Search results for: Berg Pipe, page 1 (2024)

Appendix A: List of Selected Correspondents in Series 1:
Names and titles indicated in this list are those that appear on the letters. Where appropriate, terms have been standardized and cross-referencing provided. Because filing is not always consistent, researchers are advised to check both the name of an individual and the institution that he or she represented.

Abate Associates, Inc., 1956

Abbot and Land, 1965

Abbot, B. Vincent, 1944

Abbot, Bernice, 1957

Abbot, John E., 1945, 1948

Abbot Laboratories, 1950, 1952

ABC Employment Agency, 1951

Richard Abel and Co., Inc., 1968

Abendroth, Robert W., 1966-1967

Abercrombie and Fitch Co., 1962

Abilene Museum of Fine Arts, undated, 1949, 1954

Abingdon Square Painters, 1965

Abraham and Straus, 1930, 1960, 1965-1966, 1968

Abraham, Mae C., 1965

Abrahamsen, Mrs. David, 1962

Abramowitz, M., 1958

Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1958-1960, 1965-1966, 1968-1969

ACA Gallery, undated, 1946-1947, 1949, 1958,1962-1963, 1965-1966, 1968-1969

Academic Books Store, 1954

Accademia dei Virtuosi al Pantheon, 1965

Accurate Envelope Company, 1966

Ace Window Cleaning Co., 1956, 1964

Acheson, Alice S. and/or Dean, 1945-1946, 1949, 1957

Ackerman, John J., 1950

Ackerman, Sharon, 1963

Ackley, Edward C., undated, 1943

Ackley, Edward James, 1961

Ackley, Edward W., 1955

Nicholas M. Acquavella Galleries, 1963

Adams, Ansel, 1961

Adams, Charles C., 1946

Adams, Davidson and Company, Inc., 1966-1967

Adams, F. B., Jr., 1946

Adams, Lula J., 1943

Adams, Ray E., 1960

Adamson, Gordon, 1942

Addison Gallery of American Art, undated, 1935-1938, 1940-1943, 1945-1958, 1961-1966, 1968

Adelman, Lucy, 1963

Adler, Herbert S., 1967-1968

Adler, Lee, 1967

Adelstein, Leonard, 1958, 1964

Adkins, Eugene B., 1966, 1969

Adler, Henrietta, 1963

Adler, Herbert S., undated, 1968

Adler, Lillian, 1960

Adler, O., 1964

Adler, Sylvia (Mrs. Jack C.), 1957

Adlow, Dorothy, 1940, 1941, 1958, 1960

Adult Education Council of Greater Chicago, 1960

AEtna Casualty and Surety Company, 1955, 1960-1963, 1967

Aetna Life, 1968

Affiliated Photographic Company, 1946

Affiliated Restauranteurs, Inc., 1956

Aftergut, Fay, 1961

Aged Home for Destitute Childless People, 1964

Agee, Marie N. (Mrs. S. R.), 1958

Agence Maritime Delamare and Cie., 1964

Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina, 1960

Ahlander, Leslie Judd, 1963

Ahlen, Gosta, 1963

Ahrens, George, 1952

Aichele, Robert E., undated, 1959, 1965, 1967-1969

Aiken, Mrs. Larry K., 1966

Air Force, 1943

Aisenberg, A.D., 1955

Akeley, Edmund S., 1943

Akron Art Institute, 1946-1947, 1950-1953, 1956, 1958, 1961-1962, 1967-1968

Akston, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph James, 1966

Alabama Polytechnic Institute, 1949

Alabama, University of (see: University of Alabama)

Alan, Charles, undated, 1947, 1951, 1953, 1956, 1961

Alan Gallery, 1953-1955, 1957-1958, 1961-1962 (see also: Landau-Alan Gallery)

Alaska Methodist University, 1962, 1964

Alaska, University of (see: University of Alaska)

Albany Institute of History and Art, 1943, 1946-1947, 1951, 1959, 1962-1963, 1965, 1967

Albee, Edward, 1964-1965, 1967

Albert, Adelaide, 1965

Albert, Mr., 1936

Alberta, University of (see: University of Alberta)

Albertina, 1952 (see also: Graphische Sammlung Albertine)

Alberts, Jane Debran, 1955

Albion College, 1942, 1953, 1955, 1961, 1964-1965, 1968

Albright Art Gallery, 1939-1962 (see also: Albright-Knox Art Gallery)

Albright Art School, 1947 see also: Buffalo Fine Arts Academy)

Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1962-1967 (see also: Albright Art Gallery)

