to the experimental ones within 1◦. Their orientation is shown in Fig. 10.4.The observed clockwise rotation of 18◦ of the transition moment relative to the short benzeneaxis or the b principal axis of inertia of the 2-PE monomer gives rise to the appearance of thea-type contribution in the highly resolved spectrum in Fig. 10.2. The deviation of the TM fromthe short benzene axis can be explained by the interaction of the side-chain hydroxyl group withthe π electrons of the benzene ring, which also stabilizes the gauche conformer . This interactionbrings forward a redistribution of the electron density of the π electrons of the benzene ring,which induces the observed rotation of the transition moment. Such effect is not expected in thecase of extended side chain conformations [126], as is shown for the similar system, 3-phenyl-1-propionic acid [292], where the electron density remains the same as in pure benzene. Thedeviation of the TM away from the short benzene axis can be considered as another evidence forthe gauche structure of the 2-PE monomer .

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130 Dispersion and H- Bonding: The Complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar

10.6 Discussion

The analysis of the highly resolved rotational band structure of the main peak A in the S 1 ←− S 0

spectrum of 2-PE clearly demonstrates that it originates from the gauche conformer of 2-PE. Fur-thermore, the high-resolution spectroscopic investigation of the red-shifted peaks in the spectrumyields important information on the influence of the side chain on the Ar attachment, and viceversa. It has been shown that the two peaks are assigned to the S 1 ←− S 0 electronic origins of the1:1 van der Waals complexes of 2-PE with Ar, and it is plausible to assume that they appear in thespectrum following fragmentation of the cluster ions generated by vertical ionization leading toa high excess energy above the adiabatic ionization energy and the dissociation threshold of theionic complex, which is expected from the MATI measurements of the binding energy of Bzn·Arcomplexes [293] to be around 575 cm−1. The binding situation may be compared with that of thefairly related system consisting of 1:1 complex of 2-PE with water [160, 288]. Since there a wa-ter molecule is involved, the favorable binding sites are likely to be determined by suitability ofspecific hydrogen bond formations, while in the case of Ar binding to 2-PE, the nonspecific dis-persion interaction must be considered. The IR-UV double resonance spectrum of the 2-PE·H2Ospecies indicates a formation of two isomeric hydrogen-bonded structures [160, 288]. In thefirst structure, the π-HO hydrogen bond of the gauche form of 2-PE is preserved and the watermolecule binds to one of the lone pairs of the alcoholic oxygen atom. In the second conformer,the π hydrogen bond between the aromatic ring and the alcoholic OH is bridged by an interca-lated water molecule. Ab initio quantum chemistry calculation at the MP2/6-31+G (d, p) levelof theory predicts that the two isomeric forms are isoenergetic [160]. In view of these exampleswhere the theoretical information on the energetics is not always sufficient to predict the realizedstructure, precise high-resolution measurements are necessary, as shown for the 2-PE·Ar com-plex. Now, the experimental results are compared with the ones of other known Ar complexes ofmonosubstituted benzene derivatives. The complex with the out-of-plane attachment of Ar usedfor the spectral simulation is in agreement with the spectral red shift for the S 1 ←− S 0 electronicexcitation energy in comparison to other substituted and unsubstituted Bzn·Ar complexes havingthe same out-of-plane position of the Ar atom [87,294]. The high-resolution scan reveals that the30 cm−1 red-shifted peak in the low-resolution R2PI spectrum actually consists of two adjacentpeaks at 33.256 and 30.8 cm−1 with an intensity ratio of approximately 2:1. If one interpretsthe intensity ratio as resulting from a Boltzmann population, it can be inferred that the strongerpeak reflects the more stable 2-PE·Ar conformer. This is in line with the somewhat larger redshift pointing to a slightly stronger binding energy. The stronger subband has been identifiedas the conformer with the Ar atom bound to the aromatic ring on the side of the side chain (cisconformer) by analysing the rotational band structure and comparison with the ab initio results.It is instructive to compare this spectral shift of the S 1 ←− S 0 transition energy with other Arcomplexes of benzene derivatives. For example, the red shifts of the 1:1 and 1:2 complexes of

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10.6 Discussion 131

benzene (Bzn) with Ar are 21 and 41 cm−1 [253, 291], for the 1:1 complex of toluene , the shiftis 26 cm−1 [295], for the 1:1 complex of p-fluorotoluene, the shift is 35 cm−1 [154], and forphenol, it is 33 cm−1 [296]. The result for the red shift of the peak at 31cm−1 of this work fitsbest to the one for phenol·Ar. From the experience of the 1:2 Bzn·Ar complex [253], one mayassume initially that the Ar atom may prefer to bind with the aromatic ring on the opposite sideof the OH group. However, there are two arguments against this possibility. The OH group ofthe side chain of this molecule is not oriented directly on top of the aromatic ring and there isroom to accommodate an Ar atom on the side of the side chain. Secondly, spectroscopic mea-surements and theoretical calculations indicate that the Ar atom forms ”hydrogen bonds” withwater [296,297]. Therefore, in the present case, the Ar binding to the ring on the same side of theOH group is stabilized by dispersion interactions with the ring π-electron cloud and, possibly,also by the hydrogen bonding with the OH group of the alcoholic chain. On the other hand, onlythe dispersion interactions would be responsible for the binding stability of the trans conformerwith Ar on the other side of the side chain . Thus, the minor species, which shows a smallerred shift of 30.8 cm−1, and has been identified as the second isomeric form (trans conformer),is the one with the smaller binding energy and, expectedly, its red shift is very close to that ofthe toluene·Ar complex. Ab initio calculations at the MP2/6-31G (d, p) level of theory show thatthe two (cis and trans) structures of the 2-PE·Ar complex are almost isoenergetic, the trans onebeing with slightly higher binding energy (44 cm−1). The so-calculated binding energy differ-ence between the cis and trans conformations , however, is smaller than the expected accuracyat this level of theory. Therefore, one cannot use this theoretical result for making reliable ener-getic considerations and conclusions on the conformational preferences. This mode of bindingcan also be compared with those observed in phenol·water·Ar ternary complexes [297, 298]. Asmentioned before, in the 1:1 Ar complex with phenol, the Ar atom binds with the π cloud ofthe aromatic ring and shows a red shift of 33 cm−1 in the electronic spectrum. However, in thephenol·water hydrogen-bonded dimer, wherein the water molecule binds at the phenolic OH site,the incoming Ar atom in the ternary complex prefers to attach at the hydrogen-bonded site andexhibits anomalous spectral shifts. The same situation can also arise in the present OH-π in-ternally hydrogen-bonded molecule 2-PE: the Ar atom prefers to bind at the hydrogen-bondedsite in lieu of the alternative possibility. However, the magnitude of the effect is expected tobe smaller because of the much weaker OH-π hydrogen bond energy. It is assumed [126, 283]that the 2-PE gauche conformer is stabilized by a nonspecific interaction between the side chainand the benzene ring. This interaction causes a decrease of the electron density in the benzenering thus weakening the van der Waals interaction with the Ar atom. Since the side chain in-duces a non-symmetrical change of the electron density of the benzene ring, this will lead to adisplacement of the Ar atom from the C6 symmetry axis, which is observed in the results fromthe ab initio calculations (See Table 10.5). The accuracy of the experimental displacements ofthe Ar atom found from the Kraitchman equations is not sufficient to clearly demonstrate thiseffect. The values of the displacements given in brackets in Table 10.5 are presented only for

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132 Dispersion and H- Bonding: The Complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar


10.7 Summary and Conclusions

2-PE, the hydroxy analogue of the neurotransmitter molecule, 2-phenylethylamine and its 1:1complex with Ar have been investigated by high-resolution resonance-enhanced UV two-photonionization spectroscopy combined with ab initio quantum chemistry calculations. The resultson the 2-PE monomer unambiguously demonstrate that its gauche conformation is the mostabundant one in the jet-cooled molecular beam. This conformer is stabilized by a nonclassical π-type hydrogen bond between the folded side chain and the benzene ring. This statement is furthersupported by the finding from the high-resolution experiments that in this case the transitionmoment is rotated by 18◦ away from the short benzene axis, this being in a good agreement withthe results of the extended basis set ab initio calculations (CIS/6-311++G (d, p)). This is a clearindication for a redistribution of the π-electron density in the benzene ring, which originates fromthe interaction between the OH group of the side chain with the benzene ring. Such effect is notexpected in the case of the anti conformer of the same species , as demonstrated for p-hydroxy-3-phenyl-1-propionic acid [292], since the side chain is far away from the benzene ring moietyand the transition moment orientation remains parallel to the short axis of benzene, as is thecase of unsubstituted benzene. Two closely spaced bands red-shifted from the origin band of thegauche conformer of the 2-PE monomer have been disclosed by high-resolution spectroscopy.They have been assigned to two distinct 1:1 complexes of the gauche 2-PE with Ar: Ar atomsituated close to the C6 symmetry axis of benzene on the side of the side chain (cis structure) ,and Ar sitting close to the C6 symmetry axis of benzene but on the opposite side of the side chain(trans structure). An important question in the description of protein folding is the influenceof the surrounding on the molecular structure. It has been frequently discussed whether theattachment of atoms or molecules to a molecular moiety by intermolecular interactions can leadto a structural change in a molecule, particularly when it is flexible. Here, a prototype moleculewith a flexible side chain has been investigated. Ab initio calculations and the application ofthe Kraitchman equations to the experimental rotational constants demonstrate that there occursno structural change of the 2-PE monomer upon the cluster formation with Ar. The positionof the Ar atom in both configurations (cis and trans) manifests that Ar binds to 2-PE via adispersion interaction with the π electrons of the benzene ring. The small displacements of theAr atom from the benzene-ring C6 symmetry axis, mainly in the cis configuration , are a resultfrom the interaction of the 2-PE side chain with the benzene ring leading to a breaking of thesymmetry of the π electron density of the latter. It is worth pointing out that the theoreticallyfound distance between the Ar atom and the benzene ring is slightly bigger in the case of thecis structure which points to a weaker dispersion interaction between the two moieties. This is a

