LE Selkirk Record 102518.Indd (2024)

East St Paul riverfront! Terrific 1620 SF home on Easy condo living in Lockport. 1128 SF, 2BRs, 2 baths w/ gorgeous 1.8 acres. $469,900 creek view! $226,500

Custom, beautifully maintained 1800 SF home on private 4.46 acres. $429,920


Haunted forest RECORD PHOTO BY BRETT MITCHELL Pictured from left to right: Sunova Credit Union’s Jared Fewchuk, Heather Carr and Lacey Darvill are gearing up to celebrate Halloween. The Selkirk branch will be fully decorated on Wednesday, Oct. 31 and will be handing out full-size chocolate bars for any trick or treaters who want to wander into their haunted forest that day. news > sports > opinion > community > people > entertainment > events > classifi eds > careers > everything you need to know 2 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 Biz awards help honour local businesses, entrepreneurs By Lindsey Enns Plenty of smiles, laughs and even a Seventh annual business few tears were shed during the sev- award winners enth annual Selkirk Biz Business A total of 10 awards were handed Awards last Thursday evening. out during last Thursday evening’s A total of 10 awards were handed out seventh annual Selkirk Biz Awards. to local and area entrepreneurs and This year’s winners include: businesses during the annual awards • Business of the Year: Hawthorn evening held at the Selkirk Golf and Estates Country Club. • New Business of the Year: Bella Among this year’s award winners Ragazza Boutique was Hawthorn Estates, which is run by • Beauti-Tone Visual Improve- Robert Belanger and his wife Tammy. ment: Snak Shak The wedding and event venue, locat- • Branding and Marketing: Haw- ed in St. Clements, earned the Busi- thorn Estates ness of the Year as well as the Brand- • Business Philanthropist of the ing and Marketing awards. Robert Year: Rosanna Sternat, Sternat & said deciding to rebuild the venue Associates after their barn burned down in 2015 RECORD PHOTO BY LINDSEY ENNS • Farm Family of the Year: West- was a diffi cult decision, but they had Winners of the seventh annual Selkirk Biz Business Awards were phalia Farms lots of support. grinning from ear-to-ear following the annual awards evening at the • Woman Entrepreneur of the Year: Rosanna Sternat, Sternat & “We thought we were done,” he said. Selkirk Golf and Country Club last Thursday. “If it wasn’t for the support from fam- Associates ily and friends and from the wedding their family. tellectual disabilities but I urge you to • Community Spirit: Selkirk industry as a whole we wouldn’t have “This has affected us. But I think consider the many opportunities that Community Renewal Corporation continued our journey.” where we are today ... it’s just excit- could be available,” said Stan Hal- • Customer Service: Selkirk Tran- The venue, which reopened in ing,” he said. “We love what we do.” besma, the owner of Harry’s Foods in sit March, has already hosted dozens of Selkirk Transit also received the St. Andrews. “Think outside the box, • Inclusive Employment: Harry’s weddings and they are now booking Customer Service Award, Rosanna reevaluate job descriptions or even Foods into 2020. Tammy said she’s grateful Sternat of Sternat and Associates re- create a new position. Give them a for all of the support they’ve received. ceived the Women Entrepreneur of chance to prove to you that they can fordable lingerie and swim wear shop “These people are spending one of the Year Award as well as the Business enhance you customer experience serves “a real need” in the community the most important days of their life Philanthropist of the Year Award, and with the friendliness and enthusiasm and surrounding areas. with us, what an honour,” she said, Harry’s Foods earned the Inclusive they can bring.” “This community is just so great,” holding back tears. Employment Award. Snak Shak was also awarded the Webb said. “I feel like ... my customers Robert, a retired conservation offi - “To my fellow business owners, I say Beauti-Tone Visual are my close friends cer, said they haven’t slept well since this, not every company or business Improvement Award. and I don’t think I the fi re and it’s had a real impact on can accommodate a person with in- The Selkirk restau- would have that expe- rant’s owner, Shaw- rience in the City of na Witko, said she’s “THESE PEOPLE Winnipeg or a bigger dreamed of owning city.” Get a Grip her own business ARE SPENDING This year a total of since she was a little ONE OF THE MOST 33 businesses and TIRE FINANCING girl. IMPORTANT DAYS OF entrepreneurs were on your “That dream came nominated for awards. true 19 years ago,” Wit- THEIR LIFE WITH US, Selkirk Biz said they ASSURANCE WEATHER ko said while receiv- WHAT AN HONOUR.” received a record num- ing the Snak Shak’s ber of 240 nomination READY TIRES award. “I’m incredibly entries this year. *Features the Mountain Snowflakee thankful to all of my Selkirk Biz, the area’s All Weather Tire Rating which wonderful customers Chamber of Com- Pick out your qualifies for MPIC Tire financing who have continued to come and sup- merce, represents more than 200 winter wheels from businesses from St. Andrews, St. Cle- our large selection ... port Snak Shak.” ments, West St. Paul and the City of Make your vehicle look great for Selkirk’s Bella Ragazza Boutique more than just 6 months a year! was also named New Business of the Selkirk. For more information, visit Year. Owner Jeanie Webb says her af- selkirkbiz.ca. [emailprotected] 38 MAIN ST. SELKIRK 204-482-6545 2017 CHRYSLER PACIFICA LIMITED Ultimate Luxury minivan 1011 Manitoba Ave Selkirk 204-482-4151 Tri-pane sunroof, NAV, heated/cooled seats & more $ $ www.selkirkchrysler.com WAS - 55,660 SAVE- 13,680!!! $ Only 2 left TOLL FREE 1-800-204-8620 BLOWOUT PRICE - 41,980 *Plus taxes & fees* The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 3 LSSD looks to raise awareness during School Bus Safety Week By Lindsey Enns formation, visit mpi.mb.ca. Some local motorists still aren’t fol- Campbell said by the end of this lowing the rules when it comes to school year, 40 per cent of their buses safely sharing the road with school will be equipped with stop arm cam- buses, according to the Lord Selkirk eras, which will help provide video School Division (LSSD). evidence for the RCMP to use while Last year, the LSSD launched a new issuing tickets. Failing to stop for a campaign to help fuel changes when bus that has its red lights fl ashing and it comes to drivers illegally passing stop arm extended can carry a $672 school buses. The goal behind the fi ne and two demerit points. “Thing of Us on the Bus” campaign “The whole point in having traf- is to enhance safety for both students fi c stopped is because we don’t want and school bus drivers while address- anyone to get struck by a vehicle,” ing the problem of drivers passing Campbell said. school buses when their red lights Each school day, the LSSD trans- and stop signs are activated. RECORD PHOTO BY BRETT MITCHELL ports more than 2,500 students to and Last year, LSSD bus drivers re- A Lord Selkirk School Division school bus is parked outside of Shoppers from school and their buses run more corded approximately 60 violations Drug Mart to help kick off School Bus Safety Week in Selkirk on Monday. than 5,200 kilometres each day. against school buses and so far this “We cover a huge area here and we school year alone they have captured to follow the rules when it comes to get ready to stop. It is illegal to pass a have one of the best safety records in 40 instances. sharing the road with school buses. school bus from either direction once the province,” Campbell said. “We’re “The key thing for us here is we take “We identify that school buses of- it has stopped and has its lights acti- very proud of the work that we do.” no pleasure in capturing this data,” ten cause confusion,” he said. “We re- vated unless there is a physical bar- The LSSD also launched the SafeS- said Alan Campbell, supervisor of ally want to try to make some of those rier, such as a median, between your top mobile app last year, which is free transportation for the LSSD. “We things clear.” vehicle and the bus. and gives real-time updates on your hope these instances will go down.” Campbell said bus drivers in Mani- Flashing red lights indicate that the bus as it travels to and from school. Campbell said several of these vio- toba are trained to veer to the right bus has stopped and that children are Information is updated every 30 sec- lations are taking place on Highway 9 when they are stopped to prevent either getting on or off. As soon as onds so you can plan to be at the bus between St. Andrews and Selkirk, be- vehicles from passing them on the the bus driver turns on the fl ashing stop before it arrives. Campbell said tween Clandeboye and Selkirk as well shoulder. red lights, drivers coming from both so far this school year around 655 peo- as along Highway 8. According to Manitoba Public In- directions must immediately stop at ple are using the app each day. This week is School Bus Safety Week surance, fl ashing yellow lights on least fi ve metres from the bus and For more information about bus and Campbell said they are hoping to a school bus indicate that the bus is remain stopped until the lights stop safety and the SafeStop app, visit lssd. raise more awareness about bus safe- getting ready to stop, which means fl ashing, the stop arm folds away and ca under the “Transportation” tab. ty. He added it’s important for drivers that drivers need to slow down and the bus begins to move. For more in- Tougher penalties for distracted driving come into effect Nov. 1

Submitted or other hand-operated electronic required. As part of the changes for Distracted driving is a serious road Changes under The Highway Traffi c device, and a seven-day suspension roadside license suspensions, MPI safety risk in Manitoba and was a Act and the Drivers and Vehicles Act for a subsequent occurrence within will collect a $50 licence reinstate- lead cause of collisions causing seri- that come into force Nov. 1 will allow 10 years. Suspended drivers will be ment fee on behalf of government. ous injury in 2017, and increases the for short-term roadside licence sus- required to immediately surrender Further distracted driving penal- risk of collision by nearly four times. pensions for using a cellphone or oth- their driver’s licence at roadside. ties will also come into force on Nov. Thirty people lost their lives and 184 er hand-operated electronic devices The amendments will also require 1 including an increase in the fi ne for people were seriously hurt last year while driving. offi cers charging a driver with care- using a hand-operated electronic de- because someone chose not to put The amendments mean drivers will less driving to immediately notify vice while driving to $672 from $203 their cell phone down or engaged in be subject to a three-day roadside li- Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) to and an increase in demerits for care- other distracting behaviours while cence suspension for the fi rst time a review the driver’s record in order to less driving to fi ve points from two for driving, said Infrastructure Minister Fun! driver is caught using a cellphone determine if further penalties may be each infraction. Ron Schuler. Halloween Fun!

439 MAIN ST., SELKIRK HOURS MONDAY - FRIDAY 9-9 North of Manitoba Ave. SATURDAY 9-6 SUNDAY 12-5 BiG DOLLAR 4 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 Ready to compete in Vegas


RECORD PHOTOS BY JUSTIN LUSCHINSKI Zombie Bodyshop’s custom ratical rod entry was offi cially completed and hit the road last Sunday afternoon. Tyler Turton of Zombie Bodyshop, pictured above, located just outside Selkirk, and his team were chosen to represent Canada at the International Ratical Rod Build Off, taking place in Las Vegas. Teams from around the world have been tasked with building custom vehicles, and drive them from Lincoln, Nebraska, to the SEMA Show in Las Vegas. SEMA is one of the largest car conventions in the world. The SEMA Show is scheduled to take place from Oct. 30 to Nov. 1 at the Las Vegas Convention Centre.


SAVE THE TAX ON $300 OFF Selkirk high school student

PLUS faces weapons charges SAVE THE TAX Staff seized. No students or staff were in- A 17-year-old Selkirk high school jured during this incident. student is facing several charges after The 17-year-old youth from Selkirk DON’T MISS THE he brought a shotgun and ammuni- has been charged with possession of tion with him to school last week. weapon for dangerous purpose, car- MAD DEAL OF THE DAY Last Tuesday, at approximately 11 rying concealed weapon, unauthor- a.m., Selkirk RCMP were dispatched ized possession of fi rearm and pos- EVERY DAY THIS WEEKEND! to the Comp, with a report of a stu- session of prohibited or restricted dent with a fi rearm. fi rearm with ammunition. He has A student was reported to be in pos- been remanded into custody. NO PAYMENTS FOR 12 MONTHS session of a fi rearm and ammunition LSSD Supt. Michele Polinuk said + NO ADMIN FEE** which he was carrying in a back- the RCMP arrived on site quickly and See store for details. pack. The school went into lockdown, nobody was harmed and there was no RCMP were called and responded threat. A Better Experience™ SELKIRK | 374 EVELINE STREET | 204.785.8191 immediately. Counsellors and resources will con- The 17-year-old male student was tinue to be available at the school if *Not to be combined with any other offers. Does not apply to previous orders, Clearance, Power Buys, Special Buys and Sale items. See store for details. Selection may vary by store. Although every precaution is taken, errors in price and/or specification may occur in print. We reserve the right to correct any safely taken into custody without inci- students need assistance. such errors. Prices valid for a limited time only. Picture may not represent item exactly as shown, advertised items may not be on display at all locations. **On approved credit. Certain terms and conditions apply. See store and Account Agreement for full terms. Oct 26, 2018 only. dent. A fi rearm and ammunition were The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 5 Local businesses, organizations take part in pre-budget consultation By Justin Luschinski toba fi lm tax credit, saying it’s brought The Progressive Conservative gov- so much business and tourism to the ernment heard from Selkirk and area area. The minister did not promise residents about what their next bud- anything, but said that they recognize get should focus on last week. the importance of job growth and the Budget 2019’s pre-budget consul- fi lm tax incentives for the city. tations series began in Selkirk at the “From health care to public safety Selkirk Inn and Conference Centre and infrastructure investments, we last Monday evening. The PC govern- understand that fi scal sustainability ment is working on their third budget is essential to protecting our ability to since coming into power in 2016, and invest in the priorities of Manitobans,” are currently hosting a series of con- Fielding stated in a release last week. sultations across the province. “The work of government directly af- The night began with a presentation fects households and communities from Minister of Finance Scott Field- throughout the province, and we want ing on the logic behind the previous to hear Manitobans’ advice on the budgets. Afterwords, business owners choices we must make as we prepare in Selkirk got to make their own pre- the 2019 budget.” sentations. Manitobans unable to attend a public Many residents were concerned RECORD PHOTO BY JUSTIN LUSCHINSKI meeting can fi ll out an online survey about Manitoba’s aging population. John Martyniw, the CEO of Tudor House Personal Care Home, pictured to share their views. The survey seeks John Martyniw, the CEO of Tudor centre, speaks during a Budget 2019 pre-budget consultation at the feedback from Manitobans on several House Personal Care Home, said there Selkirk Inn and Conference Centre last Monday evening. topics including balancing the bud- are not enough personal care home concerned about small business fi - model, and we see such a high turn- get, sustaining health care and fund- beds for residents, and the problem nances in the area. over rate. Can you imagine someone ing education. Written submissions on will only get worse. Maria Freeman, executive director of you barely know fi ghting for your all subjects can be sent directly to the “I respectfully ask that you prepare Inclusion Selkirk, said her organiza- health?” Freeman said. “We must have minister of fi nance. for our aging population, which is rap- tion needs more fi nancial support to quality staff, and we ask that you im- For more information on the pre- idly growing. We need a provincial ac- help it’s disabled clients. plement a living wage for direct sup- budget consultation meetings and to cess program, to get more seniors into “Staffi ng is a huge problem. We’re port professionals.” access the survey, visit manitobans- personal care homes,” Martyniw said. working with an outdated funding Other presenters praised the Mani- makingchoices.ca. “Our seniors have done so much for our communities, and they deserve a lifetime of services.” Martyniw mentioned how there were Ed Teplyski 150 vacant personal care home beds in Winnipeg, and how there’s a 160 per- Respect & Integrity son wait list for beds in the Interlake. 24 HR Service Since these are run by different health new & pre-owned vehicles authorities, he proposes that there’s most brands 431.388.2286 some kind of collaboration, as well as www.lockportheatingandcooling.com some investment to create more care 204-785-0741 home beds around the province. [emailprotected] authorized dealer Other community members were

