NelsonLuísDias April22,2020 · descrevendo as várias camadas da atmosfera (troposfera, estratosfera, ...) e fazendodepoisum“zoom”naCamada-LimiteAtmosférica(CLA),queéaparte - [PDF Document] (2024)

NelsonLuísDias April22,2020· descrevendo as várias camadas da atmosfera (troposfera, estratosfera, ...) e fazendodepoisum“zoom”naCamada-LimiteAtmosférica(CLA),queéaparte - [PDF Document] (1)

Basic micrometeorology

Nelson Luís Dias

April 22, 2020

NelsonLuísDias April22,2020· descrevendo as várias camadas da atmosfera (troposfera, estratosfera, ...) e fazendodepoisum“zoom”naCamada-LimiteAtmosférica(CLA),queéaparte - [PDF Document] (2)


1 Introduction 81.1 The regions of the atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.2 The importance of the surface fluxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2 Atmospheric thermodynamics 132.1 The ideal gas law for a pure substance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132.2 The atmosphere as a mixture of ideal gases . . . . . . . . . . . 142.3 Concentrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162.4 Thermodynamics of a pure substance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182.5 Moist air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.6 Atmospheric humidity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212.7 Potential temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3 The measurement of surface fluxes 263.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263.2 Theorical foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.2.1 The Reynolds and Boussinesq decompositions for turbu-lent flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

3.2.2 Ensemble averages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273.2.3 Block averages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293.2.4 Running averages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

3.3 The eddy covariance method (ECM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313.3.1 The integral balances for control volume . . . . . . . . . 313.3.2 Non-ideal conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

4 The dynamical equations for the ABL 364.1 Differential operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364.2 The hydrostatic reference state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374.3 Mass conservation and the Boussinesq approximation . . . . . . 384.4 The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations . . . . . . . . . 42

5 Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory (MOST) 465.1 Physical justification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465.2 Integration of the dimensionless gradient . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485.3 Classical formulas of the MOS theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505.4 The flux-gradient method (FGM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525.5 Aplicações clássicas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

5.5.1 O método do balanço de energia-razão de Bowen . . . . 545.5.2 Medição de umidade do ar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55


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2 Sumário

5.5.3 Momentos de 2 aordem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555.6 Atmosferas muito estáveis e muito instáveis . . . . . . . . . . . 56

5.6.1 Estratificação independente de z . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565.6.2 Convecção livre local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

5.7 O método da variância . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595.8 Número de Richardson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605.9 Sobre a consistência da aplicação de análise dimensional dire-

cional à camada superficial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615.9.1 Introdução . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615.9.2 A sub-camada dinâmica e as escalas individuais de tem-

peratura e umidade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635.9.3 A sub-camada dinâmico-convectiva: escalas individuais

de temperatura e umidade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655.9.4 A sub-camada de convecção livre . . . . . . . . . . . . 675.9.5 Crítica da ADD e algumas correções formais . . . . . . 67

5.10 Conclusões . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695.11 Evolution of the measurement technology ofH2O, CO2, andCH4

with the ECM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

6 Turbulence data processing 736.1 The separation of the average and the fluctuation . . . . . . . . . 736.2 Coordinate rotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

6.2.1 The WPL correction for the average vertical velocity . . 796.3 Energy fluxes and greenhouse gasmeasurements in different biomes 81

6.3.1 BOREAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826.3.2 LBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836.3.3 ChinaFLUX . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

6.4 Cerrado . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 866.5 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

7 Energy fluxes 877.1 The movement of the Earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 877.2 The declination of the Sun seen from the Earth . . . . . . . . . 917.3 Radiaton . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 937.4 Atmospheric radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947.5 Cloudiness effect on atmospheric irradiance . . . . . . . . . . . 97

8 Turbulent diffusion 988.1 Scales in turbulence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 988.2 Turbulent diffusivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 988.3 Turbulent diffusion theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 998.4 The lagrangian concentration field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1028.5 The eulerian concentration field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

8.5.1 One-dimensional solution of the diffusion equation . . . 1038.5.2 Two- and three-dimensional solutions of the diffusion

equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1048.6 The advection-diffusion case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

8.6.1 Steady-state diffusion problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

NelsonLuísDias April22,2020· descrevendo as várias camadas da atmosfera (troposfera, estratosfera, ...) e fazendodepoisum“zoom”naCamada-LimiteAtmosférica(CLA),queéaparte - [PDF Document] (4)

3 Sumário

9 The last lecture 1089.1 Exemplo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1099.2 Modernamente! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113

10 A camada de mistura 12210.1 A espiral de Ekman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122

10.1.1 Hemisfério Norte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12310.1.2 Hemisfério Sul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

10.2 Similaridade de Rossby e Asymptotic Matching . . . . . . . . . 125

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List of Figures

1.1 Perfil de temperatura numa atmosfera modelo, a 10 N, em junho(Houghton, 1986) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.2 perfil de típico de temperatura potencial durante o dia na CLA(adaptado de (Stull, 1988)) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

2.1 The concepts of atmospheric saturation, relative humidity anddewpoint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

3.1 Mass balance to a virtual “box” (a control volume) of a height zaover a hom*ogeneous surface of length L throughout in the winddirection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

4.1 Reference pressurepr and density ρr in a hydrostatic and adiabaticequation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

6.1 10 minutes of CO2 concentration measurements over a grasssurface in Tijucas do Sul, PR, on 02/17/2011, 10:30 - 10: 40;(a) raw series and block average; (b) Running average with P =2min. (c) Low-pass recursive filter with P = 2min.. . . . . . . 74

6.2 Fluctuations of ρ′c : (a) around a block average; (b) around arunning average of 2 minutes; (c) around a low-pass filter of 2minutes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

6.3 2D coordinate rotation for the alignment of the wind velocity . . 78

7.1 The Earth’s trajectory around the Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887.2 The position of the planet Earth with respect to the incidence of

the Sun’s rays around the Northern Hemisphere Solstice. . . . . 887.3 The incidence of the rays of the Sun on the Earth around the

year. The sign of the Sun’s declination δ is indicated between thepoints A′, B′, C′ and D′, as well as the sign of its rate of change,indicated as positive (↑) or negative (↓). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89

7.4 The declination of the Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92


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List of Tables

1.1 Classificação de escalas horizontais em meteorologia . . . . . . 101.2 Escalas de movimentos atmosféricos (Holton, 1992) . . . . . . 10

2.1 Constitution of a “dry” atmosphere (not including water vapor).The values are approximate, and adjusted to garantee that themolar fractions sum up to 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

6.1 Results obtained byMiller et al. (2004) for CO2 fluxes in Amazô-nia (a positive sign indicates an emission). CP =“closed path”;OP = “open path”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

7.1 Outstanding days in the Earth’s orbit for 2020. . . . . . . . . . . 877.2 Cloudy-sky parameterisations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97


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7.1 — Calculation of distance and declination of Sunas a function of date. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89


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Este texto começa com a introdução do conceito de escala, que é fundamentalem tudo o que se segue. Vamos procurar entender a globalidade do problemadescrevendo as várias camadas da atmosfera (troposfera, estratosfera, . . . ) efazendo depois um “zoom” na Camada-Limite Atmosférica (CLA), que é a partemais baixa da troposfera. Em seguida, reveremos as equações de Mecânica dosFluidos aplicáveis à CLA , falaremos de turbulência e da sua abordagem clássica(decomposição de Reynolds e equações de transporte de covariâncias). Algumassoluções particulares simples destas equações proporcionam uma boa idéia dainteração das camadas mais altas da atmosfera com a CLA. Estudaremos maisintensamente a parte mais baixa da CLA, chamada Camada Superficial (CS). NaCS, debaixo de algumas hipóteses simplificadoras, podemos utilizar a Teoria deSimilaridade deMonin-Obukhov (SMO), que nos permite descrever uma série degrandezas relacionadas com a turbulência de forma extremamente simples. Asequações básicas que descrevem a física da turbulência e as previsões da Teoriade Similaridade de Monin-Obukhov são utilizadas para prever o comportamentodas grandezas médias u, θ e q na CS. Além do comportamento genérico pre-visto pela teoria SMO, dois casos-limite cujo significado físico é importante sãoabordados: a estratificação independente de z numa atmosfera muito estável, ea convecção livre local em uma atmosfera muito instável. Com as previsões dateoria sobre o comportamento das grandezas médias, é possível então utilizarmedições delas para calcular os fluxos τ , H e E. Além de alguns métodos queutilizam exclusivamente a medição de grandezas médias, apresenta-se ao fim dorelatório o método da variância, que é um híbrido que utiliza tanto grandezasmédias como medições de turbulência.


NelsonLuísDias April22,2020· descrevendo as várias camadas da atmosfera (troposfera, estratosfera, ...) e fazendodepoisum“zoom”naCamada-LimiteAtmosférica(CLA),queéaparte - [PDF Document] (9)


1.1 – The regions of the atmosphere

The atmosphere is a relatively thin layer of gas above the Earth’s surface.Upwards of 100 km above the surface, the density of the atmosphere is very low.Meanwhile, since the Earth’s great circle C is approximately 40 000 km, if we setthe thickness of the atmosphere to L = 100 km, the ratio L/C = 0,0025 showshow thin the atmosphere really is.

Figure 1.1 shows the main regions of the atmosphere in the first 100 km,for a standard atmosphere at 10N in june (Houghton, 1986): in this case, thetroposphere extends to 17 km; the stratosphere is a strongly stratified region (dTdZ >0) between 17 km and 50 km; the mesosphere displays a marked temperature fallbetween 50 km and 95 km; finally, from that point upwards the temperature risesagain in the termosphere.

Existe uma enorme riqueza de fenômenos físicos, que ainda hoje estão sendoestudados, em toda a atmosfera terrestre. No entanto, a região mais importantepara a vida na Terra, e a única que os seres vivos podem “experimentar” dire-tamente, é a troposfera: a montanha mais alta do mundo não chega a 9 km dealtitude. A faixa mais diretamente relevante é a Camada-Limite Atmosférica(CLA), que se estende no máximo até cerca de 2 km de altura (e não altitude)sobre a superfície. Isto representa no máximo 2% da figura 1.1.

Da mesma maneira que utilizamos o perfil de temperatura termodinâmicapara caracterizar praticamente toda a atmosfera, a CLA é caracterizada pelo perfilde temperatura potencial. Esta será definida na próxima seção; por enquanto,basta pensarmos na temperatura potencial como um indicador da densidade do ar:quantomaior a temperatura potencial, menor a densidade. A figura 1.2mostra umperfil típico de temperatura potencial durante o dia. Os gradientes de temperaturasão grandes até cerca de 100 m de altura, que configuram aproximadamente acamada superficial CS; a partir daí, o perfil é praticamente constante até cerca de1100 m (esta é a camada convectiva CC); daí até 1300 m a temperatura eleva-segentilmente: esta é a zona de arrasto ZA, onde a CLA interage com a “atmosferalivre” AL sobre ela, na qual a densidade do ar é fortemente estratificada, aintensidade da turbulência muito baixa e valem as aproximações invíscidas dasequações de Navier-Stokes, que veremos na próxima seção sob o nome de “ventogeostrófico”.


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9 1.1 – The regions of the atmosphere







180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320

Z/ km

T/ K





Figure 1.1: Perfil de temperatura numa atmosfera modelo, a 10 N, em junho(Houghton, 1986)











0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

z/ m






Figure 1.2: perfil de típico de temperatura potencial durante o dia na CLA(adaptado de (Stull, 1988))

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10 1.1 – The regions of the atmosphere

Table 1.1: Classificação de escalas horizontais em meteorologia

Nome Dimensãomacro β 10.000 kmmeso α 2.000 kmmeso β 200 kmmeso γ 20 kmmicro α 2 kmmicro β 200 mmicro γ 20 m

Esta breve descrição da atmosfera mostra a grande riqueza de escalas verticaisenvolvidas. Neste texto, nós estaremos preocupados essencialmente com osprimeiros 100 m da atmosfera, na camada superficial.

Como é de se esperar da discussão sobre a razão L/C, as escalas horizontaissobre as quais se observam fenômenos físicos em meteorologia são consider-avelmente maiores. A Tabela 1.1 dá uma descrição das escalas horizontais emmeteorologia. Para tornar mais claro o significado da classificação da tabela 1.1,observe a seguinte lista de fenômenos e suas escalas horizontais correspondentes,dada por Holton 1992:

Table 1.2: Escalas de movimentos atmosféricos (Holton, 1992)

Tipo de movimento Escala horizontal (m)Caminho livre médio molecular 10−7

Menores turbilhões turbulentos 10−2–10−1

Pequenos turbilhões turbulentos 10−1–100

Vórtices não-turbulentos 100–101

Rajadas de vento 101–102

Tornados 102

Nuvens Cumulus Nimbus 103

Frentes 104

Furacões 105

Ciclones sinóticos 106

Ondas planetárias 107

No nosso caso, estaremos trabalhando dentro das fronteiras da micrometeo-rologia: nossas escalas horizontais são da ordem de 2 km ou menores (micro-α),e nossas escalas verticais da ordem da espessura da camada superficial, cerca de100 m, ou menores. Este é o domínio por excelência da turbulência: movimentosturbulentos na atmosfera possuem escalas desde algumas centenas de metros (nahorizontal) até poucos milímetros, que é a escala onde a turbulência é dissipadapor efeitos viscosos. A modelação matemática da CLA é o assunto da próximaseção.

NelsonLuísDias April22,2020· descrevendo as várias camadas da atmosfera (troposfera, estratosfera, ...) e fazendodepoisum“zoom”naCamada-LimiteAtmosférica(CLA),queéaparte - [PDF Document] (12)

11 1.2 – The importance of the surface fluxes

1.2 – The importance of the surface fluxes

A great deal of the physical evolution of the atmosphere is influenced by theexchange of mass, momentum and energy with the surface of the Earth. Thesurface of these quantities are the surface fluxes, and their knowledge is essentialfor applications inmeteorology, hydrology and environmental sciences in general.In particular, the values of the greenhouse gas surface fluxes are needed to predicttheir impact on global warming and climate change.

A emissão de gases de efeito estufa (GEE) da superfície da Terra para aatmosfera é hoje, reconhecidamente, um dos grandes problemas ambientais queenfrentamos. O problema é global, tornando necessária a negociação interna-cional de limites para as emissões, bem como o desenvolvimento internacionalde metodologias que sejam consensualmente aceitas para estimar estas emissões.

Uma das abordagens para a estimativa dos fluxos destes gases é a realizaçãode medições micrometeorológicas. Ao evitar a complexidade dos processosque ocorrem na superfície ou abaixo dela (seja da água ou do solo/vegetação),e ao integrar as emissões e capturas de GEE tanto na vertical quanto sobre ocomprimento de pista do vento, medições micrometeorológicas de GEE podemdar respostas importantes sobre o valor dos fluxos superficiais, seu padrão horárioe sazonal, e sua relação com outras grandezas importantes tais como temperaturasdo ar, água e solo, a qualidade da água, o tipo de vegetação, etc...

Medições micrometeorológicas de gases de efeito estufa em geral consistemem medições de grandezas atmosféricas relativamente próximo da superfície.Convencionalmente, as medições são divididas em “blocos”, que podem ser tãocurtos quanto 10 minutos, ou tão longos quanto 1 hora. Dentro de cada bloco,é usual supor a estacionariedade das séries temporais medidas. As mediçõespodem ser realizadas por sensores relativamente lentos, quando então “médias”são obtidas, ou com sensores suficientemente rápidos para capturar uma partesignficativa das frequências associadas à turbulência atmosférica. Neste últimocaso, estatísticas da turbulência dentro do bloco, tais como desvios-padrão, co-variâncias, funções de correlação cruzada e espectros podem ser medidos.

Medições de grandezas médias estão associadas ao método fluxo-gradiente(MFG) para a estimativa de fluxos. Medições de turbulência estão associadas aométodo de medição de covariâncias turbulentas (MCT).

OMFG é mais antigo, e envolve mais hipóteses, do que as “medições diretas”realizadas pelo MCT. Na verdade, como veremos, estas medições não são tãodiretas assim, e o MCT também envolve um grande número de hipóteses, emboratalvez não tão restritivas quanto as do MFG. Devido a dificuldades tecnológicas ecusto, o MFG ainda é amplamente utilizado para a estimativa de fluxos de gasestais como o CH4 e o N2O, para os quais medições (principalmente de longoprazo) de flutuações turbulentas ainda são problemáticas.

O método de medição de covariâncias turbulentas (MCT), originalmentedesenvolvido para a medição dos fluxos de quantidade de movimento, calorsensível emassa de vapor d’água, possui uma série de características que o tornamuma opção interessante para a medição de fluxos de GEE: medições contínuas

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12 1.2 – The importance of the surface fluxes

de fluxos horários ou de 30 minutos são possíveis; as medições possuem umarepresentatividade espacial da ordem de centenas de metros corrente acima datorre de medição; e as tecnologias de medição envolvidas estão hoje (2011)razoavelmente bem desenvolvidas e possuem custos acessíveis.

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2A primer on the thermodynamicsof the Atmospheric BoundaryLayer

2.1 – The ideal gas law for a pure substance

The ideal gas law applies well for typical conditions of the atmosphere closeto the surface of the Earth. For a pure substance, it is

pV = nR#T , (2.1)

wherep is pressure,V is the volume occupied by the gas,n is the number ofmoles,R# = 8,314 462 618 15 J mol−1 K−1 (in the SI) is the universal gas constant, andT is thermodynamic temperature. Still for a pure substance, (2.1) can also bewritten as

p = nR#

VT =




VT =




MT ⇒

p = ρRT . (2.2)

Above, M is the molar mass; m is the mass of the gas, which is related to thenumber of moles by

m = nM; (2.3)

the gas constant is

R =R#

M, (2.4)

which depends on the specific gas throughM in 2.4; and

ρ =m


is the density; its reciprocalv =


is the specific volume v . Note that (2.2) is more useful than (2.1) in practice: Vdoes not appear in it, and it only involves intensive quantities (pressure, densityand temperature), so it applies at every point in the atmosphere.


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14 2.2 – The atmosphere as a mixture of ideal gases

2.2 – The atmosphere as a mixture of ideal gases

The atmosphere however is not a pure substance, but a mixture of gases. Thequestion then is how (2.1) can be reasonably extended to account for mixtures. Infact, from now on, often when we use one of (2.1)–(2.6), we will be referring tothe total atmospheric pressure p (of a mixture of gases), the total density ρ, etc..

Therefore, we start by requiring that (2.1) apply for the mixture; then, thetotal number of moles, n, is the sum of the number of moles of each individualconstituent. Let i be the index for each gas in a mixture; we have

n =∑i

ni , (2.7)

where ni is the number of moles of gas i.We want the perfect gas law to apply for each constituent as well, and if we

substitute (2.7) into (2.1), the question is what to do with the left-hand side of(2.1). There are two possibilities: the model of partial pressures, and the modelof partial volumes. In the first case, we specify for each gas

piV = niR#T . (2.8)

In this model all gases occupy a common volume V , each one exerting its ownpartial pressure pi , such that the total pressure is

p =∑i

pi . (2.9)

In the second case,pVi = niR

#T , (2.10)

and nowall gases are subject to the samepressurep, each one occuping, nominally,a partial volume Vi , with

V =∑i

Vi . (2.11)

In both cases, summing the individual equations of state recovers the perfectgas law for the mixture. For example, starting from (2.8),∑


(piV ) =∑i





)V =



)R#T ,

pV = nR#T

(recovering (2.1)), and similarly for (2.10).From (2.1), (2.8) and (2.10), it follows that

xi =pip=ViV=nin


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15 2.2 – The atmosphere as a mixture of ideal gases

defines a concentration (traditionally expressed in %, parts per million (ppm),parts per billion (ppb), etc.) either in partial pressure fraction, partial volumefraction, or mole fraction. The gas law for each constituent can also be written

pi = niR#

VT =




VT =




MiT ⇒

pi = ρiRiT , (2.13)

where (as before for a pure substance)

mi = niMi (2.14)


ρi =mi/V , (2.15)

vi =1ρi, (2.16)

are the density or the specific mass (with massmi occuping the volume V ) andthe specific volume respectively of the gas i, and Mi is the molar mass of gas i.In (2.13),

Ri =R#


is the gas constant for gas i.Once more, (2.2) holds for the mixture. To see how, note that the total mass

of the mixture ism =


mi ; (2.18)

and similarly for the total density:

ρ =m








ρi . (2.19)

We will also need to define the mass concentration, or mass fraction of eachconstituent,

ci ≡mi

m=ρiρ. (2.20)

With (2.18)–(2.19) in hand, we sum (2.13) to obtain∑i

pi =∑i

ρiRiT ,

p =



)T ≡ ρRT .

This defines the gas constant R of the mixture; now

R =

∑i ρiRiρ


∑imiV RimV



mRi =


ciRi . (2.21)

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16 2.3 –Concentrations

Thus, given themass concentrations, we can calculate the equivalent gas constant.The mean molar mass of the mixture is

M =∑i

xiMi =

∑i niMi


n, (2.22)

which recovers (2.3). This finally allows us to close the circuit to recover (2.4)for the mixture. From (2.21),

R =1m

















mR# =


M, (2.23)

by virtue of (2.22), which recovers (2.4).

2.3 – Concentrations

A relationship between xi and ci can now be readily obtained:

xi =nin=






orxiMi = ciM . (2.24)

Other concentration measures are also in use in meteorology, and need to bedefined. The mixing ratio can be expressed either as a mole ratio,

ηi =ni

n − ni, (2.25)

or as a mass ratiori =


m −mi. (2.26)

The mixing ratio, therefore, is the ratio of the amount (either in moles or inmass) of substance i to the amount of all other substances. It follows that for anysubstance other than water vapor, the denominator includes the amount of watervapor present in the air at the time of measurement. For this reason, when i is notwater vapor, (2.27)–(2.28) are often called wet mixing ratios. The water vaporcontent of the air, however, is highly variable in the atmosphere; also, in scalarturbulent flux measurements it is often better to employ concentrations measuredin (an equivalent) dry air. This leads to the definition of dry mixing ratios (see,for example, Butenhoff and Khalil, 2002),

ηdi =ni

nd − ni, (2.27)

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17 2.3 –Concentrations

Table 2.1: Constitution of a “dry” atmosphere (not including water vapor). Thevalues are approximate, and adjusted to garantee that the molar fractions sum upto 1.

Gas Mi xdi(g mol−1)

N2 28.0134 0.78078700O2 31.9988 0.20943200Ar 39.948 0.00934000CO2 44.0095 0.00041390Ne 20.1797 0.00001818He 4.002602 0.00000524CH4 16.0425 0.00000170Kr 83.798 0.00000110H2 2.01588 0.00000055N2O 44.0128 0.00000033

sum 1.00000000

andrdi =


md −mi. (2.28)

Above, nd is the number of moles and md is the mass of dry air present in theatmosphere. The foregoing concepts are only useful if we can obtain nd or ρdoperationally. For that, we need to look at the composition of the atmosphere,and define a few more concepts.

For a temperature T = 288.15 K (15 C) and atmospheric pressure p =101 325 Pa for a standard atmosphere (COESA, 1976), we list on table 2.1 themo-lar fractions densities of several atmospheric gases in g m−3 in a dry atmosphere.TheMi values were obtained from NIST (2020). The xi values are given in Dias(2020), and they are approximations, based on several existing references (Irib-arne and Godson, 1981; COESA, 1976; Wallace and Hobbs, 2006; Wikipedia,2020); the values of xi , particularly for CO2, are updated to the most recent (as of2020) available data. Morever, the values have been manually adjusted to ensurethat ∑


xi = 1. (2.29)

We are now in a position to calculate the gas constant for dry air, Rd , bymeans of (2.22)– (2.23), using the values in table 2.1, obtaining

Rd = 287.0429 J kg−1 K−1. (2.30)

This value is slightly less than the one adopted for the standard 1976 atmosphereRd = 287.0569, which is compatible with Iribarne and Godson (1981)’s tableI-4. Note however that there has been a steady increase in atmospheric CO2 sincethe publication of the 1976 U. S. Standard Atmosphere, so besides not beingtoo different from the COESA (1976) figure, the value adopted here is probablycloser to the current (2020) state of the atmosphere.

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18 2.4 – Thermodynamics of a pure substance

Let us now calculate wet and dry mixing ratios. Because the water vaporcontent in the atmosphere is variable, wewill adopt a reasonable valuexv = 2.5%,and reapportion the gases in table 2.1 among the remaining 97.5%.

2.4 – Thermodynamics of a pure substance

The perfect gas law in the form (2.1) or (2.2) is an example of a state equationin thermodynamics. For a pure substance, then, the state equation takes one ofthe forms

p = p(v ,T ) or v = v (p,T ) or T = T (p, v ).

For atmospheric gases, the lower case letters indicate specific quantities (per unitmass or unit volume), and are more convenient since we will not usually treatindividual “systems” or “lumps” of air.

Two important thermodynamical functions are the specific internal energy uand the specific enthalpy h defined by

h = u + pv . (2.31)

For a pure substance, they are functions of two variables, chosen between p, vand T . We usually write

u = u(v ,T ), (2.32)h = h (p,T ), (2.33)

since these pairs lead to useful definitions ofmeasurable quantities such as specificheats. Equations (2.32) and (2.33) lead to perfect differentials

du =(∂u∂v


dv +(∂u∂T

)vdT , (2.34)

dh =(∂h∂p


dp +(∂h∂T


dT . (2.35)

The specific heats at constant volume and constant temperature are definedby

cv =


)v, (2.36)

cp =



. (2.37)

The subscripts v and p on the right-hand side of the equations above are used inthermodynamics as reminders that u is being taken as a function of v ,T , and thath is being taken as a function of p,T .

For a perfect gas, the equation of state takes the form

pv = RT , (2.38)

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19 2.5 –Moist air

whereR is a gas constant specific for the pure substance (or the equivalent mixtureof gases, as is the case of dry air) and it is possible to show that in this case u andh are functions of T only (Adkins, 1983). Then, (2.36)–(2.37) become ordinaryderivatives. Also, (





∂T[u + pv ]





+ p




=dudT+ p



cp = cv + R. (2.39)

Physically, cp > cv due to the extra energy necessary for the expansion of the airagainst the constant pressure p.

2.5 – Moist air

Note that the equations of section 2.4 are not strictly valid for atmosphericair, which is not a pure substance; rather, it is a mixture of many gases. Each newconstituent makes the thermodynamical equations more complex; in particular,functions of state such as u and h then become also functions of the concentrationsof each new constituent.

We will not follow the rigorous path of treating the atmosphere as a mixtureof several gases and writing down the full thermodynamical equations for thatmixture; instead, we will consider “dry air”, discussed in sections 2.2–2.3 andwill introduce various humidity indices for the concentration of water vapor (themost important varying component). However, the rigorous modifications in thethermodynamical functions of state will not be discussed.

Consider now a certain volume V of air with total massm, composed of dryair with massmd and water vapor with massmv . We have:

m =md +mv ,m




ρ = ρd + ρv , (2.40)

where ρd is the density of dry air, and ρv is the water vapor density. In itself, ρv isan index of water vapor concentration; in meteorology, it is often called absolutehumidity. Note that dry air containsmany components, themost important havingbeen already listed in table 2.1.