Alderman and Alderman, 1949

Alderman Studios, 1960

Aldrich, Larry, 1959

Larry Aldrich Museum Foundation, Inc., 1966

Aldrich, Lucy, 1935

Alemann Films, 1964

Alexander, Bill, 1963

Alexander, Lilian (Mrs. E. R.), 1941

Alexander, Mary (Mrs. William J. R.), undated, 1931

Alexander, Olga T., 1956

Alexander, Susan, 1959

Algase, Benjamin, 1945

Alger, Mrs. Russell, undated, 1941

Alhorn, Richard E., 1964

Allan, Ralph, 1947

Allara, Pamela E., 1966-1967

Allegheny Conference on Community Development, 1960

Allen, Arthur D., 1930

Allen, Mrs. Curtis, 1960

Allen, Dorothy Fox, undated

Allen, Mr. and/or Mrs. Eugene, 1961, 1963

Allen, Harold, 1947

Allen, Jennie R. (Mrs. Louis), 1958, 1963-1965

Allen, Lawrence, undated, 1955-1956, 1959-1961

Allen, Leith, 1959

Allen, Phyllis (Mrs. Sidney J.), 1954

Allen, Theodore E., 1961

Allen, W. G. Russell, 1937, 1939, 1942, 1953

Allen's Lane Art Center, 1958

Allentown Art Museum, 1960-1963, 1965-1966, 1968

Allerton, Robert, 1942-1943, 1947, 1958, 1960

Allied Craft, 1960

Allied Publications, Inc., 1961, 1963, 1965

Allyn and Bacon, Inc., 1963

Alpern, Anne X., 1936

Alpers, Nathan, 1960

Alpert, Barbara O. (Mrs. Burton), undated, 1957

Alsdorf Foundation, 1964

Alsdorf, James W. and/or Marilyn, 1956-1959, 1961

Alsterlund, Henrietta, 1966

Altamura, Frank P., 1960

Alter, M., 1966

Altha, Joseph Samuel, 1950

B. Altman, Co., 1956, 1966

Altschul, Arthur, 1967

Altschul, Louis, 1957, 1961

Aluner, Paul, 1965

Alverno College, 1961

Alverthorpe Gallery, 1958

Alyea, Dorothy (Mrs. Ethan D.), 1962

Amato, Sam, 1955

Ambassador Hotel, 1952, 1957

Amdale Furnace and Chimney Co., 1965

Ameniya, Madelein (Mrs. Yosei), undated

America -- , 1964

America Illustrated -- , 1960

America-Israel Cultural Foundation, Inc., undated, 1959-1960, 1963, 1965-1969

America-Israel World's Fair Association, 1964

American Academy in Rome, undated, 1956-1957

American Academy of Arts and Letters, undated, 1946, 1954-1956, 1959, 1961-1963, 1965-1968

American Airlines, 1945, 1966-1967

American Art and Architecture, 1937

American Art Dealers Association, Inc., 1932-1933, 1953

American Art Expositions, Inc., 1959

American Artist -- , undated, 1942, 1968

American Artists Group Incorporated, 1945-1946, 1950, 1958

American Artists Professional League, undated

American Association for State and Local History, 1969

American Association for the United Nations, Inc., 1962

American Association of Museums, 1964-1965

American Association of University Women, 1948, 1950

American Bank and Trust Company, 1968

American Book Bindery Inc., 1930

American-British Art Center, Inc., 1944

American Bureau of Collections, 1965

American Cancer Society, 1967

American Chess Foundation, 1960

American Color Print Society, undated, 1956-1959, 1961-1968

American Committee for the Casa Italiana Anna Frank, 1963

American Contemporary Art Exhibition in the U.S.S.R., 1934

American Contemporary Gallery, 1942-1943

American Council of Learned Societies, 1943, 1965

American Craftsmen's Council, 1963

American Craftsmen's Educational Conference, Inc., 1945

American Embassy, Israel, 1959

American Embassy, London, 1963-1965

American Embassy, Oslo (see: Embassy of the United States of America, Oslo)

American Embassy, Paris, 1965

American Examiner -- , 1956, 1961

American Factors, Ltd., 1962

American Federation of Arts, 1944-1947, 1950, 1952-1970

American Folk Art Gallery, 1941

American Foundation, 1957

American Friends of the Hebrew University, Inc., 1956-1958

American Gallery, 1955-1956

American Heart Association, Inc., 1966

American Heritage -- , 1955, 1958, 1960-1961, 1965, 1967

American Institute for Research, 1961

American Institute of Architects, 1959, 1962

American Institute of Decorators, 1947, 1959

American Institute of Graphic Arts, 1958

American International Marine Agency of New York, Inc., 1951

American Jewish Historical Society, 1961, 1966

American Library Editions, undated, 1959

American Magazine of Art -- , 1942

American-Marietta Company, 1956

American Masters Gallery, 1966

American Miller and Processor, 1947

American Motors Corporation, 1963

American Museum in Britain, 1964

"American National Exhibition in Moscow," 1959

American Peoples Encyclopedia -- , 1952

American Print Makers, 1928, 1930-1931

American Radiator and Standard Sanitary Corporation, 1940

American Red Mogen David for Israel, 1961

American Republic Insurance Company, 1967-1968

American Shipping Company, Inc., 1957

American Society for Technion, 1958

American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers, 1967

American University, 1946, 1948-1949, 1952, 1954, 1956

American University Union, 1935

American Youth Hostels, Inc., 1949

Americana -- , 1932

Americans for Progressive Israel, 1956-1958

Amerika -- , 1949

Ames, Winslow, 1934, 1949, 1957, 1962, 1966

Amft, Robert, 1946

Amherst College, 1955-1959

Amidar, Gertrude, 1963, 1967

Amott, H. R., 1950

Amsel, Edward Lloyd, 1965

Amsler and Ruthardt, 1929

Amsterdam Municipal Museums (see: Municipal Museums of Amsterdam; Stedelijk Museum)