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10.7 Summary and Conclusions 133

reasonable result from the point of view that in this case the electron density on this side of thebenzene ring is decreased due to the electronegativity of the side-chain OH group. This effectis less pronounced on the opposite side of the benzene ring. It is puzzling, however, that it isthe cis structure which is more abundant in the molecular beam. One can tentatively explainthis fact by assuming the existence of an additional hydrogen-bond type interaction between theAr atom and the side-chain OH group, which contributes to probably higher binding energy inthis case. To summarize, it has been shown that the attachment of a moiety bound by dispersioninteraction does not noticeably change the structure of 2-PE, a molecule with a flexible side chain.From this finding, one may infer that the additional nonspecific dispersion interaction involvingthe π electrons of the aromatic ring does not interfere with the intramolecular hydrogen bondsstabilizing the conformational structure of the flexible molecule. This seems to be the case alsofor the hydrogen-bond type interaction of the Ar atom with the OH group of the side chain.

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134 Dispersion and H- Bonding: The Complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar

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Chapter 11

Fragmentation and Conformation Study ofEphedrine by Low and High ResolutionMass Selective UV Spectroscopy

S. C, P. Q. W, J. E. B, H. J. N, J. C. P.121, 7169 (2004).The neurotransmitter molecule, ephedrine, has been studied by mass-selective low- and high-resolution UV resonance enhanced two-photon ion-ization spectroscopy. Under all experimental conditions, an efficient frag-mentation upon ionization has been observed. The detected vibronic peaks inthe spectrum are classified according to the efficiency of the fragmentation,which leads to the conclusion that there exist three different species in themolecular beam: ephedrine·water cluster and two distinct conformers. Thetwo-colour two-photon ionization experiment with a decreased energy of thesecond photon leads to an upper limit of 8.3 eV for the ionization energy ofephedrine. The high-resolution (100 MHz) spectrum of the strongest vibronicpeak in the spectrum measured at the fragment (m/z = 58) mass channel dis-plays a pronounced and rich rotational structure. Its analysis by the use ofa specially designed computer-aided rotational fit yields accurate rotationalconstants for the S0 and S1 states and the transition moment ratio, providinginformation on the respective conformational structure.


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136 Fragmentation and Conformational Preferences of Ephedrine

11.1 Introduction

In nature there exist many small and medium-sized molecules acting as regulators of vari-ous biochemical processes. A prominent class of such molecules comprises neurotransmit-ters [299, 300], which communicate information between neurons and play an important role inhuman body. Typical representatives of these molecules are dopamine, epinephrine (adrenalin),norepinephrine (noradrenalin), serotonin, histamine, glycine, glutamate, aspartate, and the classof ephedra, including ephedrine (EPD), norephedrine, and pseudoephedrine, etc. They havebeen a subject of intense investigations for more than 80 years since the first neurotransmit-ter, acetylcholine was discovered, and as a result, a wealth of information on their chemi-cal and pharmacological properties is available nowadays. Neurotransmitters are very flexiblemolecules and this determines the variety of conformational structures they can assume. It isworth pointing out that the conformational structure can change drastically the properties of therespective molecule and its physiological action. For a better understanding of the interactionmechanisms between neurotransmitters and their receptors [301, 302] and for drug synthesis,a detailed study of the structure and the conformational preferences with precise experimentalmethods at molecular level is indispensable. A feasible experimental approach in this direc-tion is the implementation of spectroscopic techniques of isolated molecules in the gas phase.On the other hand, the enhancement of the computational power provides a good opportunityfor making theoretical predictions for most of the studied systems. In recent years, the use ofvarious spectroscopic methods and ab initio calculations has yielded new results on a series ofneurotransmitters, such as phenethylamine (PEA) [126,180,280–282,287] and its hydrated clus-ters [288], 2-phenylethanol [126,282,287], phenylalanine [129], etc. Ephedrines comprise an in-teresting class of neurotransmitters. Simons and co-workers have explored ephedrine [127,286],norephedrine [285], and pseudoephedrine [127], and their hydrated clusters [128] using mass-selected R2PI spectroscopy with conventional resolution, UV hole-burning, and IR ion-dip spec-troscopy coupled with ab initio calculations. The authors have identified four conformationalstructures from the theoretical calculations and assigned them to the peaks observed in the vibra-tionally resolved R2PI spectrum.This work presents new results on the mass-selected R2PI low- and the first high-resolution UVspectra of the ephedrine (C10H15NO) monomer. The low-resolution spectrum simultaneouslyrecorded at two mass channels (parent (m/z = 165) and fragment (m/z = 58)) allows for classi-cation of the bands with respect to their fragmentation ratio. In this way, the new investigationcomplements the existing information and provides new experimental data on the identificationof the peaks. Furthermore, it provides the first high-resolution spectrum of the strongest band ofthe EPD monomer. On the basis of this spectrum with the help of computer assisted fitting algo-rithm, very accurate values of the rotational constants for the ground, S0, and the first excited, S1,electronic state, and reliable values of the transition moment ratios have been determined, which

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11.2 Experiment and Data Processing 137

provides a critical test for the theoretically predicted structures.

11.2 Experiment and Data Processing

The low-resolution spectra of EPD as well as its high-resolution spectrum were measured byR2PI with mass selectivity in a supersonic molecular beam. The experimental set up has beendescribed in detail in Sec. 6.2. The species was heated up to 110◦ to produce it in a sufficientconcentration in the molecular beam. Ar was used as a carrier gas at a stagnation pressure of 3bar. The diameter of the used nozzle orifice was 300 µm.The analysis of the highly resolved spectrum of the the EPD monomer was performed with thecomputer-assisted fitting routine based on genetic algorithms, described in detail in Sec. 6.3.The best-fit spectrum of the EPD monomer was produced after a fit using 650 iterations with 250individuals. The achieved cross correlation is 96%.

11.3 Results and Discussion

11.3.1 Low Resolution Spectra

First, low-resolution (∆ν ca. 0.4 cm−1) R2PI experiments with mass selectivity have been carriedout to investigate the vibrational structure of the S 1 ←− S 0 spectrum of the EPD monomer. Theyreveal that the EPD monomer undergoes an efficient fragmentation upon ionization even in thecase of a two-colour experiment. The resulting fragmentation has the mass of the side chain[CH(CH3)NHCH2] containing the amino group (m/z = 58). Such kind of fragmentation seemsto contradict the general rule that the charge is located in the larger fragment with the lowerionization energy, yet however, it is typical for molecular systems containing methylmethyl groupand amino groups in their side chains, since the presence of these groups leads to a stabilizationof the side-chain cation [127, 303].

Ionization Energy

The initial explanation of the fragmentation behaviour of the EPD monomer was that the frag-mentation occured in the cation, resulting from very high excess energy because the ionizsingphoton in the R2PI led to a total excitation energy above the dissociation limit in the ionic state.This is likely the case in one-colour experiments, where the energy of the second photon is largeand fixed [127]. To test this assumption, R2PI two-colour experiments with different smaller

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138 Fragmentation and Conformational Preferences of Ephedrine

Figure 11.1: Low-resolution one-colour R2PI spectra of ephedrine (EPD) measured at the parent(m/z165) (upper trace) and fragment (m/z=58)(lower trace) mass channels, respectively. Corre-sponding peaks are designated by vertical dashed lines.

energies of the second photon were performed whereas the energy of the excitation photon wasfixed to that of the strongest peak, 3, in the S 1 ←− S 0 spectrum (Fig. 11.1, lower trace). Theenergy of the second photon was decreased stepwise to the lowest possible limit (32260 cm−1)so that ion signal still could be observed. This gives an upper limit of the ionization energy of69812 cm−1 (8.3 eV). For all energies of the second photon, even for the lowest one, however,the fragmentation of the ephedrine parent ion could not be avoided. A plausible interpretationof this result in the two-colour experiment is that the absorption coefficient for the second pho-ton around 32300 cm−1 in the ground ionic state of ephedrine is much higher than that for theionizing step from the S1 state, this leading to the absorption of a further photon within the EPDcation immediately after it has been produced. This ladder switching process has been shown tolead to an efficient fragmentation of the benzene cation [304, 305].