Freybe Lucerne Fresh Black Forest or Ice Pork Sideribs Old Fashioned $ 44 Cream $ 44 $ 44 Ham 1.89L $ 38 1100 g 3Each 2 LB 5 kg Mac From Our Bakery Large Apples Long Johns Selection of 3 lb bag $ 98 Assorted $ 99 Carving 2 1 /4 pack Pumpkins SoftenerSft SaltSlt DeliveryDli AAvailableil bl - Call C ll Adam Ad @ 795-2850795 2850 forfd detailst il LOTSLOTS OFOF MOREMORE SPECIALSSPECIALS ININ STORE.STORE We reserve the right to limit quantities. All items are while stock lasts Prices eff ective 5571 Hwy #9 St. Andrews Th ursday, October 25 - Harry’s Foods Customer Service 338-7538 Wednesday, October 31, 2018 Store Hours: Mon.-Fri. 8 am - 9:30 pm Sat. 8 am - 8 pm Sun. & Holidays 10 am - 6 pm. 6 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 Two measles cases confi rmed in Interlake region Manitoba adds coverage for 154 new medications Submitted provide updated information as neces- from four days before the rash appears The chief provincial public health of- sary. to four days after. The disease tends to fi cer confi rmed today that two cases of Symptoms of measles generally ap- be more severe in infants and young to Pharmacare program measles have been reported in Mani- pear seven to 21 days after exposure. children, and can be life threatening. Submitted toba. Initial symptoms may include fever, If visiting a physician or health-care Patients now have access to an ad- The individuals live in the area of runny nose, drowsiness, irritabil- provider, it is best to call ahead and ditional 154 medications through the Interlake Eastern Regional Health ity and red eyes. Small white spots make an appointment so health-care the Manitoba Pharmacare Program, Authority and are recovering at home. may also develop on the inside of the staff can take steps to reduce the expo- including enhanced access to drugs The fi rst case, a child under the age mouth or throat. sure of other people to the virus. used to treat diabetes. of one, is believed to have contracted Several days after the initial symp- Immunization is the only means of “We are continuously working to the virus out of the country while the toms, a red blotchy rash appears on protecting yourself and your family. add drugs to the pharmacare program second case was identifi ed as a close the face and progresses down the Contact an immunization provider in a timely manner to ensure Manito- contact. All contacts have been identi- body. Measles can lead to complica- such as a physician, nurse practitioner bans have access to medications that fi ed and have been or will soon be con- tions including ear infections, diar- or local public health offi ce to make offer important treatments for many tacted by public health offi cials. rhea, pneumonia (lung infection) and sure you and your family are up to different illnesses and treatments at Where appropriate, people will be encephalitis (brain infl ammation). date. a more affordable price,” said Health, offered immunization and asked to Measles is a highly infectious, com- In Manitoba, a two-dose measles vac- Seniors and Active Living Minister restrict their contact with others to re- municable disease that is spread cine program was introduced in 1996. Cameron Friesen. “By participating duce the possible spread of measles. through droplets in the air formed For information on the measles, visit in the pan-Canadian Pharmaceuti- Public health offi cials will continue to when coughing or sneezing. An in- gov.mb.ca/health/publichealth/dis- cal Alliance, we are able to add more monitor the situation in Manitoba and fected person can spread the virus eases/measles.html. brand-name and generic drugs to the program, saving money that can then be reinvested into further increasing drug coverage for Manitobans.” The province is adding coverage for the drug Tresiba, a long-acting insu- lin used to control high blood sugar, 40 LED Multi Function for the treatment of Type 1 and Type 2 SAVE INSSTYLETYLE Dazzle Light Set diabetes. In addition, the long-lasting NOW! INSTYLE insulin drugs Lantus, Levemir and C9, 6 functions, Basaglar will move from Part 3 of the Holiday with remote control. formulary to Part 1, enhancing access Decor Colour for people with diabetes as physicians changing SAVE 40% 24” Wreath 9’ Garland bulbs! will no longer need to apply for cover- 5675-017 5627-931 Heavy Duty 18mm SAVESAVE 44%44% 5645-833 age of these drugs before the patient Utility Knife Battery operated, 25 pack light clips $ 97 gets it from their pharmacy. 50 LED lights, also available. 5610-350 Set Includes 3” blades 23 “Better access to effective medica- $ 97 decorations SAVE 40% LED Flashlight 1034-320 Was $8.99 4 included. tions, devices and supplies can help Assorted Detachable end turns into a whistle. improve the management of diabetes colours. Includes batteries. $ 97 Assorted and quality of care for Manitobans liv- 5 Pc. Paint WasWas SAVE 40% Roller Kit Was $24.99 14 Each ing with diabetes,” said Andrea Kwas- $3.29$3.29 nicki, regional director of Manitoba 4 settings! $ 97 SAVE 50%% and Nunavut for Diabetes Canada. 5325-001 1 Each 48” x 32” Beaded “It can also decrease the likelihood $ 477 Stainless Steel of future serious complications of the Wainscot Paneling Hydration Bottle 7 WWas $14$14.99 99 1656-522 disease.” Twist off lid. MDF construction, Assorted. 500 mL. Of the 154 drugs added, 120 are ge- Digital Thermometer/ paintable. With 2” ONLY Hygrometer on center. Was SAVE 30% neric medications. The minister noted Indoor $14.99 the additions reduce the amount that use. SAVE 56% $ 97 Double wall vacuum $ 47 would have otherwise been spent on 2720-751 14 Sheet insulated higher-cost equivalent drugs by $1 Was construction! 10 $11.49 $ 97 FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY! 4423-8144423-814 million, allowing the money to be re- 4470-392 4 allocated towards coverage for new Powerball* 48” T8 Fluorescentrescent Tubes drugs. 32W, 2875 lumens, 4100K.100K. CoolCool white.white. Dishwasher 4027-0044027-004 Coverage for the new drugs are ef- Detergent Tabs fective immediately. 25 tabs Glasss WaWass The Manitoba Drug Benefi ts and In- SAVE 63% PACK Bakingng $19.99$19.99 SAVE 46% OF 2 terchangeability Formulary lists ther- Dish Set SAVE $5 apeutically effective drugs of proven Freezer, oven and high quality that have been approved $ 37 October $ 97 Was $10.99$10.99 microwave safe. Includes 8”x8” $ 97 as eligible benefi ts under the phar- 5 Was $9.99 4510-661 26 & 27, 2018 3 Pack 3649-6653649-665 and 9”x13” with lids. 14 Set macare drug benefi t program. The Event While Supplies last. No Rainchecks. No online orders. Savings available until October 30th, 2018. Cash & Carry pricing. pharmacare program is based on fam- #9065 We reserve the right to limit quantities WED THURS FRI SAT SUN MON TUE ily income and covers 100 per cent of 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 eligible drug costs once the income- based deductible is reached, regard- less of medical condition or age. For more information on the Mani- Selkirk toba Pharmacare Program, visit gov. 917 Manitoba Ave., Selkirk 204-785-2773 mb.ca/health/pharmacare. The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 7 Manitoba streamlines enforcement efforts for aquatic invasive species Submitted will have the option to issue a ticket tional initiatives targeted at stopping Monday in Selkirk (Selkirk Park boat The Manitoba government has with a specifi c fi ne that can be paid the spread of AIS, including an en- launch), Headingley (weigh station), streamlined the enforcement efforts voluntarily at court. Previously, of- hanced public awareness campaign, Eriksdale (PTH 6 at PTH 68W), Grand aimed at ensuring boaters and wa- fenders had to appear in court in or- the minister noted. Rapids, The Pas and Swan River. It is tercraft users follow all the required der to resolve their charges. Individu- Set fi nes carry a range of penalties, a legal requirement for all watercraft, steps to prevent the spread of aquatic als now face set fi nes for a variety of depending on the offence. Fines start which includes canoes, kayaks and jet invasive species (AIS). offences including possessing a pro- at $174 for failing to possess a trans- skis, to stop at watercraft inspection “We need to ensure all boaters get hibited species, such as zebra mus- portation authorization for a water- stations when they are open. on board with protecting our environ- sels, failing to stop at watercraft in- craft that has not been decontami- For more information on invasive ment and that is the reason why we spection stations, or failing to remove nated, and climb through a variety of species, including the decontamina- are making a series of changes,” said their drain plug when transporting steps, including a $2,542 fi ne for fail- tion station schedule for aquatic in- Sustainable Development Minister watercraft. ing to decontaminate a watercraft. vasive species, visit gov.mb.ca/stop- Rochelle Squires. In addition to the new system of set Watercraft inspection stations will thespread. As of last week, enforcement offi cers fi nes, the province is working on addi- be up and running Thursday through Memorial golf tourney hosted by family, friends marks 25th anniversary By Justin Luchinski A small family and friends golf tournament celebrated its 25th anniversary earlier this year. The Flynn Fall Classic golf tournament took place on Sept. 3. Players go 18 holes, winning prizes from various busi- nesses in the Interlake. Mike Flynn of St. Andrews, the organizer, said the tourna- ment was made to celebrate his dad, Don Flynn, who loved the sport. “He just loved golf, it was his passion. The fi rst year we had it, my dad was in the late stages of ALS. He really want- ed to play, so we said he could play a couple of holes. He ended up playing all 18 without telling us,” Flynn said. “He was pretty stubborn, but honestly I kind of admire that.” Flynn’s dad passed away in 1995. Flynn said the tournament isn’t really a charity, it’s more just a bunch of friends who play for fun, but many of the attendees end up donating money or prizes to the ALS So- ciety of Manitoba on his father’s behalf. The tournament hosts about 30 players, and it’s almost always held at the Selkirk Golf and Country Club. Flynn said the tournament continues to grow, and he hopes it makes his dad proud. The annual seasonal flu vaccine is available to all Manitobans “I think he would be very proud of how far it’s come. We at no charge. It will offer protection against four seasonal deliberately kept it small, so it’s not too big of a project. But flu strains. the players have changed, most of my dad’s friends, lots of them have passed on now. Now their kids and grandkids An annual flu vaccine is especially important for those at are playing in the tournament,” Flynn said. Flynn said the players encourage him to keep the tourna- increased risk of serious illness from the flu, their caregivers ment going, and he’ll keep it running for as long as he can. and close contacts. His mother is still alive, and at 87-years-old, still takes part in the tournament herself. If you are 65 or older or have a chronic illness, you should The Flynn Fall Classic started in 1994, over September long weekend. also get a pneumo vaccine. One pneumo vaccine may give you a lifetime of protection. EMPLOYEES OF THE MONTH To get your free flu vaccine, contact your public health nurse, FOR doctor, pharmacist or call Health Links – Info Santé at SEPTEMBER or toll-free At SSelkirk’ss

- Kulvir Surdhar (263 Main St, Selkirk, MB) - Sharandeep Kaur (1041 Manitoba Ave, Selkirk, MB) Kulvir Sharandeep 263 Main St, Selkirk, MB Congratulations! 1041 Manitoba Ave, Selkirk 8 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018

SelkirkThe ecord gettfiRED RIVERshing > CHALET BEACH > LAKE WINNIPEG


PUBLISHER MARKETING & PROMOTIONS Caught in a snowstorm without windshield wipers Lana Meier Brett Mitchell Welcome my fi sher and angler pretty husky, silver haired guy with friends. an ever present devilish, joking na- Last week, I happened to be in the ture said to his young naive grandson, Selkirk Industrial Park and noticed “Well, that’s dog poop sonny!” Silence a new, well-built ice shack sitting in fi lled the boat as it glided along the front of the Harvester Fish Net Co., shore. Phil and his older son stifl ed a shop that sells fi shing equipment smirks as they watched the young lad EDITOR SALES to our commercial fi shers in Mani- gaze around in perplexed thought. Lindsey Enns Michelle Balharry toba. I went in and met Sean Johnston Finally the boy brightened and with who runs the place. We got to talk- wide eyes asked his loving grandfa- ing and I asked him about the shack. ther, “Poppa, how did the dogs get up “Yeah, there’s a guy by the name of in the bushes?” Phil Spring up in Riverton who makes Not long ago I ran into a chap, Jules them along with auger extensions and Barten of Winnipeg who told me of an other accessories you need when fi sh- unusual thing that happens at Sword ing on the winter ice.” “If you can give Lake west of Minaki. There is an ea- REPORTER/PHOTOGRAPHER SPORTS EDITOR me his number, maybe I’ll call him and gle in the area known to everyone as Justin Luschinski Brian Bowman ask if he has a fi shing story for us,” I “Charlie”. If you go out fi shing on Lac remarked. du Bonnet and are fortunate enough to Then I turned my attention back to catch a few smaller fi sh, all you have Sean asking him if he had been fi shing to do is call out to “Charlie” or whistle SUBMITTED PHOTO lately. “Oh man,” he responded, “My and he will come. You hold the fi sh Corey Surma, pictured left, and life-long buddy, Corey and I were fi sh- high in the air and he will dive down Sean Johnston, right, who has ing on the north end of the Red River to pick it out of your hand never leav- last week and it turned into a comedy a top-of-the-line boat without ing so much as a scratch! OFFICE MANAGER/ADS ADMINISTRATION windshield wipers, holding a cat Lucy Kowalchuk Georgia Campbell of the ridiculous! We love to fi sh. When A couple of weeks ago I stopped at others call us nuts for going boat fi sh- they caught on the Red. Bruce Benson’s packing plant at Sil- ing in our snowmobile suits; we don’t ver Harbor while he and his crew care, we go!” Corey was, sitting cross-legged back- were unloading the boats after a lift. I Standing in the fi sh net shop display wards on the deck clearing enough of asked Bruce if anything funny or un- room, Sean went into his story. “The the windshield in the driving snow- usual had happened on the lake lately. fi shing was good and we didn’t want storm for Sean to navigate back to Sel- Bruce a tall, strong fellow with a pleas- to quit but as happens in late fall dusk kirk! ant face weathered nicely from his life DISTRIBUTION PRODUCTION comes upon you rather quickly. In A few days later I called Phil Spring outdoors smiled as he helped another Christy Brown Debbie Strauss the half light we headed for the boat in Riverton and complimented him of basket with fi sh up the chattering rotat- launch pad by Selkirk just as it started the high quality of his shack and prod- ing chain lift. “Yeah,” he called out over raining. Now my canopied boat has ucts then asked him if he had a fi sh- the sound of the lifts clamor, “In early every imaginable extra on it, except for ing story for us. “Yes,” he said, “but I summer, my buddy Ryan and I were windshield wipers. It was something don’t know if you can print it!” He gave coming up on one of our buoys to lift that escaped me completely when me the story and after listening to it, I nets and I told him not to let the skiffs’ buying it! Soon the rain turned to felt sure it would be ok with you my motor get close enough to the lines or snow and the windshield turned into friends. nets for fear they would get wrapped PRODUCTION PRINT a blinding block of ice. I looked at Co- around the prop. Sure enough he got Dan Anderson A while back Phil took his son and Nicole Kapusta rey and said “You’ve got a credit card, grandson fi shing up by Washow Bay. us snagged. As I bent over the side right?” “Yeah,” he replied hesitantly. As they trolled near the shoreline the of the skiff up to my shoulders in the “You’re going to have to go out on the grandson saw blighted choke cherry choppy warm water to free the lines, I front deck and chip away enough ice so bushes with black bloated berries and yelled, “What part of look out for the I can see to get us back to the landing dark growths hanging down. “Gram- buoy lines didn’t you get!” pad.” “You’re kidding,” Corey cried out. pa,” the boy asked, “what is that stuff Until next week, so-long for now “It’s the only way,” Sean said. So there hanging on the bushes?” Grampa, a gang.