Amsterdamsche Bank N.V., 1960

Anchorage, undated

Anchorage Galleries, undated

Anderson and Company, 1968

Anderson Art Association, 1945

Anderson, David, 1950

Anderson, Gerald, 1967

Anderson, Harriet, 1960

Anderson, Jean, 1956

Anderson, Lee, 1938

Anderson, M. R., 1952

Anderson, Margaret W., undated

Anderson, Marian, 1941

Anderson, Walter E., 1934

Anderson, Dr. and Mrs. Walter Palmer, 1964

Anderson, Wayne V., 1956

Anderson's Fine Art Collection, 1969

Andrews, Dr., 1962

Andrews, Edith, 1941

Andrews, Edward Demming and/or Faith, 1962-1963

Andrews, Ruth P., 1959

Angle, Catherine D., 1949

Angle, Gertrude F. (Mrs. John E.), undated, 1960

Anixter, Mrs. William, 1963

Ankrum Gallery, undated, 1956, 1963-1969

Annenberg, Walter, 1953

Annis, Milton, 1957

Annot Art School, 1934-1935

Ansbacher, L. J., 1960

Anselm Gallery, Inc., 1965

Frederick Anthon Gallery, 1964

Anthony, C. E., 1959

Anthony, Leslie C., 1957

Antique and Decorative Arts League, Inc., 1934

Antiques Magazine -- , 1947, 1957

Antiques on Peaceable St., 1962

Antles, Marc, 1964

Anton, Werner, 1958

Antovel Painting Company, Inc., 1960-1961

Apollo Magazine -- , 1964

Apostolides, Zoë, 1962

Appel, Benjamin, undated, 1957

Applebaum, Leon, 1959-1960

Appleton and Co., Inc., 1962

Apt, Joan, 1969

Aqua Sprinkler and Fire Alarm Co., Inc., 1963

Aquin, Hubert, 1955

Arakaki, Toshio, 1963

Aram, Mrs. Philip Werner, 1962

Archer, Edmund, 1942

Architectural Catalog Co., Inc., 1961

Architectural Designs -- , 1958

Archives of American Art, 1955, 1958-1959, 1961-1962, 1964-1968

Archives of Maine Art, 1963

Archivio Storico d'Arte Contemporanea, 1964

Arco Van Lines, Inc., 1960

Arden, Alonzo, 1943

Arechi Publishing House, 1955

Arenberg, Albert L., 1954-1956

Arenberg, Milton K., 1952-1964

Arens, Egmont, 1940, 1953

Arensberg, Walter C., 1934, 1937-1939, 1942

Argraves, Hugh, undated, 1957

Ariss, Bruce, undated

Arista Roofing and Sheet Metal Co., 1957, 1962

Arizona State College, 1956, 1962

Arizona State University, 1960-1961, 1963-1964

Arizona, University of (see: University of Arizona)

Arkansas Arts Center, 1961-1965

Arkansas, University of (see: University of Arkansas)

Arleigh Gallery, 1966

Arlyn Press, Inc., 1956, 1959

Armbuster, Sally, 1958

Armitage, Merle, undated, 1931-1932, 1946, 1955, 1960

"Armory Show 50th Anniversary Exhibition," 1962-1963

Arms, John Taylor, 1944-1945

Armstrong, Clark, 1953

Army and Navy Union, U.S.A., 1958

Army Medical Purchasing Offices, 1944

Army Newspaper Group, 1945

Arnason, H. Harvard, 1959-1960, 1964, 1966

Arnason, Harvey and Elizabeth, undated

Arnot Art Gallery, 1967

Arnstein, Mrs. Daniel, undated, 1957

Arons, George, 1953, 1955

Aronson, Cyril, 1946

Aronson, David, 1953, 1961

Arrow-Lifschutz, 1966

Art Academy of Cincinnati, 1959

Art Accessories, 1968

Art Adventures, 1961

Art and Antiques Show, 1945

Art Appreciation Movement, 1942

Art Association of Indianapolis, Indiana, 1933-1934, 1945-1946, 1963, 1967 (see also: The John Herron Art Institute)

Art Bulletin -- , 1941

Art Center Gallery, 1956

Art Centre School, 1949

Art Collectors and Artists Association, 1948

Art Dealers Association of America, Inc., undated, 1961-1969 (see also: Colin, Mr. and/or Mrs. Ralph F.)

Art Digest -- , 1943, 1946-1947, 1951, 1953-1955

Art Directors Club of New York, 1962

L'Art du Mond -- , 1959

Art Editors, 1946

Art for America, 1946

"Art for the Home Front," 1943-1945

theARTgallery, 1958, 1960-1961, 1963-1965, 1967-1968

Art Gallery of Hamilton, 1964

Art Gallery of Toronto, 1949-1950, 1955-1956, 1960

Art in America -- , undated, 1941, 1944, 1946, 1954-1956, 1958-1968

Art in Industry, 1948

Art Information Center, undated, 1962, 1964, 1966-1969 (see also: The Artists' Gallery and Art Information Center)

Art Institute of Chicago, 1941, 1944-1965, 1967, 1969

Art Institute of Zanesville, Ohio, 1955, 1960

Art International, undated, 1960-1962

Art League of Washington, 1934

Art Mart, undated, 1959

Art Museum of the New Britain Institute, 1942-1943, 1950, 1952, 1958-1960 (see also: New Britain Institute of Art)

Art News -- , 1935, 1941-1943, 1945-1948, 1950, 1953- 1956, 1958-1959, 1961-1962, 1964-1965

Art Now, 1958

Art Quarterly -- , 1938-1939

Art School of the Detroit Society of Arts and Crafts, 1931-1933 (see also: Society of Arts and Crafts)

Art School of the John Herron Art Institute, 1951 (see also: John Herron Art Institute)

Art Students' League of New York, undated, 1934, 1944, 1957, 1959, 1964, 1967-1968

Art Times -- , 1959

Art Today -- , 1957

"Art: USA: 59," 1959

Art Voices from around the World -- , 1962-1964

Artcraft Lighting Co., Inc., 1965-1966

Arte Moderna, undated

Artex Prints, Incorporated, 1946-1947

Artforum -- , 1962-1963

Artis, S. S., 1965

Artis, William, 1941

Artist Jr., 1964, 1967

Artists Coordinating Committee, 1941

Artists Equity Association, Inc., 1947-1949, 1951-1952, 1955, 1957-1958, 1960

Artists Equity Bureau, 1950

Artists for Victory, Inc., 1944-1946

Artists' Gallery, undated, 1940, 1947

Artists' Gallery and Art Information Center, 1962 (see also: Art Information Center)