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11.3 Results and Discussion 139

Fragmentation Behaviour

To investigate the fragmentation behaviour in more detail, the low-resolution one-colour R2PIspectra of the EPD monomer were measured simultaneously at the parent (m/z = 165) and frag-ment (m/z = 58) mass channels, respectively. The resulting spectra are shown in Fig. 11.1 on adifferent vertical scale. Most of the peaks in the spectrum measured at the parent mass correlatewith the results of Simons and co-workers [127,128]. The spectra feature well-resolved vibronicstructure and display several intense vibronic bands, labelled as 1-10 in Fig. 11.1. Correspondingpeaks in the two mass channels are indicated by dashed vertical lines. It can be clearly seen thatthe relative height of most of the corresponding peaks differs in the two spectra. For example,peak 10 has nearly the same height in both spectra while peak 3 is much higher in the fragment(m/z = 58) mass channel (lower trace), and peak 5 is higher in the parent (m/z = 165) mass chan-nel spectrum (upper trace). A closer inspection reveals that the peaks may be subsumed intothree groups with respect to their intensity ratio, defined as the quotient of the intensity measuredat the fragment (m/z =58) mass channel and that measured at the parent (m/z =165) mass channelfor a certain peak. The summarized information on all of the peaks is presented in Table 11.1,where the last column shows the corresponding peaks from Butz et al. [128]. Group I containsonly peak 3, where the fragmentation ratio is 58. Group II comprises peaks 2, 7, 8, and 10,characterized by a fragmentation ratio between 10 and 17. Group III encompasses peaks 1, 4, 5,6, and 9 with a ratio of around 3. The different fragmentation ratio indicates different origins ofthe three groups of bands; i.e., there are overlapping spectra of three different species, e.g., con-formers or clusters produced in the molecular beam contributing to the observed mass channels.The measured fragmentation behaviour represents new information for the identification of thenature of the species observed.

The weakest fragmentation is observed for the peaks in group III. One member of this group,peak 5, has been assigned as originating from an EPD·H2O cluster [128]. This is an evidence forthe presence of water in the vacuum chamber even after the attempts to avoid it. The inefficientfragmentation of the EPD cation in this case can be explained by energy considerations. For thedissociation of the EPD·H2O cation, energy of about 0.5-1.0 eV [306] is necessary. Thus, theenergy released as kinetic energy of the fragments and the internal energy of the water moleculedecrease the amount of energy available for the subsequent dissociation of the EPD cation leadingto a higher EPD cation signal. As a consequence, a less efficient fragmentation of the EPD cationis indeed observed (Fig. 11.1 and Table 11.1). From their identical fragmentation behaviour,it is inferred that all of the peaks 1, 4, 5, 6, and 9 of group III originate from the EPD·H2Ocluster. The more efficient fragmentation behaviour observed for the peaks in group I and groupII brings forward the hypothesis that they come from two distinct EPD conformers. There arefour peaks in group II. The efficient fragmentation of the species bringing forth peak 7 has beenexplained by a special conformer with a weak intramolecular interaction of the benzene ring

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140 Fragmentation and Conformational Preferences of Ephedrine

Peak Group Peak position, cm−1 Ratio, 58/165 Assignmenta

1 II 37514.1 4.6 · · ·2 II 37527.6 12 · · ·3 I 37552.7 59 A4 III 37566.3 3.4 · · ·5 III 37572.4 2.8 B6 III 37582.4 3.6 C7 II 37600.0 16 X8 II 37607.3 15 D9 III 37613.0 6.2 · · ·

10 II 37627.5 11 EaTaken from Refs. [128, 285]

Table 11.1: Classification of the observed vibrational bands in the low-resolution one-colourtwo-photon R2PI spectrum of the EPD monomer of Fig. 11.1

with the side chain (CH(CH3)NHCH3, m/z = 58) [127]. This peak has been attributed to ananti-gauche conformational structure [127]. Thus, it is reasonable to propose that also the otherpeaks, 2, 8, and 10 of group II originate from the same conformer. Peak 3 from group I has themost pronounced fragmentation behaviour but there is no other prominent (detectable) peak ofthis category observed in the spectrum. This peak has been assigned by Butz et al. to anotheranti-gauche conformer on the basis of a band contour analysis. As a further step in the study ofthe conformational structure of ephedrine, in the next section, the high-resolution spectrum ofthis band is presented to complement the existing results with precise information and to checkthe assignment.

11.3.2 High Resolution Spectrum

The experimental high-resolution UV spectrum of the EPD monomer is depicted in Fig. 11.2(upper trace). It unveils the rovibronic structure of peak 3 in Fig. 11.1 at 37552.116(1) cm−1.The spectrum was measured at the side-chain (CH(CH3)NHCH3, m/z = 58) fragment mass chan-nel only since due to the efficient fragmentation upon ionization the signal intensity at the parentmass channel is too weak, which hinders the attainment of a satisfactory signal-to-noise ratio.The rotational temperature has been found to be 8 K, which is relatively high and is, most prob-ably, due to nonoptimized cooling conditions. The band is characterized by prominent P and Rbranches in the wings and a small contribution from the Q branch in the centre. The central dipis not pronounced due to a relatively strong a type feature present in the spectrum. The spectrumis classified as a and b hybrid type [94]. The spectrum does not exhibit single rotational lines

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11.4 Summary and Conclusions 141

but regularly spaced peaks with FWHM of about 300 MHz formed by aggregation of rotationallines. The rotational constants and the transition moment ratio for the ephedrine monomer havebeen found by using the computer-assisted routine described in Sec. 6.3. The fitting procedurewas initiated with arbitrary starting values of the rotational constants. The resulting best-fit theo-retical spectrum is also shown in Fig. 11.2 (lower inverted trace). It was obtained by convolutingthe theoretical stick spectrum with a Gaussian line with FWHM of 120 MHz. There is a verygood agreement in the peak positions (see Fig. 11.2, inset). The slight mismatch in the peakintensity between the experimental and the simulated spectra is, probably, due to saturation ofthe induced transitions. Saturation rather than a fast dynamics is assumed also to be responsiblefor the frequency width of 120 MHz needed for the convolution of the calculated stick spectrumto acquire agreement with the peak width in the experimental spectrum. This width is larger thanthe frequency width of the exciting laser of ca. 100 MHz. The difference in the total intensityin the left side of the experimental and theoretical spectra is tentatively ascribed to a drop ofthe laser power in the end of the experiment. The obtained values of the rotational constantsfor the ground and excited state, respectively, and the transition moment ratio, are summarizedin Table 11.2. There is a surprisingly good agreement within less than 1% between the valuesof the rotational constants for the ground, S0, and the first excited, S1, electronic states, respec-tively, obtained from the fitting of our high-resolution spectrum and those calculated by Butz etal. [127]. The experimental rotational constants for the ground and the first excited electronicstate differ by only 1.5%, which manifests that the investigated conformer is a relatively sta-ble system and it does not experience substantial structural changes when electronically excited.This could be interpreted as a result of the hydrogen bonds that are supposed to stabilize thisconformational structure [127, 303]. The fitted transition moment ratio is µ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c = 35:65:0.This result complies with the hybrid type of the spectrum discussed above. The absence of a ctype contribution is a plausible and an expected feature having in mind that most of the massof the molecule is in the plane of the phenyl ring, where the a and b principal axes of inertialie. The transition moment ratio found on the basis of the fitting of the high-resolution spectrumdisagrees with the result obtained from ab initio calculations [127], which is 62:34:4. This is astriking result in view of the good agreement of the experimental and the theoretically predictedrotational constants and demonstrates the problem associated with the calculation of the excitedstate parameters, in particular charge distributions.

11.4 Summary and Conclusions

Both low- (0.4 cm−1) and high-resolution (0.003 cm−1) resonantly enhanced two-photon ion-ization spectroscopy studies with mass selection on the EPD monomer have been conducted.The molecule is characterized by an effective fragmentation when ionized, leading to the side-

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142 Fragmentation and Conformational Preferences of Ephedrine

Figure 11.2: Highly resolved spectrum of peak 3 in Fig. 11.1 of EPD at ν0=37552.116(1) cm−1

recorded at the fragment (m/z=58) mass channel. Upper trace: experimental spectrum. Lowerinverted trace: the best-fit simulated spectrum based on the parameters listed in Table 11.2. Inset:magnified part of the spectrum.

Ground state S0 Excited state S1

Rotational constant GHz cm−1 GHz cm−1

A 1.9966(42) 0.06660(14) 1.9639(51) 0.06551(17)B 0.5303(33) 0.01769(11) 0.5231(27) 0.01745(9)C 0.4941(60) 0.01648(20) 0.4929(48) 0.01644(16)Transition moment ratioµ2

a : µ2b : µ2

c 35:65:0Origin ν0, cm−1 37552.116(1)

Uncertainty of the last significant figure(s) is given in parentheses.

Table 11.2: Experimental rotational constants of the EPD monomer conformer giving rise topeak 3 in Fig. 11.2. The rotational constants and the transition moment ratio have been obtainedthrough computer-aided fit of the highly resolved spectrum (Fig. 11.2) of this conformer.

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11.4 Summary and Conclusions 143

chain ((CH(CH3)NHCH3, m/z = 58)) cation containing the amino group. In the measured rangebetween 37500 and 37650 cm−1 of the low-resolution spectrum 10 peaks have been identified.They are subsumed into three groups showing different fragmentation behaviour. On the ba-sis of the fragmentation ratios, the peaks are suggested to originate, either from dissociation ofthe EPD·H2O clusters or from two distinct conformational structures. This demonstrates thatnot only the difference in the ionization energies but also the different fragmentation efficiencyof the ionic conformers can provide an important information on distinguishing conformationalstructures. The high-resolution spectrum has yielded accurate information on the values of therotational constants of the EPD monomer for the ground, S0, and the first excited, S1, state, re-spectively. The found values of the rotational constants are in surprisingly good agreement withthose obtained from ab initio calculations by Simons and co-workers [127]. On the other hand,the transition moment ratio found from the fitting of the presented in this work high-resolutionspectrum, departs significantly from that of Ref. [127]. From this, one can conclude that abinitio calculations with the present level of precision alone are not sufficient to yield undeniabledata on the conformational preferences of biological molecules and, in particular, their transi-tion moment ratio, which is determined by their conformational structure. This brings forwardthe necessity of high-resolution spectroscopic data for reliable assignment of the structural andtransition moment parameters of complicated molecular structures such as ephedrine and othersneurotransmitters.