ADMINISTRATION ADMINISTRATION Corrie Sargent Allana Sawatzky View the Selkirk Record online at selkirkrecord.ca > CONTACT US TO PLACE AN AD or for EDITORIAL TROUBLE WITH PAPER DELIVERY? COMMERCIAL DESIGN & PRINTING Lindsey Enns 204-485-3337 Christy Brown, Distribution Mgr.: 204-467-5836 By phone: 204-785-1618 Brett Mitchell: 204-485-0010 [emailprotected] Twitter: @LindseyEnns The Selkirk Record is published Thursdays and distributed through Canada Post to 17,400 homes by BigandColourful Printing and Publishing, fax: 204-467-2679 Email: [emailprotected] Justin Luschinski 204-226-8268 a division of Interlake Graphics. Republishing in whole or in part without [emailprotected] Twitter: @ScholarJ permission is strictly prohibited. Printed in Canada by Prolifi c Printing. Find us: 217 Clandeboye Ave., Michelle Balharry: 204-485-1419 This newspaper is supported 100% by advertising dollars. If you enjoy the Email: [emailprotected] The Selkirk Record welcomes submissions to Letters to the Editor. paper and would like to see the newspaper grow and prosper visit any of the Selkirk, MB R1A 0X2 Letters can be emailed to [emailprotected] or dropped off at our advertisers and businesses in our rural communities. – Keep your dollars or call our offi ce at 204-785-1618 offi ce. Letters must include the name and mailing address of the writer. working at home and shop local. Our commitment to you, the reader – we will Offi ce Hours: Mon. - Fri. 9:30am-5pm connect our people through stories in the paper to build stronger communities. The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 9 ‘Moderation is key’

gal across Canada last Wednesday, he Local cannabis plans to check out some of the shops soon. users weigh in “It’s nice to see the fact that people don’t have to worry about being per- on legalization secuted over smoking weed,” he said. “Now you know you’ll be getting a By Lindsey Enns clean product.” Derek Fedorchuk says he isn’t your Derek’s older brother Landon Fe- stereotypical cannabis user. dorchuk, 35, who also considers him- The 33-year-old St. Andrews resi- self a regular cannabis user, says he dent has been a regular cannabis user hopes legalization will generate lots for nearly 15 years. He also owns his of revenue for Canada as well as cre- own home and has a successful job in ate jobs. Landon said he started using the construction industry. cannabis about 20 years ago. “I bought a house at 21-years-old “I enjoy smoking pot. It’s just relax- RCMP PHOTO and I work hard,” Derek said. “I’m ing,” he said. “But since my back inju- A local cannabis user says “moderation is key” when it comes to successful and I smoke pot every day ry I defi nitely picked up my use a bit.” consuming marijuana. for all those years and I still manage Landon says “there’s good and bad” my money properly and make smart to cannabis legalization in his eyes. development, will impair your ability investments.” He said although it’s good that people to drive, can harm your baby and it is Six things you need to know With recreational cannabis now legal can have it now, the laws and fi nes risky to purchase on the street. To learn more about cannabis in about cannabis in Manitoba from coast to coast in Canada, Derek surrounding it are harsh. 1. You must be 19-years-old or hopes it will help erase the negative “I don’t think it’s fair that they’re do- Manitoba, visit gov.mb.ca/cannabis. Earlier this year, Peguis First Nation older to buy marijuana stigma that often sur- ing it that way,” he said. 2. You can’t smoke or vape rounds those who use Those who break gave GrowForce Holdings Inc. the green light to build a production and cannabis in public the drug. Manitoba’s rules on 3. You can’t grow cannabis at “There is a stigma re- cannabis consumption distribution facility on a piece of their land in Selkirk. home garding cannabis. The “NOW YOU’LL can face fi nes of up to 4. You can carry a maximum of lazy pot head, stoner, $2,542. Although details surrounding the KNOW YOU’RE exact location of the facility is still 30 grams of marijuana on you but moderation is key,” Smoking cannabis while in public he said. in a provincial park or being determined, the project is ex- GETTING A pected to include a $33-million in- 5. Don’t drive while high From working in the campsite could lead 6. When in a vehicle, cannabis construction industry CLEAN PRODUCT” to a fi ne of $672. The vestment for a building that will be at least 50,000 square feet. Construction should be stored in the trunk or for several years, Derek same fi ne will apply as far back as possible has suffered multiple to those under 19 who is expected to begin in early 2019. back injuries. He says smoking can- are caught with cannabis. nabis in the evening helps relieve his Growing can- pain. nabis plants at “I was prescribed different anti- home, supplying infl ammatory’s and muscle relaxers, cannabis to an un- which I took briefl y, but I just didn’t derage person or The RINGETTE like them,” he said. “I’m not a fan of selling cannabis taking pills. I would just kind of deal without a licence with the pain and then I got into fi t- will bring fi nes of season has begun ness and the marijuana use helped.” $2,542. Derek says he believes cannabis can The province be a good alternative to prescription says the risks as- drugs. sociated with con- Get their eyes checked “I think it’s a lot less harmful on your suming cannabis body, side effect wise and everything,” include that it can he said. “I think it’s defi nitely been be addictive, can so they don’t miss that benefi cial for me.” lead to depres- Although he wasn’t in line to pur- sion and anxiety, chase the product when it became le- will affect brain top corner shot!

No Credit? Bad Credit? Good Credit? Too much debt? Need to Trade? WeW dodo it all...all... applyappplply nonoww at clclutchcredit.cau 353 Main Street, Selkirk, MB Traci 204-770-6191 www.andersonvision.ca Brenden 204-230-2810 204-482-3713 Auto Loan Specialist with over 25 plus years experience! 10 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 Selkirk Mobility celebrates three years of service By Justin Luschinski and federal governments, and are As Selkirk and area’s aging popula- looking into adding more buses and tion continues to grow, Selkirk Mobil- drivers. Dunning could not reveal any ity is doing their part to ensure se- more details, but did say they’re “very niors and those with mobility issues excited” about the future of the ser- are living their best lives. vice. Selkirk Mobility celebrated their Dunning also praised their drivers, third year anniversary with a gather- saying they regularly go above and ing on Oct. 12 at the mobility’s offi ces. beyond their job description, to help The service was started to provide their clients. those 65 and over as well as anyone Bonnie Zahayko, a driver for Selkirk with mobility issues a safe and de- Mobility, said she does whatever she pendable way to get around the city. can for her clients. RECORD PHOTO BY JUSTIN LUSCHINSKI Charlene Dunning, manager of “Murphy really tugs at my heart- Selkirk Mobility staff celebrated three years of serving Selkirk and Transportation Services for Selkirk strings. Whenever he goes to the doc- surrounding area communities earlier this month. Transit Authority, which operates Sel- tor, and if I have the chance to drive kirk Mobility and Selkirk Transit, said him, I take him through the park. He bility has had a few successful few Selkirk Mobility is fully funded, they’re confi dent they can meet the just loves it, he sits near the back of the years, they’re looking to approach the meaning it budgets for its operations increasing demand of an aging com- bus as I slowly drive through there,” surrounding RM’s for a partnership, and capital replacement. The service munity. Dunning said in 2011, 20.3 per Zahayko said. “For a lot of them, this hoping that they will subsidize the is subsidized by annual grants from cent of Selkirk’s population was 65 or is the only chance they get to leave the cost for residents. As it stands now, the City of Selkirk and the Province older; the 2016 Canada Census shows house. I’ve even driven some (clients) any client from St. Clements or St. of Manitoba, but the program puts an increase of 4.5 per cent to 24.8 per to Winnipeg for medical treatments.” Andrews has to pay the full cost of the money aside to upgrade and replace cent. Zahayko said she’s noticed the de- service. buses, so it doesn’t come to the city “Our community is defi nitely ag- mand for their service increasing. Selkirk Mobility also provides trans- every year to fund defi cits or for large ing ... that can be pretty devastating Many of her clients go to the Gordon portation services for Interlake East- grants to purchase new buses. if they don’t have any transportation,” Howard Centre for various programs, ern Regional Health Authority pro- Selkirk Mobility will be offering Dunning said. “But I think we’re in a and as they age, their transportation grams, as well as Inclusion Selkirk. transportation on Christmas Day, and good position. We’re looking to the needs become greater, which means The service also offers transportation Dunning advises clients to start book- future.” more clients are gunning for a spot on locally and chartered trips to Winni- ing for that service now. For more in- Dunning said they’ve recently re- her bus. peg and other destinations. Service is formation, contact Selkirk Mobility at ceived support from the provincial Dunning said now that Selkirk Mo- available seven days a week. 204-482-4636. Nova House ramping up their fundraising efforts to better serve their clients

By Lindsey Enns to Winnipeg as well as around Selkirk in mid-December for past and current or Treat” Fundraising Raffl e with the Nova House is currently raising funds for appointments and events. “It would clients. They are also in need of volun- draw taking place on Wednesday, Oct. to help purchase a van, which will be certainly make transporting our cli- teers to help drive their clients to Win- 31. Tickets are $5 each and the prize is used to transport their clients to and ents around a lot easier. I think we’d be nipeg for appointments. $100 of Lottery Scratch Tickets. Tickets from appointments and events. able to take them to more things. They Those interested in volunteering or are available at Packer’s Ladies Wear, Debbie Kashuba, the Selkirk wom- would have more opportunities to go to wanting to make a donation of any kind Revitalize Soul Spa, Twice Over Thrift en’s shelter’s fundraising co-ordinator, different events. It wouldn’t be so hard can contact Debbie Kashuba directly Store, Steelcity Physiotherapy and said they are looking at getting a multi- to schedule appointments for them.” by calling 204-757-4688 or via email at Wellness Centre, and Riverside Grill. seater van that can hold up to six or so Along with facilitating fundraising [emailprotected]. Kashuba will also be at Red River Co- passengers. efforts for the local women’s shelter, Nova House donations can be taken op Grocery in Selkirk on Saturday, Oct. “Right now we’re using taxi services, Kashuba is also in charge of recruiting to Twice Over, which is located at 214 27 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. selling raffl e so there’s still quite a cost involved,” volunteers. She said they are currently Manitoba Ave. Proceeds from Twice tickets. Kashuba said, adding they often have seeking more volunteers to help them Over also go directly to Nova House. “For the added benefi t of the client is to transport clients and their children put on their annual Christmas dinner Nova House is also holding a “Trick what we fundraiser for,” she added. CANADIAN TIRE Visit your Selkirk Canadian Tire today. GREAT VALUE CLEARANCE CLEARANCE GREAT VALUE CLEARANCE Snow Heated Chevy Chevy Gildan Octane Winged Folding Folding Womens Helmet, Clothes Table Camo Chair Gray Dryer $ 97 Hoodie $ 97 (M-XXL) $ 97 19 $ 93 19 Was 15999 $ 97 24 19 Was 3499 299-8829-2 027-2549-X 69 Was 11999 142-2183-4 299-8830-6 Was 3999 Was 4999 299-0042-X

SALE ON Thursday October 25 to Wednesday October 31, 2018. Advertised items are available only at your Selkirk Canadian Tire Manitoba Avenue 482-8473 Monday-Friday 8 AM to 9 PM; Saturday 8 AM-8 PM, Sunday 9 AM – 6PM. The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 11 Seniors ‘happy’ to be playing bingo again after LGCA shut them down By Justin Luschinski For many seniors, bingo is a fun way to pass the time. It’s a relatively easy game that can be played at any age. But if your bingo game involves money in any way, it’s in violation of Manitoba’s gambling laws. A group of seniors at Woodland Courts assisted living home had their game shut down for nearly a month, by the Liquor, Gaming and Canna- bis Authority of Manitoba (LGCA). An investigator for the LGCA was in the building for another matter, when they stumbled upon a bingo game with a small pot of money involved, and told the seniors that they needed a license to play for money. The seniors were infuriated, as they RECORD PHOTO BY JUSTIN LUSCHINSKI only played with $4 to $5 during most Residents at Woodland Courts had their bingo license reinstated last games. Friday, and expected to play their fi rst regulation game last Saturday. Gertrude Samborski, a resident Onashiwin Aboriginal “We’re certainly not out there look- happy to be able to play again. there, said seniors were very upset Head Start cordially ing for these community groups run- “We’re so happy. People really enjoy that they couldn’t play. invites you to our “A good number of us were very up- ning these small events,” Dechant said the bingo, no matter what age they set. There isn’t much to offer for en- in an emailed statement to the Record. are,” Walsh said. “Some people can’t tertainment here, so when we decided “When our inspectors see unlicensed play cards anymore, but they can still Pie & to have bingo on Tuesdays and Thurs- activity, it puts them in a situation play bingo.” days, everyone was looking forward to where they need to bring it up.” Walsh said an LGCA representative Holiday it. And having it just taken away, it just According to the LGCA, there’s no helped them fi ll out the application, seems so unfair,” Sambroski said. cost to sign up for the licence because and she’s happy the matter has been Market In order to play bingo with money, the prize is so low it’s considered a resolved. the residents had to form a commit- “low-risk event.” Date: November 3, 2018 Larger events tee, and sign a multi-page document, Black Friday Capital of Manitoba 10am - 3pm which would grant them a licence. would require a Selkirk Friendship Centre The key part of the licence is every fee, as well as re- 425 Eveline Street, Selkirk MB dollar that goes into a bingo pot must ports to be fi led Friday, Nov. 2² Free Admission be paid out to a resident of Woodland after every event. *please bring tin for the bin Courts. If the money goes towards an- Sharon Walsh, Saturday, Nov. 2o other cause, or towards the home it- chairperson of the 45+ Craft ers & Vendors self, that would violate the licence. Woodland Courts Sunday, Nov. 2l Find that one-of-a kind Kristianne Dechant, of the LGCA, Seniors Bingo special gift Group, said the says no matter the cost, no licence • St. Andrews • St. Clements • West St. Paul • Selkirk this holiday season means no bingo if it involves money. residents are very