The partial pressure model introduced already in section 2.2 and equation(2.8) for the two components of moist air leads to the pair of equations

pd = p − e = ρdRdT , (2.41)e = ρvRvT , (2.42)

where pd is the partial pressure of dry air; p is total atmospheric pressure, and eis the partial pressure of water vapor. Strictly speaking, we should have writtenpv instead of e, but in meteorology it is customary to use the latter, and we willfollow this tradition.

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20 2.5 –Moist air

Rd = 287.05 J kg−1 K−1 and Rv = 461.51 J kg−1 K−1, which can be calculatedper (2.17), are the gas constants for dry air and water vapor, respectively.

The specific humidity q is defined as

q =ρvρ. (2.43)

Summing (2.41) and (2.42), one obtains

p = (ρdRd + ρvRv)T

= ρ

(ρdρRd +



= ρRd




= ρRd

((1 − q) +



)T . (2.44)


RvRd= 1.608 ≈ 1.61 ⇒

p = ρRd (1 + 0.61q)T︸ ︷︷ ︸Tv


The virtual temperature Tv defined above is the temperature of a dry atmo-sphere with the same density ρ. A further index atmospheric moisture is themixing ratio

r =ρvρd. (2.46)

Useful relations among the humidity indices can be derived as follows:

r =ρvρ=





p − e= 0.622


p − e; (2.47)

q =ρvρ=


ρd + ρv



p−eRdT+ e




p +(RdRv− 1


= 0.622e

p − 0.378e≈ 0.622


p. (2.48)

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21 2.6 –Atmospheric humidity

2.6 – Atmospheric humidity

The latent heat of water, Lw , is the amount of energy used to change the phaseof a unit of mass from liquid to vapor, in a pure mixture of the two phases. Agood approximation for Lw is the assumption that the heat capacities of the twophases are equal. This leads to (Adkins, 1983, Chap. 10, Eq. 10.16)

dLw = [cpv − cp`]dT (2.49)

where cpv and cp` are the specific heats at constant pressure of water vapor andliquid water, respectively. If the specific heats, in turn, are assumed to be constant,we obtain

Lw = La + LbT . (2.50)

In the SI, with T in Kelvins, Linsley et al. (1975) give

Lw = 3.1458 × 106 − 2.3613 × 103T (2.51)

in J kg−1. A reasonable alternative is to use a constant value, given the very smallvariation of Lw with T . At T = 295 K, Lw = 2.462 × 106 J kg−1.

For a system composed of water vapor and liquid water in equilibrium, anequation can be derived relating the derivative with respect to temperature of thesaturation vapor pressure e∗ (the vapor pressure of the gas in equilibrium withthe liquid water), the change in specific volumev between the two phases and thelatent heat, viz.




; (2.52)

it is the Clausius-Clapeyron equation (Adkins, 1983, Chap. 10, Eq. (10.11)).Assuming the validity of the perfect-gas law, and that the specific volume of theliquid phase is negligible in comparisonwith that of the vapor phase, the Clausius-Clapeyron equation takes the form (Adkins, 1983, Chap. 10, Eq. (10.12))




RvT 2 (2.53)

Note that Eqs. (2.50)– (2.51) can be used to integrate (2.53), yielding

e∗(T ) =



) LbRv

e∗(T0) exp[LaRv



)], (2.54)

where T0 is a reference temperature. With Lb = 0, (2.54) bears a strong re-semblance to (but is not the same as) Teten’s empirical formula (Murray, 1966;Dilley, 1968; Stull, 1995; Alduchov and Eskridge, 1996):

e∗(T ) = e∗(T0) exp[b(T −T1)

T −T2

], (2.55)

with T0 = 273.16, b = 17.2694 K−1, T1 = 273.16 K and T2 = 25.86 K.

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22 2.6 –Atmospheric humidity

For most meteorological applications, Teten’s formula is more than enough.Note however that the constants change for saturation vapor pressure over ice;also, note that the presence of salts in the water alters e∗ significantly. Finally,Richards’ equation (Brutsaert, 1982) is

e∗(T ) = 101 325 exp[13.3185tr − 1.9760t2

r − 0.6445t3r − 0.1299t4





373.15T 2 e∗(T )

[13.3185 − 3.9520tr − 1.9335t2

r − 0.5996t3r

], (2.57)

tr = 1 −373.15

T. (2.58)

The concept of saturation now allows for the definition of several humidityindices based on it. The relative humidity y is the ratio of the actual mixing ratioand the mixing ratio in water vapor saturated air at the same temperature andpressure:

y =r

r ∗. (2.59)

Note that, because it is at the same temperature and pressure, the density of dryair in the saturated atmosphere (ρd∗) is actually smaller than the density of dryair in the non-saturated atmosphere (ρd). The gas law equations are

p − e = ρdRdT , e = ρvRvT , (2.60)p − e∗ = ρd∗RdT , e∗ = ρ∗vRvT . (2.61)


y =r

r ∗












=p − e∗

p − e×



=p(1 − e∗/p)p(1 − e/p)



≈ (1 − e∗/p)(1 + e/p)e



e∗. (2.62)

The last form, (2.62), is the one commonly used in calculations.The dewpoint temperature Td is the temperature at which the water vapor

pressure becomes the saturated vapor pressure:

e∗(Td) = e . (2.63)

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23 2.7 – Potential temperature

ea, ρv , Ta

ea = ρvRvTa

ya =eae∗a

constant e

heat removal;temperaturereduction

ea, ρ∗vd , Td

e∗d = ρ∗vdRvTdya = 100%ea = e∗d

ea, ρv , Ta

ea = ρvRvTa

ya =eae∗a

constant Tincrease in watervapor content

e∗a , ρ∗va, Ta

e∗a = ρ∗vaRvTaya = 100%



Figure 2.1: The concepts of atmospheric saturation, relative humidity and dew-point.

Usually, temperature varies with height in the surface layer. A subscript likeTx orex will often be used to specify temperature, water vapor pressure, etc., at somespecified level. Also, we will often use the simplified notation

e∗x = e∗(Tx ), (2.64)

dx =de∗(Tx )dT

, (2.65)

ρ∗vx = ρ∗v(Tx ). (2.66)

In figure 2.1, we show in frame A the prevailing conditions in the atmosphere.In frame B, saturation is reached, from A, through an increase in water vaporcontent. In frame C, saturation conditions are also reached, but this time througha continuous drop in temperature down to the dew point temperature Td .

2.7 – Potential temperature

Consider the adiabatic expansion of a parcel of air, from a level (higher up)where the ambient pressure is p down to a level where the ambient pressure is p0.The first law of thermodynamics is (q is heat per unit mass added to the system;w is work per unit mass performed on the system)

du = -dq + -dw ;

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24 2.7 – Potential temperature

For an adiabatic ( -dq = 0) and reversible process,

du = −pdv (2.67)

Differentiation of (2.38) and use of (2.36) (keeping in mind that u = u(T ) for aperfect gas) produce

pdv + vdp = RdTcvdT = vdp − RdT

(cv + R)dT = vdp =RT


cpdT = vdp =RT

pdp (2.68)




dpp. (2.69)

We now integrate between the temperature-pressure pairs (T ,p) and (θ ,p0):

θ = T



) Rcp

. (2.70)

The potential temperature θ , defined above, is therefore the temperature of aparcel of air brought adiabatically and reversibly from state p,T to a referencepressure p0.

Equation (2.70) needs to be used with the correct value of R/cp in the caseof moist air. This is because the effective gas constant and the effective specificheat at constant pressure for moist air depend on the specific humidity q.

To see this, suppose that the total enthalpy (not the specific enthalpy) for aparcel of air with total massm can be calculated by adding the enthalpies of dryand moist air:

mh =mdhd +mvhv .

This produces

h =ρdρ

hd +ρvρ

hv ,

h = (1 − q)hd + qhv ,

cp =



= (1 − q)cpd + qcpv = (1 + 0.84q)cpd (2.71)

(using tabulated values for cpd and cpv).On the basis of (2.45), the effective gas constant for moist air can be written

asR = Rd(1 + 0.61q) (2.72)

(note that this is an alternative interpretation to (2.45): we are now changing thegas constant R, and keeping the absolute temperatureT , so that 2.38 still applies.)Therefore,




1 + 0.61q1 + 0.84q

. (2.73)

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25 2.7 – Potential temperature

Using the identity

1 + ax1 + bx

≡ 1 − (b − a)x +(b − a)bx2

1 + bx≈ 1 − (b − a)x , (2.74)

we find (for small x)R

cp≈ (1 − 0.23q)



for moist air. Therefore,

θ = T



) (1−0.23q) Rdcpd(2.76)

It is also straightforward to obtain the specific heat at constant volume for moistair:

cv =


)v= (1 − q)cvd + qcvv (2.77)

Finally, these definitions extend to virtual temperature, but not uniquely, asdiscussed by (Brutsaert, 1982, section 3.2b). The virtual potential tempera-ture is the virtual temperature that a parcel of moist air would have if changedadiabatically from its actual state to the standard pressure p0:

θvp = Tv



) (1−0.23q) Rdcpd. (2.78)

This is slightly different from potential virtual temperature, which is the potentialtemperature of dry air at the same initial pressure and density, and which is givenby

θpv = Tv



) Rdcpd. (2.79)

The two quantities defined by (2.78) and (2.79) are, evidently, numerically verysimilar. From here on, we will always use the virtual potential temperature (2.78).Also, for simplicity, we will refer to it simply as θv .

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3The measurement of surface fluxes

3.1 – Introduction

The emission of greenhouse gases from the surface of the Earth to its atmo-sphere is nowadays one of the largest environmental problems faced by humanity.It is a global problem, requiring the international negotiation of limits for the GEEemissions, as well as the development of internationally-accepted methodologiesfor their estimation.

One of the approaches to estimate these gases’ fluxes is to performmicromete-orological measurements. Avoiding the complexity of the processes that occur atthe surface or below it (be it water or soil/vegetation) and integrating greenhousegas emissions vertically and over the wind fetch, micrometeorological measure-ments of greenhouse gases can give important answers about the value of surfacefluxes, their seasonal and hourly pattern, and their relation with other importantvariables such as air, water, and soil temperatures, water quality, vegetation type,etc..

Micrometeorological measurements of greenhouse gases usually consist inmeasuring atmospheric variables close to the surface of the Earth. Convention-ally, themeasurements are split into “runs” that can be as short as 10minutes, or aslong as 1 hour. Within each run, it is common to assume stationarity of the mea-sured time series. Measurements can be done by relatively slow sensors, when“averages” are obtained, or with sufficiently fast sensors to capture a significantpart of the frequencies associated with atmospheric turbulence. In the latter case,turbulence statistics such as standard deviations, covariances, cross-correlationfunctions and spectra can be measured.

Measurements of average quantities are associated with the gradient fluxmethod (GFM) for flux estimation. Measurements of turbulence quantities areassociated with the eddy covariance method (ECM).

The GFM is older and involves more assumptions than the “direct measure-ments” performed by the ECM. In fact, as we will see, ECM measurements arenot as direct as sometimes assumed. Due to the technological difficulties andcost, the GFM is still widely used to estimate gas fluxes such as CH4 and N2O, forwhich the measurement of turbulent fluctuations (especially in long-term studies)is still problematic.


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27 3.2 – Theorical foundation

The eddy covariance method (ECM), originally developed with momentum,sensible heat andwater vapormass fluxes inmind, has several desirable character-istics that make it appealing for GHG flux measurements: continuous measure-ments at the 30-minute or the hourly time scales can be made; spatial coverage isgood, being of the order of hundreds of meters upwind of the measuring tower;and sensor technology is currently well developed and has a reasonable cost.

3.2 – Theorical foundation

This section has the objective of showing the bases of the GFM and espe-cially of the ECM. In it, we review basic concepts about atmospheric gases andtheir concentrations; the Reynolds decomposition of a turbulent flow in averageand fluctuation; and different kinds of averages — and consequently turbulentfluctuations — which are found in practice.

3.2.1 – The Reynolds and Boussinesq decompositions for turbulentflows

The Reynolds decomposition is the formal proceedure by which we decom-pose any variable ameasured in the atmosphere into its average a and its turbulentfluctuation a′. The Reynolds decomposition consists of writing

a = a + a′, (3.1)

but the subsequent manipulation of a and a′ in the Navier-Stokes equation and thetransport equation for a gas χ depends on the precise definition of the average.In this text, we will consider only 3 kinds of averages: block averages, runningaverages, and ensemble averages.

The Boussinesq decomposition is different. It separates the variable into itsvalue in a reference hydrostatic state ar and a fluctuation around it δa, as

a = ar + δa. (3.2)

3.2.2 – Ensemble averages

We will adopt here a variation of Kundu (1990)’s approach to calculateensemble averages. In this approach, the realizations k of a random variable a,a(k)(x ,y, z, t), are seen as a four-dimensional stochastic process. The realizationsare considered in a countable, possibly infinite, sample space. The probabilityof realization k is pk (in this context, we see no danger of confusing pk with“pressure” ). The ensemble average of a(x ,y, z, t) is defined as

a(x ,y, z, t) ≡∞∑k=1

a(k)(x ,y, z, t)pk . (3.3)

The fluctuation a′ (that is also an stochastic process) is thence defined by(3.1). In turbulence, we do not adopt the usual notation of writing uppercaseletters for random variables: the nature of the variables must be understood fromthe context or made explicit by the author.

When the stochastic process is stationary, the left side of (3.3) is reduced toa(x ,y, z); if moreover the process is horizontally hom*ogeneous, the dependenceis reduced yet to a(z).

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28 3.2 – Theorical foundation

Having (3.3), it is possible now to prove the so-called Reynolds’ postulates(that in this context should be properly called Reynolds’ Theorems or, even better,Reynolds’ Lemmas). They are:

a(x ,y, z, t) =∞∑k=1

a(x ,y, z, t)pk

= a(x ,y, z, t)



]︸ ︷︷ ︸=1

= a(x ,y, z, t); (3.4)

a′(x ,y, z, t) =∞∑k=1

[a(k)(x ,y, z, t) − a(x ,y, z, t)




a(k)(x ,y, z, t)pk − a(x ,y, z, t)∞∑k=1


= a(x ,y, z, t) − a(x ,y, z, t) = 0; (3.5)

a(x ,y, z, t)b′(x ,y, z, t) =∞∑k=1

a(x ,y, z, t)[b(k)(x ,y, z, t) − b(x ,y, z, t)


= a(x ,y, z, t)∞∑k=1

b(k)(x ,y, z, t)pk

− [a(x ,y, z, t)][b(x ,y, z, t)

] ∞∑k=1


= [a(x ,y, z, t)][b(x ,y, z, t)

]− [a(x ,y, z, t)]

[b(x ,y, z, t)

]= 0; (3.6)









a(k)(x ,y, z, t)pk


∂x. (3.7)

The last equation, (3.7), tells us that the partial derivatives commute with theensemble average. Identical results hold, obviously, for any other independentvariable than x .

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29 3.2 – Theorical foundation

3.2.3 – Block averages

The block average is maybe the simplest one that can be imagined; for a blockof length T (we see no danger of confusing T with thermodynamic temperatureT ), it is defined by

nt ≡ bt/T c; tn ≡ ntT ; (3.8)

a(x ,y, z, t) ≡1T

ˆ tn+T /2

tn−T /2a(x ,y, z,τ )dτ , tn −T /2 < t < tn +T /2. (3.9)

In (3.8), b·c is the “floor” function, which gives the integer part of the number.By definition, a(x ,y, z, t) is a “step” function, that is not continuous at tn. In thestandard interpretation, the derivative of a(x ,y, z, t) is either null or it does notexist; in the sense of distributions, the derivative is a series of *** Dirac’s deltaseach one over a tn. Neither sense works for Renolds’ lemma (3.7); notice,however, that (3.4)–(3.6) are all true:

a(x ,y, z, t) =1T

ˆ tn+T /2

tn−T /2a(x ,y, z, t)dt = a(x ,y, z, t);

a′(x ,y, z, t) =1T

ˆ tn+T /2

tn−T /2[a(x ,y, z, t) − a(x ,y, z, t)] dt

= a(x ,y, z, t) − a(x ,y, z, t) = 0;

a(x ,y, z, t)b′(x ,y, z, t) =1T

ˆ tn+T /2

tn−T /2a(x ,y, z, t)b′(x ,y, z, t)dt

= a(x ,y, z, t)

ˆ tn+T /2

tn−T /2b′(x ,y, z, t)dt = 0.

The “problem” is with the last of the lemmas; it is trivial to verify that




ˆ tn+T /2

tn−T /2


dτ(x ,y, z,τ )dτ =

a(x ,y, z, tn +T /2) − a(x ,y, z, tn −T /2)T


(3.10)but how to define in a decent wayda/dt , ifa is constant for tn−T /2 < t < tn+T /2?Some thought will bring us to the conclusion that there are not many choices,and a choice as good as any, and certainly one of the simplest, is to define


dt≡a(tn+1) − a(tn−1)


a(tn+1)+a(tn)2 −


T. (3.11)

Lemma (3.7) is therefore valid approximately for block averages as long as

a(tn +T /2) ≈a(tn+1) + a(tn)

2, (3.12)

a(tn −T /2) ≈a(tn) + a(tn−1)

2; (3.13)

in this case, we have, approximately for block averages,


dadt. (3.14)

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30 3.2 – Theorical foundation

Considering that tn−T /2 and tn+T /2 are exactly at the discontinuity points ofa, the approximations above — the arithmetic average of the block averages leftand right of the discontinuity point — are reasonable and certainly the simplestones we can imagine. This is the maximumwe can obtain regarding the Reynoldspostulates.

3.2.4 – Running averages

The running average of a quantity a(x ,y, z, t) is defined as

a(x ,y, z, t) ≡1P

ˆ t+P/2

t−P/2a(x ,y, z,τ )dτ . (3.15)

The window of the running average, P , is not to be confused with the length ofthe micrometeorological run, T , in (3.9); in micrometeorology, it is common tochoose P in such a way that

∆t P T , (3.16)

where ∆t is the interval of data acquisition. More about this in ???The main advantage of (3.15) is that a similar property to (3.7) continues to

be valid for all independent variables, including t . In fact, from its definition wehave




ˆ t+P/2


∂a(τ )

∂τdτ =

1P[a(t + P/2) − a(t − P/2)] (3.17)

(where the dependence with (x ,y, z) was omitted for simplicity), while





ˆ t+P/2

t−P/2a(τ )dτ



[a(t + P/2) − a(t − P/2) +

ˆ t+P/2


∂a(τ )



1P[a(t + P/2) − a(t − P/2)] . (3.18)

(the second line of (3.18) is an application of Leibnitz’s rule: note that ∂a(τ )/∂t =0). The other results (3.4)–(3.6), however, do not hold:

a(t) =1P

ˆ t+P/2



ˆ τ+P/2

τ−P/2a(ξ )dξ

]dτ , a(t); (3.19)

a′(t) =1P

ˆ t+P/2


[a(τ ) −


ˆ τ+P/2

τ−P/2a(ξ )dξ


= a(t) − a(t) , 0; (3.20)

ab′(t) =1P

ˆ t+P/2


a(τ )

[b(τ ) − b(τ )

]dτ ,


ˆ t+P/2

t−P/2a(τ )b(τ )dτ −


ˆ t+P/2

t−P/2a(τ )b(τ )dτ

= ab(t) − ab(t) , 0. (3.21)

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31 3.3 – The eddy covariance method (ECM)

213 S

Figure 3.1: Mass balance to a virtual “box” (a control volume) of a height za overa hom*ogeneous surface of length L throughout in the wind direction.

Results (3.19)–(3.21) mean that a priori it is considerably more complex tomanipulate averages of the Navier-Stokes equations with running averages (3.15)than with ensemble averages (3.3) or with block averages (3.9).

One “practical” alternative in micrometeorology is to use the greater general-ity of (3.4)–(3.6) in the theoretical derivations, and then use the ergodic hypothesisand substitute all of the ensemble averages by running averages (that is: sampleaverages) in the analysis of results of micrometeorological experiments.

The use of block averages or the running averages carries with itself thenecessity to estimate sample errors systematically when interpreting the experi-mental results. This analysis is not absolutely trivial, because these errors dependon the integral scales of the associated process (Lumley and Panofksy, 1964).There exists a considerable difficulty, and actually very few systematic research,to estimate integral scales. In the first place, integral scales need themselves to beestimated from the measured data. In principle, this is not possible: the integralscale implies an infinite averaging time to be calculated (Yaglom, 1987), whichis not possible even asymptotically in the surface layer of the atmosphere, dueto its non-stationarity at the hourly scale. (Stull, 1988). Moreover, in spite ofwhat many researchers do when adopting a single value for the integral scale,each turbulence quantity has its own integral scale, and they should be calculatedseparately (Dias et al., 2004).

Alternatives to the a priori calculation of integral scales, however, do exist.They are: bootstrapping methods (Gluhovsky and Agee, 1994; Garcia et al.,2006), the filtering method (Salesky et al., 2012; Salesky and Chamecki, 2012)and the relaxed filtering method (Dias et al., 2018).

3.3 – The eddy covariance method (ECM)

3.3.1 – The integral balances for control volume

Figure 3.1 shows the essence of the eddy covariancemethod. Wewill illustrateit for several pairs of intensive quantity↔ extensive quantity (Fox andMcDonald,1981) (indentified by the extensive quatities in the following list): the mass ofdry air, the mass of water vapor, and the mass of CO2.

For the control volume V , limited by the closed surface S , the mass balanceequation of an atmospheric gas χ is

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32 3.3 – The eddy covariance method (ECM)

ˆVsχ dV −

˛S(n · jχ )dS =


ˆVρχ dV +

˛Sρχ (n · u)dS . (3.22)

In (3.22), jχ is the diffusive mass flux of the gas χ on the surface of V andsχ are the production sources of the gas χ inside V (for example, the productionof CO2 by the respiration of plants). These terms form the total flux of the gas χinto the control volume V :

Fχ ≡

ˆVsχ dV −

˛S(n · jχ )dS . (3.23)

To proceed, it is necessary to take into consideration the gaseous compositionof the atmosphere, and the importance of the contributions to the sources andthe diffusive fluxes at the boundaries of V . Consider the atmosphere constitutedessentially by 3 components. The “dry” part consists mainly of O2 e N2, takentogether as a simple gas with constant Rs = 287,05 J kg−1 K−1 (the gas constantfor dry air; see (2.17)). The wet component is the water vapor H2O, whose gasconstant is Rv = 461,52 J kg−1 K−1. Now, consider a third component formedby a greenhouse gas. To fix the ideas, suppose it is CO2, whose gas constant isRc = 188,92 J kg−1 K−1. The air density is the sum of each component:

ρ = ρs + ρv + ρc , (3.24)

where ρs is the density of dry air, ρv is the density of water vapor, and ρc is thedensity of CO2. Similarly, the diffusive fluxes and the sources add up:

s = ss + sv + sc , (3.25)j = js + jv + jc . (3.26)

For dry air, ss = 0, and js = 0 at the surface-atmosphere interface (Finnigan,2009). According to Lee and Massman (2011), this hypotheses is a fundamentalnovelty of the theory proposed by Webb et al. (1980).

Expanding the derivative with respect to time in (3.22),

Fχ =



∂tdV +

˛Sρχ (n · u)dS . (3.27)

The term involving the mass advection through the control surface needs to beevaluated for each of the surfaces À, Á and Â:

ˆÀρχ (n · u)dS = −

ˆ b


ˆ za

z=0ρχu(x = 0,y, z, t)dz dy, (3.28)

ˆÁρχ (n · u)dS = +

ˆ b


ˆ za

z=0ρχu(x = L,y, z, t)dz dy, (3.29)

ˆÂρχ (n · u)dS = +

ˆ L


ˆ b

y=0ρχw(x ,y, z = za, t)dy dx . (3.30)

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33 3.3 – The eddy covariance method (ECM)

Consider now the average of (3.27), denoted by a bar. Using the commutationproperties of the average with the derivative, expressed by (3.7), (3.14) and(3.17)–(3.18) respectively for the ensemble average, the block average and therunning average,

Fχ =



∂tdV +

˛Sρ(n · u)dS . (3.31)

Note that Fχ is a mass transfer rate into V , in kgχ s−1 in the SI.If the flow is hom*ogeneous in x and y, then, for the ensemble average,[

ρχu](x = 0,y, z) = [ρχu](x = L,y, z), ∀y, z (3.32)

note that this is valid only on average; proceeding,ˆÀρχ (n · u)dS +

ˆÁρχ (n · u)dS = 0. (3.33)

Also note that in the case of block and running averages, (3.32) and (3.33) arevalid only approximately.

Horizontal hom*ogeneity also implies that [ρχw](x ,y, z = za) is independentof both x and y, whence

ˆ L


ˆ b

y=0[ρχw](x ,y, z = za)dy dx = [ρχw](z = za)bL. (3.34)

For the average density ρχ the hypothesis of horizontal hom*ogeneity produces

ρχ = ρχ (z, t), (3.35)

where (3.27), using (3.33) and (3.34), reduces to

Fχ = bL

ˆ za


∂tdz + bL[ρχw](z = za),

bL≡ Fχ =

ˆ za


∂tdz + [ρχw](z = za), (3.36)

where Fχ is the specific mass flux (flux per unit of surface area) of the gas. Thetransient term is kept in (3.36) to allow an analysis of its importance, which nowfollows.

By themean value theoremof differential and integral calculus, if 0 ≤ z∗ ≤ za:

Fχ =∂


zaρχ (z

∗)+ [ρχw](z = za). (3.37)

The transient term can be neglected if



ρχ (z

∗) [ρχw](z = za); (3.38)

in this case, we get the standard equation of the eddy covariance method for thesurface flux of gas χ :

Fχ = [ρχw](z = za). (3.39)

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34 3.3 – The eddy covariance method (ECM)

Note that the choice of za is crucial: the bigger the value, the more importantbecomes the effect of ∂ρχ/∂t ; as one would expect the value of ρχ to evolveover over time as a funcion of the flux Fχ , it is not realistic to assume thatthe transient term is identically null in a real atmosphere; strictly speaking, itis a combination of a small value of the time derivative with a “low” heightof measurement (besides of course the horizontal hom*ogeneity hypothesis) thatassures that (3.39) gives us an accurate value of Fχ in the surface.

As we saw above, for dry air Fs ≡ 0, where (3.39) with χ = s, gives


bL= 0 = [ρsw](z = za). (3.40)

This is a fundamental hypothesis in the deduction of the WPL correction(Webb et al., 1980), that however is only briefly mentioned in that paper. In thistext, (3.40) is rigorously derived from the horizontal hom*ogeneity hypothesis andfrom the stationarity and dry air budget for a control volume, in essentially thesame way as in Finnigan (2009), and Lee and Massman (2011).

Under the same hypothesis of hom*ogeneity and stationarity, and taking re-spectively χ = v e χ = c, the specific fluxes (i.e., per unit of area) of water vapormass and CO2 mass are

E ≡Fv

bL= [ρvw](z = za), (3.41)

F ≡Fc

bL= [ρcw](z = za). (3.42)

Besides the mass fluxes described above, also indispensable in micrometeo-rological measurements are the momentum flux,

τ ≡Fu

bL= [ρuw](z = za), (3.43)

and the sensible heat flux,

H ≡Fθ

bL= [ρcpwθ ](z = za), (3.44)

where θ is potential temperature.In the name of simplicity, from now on we will omit the measurement level;

in this way, for example, we write ρvw instead of [ρvw](z = za).