Artists Incorporated, 1962

Artists Information Services, 1963

Artists League of America, 1947

Artists' Village in Israel, 1963

Arts -- , undated, 1956-1957, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1965

Arts and Crafts Club of New Orleans, 1930-1931, 1946

Arts Appreciation, 1946

Arts Club of Chicago, 1941-1944, 1951, 1954, 1960,1965

Arts Council of Great Britain, 1956, 1962, 1964

Arts in Society -- , undated, 1964-1965

Arts International, Ltd., 1965

Arts Yearbook -- , 1964

Ahda Artzt Gallery, Ltd., 1959

Arvin, Mrs. Gerald M., 1965

Arwin Galleries, Inc., 1966

Asbell, Leo, 1954-1955

Asch, B. M., 1946

Asch, George, 1946

Aschenbach, Paul, 1961

Ascher, Mary, 1961

Ashe Emeth Memorial Temple, 1929

Asher, Betty M. (Mrs. Leonard M.), 1961

Asherman, David G., 1958

Ashley, Alta, 1965, 1966

Ashmore, Jerome, 1957

Ashville School, 1961, 1967

Asia Society, 1961, 1963-1964

Askenazy, Dorothy, undated

Askew, Kirk, 1957

Asmar, Alice, undated

Associated American Artists Galleries, 1950, 1953, 1956

Associated American Artists, Inc., 1940, 1944-1947, 1965-1967

Associated Blind, Inc., 1957

Associated Hospital Services of New York, 1960-1964, 1966, 1968

Associated Merchandising Corporation, 1964

Association of Art Museum Directors, 1960

Association of Dealers in American Art, 1947-1948

Aston, Albert E., 1963

Astor, Mr. and/or Mrs. Vincent, 1938, 1948, 1951

Astro Envelope Co., 1963

Whitney Atchely and Burton Wolf, 1953

Atelier Chapman Kelley, 1967

Atha, Joseph S., 1957

Athenaeum Publishers, 1963, 1965

Atherton, Mrs. George H., 1957

Atherton, John, 1947

Atkins Museum of Fine Arts, 1955-1956

Atkinson, Marion K. (Mrs. D. T.), 1933-1934, 1936-1937

Atlanta Art Association, 1951, 1954-1959, 1961-1965 (see also: High Museum of Art)

Atlanta Art Association and High Museum of Art, 1942 (see also: Atlanta Art Association; High Museum of Art)

Atlantic Monthly -- , 1957, 1960, 1965

Attica Jr.-Sr. High School, 1961

Auchincloss, Bayard C., 1954

Alfred Auerbach Associates, 1955-1957

Auburn University, 1962, 1965, 1968

Augustana College, 1956

R. C. Auletta and Co., Inc., 1968

Ault, Dorothy and/or Lee A., undated, 1947-1949, 1960, 1966, 1968

Ault, Louise, 1949

Aument, Henrietta Bruce (Mrs. Carroll), 1948

Ausstellungsleitung/Museum Fridericianum, 1968

Austin College, undated, 1959

Austin Productions Incorporated, 1955

Avella-Guglietti, Rosina, 1960

Joan Avenet Galleries, 1954, 1964-1965, 1969

Avenet, Lester, 1964, 1967-1969

Avegino, Mrs. L. B., 1961

Avery, James, 1967-1968

Ayer, C. M., 1942

N. W. Ayer and Son, Inc., 1940-1941, 1944-1947, 1952-1954, 1959-1960, 1965

Ayers, Shirley (Mrs. Lemuel), 1957

Aylin Advertising Agency, 1955-1956

Babbidge, Marcia A., undated

Babco*ck Galleries, 1957, 1960, 1962-1963

Babco*ck, Margaret (Peggy) M., undated, 1960

Bach, Harry, 1968, 1969

Bach, Mrs. William J., 1944

Bachelder, Julia, 1964

Leo Baeck Temple, 1959, 1961, 1964-1965, 1967

Baekland, Frederick, 1962

Baer, Martin, 1937, 1954-1956

Bahan, Blanche C. and/or Emmons R., undated, 1951, 1954-1955, 1963

Bahm, Henry, 1959

Bahr, A. W., 1958

Baigell, Matthew, 1955-1967, 1968-1969

Bain and Hoopes, 1955

Bain, Helen C. (Mrs. Edgar C.), 1966

Baird, D. Grant, 1959

Baird, Joseph Armstrong, Jr., 1966

Bakelite Corporation, 1945, 1953

Baker and Taylor Co., 1959

Baker, Ernest Hamlin, 1964

Baker, John, 1963

Baker, Keith H., 1960, 1962-1965

Baker, Marilyn, 1965, 1968

Baker, Oliver, 1956, 1960

Oliver Baker Associates, 1962, 1964

Oliver Baker Studios, 1962-1963

Baker, Sylvia, 1962

Baker, Wayne A., 1964

Bakwin, Dr. and Mrs. Harry, 1965

Balaceanu, Petre, 1963

Baldinger, Wallace S., 1950

Baldini, G. A., 1934

Balken, Edward Duff, 1931, 1934

Ball, Barbara Shelvin, 1946

Ball, Charles, 1961

Ball, Elizabeth, 1939

Ball State Teachers College, 1952-1953, 1956-1958, 1960-1962

Ball, Mrs. T. H., 1953

Ballard, Frederic L., 1937

Ballin, Hugo, 1937

Ballinger, Mrs. Roy A., undated, 1961-1962

Baltimore Municipal Museum (see: Municipal Museum of the City of Baltimore)