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Applicable taxes calculated before the offer amount is deducted. ^^Class is Full size Pickups under 8,500 lbs (3856 kg) versus 2017 and 2018 Competitors. 2018 F-150 4x2 equipped with the 2.7L V6 EcoBoost® and 6-Speed SelectShift Automatic® Transmission, estimated fuel new Ford vehicles consumption ratings are 11.9L/100km city, 9.0L/100km hwy, 10.6L/100km combined, based on Government of Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary. **When properly equipped. Class is Full-Size Pickups unde 8,500 lbs. GVWR based on Ford segmentation. Some driver input required. Driver-assist features are supplemental and do not replace the driver’s with 6-month pre-paid attention, judgment and need to control the vehicle. ‡6000-series aluminum alloy. ©2018 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ®Registered trademark of Price Costco International, Inc. used under license. ©2018 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. subscription. 12 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 Art, fi shing come together for 2nd annual Art on Ice auction Submitted A group of female Interlake artists will bring art to the ice of the Red River this winter. The Spirited Sisters artist collective are painting one of Holiday Alley’s Art on Ice shacks centred around a theme Selkirk knows well – fi sh. “Fish have a huge signifi cance to our community,” said Christine Was- nie, Selkirk resident and one of the founding members of the group. “Whether you’re Portuguese and live on the Mediterranean coast or wheth- er you’re here in Manitoba, fi sh are a food source for all peoples.” RECORD PHOTOS BY LINDSEY ENNS The shack features a different fi sh on ABOVE LEFT: Debbie Tonner, pictured left, and Barb Waterman, right, both of Selkirk, were busy painting each outside facing wall and the wom- their Art on Ice creation outside a Selkirk home last Thursday afternoon. ABOVE RIGHT: Charley Waters of en hope the designs resonate with a Beausejour, pictured left, and Hermina Hildebrand of Stonewall paint outside a Selkirk home last Thursday. community so familiar with fi shing. “As a group, we feel the spirit of cre- fund at the Selkirk and District Com- inclusiveness through art.” said Waters. ativity,” said Wasnie. “It’s a string that munity Foundation. The growing group of artists hopes to Two Art on Ice fi shing shacks will be binds us together and we all want to “It is important to us to serve our do similar projects in the community auctioned off this year at Holiday Al- come together for a common cause.” community through art beyond any in the future. ley alongside other local works of art, The cause the women are picking up self-interest,” said Charley Waters, an- “Our goals are to contribute to our including a chainsaw carving and barn their paint brushes for this winter is other founding member of the Spir- community, increase awareness of the quilt squares. Holiday Alley. The proceeds from the ited Sisters. “Painting an ice shack for healing power of creative expression, Holiday Alley runs from Nov. 30 to auctioning off of the Art on Ice shack Holiday Alley lets us give back to our and be vigilant and encouraging of in- Dec. 1 in downtown Selkirk. For more will be shared with the Homes for All community and spread our message of clusiveness in all aspects of our lives,” information, visit holidayalley.ca. Doc showcases how FASD programs, schools are working together By Justin Luschinski tures a student from École Selkirk Ju- a Difference” at the Selkirk Regional The documentary follows Troy, who A new documentary about fetal al- nior High. Health Centre last Tuesday evening. attends École Selkirk Junior High, and cohol spectrum disorder (FASD) fea- The Interlake-Eastern Regional The documentary shares the story “Arielle,” a french immersion student Health Author- of how two schools have focused on in Lorette, as their teachers, guidance ity (IERHA) held relationships, built upon strengths counsellors and family help them a screening of and reframed behaviours in order to with their education. “Jump Start” “Learning the support two students with FASD to Kimberly Berens, Troy’s mother, said Your Holiday Dance: Com- fi nd success and a sense of belonging she hopes this documentary helps munity Making within the school community. other parents and also helps her son Shopping fi nish his education. “He was doing good for a while, but “ ” Fri & Sat, now he’s struggling. He feels like he’s Nov 2 & 3 misguided with his friends, he’s just like any other kid, he wants to be ac- One Man cepted. He’s going off on the wrong “Road Show” path again, and I’m hoping to get him Bring your back (with the documentary),” Berens ANTIQUES & treasures said. “I love Troy, I want him to suc- for ceed, and I know he can do that in George Desimpelaere school.” to estimate value Continued on page 13 or buy/sell. Where: In parking lot behind store • FREE DELIVERY starting Oct 25th When: Sat, Nov 3 11-4 pm • 1 FREE BEER per table for Dine-In - Weather Permitting - *minimum purchase of $50 (pre-tax & gratuity) • BREAKFAST SERVED LATE! Home Decor & Art, Woolen Everything, Sat until 2:00pm, Sun Whole Day Leather Wallets & Handbags, Antiques & more! • Draws for Discounts • Specials • Refreshments Phone 204-467-7030 • 310 Main St., Stonewall SUN• NOV 4 BELL MTS Email: [emailprotected] SOUTH INDIAN Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-6 Sun 11-4 3PM PLACE 420 MAIN ST SELKIRK 204-785-9000 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 13 Upcoming event to showcase one of Manitoba’s important bird areas

By Lindsey Enns Anyone interested in learning more about one of Manitoba’s important bird areas is welcome to attend a free upcoming event in Selkirk. The Manitoba Important Bird Areas (IBA) Program along with the Selkirk Bird Watchers Club will be hosting a talk on “The birds of the North, West and East Shoal Lakes Important Bird Area” on Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. at the Gordon Howard Centre. The North, West and East Shoal Lakes, which are located between In- wood and Woodlands, is one of Mani- PHOTOS COURTESY OF LYNNEA PARKER toba’s premier birding spots and the American White Pelicans, pictured left, and a Marsh Wren, right, are pictured at West Shoal Lake. The presentation will centre around why this place is classifi ed as an IBA, what Manitoba Important Bird Areas Program along with the Selkirk Bird Watchers Club will be hosting a talk on bird species you may expect to fi nd, “The birds of the North, West and East Shoal Lakes Important Bird Area” on Wednesday, Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. at and where to fi nd them. the Gordon Howard Centre. Tim Poole, the Manitoba Important many of Manitoba’s IBAs have no bers and are always welcoming more. For more information about the club, Bird Areas co-ordinator, says there are formal protection. Favourite birding The club meets on the fi rst Wednes- contact Gerald Machnee at 204-757- currently 35 IBAs across Manitoba. destinations including Delta Marsh, day of October to December and Feb- 4745. “Shoal Lakes is an extremely im- Oak Hammock Marsh, Churchill and ruary to April. Meetings are held on portant area for migratory birds as a Whitewater Lake all have IBA status. the upper level of the Gordon Howard stopover in the fall and in the spring Poole said depending on which type Centre at 7 p.m. The club also does an it provides shelter ... it provides great of bird or birds you are interested in annual Christmas Bird Count in De- feeding opportunities,” Poole said seeing, August, September and Oc- cember. • during a telephone interview with tober are great months to visit any of “It’s very important, it gives you the the Record recently. “These important those sites. To learn more about Man- status of the birds,” said Machnee, RENTALS bird areas provide birds with habitats tioba’s IBAs, visit importantbirdar- who has been a member of the club across their life cycle.” easmb.ca or ibacanada.ca. for around 20 years. “It gives you the When you Located on both public and pri- Gerald Machnee of the Selkirk Bird variation through a period of years. It have snow vate land from the shores of Hudson Watchers Club says the club has been tells you which birds are increasing to blow Bay to the mixed-grass prairie in the around for more than 20 years. They or decreasing and will highlight any southwest corner of the province, problems and movements.” currently have around 30 to 40 mem- WE RENT > FASD DOCUMENTARY, FROM PG. 12 Picklyk Dear (FASD diagnostic coor- dinator) at [emailprotected] or SNOWBLOWERS Berens said Troy loves to joke around es FASD programs in the region, says www.westsidehonda.ca and he’s pretty easygoing. Troy has a that program staff work hard to estab- 785-7547. For more information, visit the IERHA website at www.ierha.ca 6837 HWY 9 lot of ambitions, and Berens points out lish good relationships with families SELKIRK 204-482-7782 that in order to achieve his goals, he and to support them through their under Care in Your Community/FASD has to go to school. sometimes challenging journeys. A or prenatal exposure to alcohol.

Daryl Loeppky, principal of École family’s journey may range from ini- The Selkirk Junior High, said Troy learns tial assessment and diagnosis to need- SERVICE CLUBS - Serving our Communities Selkirk ecord better if he’s able to move around. ing education and in-home support. THE SELKIRK & “He does not enjoy traditional “We provide services to caregivers ARMY, NAVY & AIR FORCE DISTRICT LIONS VETERANS IN CANADA schooling, it’s not going to work for who may need specifi c supports in or- Membership Chairman Selkirk Unit 151 Herb Dubowits 766-2385 him. But he likes sports, he plays on der to parent a child who is impacted LADIES AUXILIARY Rotary Club of Selkirk Motto: “WE SERVE” a basketball team after school, so we by FASD. They work with families and Club Room Lesli Malegus, Sec. 482-3941 204-482-3113 A non-profi t organization, let him do that in between more tra- collaborate with schools to create a 231 Clandeboye Ave. www.clubrunner.ca/selkirk ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION serving Triple “S” Selkirk MB R1A 2B2 NO 42 & LADIES AUXILIARY communities. ditional learning sessions,” Loeppky greater understanding of the child or Motto: “Service Above Self” Meetings are 2nd Wednesday The Lions meet on the fi rst said. “If you spend a day with Troy, youth’s specifi c needs and to build Meetings 2nd & 4th Mondays & third Monday of the of each month (except July 6:00pm at Selkirk Golf & Country Club Offi ce: 482 4319 you’d be moving around quite a bit, upon their strengths,” Nixon stated & August) at 6:30pm in 100 Sutherland Ave, Selkirk, Mb. month at the downstairs Rotarians provide humanitarian 403 Eveline St. Selkirk, MB Selkirk Lions Centre, you’d be seeing a lot of the school. in a release. “This documentary high- clubroom. New members service, encourage high ethical R1A 1N8 320 Christie Ave. welcome. standards in all vocations and help Bingo Mondays at 7:00pm and Guests and new members We’re trying to show him that yes, lights the great partnership we have Saturdays at 1:00pm build goodwill and peace in the are always welcome. you can do all this stuff, but there are established with the school. Lord Sel- world. Guests are always welcome. times when you also have to sit down kirk School Division has always em- REMORA #26 WEST ST. PAUL and work.” braced collaboration with our FASD LIONS CLUB Loeppky said it’s important that Troy programs and initiatives and we are likes the person who’s teaching him. so thankful to have that relationship”. Your area Chamber of LISGAR LODGE Commerce since 1901 Glen Rossong Substitute teachers are an issue, be- The documentary is now available on #2 SELKIRK ODD FELLOWS Our mission is to promote and Membership & expand economic trade and Sponsorship cause unless it’s someone he’s used to, YouTube, through the Manitoba FASD Stephen Gwynn Meets 1st Tuesday commerce along with civic and he won’t respond to any lessons. He Coalition. For more information, visit 204-482-6656 social needs of the Selkirk, [emailprotected] of each month St. Andrews, St. Clements and West St. Paul regions: 204-338-7291 needs a personal connection with his fasdcoalition.ca. Free Masonary way of life Events include Networking Second oldest Masonic Lodge John instructor, which helps him feel confi - To learn more about regional FASD in Manitoba. Meets every third Sessions, Speaker Series, Meetings fi rst Tuesday of the month except 204-482-5989 Business Awards, Black Friday Monday of every dent enough to attend class. programs, contact Shannon Foster December (second Tuesday), Weekend and many other The IERHA’s public health team (Manitoba FASD key worker) at sfos- no meetings January, February, community initiatives. month. July and August 200 Eaton Ave, 482-7176 manager, Connie Nixon, who manag- [emailprotected] or 785-7548 or Sherisse Meetings begin at 7:30. www.selkirkbiz.ca 14 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 Local students raise funds Month for Terry Fox Foundation, Winner October 2018 Selkirk Food Bank


RECORD PHOTOS BY BRETT has raised more than $100,000 Fun Fact: Wilson was rescued from up MITCHELL for the Terry Fox Foundation North. He loves playing with his big sister, ABOVE: Terry Fox’s niece, Jessie while Happy Thought School Mabel and eating rocks. Alder, pictured left, was on has donated more than $300,000 hand to accept donations for over the past 33 years to the the Terry Fox Foundation raised foundation. All of the funds Wilson has won a prize pack from by students at both Happy are raised during their annual Canvasback Pet Supplies! Thought School and East Selkirk Terry Fox Runs. BELOW: The East Middle School inside the middle Selkirk Middle School’s garden To submit your pet for the Pet of the Month 2018 school’s gymnasium last Tuesday club donated a cheque for $50 morning. Happy Thought School to the Selkirk Food Bank last contest, send a photo and a fun fact to: students donated $2,963, Tuesday morning. The funds [emailprotected] pictured above, while East were raised through the sale Selkirk Middle School students of vegetables from the school’s donated $5,000. Over the past 11 veggie garden. Selkirk Veterinary Services years, East Selkirk Middle School All services for a healthy & happy pet: Ultrasound Laser Therapy

Dr. Jennifer Sletmoen Dental X-ray Pet Insurance

Dr. Fred Lindenschmidt Laser Surgery Endodontics 601 Christie Ave. at the corner of Mercy St. Dr. Birte Klug – Dr. Kevin Penner – Dr. Shantel Munro For appointments please call 204-482-5720 Located at 6 Wersch Street – across from the Recreation Centre in Selkirk

• Professional Grooming and Styling Now offering • Fish, Small Animals Doggie Day Care & Grooming 1 Wellink Drive, Lockport • Full line Pet Food and Supplies Phone: (204) 757-2701 Open M-F 9-9, Sat 9-6, Sun 12-6 Out of Town: 1-800-889-6191 Unit 4-321 Main St., Selkirk Ph. 785-8266 www.canvasbackpets.com HalloweenThe Selkirk RecordHaunt Thursday, October 25, 2018 15

Steeltownford.com 1-888-485-3230 933 Manitoba Ave., Selkirk, MB 785-2773 “Prepare to “SHIP” 917 Manitoba Ave Selkirk your pants!” 616 Dufferin Ave. Selkirk, Manitoba Phone 1-800-699-0244 Oct 26, 27, 28 407 Main Street Selkirk, MB 204-482-3921 6pm-9pm Marine Museum Selkirk, MB. Main & Manitoba Ave. 490 Eveline St. (Entrance to Selkirk Park) PH. 482-6545 38 MAIN ST. SELKIRK 20 mins. North of the Perimeter

TERRY’S TOWING & AUTO REPAIR 515 Young Ave www.marinemuseum.ca 204-785-3150 GENERAL - $12 Not Recommended CHILDREN 5 and 6 & Under Free for 15 & Under UNDER - FREE SS Keenora Parental Discretion 2 non scary is VERY scary. advised. ships for 315 Manitoba Ave., Selkirk 785-8619 little children Halloween Haunt at Selkirk 204-482-7761 Marine www.wasteconnectionscanada.com Museum