3.3.2 – Non-ideal conditions

Nocturnal turbulence tends to be intermittent. In strongly stable conditionswith Richardson number Ri . 0,2, turbulence is strongly damped or even sup-pressed (Kondo et al., 1978; Cheng et al., 2005). This value, however, is debat-able; see Zilitinkevich et al. (2007) and Galperin et al. (2007).

Two important problems of the nocturnal measurement of CO2 fluxes withthe eddy covariance method are (Aubinet, 2008):

1. The turbulence intermittency that produces non-stationarity conditions dur-ing which the method’s hypothesis can fail; and

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35 3.3 – The eddy covariance method (ECM)

2. The occurrence of breezes and katabatic flows, during which the effectsof horizontal advection, that also invalidate (in principle) the method canbecome very important.

The observation that the measurements with the eddy covariance methodcould be systematically underestimating the CO2 fluxes appears to have beendone for the first time by Goulden et al. (2006). Once this is realized, it ispossible to correct the error (“correction approach”) or eliminate the suspectmeasurements (“filtering approach”) (Aubinet, 2008). The most usual approachis to eliminate the measurements associated to a friction velocity below a certainlevel.

Once the problems posed by the relatively simplistic measurement of the CO2flux with only one tower, and in only only level, were identified, explanationsstarted to be searched. Among them, we found the analysis of Lee (1998), andthe subsequent, and very important, comments of Finnigan (1999).

In real conditions, the perfect horizontal hom*ogeneity and stationarity as-sumed in MOS theory, and used in the derivation of the equation of the eddycovariance method presented in the text, obviously fail. The degree to whichthis affects the surface flux measurements, however, is extremely hard to be es-tablished. Attempts to calculate, in particular, the advective terms neglected inthe theory (the calculation of local advection effects) are very hard, because theyinvolve the need to measure horizontal and vertical gradients of gas concentra-tion. For this it is necessary that sensors placed at different points be carefullycalibrated to eliminate the systematic errors, since the advective terms alwaysinvolve the measurement of concentration differences between two points. Inthis sense the study of Heinesch et al. (2007) suggests that it is possible to esti-mate CO2 horizontal gradients, and therefore its local horizontal advection, butthat the vertical advection term estimate, that involves the vertical velocity wmeasurement, is considerably harder.

Similar conclusions, although more detailed, were obtained in the carefulstudy of Leuning et al. (2008), in which all of the terms of the mass integralbalance of CO2 in a control volume of 50 × 50 × 6 m3 were measured or verywell estimated: in this work, the vertical and horizontal advection terms wereshown to be important in nocturnal measurements, with smaller errors occurringin diurnal conditions.

As we shall see next, an estimate of the mean vertical velocity is at the core ofthe WPL correction, and more studies (and possibly technological progress) areprobably necessary for the improvement of the flux measurements in non-idealconditions, such as with undulating topography and in the presence of advectiveand non-stationarity effects.

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4The dynamical equations for theABL

The transport equations express the principles of conservation of total mass,momentum, energy and mass of a mixed substance (for instance water vapor) at apoint in space and instant in time. In principle, any fluid mechanics problem canbe solved if we know the constitutive equation (the rate of strain – stress relation)and the boundary conditions.

In practice, the problem is much more complicated. The momentum equa-tions are non-linear, making the solution (either analytical or numerical) muchmore difficult. Morever, they display chaotic behavior, which causes very smalldifferences in the boundary conditions to amplify very fast (Ruelle, 1994). Fi-nally, their full solution requires the resolution of extremely small scales (theKolmogorov microscales), rendering the problem impossible to solve on thebasis of the fundamental equations alone, and requiring additional hypothesisregarding their closure at some level: this is the well known turbulence closureproblem (Wyngaard, 1981).

4.1 – Dierential operators

It is convenient to adopt a double notation for the position and velocity vectors,and the basis for R3, viz.

x = (x ,y, z) ≡ (x1,x2,x3), (4.1)u = (u,v,w) ≡ (u1,u2,u3), (4.2)

(i, j,k) ≡ (e1,e2,e3). (4.3)

The equations of fluid mechanics involve four differential operators: thedivergence, the curl, the laplacian, and the operator for the material derivative.They are:

∇ · u = ∂u∂x+∂v






; (4.4)


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37 4.2 – The hydrostatic reference state

∇ ×u =(∂w



)i +




)j +










∂xiek ; (4.5)

∇2a =∂2a







∂xk∂xk; (4.6)



∂t+ u∂a








∂xk, (4.7)

where a represents any scalar field and ∇ is the “symbolic” vector ( ∂∂x ,∂∂y ,

∂∂z ).

The first line in each of the equations above gives the formula for each operatorin x , y, and z notation. The second line shows that all operators can be writtenin a compact form as sums. For the curl, the permutation symbol ϵijk = +1 forcyclic permutations (1,2,3), (2,3,1), (3,1,2); ϵijk = −1 for anti-cyclic permutations(1,3,2), (2,1,3), (3,1,2); and ϵijk = 0 if i = j, j = k , k = i or i = j = k .

In the equations that follow, we will adopt most of the time the compact sumnotation. In particular cases, it will be more frutiful to shift back to the notationinvolving (x ,y, z) and (u,v,w).

4.2 – The hydrostatic reference state

Consider again the first law for an adiabatic atmosphere, as in 2.68, repeatedhere,

cpdTr = vrdpr , (4.8)together with the hydrostatic equation

dprdz= −ρrд. (4.9)

Above, the subscript r means the reference state for a hydrostatic equation.Together with the state equation (2.38), equations (4.8)–(4.9) form a system fromwhich we can eliminate either Tr , pr or vr = 1/ρr . Three equations result for thereference pressure, temperature or density as a function of z (bear in mind that ina moist atmosphere cp , cv and R are given by 2.71, (2.77) and 2.72 respectively):

Tr (z) = T0 −д

cpz, (4.10)

pr (z) = p0

(T0 −



)cp/R, (4.11)

ρr (z) = ρ0

(T0 −



)cv /R

. (4.12)

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38 4.3 –Mass conservation and the Boussinesq approximation











0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000















0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2





Figure 4.1: Reference pressure pr and density ρr in a hydrostatic and adiabaticequation.

Figure 4.1 shows the pressure and density reference states in the atmosphereas functions of z, forT0 = 15 C and p0 = 101 325 Pa. The scale height is definedas

D =


dρr (0)dz

−1; (4.13)

it is obtained by extrapolating the straight line with the same slope as the referencedensity profile at the surface up to ρr = 0, as seen in figure 4.1-b.

4.3 – Mass conservation and the Boussinesq approximation

The derivation of the transport equations for u, v, w , θ , q, θv , . . . is a longprocess involving a fair amount of physics and mathematics. It can be foundin various texts, such as Batchelor (1967), Bird et al. (1960) and Landau andLifsh*tz (1959). An excellent itroduction to the equations in a form often used inthe ABL is Stull (1988)’s book.

We will briefly analyze the dynamical equations in light of the Boussinesqapproximation. First we define a thickness ` such that the reference densitychanges little between z = 0 and z = `. From figure 4.1-b, it can be seen that


D≡ ϵb 1, (4.14)

where ρ0 = ρr (0). In (4.14), we use any appropriately small value of ϵb (sayϵb = 0.01), to define ` rigorously.

Next we define the Boussinesq decompositions

ui = 0 + uδi , (4.15)ρ = ρr + ρδ , (4.16)p = pr + pδ , (4.17)T = Tr +Tδ . (4.18)

Above, uδ , ρδ , pδ and Tδ are the fluctuations of velocity, density, pressure, andtemperature of an actual (“dynamic”) atmosphere with respect to the referencehydrostatic state.

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39 4.3 –Mass conservation and the Boussinesq approximation

Of course, (4.15)–(4.18) can be further expanded by means of a Reynolds’decomposition, yielding

ui + u′i = uδi + u

′δi , (4.19)

ρ + ρ′ = ρr + ρδ + ρ′δ , (4.20)

p + p′ = pr + pδ + p′δ , (4.21)

T +T ′ = Tr +Tδ +T′δ . (4.22)

Then, the following relations hold (trivially) between the Reynolds decom-position and the Boussinesq decomposition:

ui = uδi u′i = u′δi , (4.23)

ρ = ρr + ρδ ρ′ = ρ′δ , (4.24)p = pr + pδ p′ = p′δ , (4.25)T = Tr +Tδ T ′ = T ′δ , (4.26)


ui = 0 + uδi + u′, (4.27)ρ = ρr + ρδ + ρ

′, (4.28)p = pr + pδ + p

′, (4.29)T = Tr +Tδ +T

′. (4.30)

Clearly, the notations uδi and u′δi, ρ′

δ, p′

δand T ′

δin (4.23)–(4.26) are excessive,

and will not be used any further.Only now we introduce the Boussinesq approximation proper: it is the as-

sumption that the dynamic density fluctuations ρδ are of the same order of mag-nitude of the variation of the reference density ρr within the layer of thickness `.In view of the definition of D in (4.13) and (4.14), it is

ρδ ∼ ρ0`

D ρr , 0 ≤ z ≤ `. (4.31)

Now consider the full form for the equation for (total) mass conservation,which reads





∂xk= 0. (4.32)

Its ensemble average is∂ρ




= 0. (4.33)

Expanding all terms with the help of (4.27)–(4.30) and Reynolds’ postulates(3.4)–(3.7),




uk∂ρr∂xk︸ ︷︷ ︸II



uk∂ρδ∂xk︸ ︷︷ ︸III



ρr∂uk∂xk︸ ︷︷ ︸IV



ρδ∂uk∂xk︸ ︷︷ ︸V





= 0.


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40 4.3 –Mass conservation and the Boussinesq approximation

The order of magnitude of each individual term in the sums above can beestablished relatively easily. For that, we need to define in some useful way adensity scale ρ and a velocity scale u. Due to (4.28) and (4.31), we will define

ρ ∼ ρδ ∼ ρ′, (4.35)

andu ∼ uk ; ρu ∼ ρ′u′

k. (4.36)

With that, one finds

I ∼ρu


II ∼℘0u



III ∼ρu


IV ∼ρ0u


V ∼ρu


VI ∼ρu


The upshot is that all individual terms in I–III, and V–VI, are much smallerthan the individual terms in IV. The sum of all three terms in IV must be of thesame order of the other terms, whence










∂uk∂xk≈ 0. (4.37)

Equation (4.37) is often first found in fluid mechanics in the context of massconservation in an incompressible flow. Here, it is only approximately valid (weare in the context of the Boussinesq approximation); it is valid (at this point) forthe mean velocity field u only; and it does not mean that there are no densityfluctuations.

The same approach can be taken for the full momentum equation, which is(for a Newtonian fluid)∂(ρui)








= ρдi −∂p





)+ νρ


∂sik∂xk, i = 1, . . . , 3, (4.38)

where Ω is the angular velocity of the Earth;∑3


j=1 2ϵijkΩjuk is the Corilisacceleration along xi ; д = (0, 0,−д) is the accelration of gravity, and ν is thekinematic viscosity. Expanding and estimating orders of magnitude for (4.38)however, is now a lengthy and somewhat tedious procedure. Perhaps the most

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41 4.3 –Mass conservation and the Boussinesq approximation

revealing part is the effect that the Boussinesq decomposition has on the gravityand pressure terms:

ρдi −∂p

∂xi= (ρr + ρδ )дi −

∂(pr + pδ )


= ρδдi −∂pδ∂xi, (4.39)

in view of the hydrostatic equation (4.9). Equation (4.39) shows very clearly thatan important part of the acceleration in the fluid is caused by the differences inbouyancy caused Boussinesq fluctuations in density, ρδ .

If one now proceeds with the Boussinesq and Reynolds decomposition, fol-lowed by averaging and simplification with (4.33) (which we omit, but encouragethe reader to undertake!), the final result is


[∂ui∂t+ uk∂ui∂xk+∂uiuk∂xk


[ρδдi −



`. (4.40)

Each of the individual terms above can be shown to be ∼ ρ0u2/`. The Coriolis

terms, which do not appear above, are of the order of ρ0u2/(Ro`) (where Ro =

u/(f `) is the Rossby number, and f = 2Ω sin(ϕ) is the Coriolis parameter). Atthe scale of the flow, `, the Rossby number is very large and consequently Corioliseffects are negligible. For the left-hand side of (4.40), therefore, one has

дρ ∼ ρ0u2

`, (4.41)


`∼ ρ0


`⇒ (4.42)

p ∼ ρд`. (4.43)

Pressure fluctuations are extremely difficult to measure in the atmosphere.Wyngaard (2010) gives the estimate p′ ∼ ρ0u

2; this is the same as (4.42). Haufet al. (1996) observed values of p′ of the order of 2.5 Pa, which again is the sameorder as given by Wyngaard. The main consequence of (4.43) is that the effectsof the pressure fluctuations pδ and p′ can often be neglected in the atmosphere.

The order of magnitude of the Boussinesq pressure fluctuations now leads tothe following approximation in the state equation:

p = ρRdTv ,

[pr + pδ ] = [ρr + ρδ ]Rd[Tvr +Tvδ ],

pr + pδ ≈ ρrRdTvr + ρrRdTvδ + ρδRdTvr ,

where the product ρδRdTvδ has been neglected. By definition, the equation ofstate, pr = ρrRdTvr holds for the hydrostatic reference state; therefore,

pδ ≈ ρrRdTvδ + ρδRdTvr ,



≈TvδTvr︸︷︷︸∼ TT0



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42 4.4 – The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations



ρ0∼ ϵb = 0.01 by definition,



2.5101 325

= 2.47 × 10−5 0.01.

Therefore, the Boussinesq pressure fluctuations can be safely dismissed. Thisleads to a much simpler linear equation of state that does not include pressure,namely

ρδρr= −

TvδTr. (4.44)


4.1 Using Reynolds’ decomposition (3.1) and Reynolds’ postulates (3.4)–(3.7), showthat

ρδρr= −


ρ ′

ρr= −

T ′vTr.

4.4 – The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations

Under the validity of the Boussinesq approximation (4.31), the mass andmomentum conservation equations (4.37) and (4.40) are correct to order ϵb . Weare unaware ofworks that dealwith the extension of theBoussinesq approximationto the higher-order, second-moment equations that are essential to understand themechanics of turbulent flow, and which were introduced by O. Reynolds in 1895(Reynolds, 1895). We will however assume that the equations for the turbulentfluctuations of velocity and other quantities are analogous to (4.37) and (4.40)for the means.

Under these further assumptions, application of Reynolds’ decomposition(3.1) to the mass and momentum equations (4.33) and (4.38), and subtraction ofthe equations for means,(4.37) and (4.40), eventually results in



∂xk= 0 (4.45)















θvθ ′v + 2ν



∂xk, (4.46)

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43 4.4 – The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations

where д = (0, 0,−д) with д = 9.81 m s−2. Note that the average of (4.45) and(4.46) above is zero. Multiplication of (4.46) by u′j , exchange of the indices i andj and summation of the two resulting equations, followed by averaging, leads thethe second-order equations







∂xk︸ ︷︷ ︸II





∂xk− u′ju


∂ui∂xk︸ ︷︷ ︸




∂xk︸ ︷︷ ︸IV


[дiu′jθ′v + дju


]︸ ︷︷ ︸


− 23∑





′ju′k+ ϵjlku


)︸ ︷︷ ︸






)︸ ︷︷ ︸






)︸ ︷︷ ︸


+ 2ν3∑



[u′js′ik+ u′js


]︸ ︷︷ ︸


− 2ν3∑




∂xk+ s′



]︸ ︷︷ ︸



In (4.47),

s′ik =12





is the fluctuation rate of deformation.The set (4.47) is essential to understand the physics of turbulence. We borrow

from (Stull, 1988) their meanings:

I. Is the local rate of change of the covariance u′iu′j .

II. Is the advection of u′iu′j by the mean wind uk .

III. Is the gradient production/destruction term. A loose interpretation is thatthe average profiles are subject to perturbations that generate large-scalestructures that progressively break into smaller structures, and so on. Thelarger structures are anisotropic, an evidence of this fact being the very ex-istence of the mean gradients ∂uj/∂xk , but the smaller structures (“eddies”)become more and more isotropic, and their statistics more hom*ogeneousand stationary.

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44 4.4 – The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations

IV. This is the transport term: it reflects turbulence’s closure problem: notethat in equation (4.40) for the mean ui there are 2nd-order moments u′iu


here, in the equation for the second-order moments u′iu′j the 3rd-order

moments u′iu′ju′kappear, and so on ad infinitum. Indeed, Reynold’s de-

composition always leads to more equations than unknowns to any order.In the atmospheric boundary layer, the divergence of 3rd-order momentsis often important and reflects non-local redistribution of covariances: itadds considerable difficulty in modeling and understanding its physics.

V. This is the buoyancy term: the buoyancy flux ρ′u′j has a counterpart in thevirtual sensible heat fluxu′jθ

′v , via the simplified equation of state (4.44) that

emerges from the Boussinesq approximation. Depending on the sign ofu′jθ′v , it can either produce or destroy the covarianceu′iu

′j . Production of tur-

bulence by buoyancy makes the atmosphere more unstable, and destrutionmakes it more stable.

VI. This is the Coriolis term: it is negligible in the atmospheric boundary layer(Stull, 1988).

VII. Like III, this is a divergence term: it is called the pressure redistributionterm, and also like III it redistributes u′iu

′j without creating nor destroying

covariances in the overall flow domain Tennekes and Lumley (1972).

VIII. This is the return to isotropy term (Rotta, 1951a,b;Hinze, 1975; Lumley andNewman, 1977; CHOI and LUMLEY, 2001). Its sum for the 3 componentsu′1u′1, u′2u′2 and u′3u

′3 is zero, showing that it acts to reduce the anisotropy

of turbulence, and to nudge the Reynolds stress tensor u′iu′j to become


IX. This term accounts for the molecular diffusion of u′iu′j : it is very small and

can be neglected.

X. This is the viscous dissipation term. It can be shown to be small for thecase i , j Wyngaard (1981), but is very important and always when i = j;then, it accounts for the dissipation of turbulence kinetic energy, and isof the same order of the other important terms in (4.47), such as gradientproduction and buoyancy.

An equation that has a central role in the understanding of the physics (or, atleast, the phenomenology) of turbulence is the turbulence kinetic energy (TKE)equation. It is obtained by setting i = j in (4.47), summing from 1 to 3, anddividing by two. The quantity

e =12


u′iu′i (4.49)

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45 4.4 – The Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations

is the kinetic energy of the flow that is due to the turbulent velocity fluctuations.The TKE equation is






∂xk︸ ︷︷ ︸II

= −



∂ui∂xk︸ ︷︷ ︸





θrw′θ ′v︸ ︷︷ ︸V

− 23∑




ϵilkΩlu′iu′k︸ ︷︷ ︸






]︸ ︷︷ ︸


+ 2ν3∑




∂xk︸ ︷︷ ︸VIII

− 2ν3∑



s′iks′ik︸ ︷︷ ︸


. (4.50)

In (4.50),

I is the time rate of change of e;

II is the advection of e (the advective derivative of e);

III is the gradient production term;

IV is the transport term;

V is the buoyancy production of e;

VI is the (negligible) Coriolis term;

VII is the pressure redistribution term;

VIII is the (negligible) diffusive transport of e;

IX is the dissipation of TKE.

Note that, on account of the mass conservation equation for the fluctuations,(4.45), the return to isotropy term in (4.47) now sums to zero:







[ 3∑i=1


]= 0. (4.51)

Further simplification can be achieved if we assume the conditions underwhich the Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory is valid: horizontal hom*ogeneity,stationarity, mean flow along the x direction only. Then one has

0 = −u′w′∂u



θrw′θ ′v −



∂z− 2ν




0 = −u′w′∂u



θrw′θ ′v −



∂z− ϵe (4.52)

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5Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory(MOST)

The Monin-Obukhov Similarity Theory (Obukhov, 1971) —MOST for short —appeared in the Soviet Union during the Second World War. It became knownin the west in the 1950’s and since the 1960’s it has become a standard tool formicrometeorological analysis.

5.1 – Physical justification

The fundamental hypotheses of the MOS theory are the following:

• The flow is near stationary on average:


∂t= 0. (5.1)

• The flow is unidirectional:

u = (u, 0, 0), v = w = 0. (5.2)

• The flow is hom*ogeneous in x and y, on average:



∂y= 0. (5.3)

In these conditions, the local advection of any quantity in the x direction isnull:


∂x= 0. (5.4)

In particular, the vertical fluxes of momentum τ , sensible heat H , massof water vapor E and greenhouse gas mass F are constant along x . Thesesurface fluxes are the desired quantities, for example: by hydrologists interestedin evaporation (or evapotranspiration) andmeteorologists interested in using themas boundary conditions for their weather forecast models, atmospheric dispersionmodels, etc..


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47 5.1 – Physical justification

As seen in section 3.3.1, from the turbulence theory point of view, the surfacefluxes are turbulence statistics, next to the surface, in which one of the variablesis the vertical velocityw:

τ = ρu2∗ = −ρwu (5.5)

H = ρcpu∗θ∗ = ρcpwθ (5.6)E = ρu∗q∗ = ρvw (5.7)

Hv = ρcpu∗θv∗ = ρcpwθv (5.8)F = ρu∗c∗ = ρcw (5.9)

These equations define new types of scales: the velocity scale u∗, the tem-perature scale θ∗ the specific humidity scale q∗, the greenhouse gas scale q∗ andthe virtual temperature scale θv∗. The latter is associated to the virtual heat fluxHv . According to what we discussed in the previous section, it is necessary tomeasure the turbulent statistics close to the surface.

A standard justification (but not derivation!) for Monin-Obukhov SimilarityTheory can be obtained from the TKE equation with further simplifications.Note that in a moist atmosphere we should use the virtual temperature θv forthe buyoancy term. Also, assuming that all fluxes are constant with height, andthat the TKE transport term and pressure terms can both be neglected, (4.52)simplifies to




θvru∗θ∗ − ϵe = 0,

κ(z − d)


dudz+κд(z − d)θv∗


−κ(z − d)ϵe


= 0. (5.10)

In applications, one typically replaces θvr by θv , a mean virtual temperaturemeasured close to the surface.

The Obukhov stability variable is now defined by

ζ =z − d

LO= −

κд(z − d)θv∗


and indicates the relative magnitude of the turbulent kinetic energy productionby buoyancy (θv∗ appears in the numerator) and by friction (u∗ appears in thedenominator). In (5.11), d is the “zero plane” displacement. It takes intoconsideration the height of the vegetation, and establishes a level d above theground from which the effects of the surface turbulent fluxes on the atmosphereabove the vegetation are felt.

The other two terms in () can now be defined as

ϕτ ≡κ(z − d)


dudz, (5.12)

ϕϵe ≡κ(z − d)ϵe


. (5.13)

The surface layer (SL) is the region inside the atmospheric boundary layerwhere, roughly, the surface fluxes τ , H , Hv , etc., are approximately constant withz. In other words, in principle, turbulence measurements inside the SL producethe surface fluxes. The SL has many sub-layers: the interfacial sublayer, the

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48 5.2 – Integration of the dimensionless gradient

roughness sublayer, the dynamic sublayer, the dynamic-convective sublayer andthe local free convection sublayer. The latter, depending on the author, may ormay not be considered a part of the SL. The nomenclature also varies accordingto the author. The three first classifications are reasonably universal (Brutsaert,1982; Garratt, 1994); the term dynamic-convective sublayer is due to Kader andYaglom (1990); the term free convection sublayer (or layer, depending on it beingconsidered or not a part of the SL) is due to Wyngaard et al. (1971). We refer thereader to these references for details on the many sublayers of the SL.

The SL is unstable when ζ < 0, and the buoyancy term in the turbulencekinetic energy equation contributes to produce turbulence. The SL is stablewhen ζ > 0 , and that term helps to destroy the turbulence. The SL is neutralwhen ζ = 0.

MOST predicts that all the turbulent fluctuation moments, non-dimensionalized correctly by the proper combination of z, u∗, θ∗, q∗, θv∗ andc∗, are functions of the independent variable ζ . For the gradients of mean quan-tities, (moments of order 1) these functions are



dudz= ϕτ (ζ ),



dθdz= ϕH (ζ ),



dqdz= ϕE(ζ ),



dcdz= ϕF (ζ ).

(5.14)The use of the ordinary derivative d/dz in the above equations, instead of the

partial derivative, simply indicates that we consider that the flow is stationaryand horizontally hom*ogeneous, so that the only independent variable (from thestatistical point of view of turbulence) is z.

5.2 – Integration of the dimensionless gradient

Equation (5.14), which defines the dimensionless gradients of Monin-Obukhov, is equivalent to postulate turbulent diffusivities. For example, considera turbulent flow in a boundary layer with density stratification. The turbulent dif-fusivity of momentum, Kτ , is defined by analogy with the molecular diffusivityas

τ ≡ ρKτdu

dz. (5.15)

From (5.5) and (5.14), the turbulent diffusivity is

Kτ = κzu∗/ϕτ (ζ ) (5.16)

Now, consider (5.14) for the profile of horizontal mean velocity u and ζ = 0(LO = +∞):




dz= ϕτ (0) = 1 (5.17)

where the valueϕτ (0) = 1 is classically obtained in non-stratified flows (Brutsaert,1982). Integrating,


z − d= κ


u∗ˆ z−d



x − d= κ




lnz − d


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49 5.2 – Integration of the dimensionless gradient

Note that the integral over z has lower limit d + z0τ , and not d , because (5.18)is valid only in the fully turbulent region of the SL, but is no longer valid at thethin interfacial sublayer IL immediately above the surface where the transportby molecular diffusion is significant. The integration constant z0τ is called theroughness length for momentum.

Equation (5.18) is the logarithmic profile of velocity that appears in turbulentboundary layers without density stratification. Clearly, ϕτ (ζ ) “corrects” thisprofile for non-null stratification (ζ , 0).

The general integration procedure for the case ζ , 0 is the following:




dz= ϕτ (ζ ),




dζ= ϕτ (ζ ),

ϕτ (ζ )dζ

ζ= κ



ˆ ζ2


ϕτ (x)dx

x= κ

u2 − u1u∗

, (5.19)

for ζ1 < ζ2. If

Φτ (ζ ) ≡

ˆϕτ (x)dx


thenu∗ = κ

u2 − u1Φτ (ζ2) − Φτ (ζ1)


Similarly, integrating the dimensionless gradients of temperature, specifichumidity and greenhouse effect gas concentration,

θ∗ = κθ1 − θ2

ΦH (ζ2) − ΦH (ζ1), (5.22)

q∗ = κq1 − q2

ΦE(ζ2) − ΦE(ζ1), (5.23)

c∗ = κc1 − c2

ΦF (ζ2) − ΦF (ζ1). (5.24)

In the same way of the case of a neutral atmosphere (ζ = 0), the relations(5.14) (the first of which was used in the obtaining of (5.19)) are not valid downto z − d = 0. That way, when level “1” is the surface, we use z1 − d = z0τ in(5.21), z1 − d = z0H in (5.22), z1 − d = z0E in (5.23) and z1 − d = z0F in (5.24).

It is common to assume ϕH = ϕE = ϕF in the SL. The equality of the turbulentdiffusivities of heat and water vapor was supposed explicitly in the first time in themicrometeological context by Bowen in 1926 (Brutsaert, 1982), and constantlyused ever since, but this hypothesis was only proved by Hill (1989) by means ofdimensional analysis, and Dias (1994) and Dias and Brutsaert (1996) from theReynolds equations for the case of hom*ogeneous turbulence in the vertical axis.In the following events, we will assume that the similarity functions ϕ for heatand water vapor are always identical, i.e.: ϕH = ϕE = ϕF . Strictly speaking, z0H ,z0E and z0F are not equal (Brutsaert, 1982); however, we’ll assume in this textthat they are sufficiently close (z0H ≈ z0E ≈ z0F ) for practical purposes.