Baltimore Museum of Art, undated, 1936, 1938-1940, 1943-1944, 1948, 1951-1955, 1959-1966, 1968

Bamberger, Henry J., 1950

Bamberger's, 1966-1967

Bandler, David B., 1953

Banfer Gallery, 1965

Bank of Broadway, 1963

Bank of California, 1966

Bank of the Commonwealth, 1964

Bankers Trust Company, 1961

Banks, James N., 1950

Banks, Russell, undated, 1969

Banowit, Samuel W., 1956

Bantam Books, Inc., 1969

Baragli, Alvaro, 1963

Baranik, Rudolf, 1964

Baranova, Anne, undated, 1962

Barbee, Stanley N., 1940, 1944-1945, 1947-1949, 1951

Barclay, Mrs. John, undated, 1955-1956

Barclay, Josephine E., 1956, 1959

Bard College, undated

Bardi, F., 1951

Bareiss, Walter, 1950, 1961

Barlow, Elizabeth, 1939

Barlow, Jarvis, 1953

Barnard College, 1939, 1955

Barnard-P. E. A. Theatre Benefit, 1956

A. S. Barnes and Co., 1965

Barnes, Albert C., 1930-1931, 1942

Barnes, Edward Larrabee, 1950-1951

Barnes, Katrina, undated

Barnes, Otto W., 1961

Barnet, Richard, 1961-1963

Barnett Arden Gallery, 1944, 1946-1947 (see also: Arden, Alonzo)

Barnum, J. W., 1967

Barnum, John, 1962

Barr, Alfred H., 1943, 1949-1950

Barrett, J. M., 1959

Barrie, Erwin, 1934

Barrin, Barton, Durstine and Osborn, Inc., 1959

Barriscale, Richard, 1953, 1955

M. Barrows and Company, Inc., 1961

Albert Barry and Associates, 1965

Barry, Carver S., 1956, 1959

Barry, Harriet R., 1965

Bartels, Jacqueline, 1957

Barthé, 1941, 1944

Bartholet, Mrs. E. Ives, 1961

Bartholf, Susan P. (Mrs. Herbert B.), 1958

Bartlett, David, 1962

Bartlett, Dewey F., 1960

F. A. Bartlett Tree Expert Company, undated

Bartlett, Florence Dibbell, 1953

Bartlett, George V., 1944

Barton, Bruce, Jr., undated, 1963

Barton-Cotton, Inc., 1960

Barton, Francis L., 1968

Barton, Trumbell, undated

Barton, Tugwell, 1964

Barzansky, Charles, 1962

Barzin, Betty, 1958

Basave, Marta, 1965

Basel, Amos S., 1964

Basic Arts Incorporated, 1950

Baskerville, Charles, 1946

Bassenge, Gerda, 1963

Bassham, Ben, 1965

Bassler, Frances Sterner (Mrs. Robert E., Jr.), 1996

Basso, Hamilton, 1957

Ted Bates and Company, Inc., 1959

Bath Garden Club, Zorach Fountain Committee (see: Zorach Fountain Committee, Bath Garden Club)

Battco*ck, Gregory, 1965

Batten, Barton, Durstine and Osborn, Inc., 1959

Batten, H. A., 1937

Battle Creek Art Center, 1948-1949

Battle Creek Sanitarium, 1940

Battle, Lucius D., 1963- 1964

Bauer, Charles A., 1949, 1961-1962, 1966

Bauer, Lucie, 1963

Baughman, Milo, undated

Bauhaus, Geraldine, 1959

Baum, Alvin H., 1963, 1967

Baum, Frederick, 1952-1956, 1958-1959, 1961-1966, 1968 (see also: Rubin, Baum and Levine; Rubin, Wachtel, Baum and Levine)

Baum, Hank, 1967

Baum, Harry, 1937, 1947, 1968

Baum, Nathaly (Mrs. Harry), undated, 1955, 1959-1960, 1962-1964, 1966, 1968

Baum, Patricia Ann (Patsy), undated, 1957, 1961-1962 (see also: Vanderbes, Patsy Baum)