1043 Kittson Road, Box 2 Group 35 R.M. of RR1, East Selkirk, Manitoba R0E 0M0 Telephone: Selkirk 482-3300 St. Andrews Winnipeg: 474-2642 Toll Free: 1-888-797-8425 Ph: 1-866-738-2264 Fax: 1-204-482-3098 Selkirk Motor Hotel Email: [emailprotected] Email: offi [emailprotected] www.rmofstclements.com 219 Manitoba Ave 204-482-1900 Website: www.rmofstandrews.com 16 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 Sunova Credit Union welcomes Incentive program looks to help fund new addition to its D.O.G team improvements to downtown businesses Submitted The city is moving forward with its plans to revitalize Selkirk’s downtown with the implementation of its façade and site improvement incentive pro- gram. SUBMITTED PHOTO Businesses in the designated downtown area can apply for the grant, which Meet Bill, Sunova will cover up to 25 per cent of eligible façade or site improvements, to a maxi- Credit Union’s new- mum of $5,000. The improvements must total a minimum of $10,000 to be eli- est employee and gible for application. D.O.G (Director of Faisal Anwar, the city’s director of sustainable economic development, said the city’s Downtown Renewal Strategy is focused on revitalizing an area that is Greetings), a St. Ber- any city’s lifeblood – its downtown, and offering an incentive to business own- nard puppy. ers to kick start the process is an important part of the strategy. “This incentive program is an important part of our strategy,” Anwar said. “The city wants to rejuvenate our downtown, and the business owners want the same thing. We want to work together to see our strategy succeed, and we want the downtown area to be a destination for everyone.” Submitted branch is located in Selkirk. The façade and site improvement incentive grant is part of the Selkirk Eco- Sunova Credit Union is thrilled to “The addition of a new Sunova nomic Incentive program, which is one of seven initiatives identifi ed in the introduce its newest employee and D.O.G is extremely exciting for both Downtown Renewal Strategy. D.O.G (Director of Greetings), a St. staff and members,” says President City council adopted its Downtown Selkirk Renewal Strategy in September Bernard puppy named Bill. and CEO Ed Bergen. “Creating strong, 2016, but work on revitalizing downtown actually began in 2012 with the for- Joining older sibling, Lily, Bill is lasting, and meaningful relationships mation of an advisory committee. Public consultation followed and included nearly ready to begin his role at Su- is something Sunova prides itself on, citizens and existing business owners in the downtown and throughout the nova. After a bit of training, socializ- which is why the D.O.G program is so city. ing, and of course, being a fun-loving important. Our D.O.Gs brighten the Incentive grants are available to businesses in downtown’s designated area puppy, Bill will be ready to handle the days of everyone they meet and we between Eveline and Main streets and McLean and Morris avenues. responsibilities of a Sunova D.O.G. think that’s a very important part of Duane Nicol, the city’s CAO, said the public has embraced city plans to re- Once his training is complete, Bill’s the world-class member service that vitalize downtown and private investment has already been strong. The city job will consist of making branch Sunova offers.” applauds that commitment and by offering incentive grants anticipates mo- visits and greeting members, asking Bill is expected to begin short branch mentum already created to continue to gain strength. for belly rubs, attending community visits within the next six months to a The federal and provincial governments also committed $1.7 million to help events, and providing big slobbery year. fund a major redesign and renewal of Manitoba Avenue East. Nicol said this kisses when necessary. Sunova’s main project will be more than a facelift, but the creation of a new, modern, pedes- trian-focused streetscape. OPEN HOUSE “It will truly be an extension of our beautiful waterfront. It will be a defi ning feature of our downtown, a place for the community to meet and enjoy the best our city has to offer. With this new grant program, property owners will have the opportunity to renew their businesses and take full advantage of this multi-million dollar public investment,” Nicol said. A wide variety of improvements will be considered for grant money, includ- Sat, October 27 ing awnings, canopies, lighting replacement, doors, window replacement, 10 am - 4 pm trash enclosures, brick cleaning and repair, painting, façade restoration or im- provements, handicap accessibility, landscaping, parking lot lighting and re- • Period Furnishings surfacing, curbing, signage and sidewalks and walkways. • Artwork • Tribal New construction, interior and roofi ng improvements as well as loan or at- 13 km West of Stonewall and torney fees are among the items not eligible for grants. 4 km North on Rd 2W, Argyle The city will consider fi ve requirements when business owners apply – sus- 204-383-5382 or 204-461-2201 tainability of the design, accessibility, whether or not the project conserves Sel- kirk’s heritage, whether it integrates community character and landscape and fi nally, if the project is aesthetically appropriate. The grant money will be funded through the city’s Economic Incentive Re- serve Fund, which the city established at the start of this year. CONCRETECONCRETECONCRETE LTD.LTD.LTD. For more information on the façade and site improvement incentive grant or how to apply, visit myselkirk.ca/facade-site-improvement-incentive-program. ABMABMABMABMABMBMM CONCRETE Sand, Gravel & “ROCK SOLID SAVINGS” Lift Chair and Recliner Sale Delivery MANY MORE & Setup Up to 30% Off IN-STORE Sandstone Available SPECIALS (Pick up or delivery) Remote Controlled Normal Remote to Standing Sitting Controlled to Fully Position Position Canadian ABM CONCRETE Inclined Position Made Selkirk SELKIRK 482-7862 380 Main St., Stonewall (204) 467-7283 Manitoba WPG. 284-5914 Email us at [emailprotected] Hours Tues-Wed 11-6 • Thurs-Fri 11-7 • Sat 11-5 • Sun-Mon Closed The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 17 Bitter Chocolate and Pistachio Cream Dessert inspiredTHE ened condensed milk get 1/2 cup brown sugar > MMEALEAL IIDEASDEAS Marketplace AT SELKIRK 1 1/2 tablespoons Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil, plus additional for pistachio cream Tomato Soup with 4 ounces dark chocolate 1 1/4 cups shelled pistachios Homemade Olive Oil In saucepan, combine condensed milk and sugar; cook over low heat, stirring Croutons until mixture takes on toasted color. 4 slices crusty bread Add olive oil and dark chocolate; con- Cut small cross in bottom of tomatoes tinue to stir until fully combined. and submerge in boiling water 30 sec- Line 9-by-5-inch loaf pan with parch- onds. Let tomatoes cool in ice water 30 ment paper and spread mixture into Prep time: 10 minutes seconds then remove skins. pan. Refrigerate until fully set. 4 tomatoes In blender, blend tomatoes, red bell To make pistachio cream: Blend pis- 3 grilled red bell peppers in oil peppers, shallot, extra-virgin olive oil, tachios and olive oil until smooth paste 1 shallot vinegar, garlic, basil, salt and pepper, forms. 1/2 cup Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil, to taste, until mixture is smooth. Add Remove dessert from pan and cut into plus additional for brushing on bread mixture to large pot and heat, stirring slices. Serve with pistachio cream on Prep time: 15 minutes top. 3 tablespoons sherry vinegar frequently. 1/2 cup, plus 1 tablespoon, sweet- 1 clove garlic Cut bread slices, brush with olive 10 basil leaves oil and grill 2 minutes per side over salt, to taste medium-high heat until visible grill Mushroom Carpaccio pepper, to taste marks have formed. and Creamed Spinach Healthy Beet Au Gratin

Hummus Parmesan cheese Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil To make Mushroom Carpaccio: Heat 2 cups canned chickpeas oven to 400 F. 2 tablespoons sesame seed paste or Clean mushrooms and cut into thin tahini Prep time: 15 minutes slivers. Heat oven to 375 F. Mushroom Carpaccio: Season with olive oil and salt. Set Peel beets and boil until soft; season 2 1/4 cups cremini mushrooms aside. with salt and olive oil. Bertolli Extra Virgin Olive Oil To make Creamed Spinach: Boil spin- Puree beets with chickpeas and salt, to taste ach 2 minutes, strain and place it into Prep time: 15 minutes sesame seed paste until a uniform paste Creamed Spinach: saucepan, over cream. Cook 5 minutes. 3 beets forms. Transfer to oven-safe serving 2 1/4 cups spinach In blender, puree mixture and pour salt, to taste dish. Bake 10 minutes and serve. 1/2 cup heavy cream over Mushroom Carpaccio. salt Grate Parmesan cheese over entire pepper dish; bake 5 minutes. SELKIRK STEELERS Rotary Club of Selkirk SUNDAY NIGHT BINGO Pots are as follows: QUIZ NIGHT $ + LUCKY In 25 Nov 2/18, Selkirk Golf & Country Club 2044 SEVEN Numbers 6:30pm $3,900 + JACKPOT Thursday nights Teams 6-8 people Tickets $20 pp In 51 Numbers at the Selkirk Friendship Centre Available at Selkirk Butcher Shop & Marlin Travel POKER $ $ + Early Birds Full House in 51#s or less $5.900 35,765 Full House in 51#s$ or less 8200 FLUSH Poker Flush 14,197+ at 7:00 pm $$ LuckyLuckyMini Seven Loonie Star $11,090.00 2,168+5056+ $ $ +BONANZA Regular Bingo BonanzaLucky inStar 53#s or1,582+ less $4130+ Bonanza in 24#s or less $2,508 12,234 In 52 Numbers $ 357357 MainMaain St.St. SelkirkSe 204-482-3113 at 7:30 FullLucky HouseLoonie 7 in 24#sPot $1,400.00 or $ 820+less 884+ 18 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 &recreation sportsortsINSIDE > OUTSIDE > UPSIDE DOWN Selkirk spikes its way to Portage Classic Invitational title By Brian Bowman The MHSAA AAAA varsity girls’ It certainly wasn’t easy, but the Sel- rankings came out Tuesday and Sel- kirk Royals captured the Portage Clas- kirk is now the top team in the prov- sic Invitational varsity girls’ volleyball ince. championship last weekend. “It’s such a slippery slope with rank- Selkirk outlasted Brandon’s Vincent ings because you don’t want them Massey Vikings 2-1 by scores of 26-19, to settle their training and be happy 24-26, 16-14 in the fi nal on Saturday. and overconfi dent but it’s been well “It was one of those back-and-forth earned,” Michalski said. “They have matches,” said Royals’ head coach been battling hard, so it’s nice to see Kyla Michalski. “They would get a that acknowledgement.” point and we would get a point...and Selkirk earned a berth into the tour- in the fi rst set, we were able to create nament fi nal after beating the Dakota a bit of a gap, so that was nice. Lancers 2-1 in a semifi nal matchup. “They’re a good squad and we After losing the fi rst set 25-23, the played an excellent volleyball game.” Royals roared back to win the next A tightly-contested game against a two sets by scores of 25-22 and 25-13. very good Brandon squad will only In the quarterfi nals of the 15-team help the Royals as they prepare for the tournament, Selkirk defeated Winni- upcoming playoffs and provincials. peg’s Vincent Massey Trojans 2-0 (26- “This year in the varsity girls’ cat- 24, 25-18). egory, it’s wide open for teams,” Mi- Selkirk fi nished pool play with a RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED chalski noted. “They’re about seven perfect 3-0 record. The Selkirk Royals are currently No. 1 in the MHSAA varsity girls’ ‘AAAA’ teams all fi ghting for that top spot. The Royals swept Northlands Park- volleyball rankings. We’ve done a good job and have been way (25-10, 25-6), Jeanne Sauve (25-14, in every (tournament) fi nal, which has 25-23) and Neelin (25-13, 25-15). City next Monday. be good. “Tomorrow is a really big been an awesome feat for us this year. Selkirk resumes KPAC Tier 1 league “We have a tough game tomorrow match for us to try get the split with “But it also reminds the girls how play Wednesday when it visits MBCI. night,” Michalski said Tuesday morn- them. close it is this year.” The Royals will then play at Garden ing. “They beat us in KPAC, so it will Fishermen shoot down Satelites in OT By Brian Bowman been a good run for a number of years Fishermen a 2-1 lead. riors on Friday and North Winnipeg The league may be different, but the against those guys.” Austin DeBoer was outstanding in Sunday at the Rec Complex. rivalry is still the same between the Thomas Mironuk scored the game goal for Selkirk, making 38 saves. Both games start at 7:30 p.m. Selkirk Fishermen and North Winni- winner in overtime, assisted by Reece “He stood on his head and made It’s early in the season, but these peg Satelites. Tessier. some amazing saves,” Poponick noted. game are important in the standings. Both teams had a great battle on North Winnipeg’s Brett Williams “We were short staffed. We were short “They all seem to be,” Poponick said. Sunday at the Rec Complex, with Sel- had tied the score at 2-2 in the third in the beginning of the game and we “Somebody can take off, especially kirk skating to a 3-2 overtime victory. period. lost a couple guys due to injury. with three points with the outright “They play other teams and get After a scoreless opening period, “It was a good effort by the guys that win. You can really make some sepa- blown out but they come up against Selkirk’s Brandon Thomas and North were there but we have to continue to ration if you’re out front early. You us and they play tight,” said Fisher- Winnipeg’s Nathan Jones traded work as the season goes on.” want to make sure you take advantage men head coach Chris Poponick. “It’s goals before Travis Spratt gave the Selkirk will host the St. Malo War- of every opportunity that you get.” OVER 100 YEARS OF FISHERMEN HOCKEY Next Home Games: • This Friday Night, Oct 26 - 7:30pm VS the St. Malo Warriors • This Sunday Night, Oct 28 - 7:30pm VS the North Winnipeg Satelites The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 19 Selkirk Royals stunned by Steinbach in tournament semifi nal

Staff 2-0 (25-18. 27-25) win over the Linden The Selkirk Royals varsity boys’ vol- Christian Wings. leyball team was eliminated in the In pool play, Selkirk cruised to 2-0 semifi nals of their Royals Spike Off victories over Garden Valley (25-16, home tournament last Saturday. 25-11) and Glenlawn (25-10, 25-21) Selkirk was defeated 2-0 (21-25, 23- while also defeating Winnipeg’s Vin- 25) by Steinbach in that semifi nal cent Massey Trojans 2-1 by scores of matchup. 29-31, 25-14, 15-10. Steinbach went on to lose 2-0 in the The Royals resumed KPAC action fi nal to the Dakota Lancers. Monday against West Kildonan and Selkirk began the playoffs with a then will visit MBCI on Wednesday. Neelin ousts Selkirk at Viking Classic Staff a 2-1 (25-23, 12-25, 8-15) loss to the The Selkirk Royals were ousted Vincent Massey Vikings from Bran- from the JV Girls Viking Classic in don. Brandon last weekend after a 2-1 The Royals fi nished third in their loss to the Neelin Spartans in the four-team pool with a 1-2 record. consolation semifi nals. Selkirk split with River East (16-25, RECORD PHOTO BY KEN ALLEN Neelin won the match by scores of 25-16) and lost 2-0 to Neelin (25-27, The Selkirk Royals’ Nick Brzoza hits the ball at the net during tourna- 16-25, 25-18, 15-5. 18-25) and the Virden Bears (4-25, ment play at the Comp. Selkirk began the playoffs with 12-25). Royals play real well at Morris boys’ hockey tournament By Brian Bowman the weekend. teams,” Buffi e said. “Beating (Dakota), in WHSHL Platinum Promotions The Selkirk Royals reached the “It was a good weekend for our one of the better teams in our divi- Division action at the Seven Oaks championship game of the Morris team,” said Royals’ head coach Mi- sion, was a huge morale boost and Sportsplex. Mavericks boys’ hockey tournament chael Buffi e. “We’re building towards confi dence boost for us.” Brayden Cador scored Selkirk’s goal this past weekend. what we’re trying to do as a team and Buffi e noticed the Royals playing in the third period, assisted by Nolan Selkirk was edged 2-1 by Morris in we really came together this weekend. better together last weekend and cre- Milgaard. the fi nal. It was good.” ating more offence. Cody Lourenco and Nolan Weihs Brandon Balmer scored a second- James Kulyk was outstanding in goal “A lot of these guys have never scored fi rst-period goals for Garden period goal to put the Royals up 1-0. for the Royals, said Buffi e, in the loss. played together before so we’re start- City and then Connor Fyfe tallied in Morris tied the score on the power Selkirk started tournament play ing to fi gure out our line combina- the third. play with about two minutes remain- with a 2-1 win over the St. Paul’s Cru- tions while trying to develop some Jack Jehle was in goal for Selkirk. ing in the third period and then won saders. The Royals then edged a very chemistry and connections between Selkirk is back in league action the game in overtime. good Dakota Lancers’ team 5-4. the guys,” Buffi e noted. this Wednesday at 3:45 p.m. when it It was a tough way to lose in a fi nal, “We needed the team to show that On Oct. 16, the Royals lost 3-1 to plays College Jeanne-Sauve in Ile des but Selkirk saw a lot positives from we can win games and beat the good the Garden City Fighting Gophers Chenes. Selkirk Judo Club wins medals at Saskatchewan Open Submitted by Brian Jones Daniel Ekosky won silver in U14 Eight members of the Selkirk Judo Boys under 60 kg. With four fi ghters in Club competed at the 2018 Saskatch- his division, Daniel fought in a round ewan Open in Regina on Oct. 20-21. robin, winning two matches and los- The team returned home with a gold ing one. and two silver medals. Damien Ekosky, meanwhile, won “Our team performed well in Regi- silver in Senior Men Advanced under na,” said Brian Jones, one of the club’s 73 kg. There were 13 fi ghters in his coaches. “The Saskatchewan Open division, and after a fi rst-round bye, has moved from January to October Damien fi nished with a 2-1 record. and it was the fi rst tournament of the He lost in extra time to Sava Antic season for our fi ghters. They will have from Ontario in the fi nal. some areas to work on as they prepare Damien, Justin and Sarah Ekosky for the remaining fall tournaments.” will travel with the Manitoba team to Sarah Ekosky won gold in U16 Girls tournaments in Montreal and Toronto under 57 kg. Sarah won three straight on the Nov. 3-4 and Nov. 10-11 week- matches in her division of nine com- ends, respectively. petitors to earn top spot on the po- The fi rst local tournament of the dium. year will be the St. Boniface Open on RECORD PHOTO SUBMITTED She defeated Mia Parker from Al- Nov. 24. The Selkirk Judo Club’s Daniel Ekosky, left, won silver in the U14 boys’ berta in the fi nal. under 60-kg division. 20 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 Selkirk reaches semifi nals of Husky Classic