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144 Fragmentation and Conformational Preferences of Ephedrine

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Part IV

Concluding Remarks


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Summary and Conclusions

Molecular interactions and the concept of molecular bonds are the underlying fundament for theunderstanding of the properties and functionality of chemical and biological systems. Whilstchemical interactions are well-studied, weak molecular interactions have not been complteleyelucidated yet. It has been realized, however, that weak molecular interactions and the subtlebalance between them are responsible for the conformational stabilization of flexible moleculesand play a key role in solavation processes, which are ubiquitous in the living nature. Thus, theprofound knowledge on weak interactions is an indispensable prerequisite for the proper descrip-tion and prediction of molecular shapes and behaviour. The most fruitful approach to getting aninsight into weak molecular interactions is the co-operation between high-level theory and exper-imental spectroscopic investigations of isolated molecular systems in a mutually complementaryfashion. Towards this end, the present work describes new results on model molecular systems,including flexible molecules and weakly bound molecular complexes obtained for the first timethrough the promising combination of high-resolution resonance-enhanced two-photon ioniza-tion spectroscopy with mass selectivity, genetic-algorithm-based rotational fitting technique, andhigh-level ab initio quantum chemistry calculations. These results shed light on some particularaspects of weak interactions and their consequences on the molecular shape and binding pattern.As a first step, a general survey of the theoretical fundamentals has been presented. The types ofmolecular interactions have been briefly discussed and classified. The concept of weak molecu-lar bonds has been introduced and the distinction between weak molecular interactions and weakmolecular bonds has been emphasized. The types of weak chemical bonds have been given alongwith a discussion on their most typical occurrences.The practical application of the theories describing weak interactions is realized through quantum-chemistry calculations, which are an important tool for simulation and prediction of molecularstructures and properties, and have gained significance in the interpretation and disambiguationof experimentl data. That is why, an overview of the most commonly used theoretical methodsalong with the most popular commercially available programmes for ab initio calculations hasbeen given.To bridge the gap between the abstract description of molecular interactions and observables ob-tained from spectroscopy, the interaction between light and matter has been considered within


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the framework of the semiclassical model. The Born-Oppenheimer approximation has been elu-cidated and its use has been argumented. The important concept of the rigid rotor, and theassociated with it molecular energy levels, transition moment vector, transition selection rules,and transition intensities have been described.Spectroscopy provides a nondemolishing and gentle means for probing of various molecularcharacteristics. That is why, it is most often the method of choice for the investigation of molec-ular species. Nowadays, there exists an enormous variety of spectroscopic techniques. The mostadvanced of them which are relevent to the topic discussed in this work have been presented.The resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization laser spectroscopy with mass selectivity has beenemployed to obtain the results presented in this work. This technique has been thoroughly de-scribed along with the details of the experimental set up in our laboratory. Particular emphasishas been put on the production of supersonic molecular beams, the laser system and the auto-mated control of the laser experiment, and the genetic- algorithm- based fitting routine. The latterhas been developed in our group. It has been rendered a due consideration in this work since thisadvanced fitting routine of molecular specrtra with partial rotational resolution provides accuratevalues for the rotational constants and the transition moment ratio of the studied species andhence reliable implications on the structure of those species can be inferred.The presented results can be divided into two main groups. The first one considers the proper-ties and behaviour of aromatic molecules that pertain a double covalent bond in their side chain,and various types of complexes with those molecules. The second group of results encom-passes the investigation of flexible molecules, including 2-phenylethanol and the neurotransmit-ter molecule, ephedrine.Several important types of weak interactions and the interplay between them have been eluci-dated through the investigation of styrene and its comolexes with acetylene and argon, and thepara fluorinated styrene and its singly hydrated complex.It has been confirmed by high-resolution experiments and rotational fit based on genetic algo-rithms that the conjugation between the π-electron systems, the one of the benzene ring and theone of the vinyl group, in bare styrene yileds a planar structure for both ground and the firstexcited electronic state.The nonconventional C-H· · · π- type hydrogen bond has been addressd through the investigationof the weakly bound complex between styrene and acetylene, the latter being also a moleculewith a π-electron system. It has been found that the preferred geometry of the complex is theone in which acetylene binds to the benzene ring of styrene as a proton donor, which brings theimplication that notwithstanding the π-electron delocalization in styrene, the proton affinity ofthe aromatic ring is still high enough to favour the formation of a weak hydrogen bond and thusthe aromatic ring remains the preferred binding site. The structure in which the acetylene moietyis a proton acceptor from the aromatic ring of styrene is less favoured. No evidences for an in-teraction between the π electrons of acetylene and those of the vinyl group of styrene have beenfound. The reduced electron density symmetry of the benzene ring in styrene results in a tilting

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of the acetylene moiety relative to the C6 symmetry axis of the aromatic ring. The formation of aweak C-H· · · π bond does not bring about an observable change of the transition moment vectorof the chromophore, as it has been demonstrated for the complex between styrene and acetylene.The effect of the electron conjugation on the van der Waals bond has been studied through themodel complex bewteen styrene and argon. It has been shown that the binding pattern in this caseis very similar to the one in the complex between benzene and argon. The distance between theargon atom and the aromatic ring in the case of the styrene-argon complex is shorter comparedto the one in the benzene-argon complex. This implies that the electron conjugation in this caseleads to a strengthtening of the van der Waals bond.The formation of van der Waals complexes provides a convenient means for testing the planarityof the host molecule through a detection of spectral splittings in the resonance enhanced two-photon ionization spectrum of the complex. The lack of a splitting of the origin band of thestyrene-argon complex even under high-resolution conditions has served as an additional evei-dence for the planarity of styrene.The competition between the mesomeric and the electron attraction effects and their influence onthe formation of hydrated complexes and their binding motifs have been explored by studyingthe singly hydrated complex of the para fluorinated styrene. Due to the subtle interplay betweenthe electron attraction of the electronegative fluorine atom and the releasing mesomeric effect ofthe vinyl group, both σ and π hydrogen bonding of water to fluorostyrene are feasible. It hasbeen found, however, that in this case water binds to styrene through the formation of two σ

hydrogen bonds: one to the fluorine atom, in which water is the proton donor, and a second onebetween the water oxygen atom and a hydrogen atom from the benzene ring of styrene, a patterndrastically different from the π bonding in the benzene-water complex.The importance of the intramolecular hydrogen bonds for the conformational stabilization offlexible molecules has been highlighted through the investigation of the 2-phenylethanol monomer.It has been demonstrated through high-resolution resonance enhanced two-photon ionizationspectroscopy combined with rotational fit based on genetic algorithms and quantum chemistrycalculations that the most abundant in the cold beam, gauche, structure is stabilized by an in-tramolecular nonconventional hydrogen bond between the OH group of the bent side chain andthe π electrons of the aromatic ring.The concurrence of intramolecular hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interactions has been elu-cidated through the ivestigation of the complex between 2-phenylethanol and argon. It has beenfound that in the most abundant configuration, the argon atom binds to the aromatic ring of 2-phenylethanol on the side of the side chain, giving rise to the cis conformation of the cluster. Theless favoured, trans, geometry, in which the argon atom binds to the opposite side of the benzenering, has also been detected in the molecular beam. A tentative conclusion on the existence of aweak ”hydrogen bond”- type interaction between the side-chain OH group and the argon atomhas been drawn to explain the additional stabilization of the cis geometry.For the first time, a bilogically active molecule has been studied by resonance enhanced two-

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photon ionization high resolution spectroscopy with mass selectivity. The experiments on ephedrinehave shown that the molecule undergoes a very efficient fragmentation upon ionization. The clas-sification of the observed bands according to their fragmentation efficiency have led to the ideaof conformer- or state-selective fragmentation. The structure of the most abundant conformationof the ephedrine monomer has been determined on the basis of the high-resolution experimentalresults and their analysis by a rotational fitting routine employing genetic algorithms. The latterhas yielded also an accurate value for the transition moment orientation. The obtained accurateinertial parameters of the ephedrine monomer manifest that even large flexible molecules withmany degrees of freedom have well-defined shapes owing to the intramolecular weak hydrogenbonds that stabilize the respective geometries.The review of the attained results renders confidence that the combination of mass-resolvedhigh-resolution resonance-enhanced two-photon ionization spectroscopy supported by rotationalfitting techniques based on genetic algorithms and high-level quantum chemistry calculationsprovides a powerful but yet gentle approach for the investigation of weak intra- and intermolec-ular interactions and the subtle interplay between them. The so-obtained results bring importantimplications both for the fundamental underastanding of the properties and behaviour of variouschemical and biological systems and, on the other hand, provide the basis for some practicalapplications, such as chemical synthesis, molecular design, material science, pharmacology, etc.