Bauman, Gilbert, 1964

Bauman, Lionel R., 1943, 1967

Baumann, S. R., 1939

Baur, John I. H., undated, 1953, 1962, 1965

Baxter, Elizabeth (Mrs. Eugene H. H.), undated, 1948

Bayer, William S., 2nd, undated, 1957

Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Unterricht und Kultus, 1964

Bayles, Mrs. Peter, 1961

Baylor University, 1964

Baylous, George B., 1950

Baynard, Ed, 1965

Bayonne Jewish Community Center, 1955-1958, 1961, 1967

Beacon Hill Thrift Shop, 1958

Beaird, Jane R., 1963

Beal, Gifford, 1929 Beal, Rebecca J. (Mrs. James H.), 1950, 1954, 1956, 1959

Bear, Donald J., 1937, 1945

Bear, Esther, 1961

Esther Bear Gallery, 1963-1965

Bearce, Charles G., 1955

Beard, Edward (Buddy) A., 1961, 1963-1965

Beardsley, Walter R., 1958-1959

Beaton, Mrs. John A., 1956

Beattie, Beatrice (Mrs. James), 1959

Beaven, William E., 1963

Beck, Frances, 1957

Beck, W. B., undated

Becker, Benjamin V., 1938

Becker, Mrs. Clarence, 1960

Becker. Deana (Mrs. Donald), 1961

Becker, Elizabeth L. (Mrs. Benjamin V.), undated

Beckwith, D. D., 1952

Bedi, Eugene, 1958

Beekman and Bogue, 1966

Beerman, Leonard I. and/or Martha, 1961-1962, 1965, 1967-1968

Behr, Frederick, 1947-1948

Behrendt, Berthold C., 1953

Behrman, S., 1934

Beissinger, Ernest W., 1956

Bel Aire Motel, 1965

Belgian Economic Mission, 1949

Belgian Government Information Center, 1948-1950

Belgian Relief Fund, Inc., undated

Belikove, Bernard S. and/or Ruth, 1965, 1967

Belisle, C., 1962

Bell Exterminating Co., Inc., 1952, 1955, 1958

Bell, Myron (Mike), 1958, 1960-1961

Bellig, Ned, 1966

Belluschi, Pietro, 1943

Beloit College, 1953, 1956, 1963-1965

Ben-Ami, Oved, 1962

Benay Painting and Decorating, 1955

Bendel, Bettina, 1955

Henri Bendel Co., 1955

Bendelius, Jacqueline, 1959

Bender, William H., Jr., 1956, 1959-1960

Bendheim, Robert, 1959

Bendig, William C., 1957

Beneduce, Ann K., 1960

Benenson, Charles B. and/or Peggy, undated, 1952, 1959-1960, 1963, 1965, 1967-1968

Bengham, Jonathan B., 1966

Benkert, Ernest G., 1959

Benn, Ben, 1955

Bennett College, 1954

Bennett, E. H., 1946

Bennett, Mr. and/or Mrs. Edward H., Jr., 1964-1965

Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Edward H., Sr., 1965

Bennett, Mary, 1961

Bennett, Rainey, 1940, 1943, 1951

Bennett, Richard M., 1963

Bennett, Ward, 1956, 1960

Benning, Mrs. W. D., 1955

Bennington College, 1939

Bennitt, Joseph L., 1959

Bennitt, T. J., undated

Benson Galleries, 1968

Benson, Gertrude, 1964

Bentiglio, Ludovico M., undated

Bentivoglio, Mirella, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1964

Benton and Bowles, Inc, 1956

Benton, Emanuel, 1966

Benton, William H., 1952, 1959, 1961, 1965

Beranova, Anna, 1959

Berdeau, Mr. and/or Mrs. Ray, 1944, 1951

David Berdon and Co., 1962

Beren, Carl, 1965

Beresford, Virginia, 1944

Berg, Richard, 1953-1954

Bergelin, Mrs. Olaf, 1956

Bergen, D. T., undated, 1956

Berger, Helen, 1952

Berger, Jack Harold, 1954-1957

Bergman and Hourwich, 1967

Bergman, E. A., 1957

Bergreen, Mrs. M., 1958

Berkeley Art Museum, 1930

Berkeley Express and Moving Co., 1946, 1951, 1961, 1967

Berkman, Florence, 1968

Berkman, Henry, 1968

Berkowitz, Jean (Mrs. David E.), 1955

Berkowitz, Murray, 1951

Berkowitz, Rosalie and/or Sidney, undated, 1945, 1951, 1953-1956, 1958-1961, 1963, 1964, 1966-1967

Berkshire Community College, 1965

Berkshire Museum, 1939-1940, 1944, 1965-1966

Berle, Beatrice Bishop (Mrs. Adolf A., Jr.), 1966

Berlin, Alexander, 1959

Berlin Group, Inc., 1966

Berlin, Hortense (Mrs. Samuel), 1959-1961, 1963-1964

Berlin, Rosalind K. (Mrs. Paul F.), 1965

Berlin, Ruth S., undated

Berman, L., 1956, 1958

Bernard, Herbert C., 1960

Bernbaum, R. Glenn, 1962

Berne, G., 1956

Berney, Charles, 1957

Bernfeld, Henri-Marcel, 1952

Bernheim, Lucille M., undated

Bernheim, Mrs. Sydney, 1940

Bernier, Rosamund, 1956

Bernstein, George A., 1956

Bernstein, Gerald, 1963

Bernstein, Mrs. H. L., 1956

Bernstein, Harry, 1957

Bernstein, Joan H., 1957

Bernstein, Robert, 1953

Berrien, Martha, 1959

Berry, Bill, 1956-1957

Berry, Burt L., 1964

Berry, Donald, 1953

Berry-Hill Galleries, 1957, 1962

Berry, Robert G., 1960, 1966

Bersoff, Celia, undated

Bersohn, Robert, 1931

Berson, Theresa, 1961

Berthier and Cie., 1964

Bess, Mary, 1960

Best, Lottie R. (Mrs. Richard C.), 1966

Beth Shalom, undated, 1959

Better Business Bureau of New York City, Inc., 1959-1960

Better Homes and Gardens -- , 1960

Better Living Building, 1964

Better Living Center, 1965

Beury, George P., 1964

Bevens, Dick, undated

Bezalel National Museum, 1959, 1961, 1963-1964

Bhuta, Mrs. Pravin G., 1960

Biddle, Francis and/or Katherine, 1941, 1963, 1966

Biddle, George, undated, 1937, 1943, 1964

Bienale de Sao Paulo, 1962

"La Biennale di Venezia," 1952 (see also: "Venice Biennale")

Bier, Justus, 1954

Bignou Gallery, Inc., 1943

Bijur, Mrs. William, 1952

Billig, Ned, 1966

Bingham, Barry, 1964

Bingham, Mrs. Howard M., 1938

Bingham, Lois, 1962

Binney, Edwin, 1960, 1962, 1964

Biord, Mrs. Charles S., 1948

Birmingham Museum of Art, 1951-1958, 1961-1964, 1966

Birmingham News, undated, 1966

Birnbaum, Martin, 1942

Birnkrant, Theodore D., 1957

Bisgard, J. Dewey and/or Mary Elizabeth, 1948, 1953-1954, 1963-1967

Bernice P. Bishop Museum, 1968

Bishop, Jay Bayard, 1957

Bissell, Mrs. Howard, undated, 1962

Bissett, Enid, undated, 1944, 1953

Bissett, J., 1957

Bissinger, Karl, undated

Bissinger, Mrs. Karl, 1956

Bixer, Mr. and/or Mrs. Ed, 1963

Black, Edward, 1961, 1966

Black, Louis W., 1940

Black, Mary C. and/or Richard Winthrop, undated, 1965, 1968

Black, Mrs. Melvin B., 1963

Black Mountain College, 1943

Black Star Publishing Company, Inc.