By Brian Bowman goals and an assist while Cienna The Selkirk Royals’ girls’ hockey Palmer added a pair of goals. team reached the semifi nals of the Selkirk, which held period leads of championship bracket at the Husky 2-0 and 4-1, also received goals from Classic this past weekend. Jazmyn-Rae Desjarlais, Amy Carter Selkirk was edged 3-2 in overtime by and Anna Sternat. the Jeanne Sauve Olympiens. Paige Shwaluk replied with two “It was a tough game and we were goals for the Saints. pretty tired out,” said Royals’ head Jodi Clifton was solid in goal, mak- coach Noah Cain. “It was our sixth ing 21 saves. game in fi ve days, so I think we ran The next day, the Royals easily took out of steam a little bit in the tourna- care of the Sanford Sabres 6-2. ment. “We’re playing really well and we’re “But I liked what I saw. We have a putting the puck in the net,” Cain ob- good group and we saw what we can served. “The difference between our get better at.” week and our weekend was we were Jeanne Sauve went on to lose 6-2 to able to fi nd the back of the net. Winnipeg’s Vincent Massey Trojans in “We were passing the puck really the championship game. well and making the goalie move and In pool play, the Royals fi nished sec- playing as a team. When we do that, ond with a 2-1 record. Selkirk beat our chances are better and those high- St. John’s Ravenscourt 3-1 and Sioux percentage chances lead to goals.” Lookout, Ont. 13-0 but lost 3-2 to the After a scoreless fi rst period, Palmer RECORD PHOTO BY LANA MEIER Oak Park Raiders. and Sternat tallied in the second. The Royals’ Amy Carter is stopped on this scoring chance at the Bell “We saw some good stuff and we Jana King made it 3-0 early in the MTS Iceplex. saw some stuff that we need to work third before Sanford’s Kirsten Mas- emy Flames this past Tuesday but no for us,” Cain said. “If she keeps scoring on,” Cain said. “We know we have a ters answered just 22 seconds later. score was available at press time. like that, we’re going to fi nd success. talented team. It’s just the matter of The Royals responded nicely from The Royals’ next league game is She’s passing the puck really well, too. competing and bearing down when that Sabres’ goal as Desjarlais, Mag- Monday when they visit the Saints in “She’s a real quick player out there we have the chances. Doing the little gie Medock, and Goetz scored to give Portage la Prairie. Puck drop is 3:45 for us and when she’s playing with things that make the difference.” the Royals a 6-1 advantage. p.m. speed...I feel bad for the other team’s Selkirk started its WWHSHL CTV Sanford’s Melayna Drozd then On an individual note, Palmer was defence when she is coming down on Division regular season with a con- scored with 27 seconds remaining in named the CTV Division player of the them because she really puts them on vincing 7-2 victory over the Portage the game. week for last week. their heels.” Saints on Oct. 16 in East Selkirk. Clifton made 17 saves for the victory. “She’s been really strong for us this Rayley Goetz led Selkirk with two Selkirk hosted the St. Mary’s Acad- year and she’s going to be a big leader


VS BACK TO BACK Sat., Oct. 27th 7:00 pm Game played at Gimli Rec Centre and October 30th game vs Virden is our HALLOWEEN NIGHT! Tues., Oct. 30th 7:30 pm Kids under 12 dressed up get in free with a parent, prizes for best Game played at Selkirk Rec Centre costume and group costumes. the Steelers Box Offi ce is open 1 hour before game time GET YOUR GAME TICKETS AT: THE STEELERS BOX OFFICE, www.selkirksteelers.com SELKIRK RECREATIONAL COMPLEX or ONLINE AT www.diyobo.com The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 21 “GET APPROVED 2017 CHRYSLER PACIFICA LIMITED TODAY” AT Ultimate Luxury minivan Tri-pane sunroof, NAV, heated/cooled seats & more SELKIRKCHRYSLER.COM $ $ WAS - 55,660 SAVE- 13,680!!! Only 2 left 1011 Manitoba Ave Selkirk 204-482-4151 $ *Price are plus taxes. BLOWOUT PRICE - 41,980 *Plus taxes & fees* Steelers steal a win in Neepawa By Brian Bowman er date. There was no quit in the Selkirk Connor Barley, Namaka, and Nate Steelers on Saturday against the Halvorsen scored for Selkirk. Jus- Neepawa Natives. tin Sverson, Josh Tripp and Matthew Trailing 4-2 in the third period on Osadick replied for Swan Valley. the road, Selkirk scored three unan- Terriers topple Steelers swered goals in a 5-4 overtime win. On Oct. 16, the Steelers lost 7-5 to the Ryan Sokoloski’s fourth goal of the Portage Terriers - despite a three-goal, season was the game winner in OT. one-assist performance from Namaka Colby Dudek pulled Selkirk to with- - at the Rec Complex. in a goal at 7:25 of the fi nal frame and Steelers’ forward Ryan Piwniuk then Connor Barley tied the score at scored his seventh goal of the season 4-4 at 18:33. on the power play at 3:38 of the fi rst Neepawa took a 2-0 lead on goals period. from Mackenzie Belinski and Brad Namaka made it 2-0 at 12:33 of the Marshall but Selkirk answered with opening period. tallies from Brett Namaka and Dudek, But Portage cut the defi cit in half as who fi nished the game with three Sheldin Howard potted a power-play points. goal at 19:18 of the fi rst period. The Natives would regain their two- The Terriers then went ahead 3-2 goal lead, though, before the period early in the second as Reilly Funk and ended with markers from Scott Mick- Braden Billaney tallied. oski and Belinski. Namaka and Billaney then traded Levi Mitchell made 51 saves for the power-play goals just over three min- Steelers, who were outshot 55-14, ac- utes later before Portage’s Mac Walk- RECORD PHOTO BY BRETT MITCHELL cording to the league website. ington closed out the scoring in the Steelers’ defenceman Colby Jaquet blasts a shot from the point during Ice problems second period. MJHL action against the Portage Terriers last week at the Rec Complex. On Friday, the Steelers’ home game Namaka completed his hat trick ear- against the Swan Valley Stampeders ly in the third and then Portage’s Ty Selkirk played the Winnipeg Blues Oil Capitals this Saturday (7 p.m.) in was postponed midway in the second Barnstable and Connor Barley traded on Tuesday at the Bell MTS Iceplex Gimli. period due to ice problems with the power-play goals. but no score was available at press The two teams will hook up again score tied at 3-3. The Terriers’ Jay Buchholz scored an time. next Tuesday (7:30 p.m.) in Selkirk. The game will be completed at a lat- empty-net goal at 18:29 of the third. The Steelers will battle the Virden Namaka named runner up for MJHL Player of the Week award Staff The player of the week was the Por- League. Selkirk Steelers’ forward Brett Na- tage Terriers’ Reilly Funk. Funk, 18, is in the top 10 of MJHL maka was one of two runner-ups for Funk, who hails from Portage, scorers with 16 points (seven goals, the Recycle Everywhere MJHL Player scored four goals and added two as- nine assists) heading into this week’s of the Week award. sists over a three-game span. action. Namaka, a 19-year-old forward With two wins in their last three The other runner up for the award from Winnipeg, scored fi ve goals and games, the Terriers were recently was 20-year-old goaltender Brennan added an assist in three games last ranked 12th Kitchen of the Dauphin Kings. week. in the Canadian Junior Hockey Brett Namaka Einarson a runner-up at Canad Inns Women’s Classic Staff team bonspiel in Portage la Prairie. which features third Val Sweeting, PortageOnline.com. “We missed a Kerri Einarson’s curling team has Carey scored three in the second second Shannon Birchard, and lead draw in the second end, which was been real hard to defeat this season. end and then led 5-2 after four ends. Briane Meilleur (all former skips), unfortunate. We gave it a good battle. But Edmonton’s Chelsea Carey was After the teams traded singles, Ein- has been red-hot to begin this season. We stuck it out and we were still hav- able to beat her formidable squad on arson scored a pair in the seventh to They have won four events besides ing fun out there, which is key. We Sunday. trail 6-5. fi nishing second last weekend. were happy to get this far. Carey, a former Winnipegger, Carey then sealed the victory by Einarson refl ected on the rare loss “So, we’ve been playing well and downed Einarson 7-5 in the fi nal of scoring one in the eighth and fi nal this season. we’ve been just having lots of fun out the Canad Inns Women’s Classic 32- end. Einarson’s new powerhouse rink, “We got down early,” Einarson told here.” 22 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 &recreation sportsortsINSIDE > OUTSIDE > UPSIDE DOWN Royals run well at cross-country provincials

Staff giate, 3rd Nelson McIntyre Collegiate The Selkirk Royals had several out- Varsity boys - 1st Carman Collegiate, standing performances at the MH- 2nd Westgate Mennonite, 3rd Stone- SAA cross-country provincial cham- wall Collegiate pionship last week in Roseisle. Selkirk’s Heath Kurys ran a great AAAA Category varsity boys’ race, fi nishing fourth overall with a great time of 17.25. Junior varsity boys - 1st St. Paul’s The Royals’ Sayda Bloom was 10th High School, 2nd River East Colle- in the junior varsity girls’ race with a giate, 3rd Kelvin High School very good time of 13.28. Junior varsity girls - 1st Vincent Other Selkirk fi nishers in the top Massey Collegiate (Winnipeg), 2nd 100 included Mia Loeppky 48th (ju- Kelvin High School, 3rd River East nior varsity girls), Sophia Thorne 51st Collegiate (junior varsity girls), Annika Good- Varsity girls - 1st St. Mary’s Acad- brandson 71st (junior varsity girls), emy, 2nd Oak Park Collegiate, 3rd Brayden Wiebe 33rd (junior varsity River East Collegiate boys), Nathan Vaughan 87th (junior Varsity boys - 1st Garden City Colle- varsity boys), Pablo Littardi 91st (ju- giate, 2nd Oak Park High School, 3rd nior varsity boys), Asha Gurney 40th Vincent Massey Collegiate (Wpg) (varsity girls), and William Miller 54th Top individual performances: (varsity boys). RECORD PHOTOS BY MATTHEW PEARSON Each category had close to 200 run- Junior varsity boys The Selkirk Royals’ Sayda Bloom placed 10th overall in the junior ners. The Royals’ Heath Kurys, seen 1st Lemek Afewoki – Glenlawn Col- varsity girls’ race at the MHSAA The provincial team winners includ- here competing at a Bird’s Hill legiate cross-country provincials last ed: 2nd Amanuel Ghebredingil – Da- meet earlier this season, had an week. A-AAA Category kota Collegiate outstanding race, fi nishing fourth 3rd Sam Kirkland – Kelvin High in the varsity boys’ race at the Junior varsity boys - 1st Westgate Varsity girls Mennonite, 2nd College Beliveau, 3rd School MHSAA cross-country provincials. 1st Ceci Howes – Kelvin High School Morden Collegiate Junior varsity girls 2nd Tracy Towns – Shaftesbury High Junior varsity girls - 1st Sanford Col- Varsity boys 1st Marina Gross – Carman Colle- School legiate, 2nd Prairie Mountain High giate 1st Ethan Clark – Carman Collegiate 3rd Cadence Christie – St. Mary’s School (Somerset), 3rd – Westgate 2nd Lara Denbow – Neepawa Col- 2nd Calvin Reimer – River East Col- Academy Mennonite legiate legiate For complete results please visit the Varsity girls - 1st College Regionale 3rd Raegan Ricard – Prairie Moun- 3rd Justin Kroeker – Edward Schrey- MHSAA website at https://www.mh- Gabrielle Roy, 2nd Sanford Colle- tain High School (Somerset) er Secondary School (Beausejour) saa.ca/provincials/?sport_id=10 MJHL to implement concussion management software to facilitate a safer environment Submitted ware provides MJHL teams with more tion collected to medical profession- pany. The Manitoba Junior Hockey League advanced tools to follow that protocol. als and partner clinics. Harrison Brown, co-founder and is continuing a commitment to ad- The net result will be a safer environ- The national program allows a CEO of HeadCheck Health said, vance player safety standards by tak- ment for all players. player’s concussion history to trans- “We’re proud that the MJHL has de- ing part in the CJHL Concussion Pro- “This partnership with HeadCheck fer with them from team-to-team or cided to take HeadCheck on a league- gram supported by The Co-operators. is another step forward for player league-to-league for more informed wide basis following a successful The new national program provides safety in our league,” said MJHL com- care. implementation by the Virden Oil the league with innovative concussion missioner Kim Davis in a media re- “We recognize that junior hockey Capitals last season. Throughout our management software from Head- lease. “We’re pleased to provide our players can be vulnerable to concus- dealings with the MJHL, Kim Davis Check Health, Inc. for use with their trainers and medical professionals sions because they’re playing a con- has shown a strong desire to be pro- concussion protocol. with the best tools we can to keep our tact sport. We want to support them active about concussion safety.” The MJHL’s concussion protocol players safe.” as they pursue their hockey careers All data collected through the Head- establishes mandatory guidelines Team trainers can use HeadCheck’s by providing an extra safety net with Check system will be stored accord- for the recognition, assessment, and mobile app to document suspected this concussion program,” said Kevin ing to Canadian health privacy stan- management of concussion. Head- concussions, perform concussion as- Daniel, executive vice president at dards and will only be accessed by Check’s mobile and web-based soft- sessments and transfer the informa- Co-operators Life Insurance Com- authorized individuals. The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 23 Classifi eds Book Your Classifi ed Ad Today - Call 785-1618 or Email [emailprotected] Book Your Classifi ed Ad Today - Call 785-1618 or Email [emailprotected]