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Outlook and Perspectives

This work has demonstrated the potential power of the combination of the highly resolved reso-nance enhanced two-photon ionization spectroscopy with mass selectivity, rotational fitting rou-tine based on genetic algorithms, and high-level quantum chemistry calculations for the investi-gation of weak molecular interactions. The presented in this work new results provide an insightinto some aspects of weak intra- and intermolecular interactions. To rationalize, however, theproperties and phenomena governed by weak interactions, the latter must be investigated in theircomplexity and interconnection. Towards this end, in addition to the discussed results, somepossible advanced studies aiming at getting a broader view on weak interactions are proposed.To produce molecules with low vapour pressure in the gas phase, laser desorption can be used asan alternative to the heating. To study the dynamics of the first excited electronic state by a reso-nance enhanced two-photon ionization, a controllable variable delay of the ionization laser pulseswith respect to the excitation pulses can be introduced. To increase the spectral resolution andat the same time to retain the mass selectivity, a combination between high-resolution resonanceenhanced two-photon ionization and laser induced fluorescence experiments is a promising ap-proach. The idea includes a simultaneous scan of both high-resolution spectra. This technique isexpected to be helpful in cases when an efficient fragmentation upon ionization takes place.A possible upgrade of the existing fitting computer programme based on genetic algorithms isthe inclusion of an option allowing for the fit of two or more overlapping spectra. An inclusionof corrections in the molecular Hamiltonian accounting better for the molecular nonrigidity isalso beneficial.The pending molecular systems include molecules with π-electron systems and unsaturatedbonds (similar to styrene), flexible molecules containing an electronegative atom at differentpositions, e.g., fluorinated 2-phenylethanol, to study the effect of the substitution on the con-formational preference of the species, and stereoisomers of a certain molecule, e.g. ephedrine,pseudoephedrine, and norephedrine, and their hydrated complexes. The idea behind studyingisomers is to explore how the sterical arrangement of molecular groups affects the properties ofthe respective species. The used approach is promising for providing interesting results evenon large systems and hence it can be extended to the study of base pairs and amino acids. Theambition for studying hydrated complexes is targeted at polyhydrated clusters containing more


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than two water molecules, which are anticipated to yield information on weak interactions andthe resulting conformational shapes and binding patterns.The ultimate purpose of such experiments is to mimic and investigate the behaviour of biologi-cally active species in an environment close to their natural one and,s in a more general concept,to get an insight into the interesting properties taking place at the borderline between the micro-scopic and mesoscopic world.

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List of Figures

1.1 Bonding potential of weak molecular interactions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211.2 Molecular interactions and molecular bonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

6.1 Resonant two-photon ionization (R2PI) scheme. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626.2 Schematic view of the molecular-beam set up and the time-of-flight mass spec-

trometer set up. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646.3 Schematic representation of the laser system for low- and high-resolution reso-

nance enhanced two-photon ionization experiments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 666.4 Block diagram of the genetic algorithm computer-aided rotational fitting routine. 71

7.1 Atom labels of the styrene-acetylene complex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777.2 Geometries of the two lowest-energy conformers of the 1:1 complex of styrene

with acetylene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807.3 Low-resolution R2PI spectra of styrene and its complexes with acetylene. . . . . 817.4 Low resolution R2PI spectra of styrene and its complexes with acetylene plotted

with a common origin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827.5 High-resolution two-colour UV R2PI spectrum of the S 1 ←− S 0, 00

0 origin bandof styrene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

7.6 High-resolution two-colour UV R2PI spectrum of the S 1 ←− S 0, 000 origin band

of styrene-acetylene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

8.1 Theoretically predicted electronic ground state structure of the complex betweenstyrene and acetylene. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

8.2 Low-resolution one-colour R2PI spectra of the S1 ←−S0 electronic transition ofjet-cooled styrene and its complexes with Ar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

8.3 High-resolution two-colour UV R2PI spectrum of the S 1 ←− S 0, 000 origin band

of the complex between styrene and Ar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100

9.1 Geometries of the four lowest-energy conformers of the 1:1 complex of p-fluorostyreneand water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106


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9.2 Low-resolution spectra of the p-fluorosryrene monomer and the complex bew-teen p-fluorostyrene and water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

9.3 Highly resolved spectrum of the 000 origin band of the p-fluorostyrene-water com-

plex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

10.1 One-colour low-resolution R2PI spectrum of 2-phenylethanol. . . . . . . . . . . 11810.2 High-resolution two-colour UV R2PI spectrum of the origin band of 2-phenylethanol.11910.3 High-resolution two-colour UV R2PI spectra of the cis and trans conformations

of the 2-PE·Ar complex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12210.4 Optimized structure of the 2-PE monomer at the MP2/6-31G (d, p) level of the-

ory: 3D image and atom labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12510.5 Electronic ground state structures of the cis conformer of the 2-PE·Ar complex

optimized at the MP2/6-31G (d, p) level of theory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

11.1 Low-resolution spectra of the ephedrine monomer measured at its parent (m/z=165)and fragment (m/z=58) mass channels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138

11.2 Experimental and calculated highly resolved spectra of the origin band of theephedrine monomer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

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List of Tables

4.1 Rigid asymmetric-top energy levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

6.1 Doppler broadening as a function of the carrier gas and the nozzle-to-skimmerdistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

7.1 Binding energies, typical geometrical parameters and rotational constants for theST·C2H2 complex for its ground, S0 ans first excited, S1, electronic state obtainedfrom ab initio calcuations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

7.2 Experimental and calculated (CIS/6-311++G (d, p)) level of theory) intermolec-ular vibrational frequencies of the styrene-acetylene complex. . . . . . . . . . . 83

7.3 Experimental rotational constants, transition moment ratio, origin band position,and rotational temperature of the styrene monomer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

7.4 Experimental rotational constants, transition moment ratio, origin band position,and rotational temperature of the observed complex of styrene with acetylene. . . 87

8.1 Theoretically predicted structural and inertial parameters of the complex of styrenewith Ar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

8.2 Experimental rotational constants, transition moment ratio and band origin fre-quency of the styrene-argon complex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99

9.1 Theoretical molecular parameters of the four energetically most stable confor-mations of the p-FST·H2O complex obtained from ab initio quantum chemistrycalculations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

9.2 Molecular rotational constants and transition moment ratio of the most abundantstructure of the complex between p-fluorostyrene and water. . . . . . . . . . . . 113

10.1 Experimental parameters of the 2-PE monomer obtained from the fit of its highlyresolved R2PI spectrum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

10.2 Experimental parameters of the cis 2-PE·Ar complex obtained from the fit of itshighly resolved R2PI spectrum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123


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10.3 Theoretical geometrical parameters of the gauche conformer of 2-phenylethanolfor its ground, S 0, and first excited, S 1 electronic state. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

10.4 Theoretical geometrical parameters for the ground, S 0, electronic state of the cisand trans conformers of the complex between 2-phenylethanol and Ar. . . . . . . 127

10.5 Position of the Ar atom in the 2-PE·Ar complex determined from the Kraitchmanequations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

10.6 Orientation of the transition moment vector relative to the benzene ring in 2-phenylethanol and its complex with Ar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

11.1 Classification of the observed vibrational bands in the low-resolution one-colourtwo-photon R2PI spectrum of the ephedrine monomer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

11.2 Best-fit experimental parameters of the most abundant ephedrine conformer. . . . 142

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List of Publications

S. Chervenkov, P. Q. Wang, J. E. Braun, and H. J. Neusser, Fragmentation and ConformationStudy of Ephedrine by Low- and High-Resolution Mass Selective UV Spectroscopy,J. Chem. Phys. 121 (15), 7169 (2004).

S. Chervenkov, P. Q. Wang, R. Karaminkov, T. Chakraborty, J. E. Braun, and H. J. Neusser,High Resolution UV Resonance Two Photon Ionization Spectroscopy with Mass Selection ofBiologically Relevant Molecules in the Gas Phase in 13th International School on QuantumElectronics: Laser Physics and Applications, P. A. Atanasov, S. V. Gateva, L. A. Avramov, A. A.Serafetinides, eds.,Proc. SPIE 5830, 246 (2005).

S. Chervenkov, P. Q. Wang, J. E. Braun, S. Georgiev, and H. J. Neusser, High Resolution Ultra-violet Spectroscopy of p-fluorostyrene-Water: Evidence for a σ Hydrogen-bonded Dimer,J. Chem. Phys. 122, 244312 (2005).

S. Chervenkov, R. Karaminkov, J. E. Braun, H. J. Neusser, S. S. Panja, and T. ChakrabortySpecific and Nonspecific Interactions in a Molecule with Flexible Side Chain: 2-phenylethanoland its 1:1 Complex with Argon studied by High Resolution UV Spectroscopy,J. Chem. Phys. 124, 234302 (2006).

S. Chervenkov, P. Q. Wang, J. E. Braun, T. Chakraborty, and H. J. Neusser, Evidence for a C-H· · · π Type Weak Interaction: 1:1 Complex of Styrene with Acetylene Studied by Mass SelectiveHigh-Resolution UV Spectroscopy and Ab initio Calculations,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 9, 837 (2007).

S. Chervenkov, P. Q. Wang, T. Chakraborty, and H. J. Neusser, Van der Waals Bonding to aMolecule with π-electron Conjugation: Styrene-Argon Complex Studied by Mass Selective HighResolution R2PI Spectroscopy and Ab initio Calculations,Z. Phys. Chem. 221, 1 (2007).