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50 5.3 –Classical formulas of the MOS theory

5.3 – Classical formulas of the MOS theory

The classical profiles for the velocityu and scalars (θ ,q, c) most used probablyare the Businger-Dyer functions (Brutsaert, 1982). For unstable conditions (ζ <0):

ϕ2τ = ϕH = ϕE = ϕF (1 − 16ζ )−1/2 (5.25)

and for stable conditions (ζ > 0):

ϕτ = ϕH = ϕE = ϕF = 1 + 5ζ . (5.26)

Although there is still some discussion about the constants’s values and eventhe form of these functions, they still represent a reasonable consent; a recentrevision on the ϕ profiles that are similar to the ones in this text can be found in(Högström, 1988). Stimulated by the findings of Kader and Yaglom (1990), Brut-saert (1992) suggested, for example, new formulations for unstable conditions.In stable conditions, Cheng and Brutsaert (2005) also re-evaluated the similarityfunctions using data from the CASES-99 experiment.

Note that in a neutral atmosphere ζ = 0, where Φτ (0) = ΦH (0) = ΦE(0) =ΦF (0) = −∞. This makes it difficult to use equations (5.21)–(5.23), becauseof the singularity in the denominator. Therefore, it is preferable to work withfunctions Ψ that define the deviation of u, θ and q in relation of the logarithmicprofiles due to the stability ζ , 0:

Ψ(ζ ) ≡

ˆ1 − ϕζ

dζ = ln |ζ | − Φ(ζ ). (5.27)

Starting with Psiτ ,

Ψτ (ζ ) =

ˆ ζ


1 − (1 − 16u)−1/4



ˆ ζ



1u(1 − 16u)1/4

]du (5.28)

To calculate the integral, do

x = (1 − 16u)1/4; x4 = (1 − 16u);1 − x4

16= u; du = −


4dx ;(5.29)

a = (1 − 16ζ0τ )1/4; b = (1 − 16ζ )1/4. (5.30)

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51 5.3 –Classical formulas of the MOS theory


Ψτ (ζ ) =

ˆ b



1 − x4 −16

x(1 − x4)

] (−x3



= 4ˆ b



x(x4 − 1)−

1x(x4 − 1)

]x3 dx


ˆ b


4(x − 1)x2

x4 − 1dx


ˆ b



x2 + 1−

2x2 + 1


x + 1


= ln(x2 + 1) + 2 ln(x + 1) − 2 arctgxba

. (5.31)

Making a ≈ 1:

Ψτ (b(ζ )) = ln(b2 + 1) + 2 ln(b + 1) − 2 arctgb − [ln(2) + 2 ln(2) − 2 arctg(1)]

= lnb2 + 1

2+ 2 ln

b + 12− 2 arctgb +


2. (5.32)

Note that Ψτ (b = 1) ≡ 0.For ΨH :

ΨH (ζ ) =

ˆ ζ


1 − (1 − 16u)−1/2



ˆ ζ



1u(1 − 16u)1/2

]du (5.33)

Using the same change of variables (5.29)–(5.30),

ΨH (ζ ) =

ˆ b



1 − x4 −16

x2(1 − x4)

] (−x3



= 4ˆ b



x2(x4 − 1)−

1x2(x4 − 1)

]x3 dx


ˆ b


4(x2 − 1)xx4 − 1


= 2 ln(x2 + 1)ba

. (5.34)

Making a ≈ 1:

ΨH (b(ζ )) = 2 lnb2 + 1

2. (5.35)

Note that, again, we have ΨH (b = 1) ≡ 0. Finally, in stable conditions, using(5.26):

Ψτ ,H ,E,F =

ˆ ζ


1 − (1 + 5ζ )ζ

= −5(ζ − ζ0τ ,0H ,0E,0F ) ≈ −5ζ . (5.36)

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52 5.4 – The flux-gradient method (FGM)

Thus, equations (5.21)–(5.23) are now written as

u∗ = κu2 − u1

ln ζ2ζ1− [Ψτ (ζ2) − Ψτ (ζ1)]

, (5.37)

θ∗ = κθ1 − θ2

ln ζ2ζ1− [ΨH (ζ2) − ΨH (ζ1)]

, (5.38)

q∗ = κq1 − q2

ln ζ2ζ1− [ΨE(ζ2) − ΨE(ζ1)]

, (5.39)

c∗ = κc1 − c2

ln ζ2ζ1− [ΨF (ζ2) − ΨF (ζ1)]

. (5.40)

Along with (5.11), which defines LO in terms of u∗, θ∗, q∗ e c∗, this providesa non-linear system in the variables u∗, θ∗, q∗, c∗ and LO , that can be iterativelysolved from the measurement of the mean profiles u(z), θ (z), q(z) and c(z). Ingeneral, this is done postulating |LO | = +∞ initially, where Ψτ ,H ,E,F = 0; withthe values of u∗, θ∗ and q∗ obtained from the initial logarithmic profiles, were-calculate L0 e then ζ1, ζ2, that can be used in a new estimate of the turbulentscales, and so on until the process converges.

5.4 – The flux-gradient method (FGM)

The transfer equations quantify the surface fluxes as a function of the differ-ences in wind velocity, temperature, humidity and greenhouse gas between thesurface and one or more measurement levels. We will assume that temperatureθa, specific humidity qa, and mass concentration ca are measured at height za,while the wind velocity ub is measured at height zb . The sub-index 0 indicatesthe surface. In his case, the transfer equations are

τ = ρCτ u2b , (5.41)

H = ρcpCH ub

(θ0 − θa

), (5.42)

E = ρCE ub(q0 − qa

), (5.43)

F = ρCF ub (c0 − ca) , (5.44)

where Cτ , CH , CE and CF are dimensionless transfer coefficients (respectivelyfor momentum, heat, H2O mass and (an unspecified?) gas mass). The useof the transfer equations for the estimation of surface fluxes is often called theflux-gradient method.

To derive (5.41)–(5.43), we start from (5.37)–(5.39). They aren’t directlyapplicable in z = 0, for ln 0 = −∞; hence, we need to assume that the valuesu0 = 0, θ0, q0 and c0 in the surface occur at the corresponding roughness lengthsz0τ , z0H , z0E and z0F . For each quantity, we then take level 1 as being equal to itsroughness length, and level 2 as being equal to its measurement level. At level 1,the roughness lengths are very small, so that it is reasonable to write

z0τLO≈ 0,

z0HLO≈ 0,

z0ELO≈ 0,

z0FLO≈ 0, (5.45)


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53 5.4 – The flux-gradient method (FGM)



)≈ 0, Ψ


)≈ 0, Ψ


)≈ 0, Ψ


)≈ 0. (5.46)

Using (5.5)–(5.7) and (5.37)–(5.40):

τ = ρκ2[

ln zb−dz0τ− Ψτ


)]2 u2b , (5.47)

H = ρcpκ2[

ln zb−dz0τ− Ψτ


)] [ln za−d

z0H− ΨH


)] ub

(θ0 − θa

), (5.48)

E = ρκ2[

ln zb−dz0τ− Ψτ


)] [ln za−d

z0E− ΨE


)]ub (q0 − qa

), (5.49)

F = ρκ2[

ln zb−dz0τ− Ψτ


)] [ln za−d

z0F− ΨE


)]ub (c0 − ca) . (5.50)

The penultimate equation above is, naturally, “Dalton’s Law”. In the sameway that occurs in the energy balance method, it is more commonly written withvapor pressure e instead of the specific humidity q,

E =0,622ρ


κ2[ln zb−d

z0τ− Ψτ


)] [ln za−d

z0E− ΨE


)]ub (e0 − ea) . (5.51)

This equation should be compared with many empirical formulas of evapo-ration of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century, of thekind

E = (a + bu)(e0 − ea). (5.52)From themicrometeorological point of view,a does not have physicalmeaning

(i.e.: shouldn’t be in the equation) if (5.52) is used over time scales that are notcompatible with atmospheric turbulence, between 30 minutes and one hour.Historically, however, we find that equations like (5.52) are widely used at thedaily and monthly scales. Finally notice that, strictly speaking, b is not constant;for fixed measurement heights za and zb and roughness lengths (note that thesurface roughness can vary over an agricultural area, or with wind direction), bstill depends on the MO stability length, which varies in a (semi-)hourly scalealong the day.

Os momentos de ordem 2 mais relevantes são



= ϕww (ζ )θ ′θ ′


= ϕθθ (ζ )q′q′


= ϕqq(ζ ) (5.53)



= ϕwp(ζ ),κzϵe


= ϕϵe (ζ ) (5.54)

e alguns momentos de ordem 3 importantes são



= ϕwe(ζ )w′θ ′θ ′


= ϕwθθ (ζ )w′q′q′


= ϕwqq(ζ ) (5.55)

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54 5.5 –Aplicações clássicas

Voltando agora à equação (??) vemos que ela pode ser totalmente escrita emtermos dos ϕ’s de Monin-Obukhov:

0 = ϕτ −12κζ∂ϕwe∂ζ− ζ − κζ


∂ζ− ϕϵe (5.56)

Outro processo totalmente análogo é a produção/dissipação de variância deum escalar — por exemplo, a temperatura.

Fazendo-se i = j = 4 em (4.47), sem que isto implique em somatório, obtém-se

0 = −2w′θ ′∂θ

∂z−∂w′θ ′θ ′

∂z− 2ϵθθ (5.57)

(observe a analogia com a equação de balanço de energia cinética turbulenta), aqual pode ser adimensionalizada pelo produto com (κz)/(u2

∗θ∗), do que resulta

0 = 2ϕH − κζ∂ϕwθθ∂ζ

− 2ϕϵθθ (5.58)

Novamente, o mesmo quadro de produção por gradientes versus destruição porviscosidade molecular pode ser imaginado.

Como toda teoria baseada em Análise Dimensional, a teoria SMO é incapaz,em princípio, de nos fornecer a forma analítica das funções ϕ. Estas entretantopodem ser mais ou menos bem determinadas experimentalmente. Uma vezconhecidas, as funções ϕ abrem caminho para um grande número de técnicascom as quais é possível “inverter o jogo”, e determinar u∗, θ∗ e q∗ e portantocalcular os fluxos superficiais τ , H e E que são os objetos últimos de interesse nocaso de modelos de previsão atmosférica e em Hidrologia. Este é o conteúdo dapróxima seção.

5.5 – Aplicações clássicas

5.5.1 – O método do balanço de energia-razão de Bowen

Considere uma superfície sobre a qual incide uma irradiância líquida Rl[ W m−2]. Na literatura micrometeorológica, o termo “radiação líquida” é maiscomum. O conceito de radiação líquida já envolve as complexidades da incidên-cia, reflexão e emissão da radiação em diversos comprimentos de onda. Estaenergia disponível na superfície é utilizada de três maneiras:

• para aquecer/resfriar o ar, sob a forma do fluxo de calor sensível H ;

• para evaporar/condensar a umidade da superfície; se o calor latente deevaporação é L, o fluxo de calor latente associado é LE; e

• para aquecer/resfriar as camadas sub-superficiais, por meio do fluxo decalor sub-superficial G.

A equação de balanço de energia da superfície é

Rl = H + LE +G (5.59)

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55 5.5 –Aplicações clássicas

Das equações definidoras dos fluxos superficiais (5.5)–(5.7), e das equações paraos perfis médios (5.22) e (5.23), segue-se que, debaixo da hipótese ϕH = ϕEmencionada na seção anterior, a razão de Bowen Bo é dada por

Bo =H



θ1 − θ2q1 − q2


Das equações de estado para ar seco e vapor de água, (??), (??) e (??), obtém-sea fórmula bem conhecida

q ≈ 0, 622e



Bo =cpp

0,622L︸ ︷︷ ︸γ

θ1 − θ2e1 − e2


em termos das pressões parciais de vapor de água e; γ é a “constante psi-crométrica”. Segue-se que é possível calcular LE como

LE =Rl −G

1 + γ θ1−θ2e1−e2


que é a equação do método do balanço de energia-razão de Bowen para o cálculode E.

5.5.2 – Medição de umidade do ar

Um segundo exemplo, mais corriqueiro, é a medição de umidade do ar porpsicrômetros aspirados. Se calcularmos o balanço de energia para o bulbo úmidode um termômetro à temperatura θh sobre o qual sopra ar à temperatura θa dobulbo seco, Rl − G = 0 ⇒ Bo = −1; a umidade do ar em contato com o bulboúmido é dada pela pressão de saturação de vapor de água à temperatura do bulboúmido, e∗(θh), e a umidade do ar que se deseja medir é ea. De (5.60), então,

−1 = γθh − θa

e∗(θh) − ea

ea − e∗(θh) = −γ

(θa − θh

)ea = e∗(θh) − γ

(θa − θh


que é a equação de um psicrômetro aspirado.

5.5.3 – Momentos de 2 aordem

Para os momentos de 2aordem na CS, valem as seguintes formulações (Till-man, 1972; Hicks, 1981; Wesely, 1988):

ϕ1/2ww =

1.3(1 − 2ζ )1/3 ζ > 01.3 ζ ≤ 0 (5.65)

ϕ1/2θθ= ϕ1/2

qq =

(2 − ζ )−1/3 ζ > 02 ζ ≤ 0 (5.66)

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56 5.6 –Atmosferas muito estáveis e muito instáveis

O leitor deve notar que as constantes que aparecem nessas equações, bemcomo sua própria forma, são ajustadas empiricamente e podem variar consider-avelmente de autor para autor. Os valores, assim como as formas funcionais,apresentados acima tentam ser um consenso entre diversos resultados.

5.6 – Atmosferas muito estáveis e muito instáveis

5.6.1 – Estratificação independente de z

O efeito da estabilidade atmosférica é criar uma força restauradora de empuxoque tende a retornar parcelas de ar deslocadas verticalmente às suas posições deequilíbrio. Isto significa que numa atmosfera fortemente estratificada a turbulên-cia é destruída pelas forças de empuxo. Quantomais estável a atmosfera, menoressão as excursões verticais permitidas às parcelas de ar, com a consequência deque z deixa de ser uma escala relevante do problema. Outra maneira de ver isto éassumir que as estatísticas da turbulência são independentes de z, ou seja: a tur-bulência é hom*ogênea na vertical. A consequência desta situação na equação debalanço de energia cinética turbulenta, (??), é imediata: as derivadas em relaçãoa z das momentos w′e′ e ℘ são nulas, enquanto que w′w′ , w′θ ′v e ϵe que tambémsão momentos turbulentos, devem ser independentes de z. Logo, a derivada de uem relação a z também não pode ser função de z, donde ∂u/∂z = constante, e operfil de velocidade média é linear. Naturalmente, tem que haver uma transiçãodo perfil logaritmico em condições neutras para o perfil linear em condições forte-mente estáveis: isto é o que expressam as fórmulas (5.36) do perfil log-linear. Omesmo raciocínio pode ser aplicado para as equações de balanço de θ ′θ ′ e q′q′ ,com o resultado de que ∂θ/∂z e ∂q/∂z também são constantes em condições deestratificação independente de z. No que concerne aos momentos de ordem 2 emcondições estáveis, a previsão teórica passa a ser

ϕww = cte ϕθθ = cte ϕqq = cte (5.67)

Isto está de acordo com as formas de (5.65) e (5.66) na região estável. Entre-tanto, evidências muito recentes (Pahlow et al., 2001) sugerem que estas funçõesde similaridade de Monin-Obukhov voltam a crescer para valores de ζ muitograndes.

5.6.2 – Convecção livre local

No topo da CS, a influência da produção de energia cinética turbulenta porgradiente tende a se reduzir, porque ∂u/∂z ↓ 0, já que o perfil de velocidadetende a ser muito mais uniforme na camada convectiva CC sobrejacente; omesmo acontece com a produção de variância θ ′θ ′ e com o perfil de temperaturamédia θ . A importância da velocidade de atrito u∗ nestas condições desaparece,e se torna necessário encontrar uma outra escala de velocidade representativadestas condições locais. Considere portanto um balanço de energia cinéticaturbulenta altamente simplificado e irrealista, no qual se retém entretanto umacaracterística física fundamental do topo da CS: a produção por empuxo e adissipação molecular devem ser da mesma ordem de grandeza:


θvw′θ ′v ∼ ϵe (5.68)

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57 5.6 –Atmosferas muito estáveis e muito instáveis

Ao multiplicarmos ambos os lados pela escala de comprimento z “natural” doproblema, obtemos

1 ∼zϵe[

zдw ′θ ′vθv

] (5.69)

e agora, por analogia com ϕϵe = κzϵe/u3∗ fica fácil identificar a escala convectiva

de velocidade

w f =

[zдw′θ ′v




É preciso compreender que o conceito de convecção livre local não implicaque u∗ = 0, mas sim que a importância relativa do termo de produção de tur-bulência por gradiente é assintoticamente decrescente. De fato, u∗ , 0 na CSsempre, e é possível formar o grupo adimensional










Da mesma maneira que z, д, w′θ ′v e θv formam uma escala de velocidadeconvectiva w∗, z, д, w′θ ′ e θ são capazes de formar uma escala de temperaturaconvectiva, que nós chamaremos de ϑ∗. Para vermos isso, lançamos mão dobalanço de variância de temperatura turbulento sem o termo de produção porgradiente,

−∂w′θ ′θ ′

∂z− 2ϵθθ = 0 (5.72)

Ambos os termos têm que ser estimados. Uma análise clássica de ordem degrandeza dos momentos turbulentos envolvidos (Tennekes and Lumley, 1972)fornece:

−∂w′θ ′θ ′


w′θ ′ ϑ∗z


ϵθθ ∼w∗ϑ



substituindo estas estimativas em (5.72) obtém-se

ϑ∗ =

[(w′θ ′ )2θ



Novamente, é possível relacionar a “nova” escala ϑ∗ com a “velha” escala θ∗,

ϑ∗θ∗= κ1/3




Vale a pena analisar o que acontece com diversas funções de similaridade nestelimite; por exemplo,

ϕτ =κz













13√κ(−ζ )1/3 . (5.77)

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58 5.6 –Atmosferas muito estáveis e muito instáveis

Se nós supusermos que w∗ é uma grandeza natural para definir a escala dogradiente de velocidade média nesta região (Garratt (1994) faz o mesmo),




e, no limite de convecção livre,

ϕτ (ζ ) = cte(−ζ )1/3. (5.79)

No caso de ϕHv ,

ϕHv = −κz




= −κz


∂θv∂z(−ζ )−1/3. (5.80)

Supondo, de forma análoga ao que fizemos com w∗, que ϑ∗ é uma escala válidapara o gradiente de temperatura potencial virtual nesta região,

∂θv∂z∼ϑ∗z, (5.81)

dondeϕHv = cte(−ζ )−1/3. (5.82)

Da mesma forma, os momentos de 2aordem dew e θv produzem

ϕww =w′w′



)2= cte




ϕθθ =θ ′θ ′

ϑ 2∗


)2= C2





Novamente, note que a forma de (5.65) e (5.66) é assintoticamente correta ecorresponde às equações (5.65) e (5.66) acima.

Note também que w∗ já tem a altura z “embutida” em sua definição; assim,enquanto que a Teoria de Similaridade de Monin-Obukhov trabalha com quatroescalas,

u∗, θv∗, д/θv e z,

em condições de convecção livre nós “perdemos” u∗, ficando com

д/θv , z e w′θ ′v |0.

Em particular, isto significa que



= cte (e independente de u∗). (5.85)

Consequentemente, não se pode mais usarw′w′ para estimar u∗ em condições deconvecção livre.

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59 5.7 –O método da variância

5.7 – O método da variância

Existem muitas maneiras de calcular os fluxos τ , H e E a partir de mediçõesmicrometeorológicas. Nós já vimos duas delas: ométodo do balanço de energia –razão de Bowen, e ométodo demedição de perfismédios. Ambos utilizam apenasgrandezas médias. A medição “direta” de fluxos consiste em medir as flutuaçõesturbulentas w′, u′, θ ′ e q′ com instrumentos de resposta rápida (frequências demedição típicas situam-se entre 10 e 100 Hz). Estas entretanto são medidascaras e difíceis, que ainda não podem ser feitas rotineiramente. Por outro lado,os métodos baseados em medição de perfis médios sofrem do fato de que asdiferenças de temperatura θ1−θ2 na CS podem ser de apenas alguns décimos, oumesmo centésimos, de Kelvin. “Um híbrido” muito interessante é a estimativa deu∗ e θ∗ por meios diferentes. Por exemplo, pode-se estimaru∗ a partir de medidasde velocidade média do vento u em dois níveis, com 2 anemômetros, por meiode (5.37), e medir apenas as flutuações de temperatura θ ′, obtendo

θ∗ =

√θ ′θ ′


e então calcular H por meio de (5.6). Este método, que é uma das variantesdo método da variância (Tillman, 1972; Hicks, 1981; Wesely, 1988) obviamenteenvolve algumas iterações partindo do perfil logaritmico, da mesma forma que nocaso de medição de perfis médios. Ele apresenta uma considerável economia emrelação a medições turbulentas de fluxo, e é um candidato a um sistema contínuode monitoramento de fluxos superficiais Kustas et al. (1994).

O método original de Tillman (1972) envolvia também o conhecimento daassimetria da temperatura:

γθ ≡θ3

σ 3θ

. (5.87)

Tillman (1972) constatou que γθ depende de ζ . Supondo-se a validade da Teoriade Similaridade de Monin-Obukhov, isto pde ser previsto:

γθ =θ3

σ 3θ




σ 3θ

= ϕθθθ [ϕθθ ]−3/2 . (5.88)

A relação obtida por Tillman é

ζ = −A exp(Bγθ ), (5.89)

com A = 0,0137, B = 4,39. Seja agora uma relação de variância para a temper-atura na forma (Dias et al., 2009)

σθθ∗= A(1 + B |ζ |)−1/3; (5.90)

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60 5.8 –Número de Richardson

rearranjando a equação:

σθH℘cpu∗ = A(1 + B |ζ |)−1/3

σθ (1 + B |ζ |)1/3 = AH



1L= −



u3∗ = −





u∗ =



]1/3 [H


]1/3(−L)1/3. (5.92)

Substituindo-se (5.92) em (5.91):

σθ (1 + B |ζ |)1/3 = AH



]1/3 [℘cpH

]1/3 [−1L


= A





]1/3 [−z





]2/3=σθA(1 + B |ζ |)1/3



]1/3 [1|ζ |







) (1 + B |ζ ||ζ |

)]1/2. (5.93)

Esta é uma equação quase milagrosa, pois ela mostra que é possível calcular Hdesde que se conheça σθ e |ζ |, em condições instáveis. O método é interessantee promissor, e a questão é estendê-lo para outros escalares, e verificar qual éa melhor forma de se estimar ζ : se com a assimetria da própria medição detemperatura, ou se com dados da velocidade médiaU (ver esta última alternativaem Dias et al. (2009)).

5.8 – Número de Richardson

Considere a razão dos termos de produção de energia cinética turbulenta porempuxo e por gradiente:

R f ≡


θvw′θ ′v


; (5.94)

Se a turbulência é hom*ogênea na horizontal e não há efeitos verticais significa-tivos,

R f =


θvw′θ ′v

w′u′ ∂u∂z + w′v′ ∂v∂z. (5.95)

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615.9 – Sobre a consistência da aplicação de análise dimensional direcional à camada superficial

Esta é a forma usual doNúmero de Richardson para fluxos. Agora, se supusermosque todos os fluxos turbulentos cinemáticos podem ser escritos em termos de umadifusividade turbulenta comum K ,

w′θ ′v = K∂θv∂z, (5.96)

w′u′ = K∂u

∂z, (5.97)

w′v′ = K∂v

∂z, (5.98)

o número de Richardson se “transforma” em

Rд ≡







)2 . (5.99)

Esta é a forma usual do Número de Richardson para gradientes.

5.9 – Sobre a consistência da aplicação de análise dimensionaldirecional à camada superficial

5.9.1 – Introdução

Num trabalho de grande importância teórica e grande volume de dados ex-perimentais até então inéditos, Kader and Yaglom (1990) (daqui para frente,K&Y-1990) reintroduziram o conceito de análise dimensional direcional (ADD)em micrometeorologia, corroborando-o fartamente com medições realizadas nosítio de Tsimlyansk (atual Rússia) em condições extremamente instáveis no topoda camada superficial (CS). A essência da formulação teórica de Kader andYaglom é a consideração de que os comprimentos ao longo da direção x e oscomprimentos ao longo da direção z (as condições sendo uniformes e a turbulên-cia, hom*ogênea, em y) possuem dimensões físicas diferentes, Lx e Lz .

Para entendermos a análise dimensional direcional em ação de maneira sim-ples, vamos considerar o momento de inércia de um retângulo de base b e alturahem relação ao seu centróide em torno do eixo x , com b paralelo aOx e h paraleloa Oy; o seu valor é Ixx = bh3/12. A menos do coeficiente 1/12, deveria ser pos-sível obter esta fórmula por meio de análise dimensional; entretanto, mesmo quenos atenhamos a expoentes inteiros, é impossível distinguir entre b4, bh3, b2h2,b3h e h4 no contexto de análise dimensional tradicional, uma vez que todas estasfórmulas possuem as mesmas dimensões (L4). Já se supusermos que [b] = Lx ,[h] = Ly , e [Ixx ] = LxL

3y , a obtenção da forma correta é imediata.

De volta a K&Y-1990, algumas de suas consequências instigantes são: (a)algumas “constantes” de análise dimensional tradicional passam a possuir di-mensões; notadamente, para a constante de von Kármán, [κ] = L1/2

z L−1/2x ; (b)

passa a ser possível subdividir (e classificar) racionalmente a CS em sub-camadadinâmica (SDN), sub-camada dinâmico-convectiva (SDC) e sub-camada de con-vecção livre (SCL); em cada uma destas sub-camadas a forma da função desimilaridade é determinada a menos de uma constante; (c) na SDC, surge umanova escala de velocidade u∗∗ com dimensões LxT −1 que deve ser utilizada ape-nas para adimensionalizar os gradientes de velocidade horizontal média du e asflutuações de velocidade horizontal u′.

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625.9 – Sobre a consistência da aplicação de análise dimensional direcional à camada superficial

Zilitinkevich (1994) (daqui para frente Z-1994) propôs uma versão diferentede ADD, em que a dimensão de uma grandeza é função não de sua direçãono espaço, mas da origem de sua produção. Essencialmente, ele decompõecada flutuação turbulenta de velocidade u′ e w′ em uma componente produzidamecanicamente e outra produzida pela convecção. Embora a interpretação dedirecionalidade seja radicalmente diferente da de K&Y-1990, os resultados de Z-1994 em termos de funções de similaridade são muito parecidos. Na sequênciaserá dada preferência à abordagem de K&Y-1990, por ser mais clara e maissimples. Conforme será mostrado, ambas as abordagens produzem resultadosintrinsecamente inconsistentes entre as 3 sub-camadas da CS, apesar de seusucesso em explicar o comportamento das funções de similaridade.