METAL RECYCLING APARTMENT FOR RENT HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS HEALTH LIVESTOCK McSherry Auction Autos, farm scrap, Selkirk, immediate Mikes Property Servic- Medical Transcription! Batteries for every- Are you suffering from 13 Hereford heifers #12 Patterson Dr. brass, copper & bat- sublet very nice spa- es is currently looking In-demand career! thing. Automotive, joint or arthritic pain? bred to Black An- Stonewall, MB teries wanted. 47 Pat- cious, 2 bedroom apt., for landscape labour- Employers have work- farm, construction, If so, you owe it to gus bull, due in April. Estate & Moving terson Dr. Stonewall large balcony, 6th fl oor ers and snow shovel- at-home positions ATV, marine, motorcy- yourself to try elk vel- $1800 each. Would Saturday Nov. 3 @ 10 am Industrial Park. Inter- Penthouse, Tollak lers for the fall and available. Get online cle, golf carts, phones, vet antler capsules. like to sell as group. 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Key CREDITORS cars, tractors, com- Lockport River Creek class 3 license would work-at-home career peg. 1-877-775-8271 compounds that work bines, farm scrap, Estates, 2 bedrooms, be an asset. Must have today! www.batteryman.ca to stimulate red blood In the matter of the any metal material, 2 bath, in-suite laun- a valid class 5, have –––––––––––––––––– cell production & car- Estate of MILDRED NEWS TIPS any farm machinery. dry, 5th fl oor view reliable transportation, MISCELLANEOUS Parts & full trailer re- tilage cell regenera- DOROTHY MA- Ph Lonnie at 204-886- of Gunn’s Creek. No be hard working, able Two Selkirk Steeler pair, trailer safeties & tion & development. CHOWSKI, late of Call 3407 lve. message or smoking/pets, $1500/ to work outside in all Seasonal (Sept 22, Autopac trailer repair. Stonewall Elk Ranch Selkirk, Manitoba, De- cell at 204-861-2031. mo. includes heat, types of weather, self- 2018 – March 1, 2019) Sales, Leasing & Fi- Ltd., 204-467-8884 ceased. 785-1618 water, electricity and motivated and reliable. adult passes worth nancing of fl at-deck, or e-mail stonewood All claims against the PROPERTY FOR SALE indoor heated parking. Wage will depend on $260 each ($520). Will dumpbox, cargo, [emailprotected] above estate, sup- 3000 acres of com- Ph. 204-785-2899. qualifi cations. Please sell both for $275 obo. gooseneck & utility –––––––––––––––––– ported by Statutory plete high end cattle send resume to: 204-738-2248. trailers & truck beds. Medical condition? Declaration must be & grain operation for ROOM FOR RENT mikespropertygroup@ –––––––––––––––––– Kaldeck Truck & Trail- Receive up to $50,000 sent to the attention sale in Saskatchewan. Room for rent in a gmail.com BN NEVER USED er, Hwy #1 MacGregor, from the Canadian of: Marlene Klimchuk, STILL IN BOX, Manages 2k to 3k house. $500/per mo. –––––––––––––––––– MB. 1-888-685-3127. government? For your Estates Administra- STUDY LAMP EWO cow/calf operation References required, Temp. P/T cook for free no obligation in- tion, at 155 Carlton St. $15. Red, white and with complete solid No pets/No smok- The Selkirk Lion’s Cen- FURNITURE FOR SALE formation package Suite 500, Winnipeg, black lined WINTER infrastructure. 2200 ing, parking available. Matching 3 piece an- MB, R3C 5R9 on or tre is required. Must SUIT OVERCOAT fi ts call Manitoba Benefi ts acres cultivated. Con- Available now, pls. text be able to plan and a men’s sz. XL, has tique bedroom set, 1-800-211-3550. before the 22nd day of tact Doug at 306-716- 204-485-1347. prepare meals for ap- been dry cleaned, solid oak, includes November, 2018. 2671 or saskfarms@ prox. 15-20/day. Food triple dresser with 2 STRAW Dated at Winnipeg, FIREWOOD EC, $100; Sunbeam 2 shaw.ca Handlers Certifi cate slice TOASTER, EWO, mirrors, Queen Anne FLAX STRAW - $3/ Manitoba, this 11th Seasoned Birch and and previous related $15; LN sz. 9 SAFETY style, high boy and BALE. MONDAY – day of October, 2018. APARTMENT Pine available. Fast experience is required. SHOES, EC, $60. Ph. night stand, asking SATURDAY. CALL DOUGLAS R. BROWN FOR RENT delivery. Call Keven Starting Nov. 15 to Jan 204-785-8598. $750 obo; love seat NICK 204-461-0706 Public Guardian and Beautiful spacious 204-485-4539. 18, 5.4 hours per day, –––––––––––––––––– burgundy color, $250 OR BILL MATHE- Trustee of Manitoba 1 bedroom $750 - mornings. Email re- Caught you peeking! obo. Call 204-482- SON 204-461-1906, $1,000/mo. and 2 bed- Need to sumes to slionscenter Province wide clas- 7078, cell 204-406- STONEWALL. room $1,065 - $1,400/ Promote @gmail.com sifi eds reach over 8124, ask for Marie. mo. available immedi- Your 415,000 readers week- ately in Tollak Apart- ly! Call us at 204-467- RM OF WEST ST. PAUL ments, parking extra. Business? 5836 to book an ad All utilities included. Call or email classifi ed@ PUBLIC NOTICE Please call 204-482- 204-785-1618 Call 785-1618 mcna.com for details. BOARD OF REVISION 2751 or 204-989-4211 Public Notice is hereby given that the 2019 Assessment Roll of The Rural Municipality of West St. Paul has been delivered to the Municipal for information. Offi ce at 3550 Main Street, West St. Paul, MB and is open for public inspection during regular business hours. Applications for revision –––––––––––––––––– may be made in accordance with Sections 42 and 43 of The Municipal Assessment Act. Forms are available at the Municipal Offi ce. 1 bedroom furnished basement with sep- APPLICATION FOR REVISION arate entrance in Canadian Nuclear Laboratories Ltd. – 42(1) A person in whose name property has been assessed, a mortgagee in possession of property under Section 114(1) Beausejour. Female Whiteshell Closure Project of The Real Property Act, an occupier of premises who is required under the terms of a lease to pay the taxes on the only. 1 cat allowed. property, the authorized agent of the person, mortgagee or occupier, or the assessor may make application for the $500/mo. Ph. 204-801- Call for Expression of Interest (EOI) revision of an assessment roll with respect to: 5887. a) liability to taxation; –––––––––––––––––– Relocation of the Internal Dosimetry (ID) operations and equipment b) amount of an assessed value; To sublet Selkirk, from the Whiteshell Laboratories (WL). c) classifi cation of property; or bright, large Bachelor d) a refusal by an assessor to amend the assessment roll under subsection 13(2). Suite, 2nd fl oor, $830/ Alternatives currently under consideration include: month. Ph. 204-785- • Establish an external supplier to provide ID services. APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS 1875. • Transfer the WL ID program and equipment to an external supplier. 43(1) An application for revision must • Relocate the WL ID program operations and equipment to a a) be made in writing; secure leased supplier/tenant facility located near the WL Site b) set out the roll number and legal description of the assessable property for which a revision is sought; McSherry Auction c) set out which of the matters referred to in subsection 42(1) are at issue, and the grounds for Service Ltd The objective of this EOI is to identify and prequalify organizations that each of those matters; and are interested in entering into a contract with CNL and can demonstrate d) be fi led by delivering it or causing it to be delivered to VINTAGE SERVICE STATION & suitable capacity, capabilities and experience. This EOI is intended for BOARD OF REVISION COCA COLA COLLECTIBLES organizations with support capabilities or experience operating within THE RURAL MUNICIPALITY OF WEST ST. PAUL AUCTION the nuclear sector or owners/operators of environmentally controlled 3550 MAIN STREET, WEST ST. PAUL, MB R4A 5A3 Saturday Oct 27th @ 10:00 am facilities containing sophisticated technical, laboratory, medical or other or serving it upon the Secretary at least 15 days before the scheduled sitting of the board as indicated in the public notice. #12 Patterson Dr., Stonewall, MB like equipment. Over 100 Signs – Oil, Pop, The Board of Revision will sit to hear complaints and revise the said assessment roll, on Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 5:00 P.M. in Tobacco & General Store If you are interested in receiving a Request for Information (RFI) pack- the Municipal Council Chambers, 3550 Main Street, West St. Paul, MB. * Coke Machine * Coin age, please forward a qualifi cation statement along with your contact Appeals received after 4:30pm November 13, 2018, will not be considered. Operated Arcade * Oil Cans information to: DATED THIS 25th DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D. 2018. * License Plates * Toys * Brent Olynyk, MPA, ISM Farmtiques * Brass Bells * Grant Hlady Secretary to the Board of Revision Steam Whistle * Cast Seats * [emailprotected] RM of West St. Paul Stuart McSherry Stonewall, Manitoba 3550 Main Street (204) 467-1858 or (204) 886-7027 Deadline for EOI response: November 12, 2018 WEST ST. PAUL, MB R4A 5A3 www.mcsherryauction.com [emailprotected] 24 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 Classifi eds Book Your Classifi ed Ad Today - Call 785-1618 or Email [emailprotected] View our listings… www.teammoyer.ca Book Your Classifi ed Ad Today - Call 785-1618 or Email [emailprotected]


BLDG 303 STRATHNAVER, SELKIRK 242 Heap Ave. $214,900 4 Long Rd $365,000 20024 Beachside Rd Sandy Hook $339,900 FOR 1040 sqft, tple garage $ 4 Waterfront on Medicine Creek SALE 199,000 PRICE Call Daniel 204•481•3159 NEW PRICE REDUCED! 227-229 MANITOBA AVE 2+ acres, 1130 sqft, NEW! LITTLE BRITAIN 1600 sq ft, lot, 52’x116’ with 3 Commercial Units $ 2 bed, dev. bsmnt, 299,900 Dbl det garage 60 Van Mol Rd $59,900 Highway Gardens FOR LEASE 4505-6940 Henderson $234,900 MAIN ST., SELKIRK 5361 Hwy 9 $289,900 2700 sqft @ $1.00 per sqft! 10 VAN MOL LOCKPORT 6087 HWY 9A, $ 1284 sqft SELKIRK 2,700 /month SOLD 3 bd, 2 bth $224,400 $ Available almost 1500 sqft 2 - 80 ACRE 113,650 1200 sqft 2 bed, 1 bath, big yard with a pool in Selkirk! FARM LOTS Call Daniel 204•481•3159 Call Daniel 204•481•3159 NEW PRICE $ $ CALL Daniel for more Details 76,000 & 78,000 12 Van Mol Rd $40,900 408 TAYLOR AVE 340 West St $105,000 Lakeshore Heights 108 River Dr $449,500 2 bed, single gar. Due to his latest heart attack and surgery, SOLD!$ SOLD!$ Wayde is taking time off. If you wish, you can 269,000 169,500 SOLD!$149,900 VACANT LAND 424 MANCHESTER 423 VAUGHAN still reach him at 204-485-0407 Call Daniel 204•481•3159 Call Daniel 204•481•3159 • 610 Ferry Rd Call Wayde 204•485-0407 - 2.05 Acres $129,000 BUYING OR SELLING? CALL US! • Breezy Point Rd - 2.41 Acres $99,900 204-485-5656 204-482-7355204 482 7355 • 153 Lily, Zoned M1 $104,900 [emailprotected] Rich MOYER Judy MOYER 355 Main Street, Selkirk EVAN WAYDE DANIEL

a break CLUES ACROSS > GAMES PUZZLE NO. 524 take 1. Expresses weights (abbr.) 27. Overpowering 54. Yonder 4. Pounds per square inch respect 57. Exact 7. Central Time 28. "____ of the 59. Grabbed a bite 10. One who speaks for others Spider Woman" 61. Having two feet 11. Aussie TV station 30. Influence 63. Work for nine 12. Swiss river 31. Northern 64. Rose spike 32. Weasel 65. Percentage 13. A way to improve 33. Barbers' trim 66. Not right 15. Awesome! 34. Newsreel maker 70. Cathedral part 16. Appeal to 35. "Eyes of Laura 71. "____ Sematary" 19. Satisfy ____" 72. Makeshift bed 21. The Emerald Isle 37. Soft fabric 73. Loiter 39. Pin-up girl 74. Run into 23. Quick passages 40. Blame 24. Love of humankind 76. Bee chaser 43. College vine 78. Use a bench 25. Fleshy beak covering 44. Adult scrod 80. Head 26. Type of sword 45. Whetstone 81. Prompter's 27. Basketball stat 47. Sheer curtain offering 30. Makes unhappy fabric 34. The Princess can feel it 49. Mechanic's milieu 52. Body 35. Bar bill 36. Of one Copyright © 2010, Penny Press 41.ACROSS Prom accessory48. Dizziness 85. Farr's feature 45.1. Jai Steeple __, partsport 50. Mexican 86. Lease 6. Pouchlike part food item 2. Types87. of Attack lenses 32. Bother incessantly 46.9. Assist Venetian in ruler wrongdoing51. Reason 47.13. Small Anglers' hill boots 53. Buzzing insect 3. Informs 33. One point east of due south 4. PartialDOWN paralysis 50.15. Erases Purplish shade 55. Roll 1. Gulp 37. Small giveaways 54.17. Fill Poet with Pound motivation56. Gauzy fabric 5. Helps2. little Tropical fi rms rodent 38. “MASH” actor Gould 55.18. Part Glacial of cover your face57. Moonlike 6. Alphabetical3. Roman lists date 39. A type of habitat 19. Embarrass 58. Untrue 7. Danced4. Familyabout room ANSWER40. TO Refi PUZZLE ned delicacy NO. 524 56.20. Novelist Sow's mate Coelho 60. Circle around 8. Set out5. Gay Nineties, e.g. 57.21. Francisco Fuel for KITT is one62. Aquatic mammal 41. Infl ection of the voice 6. Bro or sis 22. Hat 64. Rapid ____ 9. Trick’s partner 42. Follow orders 59. Narrow space between 7. Cry of dismay 24. Mulligan ____ 67. Skirt panel13. Second sight 43. Discharge two buildings 8. Large dwellings 26. Zip 68. Bad actor 14. Disfi gure 60. Soak 9. Society gal 44. Of the stars 27. Allied by nature 69. Straightforward 17. Comedienne10. Atmosphere Gasteyer 47. Briefl y place into 61.29. Proofreading Theft mark71. "The ____ is 62.31. A Enchant baglike structure mightierin a . .18. ." Tooth caregiverlayer 48. Present in all living cells 34.plant Iron, e.g.or animal 72. Poorly lit 20. Wrongful11. Wheat, act for one (abbr.) 35. Manners 75. Of the ear 22. __ Nui,12. AheadEaster of Island 49. Take illegally by force 63. Time zone schedule 64.36. Midway Desert retreat between77. Cleanse 27. Away from 51. Genus of moth 38. Dress for Caesar 79. Convert to 14. Tear apart northeast and east 28. Member15. Tyke of Congress 52. Midway between east and 41. Militarize a cryptogram (abbr.) 65.42. Baseball Ape stat 82. Go up 16. Bamboozle southeast Sudoku Answer CLUES44. Place DOWN of worship 83. Dinghy support29. Car mechanics23. Revenue group 53. Bashful Crossword Answer 1.46. Sharp Equestrian's mountain leash ridge84. Muss 31. When25. you Ire plan to get there 58. French river The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 25

AnnouncementsBook Your Classifi ed Ad Today - Call 785-1618 or Email [emailprotected] Book Your Classifi ed Ad Today - Call 785-1618 or Email [emailprotected]


Thank you to everyone who joined us in celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday, Thank you to all the Homecare and nurses at October 13th at the Army & Navy. It was a great evening, especially seeing family and friends Pinawa Hospital and Teulon Hospital. They who we haven’t seen in a long time. Thank you for the many cards received in the mail and were just great staff, as well as friends. I am congratulatory phone calls. Thanks to those who gave speeches – Brandi, Quinn, our sister- now at Betel Home, my new residence. Thank in-law Jo-Ann and our niece Tara. Thank you to Brandi and Quinn for the picture montage. A you again! very special thank you to Jo-Ann for organizing the lunch, the decorations, the invitations to out -Beatrice Tudor and sister Eleanor of town family and all the extra special touches. We are so blessed to have family close by to celebrate Christmas, birthdays and all those special occasions. SHOP AT YOUR LOCAL BUSINESSES -Barry and Diane Moffatt support the local economy MY CURRENT LISTINGS IN THE AREA 41 JUNIPER LANE, RM OF ST. 191 DUNNING RD. ST. CLEMENTS ANDREWS. $749,900. Built in 2011 on 29 $599,900 Stunning home and property, acres, sits a gorgeous 2 story home with separate suite no gravel to travel, minutes to the city! above the AT garage. Plus DT heated 40x60 Shop. 3 car garage and DT 40x32 pole shed! 527 CHRISTIE AVE. SELKIRK. 192 DUNNING RD., ST. CLEMENT’S $309,900 Nicely reno’d 4 bed, 2 bath. NEW PRICE $144,900 Beautiful 1.63 acre Private 62x262 lot, DT 2+ garage. building lot in a great location, minutes to the 330 Poplar Ave, Beausejour 39 Second St S, Beausejour Chase Brian David Fedorchuk NEW PRICE $143,500 302-65 MAIN ST., city & no gravel to travel! SELKIRK Lovely 2 bedroom condo. Proud parents Derek and Taylor Fedorchuk $184,900 $239,900 3 HOUGHTON BAY ROAD, PETERSFIELD - Move In Ready, 3 Bedrm, Townhouse, No Condo Fees, Elevator. 840 Sq.ft. with a balcony. $35,000 BUILDING LOT along with their parents Cindy and Brian 77128 ST. PETERS RD, EAST SELKIRK. private beach/boat launch access! Fedorchuk and Erin Blahitka would like to Full Part Finish Bsmt One Level No Stairs, 2 Bedrms $394,900 Quality built home in 2015 , 804-102 MANITOBA AVE. SELKIRK. announce the birth of Chase Brian David 1471 sf bungalow on 1.28 Acres. 93 Third St S, Beausejour $314,760 Gorgeous bungalow style Fedorchuk. Chase was born on September 5101 REBECK RD. ST. CLEMENTS condominium with full basement & double 29, 2018 at 6:32 p.m. in Selkirk, Manitoba. He Bourgoyne Station Condo $127,500 Lovely 3.21 acre lot with a 2 car attached garage now under construction. garage, great location. weighed 5 lbs 11 oz. and was 18.5 inches long. $140,000 Welcome to the world baby Chase! 1 Bedrm, Low Condo Fees, 239 DONOHOE CRES. PETERSFIELD $39,900 Low Taxes 65x130 building lot or Purchase with 237 Donohoe cres. ANNOUNCEMENT 237 DONOHOE CRES. PETERSFIELD. $199,900 1169 sq ft all season bungalow in a popular resort IN MEMORIAM Connie Bukoski 204-268-8066 community. 3 bedrooms. Creek access.