R. Karaminkov, S. Chervenkov, P. Harter, and H. J. Neusser, Resonance-Enhanced Two-PhotonIonization Mass Spectrometry of a Flexible Molecule: Indication of State Selective Fragmenta-tion in Ephedrine,submitted for publication.

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Poster and Oral Presentations

17th International Conference on High Resolution Molecular SpectroscopyPrague, The Czech Republic, 01. 09.-05. 09. 2002PosterHigh Resolution Spectroscopy and Stark Splitting in Aromatic Molecules: Benzonitrile and Flu-orostyrene

18th Colloquium on High Resolution Molecular SpectroscopyDijon, France, 08. 09.-12. 09. 2003PosterHigh Resolution Spectroscopy of Fluorostyrene, 3-Methylindole, Ephedrine, and Their NobleGas and Water Clusters

EURESCO Conference on Molecules of Biological Interest in the Gas PhaseExeter, The United Kindom, 13. 04.-18. 04. 2004PosterHigh Resolution Spectroscopy of Biologically Relevant Molecules: Ephedrine and 2-Phenylethanol

18th International Conference on High Resolution Molecular SpectroscopyPrague, The Czech Republic, 08. 09.-12. 09. 2004PosterHigh Resolution Spectroscopy of Ephedrine and 2-Phenylethanol and Their Water ClustersAwardee of the ”Joseph Plıva Prize”

13th International School on Quantum Electronics: Laser Physics and ApplicationsBourgas, Bulgaria, 20. 09.-24. 09. 2004Poser and Oral PresentationHigh Resolution UV Resonance Enhanced Two-Photon Ionization Spectroscopy with Mass Se-lection of Biologically Relevant Molecules in Gas Phase

91st Bunsen Colloquium, Spectroscopy and Dynamics of Molecular Coils and AggregatesGottingen, Germany, 05. 04.-06. 04. 2005PosterHigh Resolution Spectroscopy of Ephedrine and 2-Phenylethanol and Their Water Clusters

Kansas State University, Department of Physics SeminarManhattan, KS, USA, 18. 06. 2005Invited talkAn Insight into the Microworld: Investigation of Structure and Dynamics of Isolated Moleculesand Clusters by Laser Spectroscopy Techniques

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60th International Symposium on Molecular SpectroscopyColumbus, OH, USA, 20. 06.-24. 06. 2005Oral presentationConformation Study of 2-Phenylethanol and Ephedrine, and Their Hydrated Clusters by MassSelective High Resolution UV Spectroscopy and Ab initio Calculations

Technische Universitat Munchen, Physikalische Chemie I, KaffeeseminarMunchen, Germany, 03. 02. 2006Oral presentationConformational Preferences of Biomolecules and Complexes Studied by High Resolution UVLaser Spectroscopy with Mass Selectivity

Gordon Research Conference, Electronic Spectroscopy and DynamicsLes Diablerets, Switzerland, 10. 09.-15. 09. 2006PosterHigh-Resolution Mass Selective UV R2PI Spectroscopy of Flexible and Biological Moleculesand Complexes: Weak Interactions and Conformational Structures

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Symbolsp-hydroxy-3-phenyl-1-propionic acid, 132π electron

delocalized, 882-phenylethanol (2-PE), 9, 99, 115–119, 121,

124–130, 132, 133, 136anti, 132cation, 117gauche, 115, 116, 124, 125, 129–132

2-phenylethylamine, 116, 1323-phenyl-1-propionic acid, 129

Aabsorption, 117, 138acceptor, 22, 76

hydrogen bond, 77proton, 22, 80, 88, 90

ACES II, 38acetylcholine, 136acetylene (C2H2), 9, 64, 76, 78, 81, 89–91acid dissociation constant, 76additivity rule, 101adiabatic cooling, 55adiabatic expansion, 63, 104adiabatic ionization energy (AIE), 117adrenalin, 136alkanes, 76alkynes, 76amplification, 67amplifier, 66amplitude, 33angle, 36

dihedral, 36, 51, 124, 125

planar, 51, 124, 125angular, 45

momentum, 46velocity, 45

anharmonicity, 100anti-Stokes, 59approximation, 30, 40

Born-Oppenheimer, 30, 43, 44, 50break-down, 44

electric dipole, 40, 49argon (Ar), 9, 94, 98, 99, 105, 115–117, 123–

125, 128–132, 137aromatic amine, 116aromatic molecule, 9, 118aromatic ring, 94, 104, 108, 111, 115–117, 130,

131, 133aspartate, 136asymmetry paramater

Ray, 48asymmetry parameter, 48axis of inertia

principal, 45, 120, 121, 123, 128, 129axis switching, 101, 121axis system

principal, 89

BB3LYP, 88–90, 105, 108, 114B3LYP/6-311++G (d, p), 79B3LYP/6-311++G (d, p), 80, 90B3LYP/6-311+G (d, p), 105, 109backing pressure, 105band contour


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low-resolution, 120rotational, 120

band structurerotational, 123, 130

bandwidth, 67basis set superposition error (BSSE), 80, 105benzene (Bzn), 51, 76, 116, 126, 129, 131, 132

cation, 138derivative, 126, 130

monosubstituted, 130unsubstituted, 132

benzene ring, 24, 88, 90, 94, 99–101, 108, 115,123–125, 128, 129, 131–133, 139

Bernardy, 105beta-barium-borate (BBO), 66, 67binding energy, 105, 108, 109, 116, 124, 130,

131, 133binding site, 9, 116, 124, 125, 130biological membranes, 104biomolecule, 116blue shift, 110, 111Bohr radius, 20Boltzmann

constant, 50population, 130

bond, 6charge-transfer (CT), 24chemical, 17

covalent, 5, 6, 17covalent nonpolar, 17covalent polar, 17hom*opolar, 17ionic, 17metallic, 17

covalentX-H, 23

dihydrogen, 23, 24dispersion, 25hydrogen, 22, 25, 116, 130, 131

acceptor, 104blue-shifting, 23C-H· · · π, 87conventional, 23improper, 23intermolecular, 9intramolecular, 115, 133nonconventional, 76nonconventional C-H·Y, 22π, 114, 115, 130π-HO, 130, 131proper, 23red-shifting, 23σ, 114

intramolecularOH· · · π, 9

ion-mediated, 24nonclassical π-hydrogen, 132nonconventional

CH· · · π, 9noncovalent

classical X-H· · ·Y, 116hydrogen, 6, 116nonclassical π-hydrogen, 116

π, 25quadrupole-quadrupole, 24, 25σ, 25unsaturated carbon, 94

boxcar integrator, 68Boys, 29, 105broadening, 8

Doppler, 8, 64lifetime, 112

Brutschy, 105, 111buffer gas, 64, 105Butz, 139–141


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calculationab initio, 28, 29, 76, 87, 90, 94, 95, 101,

109, 111, 112, 118, 120, 125, 126, 128–132, 136, 141, 143

B3LYP, 77MP2, 76, 77quantum chemistry

ab initio, 102ab initio, 8, 28, 75, 78, 95, 101, 104, 105,

110, 115, 121, 130, 132carrier gas, 55, 64, 118catalysis, 6cation, 24, 57, 137

metallic, 24centre of mass (COM), 51, 108, 127centrifugal distortion, 50

constant, 50chloroform, 24chromophore, 9CIS, 78, 104, 108CIS/6-311++G (d, p), 87, 90, 121, 132CIS/6-31G (d), 120CIS/6-31G (d, p), 120, 124, 125cluster, 127

2-PE·Ar, 123, 129cis, 123trans, 123

aromatic molecule·Ar, 118Bzn·Ar, 116formation, 125, 127, 132ion, 130molecular, 5noble-gas, 126weakly bound, 55

cluster operator, 33one-particle excitation, 33two-particle excitation, 33

Coester, 33collisional cooling, 64

complete active space self-consistent field (CASSCF),111

complex2-PE·Ar, 115–118, 121, 123–128, 130, 132

cis, 125cis, 115, 121, 123–125, 127–133trans, 115, 121, 124, 125, 131, 132trans, 125

2-PE·H2O, 130acetylene·ethane, 76Bzn·C2H2, 88Bzn·(C2H2)2, 89Bzn·C2H2, 91Bzn·Ar, 125, 130Bzn·Ar2, 130, 131Bzn·H2O, 76, 77, 111, 130Bzn·Ar, 116chloroform·fluorobenzene, 24deuterated, 109dimeric, 76EPD·H2O, 135, 139, 143

cation, 139p-fluorobenzene·water, 105fluorobenzene·H2O (FBzn·H2O), 111fluorobenzene·water (FBzn·H2O), 108formation, 7fragmentation, 7hydrated, 82, 118indole·benzene, 116ionic, 130molecular, 5–8, 57, 58, 63, 65, 69noncovalently bound, 7p-difluorobenzene·water, 105, 110, 114p-FST·(H2O)2, 109p-FST·H2O, 104, 105, 108–112p-fluorotoluene·Ar, 131p-FST·H2O, 110phenol·Ar, 131π hydrogen bonded, 105