O objetivo deste trabalho não é apresentar resultados experimentais nemuma teoria totalmente nova sobre o comportamento da CS: os comportamen-tos das funções de similaridade são rigorosamente os mesmos de K&Y-1990.Deseja-se enfatizar as inconsistências da teoria (extremamente bem-sucedida!)de K&Y-1990: justamente devido ao seu sucesso, acreditamos que ela mereceser formulada de maneira consistente para toda a CS. Para que isto seja feito, énecessário (a) explicitar as escalas individuais dos 2 escalares mais importantesna atmosfera, temperatura e umidade, e (b) introduzir escalas de velocidade hor-izontal adicionais na SDN e na SCL no papel de variáveis independentes ou decontrole nas formulações de análise dimensional. Esta tarefa não é elementar paraa SCL, onde nos limitamos a estabelecer as condições que uma escala adequadade velocidade horizontal deve possuir.

Kader e Yaglom dão a seguinte definição, potencialmente muito útil, para acamada superficial:

z<∼ 50 m e z

<∼ 0,1zi (5.100)

Nesta região, os balanços para cada componente da energia cinética turbulentasão




∂x= ϵuu +




), (5.101)


∂y= ϵvv +




), (5.102)


θvw′θ ′v +


∂z= ϵuu +



(w′w′w′ +


), (5.103)

onde os termos envolvendo flutuações de pressão no lado esquerdo são respon-sáveis pela redistribuição direcional de energia; repare que que a sua soma é






)]= 0, (5.104)

em virtude da equação da continuidade. Note que a soma de (5.101)–(5.103)recupera a equação de balanço de energia cinética turbulenta.

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635.9 – Sobre a consistência da aplicação de análise dimensional direcional à camada superficial

5.9.2 – A sub-camada dinâmica e as escalas individuais de temperaturae umidade

Na teoria clássica de similaridade deMonin-Obukhov, a sub-camada dinâmicaé identificada como a região da camada superficial onde os efeitos de estratificaçãode densidade e produção convectiva de turbulência são desprezíveis diante daproduçãomecânica. Isto significa que o parâmetro de flutuabilidade β = д/θv nãoentra na lista das variáveis que determinam as características da turbulência, asquais ficam então reduzidas aos fluxos cinemáticos de quantidade de movimento,−w′u′ e temperatura virtual, w′θ ′v , além da própria distância até a superfície, z−d0. Nestas circunstâncias, as escalas relevantes de velocidade (u∗) e temperaturapotencial virtual (θv∗) são

u2∗ ≡ −w

′u′ , (5.105)θv∗ ≡ w′θ ′v /u∗. (5.106)

A lista de adimensionalizações possíveis para gradientes e momentos de ordem1, 2 e 3 inclui (sem ser exaustiva):


dz= Au

u∗z − d0

, (5.107)


= Aθvθv∗

z − d0, (5.108)

σθv = Aθvθvθv∗, (5.109)σw = Awwu∗, (5.110)σu = Auuu∗, (5.111)

onde os A’s são constantes. Na teoria clássica, Au = Aθv = κ−1 = 2,5 (Brutsaert,

1982). Note que (5.109)–(5.111) implicam que θ ′vθ ′v , w′w′ e u′u′ são constantesem z na SDN — i.e.: a turbulência parece ser hom*ogênea na vertical nestasub-camada.

Para separar as escalas de temperatura e umidade, basta considerar a equaçãopara a temperatura potencial virtual,

θv = (1 + 0.61q)θ , (5.112)

onde q é a umidade específica e θ é a temperatura potencial; aplicando-se umadecomposição de Reynolds a θv , q e θ , e fazendo-se a média do produto dasflutuações resultantes comw′, obtém-se

θv = aθ , (5.113)θ ′v = aθ ′ + bθq′, (5.114)θv∗ = aθ∗ + bq∗, (5.115)a = (1 + 0.61q), (5.116)b = 0.61θ . (5.117)

onde θ∗ e q∗ são definidos de forma análoga a (5.106).Levando (5.113) e (5.114) em (5.108),

(1 + 0.61q)dθ

dz+ 0.61θ


dz= (1 + 0.61q)Aθv

θ∗z+ 0.61θAθv

q∗z. (5.118)

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645.9 – Sobre a consistência da aplicação de análise dimensional direcional à camada superficial

Se os termos em (1 + 0.61q) e (0.61θ ) forem iguais dois a dois, segue-se que

dz= Aθ ,




dz= Aq,



com Aθv = Aθ = Aq, isto é: os gradientes de temperatura potencial e umi-dade específica apresentam similaridade perfeita na SDN. O mesmo exercício dedecomposição da temperatura potencial quando aplicado a (5.109) resulta em

a2 θ ′θ ′ + 2ab θ ′q′ + b2 q′q′ = A2θvθv

(a2θ2∗ + 2abθ∗q∗ + b2q∗

). (5.121)

Supondo-se que a relações análogas a (5.109) sejam aplicáveis a θ e a q sepa-radamente, segue-se que

σ 2θ = A2

θθθ2v∗, (5.122)

σ 2q = A2

qqq2∗, (5.123)

θ ′q′ = A2θqθ∗q∗, (5.124)

onde, mais uma vez, Aθθ = Aqq = Aθq = Aθvθv , ou seja, as variâncias detemperatura e de umidade e a covariância entre ambas são perfeitamente similaresna SDN. O conjunto das equações (5.122)–(5.124) implica

rθq =θ ′q′

σθσq= ±1, (5.125)

isto é: a correlação entre as flutuações de temperatura e umidade é perfeita.Este tipo de resultado foi obtido pela primeira vez por Hill (1989), e dependefundamentalmente da hipótese de que as adimensionalizações do tipo de (5.108)e (5.109) valem tanto para θ e q individualmente como para qualquer combinaçãolinear deles (inclusive a temperatura potencial); confirmações do resultado poroutros meios foram depois obtidas para diversas condições de estabilidade (Diasand Brutsaert, 1996; McNaughton and Laubach, 1998; de Bruin et al., 1999)

Implicações de ADD para a SDN

Para Kader e Yaglom, a SDN é a região onde




θvw′θ ′v . (5.126)






z. (5.127)

Note que dimensionalmente





(L1/2z L−1/2

x L1/2x L1/2

z T −1)3

Lz= L2

zT−3. (5.128)

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655.9 – Sobre a consistência da aplicação de análise dimensional direcional à camada superficial

Então a sub-camada dinâmica SDN deve ser a região onde



дw′θ ′v> 1. (5.129)

Kader e Yaglom definem portanto a SDN como a região onde

z < L∗ ≡(κu∗)


дw′θ ′v. (5.130)

É elementar mostrar queL∗LO= κ2 = 0,16. (5.131)

Este é um excelente critério objetivo para a altura da sub-camada dinâmica.Se [u] = LxT

−1, [w] = LzT−1, [θ ] = Θ, e [q] = MvM

−1, onde Θ é a dimensãode temperatura, M é a dimensão de massa total de ar e Mv a dimensão de massade vapor d’água, há várias consequências para a teoria de similaridade na SDN.Note que embora nos livros-texto seja usual apresentar a análise dimensionalapenas em termos das 3 dimensões fundamentais “clássicas” em mecânica, M ,L e T , a adoção de uma dimensão de temperatura independente é justificável emproblemas em que a conversão de energia mecânica em térmica (ou vice-versa)não seja importante; analogamente, se não há reação química envolvendo a massatotal de vapor d’água, é igualmente válido considerar Mv como uma dimensãoindependente da massa total de ar (Dias, 1986; Fischer et al., 1979). Esta inter-pretação “heterodoxa” de análise dimensional é necessária para a obtenção dosresultados clássicos da teoria de similaridade de Monin-Obukhov, e análoga àsextensões de direcionalidade para o comprimento discutidas neste trabalho.

As consequências das hipóteses de dimensionalidade e de direcionalidadesão então: [u∗] = L1/2

x L1/2z T −1; [θv∗] = L−1/2

x L1/2z Θ(1 +MvM

−1); [Au] = [Aθv ] =

[Aθ ] = [Aq] = L1/2x L−1/2

z ; [Aθvθv ] = [Aθθ ] = [Aqq] = LxL−1z . Note portanto que as

diversas constantes A’s deixam de ser adimensionais e passam a ter dimensõesenvolvendo Lx e Lz . Em outras palavras, a aplicação de ADD na SDN leva aconstantes dimensionais nas relações (5.107)–(5.111).

5.9.3 – A sub-camada dinâmico-convectiva: escalas individuais de tem-peratura e umidade

Nesta região, z > L∗ ma non troppo, a produção de turbulência por empuxopassa a ser da mesma ordem de grandeza que a produção mecânica. O parâmetrode flutuabilidade д/θv deve portanto entrar na lista de variáveis que controlama dinâmica da turbulência. Segundo Kader e Yaglom, u′ e v′ são produzidasmecanicamente, enquanto que w′ é produzida por empuxo, enquanto que astrocas direcionais são relativamente pequenas. Isto conduz imediatamente a duasnovas escalas de turbulência; a escala de velocidade convectiva

w∗ =

θvw′θ ′v z


e à escala de temperatura convectiva

ϑv∗ =w′θ ′vw∗. (5.133)

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665.9 – Sobre a consistência da aplicação de análise dimensional direcional à camada superficial

Supondo, como é natural no contexto de ADD, que [z] = Lz e [д] = LzT−2,

segue-se que [w∗] = LzT−1, e [ϑv∗] = Θ(1 + MvM

−1). No entanto, como nestaregião a produção mecânica ainda é importante, u∗ também é uma das variáveisque controlam a turbulência desta sub-camada. Consequentemente, por analogiacom (5.133), é possível formar uma escala de velocidade horizontal convectiva

u∗∗ = −w′u′

w∗, (5.134)

cuja principal característica é possuir dimensões horizontais de comprimento:[u∗∗] = LxT

−1. Agora é possível formar as seguintes relações adimensionaisenvolvendo as escalas acima, gradientes de grandezas médias estatísticas daturbulência:


dz= Bu

u∗∗z, (5.135)


= Bθvϑv∗z, (5.136)

σθv = Bθvθvϑv∗, (5.137)σw = Bwww∗, (5.138)σu = Buuu∗∗. (5.139)

Note como escalas diferentes de velocidade, u∗∗ e w∗, são utilizadas para adi-mensionalizar flutuações (gradientes) envolvendo u e w , respectivamente. Estasprevisões são um resultado original do trabalho de K&Y-1990: enquanto que nateoria clássica de estabilidade de Monin-Obukhov apenas a existência de funçõesadimensionais era prevista, aqui é possível prever a sua forma. Para demonstrareste fato, basta apresentar um exemplo, envolvendo o gradiente “adimensional”(a palavra precisa ser usada com cuidado à luz da ADD) de velocidade média:rearrumando (5.135) obtém-se




dz= Bu ,






(κдz w′θ ′v



︸ ︷︷ ︸−ζ

= Bu ,

ϕτ (ζ ) = Bu κ4/3(−ζ )−1/3. (5.140)

Esta equação contém a definição da variável de estabilidade de K&Y-1990, ζ ,que é equivalente à variável de estabilidade de Obukhov exceto pela ausência daconstante de von Kármán κ.

A extensão da teoria de K&Y-1990 para as escalas individuais de temper-atura e umidade na SDC é imediata; sem repetir o desenvolvimento que se seguea (5.113)–(5.115), a escala convectiva de temperatura potencial virtual se decom-põe naturalmente:

ϑv∗ = (1 + 0.61q)ϑ∗ + (0.61θ )χ∗, (5.141)com

ϑ∗ = w′θ ′ /w∗, (5.142)χ∗ = w′q′ /w∗. (5.143)

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675.9 – Sobre a consistência da aplicação de análise dimensional direcional à camada superficial

Implicações de ADD para a SDC

A SDC é a única das 3 sub-camadas da CS onde a aplicação de ADD nãoproduz constantes dimensionais: de fato, todos os B’s em (5.135)–(5.139) sãoadimensionais, como o leitor pode constatar facilmente. O outro fato notável éa consistência de sua aplicação: todas as flutuações (gradientes) envolvendo usão adimensionalizados por u∗∗, enquanto que todas as flutuações envolvendo wo são porw∗.

5.9.4 – A sub-camada de convecção livre

Nesta última e mais alta sub-camada da CS, argumenta-se com base no bal-anço de energia cinética turbulenta que u∗ deixa totalmente de ser uma variávelrelevante (Wyngaard, 1973): a única escala de velocidade disponível para “adi-mensionalizar” gradientes e estatísticas turbulentas passa a serw∗. Nesta região,z L∗, é a produção por empuxo que agora alimenta as flutuações u′ e v′ além,naturalmente, de w′. Note como p′/ρ∂w′/∂z troca de sinal entre a SDN, a SDCe a SCL. Por outro lado, não há novas escalas de temperatura potencial virtual,temperatura potencial ou umidade específica a se formar. Consequentemente,nesta sub-camada devemos ter:


dz= Cu

w∗z, (5.144)


= Cθvϑv∗z, (5.145)

σθv = Cθvθvϑv∗, (5.146)σw = Cwww∗, (5.147)σu = Cuuw∗. (5.148)

Kader e Yaglom introduzem

L∗∗ ≡(κ1u∗)


дw′θ ′v(5.149)

como o limite inferior da camada de convecção livre, onde

κ1 = C−1/2u. (5.150)

Implicações de ADD para a SCL

Observe que agora flutuações u′ e gradientes du também são “adimension-alizados” por w∗; portanto, alguns dos C’s acima não são adimensionais (àsemelhança do que ocorre com os A’s na SDN): [Cθv ] = [Cθvθv ] = [Cww ] = 1,mas: [Cu] = LxL

−1z e [Cuu] = LxL

−1z .

5.9.5 – Crítica da ADD e algumas correções formais

As previsões de ADD para a CS são amplamente confirmadas na SDC pordados experimentais (K&Y-1990): esta é a sub-camada onde seu teste é maisrigoroso, uma vez que o comportamento assintótico das funções de similaridadede Monin-Obukhov na SDN e na SCL já tinham sido previstos, e em boa parteconfirmados, anteriormente. Uma novidade a partir dos dados experimentais

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685.9 – Sobre a consistência da aplicação de análise dimensional direcional à camada superficial

em K&Y-1990 foi a confirmação da previsão de (5.144) para dudz , uma vez que

as funções de similaridade empíricas anteriormente conhecidas (por exemplo,a bem conhecida formulação de Businger-Dyer) (Businger et al., 1971) nãoincluíam valores de ζ suficientemente altos que permitissem a identificação doseu comportamento na SCL.

Entretanto, este sucesso vem ao preço de tornar as formulações de simi-laridade para a SDN e a SCL dimensionalmente inconsistentes, uma vez quetodos os A’s e alguns dos C’s passam a ser constantes dimensionais. Em outraspalavras, a dimensionalidade de algumas destas constantes sugere que a teoria deADD na forma utilizada em K&Y-1990 deixou de identificar algumas variáveisimportantes na CS que poderiam torná-la totalmente consistente. Certamente,este não é um erro grave do ponto de vista da capacidade da teoria de explicaras observações, uma vez que as formulações para a SDN e a SCL são anteri-ores a K&Y-1990, na sua forma clássica pressupõem que os A’s e os C’s sãotodos adimensionais, e são bem sucedidas em explicar seus respectivos regimesde turbulência. O “defeito” a que nos referimos parece ser antes de mais nadapuramente formal.

Correção de ADD para a sub-camada dinâmica

Na sub-camada dinâmica utilizando-se apenas as variáveis w′u′ , w′θ ′ e z éimpossível produzir variáveis comdimensõesLxT −1 ouLzT −1, isto é: com dimen-sões de velocidade horizontal ou velocidade vertical. Portanto, para tornar aADDconsistente na SDN é indispensável introduzir uma nova escala de velocidade;além disso, esta escala precisa estar associada a uma hipótese sobre o seu compor-tamento em função da altura z. Uma lista completa e compatível com a teoria clás-sica de Monin-Obukhov é: u∗ = −w′u′ , z, θv∗ = w′θ ′v /u∗, σu = (u′u′)

1/2.Note que nesta abordagem σu é uma variável independente que introduz anecessária dimensão Lx na lista de dimensões da SDN; note também que além dahipótese de fluxo constante, ∂w′u′ /∂z = 0, será necessário supor o mesmo paraa variância da velocidade horizontal: ∂u′u′/∂z = 0. Com a introdução formalde u′u′ na lista de variáveis de controle, obtém-se imediatamente as seguintesformulações dimensionais alternativas a (5.107)–(5.110):


dz= A′u


u∗z, (5.151)


= A′θv


θv∗z, (5.152)

σθv = A′θvθvσuu∗θv∗, (5.153)

σw = A′wwu∗σu

u∗. (5.154)

Finalmente, é possível definir uma variável dependente na SDN:

κ ≡u∗



que é numericamente igual à constante de von Kármán da teoria clássica (não-direcional): neste sentido, justifica-se a afirmação encontrada em K&Y-1999 deque κ é uma variável; na SDN, κ é constante em z.

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69 5.10 –Conclusões

Correção de ADD para a sub-camada de convecção livre

Assim como ocorre na SDN, para que a ADD forneça previsões consistentesna SCL, é preciso retirar o desvio-padrão da velocidade vertical (ou alguma outraescala de velocidade horizontal alternativa) da lista de variáveis dependentes dew∗, e elevá-la ao status de variável independente de controle da turbulência.É importante lembrar aqui que o objetivo deste trabalho não é a previsão denovos comportamentos físicos (isto foi feito em K&Y-1990), mas reinterpretarformalmente a teoria de ADD (assim como feito em Z-1994); portanto, não estáem discussão, por exemplo, a validade de (5.144) ou (5.148) (cujas constantesCu e Cuu , por possuírem dimensões segundo a ADD, as tornam formalmenteinconsistentes. O objetivo é reinterpretar estas constantes de maneira que surjauma formulação de ADD totalmente consistente incluindo apenas constantesadimensionais, variáveis independentes ou de controle (que variam em cadasub-camada) e demais variáveis “dependentes” da turbulência.

Consequentemente, uma vez que (5.144) e (5.148) possuem confirmaçãoexperimental, é forçoso não somente incluir σu na lista de variáveis de controle,mas também admitir que σu e w∗ possuem o mesmo comportamento ∼ z1/3.Estas equações então podem ser reescritas (lembrando que (5.145)–(5.147) jásão dimensionalmente consistentes):


dz= C′u


w∗z, (5.156)

σu ∼ z1/3. (5.157)

É importante observar também que devido ao argumento físico de que a im-portância relativa da produção mecânica é assintoticamente nula na SCL, não épossível utilizar em hipótese alguma u∗ na tentativa de “construir” escalas hori-zontais de velocidade nesta camada. Neste sentido, (5.157) é ao mesmo tempouma consequência da teoria clássica e uma hipótese necessária (que precisa servalidada independentemente) para que a ADD possa ser aplicada.

5.10 – Conclusões

A teoria de K&Y-1990 é um dos exemplos mais bem-sucedidos de aplicaçãode análise dimensional a problemas da camada-limite atmosférica. Ao reduziro número de graus de liberdade das funções de similaridade na CS em 1, elapermitiu a previsão acurada da dependência funcional destas funções com avariavel de estabilidade ζ de Obukhov, restando apenas constantes a determinar.

Para obter este sucesso, entretanto, foi necessário conviver com uma misturade constantes dimensionais nas sub-camadas dinâmica e de convecção livre eadimensionais (na “nova” sub-camada dinâmico-convectiva, de acordo com anova teoria). Além domais, algumas escalas da teoria clássica, como por exemploθv∗ possuem agora dimensões que envolvem Lx e Lz , e não apenas Θ. Emboraeste estado de coisas não seja impeditivo do sucesso da teoria, ele é certamenteindesejável do ponto de vista formal: por que a análise dimensional direcionaldeveria “funcionar” com constantes à sua vez dimensionais e adimensionais emdiferentes partes da camada superficial?

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705.11 – Evolution of themeasurement technology ofH2O,CO2, andCH4 with theECM

Inicialmente, estendemos a formulação de K&Y-1990, que foi feita apenascom a temperatura (potencial), para o caso mais geral de temperatura (potencial)virtual: isto dá lugar naturalmente à bem-conhecida escala q∗ de umidade e auma nova escala convectiva de umidade, que denominamos χ∗.

Nós procurarmos também reformular a ADD com o objetivo de obter umconjunto de constantes uniformemente adimensionais em toda a CS. Este es-forço foi bem-sucedido na SDN, onde a hipótese de hom*ogeneidade vertical daturbulência, que é bem confirmada experimentalmente, pode ser utilizada parfornecer a escala de velocidade horizontal faltante nesta sub-camada. A SDN jápossui uma formulação totalmente consistente em K&Y-1990, e portanto não sãonecessárias modificações. O problema mais difícil de reformulação está na SCL:ali, o impedimento (físico: a produção mecânica de turbulência é desprezível)de se utilizar u∗ como uma variável torna a busca de uma escala alternativa develocidade horizontal mais complicada. Dado o sucesso das formulações deconvecção livre (diga-se de passagem, bem anteriores à teoria de K&Y-1990), eadmitindo-se que a ADD seja uma teoria válida, é forçoso que tal escala exista.Sua principal característica deverá ser uma dependência funcional com z igual àexperimentada porw∗.

5.11 – Evolution of the measurement technology of H2O, CO2,and CH4 with the ECM

According to Baldocchi (2003), the first measurements of scalar turbulentfluxes in the atmosphere were made by Swinbank (1951). The fluxes in questionwere the sensible heat flux H and the latent heat flux LE; the scalars weretemperature θ andwater vapor pressure e. The humidity sensor actuallymeasuredthe wet-bulb temperature, then

The psychrometric element consists of two fine wet-bulb thermocou-ples built into an electrical network so designed that it simulatesthe behavior of Regnault’s psychrometric equation for small changesin the variables (vapor pressure, saturation vapor pressure at thewet-bulb temperature, and the wet-bulb depression). The outputof the circuit gives a measure of the fluctuations of vapor pressurepractically linear over the range of variation that occurs naturally.

In other words, the Swinbank apparatus included an analog computer thatconverted the measurements of dry and wet bulb temperature to water vaporpressure fluctuations in real time.

As one would expect in any seminal , and in hindsight, many limitations canbe found in this first attempt of flux measurement by Swinbank: the averagingtime, 5 minutes, was too short; the measurement of water vapor concentrationfluctuations was done with thermocouples of dry and wet bulb, which certainlylimited their response time, and the frequency of the measurements, after digitiz-ing of the graphical records, was only 1 Hz (currently, measurement frequenciesof at least 10 Hz are used in the eddy covariance method, and averaging timesof at least 10 minutes are used, 30 minutes being the most commonly foundaveraging time).

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715.11 – Evolution of themeasurement technology ofH2O,CO2, andCH4 with theECM

The works of Baumgartner (1969) and Deanmead (1969) among others atthe same time, report the measurement of average concentrations of CO2, andinferred the fluxes using a flux-gradient method.

CO2 flux measurements with the eddy covariance method, however, onlybecame possible in the 1970’s. The first measurements seem to be due to Des-jardins (1974). The vertical velocity sensor was a propeller anemometer, and airwas pumped through a closed-path CO2 analyser. Strictly speaking, the methodwasn’t exactly what we call today the eddy covariance method, since the systemintegrated the vertical movements registered by the propeller anemometer. Somepreliminary results obtained with the CO2 flux measurements were shown, alongwith discussions about measurements performed over naked soil, and over hay.Numerous limitations of the anemometer used were discussed.

In the same year, Desjardins and Lemon (1974) analyzed many of the un-certainty sources in the CO2 measurement, which are still subject of researchnow.

Leuning et al. (1982) performed measurements of CO2 flux with the flux-gradient method and with the eddy covariance method. They found that thecovariancew′ρ′c produced incoherent results and disagreed with the flux-gradientmethod. This provided the first verification of the importance of the WPL cor-rection (Webb et al., 1980), and also allowed the authors to identify that previousworks had already proposed similar corrections to the WPL correction (Bakan,1978; Jones and Smith, 1978), but with incorrect boundary conditions. Leuninget al. (1982) observed that in a posterior note, Smith and Jones (1979) recognizedthat the correct condition was originally proposed by Webb and Pearman (1977),which corresponds to the equation (6.27) of this text.

Here, it is remarkable that corrections for the CO2 measurements with theeddy covariance method were already being considered in 1976, a very short timeafter the pioneering measurements of Desjardins (1974).

Fundamental problems identified by Leuning et al. (1982) and that somehowpersist to this day are the alignment of the anemometer, the correction for airdensity through temperature fluctuations, which were later studied byWebb et al.(1980), the non-stationarity of the atmosphere during the measurement period,and their time average. Some of these subjects are the theme of the next session.

The effective implementation of theECMfor themeasurement of turbulent gasfluxes depends critically on the gas analyzers. In the mid 1970’s, gas analyzersfor water vapor Buck (1976) and CO2 Desjardins (1974) were emerging, andfrom then on the measurement of water vapor and CO2 has become increasinglycommon in meteorological experiments.

Another substantial process has been the gradual substitution of closed-pathsensors, in which the has is aspirated through a tube and measured in a closedchamber inside the analyzer, with open-path sensors, in which the gas is measuredalong an open path, between and emissor and a receptor, in the atmosphere itself.The general principle of these sensors is the absorption by the gas of part ofthe radiation emitted. As always, the measurement is harder the smaller the gasconcentrations are.

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725.11 – Evolution of themeasurement technology ofH2O,CO2, andCH4 with theECM

The tendency is always to initially use slow sensors, only capable of mea-suring mean concentrations; moving to the use of closed-path fast sensors,and finally reaching a stage in which the open-astsensorsareavailable.Anexcellentrevisiono the evolution of the CO2 measurement technologiescan be found in Baldocchi (2003).

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6Turbulence data processing

6.1 – The separation of the average and the fluctuation

There is no universally accepted methodology for the definition of whatrepresents the “average” a and the fluctuation a′ of a variable a measured ina turbulent flow. The usual practice is to perform some kind of filtering ofthe original measured data, a(t), initially producing a component a(t), and thento extract the fluctuation a′(t) by (3.1). The problem is that in practice thereare many different ways to calculate a(t). Figure 6.1-a shows a series of CO2concentrations measured at 2 meters above a turf farm in Tijucas do Sul, PR, in2011-02-17 between 10:30 and 10:40 h. This 10-minute series will be used toillustrate some of the most common averaging procedures in what follows.Block averages. The block average was defined in (3.9). As we know, thevalue a calculated remains constant for −T /2 < t < T /2. The fluctuation a′(t)is calculated around this constant average. Figure 6.2-a shows the fluctuations ofCO2 density after the extraction of a block average. Essentially, it is the samefigure 6.1-a, with the average shifted to zero. Note the pronounced negativeasymmetry of ρ′c .Running average. This is equation (3.15): the value of a(t) varies continuouslyover time, and the fluctuation a′(t) is calculated around this variable value. Figure6.1-b shows the running average calculated with P = 2min.. Note that, unlessthe data of 10 minutes earlier or later are available, is not possible to calculatethe running average for t < 1min. or for t > 9min.. At these ends, the runningaverage is replaced by the block average of the first 2 minutes and the last 2minutes.

Figure 6.2-b shows the extracted fluctuations around the mobile averaging.Linear first-order recursive filter. This is one of the most widely used proce-dure, perhaps because it is equivalent to analog filtering of a signal using a RCcircuit. For a continuous function, the linear first-order recursive filter 1 is thesolution of the differential equation



1Pa =

1Pa(t). (6.1)

In 6.1, P is the filter’s “window”: in practice, recommendation (3.16) remainsvalid also for a recursive filter.