• BIRTHDAYS • OBITUARIES • ENGAGEMENTS Call Today 204-480-2798 Advanced Realty • IN MEMORIAMS • ANNIVERSARIES • NOTICES Brokerage® • BIRTHS • THANK YOUS • MARRIAGES 204-785-1618 [emailprotected]

NEW LISTING OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY OCT 28, 2-4 PM NEW PRICE 213 Oak NEW Lawn LISTING Road, RENTED DUPLEX Winnipeg 39 Reynolds Rd, 2194 Rushman - $599,000 601 Strathnaver $325,000 Winnipeg Beach $289,900 7995 Henderson Hwy $234,900 $1,080,000 SELKIRK LISTINGS COMMERICAL LISTINGS PRIVATE RIVERFRONT PROPERTY 1138 River Road ...... $599,900 66 Acres MI Development ...... $980,000 Nicole Zahda Rae Schmid 7995 Henderson Hwy ...... $234,900 Profi table Garage in Selkirk ...... $755,000 1138 August 12, 1997 – October 30, 2013 NEW PRICE 520 Moody ...... $224,500 Netley Creek Golf Course ...... $2,200,000 River No farewell words were spoken, $195,000 80017 33 E. RD...... $234,900 10 Dubas Creek ...... Road No time to say goodbye; 4320 1 Highway N Shop and $599,000 You were gone before we knew it, 601 Strathnaver ...... $325,000 Property Canada Way ...... $3,000,000 And only God knows why. COUNTRY LISTINGS VACANT LAND LISTINGS Our hearts still ache with sadness, NEW PRICE 2194 Rushman ...... $599,000 NEW 1 Hoydalo Rd 53.40 Acres ...... $139,000 NEW PRICE And secret tears still fl ow; 85 Peltz Dr. East Selkirk ...... $325,000 NEW 343 Mabee Rd 32 acres ...... $90,000 What it meant to lose you, SOLD 648 Taylor Road, Petersfi eld ...$184,900 655 Fort Garry Road ...... $119,000 No one will ever know. NEW PRICE 34 Grey Cresc, Pinawa ..$325,000 72101 Pine Rd. S. Prime Development..... $445,000 A thousand times we needed you, 80145 Rd. 31E $296,000 St. Clements $119,900 NEW PRICE 12 Tom Prince Dr. – Petersfi eld Lot ....$56,900 A thousand times we cried; 655 Fort Garry Road ...... 20 White Pine – Land – Halcyon Cove ...... $30,000 520 Moody $224,500 If love alone could have saved you, COMMERICAL LISTINGS SOLD 72124 Floodway Drive S 2 Acres ...... $79,900 You never would have died. New Listing 315 Main Street .... $270,000 NEW LISTING 605 Cil Road 4 acres St. Clements ...... $97,500 -Love always Mom Colleen and 1 LEASIDE BEACH Road S, Pine Dock $319,900 Grandma Bev and family LEASE AVAILABLE - COMMERICAL OUR OFFICE IS OPEN OFFICE SPACE $250/MONTH. WILL Monday to Friday SHAPE TO MEET YOUR REQUIREMENTS. 9:00 - 4:30 pm at 80017 33 E. RD. CALL GEORGE FOR DETAILS. 255 Main Street by Tim’s $234,900 85 Peltz Drive, East Selkirk $325,000 26 The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018

AnnouncementsBook Your Classifi ed Ad Today - Call 785-1618 or Email [emailprotected] Book Your Classifi ed Ad Today - Call 785-1618 or Email [emailprotected]

ANNOUNCEMENT OBITUARY OBITUARY IN MEMORIAM Susan Yvonne Hodge Joseph (Bud) Peter Shiaro Suddenly on Saturday, October 20, 2018, at the May 20, 1944 - October 10, 2018 Selkirk Regional Health Centre, Susan Hodge, It is with deep sadness we announce the sudden passing of aged 65 years, of Scanterbury, MB, beloved wife Joseph (Bud) Shiaro. Bud passed peacefully, with family by his of Larry, passed away. side at the age of 74 years, after a nine year battle with lymphoma, Traditional Wake will be held on Wednesday, at the Selkirk Regional Health Centre. October 24, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. in the Private Bud leaves to mourn his passing his wife of 51 years, Marilyn; Tommy Chief Memorial Hall. Funeral service will children Tim and Paul (Tasha); granddaughter Hannah; sister be held on Thursday, October 25, 2018 at 2:00 Valerie Desharnais (Ron); sister-in-law Laurie Miller (Andy); p.m. also in the Tommy Chief Memorial Hall with brother-in-law Len Kalinski (Mercy); nieces and nephews Michelle cremation to follow. Desharnais, Raun Desharnais (Susan), Kristjan Thompson Condolences, pictures and videos may (Alexandra), Holly Harms (Steven); as well as many aunts, uncles, be left on Susan’s tribute wall at www. cousins and friends. gilbartfuneralhome.com He was predeceased by his parents Joe and Helen Shiaro; parents-in-law John and Ruth Ezinicki; brother Terrance and his sister-in-law Margaret Kalinski. The family would like to thank Dr. Richard Brian Lindenschmidt for his excellent care and compassion, Gilbart Funeral Home, to the doctors and nurses on the chemo ward, Selkirk for your jokes, teasing and excellent care of Selkirk in care of arrangements. Bud. You made those long treatment days so much easier. Thank you to the staff on Medicine 2 for taking such good care of Bud and I. Bud was born and raised in Selkirk, MB. In 1962 Bud joined the Royal Canadian Air Force. There Edward Stanley Starodub he was trained as a fi re fi ghter. After leaving the Air Force, Bud went to work for the City of Winnipeg December 24, 1924 – October 31, 2013 Don’t forget to send for 19 years. Then he moved to work for C.U.P.E. Local 500 as a Health and Safety activist. After fi ve The world may change from year to year, your special wishes years he went to work for C.U.P.E. National as a Health and Safety Representative for Manitoba and And friends from day to day; and congratulations or Saskatchewan and sometimes other provinces. He was an executive member of RTO for Local 500. But never will the one we loved, pay Tribute to your He sat on the Manitoba Federation of Labour Health and Safety Committee, and C.U.P.E Manitoba From memory pass away. Health and Safety Committee. He was a member of the board of the MFL Occupational Health Centre. -Your loving family, Mary, Call 204-85-1618 or friends and family email [emailprotected] Local 500 SAO Health and Safety. He was an honorary life member of C.U.P.E. Local 500. He was Rob and Linda (Stephanie), involved in establishing April 28 as a day of mourning for workers killed on the job. Ron and Ardine (Janine and Lauren) He was an active member of the N.D.P. and worked on many election campaigns over the years. After retirement, Bud sat as Chair of the Board for the Interlake Regional Health Authority. OBITUARY Family was very important to Bud and he enjoyed his roles as husband, father, father-in-law and Lena Basiuk (nee Darichuk) gigi. He enjoyed retirement going to Junior A hockey games, especially the Selkirk Steelers games. After a life of hard work dedicated to family and teaching, Lena He travelled to Bucerius, Mexico in winter where he made many friends. He was a volunteer at the passed away peacefully on October 16, 2018 at Tudor House Winnipeg Folk Festival and spent many years attending it. He enjoyed spending time at his cottage in Personal Care Home in Selkirk. the summer with family and friends. Lena was born on April 10, 1923 in Theodore, SK, attended Bud was always willing to help people in need, anyway he could. He was a builder, building his Normal School in Yorkton and moved to Manitoba in 1955. She house, his cottage and helping with projects for his family and friends. taught for a total of 33 1/2 years, mainly in the Selkirk area. Her A Celebration of Life will be held in the Gilbart Funeral Home Reception Center, on Saturday, years teaching grades 3 and 4 at Happy Thought School held November 3, 2018 with doors open at 1:00 p.m. and speeches to begin at 1:30 p.m. the area is especially fond memories for her. Decades after her retirement handicapped accessible, 309 Eveline St, Selkirk, MB. Interment will take place at a later date in the former students would greet her, describing her as having been Notre Dame Roman Catholic Cemetery. a “fi rm but fair” teacher. Her love of children was evident even in In lieu of fl owers donations may be made to Our Daily Bread Soup Kitchen, Box 123, Selkirk, MB, later years; her face would light up when children came to visit the R1A 2B1. residents at Tudor House. Condolences, pictures and videos may be left on his tribute wall at www.gilbartfuneralhome.com. Lena married in 1947 and had three children. Predeceased by Gilbart Funeral Home, Selkirk in care of arrangements. her husband Henry, daughter Valerie and infant daughter Cynthia; she is survived by her daughter Loretta, son-in-law Ken Harder, as well as numerous nieces and nephews and their children. Trouble CLASS 1 Meyers Gun Auctions A pioneer career woman, Lena managed responsibilities as wife, mother and teacher. Her life Walking? TRUCK DRIVER Estate of Wayne Bowles centered around three core values: family, education and the Ukrainian Orthodox faith and culture. To run Canada - must 10 am Sat. November 3 Hip or Knee have BC experience Manitoba made! Souris, Manitoba An avid gardener, she enjoyed family get-togethers, church and local community events and fi shing Replacement? Top quality - Paid pick, drops, Estate of Dick Pollock and camping trips with Henry and the Lord Selkirk S. D. gang. Lena was unselfi sh in her own needs layovers and stat pay kitchen cabinets Restrictions in daily & Consignors and generous in support of her husband and children in their interests and activities. - Multi drop runs 9am Sat. November 10 activities? - Cell usage - Custom, Stock & Lena’s strength of character and faith were evident, not only in bearing personal loss, but in her Meyers Auction Site, - Benefi t package Surplus four years at Tudor House. She was accepting and uncomplaining, even as her health deteriorated. $2,500 - Dedicated truck - Free 3D design Arden MB Thank you to the Tudor House staff for the care and kindness extended to her. Tax Credit - Sign on bonus - Prompt service Both Auctions feature Rifl es, Funeral Mass was celebrated on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 at 11:00 a.m. in the St. Nicholas - Quarterly and annual - Professional Shotguns, Handguns, Ammo $40,000 bonus installation available Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Gonor, MB, at 11:00 a.m. with Fr. Richard Ehrmantraut offi ciating. refund cheque/ & Hunting Items - Reset at home Bradley Meyers In lieu of fl owers, donations can be made in Lena’s name to a charity of your choice. rebates - Weekend home time Serving Manitoba Condolences, pictures and videos may be left on her tribute wall at www.gilbartfuneralhome.com - Paid training province-wide Auctioneer Disability Tax - Referral program for 25 years! 204-476-6262 Credit. Gilbart Funeral Home, Selkirk in care of arrangements. Derek (204) 793-7465 offi [emailprotected] Details & Pictures at CENTENNIAL TRANSPORT 204-453-5372 & LEASING LTD. 1-800-758-6924 www.meyersauctions.com

R Gently Used I kkert’s Affordable Biz CONSIGNMENTCOCONSNSIGGNMENT SSHSHOP Items ALMAN ADEL is now located Furniture Clothing Cards at 229 Manitoba Ave, Selkirk Gift 204-482-9092 Call 785-1618 431-777-8279 Décor Housewares Ideas [emailprotected] *Mention this ad and receive 20% off services with Alman 204-481-0909 218A Manitoba Ave, Selkirk The Selkirk Record Thursday, October 25, 2018 27 CALL FOR A Get The PAINTING FREE ESTIMATE Biz Cards Job Done! Krenz Painting (204) 952-5299 Interior/Exterior • Free Estimates • Interior & Exterior • Stipple Ceilings • Stucco, Brick & Elastomeric Painting 204-757-9491 • Licensed & Insured Call 785-1618 [emailprotected] SENIOR’S DISCOUNT *$250 OFF Karl’s Appliance LOCKPORT TAXI / New Flat SAB’SSABS S Rates! Service FidlerConstructionC STUMP EAST ST. PAUL TAXI Repairs to fridges, Specializing in Carpentry stoves, washers, dryers, Serving St. Clements, St. Andrews, air conditioners Call Home Renovations DECKS GRINDING East St. Paul & West St. Paul George Interior & Exterior • WINDOWS • DOORS Support Your 482-4594 • Home Improvements 204-981-8731 Ph: 204-785-8082 Cell: 485-4330 LAURIE TREE SERVICES [emailprotected] Local Taxi 204-757-7377

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[emailprotected] 204-485-5750 • Directional Drilling We BALMORAL, MANITOBA • Septic Field Installations Spray Foam ROOFING & • Low Pressure Sewer Connections Appreciate TIRED OF THAT Blow In • Septic Tank Installations Your OLD CAR AND SCRAP METAL RENOVATIONS & Replacements SITTING IN YOUR YARD? Brent Meyers • Secondary Treatment Systems Business NEED SOME CASH? 204-461-4669 POWER SMART • Water System & Well Connections CALL BOB HOKANSON [emailprotected] NOW AVAILABLE • Well & Septic Repair 204-485-6123 204-757-9197 cell 204-799-6023 • Free Written On-Site Quotes email: allnuroofi [emailprotected]

DAN’S REPAIR PPLUMBING, HEATING JEFF’S TREESNOW n & REFRIGERATION FULLY INSURED & HANDYMAN TT PL MBINGG SERVICES INC. Selkirk, SERVICE • Commercial and Residential Serving the • Licensed Gas Fitters & Sheet Metal • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • PRUNING • REMOVAL MB • Home Repair & Renovation Interlake • Pressure Systems, Water Softeners & Iron Filters • Free Estimates • Seniors Discounts • No Travelling Charges • Interior & Exterior Painting SELKIRK, MANITOBA • Tiling & Hardwood Installation • Gas and Electric Hot Water Tanks For All Your Plumbing & Repair Needs 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE • Fences & Decks • Roto-Rooter Service • Docks Dan DeCosse - ROTOR ROOTER SERVICES - WIN A TRIP TO ARIZONA CALL FOR DETAILS • Sewer Camera Call Dan with your 204-481-0204 204-482-4159 Cell: 204-485-4227 Cell 204-294-5233 improvement ideas! [emailprotected] JEFF FLETT [emailprotected]

Specializing in TYNDALL Ed Novakowski DOC • Duct POWER Owner/Manager Installation • Heating PRODUCTS LTD . MD SPRAY FOAM • Cooling K 4 RepairRepairK Box 228, Hwy. #44 INSULATION Tyndall, MB, ROE 2B0 268-3006 MECHANICAL Mobile Mechanic/Welder $55/hour FREE ESTIMATES, QUALITY SERVICE HONDA • STIHL • SIMPLICITY Heavy Duty • Agricultural P. 204-226-1840 LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED BRIGGS & STRATTON • TECUMSEH • KOHLER F. 204-757-2097 Hydro Automotive • Small Engine MOWERS • TILLERS • TRACTORS Financing CALL US GENERATORS • PUMPS • CHAINSAWS Darryl Woloshyn Available 204-406-4877 TODAY! 204-290-5667 TRIMMERS • AUGERS • ENGINES [emailprotected] • EXCAVATION & SELKIRK SOIL MINI EXCAVATION BREAKING GROUND is booking • DEMOLITION • LANDSCAPING • BOBCAT SERVICE Foundation Repair & Mini Excavation Inc. SNOW • CULVERTS s 3EPTIC7ATER s %POXY )NJECTION • HOLDING TANKS #ERTIlED )NSTALLERS s 3UMP 0ITS CLEARING • TREE MOVING s )NTERIOR 7ALL 3UPPORT 3YSTEM s 7INDOW 7ELLS FOR THE SEASON • SNOW REMOVAL s 7ATER 0ROOlNG s &REE

LE Selkirk Record 102518.Indd (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.