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σ hydrogen bonded, 105singly hydrated, 9ST·C2H2, 75, 78, 81–83, 85, 87, 89, 90ST·(C2H2)2, 81ST·Ar, 95, 101ST·Ar2, 100, 101ST·Ar, 94, 95, 97, 99, 100ST·Ar2, 95, 100ST·H−2O, 110ST·H2O, 77, 89ST·(H2O)n, 109ST·Ar, 82ternary

phenol·water·Ar, 131toluene·Ar, 131van der Waals, 76, 101, 130weakly bound, 6, 7, 62, 90

computer-assisted fitting routine, 78computer-assisted fitting techniques, 68computer-assisted rotational fit, 90configuration interaction (CI), 30, 31configuration interaction singles (CIS), 31configuration mixing, 30conformation, 6, 8, 36, 55, 78, 116, 124, 129

2-phenylethanol (2-PE)cis, 125gauche, 124, 129, 132

2-PE·Arcis, 131trans, 131

anti, 103in-plane, 78out-of-plane, 78

conformer, 36, 105, 109, 115, 118, 135, 139–141

2-phenylethanol (2-PE), 118anti, 132gauche, 119gauche, 117–120, 124, 125, 129–132

2-PE·Arcis, 121, 123–125, 127–133trans, 121, 123–125, 131

in-plane, 108, 114anti, 112, 114gauche, 114

out-of-plane, 105, 108, 114conjugation, 90, 91, 94, 101

π-electron, 9contraction coefficient, 29convolution, 85cooling conditions, 109Coriolis coupling, 44, 50Coulomb, 32Coumarin 521, 67, 117counterpoise correction, 80coupled-cluster (CC), 33cross correlation, 69, 78, 84, 95, 105, 117, 137crossover, 70crystal engineering, 76crystal packing, 6, 76

Ddata acquisition system, 63, 68deflector, 65delay generator, 68delocalization, 94, 101density functional theory (DFT), 34

B3LYP, 78, 87, 105Dewar, 22diafragm, 65dimer, 110, 124, 125

hydrogen-bondedphenol·water, 131

p-FST·H2O, 110dipole moment, 19

electric, 19local, 111

directionality, 23, 25

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dissociation, 137, 143dissociation energy, 62, 63dissociation limit, 88dissociation threshold, 130distortion coefficient, 45distribution

Boltzmann, 49charge, 18electron density, 19, 34, 35, 128mass, 128permanent charge, 25probability, 35static-charge, 18thermal, 49

DNA, 6, 7donor, 22

electron, 24, 108hydrogen bond, 76proton, 22, 23, 80, 87–90

dopamine, 136doubling crystal, 67downhill simplex method, 69drug design, 6drug synthesis, 136drug-receptor matching, 6dye laser

broad-band, 67broad-band tuneable, 66ring, 117

continuous wave (cw), 66, 67narrow-band, 66, 67single-mode, 66, 67

Eeffect, 44

electron-withdrawing, 9Herzberg-Teller, 44, 50Jahn-Teller, 50mesomeric, 9, 94, 104

saturation, 97electric charge, 19electron

delocalized, 9electron affinity, 17, 24electron attraction, 104electron correlation, 29, 30, 104, 105electron density, 129, 131, 133electron diffraction, 60electron gas, 18electronegative atom, 22electronegative substituent, 9electronegativity, 17, 133electronic origin, 109, 130elitism, 70energy, 38

vibrational, 38zero-point (ZPVE), 38

energy calculation, 36single point, 36, 78

energy minimization, 36enthalpy, 25entropy, 25enzyme catalysis, 6ephedra, 136ephedrine (EPD), 9, 117, 135–141, 143

anti-gauche conformer, 140cation, 138, 139

epinephrine, 136equation, 28

Kraitchman, 51, 126–128, 131, 132Schrodinger, 28, 30, 43

time-dependent, 39secular, 31

equilibrium geometry, 35error, 30

truncation, 30evaluation, 69evaporative cooling, 97

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excess energy, 88, 108, 117, 130, 137excimer laser, 66–68

XeCl, 66excitation, 62, 119excitation photon, 66

FFabry-Perot interferometer, 68

confocal, 68factor, 29

normalization, 29Fermi’s golden rule, 40fitness, 69fitting routine

computer-assisted, 117fluorescence, 7fluorescence emission, 7fluorination, 111fluorine, 77, 104, 108, 111fluorine-substituted compounds, 104fluorobenzene, 24, 105, 111force constant, 35

mass-weighted, 38Fourier transform-limited, 67fragment, 139fragmentation, 8, 9, 62, 83, 88, 97, 100, 109,

110, 118, 123, 130, 135–141, 143frequency, 38, 67

absolute, 67fundamental, 38

frequency doubling, 66frequency mixer, 58fringe pattern, 68Fujii, 76function, 28

basis, 28Gaussian-type (GT), 29Slater-type (ST), 29

configuration, 30

configuration-state (CSF), 30Gaussian, 29

primitive, 29multielectron, 30one-electron spatial, 28wave, 28, 32

antisymmetricity, 32electronic, 33orthonormal, 39stationary-state, 39time-independent, 39

functional, 35B3LYP, 35

GGAMESS, 38gas electron diffraction, 56Gaussian, 38, 78, 95, 105, 124generation, 78, 105, 117genetic algorithm (GA), 69, 78, 85, 97, 101,

105, 112, 115, 117, 121, 123, 128, 137global optimizer, 37glutamate, 136glycine, 136gradient method, 69grid search, 78, 90group

alcoholic, 116amino, 137, 143hydroxyl, 129methyl, 137OH, 117, 131–133phenyl, 76unsaturated, 87vinyl, 88, 89, 91, 94, 101, 104, 108, 111X-H, 22

HHamiltonian, 27, 32, 39, 40

asymmetric top

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Watson, 85, 112nonrelativistic, 28one-electron, 27

Heitler, 20helium (He), 118helium droplet, 56Hessian, 38HF, 108high-Q cavity, 59histamine, 136Hohenberg-Kohn theorem, 34hot band, 118hybrid spectrum, 85, 86, 97, 112, 119, 140hybridization, 70hypersurface, 36Hansch, 67Huckel, 27

Iindividual, 69, 78, 95, 105, 117, 137inertia defect, 84, 86inertial parameter, 8, 88, 97interaction, 5

Ar-Ar, 116bonding, 18charge-transfer (CT), 6, 23covalent, 5dispersion, 9, 19, 23, 115, 116, 130–133

intermolecular, 9electrostatic, 6, 18, 23exchange, 20hydrophobic, 6, 25, 104induction, 23interelectronic, 28intermolecular, 6, 25, 128, 132intramolecular, 25, 128, 139London, 19metal coordination, 6multipole, 24

nonbonded, 5, 6, 9

intermolecular, 6

nonbonding, 18

noncovalent, 5, 6, 18, 116

attractive, 18

intermolecular, 9

intramolecular, 6, 9

repulsive, 18

nonspecific, 131

π-hydrogen, 76

repulsive, 20

stacking, 6

three-body, 100

through-ring, 101

van der Waals, 94, 95, 98, 129, 131

vibration-rotation, 44

weak, 5, 8, 18, 55

dispersion, 18

electrostatic, 18

inductive, 18

intermolecular, 6

intramolecular, 9

interatomic distance, 51, 125

interference, 60

interference filter, 67

internal rotation, 109

ion laser, 67

Ar+, 67, 78, 95, 117

ionization, 62, 88, 100, 117, 121, 135, 137, 140

vertical, 130

ionization energy, 138

adiabatic, 130

ionization limit, 63

ionization photon, 66, 88

isoenergetic, 130, 131

isomerization, 8

iteration, 95, 137

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (185)


JJaguar, 38jet expansion, 89Johnson, 58Jortner, 97

Kkinetic energy, 46, 65

rotational, 46Kohn, 35Kummel, 33

LLabVIEW, 68ladder switching, 138laser

continuous-wave (cw), 57infrared, 58pulsed, 57

least squares, 69Lehn, 6Levine, 32Lewis, 5lifetime, 85Lombardi, 84London, 19, 20lone electron pair, 22lone pair, 130

MMuller-Dethlefs, 58macromolecule, 6, 24Mahmoud, 77, 89, 109, 110mass analysed threshold ionization (MATI), 130mass effect, 89, 91, 101, 112, 128mass selection, 78, 104, 117mass selective, 116, 135mass selectivity, 7, 8, 95, 137, 141mass spectrometer, 63

time-of-flight (TOF), 63, 68, 104

Wiley-McLaren, 64matrix element, 38matrix isolation, 56Meerts, 57mesh, 65mesomeric effect, 111methane, 76methanol, 64method, 30, 36

variational, 30micelles, 104microchannel plate, 65microsolvation, 94, 112minimum, 36

global, 36local, 36

mirrorplano-concave, 59

mode (vibrational)intermolecular, 109intramolecular, 109stretching

antisymmetric, 111mode(vibrational), 118model, 27

molecular orbital, 27semiempirical, 27

molecular beam, 8, 55, 86, 95, 104, 119, 124,133, 137, 139

cold, 55, 64, 115, 117jet-cooled, 117, 132supersonic, 8, 78

molecular electronics, 6molecular jet, 97molecular mechanics (MM), 35molecular recognition, 6, 76molecular transport, 6Molpro, 38moment of inertia, 45, 46, 60

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principal, 45MP2, 78, 88, 89, 105, 108, 114MP2/6-311++G (d, p), 79MP2/6-311++G (d, p), 80, 87, 90, 95MP2/6-31G (d, p), 124, 125, 128, 130, 131MP2/cc-pVTZ, 95, 101multipole moment, 18mutation, 69, 70