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74 6.1 – The separation of the average and the fluctuation









0 100 200 300 400 500 600


ρ c(m


−3 )

tempo (s)









0 100 200 300 400 500 600

ρ c(m


−3 )

tempo (s)










0 100 200 300 400 500 600

ρ c(m


−3 )

tempo (s)


Figure 6.1: 10 minutes of CO2 concentration measurements over a grass surfacein Tijucas do Sul, PR, on 02/17/2011, 10:30 - 10: 40; (a) raw series and blockaverage; (b) Running average with P = 2min. (c) Low-pass recursive filter withP = 2min..

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75 6.1 – The separation of the average and the fluctuation









0 100 200 300 400 500 600

ρ′ c(m


3 )

tempo (s)


Figure 6.2: Fluctuations of ρ′c : (a) around a block average; (b) around a runningaverage of 2 minutes; (c) around a low-pass filter of 2 minutes.

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76 6.2 –Coordinate rotation

Figure 6.1-c shows the resut of applying the recursive filter (low-pass) to theCO2 series. The first minute is used to “warm up” the filter, with a block average(1 minute), during which the fluctuations are calculated around the constantaverage. After this time, we apply (6.1) in the discretized form

an+1 =∆t

Pan+1 +

(1 −



)an . (6.2)

Figure 6.2-c shows the CO2 fluctuations around the low-pass filter.It’s important to observe, in figure 6.2, that the fluctuations arising from the

the different ways of calculating the average are different (although in this case it’shard to notice without close scrutiny). In particular, for the running averag andthe low-pass filter, the sample mean of the fluctuations is no longer identicallynull. In these cases, it’s common to do additional post-processing, subtractingthe residual sample mean from these series.

The calculation of averages is ultimately subjective and the result of a personaldecision. Consequently, what is considered “mean” and “fluctuation” variesaccording to the method used; the corresponding statistics will also vary, as wellas turbulent fluxes likew′ρ′c .

6.2 – Coordinate rotation

The Monin-Obukhov similarity theory, MOST, assumes a stationary andhorizontally hom*ogeneous flow. Under these conditions, it is assumed that theaverage velocity vector is constant and strictly horizontal, and it is commonpractice to align the Ox axis with this direction. Therefore, it is usual to write

u = [u 0 0]> (6.3)

for the coordinates of the average wind velocity. Horizontal hom*ogeneity alsoimplies that there are no Reynolds shear stresses in the directions xy and yz:

u′v′ = 0, v′w′ = 0. (6.4)

Under these idealized conditions, the Reynolds tensor simplifies to

τ =

u′u′ 0 u′w′

0 v′v′ 0u′w′ 0 w′w′

. (6.5)

Then, the turbulent stress vector in the horizontal plane whose normal is k is

t = k> · τ =[0 0 1

] u′u′ 0 u′w′

0 v′v′ 0u′w′ 0 w′w′



. (6.6)

Therefore, under ideal conditions, the horizontal component of t is alignedwith u. This makes sense physically, since we expect that the direction of theshear stresse is the same (with the opposite sign) as that of the wind velocity.

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77 6.2 –Coordinate rotation

Given two successive rotation between the bases

E = (e1,e2,e3),

F = (f 1, f 2, f 3), eG = (д1,д2,д3),

the relations between the vectors of these bases are

f j = Cijei , (6.7)дk = Djk f j = DjkCijei = CijDjkei , (6.8)

whereC andD are the respective rotation matrices. Therefore, the rotation matrixfrom E to G is the product


in this order. In Figure 6.3 we see two successive rotations: the first of an angle+α around zE in the horizontal plane of basis E which aligns the horizontal windvelocity vector with the axis xF ; the second of a vertical angle β around yF whichaligns the “total” velocity vector of the average wind u with the axis xG .

The equations for the components of the rotation matrices are

Cij = (ei · f j), (6.9)Djk = (f j · дk). (6.10)

In basis E, the coordinates of the vectors ei and f j are:

[1, 0, 0]> [0, 1, 0]> [0, 0, 1]>,[cosα , senα , 0]> [− senα , cosα , 0]>, [0, 0, 1]>.

(Note that, in figure 6.3, the angle α is positive, because represents a positiverotation around zE .) Therefore,

C =

cosα − senα 0senα cosα 0

0 0 1


In basis F , the coordinates of the vectors f j and дk are:

[1, 0, 0]> [0, 1, 0]> [0, 0, 1]>,[cos β, 0,− sen β]> [0, 1, 0]>, [sen β , 0, cos β]>.

(Note, in figure 6.3, that the angle β is negative, because it represents anegative rotation around yF .) Therefore,

D =

cos β 0 sen β

0 1 0− sen β 0 cos β


The “total” rotation matrix, given by the productCD will becosα cos β − senα cosα sen βcos β senα cosα senα sen β− sen β 0 cos β .

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78 6.2 –Coordinate rotation

xE yE

zE ≡ zF



yF ≡ yG





Figure 6.3: 2D coordinate rotation for the alignment of the wind velocity

Finally, the coordinates of the wind velocity vector in basis E, given by[u,v,w]>E will be rotated to basis G according to

uG = D>C>uE, (6.13)

that is, uvw

G =cosα cos β cos β senα − sen β− senα cosα 0

cosα sen β senα sen β cos β


E . (6.14)

The angles α and β are easily calculated fromu,v andw measured in basis E:typically, this is the reference system connected to a sonic anemometer installedin the field and carefully leveled, so that the axis zE is as vertical as possible.These angles are

α = + arctg2 (vE,uE) , (6.15)

β = − arctg2(wE,

√u2E +v



(remember that angle β is negative in figure 6.3). The function arctg2(y,x)gives the angle formed with axis x by a two-dimensional vector (x ,y) (notice tothe order); in the programming languages C, MATLAB and Python, arctg2 isimplemented as atan2(y,x); in FORTRAN, as ATAN2(Y,X).

The scalar fluxes should be rotated similarly. In particular, if η′ is a densityfluctuation, mixing ratio, temperature, etc., of a scalar, equation (6.14) is almostcompletely repeated:




G =cosα cos β cos β senα − sen β− senα cosα 0

cosα sen β senα sen β cos β




E . (6.17)

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79 6.2 –Coordinate rotation

The change of basis for the Reynolds stress tensor is a little more elaborate.Defining the full tensor,

τ ≡ u′u> =

u′u′ u′v′ u′w′

v′u′ v′v′ v′w′

w′u′ w′v′ w′w′

, (6.18)

it follows from (6.13) thatτG = D>C>τECD. (6.19)

The coordinate rotations shown in this section form the basis of the data processingof scalar fluxes and momentum measured in micrometeorological experiments.A third rotation is possible, which makes v′w′G = 0, but its use is questionableand many authors consider it “non-physical” (Finnigan et al., 2003).

An more recent alternative, the planar fit method of Wilczak et al. (2001),decomposes the rotations in a sequence of two, one of them (analogous to the Drotation in this text) being applied to every micrometeorological block availablefollowed by a rotation (analogous to theC rotation in this text) applied separetelyto each block, to align the horizontal wind vector with the final x axis. Accordingto the authors, the method minimizes the errors in the calculation of the turbulentshear stresses. The method calculates a mean offset in the vertical axis (typicallysmaller then the accuracy of the sonic anemometers) with a least squares method,and it has been gaining wide acceptance.

6.2.1 – The WPL correction for the average vertical velocity

A quick inspection of table 2.1 shows that ρc ρ, and that

ρ ≈ ρs + ρv (6.20)

is an excellent approximation. The state equation for air will be (approximately)

p = [ρsRs + ρvRv]T . (6.21)

Now, applying the Reynolds decomposition to all of the quantities in (6.21), andneglecting the higher-order products of fluctuations, we have

p + p′ = (ρs + ρ′s)Rs(T +T

′) + (ρv + ρ′v)Rv(T +T


= (ρsRs + ρvRv)T + ρsRsT′ + ρ′sRsT + ρvRvT

′ + ρ′vRvT . (6.22)

This allows an obvious interpretation for p and p′:

p = (ρsRs + ρvRv)T , (6.23)p′ = (ρsRs + ρvRv)T

′ +T (Rsρ′s + Rvρ

′v). (6.24)

Making the observation that, in the surface layer, the pressure fluctuation canbe neglected vis-à-vis the temperature and density fluctuations (Fleagle andBusinger, 1980) (see also the discussion leading to (4.44)),

0 = (ρsRs + ρvRv)T′ +T (Rsρ

′s + Rvρ

′v). (6.25)

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80 6.2 –Coordinate rotation

Multiplying (6.25) by the vertical velocity fluctuation w′, taking a time averageaverage and using Reynolds’ postulates, we obtain

0 = (ρsRs + ρvRv)w′T ′ +T (Rsw′ρ′s + Rvw′ρ′v). (6.26)

Note here a difficulty in this derivation: as already mentioned, strictly speak-ing, the Reynolds postulates do not apply fully to the block and running averages— see (3.14) and (3.19)–(3.21) — and its approximate validity must be assumed.To the best of our knowledge, a detailed analytical evaluation of the effects ofthese approximations hasn’t been done.

Equation (6.26) plays a central role in the WPL approximation. In fact,applying Reynolds’s decomposition to (3.40),

wρs = w ρs +w′ρ′s = 0⇒

w = −w′ρ′sρs. (6.27)

Note thatw can be effectively calculated from (6.26)–(6.27), using measurementsof w′T ′ and of w′ρ′v . A fact rarely mentioned is that the WPL correction stemsfrom the hypothesis of a non-null value of w; however, in most measurementsturbulent fluxes using the eddy covariance method, it is common to apply acoordinate rotation, whose effect is precisely to force w = 0. This producesan apparent conflict between simultaneous application of the coordinate rotationand the WPL correction (Massman and Lee, 2002; Dias et al., 2007). However,notice also that the vertical velocity value w estimated by the WPL correctionis very small; in fact, it is smaller than the accuracy of the measurements usingsonic anemometers (Finnigan, 2009). In practice, therefore, the procedure of firstapplying a coordinate rotation that makes w = 0, and then applying the WPLcorrection which is equivalent to stipulate a small value of w — too small to bemeasured with the currently available measuring instruments — is justifiable.

Continuing, now we will calculate the water vapor mass flux taking intoaccount (6.27), this is, taking into account the WPL correction.

For the water vapor mass flux E, start from (5.7) and apply the Reynoldsdecomposition:

E = wρv = w ρv +w′ρ′v . (6.28)

Typically, the eddy covariance method generates the second term in (6.28);the WPL correction consists of calculating, and adding, the first term. For this,we calculatew explicitly. From (6.26),

w′ρ′s = −1T

[ρs +


]w′T ′ −


w′ρ′v ⇒

w =1ρs


[ρs +


]w′T ′ +



. (6.29)

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81 6.3 – Energy fluxes and greenhouse gas measurements in different biomes

Putting µ = Rv/Rs , and taking expression (6.28) to E,

E =ρvρs


[ρs +


]w′T ′ +




= ρv

(1 + µ


)w′T ′


+ρvρsµw′ρ′v +w′ρ


= ρv (1 + µrv)w′T ′

T+ (1 + µrv)w′ρ′v

= (1 + µrv)

[w′ρ′v + ρv

w′T ′


], (6.30)

whererv =



is the mixing ratio for water vapor. Equation (6.30) is the expression obtained byWebb et al. (1980) for the correction of the water vapor turbulent flux.

Now, proceeding to the case of a greenhouse gas such as CO2, start from (5.9)and apply the Reynolds decomposition:

Fc = w ρc +w′ρ′c



ρc +w′ρ


= −ρcρs

1T(ρs + µρv)w′T ′ − µw′ρ



= rc

[ρs(1 + µrv)

w′T ′

T+ µw′ρ′v


=ρcρsρs(1 + µrv)

w′T ′

T+ µrc w′ρ

′v +w′ρ


= ρc(1 + µrv)w′T ′

T+ µrc w′ρ

′v +w′ρ

′c , (6.32)

whererc =



it is the mixing ratio for CO2.For measurements of greenhouse gases fluxes, it is essential to apply theWPL


6.3 – Energy fluxes and greenhouse gas measurements in dif-ferent biomes

This section presents a brief review of some results of CO2 fluxe measure-ments performed in many parts of the world. The goal is not to produce acomprehensive review of this type of measurement, but to provide a connectionwith the material of the previous sections through some examples and criticaldiscussions of these measurements.

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82 6.3 – Energy fluxes and greenhouse gas measurements in different biomes

6.3.1 – BOREAS

The BOREAS project (Boreal Ecosystem - Atmosphere Study) took placein the central region of Canada as part of NASA’s Earth Science Research andAnalysis program, with the goal of understanding the interactions between theboreal forest’s biome and the atmosphere. A part of this project consisted in fluxmeasurements of energy, water, carbon and other gases, in order to support theclimate change and the global warming studies. The field phase of this projecthappened between 1993 and 1997 (Sellers et al., 1997). The boreal regionscorrespond to the largest ecosystems in the world, covering something between6 and 8.5% of the planet’s land surface (Simpson et al., 1997), which makes thisproject an extremely important one for global change research.

The CO2 flux measurements were performed at micrometeorological towerserected in various sites throughout the boreal forest. Besides the measurementof mean meteoroloogical data such as temperature, humidity and pressure, thetowers also quantified the turbulent exchange of energy and mass between the theforest and the atmosphere, mostly by means of the eddy covariance method. Themeasurements were always performed a few above the canopy, using tridimen-sional sonic anemometers and open-path infrared gas analysers with a frequencyof 15 Hz. The fluctuations were calculated by means of a recursive filter with atime constant equal to 400 s; a coordinate rotation was performed to make themean vertical velocity of each block equal to zero; and the WPL correction wasapplied.

From the field measurements performed in this experiment, the CO2 flux inthe boreal forest varied from an absorption of 130 gC m−2ano−1 in the “southernold aspen” region to an emission of 50 gC m−2ano−1 in the “northern old blackspruce” region (Sellers et al., 1997).

Simpson et al. (1997) presented the results obtained in the studies of methaneand nitrous oxide exchange between the “aspen” boreal forest and the atmosphere.The emission of nitrous oxide in this type of forest is associated with the bac-terial processes of nitrification and denitrification occurring in the soil, whereasmethane is produced in the anaerobic microbial decomposition of organic matter,and consumed by oxidizing bacteria in aerobic conditions.

The measurements of Simpson et al. (1997) were made in a sequence of 5consecutive months, in a 40 m high tower, over a forest approximately 21 m high.The method used for the CH4 and N2O fluxe measurements was the flux-gradientmethod, based on the MOST, in which the scalar flux is given by:

F = 1,3u∗κ(ρχ 1 − ρχ 2)


)− [ΨF (ζ2) − ΨF (ζ1)]

. (6.34)

In this case, the same similarity functions for both CH4 and N2O temperaturegradients were used. Compare (6.34) with the definition of fluxes and turbulencescales in (5.5)–(5.9), and with (5.24). For the stability functions ΨF , Simpsonet al. (1997) used the same equations presented in section 5.3.

It is important to note that Simpson et al. (1997) applied a correction factor of1,3 in (6.34), with a somewhat questionable justification based on the contribu-tions of convective circulation cells to the surface fluxes. Strictly speaking, thiskind of adjustment is often applied in an ad hoc way to force the closing of the

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83 6.3 – Energy fluxes and greenhouse gas measurements in different biomes

surface energy balance (Twine et al., 2000), but a systematic approach to explainthe lack of closure of the energy balance has not been attained yet; in this senseit is worth mentioning the works of Sakai et al. (2001) and Finnigan et al. (2003)about the contribution of the mesoscale components to the surface fluxes.

For the measurement of high-frequency data, a sonic anemometer (20cm pathKaijo-Denki DAT-310) was used, placed at 39,1 m, and run at a frequency of 100Hz with 20-Hz block averaging, undergoing a coordinate rotation to eliminatethe mean vertical velocity. The gas concentration difference between two levelswas measured with two Campbell Scientific Inc. Tunable diode laser Trace GasAnalysis System sensors, placed at z2 = 37,5 m and z1 = 26,8 m. The measuredfluxes were 1,4 ± 0,5 ng m−2 s−1 and 15,7 ± 2,8ng m−2 s−1 respectively for CH4and N2O, for the 5-month period.

CH4 flux measurements using the same technique were also made inthe “southern boreal fen” region, and CH4 emission rates of the order of2250 ng m−2 s−1 were obtained (Simpson et al., 1997), which is expected dueto the anaerobic characteristic of this type of ecosystem.

6.3.2 – LBA

The Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia was aninternational research conducted in the brazilian amazon forest between 1995and 2005. It had the goal of understanding the carbon and other nutrient’sdynamics between the forest and the atmosphere, and CO2 flux studies weremade using, among others, the eddy covariance method.

Miller et al. (2004) made a study that compared the eddy covariance method,with some of its correction alternatives, with biometric inventories performedin the region. The measurements were made in the Floresta Nacional Tapajós,70 km south of Santarém PA, a typical dense tropical forest region (averagecanopy height: 35 to 40 m), on a plateau that extends for many kilometers.

The biometric inventories are measurements of biomass that exists in a givenregion, and when they are continued for several years, they allow estimates of thecarbon balance in the period. Miller et al. (2004) used three existing inventoriesin the region to estimate the carbon balance for 16 years (1984-2000) in the areain which the measurements of eddy covariances were undertaken.

The eddy covariance method applied by the authors consisted in the mea-surement of the turbulent CO2 flux at a 64 m-high tower. The high frequencymeasurements of wind velocityweremade by a three-axis sonic anemometer. Themolar density of CO2 and H2O were measured independently by two analysers:an infrared open path gas analyser, and a closed path one. The latter sampled airthrough a teflon PFA overheated tube (65 C) with 9,5 mm of internal diameter.All of the measurements were performed at 4 Hz, and the delay time of the closedpath analyser was 11,75 s for CO2 and 12,75 s for H2O. Two different methodswere also used, named method (1) and method (2), for the calculation of CO2and H2O concentrations (for further details, check Miller et al. (2004)).

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84 6.3 – Energy fluxes and greenhouse gas measurements in different biomes

Table 6.1: Results obtained by Miller et al. (2004) for CO2 fluxes in Amazônia(a positive sign indicates an emission). CP =“closed path”; OP = “open path”.Method of measurement/correction Flux (MgC ha−1 year−1)

biometric 0, 8 ± 2, 0CP, 30-min, without detrending, w/ cor. alta frequência −3, 9CP, 30-min, without detrending, wo/ cor. alta frequência −4, 2OP, 30-min, without detrending, w/ WPL −10, 0OP, 30-min, without detrending, wo/ WPL método (1) −5, 5OP, 30-min, without detrending, w/ WPL método (2) −5, 0CP, 120-min, without detrending, w/ cor. alta frequência −3, 5OP, 30-min, with detrending, w/ WPL método (2) −4, 8CP, 30-min, without detrending, w/ cor. alta frequência,u∗ < 0,2 m s−1

+0, 4

CP, 30-min, without detrending, w/ cor. alta frequência,u∗ < 0,3 m s−1

+2, 0

For the closed-path analyzer, it was necessary to apply a correction for theloss of the high frequency fluctuations, which was made on the basis of thesimilarity between temperature and CO2 and H2O, by means of a first-order filterthat simulates the attenuation of the fluctuations in the tube. The time constantwere found by comparing the spectra of temperature and CO2 or temperature andH2O, and the result obtained was a time constant of 0,4 s for CO2 and of 0,9 s forH2O.

The effect of the loss low-frequency flux components by the average usedto estimate the fluxes, as well as the effect of the linear detrending, were alsodiscussed by the authors. They tested 30-min. averages and 2-hour averages,to assess the effect of the time-averaging period, and also compared the resultsobtained with and without linear detrending.

On last correction of the flux data was applied to “calm” periods, when theeddy covariance method is not able to measure the CO2 flux. The correction,which is standard, consisted of appliying a filter based on the friction velocityvalues u∗: whenever the measured u∗ was below a certain cutoff value, the mea-sured fluxes were replaced by model values based on soil and plants respirationas a function of easily-measured variables such as soil temperature.

The obtained results comparing all the correction possibilities and the bio-metric results are presented in table 6.1. The results give an important idea ofthe dispersion of results that can be obtained at a single site from measurementswith the ECM.

The evidence that the CO2 flux is underestimated during nights with lowturbulence is confirmed in other measurements made in the project, as the workpresented in Culf et al. (1997) and in the paper by Chambers et al. (2004). Milleret al. (2004) also conclude that using of 30 min or 2 h in the calculation of averagesdid not produce significant differences, as well as the utilization of methods (1)and (2) in the WPL correction. In general, the measurements using closed-and open-path analyzers were shown to be similar, and the result considered bythe authors as the most correct is a CO2 flux of +0,4MgC ha−1 ano−1, a result

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85 6.3 – Energy fluxes and greenhouse gas measurements in different biomes

consistent with the biomass inventory. It is important to emphasize that the largeerror associated with the biometric measurements is due to the fact that smallerplants are neglected in the study, which can represent a large part of the carbonbalance of the region.

6.3.3 – ChinaFLUX

Yu et al. (2006) present an overview of ChinaFLUX (Chinese Research Net-work for Fluxes in Terrestrial Ecosystems), a network of micrometeorologicalmeasurements of fluxes of CO2, water vapor and energy between the biosphereand the atmosphere for long periods using chambers and the Eddy CovarianceMethod. The ECM, used in 8 different places, had as a focus the measurement ofwater vapor and CO2 while the chamber method, used in 17 places, emphasizedCH4 and N2O measurements.

The measurements using the ECM were performed in 3 places over, 4 placesover tall forest in 1 place over an agriculture area with crop rotation (wheatand corn). The standard set of equipments in these micrometeorological stationsconsisted of an open-path infrared gas analyzermodelLi-Cor LI-7500 (measuringH2O and CO2), a sonic anemometer Campbell CSAT3 (measuring the threecomponents of the wind velocity and temperature), and a datalloger storing themeasurements at 10 Hz. The fluxes were calculated using block averages of 30minutes, and were corrected with the WPL correction.

The eddy covariance measurements were supplemented with a 6-levelCO2/H2O and a 7-level CO2 profiling system, also custom-designed by Camp-bell Scientific Inc., at the crop/grassland sites and the forest sites, respectively.Standardmeteorological measurements included air humidity, wind speed and di-rection, four components of the net radiation, photosynthetically active radiation,soil heat flux, soil temperature, and soil moisture.

In one of the forests there were four-level measurements, allowing investiga-tions about the fluxes footprint (Leclerc and Thurtell, 1990), advection effects,vertical divergence of turbulents fluxes and aerodynamic interference from thetower.

In two forests open and closed path sensors were compared, and the resultingfluxes from the two sensors were considered similar.

In an agricultural area, techniques of ensemble blockswere applied and ogives(Sun et al., 2006) were calculated to determine the contribution of the low fre-quencies to the fluxes (see above the comments on the analysis of Sakai et al.(2001) and Finnigan et al. (2003)), under the argument that the inclusion of thecomponents of low frequency can improve the energy balance closure. However,averages over periods greater than 30 minutes did not always improve the results.

Other results reported in Yu et al. (2006) are not surprising, considering whatwe have already reviewed earlier:

• Daytime observations are less affected than nighttime ones.

• Daytime data are less affected by the ground roughness than nighttime data.

• Measurements with the ECM showed discrepancies and uncertaintiesmainly during nights and over complex terrain.

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86 6.5 –Conclusions

6.4 – Cerrado

da Rocha et al. (2002) used the ECM for measurement of the CO2 flux on asavanna (Cerrado Sensu stricto) near the city of Santa Rita do Passa-Quatro (SP)between october of 2000 and march of 2002. The measurements were performedfrom a 21 m-high tower equipped with sensors to measure meteorological vari-ables besides a set of high-frequency sensors consisting of a sonic anemometer(A1012R Gill Solent), an infrared gas analyser for CO2 and H2O (Li-cor 6262)and an air sampling system. The micrometeorological measurements were madeat 5 Hz. The fluxes were calculated for periods of 30 minutes using coordinaterotation and algorithms for the loss of the high frequencies described inMoncrieffet al. (1997).

Nocturnal fluxes were filtered for the cutoff values of u∗, as proposed byGoulden et al. (2006); considering cutoff values of 0, 2 m s−1 and 0, 5 m s−1, theCO2 balance results in −0, 5 tC ha−1 year−1 and +3, 2 tC ha−1 year−1. The authorsconclude that the cerrado is a small source of CO2, with a net +0, 1 tC ha−1 year−1

emission rate.

6.5 – Conclusions

With various decades of effective use around the globe, the micrometeoro-logical methods of flux-gradient and eddy covariance constitute a practical toolfor the measurement of greenhouse gas surface fluxes.

Even with the almost enthusiastic adoption of the ECM by the ecologicalcommunity, and its great utility for studying the physiology of ecosystems (Bal-docchi, 2003), significant challenges still have to be overcome, including a betterunderstanding of all the time scales that contribute to the surface fluxes, and theirrelation with atmospheric stability; of the surface energy balance; of the effectsof advection and their relation with complex topography; of the non-stationarity;and of the intermittency of the nocturnal turbulence.

The continuous technological advance of the sensors, and their correspond-ing diminishing costs, have made the ECM widely available and allowed thegeneration of a large flux data base. This massive experimental approach hasgenerated in the last decades a heretofore unseen volume of knowledge on thephysics, chemistry and biology of numerous terrestrial ecosystems.

The availability of more sensors, at a relatively low cost; the increase ofcomputer resources; and the quantitative and qualitative improvement of humanresources in micrometeorology research permit an optimistic assessment of theECM and the FGM application potential in greenhouse gas studies.

The physical hypotheses of themicrometeorologicalmethods and their currentlimitations were emphasized here so that in new experiments the experimentalapparatus and the theoretical analysis can provide advances in their applicationand in the reliability of their results.

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7Energy fluxes at the surface of theEarth

7.1 – The movement of the Earth

The Earth goes around the Sun in a trajectory that is approximately elliptical.The plane of the trajectory is called the ecliptic plane. In figure 7.1, the distanceOA = r0 is the major semi-axis of the ellipse. It is a unit of length in astronomy:the Astronomical Unit (AU).

The points A, B, C, D, A′, B′, C′ and D′ are outstanding points of the annualmovement of the planet around the Sun. A marks the perihelion, the point wherethe planet is closest to the Sun. By the same token, C marks the afelion, the pointwhere the planet is farthest from the Sun. The dates for these points vary slightlyfrom year to year. Table 7.1, valid for 2020; it has been retrived from UnitedStates Naval Observatory (2019).

The material described here has been collected from several points. Perhapsthe most authoritative is the paper by van Flandern and Pulkkinen (1979), and avery detailed guide for the calculation of the Sun’s declination and the distanceSun-Earth can be found in Schlyter (2019).

Table 7.1: Outstanding days in the Earth’s orbit for 2020.Point date/time (UTC) Name

A January 5, 2020,07:48


B April 5, 2020, 19:48 r/ra = 1C July 4, 2020, 11:35 AphelionD October 5,

2020,19:48r/ra = 1

A′ December 21, 2020,10:02

Winter Solstice

B′ March 20, 2020,03:50

Spring Equinox

C′ June 20, 2020, 21:44 Summer SolsticeD′ September 22, 2020 Autumn Equinox


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88 7.1 – The movement of the Earth

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12











bO b A










Figure 7.1: The Earth’s trajectory around the Sun.



Plane of the Equator

δPlane of the Ecliptic

Figure 7.2: The position of the planet Earth with respect to the incidence of theSun’s rays around the Northern Hemisphere Solstice.