Blagdon, Donald P., 1948

Blair County Arts Foundation, 1961

Blair, Mrs. J. Insley, 1937-1939

Blair, John R., 1965

Blair, Natalie K., undated

Blaisdell Publishing Company, 1962

Blake, Bernard, 1957

Blake, Elizabeth B., undated, 1955-1956, 1960

Blake, Evelyn, undated

Blake, Mrs. Thomas, 1956

Blanchard, Mrs. John Osgood, 1939

Bland, Shirley (Mrs. Chester), 1959

Blanden Memorial, 1952

Blank, John, 1937

Blau, Eric, 1952

Blaustein, Al, 1957

Blesh, Rudi, undated, 1956, 1959-1961

Blicher, Barney, 1949

Blindlow, William, 1965

Bliss, Molly, undated

Bliss, Robert Woods, 1937

Bloch, Mr. and/or Mrs. Gerald, 1956

Bloch, H. H., 1968

Huntington T. Block Insurance, 1962, 1964, 1968

Block, Leigh B. and/or Mary Lasker, 1950, 1954-1960, 1967-1968

Block, Mr. and/or Mrs. Paul, Jr., 1950, 1960

Blodgett Packing and Storing Co., 1963

Bloedel, Laurence, 1958, 1961-1962, 1964-1965, 1967

Bloedorn, Gene D., 1967-1968

Bloom, Ena, 1957

Bloomgarden, Kermit, 1962

Bloomingdale's, 1934, 1965

Bloomington Art Association, 1945

Bloomington-Normal Art Association, 1955-1967

Blow, Richard, 1939

Blue Hill Pavilion, 1957

Blue Shield, 1962

Bluemner, Oscar, 1933

Bluestein, Jerome, 1954

Blum, John R. H., 1962-1964

Blum, Richard J., 1955-1956

Blume, Ellie, 1940

Blumenshine, Irving, 1937

Blumenstiel, Joan, 1958

Blumenthal, George, 1939

Blumenthal, Irving, 1939

Blumenthal, Mrs. M. F., 1944

Blutman, Harry Austin, undated, 1945, 1955-1956, 1958

Blyth and Co., Inc., 1957

B'nai B'rith, 1954-1955, 1958-1961, 1966

Board of Education of the City of New York, 1961

Board of Transportation of the City of New York, 1938

Boas, George, 1939, 1957

Bobbit-Gardner, Anna, 1952

Bobrow, Robert I., 1969

Boel, Mr. and Mrs. Michael, 1964

Boericke, Dorothy S., 1940

Boettger, Mabel C., 1963

Bogin, Edith H. (Mrs. Maxwell), undated, 1958

Boigon, Helen W. and/or Melvin, undated, 1958-1960, 1962-1968

Boil, Mickey, 1964

Boise Art Association, 1961

Boissonnas, Alain G., 1951, 1955-1957, 1959-1960, 1962

Giulio Bolaffi Editore, 1965

Bolin, Jane, 1943

Bolles, John S., 1956-1957, 1963

Bollinger, Arthur, 1956

Bolton and Fairhead Ltd., undated, 1964

Boltoph Group, 1958

Bomar, William P., 1948-1960

Bond Wheelwright Company, 1965

Bondhus, Jeanne (Mrs. H.), undated, 1966

Bone, Stephen, 1953

Bonfoey Picture Framing Co., 1967

Albert and Charles Boni Inc. Publishers, 1933

Bonner, Mrs. Paul Hyde, 1944

Bonta, Dayne, undated, 1967-1968

Book Find Club, 1957-1958

Book-of-the-Month Club, Inc., 1948, 1960

Book-Records, Inc., 1956

Booke, Stephen, 1963

Bookshop, 1943

Boone, Charles, 1960

Booth, Imogene P. (Mrs. Francis E.), 1962

Borchard, Stuart, 1948

Bordeau, Col. and Mrs. Le Roy, 1950

Borden, H., 1937

Grace Borgenicht Gallery, Inc., 1955, 1957-1958, 1964

Borie, M. J., 1959

Borie, Peter, 1962

Borman, Betty, 1969

Borman, Burton, 1969

Bortzman, Walter M., undated

Borwick, Geoffrey P., 1966

Boschen, Lilian, undated, 1938, 1941

Bose, Norma, 1964

Bosse, Mr. and mrs. Malcolm J., 1950-1960

Boston Arts Festival, 1953, 1957, 1960, 1963

Boston, Clifford, 1942

Boston Institute of Modern Art (see: Institute of Modern Art, Boston)

Boston Museum of Fine Arts (see: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)