Nneuron, 136neurotransmission, 6neurotransmitter, 9, 116, 132, 135, 136noble-gas atoms, 94noradrenalin, 136norephedrine, 136norepinephrine, 136nozzle, 68, 137

heatable, 63pulsed, 55, 63, 105

nucleon, 43

Ooperator, 32

Coulomb, 32exchange, 32

optical parametric oscillator (OPO), 58optimization, 36, 124

geometry, 36method

gradient, 36Newton-Raphson, 36steepest-descend, 36

multidimensional, 36structural, 124, 125

orbital, 23antibonding, 23molecular, 28vacant, 24, 30

orbital exponent, 29

oscillator, 66overtone, 109

Pp-difluorobenzene, 105p-fluorostyrene (p-FST), 9, 104, 105, 109, 111p-fluorotoluene, 131parent molecule, 51, 127Pauli exclusion principle, 18, 20, 28perturbation theory, 18, 19, 32

first-order, 18Møller-Plesset, 32second-order, 19

phenethylamine (PEA), 136phenol, 131phenyl ring, 76, 87, 89, 91phenylalanine, 136photodiode, 68π electron, 89, 90, 94, 100, 125, 129, 131–133π-electron density, 132Pimentel, 56pinhole, 67plane wave, 41polarizability, 19Pople, 32population, 69position vector, 19potassium-dihydrophosphate (KDP), 66, 67potential, 21

attractive, 21, 25ionization, 24Lennard-Jones, 22Morse, 22repulsive, 21torsional, 86

potential minimum, 88local, 88

Pratt, 57, 86, 114protein, 6, 104

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (187)


protein folding, 132protic solvents, 104pseudoephedrine, 136pulsed amplification, 67

QQ-Chem, 38quadrupole moment, 19

electric, 19quantum number

rotational, J, 85

Rrandom number generator, 69receptor, 116, 136red shift, 118, 124, 130, 131reduced mass, 51repeller plate, 65reproduction, 69resonance condition, 41RHF, 105, 114Rhodamine 6G, 67, 78, 95Riedle, 67rigid body, 45Roothan, 28rotational constant, 8, 46, 50, 68, 69, 86, 112,

119–121, 123–125, 127, 132, 135, 136,141, 143

rotational contour, 114rotational fit

computer-aided, 115, 120, 123rotational structure, 8, 119, 121, 123, 128Rydberg series, 57Rydberg state, 57

high-lying, 57

Ssaddle point, 36, 80Salour, 67Sander, 58

saturation, 85, 141Saykally, 59Schlag, 58search method, 37

diffusion equation, 37distance-geometry, 37genetic algorithm (GA), 37grid, 37low-mode, 37Metropolis, 37molecular dynamics, 37Monte Carlo, 37random, 37stochastic, 37systematic, 37

second harmonic generation (SHG), 67secondary structure, 6selection, 69selection rule, 41, 49self-consistent field, 28

Hartree-Fock (HF SCF), 28semiclassical theory, 40sequence transition, 109serotonin, 136Sham, 35shell, 28signal-to-noise ratio, 69, 140Simons, 136, 139, 143simulaton annealing, 69single rotational line assignment, 68skimmer, 63, 64, 105Slater determinant, 33slit jet, 59solvation, 6SPARTAN, 38spectroscopy, 7

cavity ring-down (CRD), 59coherent ion-dip, 58dispersed fluorescence (DF), 76

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double resonanceIR ion-dip, 136IR-UV, 76, 130IR-UV ion-depletion, 58UV hole-burning, 136UV-UV hole-burning, 58

double-resonance, 58electronic, 56far-infrared (far-IR), 56, 59fluorescence detection, 84fluorescence excitation (FE), 56, 76, 86gas electron diffraction, 60high-resolution, 117infrared, 7ion-depletion

infra-red (IR), 111laser induced fluorescence (LIF), 7, 56, 58,

98low-resolution, 7, 117mass analysed threshold ionization (MATI),

56, 57, 116mass selective, 90microwave, 7, 56, 59, 84, 86, 94, 98, 120near-infrared (near-IR), 56, 58pump-probe, 60Raman, 56, 59resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization

(REMPI) UV, 57, 58resonance enhanced two-photon (R2PI) UV

low-resolution, 94one-colour, 94two-colour, 94

resonance enhanced two-photon ionization(R2PI) UV, 7, 62, 63, 76, 78, 104, 108,115, 117, 136, 137

high-resolution, 8, 63, 90, 94, 98, 118–121, 132, 135–137, 140, 141

low-resolution, 63, 90, 117, 130, 135, 137,139, 141

one-colour, 62, 77, 104, 109, 117, 139rotationally resolved, 8two-colour, 62, 104, 105, 121, 137two-photon, 119

resonnce enhanced two-photon ionization(R2PI) UV, 95

rotational coherence (RC), 56, 60ultraviolet (UV), 7vibration-rotation tunnelling, 59vibrational, 7zero electron kinetic energy (ZEKE), 56,

57spin, 28

nuclear, 49splitting, 99, 101, 109, 111spontaneous emission, 67

amplified, 67stagnation pressure, 64, 137state, 39

electronic, 125excited, 119–121, 123ground, 116, 123, 125, 128

stationary, 39statistical weight, 49stick spectrum, 85, 112, 120Stokes, 59structural optimization, 78structure, 24, 25, 36

secondary, 24stable-equilibrium, 36supramolecular, 25tertiary, 24unstable-equilibrium, 36

styrene (ST), 9, 76–78, 81–87, 89, 90, 94, 95,97, 98, 108

substituted benzene, 94substitution, 104

isotopic, 51, 52supersonic jet expansion, 55, 62, 76

Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ...· molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (189)


supramolecular assembly, 76, 94supramolecular chemistry, 6surface, 36

potential energy, 36symmetry axis, 95, 125

C6, 101, 124, 131, 132synthesis, 6

TTamm-Dancoff, 31Tarakeshwar, 108, 111targeted synthesis, 6taylorization, 33temperature

rotational, 50, 69, 85, 97, 119, 120, 123,124, 140

tensor of inertia, 45theory of perturbations, 40, 50thermocontroller, 64toluene, 100, 131top, 45

asymmetric, 45, 48, 49oblate, 48prolate, 48

spherical, 45symmetric, 45, 48

oblate, 45prolate, 45

torsion, 88transition, 39

allowed, 41electronic, 117forbidden, 41one-photon, 49rotationless, 119two-photon, 49

transition dipole moment, 60transition moment (TM), 8, 49, 112, 115, 128,

129, 132, 135, 143

deviation, 129orientation, 91, 98, 114, 121, 124, 128, 129,

132projection, 123, 128ratio, 8, 68, 69, 78, 86, 87, 89, 97, 101, 112,

114, 119–121, 123–125, 129, 136, 141,143

vector, 89trigger, 68Tsuzuki, 76tunnelling, 109Turbomol, 38turbomolecular pump, 63

Vvacuum chamber, 63, 67van der Waals, 5, 9vibration, 23, 76

bending, 83, 95, 101long-axis, 99short-axis, 99

intermolecular, 82, 109stretching, 23, 83, 95, 99, 101

antisymmetric, 76swinging, 83twisting

in-plane, 109out-of-plane, 109

vibrationally averaged, 45vinyl substitution, 76vinylbenzene (ST), 77virus detection, 6

WWallenstein, 67water, 64, 76, 130wave function, 44wavemeter, 67Weinkauf, 117Winnewisser, 59

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ZZewail, 60Zhu, 58

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I would like to thank all those who have contributed to the succesfull completion of this work.

I give my special thanks to Prof. Dr. Hans Jurgen Neusser for the constructive work atmo-sphere in his group, for his involvement and keen interest in the scientific research, for his open-mindedness and tolerance and attention, for his support and willingness to help. I appreciate thestimulating discussions and the valuable advices he has given.

I warmly thank my colleagues and good friends, M. Sc. Stoyan Georgiev, and M. Sc. RossenKaraminkov, for the nice time we have together, for their trust, understanding, responsiveness,attention, and help.

I would like to cordially thank Dr. Pengqian Wang for the motivating work I had with him,for his amicability, and friendly advices; Dr. Klaus Siglow and Dr. Julian E. Braun for theirapproachability and underastanding and their indispensable help during the initial stage of mywork; Prof. Tapas Chakraborty for our fruitful cooperation and for the valuable suggestions,discussions, and ideas he has given; Dr. Heinrich Selzle for his affability, attention, and theexpert help in various areas, especially in computers and quantum chemistry calculations.

I sincerely thank our secretary, Mrs. Thiem, for her responsiveness and assistance.

I thank also Mr. Max Wiedeman and Mr. Hans-Arnulf Muller and the staff of the Electroncsworkshop for their indispensable help in the lab, Mr. Werner Tauchman for his assistance forsolving computer problems, Mr. Otto Strasser and his colleagues from the Mechanics Workshop.

I would like to thank also all my colleagues from the Institute, and especially Dr. Martin Tschurlfor his amiability and approachability and the valuable advices on the preparation of this work.

I thank all my friends for their support. I appreciate the responsiveness and help of Dr. HristoIglev.

I thank wholeheartedly all of my family for their love, encouragement, underastanding, andsupport.


Investigation of Weak Intra- and Intermolecular ... · molecular complexes. Because of the low density and total number of species in the molecular beam, the spectroscopy of electronic - [PDF Document] (2024)


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