In figure 7.1, the semi-major axis of the ellipse is ra, and the semi-minor axisis rb . The distance between the Sun and the Earth at any point in the trajectoryis r . The value of ra is defined in Astronomy as the Astronomical Unit, AU. TheSun’s declination with respect to the Earth is the angle δ between the plane ofthe Equator and the plane of the Ecliptic, measured perpendicularly to the latter.

The cause for the changing seasons is not the variation in the distance Sun-Earth r , but rather the inclination of the axis of rotation of the planet in relationto the plane of the ecliptic, and the consequent change in the Sun’s declination.

For example, figure 7.2 shows the situation of the planet with respect to theincidence of the Sun’s rays around the Winter Solstice (Norther Hemisphere).At this point in the planet’s trajectory, most of that incidence is on the SouthernHemisphere, where it is the begginning of Summer. The opposite situation willhappen around the Summer Solstice (Norther Hemisphere).

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89 7.1 – The movement of the Earth





δ < 0,↑δ > 0,↑

δ > 0,↓ δ < 0,↓

Figure 7.3: The incidence of the rays of the Sun on the Earth around the year.The sign of the Sun’s declination δ is indicated between the points A′, B′, C′ andD′, as well as the sign of its rate of change, indicated as positive (↑) or negative(↓).

The situation around the year is shown in Figure 7.3. Note that the figure isnot drawn accurately; it does however show the essential elements in terms ofhow the Sun’s rays’ incidence changes around the year. The 4 points emphasizedare the solstices and the equinoxes. During the solstices, the Sun’s rays are atmaximum incidence on either hemisphere, and this determines the beginning ofSummer and Winter. On the other hand, at the equinoxes, the Sun’s rays fallperpendicularly to the Equator (hence their names).

Relatively low precision formulae for the values of δ and r/ra at a given dateare given by van Flandern and Pulkkinen (1979). These formulae are convertedinto a Python function (ddse) in listing 7.1.

Listing 7.1: — Calculation of distance and declination of Sun asa function of date.

1 from math import pi , modf , sin , cos , asin , sqrt , atan22 TwoPi = 2* pi3 # --------------------------------------------------------------------4 # ddse5 #6 # version : 2019 -05 -04 T13 :46:157 #8 # --------------------------------------------------------------------9 def ddse(yea ,mon ,day):10 '''11 ddse: declination and distance sun - earth a funcion of12 (year , month , day)1314 based on1516 Van Flandern , T. C. and Pulkkinen , K. F. (1979) "Low Precision17 Formulae for Planetary Positions " - The Astronomical Journal18 Supplement Series , 41 ,391:411.19 '''20 # --------------------------------------------------------------------21 assert ( isinstance (yea ,int))22 assert ( isinstance (mon ,int))23 assert ( isinstance (day ,int))24 # --------------------------------------------------------------------25 # At GMT noon: this is done with purely integer arithmetic26 # --------------------------------------------------------------------27 JD = 367 * yea - ( 7 * (yea + (mon + 9) // 12 ) // 4 ) \28 + ( 275 * mon // 9 + day ) + 172101429 # JD = + 367 * yea \

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90 7.1 – The movement of the Earth

30 # - 7*( yea + (mon + 9) //12) /4 \31 # - 3*(( yea + (mon - 9) //7) //100 + 1) //4 \32 # + 275* mon //9 + day + 172102933 # --------------------------------------------------------------------34 # Obtains tee ,35 # TT == thousands of Julian years from 200036 # TC == hundreds of Julian years from 190037 # --------------------------------------------------------------------38 tee = float (JD - 2451545.0 + 0.5) ;39 # TT = tee /365250.040 TC = tee /36525.0 + 1.0 ;41 # TC = 10.0* TM + 1.042 # --------------------------------------------------------------------43 # other variables44 # --------------------------------------------------------------------45 LS = 0.779072 + 0.00273790931 * tee # mean longitude , Sun46 GS = 0.993126 + 0.00273777850 * tee # mean anomaly , Sun47 G5 = 0.056531 + 0.00023080893 * tee # mean anomaly , Jupiter48 OM = 0.347343 - 0.00014709391 * tee # longitude of lunar ascending mode49 # --------------------------------------------------------------------50 # the eccentricity of the Earth comes from a different source :51 # http :// www. jgiesen .de/ kepler / eccentricity .html52 # --------------------------------------------------------------------53 # ec = +0.0167086342 - 0.0004203654* TT - 0.0000126734* TT **2 \54 # +0.0000001444* TT **3 -0.0000000002* TT **4 + 0.0000000003* TT **555 # --------------------------------------------------------------------56 # extracts fractional part57 # --------------------------------------------------------------------58 (LS , ipart ) = modf(LS)59 (GS , ipart ) = modf(GS)60 (G5 , ipart ) = modf(G5)61 (OM , ipart ) = modf(OM)62 # --------------------------------------------------------------------63 # converts to radians64 # --------------------------------------------------------------------65 LS = LS * TwoPi66 GS = GS * TwoPi67 G5 = G5 * TwoPi68 OM = OM * TwoPi69 # --------------------------------------------------------------------70 # obtains VS71 # --------------------------------------------------------------------72 VS = + 0.39785 * sin( LS ) \73 - 0.01000 * sin( LS - GS ) \74 + 0.00333 * sin( LS + GS ) \75 - 0.00021 * TC * sin( LS ) \76 + 0.00004 * sin( LS + 2.0 * GS ) \77 - 0.00004 * cos( LS ) \78 - 0.00004 * sin( OM - LS ) \79 + 0.00003 * TC * sin( LS - GS )80 # --------------------------------------------------------------------81 # obtains US82 # --------------------------------------------------------------------83 US = + 1.0 \84 - 0.03349 * cos( GS ) \85 - 0.00014 * cos( 2.0 * GS ) \86 + 0.00008 * TC * cos( GS ) \87 - 0.00003 * sin( GS - G5 )88 # --------------------------------------------------------------------89 # Sun 's declination90 # --------------------------------------------------------------------91 delta = asin( VS / sqrt(US) ) ;92 # --------------------------------------------------------------------93 # distance Sun - Earth in the form (r/a) where a is the length94 # of the largest semi -axis of the Earth 's orbit , i.e.: the equivalent95 # to one astronomical unit , and r is the Sun - Earth distance96 # --------------------------------------------------------------------97 rr = 1.00021 * sqrt( US )98 return (delta ,rr)99100 # --------------------------------------------------------------------101 # sunman102 #

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91 7.2 – The declination of the Sun seen from the Earth

103 # version of 2019 -04 -23 T09 :58:05104 # --------------------------------------------------------------------105 def sunman (yea ,mon ,day ,sec =0.0) :106 '''107 sunman : only the sun mean anomaly a funcion of (year , month ,day)108109 based on110111 Van Flandern , T. C. and Pulkkinen , K. F. (1979) "Low Precision112 Formulae for Planetary Positions " - The Astronomical Journal113 Supplement Series , 41 ,391:411.114 '''115 # --------------------------------------------------------------------116 assert ( isinstance (yea ,int))117 assert ( isinstance (mon ,int))118 assert ( isinstance (day ,int))119 # --------------------------------------------------------------------120 # At GMT noon: this is done with purely integer arithmetic121 # --------------------------------------------------------------------122 JD = + 367 * yea \123 - 7*( yea + (mon + 9) /12) /4 \124 - 3*(( yea + (mon - 9) /7) /100 + 1) /4 \125 + 275* mon /9 + day + 1721029126 # --------------------------------------------------------------------127 # trying to get more accuracy by calculating seconds128 # --------------------------------------------------------------------129 JD = float (JD + sec /86400.0)130 # --------------------------------------------------------------------131 # Obtains tee ,132 # --------------------------------------------------------------------133 tee = float (JD - 2451545.0) ;134 # --------------------------------------------------------------------135 # other variables136 # --------------------------------------------------------------------137 GS = 0.993126 + 0.00273777850 * tee # mean anomaly , Sun138 (GS , ipart ) = modf(GS)139 # --------------------------------------------------------------------140 # converts to radians141 # --------------------------------------------------------------------142 GS = GS * TwoPi143 return (GS)

7.2 – The declination of the Sun seen from the Earth

Figure 7.4 shows the incidence of the Sun’s rays seen from the Earth. Theplane of the Equator isOxy, andOyz is perpendicular to the plane of the Ecliptic,which is not shown, but contains the line OS connecting the center of the Earthto the center of the Sun: the Sun’s declination δ is the angle between the planesof the Ecliptic and the Equator, and is indicated in the figure. Because the Sun isvery far away, all rays can be assumed to be parallel. At point P on the surfaceof the Earth, a ray comes along PS′, and the Sun is effectively seen as in positionS′. The position of P is given by the hour angle h, which is the angular distanceto the solar noon, and the latitude φ.

The vertical through P is given by the unit vectorn, and the direction towardsthe Sun at P is given by the unit vectorm. By definition, the Zenith angle Z isthe angle betweenm and n. From figure 7.4, one obtains

m = (0, cosδ , sinδ ), (7.1)n = (cosφ sinh, cosφ cosh, sinφ), (7.2)

whencem · n = cosZ = cosδ cosφ cosh + sinδ sinφ. (7.3)

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92 7.2 – The declination of the Sun seen from the Earth














Figure 7.4: The declination of the Sun.

Several useful relationships can be derived with the help of (7.3):

a) The angle H covered between sunrise, when n ‖ Oxz and cosZ = 0, and thesolar noon is given by

0 = cosδ cosφ cosH + sinδ sinφ ⇒cosH = − tgφ tgδ . (7.4)

From (7.4) one obtains the length of daylight in hours, N :H



12⇒ N =

24Hπ. (7.5)

b) The latitude φp of the polar night is the point where H = 0:

tgφp = −cotgδ ⇒ φp =π

2− δ . (7.6)

c) At the poles,cosZ = sinδ ⇒


2− Z = δ ,

so that the Sun’s elevation is practically constant during the day.

d) At solar noon,

cosh = 1,cosZ = cosδ cosφ + sinδ sinφ

= cos(φ − δ ) ⇒Z = φ − δ . (7.7)

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93 7.3 –Radiaton

7.3 – Radiaton

The flux of energy per unit area associated with different wavelengths is calledirradiance, and given in units of W m−2 in the SI. The wavelength of the radiationdepends on the temperature of the emitting body; at temperatureT , a black bodyemits a spectrum of radiation whose peak is given by Wien’s law,

λm =α

T, (7.8)

where α = 2897.0 µm K (Fleagle and Businger, 1980, p. 217).Solar radiation, emmited by the Sun at a temperature close to 6 000 K, covers

a range of wavelengths λ ∼ 0.3–3 µm, and reaches the top of the atmosphere ofthe Earth. The solar constant Rs0 ≈ 1354 W m−2 is the irradiance in the directionof the Sun’s rays at a distance of 1 AU = ra of the Sun. The irradiance on adirection perpendicular to the top of the Atmosphere at a given day and latitudeis the extra-atmospheric solar irradiance, and is given by

Rsea = Rs0(rar

)2cosZ . (7.9)

The mean value of Rsea over 24 hours is a useful quantity, that can later beused to estimate the solar irradiance reaching the surface of the Earth.

Rsea(t) = Rs0(rar

)2[sinδ sinφ + cosδ cosφ cosh(t)] ;

〈Rsea〉 =1D

ˆ T

0Rsea(t) dt , (7.10)

where D = 86400 s is the duration of the day, and T is the duration of sunlight,with time t measured from sunrise to sunset. But

D =2πω, (7.11)

ωdt = dh, (7.12)

where ω is the angular velocity of Earth, whence

〈Rsea〉 =

ˆ +H−H




)2[sinδ sinφ + cosδ cosφ cosh(t)]



)2 Rs0π[H sinδ sinφ + cosδ cosφ sinH ] . (7.13)

The solar or short wave irradiance Rs reaching the surface of the Earth ismost of the time less than Rsea. Ideally, it should be measured directly withpiranometers, but historically it has been estimated by measurements of brightsunshine duration n (usually in hours), through Prescott’s equation (Brutsaert,1982):

〈Rs〉 = 〈Rsea〉[a + b



], (7.14)

with a ∼ 0.25 and b ∼ 0.50. Note that Prescott’s equation is not able to predictvalues ofRs at a timescale of∼ 1 h, only at the 24-hourmean, because the durationof bright sunshine is an integrated measurement.

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94 7.4 –Atmospheric radiation

Besides solar radiation, the surface of the Earth also receives radiation em-mited by the atmosphere, over wavelengths λ ∼ 3–100 µm, due to the fact thatthe emmiting sources are at temperatures of the order of 300 K. This longwaveor atmospheric irradiance reaching the surface is Ra. Finally, the surface itselfre-emits radiation back to the atmosphere; this is the emitted irradiance Re .

The ratio of the reflected to the incoming solar irradiance is the albedo α ofthe surface; and the ratio of the absorbed to the incoming atmospheric irradianceis the absortivity/emissivity ϵ of the surface. The net irradiance is the total energyflux per unit area absorbed the the surface:

Rn = Rs(1 − α) + ϵRa − Re . (7.15)

7.4 – Atmospheric radiation

The estimation of incoming atmospheric (longwave) irradiance is a com-plicated business. It is usually split into two parts: the estimation of clear-skyatmospheric irradiance, Rac , and the estimation of the increase due to the presenceof clouds. Clear-sky atmospheric irradiance is usually obtained from equationswith the form

Rac = ϵacσT4a . (7.16)

(7.16) is obviously inspired by Stefan-Boltzmann’s law for a gray body. It appearsto have had a strictly empirical origin in the work of Brunt (1932), in the form

ϵac = 0.52 + 0.0065√ea (7.17)

(in SI units), but can be obtained from equations for radiative transfer in theatmosphere under certain simplifying assumptions. Perhaps the clearest, andone of the simplest, ways to derive it can be found in Brutsaert (1975). Inprinciple, the longwave radiation reaching the surface can be found by integratingSchwarzchild’s equation

dIλ = −kλ(Iλ − Bλ(T )), (7.18)

but an alternative that yields a faster analytical result is

Rac =

ˆ ∞0

σT 4dϵ fdu

du . (7.19)

Consider now an exponential distribution for the temperature in the atmosphere,

T (z) = T0 exp(−γz



with γ = 6.5 K km−1 and T0 = 288.15 K. To a first approximation,

dTdz= −γ , (7.21)

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95 7.4 –Atmospheric radiation

so that

p = ρRdT , (7.22)dp = −ρдdz, (7.23)dpp=


RdTdz =



dTT, (7.24)





) дγRd. (7.25)

For water vapor,

e0 = ρv0RvT ,

ρv0 =e0


ρv(z) = ρv0 exp(−kwz), (7.26)

with kw = 4.4 × 10−4 m−1. In Brutsaert (1975), the effective emissivity ϵ f iswritten as a function of optical path

u =

ˆ z

0ρv(ζ )



)1/2dζ (7.27)

asϵ f = Aam, (7.28)

with A = 0.75,m = 1/7 anda =



in cm of equivalent water (with ρw = 1 g cm−3). It seems preferable, however, touse a version in which dimensionless factors appear more clearly. Therefore, letus put

ϵ f =



)m. (7.30)

Then, equating (7.30) to (7.28) with (7.29),

u0 = (0.75)−1/7 = 7.491541 g cm−2 = 74.91541 kg m−2. (7.31)

Differentiating (7.30),dϵ fdu=





)m−1. (7.32)

With (7.32) and (7.19)–(7.20):

Rac =

ˆ ∞u=0


)4 m






ˆ ∞z=0

σT 40 e−4γz/T0




ˆ z









)1/2dz. (7.33)

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96 7.4 –Atmospheric radiation

Now, with (7.20), (7.25) and (7.26):

Rac =

ˆ ∞z=0

σT 40 e−4γz/T0




ˆ z




)д/(2γRd )dζ




)д/(2γRd )dz


ˆ ∞z=0

σT 40 e−4γz/T0




ˆ z




)ζ dζ




)z dz




)mσT 4

ˆ ∞z=0




)z(ˆ z




)ζ dζ



In order to simplify notation a little bit, let

k1 =4γT0+ k2, (7.35)

k2 = kw +д

2RdT0; (7.36)


Rac =m



)mσT 4

ˆ ∞z=0


(ˆ z

ζ=0e−k2ζ dζ





)mσT 4

ˆ ∞z=0

e−k1z(1 − e−k2z

)m−1k2 dz. (7.37)

Now introduce the change of variables

t = e−k2z, (7.38)dt = −k2e−k2z dz, (7.39)

to obtain

Rac =m



)mσT 4

ˆ 0



) k1k2−1 (

1 − e−k2z)m−1







)mσT 4

ˆ 1

t=0tk1k2−1(1 − t)m−1 dt (7.40)







)]︸ ︷︷ ︸


σT 40 . (7.41)

In SI units, Brutsaert’s equation is

ϵac = 0.64(eaTa

)1/7. (7.42)

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97 7.5 –Cloudiness effect on atmospheric irradiance

Table 7.2: Cloudy-sky parameterisations

Parameterization Experimental site

Jacobs (1978):

Ra = (1 + 0.26c)Rac

Baffin Island (Canada)

7.5 – Cloudiness eect on atmospheric irradiance

Atmospheric irradiance increases in the presence of clouds. A way to accountfor that is to write

Ra = ϕRac , (7.43)

where ϕ is some function of the cloud cover. Bolz’s equation, in terms ofcloudiness, is

ϕ = 1 + 0.22c2 (7.44)

where c is cloud cover, between 0 and 1, as reported in manually operated weatherstations in oktas, or eights of sky clovered by clouds Wikipedia (2019). If c isnot available, a surrogate is

c = 1 − n/N , (7.45)

where n and N have been defined above. Again, (7.45) can only be used with(7.44) to derive daily averages of Ra.

More recent equations have been developed to estimate ϕ, and are shown intable 7.2, obtained from Duarte et al. (2006)

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8Turbulent diusion

8.1 – Scales in turbulence

In a turbulent flow, it is not always clear what is meant by a “particle”. Thereis a wealth of scales in fully developed turbulent flows, and a way to manage thiswide range of scales is to define a few that differ significantly in their sizes. Theintegral scale is defined mathematically in terms of the autocorrelation functionϱ(x) (usually of the longitudinal velocity component):

` =

ˆ ∞0

ϱ(x) dx .

Taylor’s microscale λ is defined in terms of the curvature of ϱ(x) at the origin:





Finally, we have Kolmogorov’s microscale:

η = (ν3/ϵ)1/4.

The classical particles of Fluid Mechanics have to be of size η or smaller: theycan only “see” molecular diffusion, and smooth fields around them. On the otherhand, “particles” of size λ “see” turbulent diffusion, and a considerably moreagitated world around them.

8.2 – Turbulent diusivity

Let us now define “turbulent diffusivity”. If F is the turbulent flux of a scalarwhose concentration is c, its turbulent diffusivity K at a point is defined as

F ≡ −ρKdcdz.

The overbars on the variables indicate Reynolds (1895) averages. Usually turbu-lent diffusivity is modelled with simple dimensional arguments, such as

K = cσw`,

where σw is a velocity scale (for instance, in this case we are thinking of thestandard deviation of vertical velocity). The turbulent flux itself is usually definedby means of Reeynolds averages:

F = ρwc ≈ ρw′c′,

as long as c is a mass concentration.


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99 8.3 – Turbulent diffusion theory

8.3 – Turbulent diusion theory

Let us proceed to Taylor (1921)’ s turbulent diffusion theory. We do it byfollowing a particle (in Kolmogorov’s sense) using a Lagrangian description ofthe flow:

Z (t) = Z (0) +ˆ t

0W (t ′) dt ′. (8.1)

Without loss of generality, assume Z (0) ≡ 0 (always), and

Z (t) = 0. (8.2)

Our averages now need also to be considered from a Lagrangian point of view, asaverages over a large number of particles. If Zi(t) is the position of the i th particleand we are emitting a large number N of particles,

Z (t) =1N



Consider now the mean square deviation of Z (t) with respect to the origin.Clearly, this is a measure of how the particles will “disperse” around it. We areinterested in the quantities

Z 2(t),ddt

[Z 2(t)



[Z 2(t)

]= 2Z (t)



W (t) =dZdt

; (8.3)



[Z 2(t)

]= 2Z (t)W (t)

= 2[ˆ t

t ′=0W (t ′) dt ′

]W (t)

= 2ˆ t

0W (t ′)W (t) dt ′.

Now ifW (t) is a stationary stochastic process,

W (t ′)W (t) =W (0)W (t − t ′) ⇒ddt

[Z 2(t)

]= 2ˆ t

0W (0)W (t − t ′) dt ′.

To proceed further, we define the Lagrangian autocorrelation function,

ϱL(τ ) ≡1

W 2W (t)W (t + τ ),

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100 8.3 – Turbulent diffusion theory

where we are assuming that W 2, differently from Z 2(t), does not depend on t(which is the stationarity hypothesis forW (t)). With that,


[Z 2(t)

]= 2W 2

ˆ t

0ϱL(τ ) dτ ;

Z 2(t) = 2W 2ˆ t

ˆ t ′

0ϱL(τ ) dτdt ′.

We now integrate by parts:

f (t ′) ≡

ˆ t ′

0ϱL(τ ) dτ ;

ˆ t

0f (t ′) dt ′ = t ′ f (t ′)


ˆ t

0t ′ϱL(t

′) dt ′;⇒

Z 2(t) = 2W 2[t

ˆ t


′) dt ′ −ˆ t

0t ′ϱL(t

′) dt ′]

= 2W 2t

ˆ t

(1 −

t ′



′) dt ′. (8.4)

At this point, we want to introduce the Lagrangian integral scale:

TL ≡

ˆ ∞0

ϱL(τ ) dτ , (8.5)

but does it exist? The safest bet seems to be to assume that ϱL(t) belongs to thespace L1; this means to assume thatˆ ∞

0|ϱL(t)| dt < ∞. (8.6)

Assuming (8.6) ensures that TL in (8.5) exists. We now change variables to

τ =t ′

TL, (8.7)

τL =t

TL, (8.8)

ϱ∗L(τ ) ≡ ϱL(τTL), (8.9)

so that (8.4) becomes

Z 2(t) = 2W 2(t)TLt

ˆ τL


(1 −



)ϱ∗L(τ ) dτ . (8.10)

Proceed with an asymptotic analysis: suppose that τL 1; then, there isn’tenough “time” for ϱ∗L(τ ) to decrease very much from 1, and

ϱL(τ ) ≈ 1 ⇒

Z 2(t) ≈ 2W 2(t)TLt

ˆ τL

0(1 −


τL) dτ

= 2W 2(t)TLt ×12τL

=W 2t2 (8.11)

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101 8.3 – Turbulent diffusion theory

Consider now the case τL 1. The objective is to obtain a suitable approximationfor the integral in (8.10). First, note that if (8.6) holds, then obviously

ˆ ∞0|ϱ∗L(τ )| dτ < ∞. (8.12)

Next, a standard interpretation in stochastic processes is that under reasonableassumptions such as stationarity and ergodicity, a process becomes effectivelydecorrelated from itself in two integral time scales (Tennekes and Lumley, 1972,p. 213–214). This means that it is reasonable to expect ϱ∗L to decrease to zerorelatively fast from τL = 1 onwards.

In the literature, in obtaining an approximation for (8.10), this is not alwaysdiscussed at length. Pope (2000)’s presentation of this subject can be foundin Chapter 12, p. 498–499, but there is no deep justification for his equation(12.154). Monin and Yaglom (1971) (Ch. 5, p. 543–544) do better. We quotefrom them:

Let us now make the natural assumption that the Lagrangian correlationfunction R(L)ii (s) approaches zero when s → ∞, and so rapidly that thefollowing correlation time will exist (. . . )

There is also some justification in Tennekes and Lumley (1972) (Ch. 6, Eqs.(6.4.11–6.4.12)). It is clear that Taylor’s expression for large times (which wewill obtain soon) is by no means only a mathematical derivation, but rather aresult that requires “reasonable” assumptions that cannot be proved a priori.

Therefore, to proceed, some additional assumption is needed on ϱ∗L(τ ). Fromthe foregoing discussion, an assumption as good as any is that there exists д(τ ) =τ−m with m > 1 and such that |ϱ∗L(τ )| ≤ д(τ ), τ ≥ 1 (note that |ϱ∗L(τ )| ≤ 1always). Then, for τL 1,

Z 2(t) ≈ limτL→∞

2W 2(t)TLt

ˆ τL

(1 −



)ϱ∗L(τ ) dτ

= 2W 2(t)TLt

[ˆ ∞0

ϱ∗L(τ ) dτ − limτL→∞

ˆ τL


τLϱ∗L(τ ) dτ


The first integral in the brackets is equal to 1; for the second, we split theintegration interval beteween τ ∈ [0, 1) and τ ∈ [1,∞). We have


ˆ 1


τLϱ∗L(τ ) dτ = 0 (8.14)

and limτL→∞

ˆ τL



τLϱ∗L(τ ) dτ

≤ limτL→∞

ˆ τL


ττLϱ∗L(τ ) dτ

≤ limτL→∞


ˆ τL

1τд(τ ) dτ

= limτL→∞


ˆ τL

1τ−m+1 dτ . (8.15)

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102 8.4 – The lagrangian concentration field

Form , 2,



ˆ τL

1τ−m+1 dτ = lim




−m + 2τ−m+2


= limτL→∞

1(−m + 2)


[τ−m+2L − 1

]= 0. (8.16)

Form = 2,



ˆ τL

1τ−m+1 dτ = lim



[ln(τ )


= limτL→∞


ln(τL) = 0. (8.17)

Together, (8.13)–(8.17) give


ˆ τL


τLϱ∗L(τ ) dτ = 0 (8.18)

and the desired expression for Z 2(t) for τL 1 is

Z 2(t) ≈ 2W 2(t)TLt . (8.19)

In short, our results for the root mean square values of Z (t) are

Z rms =W rmst , t TL; (8.20)

Z rms =W rms√

2TLt , t TL. (8.21)

8.4 – The lagrangian concentration field

Let us change focus to the path of the Lagrangian particles. Each particle hasa function of position in the form

x = X (ξ , t),

where ξ is the position of the particle at t = 0, so that

ξ = X (ξ , 0).

Therefore, at t = 0, X is the identity. In the absence of diffusion, the transportequation for a scalar whose concentration is c is





∂xi= 0,

with solutionc(X (ξ , t), t) = c(ξ , 0).

We need to introduce the probability density function (pdf) fc(x , t |ξ ), whichgivens the probability density that, starting from ξ at t = 0, a particle reach x attime t . The expected value of the concentration in (x , t) is

c(x , t) =


c(ξ , 0)fc(x , t |ξ )d3ξ .

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103 8.5 – The eulerian concentration field

In particular, if all massM of the scalar is concentrated at ξ = 0,

c(ξ , 0) =M

Aδ (ξ );

c(x , t) =



Aδ (ξ )fc(x , t |ξ )d3ξ


Afc(x , t |0).

In one dimension, we just saw (8.1). Let us interpret (8.1) with the help ofthe Central Limit Theorem for an integral (Tennekes and Lumley, 1972, Sec.6.5). We will take Z (t) to be a random variable produced by the “sum” of a largenumber of random variablesW (t ′) dt ′: the Central Limit Theorem predicts thatZ (t) is normally distributed. Since we know that its mean is Z (t) = 0 (c.f. (8.1))and the standard deviation can be obtained from (8.20)–(8.21), we just use thelarge-time limit for Z rms and obtain

Z rms = σZ = σw√

2TLt . (8.22)

Then, we immediately find that

c(z, t) =M





2σ 2Z

]. (8.23)

This can be readily generalized to three dimensions:

c(x ,y, z, t) =M




2σ 2X



2σ 2Y




2σ 2Z

]. (8.24)

8.5 – The eulerian concentration field

8.5.1 – One-dimensional solution of the diusion equation

The same problem can be approached from the eulerian point of view, as thesolution to the diffusion equation


∂t= Kzz


∂z2 ; c(z, 0) =M

Aδ (z); lim

z→±∞c(z, t) = 0, (8.25)

which is (Dias, 2017, Example 15.6)

c(z, t) =M






]. (8.26)

Note that formally it is the same as the lagrangian solution! By equating (8.23)and (8.26), we immediately obtain

2σ 2Z = 4Kzzt , (8.27)

4W 2TLt = 4Kzzt (8.28)

Kzz =W 2TL (8.29)

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104 8.6 – The advection-diffusion case

8.5.2 – Two- and three-dimensional solutions of the diusion equation

The generalization of (8.25) to 3 dimensions is


∂t= Kxx


∂x2 + Kyy∂2c

∂y2 + Kzz∂2c

∂z2 ; (8.30)

c(z, 0) = Mδ (x)δ (y)δ (z); (8.31)lim

x ,y,z→±∞c(x ,y, z, t) = 0, (8.32)

Let us try a solution by means of separation of variables, of the type

c(x ,y, z, t) = X (x , t)Y (y, t)Z (z, t); (8.33)

substitution in (8.30) produces


∂t+ XZ


∂t+ XY


∂t= YZKxx


∂x2 + XZKyy∂2Y

∂y2 + XYKzz∂2Z

∂z2 ;

X (x , 0)Y (y, 0)Z (z, 0) = Mδ (x)δ (y)δ (z),

X (±∞, t)Y (±∞, t)Z (±∞, t) = 0.

This immediately yields 3 separate problems:


∂t= Kxx


∂x2 ; X (x , 0) = M1/3δ (x); X (±∞) = 0; (8.34)


∂t= Kyy


∂y2 ; Y (y, 0) = M1/3δ (y); Y (±∞) = 0; (8.35)


∂t= Kzz


∂z2 ; Z (z, 0) = M1/3δ (z); Z (±∞) = 0. (8.36)

Note that each one of (8.34)–(8.62) is the same as (8.25); therefore,

c(x ,y, z, t) =M1/3√
















8(πt)3/2(KxxKyyKzz)1/2 exp








]. (8.37)

8.6 – The advection-diusion case

Let us now modify the diffusion equation and add an advection term. In mostcases, it is enough to add advection in the x-direction, and rotate the mean windinto the x axis. The equation is


∂t+ u∂c

∂x= Kxx


∂x2 ,

c(x , 0) =M

Aδ (x),

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105 8.6 – The advection-diffusion case

where JAK = YZ. Podemos tentar “adivinhar a solução” argumentando que, seu for constante, no sistema de coordenadas x′ × t com It turns out that we canreturn to a purely diffusive problem by means of the change of variables

x′ = x − ut ,

t ′ = t .

In the new coordinates, the solution will be

χ (x′, t ′) = c(x , t) = c(x′ + ut ′, t ′). (8.38)



∂t ′=∂c



∂t ′+∂c



∂t ′,


∂t+ u∂c




















∂x2 .

This brings us back to the diffusion equation


∂t= Kxx



χ (x′, 0) = c(x , 0) =M

Aδ (x′)

with solution

χ (x′, t ′) =M


4Kxxπt ′exp


4Kxxt ′

]; ⇒

c(x , t) =M



[−(x − ut)2



Can we solve


∂t+ u∂c

∂x= Kxx


∂x2 + Kyy∂2c

∂y2 + Kzz∂2c

∂z2 , (8.39)

c(x ,y, z, 0) = Mδ (x)δ (y)δ (z)? (8.40)

Obviously we can. This time the change of variables is

x′ = x − ut , (8.41)y′ = y, (8.42)z′ = z, (8.43)t ′ = t . (8.44)

Put, as before,

χ (x′,y′, z′, t ′) = c(x ,y, z, t) = c(x′ + ut ′,y′, z′, t ′).

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106 8.6 – The advection-diffusion case


∂t ′=∂c



∂t ′+∂c



∂t ′=∂c

∂t+ u∂c

∂x, (8.45)



∂x2 , (8.46)



∂y2 , (8.47)



∂z2 . (8.48)

Substituting back, we obtain the purely diffusive equation∂χ

∂t= Kxx


∂x2 + Kyy∂2χ

∂y2 + Kzz∂2χ

∂z2 , (8.49)

χ (x′,y′, z′, 0) = c(x , z, z, 0) = Mδ (x′)δ (y′)δ (z′). (8.50)

On account of (8.37), the solution is

c(x ,y, z, t) =M

8(πt)3/2(KxxKyyKzz)1/2 exp

[−(x − ut)2








8.6.1 – Steady-state diusion problems

Let us build a series of solutions to atmospheric dispersion problems basedon the general ideas introduced in the previous sections Our first adaptation willbe the steady one-dimensional problem


∂x= Kzz


∂z2 . (8.52)

Formally, this is a diffusion equation completely similar to (8.25), but with treplaced by x/u. Our initial condition now needs to be specified at x = 0, andmodified to the right physical dimensions. It will be, accordingly, (Kumar andSharan, 2010, eq. (2.5))

c(x = 0, z) =q

Luδ (z),

with L indicating a length scale in the y direction: JLK = Y. The solution for acontinuous injection of pollutant mass q (JqK = MpT−1) is recovered from directsubstitution:

c(x , z) =q















)]. (8.53)

This is a very useful expression for dispersion studies, which are usually made byanalyzing 1-hour periods each of which is assumed to be a steady-state problem.Let us now extend this to y and z, in the form


∂x= Kyy


∂y2 + Kzz∂2c

∂z2 , (8.54)

c(x = 0,y, z) =q

uδ (y)δ (z) (8.55)

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107 8.6 – The advection-diffusion case

As before, we try separation of variables:

c(x ,y, z) = Y (x ,y)Z (x , z), (8.56)

which produces:


∂x= u


∂x+ Y∂Z


]; (8.57)


∂y2 = ZKyy∂2Y

∂y2 ; (8.58)


∂z2 = YKzz∂2Y

∂y2 . (8.59)

Grouped together, these equations are



∂x+ Y∂Z


]= ZKyy


∂y2 + YKzz∂2Y

∂y2 , (8.60)

Y (0,y)Z (0, z) =[qu

]1/2δ (y)


]1/2δ (z) (8.61)

This can quite obviously be dismembered into a pair of problems:


∂x= Kyy


∂y2 ; Y (y, 0) =[qu

]1/2δ (y); Y (±∞) = 0; (8.62)


∂x= Kzz


∂z2 ; Z (z, 0) =[qu

]1/2δ (z); Z (±∞) = 0. (8.63)

so that now

c(x ,y, z) = Y (x ,y)Z (x , z)


]1/2 1√4πKyy(x/u)







]1/2 1√4πKzz(x/u)














)]. (8.64)

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9The last lecture

Remember Richardson’s number!

Ri =д




and Pasquill’s stability classes:

u (10m) Solar irradiance Cloud coverm s−1 > 700 W m−2 350 – 700 W m−2 < 350W m−2 ≥ 4/8 < 3/8< 2 A A-B B

2 − 3 A-B B C E F3 − 5 B B-C C D E5 − 6 C C-D D D D> 6 C D D D D

Stability classes have been empirically related to Obukhov’s length:

1LO= a + b log z0,

andCondição Classe de Pasquill a bMuito instável A −0.096 0.029Moderadamente instável B −0.037 0.029Levemente instável C −0.002 0.018Neutra D 0 0Levemente estável E +0.004 −0.018Moderadamente estável F +0.035 −0.036

The standard deviations σZ and σY can also be “recovered” empirically fromstability classes, viz.

σ = exp[I + J (lnx) + K(lnx)2

]Classe para obter σz para obter σy

I J K I J KA 6,035 2,1097 0,2770 5,357 0,8828 -0,0076B 4,694 1,0629 0,0136 5,058 0,9024 -0,0096C 4,110 0,9201 -0,0020 4,651 0,9181 -0,0076D 3,414 0,7371 -0,0316 4,230 0,9222 -0,0087E 3,057 0,6794 -0,0450 3,922 0,9222 -0,0064F 2,621 0,6564 -0,0540 3,533 0,9191 -0,0070


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109 9.1 – Exemplo

9.1 – Exemplo

Calcule a concentração dos poluentes num receptor localizado ao nível dosolo, no eixo da pluma de dispersão a uma distância x = 1500 m da chaminé.

A tabela a seguir lista dados meteorológicos medidos a cada 3 horas. Osvalores representam médias horárias.

tempo (h) direção u( m s−1) Ta( K) Rs(W m−2)

3 0.0 1.8 291.2 06 0.0 0.9 291.3 09 0.0 1.3 291.7 13412 0.0 2.7 294.0 40515 22.5 2.2 296.6 21018 0.0 2.7 293.3 221 0.0 2.2 292.3 024 22.5 0.9 292.0 0

Dados de emissão:temperatura de saída do gás 400 Kvelocidade de saída do gás 6.0 m s−1

diâmetro da chaminé 2.0 maltura da chaminé acima do solo 50.0 maltura do anemômetro 10.0 mtipo de terreno rural

Fluxos de poluentes na chaminé:

poluente emissão ( g s−1)MP 10.69NOx 7.54SOx 1.07

Agora calcula-se a classe de estabilidade de Pasquill para cada período deuma hora de medição:

Classes de estabilidade para cada período de medição:

tempo (h) Rs(W m−2) u(10 m)( m s−1) classe3 0 1.8 E6 0 0.9 E9 134 1.3 B12 405 2.7 B15 210 2.2 C18 2 2.7 C21 0 2.2 E24 0 0.9 E

Parâmetro de estabilidade de Briggs:

s =





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110 9.1 – Exemplo

s parâmetro de estabilidade ( s−2)

д 9, 807 m s−2

Ta temperatura ambiente do ar

dθ/dz gradiente vertical de temperatura potencial

Relação entre classes de estabilidade e estratificação da temperatura potencial

classe dθ/dz( K m−1)

A < −0.009B −0.008C −0.006D 0.000E 0.015F > 0.025

Com as classes de estabilidade obtidas acima, nós encontramos os seguintesvalores para dθ/dz e s:

tempo (h) classe dθ/dz( K m−1) temperatura (K) s( s−2)

3 E 0.015 291.2 0.0005056 E 0.015 291.3 0.005059 B -0.008 291.7 -0.00026912 B -0.008 294.0 -0.00026715 C -0.006 296.6 -0.00019818 C -0.006 293.3 -0.00020121 E 0.015 292.3 0.00050324 E 0.015 292.0 0.000504

Fator de flutuação de Briggs

F = дvsr2Ts −Ta



F fator de flutuação de Briggs ( m4 s−3)

д 9, 807 m s−2

vs velocidade de saída do gás ( m s−1)

Ta temperatura do ar ambiente (K)

Ts temperatura de saída do gás (K)

r raio da chaminé (m)

Distância da chaminé até o ponto máximo de elevação da pluma:

x f = 119F 0.40 para F ≥ 55m4s−3

ex f = 49F 0.625 para F < 55m4s−3

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111 9.1 – Exemplo

tempo (h) temperatura (K) F ( m4s−3) x f (m)3 291,2 16,01 277,246 291,3 15,99 277,089 291,7 15,93 276,4412 294,0 15,59 272,7615 296,6 15,21 268,5618 293,3 15,70 273,8821 292,3 15,84 275,4924 292,0 15,89 275,96

Relação entre velocidade do vento e altura:

u(z) = ua (z/za)n


u(z) velocidade do vento na altura z

ua velocidade do vento a altura do anemômetro za

n expoente em função da classe de estabilidade

Expoente de conversão da velocidade do vento

classe nA 0,10B 0,15C 0,20D 0,25E 0,25F 0,30

Equações de Briggs para a altura de curvatura da plumaClasses de estabilidade de Pasquill A, B, C, D:

∆h = 1.6F 1/3x2/3u−1, para x < x f

e∆h = 1.6F 1/3x2/3

fu−1, para x ≥ x f

Classes de estabilidade de Pasquill E, F:Quando 1.84us−1/2 ≥ x f ⇒

∆h = 1.6F 1/3x2/3u−1, para x < x f

e∆hmax = 1.6F 1/3x2/3

fu−1, para x ≥ x f

Quando 1.84us−1/2 < x f ⇒

∆h = 1.6F 1/3x2/3u−1, para x < 1.84us−1/2

e∆hmax = 2.4 (F/us)1/3 , para x ≥ 1.84us−1/2

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112 9.1 – Exemplo

Altura efetiva de emissão:

He = hs + ∆h


hs altura da chaminé

∆h altura de curvatura da pluma

tempo (h) classe u(10 m) n u(50 m) 1.84us−1/2( m) ∆h( m) He( m)3 E 1,8 0,25 2,69 220,35 54,62 104,626 E 0,9 0,25 1,35 110,39 68,70 118,709 B 1,3 0,15 1,65 — 103,54 153,5412 B 2,7 0,15 3,44 — 48,87 98,8715 C 2,2 0,20 3,04 — 54,28 104,2818 C 2,7 0,20 3,73 — 45,30 95,3021 E 2,2 0,25 3,29 269,83 50,96 100,9624 E 0,9 0,25 1,35 110,33 68,60 118,60


σ = exp[I + J (lnx) + K(lnx)2


σ coeficiente de dispersão rural (m)

x distância do receptor (km)

Constantes de McMullen para obtenção dos coeficientes de dispersão rural

Classe para obter σz para obter σyI J K I J K

A 6,035 2,1097 0,2770 5,357 0,8828 -0,0076B 4,694 1,0629 0,0136 5,058 0,9024 -0,0096C 4,110 0,9201 -0,0020 4,651 0,9181 -0,0076D 3,414 0,7371 -0,0316 4,230 0,9222 -0,0087E 3,057 0,6794 -0,0450 3,922 0,9222 -0,0064F 2,621 0,6564 -0,0540 3,533 0,9191 -0,0070

tempo (h) classe He( m) u(He)( m s−1) σz( m) σy( m)3 E 104,62 3,24 27,80 73,326 E 118,70 1,67 27,80 73,329 B 153,54 1,96 168,55 226,4012 B 98,87 3,81 168,55 226,4015 C 104,28 3,52 88,48 151,7218 C 95,30 4,24 88,48 151,7221 E 100,96 3,92 27,80 73,3224 E 118,60 1,67 27,80 73,32

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113 9.2 –Modernamente!

Concentração das emissões da chaminé usando a equação de dispersão gaus-siana generalizada; a dependência com x entra via σz e σy:

C(x ,y, z) =Q



2σ 2y

) [exp

(−(z − He)


2σ 2z

)+ exp

(−(z + He)


2σ 2z


C concentração das emissões (µgm−3) localizada

Q taxa de emissão da chaminé (µgs−1)

u velocidade do vento ( m s−1)

σz desvio-padrão vertical (m)

σy desvio-padrão transversal (m)

He altura efetiva de emissão (m)

tempo (h) concentrações (µgm−3)MP NOx SOx

3 0.4 0.3 0.06 0.1 0.1 0.09 30.1 21.2 3.012 19.7 13.9 2.015 36.0 25.4 3.618 33.5 23.6 3.421 0.6 0.4 0.124 0.1 0.1 0.0

9.2 – Modernamente!

Os modelos de pluma gaussiana têm sido substituídos por modelos maisdetalhados, que são capazes de levar em conta a evolução horária dos parâmetrosmeteorológicos, a topografia do terreno, etc..

Nos EUA, duas gerações desse tipo de modelo foram o ISC3 e, atualmente, oAERMOD. Ver:

Uma das partes mais legais do AERMOD é a sua capacidade de acompanharterreno.

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10A camada de mistura

10.1 – A espiral de Ekman

A notação deste documento está, neste momento, uma grande bagunça. Masisto é incontornável por enquanto. Vamos começar com uma rápida revisão dasequações para uma camada-limite atmosférica na forma

∂U i

∂t+U k

∂U i



дi −1℘s


∂xi+ fcϵik3U k + ν

∂2U i

∂xk∂xk. (10.1)

Uma questão na qual não vou me aprofundar agora é até que ponto esta equaçãovale para toda a camada de mistura. As equações para o vento geostrófico são



∂xi= fcϵik3UGk , (10.2)

de modo que a equação de momentum pode ser escrita com as componentes dovento geostrófico substituindo os gradientes horizontais de pressão:

∂U i

∂t+U k

∂U i



дi + fcϵik3

(U k −UGk

)+ ν∂2U i

∂xk∂xk. (10.3)

Para o caso estacionário e horizontalmente hom*ogêneo, as equações tornam-se


∂z= fc(V −VG), (10.4)


∂z= −fc(U −UG). (10.5)

Use um modelo de fechamento muito simples, com uma difusividade turbulentaK :

uw = −K∂U

∂z, (10.6)

vw = −K∂V

∂z. (10.7)

Evidentemente, a única variável independente é z, e passaremos a utilizarderivadas ordinárias em lugar de derivadas parciais:


dz2 = fc(VG −V ), (10.8)


dz2 = −fc(UG −U ). (10.9)


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123 10.1 –A espiral de Ekman

Neste ponto, introduza as variáveis complexas

w ≡ U + iV ; wG ≡ UG + iVG ; (10.10)

o sistema de equações diferenciais ordinárias torna-se


dz2 = K


dz2 + id2V


)= fc(VG −V ) − ifc(UG −U )

= −ifc[(UG + iVG) − (U + iV )

]= −ifc

[wд −w

]. (10.11)

O problema reduz-se, então, à solução da equação diferencial complexa


dz2 − ifcw = −ifcwG . (10.12)

As condições de contorno são

w(0) = 0, (10.13)limz→∞

w(z) = wG . (10.14)

Portanto, este é um problema de valor de contorno. Por inspeção, wp = wG éuma solução particular; a equação característica é

λ2 −ifcK= 0, (10.15)

com raízes

λ1,2 =


√| fc |


√sinal(fc)i. (10.16)

A solução agora deve depender do sinal de

fc = 2Ω senφ, (10.17)

onde Ω é a velocidade angular da terra, e φ é a latitude. No Hemisfério Norte,fc > 0, enquanto que no Hemisfério Sul, fc < 0.

10.1.1 – Hemisfério Norte


w2 = r 2e2(iθ ) = e i(π2 +2π ), (10.18)

r = 1, (10.19)

θ =π

4+ π (10.20)

Os dois valores possíveis para√i são

w1 =


2(1 + i), (10.21)

w2 = −


2(1 + i). (10.22)

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124 10.1 –A espiral de Ekman

A solução geral, portanto, é

w(z) = wG + c1 exp



)+ c2 exp



). (10.23)

Para atender às condições de contorno (10.13)–(10.14), c1 = 0 e c2 = −wG . Asolução é

w(z) = wG

[1 − exp

(−(1 + i)



)], (10.24)

= wG

[1 − exp




) (cos


2Kz − i sen



)]. (10.25)

Agora, se alinharmos o vetor vento geostrófico com o eixo x , ou seja, se VG = 0,a solução para a velocidade média na camada-limite atmosférica é

U (z) = UG

[1 − exp







], (10.26)

V (z) = UG








]. (10.27)

10.1.2 – Hemisfério Sul


w2 = r2e2(iθ ) = e i(−π2 +2π ), (10.28)

r = 1, (10.29)

θ = −π

4+ π (10.30)

Os dois valores possíveis para√i são

w3 =


2(1 − i), (10.31)

w4 =


2(−1 + i). (10.32)

A solução geral agora será

w(z) = wG + c3 exp



)+ c4 exp



). (10.33)

Para atender às condições de contorno (10.13)–(10.14), c3 = 0 e c4 = −wG . Asolução é

w(z) = wG

[1 − exp

((−1 + i)



)], (10.34)

= wG

[1 − exp




) (cos


2Kz + i sen



)]. (10.35)

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125 10.2 – Similaridade de Rossby e Asymptotic Matching

Agora, se alinharmos o vetor vento geostrófico com o eixo x , ou seja, se VG = 0,a solução para a velocidade média na camada-limite atmosférica é

U (z) = UG

[1 − exp







], (10.36)

V (z) = −UG








]. (10.37)

Note que a diferença entre a solução (10.26)–(10.27) obtida anteriormentepara o Hemisfério Norte, e (10.36)–(10.37) obtida agora para o Hemisfério Sul, équeV muda de sinal, ou seja: o vetor velocidade do vento “gira” para a esquerdano Hemisfério Norte, e para a direita no Hemisfério Sul.

Neste modelo simplificado, é fácil calcular o ângulo total de giro da espiral:



U= ±1, (10.38)

onde o sinal de menos se aplica ao Hemisfério Sul. Portanto, o giro total é deπ/4 radianos (45°).

10.2 – Similaridade de Rossby e Asymptotic Matching

(Extraído de H. Tennekes, “Similarity relations, scaling laws and spectral dy-namics”)

Suponha uma atmosfera neutra, |LO | = +∞ sobre uma superfície horizontal-mente hom*ogênea. Nela, o vetor velocidade horizontal do vento é

u = u i +v j, (10.39)

de tal forma que no topo da camada-limite atmosférica:

|u | →√u2д +v

2д ≡ G, (10.40)

onde uд e vд são as componentes do vento geostrófico. As duas escalas decomprimento possíveis para o nosso problema são z0 (a rugosidade da superfíciepara quantidade de movimento) e G/f , onde f é o parâmetro de Coriolis. Noteque


f∼ Lp com




Lp. (10.41)

A razão entre estas duas escalas produz o Número de Rossby de rugosidade:

Ro =G

f z0. (10.42)

As equações médias de Reynolds para um problema hom*ogêneo na horizontal epermanente são

f (v −vд) =∂

∂z(w′u′ ), (10.43)

f (uд − u) =∂

∂z(w′v′ ) (10.44)

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126 10.2 – Similaridade de Rossby e Asymptotic Matching

Para tornar (10.43)–(10.44) adimensionais, divida por f u∗: nós vamos supor quedentro da CLA porém ainda suficientemente “longe” da superfície, os perfis devento dependem do número adimensional z f /u∗ de acordo com

v −vд

u∗=∂(w′u′ )

∂z f u∗= Fy(

z f

u∗), (10.45)

u − uд

u∗= −

∂(w′v′ )

∂z f u∗= Fx (

z f

u∗) (10.46)

Devido à eq. (10.40), no topo da CLA onde z = zi 1 devemos ter:

Fx (z f

u∗) = Fy(

z f

u∗) = 0 (10.47)

Ambas as funções adimensionais Fx e Fy devem possuir a mesma raiz, que de-nominaremos aqui eA para facilitar a manipulação algébrica posterior; a constanteA efetivamente define a espessura da CLA dinamicamente:

zi f

u∗≡ e−A ⇒ zi =



Crítica: esta definição não funciona no equador, onde f = 0; na prática, aparente-mente a similaridade de Rossby que estamos estudando não funciona muito bemem lugar nenhum, devido a diversos complicadores; mesmo assim, nós a estamosestudando aqui por seu interesse matemático.

Agora, sabemos que a adimensionalização proposta por (10.45)–(10.46) nãovai funcionar à medida em que nos aproximarmos da superfície. Por exemplo,próximo de z = 0 a previsão de (10.45) é



1f u∗

d w′u′

dz; (10.49)

mas w′u′ = 0 em z = 0; em alturas verticais próximas da rugosidade z0 acontribuição viscosa para o fluxo de quantidade de movimento é significativa,e o termo de viscosidade teria que ser incluído nas equações de Reynolds paramédias.

Uma alternativa, que nós já utilizamos quando estudamos os perfis de ventona sub-camada dinâmica, é tentar re-escrever as equações utilizando a rugosidadez0; utilizando o número de Rossby de rugosidade, obtemos:

z0 f




v −vд


d w′u′ /u2∗


z0 f




u − uд

u∗= −

d w′u′ /u2∗


Ora, o número de Rossby de rugosidade é necessariamente um número muitogrande; quando Ro →∞, é razoável supor queG(v −vд)u2

< ∞ eG(u − uд)u2

< ∞ ;

1Note que apesar de eu estar usando o símbolo zi , cuja origem é “altura de inversão”, adefinição da espessura da CLA utilizada aqui é totalmente dinâmica, e não tem nada a ver com aaltura da inversão do perfil de temperatura potencial

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127 10.2 – Similaridade de Rossby e Asymptotic Matching

já que u∗ deve crescer com G, enquanto que u ∼ G e v ∼ G (no máximo).Portanto, quando Ro → ∞, o lado esquerdo tende a zero, e consequentemente olado direito também:


d w′u′ /u2∗

dz/z0= 0, (10.52)


d w′v′ /u2∗

dz/z0= 0. (10.53)

Então, ao orientarmos os eixos x ey de tal forma que em z = 0,v = 0 e w′v′ = 0,obtemos:

w′u′ = u2∗ = cte (10.54)

w′v′ = 0 (10.55)

Ambas as equações acima devem valer numa “camada superficial” dinamica-mente definida por

1 |z/z0 | < ∞.

Agora cabe fazer o matching propriamente dito. Nossos resultados até agorasão:

1. Na “camada superficial”:u

u∗= д(z/z0) (10.56)

2. Na “camada-limite atmosférica”:u − uд

u∗= Fx

(z f



v −vд

u∗= Fy

(z f



O matching em si consiste em tentar “casar” estas equações quando z f /u∗ → 0e z/z0 → ∞. Além disso, segundo Tennekes, eu derivo ambas as relações desimilaridade, e faço o “casamento” para ∂u/∂z e ∂v/∂z. Para u:




∂ξ, onde ξ =




∂z= u∗∂Fx∂z= f∂Fx∂η, onde η =

z f


Agora, quando ξ →∞ e η → 0, devemos ter:



∂ξ= f

∂Fx∂η⇒ (10.61)


∂ξ= η∂Fx∂η


Numa analogia com o método de separação de variáveis, cada um dos lados de(10.62) deve ser igual a uma constante na região do casamento:





1κ, (10.63)

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128 10.2 – Similaridade de Rossby e Asymptotic Matching

onde a constante assintótica κ é a própria constante de von Kármán; integrando,


u∗(u2 − u1) = ln

z2z1. (10.64)

Na camada superficial, escolho u1 = 0 em z1 = z0 e obtenho o bem-conhecidoperfil logaritmico




z0). (z/z0 1) (10.65)

Se, por outro lado, eu tomar u1 como a velocidade dentro da CLA e u2 = uд:



(uд − u

)= ln

ziz, (10.66)



(u − uд

)= ln

z f


u∗zi f. (10.67)

usando (10.48):κ


(u − uд

)= ln

z f

u∗+A (10.68)

isto é:u − uд



(z f



)(z f /u∗ 1) (10.69)

Eliminando-se agora u entre (10.65) e (10.68), obtém-se uma relação de arrasto,



u∗f z0−A


Para v, em 1 z/z0 < ∞,v = 0, (10.71)

enquanto que em 1 (z f )/u∗ → 0:


u∗= Fy(0) =


κ, (10.72)

onde a segunda igualdade é a definição da constante B de forma análoga a A.Combinando-se (10.70) e (10.72):




(u∗f z0


]2+ B2


. (10.73)

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