Boston Public Library, 1951-1952, 1955- 1957, 1959-1961

Boston Society of Independent Artists, Inc., 1953

Boston Symphony Orchestra, 1941

Boston Truck Co., Inc., 1962, 1965-1966

Boston Trust Co., 1965

Boston University, 1957-1963, 1965-1966

Bostwick, Mrs. D. W., 1950

Bostwick, Electra W., undated, 1941

La Boutique Fantastique Gallery, 1954

Boudin and Wittenberg, 1928, 1932

Bourgeois, Stephan, 1939

Bowden, Charles and/or Paula, 1965, 1967

Bowdoin College, 1958, 1961-1963, 1966

Bowen, Ezra, undated

Bower, Beverly, 1962

Bower, Lois S. (Mrs. Howard R.), 1964

R. R. Bowker Company, 1962

Bowles, Dorothy S. (Mrs. Chester), 1966

Bowling Green State University, 1961

Bowman, Eugene S., 1956

Bowman, Mrs. L.C., 1944

Boyd, Don, 1967

Boyer Galleries, Inc., 1935

Boys' Club of New York, 1967

Boys' Clubs of America, 1968

Bradford, Mrs. F. A., 1933

Bradford Junior College, 1964 Bradley, Harry Lynde and/or Peg, 1953-1956, 1958, 1960-1961, 1964-1965, 1968

Bradley House and Window Cleaning, 1940

Bradley, J., undated

Bradley, Morton C., 1955

Braeger, Irene E., 1956, 1961

Bramble, Wayne, 1965

Bramboa, Wayne, 1965

Brame, James Y., Jr., 1942

Brancusi, 1939

Brandeis University, 1953, 1957-1959, 1961-1963, 1965-1967

Brandt, Alan, 1960

Brandt and Brandt, 1962

Brandt, Mrs. Carl, 1940

Brandt, Carl D., 1962

Brandt, Joan (Mrs. Rexford), undated, 1939

Brandt, Renee G., 1965

Brangdon, Rena, undated

Branning, Bowman W., 1949

Bransten, Mrs. John, 1964-1965, 1968

Brants, Cynthia, 1951

Braquette, Inc., 1967

Brasch, James D., 1963

Brash, Arthur Francis, 1958

Brasserie, 1961

Bratter, Mrs. Ben, Jr., 1964

Brawley, Robert, 1959

Braxton Art Company, 1940

Braxton, Celia and Harry, 1939

Braxton Galleries, Ltd., 1931, 1933-1934

Braxton, Henry, undated

George Braziller, Inc., 1957-1964

Breakstone Plumbing and Heating, 1930

Brearley School, 1960, 1962-1963, 1965

Breckenridge, Bruce M., 1966

Breckenridge, Robert, 1933

Breckner, George, Jr., 1963

Carl Bredemeir Gallery, undated

Breese Enloe and Elliott-Smith, Inc., 1947

Breeskin, Adelyn, undated, 1964-1967

Breidenbach, Warren C., 1966

Breiner, 1962

Breinin, Raymond, undated, 1941-1942, 1954, 1958

Brendel, Bettina, 1962

Brennan, Ann (Mrs. Gerard), 1965

Brennan, Francis, 1956, 1962

Brenner, Anita, 1943

Brenner, Leah, 1964

Brentano's Inc., 1954

F. H. Bresler Company, 1955

Bresler Galleries, 1956, 1959-1960, 1963, 1965

Bresniak, M., 1952

Bressler, Martin, 1963, 1967-1968

Brett, Wyckoff, Potter, Hamilton, Inc., 1969

Marcel Breuer and Associates, 1961

Breuer, Minna H. (Mrs. Ernest Henry), 1941

Breuning, Margaret, undated

Brewer, Warren and Putnam Inc., 1932

Brewster, George W. W. and/or Jean, undated, 1948, 1950-1957, 1959-1964, 1967

Brewster, Kate L., 1938

Brewster, Walter, 1939

Briarcliff Junior College, 1939

Brice, Fannie, 1944, 1949

Brick, Mrs. Seymour, 1956

Bridaham, Lester, 1963

Bride's Magazine -- , 1955

Bridges, Stephen, 1959

Briggs, Judson, 1955

Brigham, Richard C., 1956

Brilhart, Arnold, 1954

Brimley, 1957

Brink, Guido P., 1962

Brisbane, Arthur, 1929

Brissenden, Florine and/or Pearley R., 1956-1957

Brister, Bernard, 1964

British Artist Craftsmen, Ltd., 1959

British Broadcasting Corporation, 1959

Britsky, Nicholas, 1961

Britt, George, 1936

Brittain, Jack, 1963

Brod, Mario, 1962

Broder, Mrs. Marvin, 1962

Brodsky, Saul, 1944

Brody, Jean, 1964

Brody, Lydia G., 1957

Brodzky, Herbert, 1937

Bromberg, Alfred L., 1959

Brook, Alexander, 1957

Brook Street Gallery, 1960-1961

Brookhaven National Laboratory, 1962-1963, 1965

Brooklyn Arts Gallery, 1960

Brooklyn Museum, undated, 1934, 1939-1944, 1948-1951, 1955-1959, 1962-1963, 1965, 1967- 1968

Brooklyn Public Library, 1961

Brooklyn Steel Warehouse Co., 1958

Brooks, Clifford Noel, 1952

Brooks, Howard G., 1943

Brooks Memorial Art Gallery, 1934-1935, 1951, 1953, 1955-1957, 1961-1963, 1966-1967

Brorby, Harry, 1954

Brorby, Mrs. Melvin, 1954

Broudo, W., 1931

Broun, Heywood, undated, 1934

Brown, Ann S., 1957

Brown, Benjamin H., 1963

Brown, Betty, 1939

Robert C. Broude Agency, Inc., 1959

Brown, Bob, 1944, 1951

Brown, Bradford, 1963

Brown, Dorothy W., 1953

Brown, Eda I., 1961

Brown, Edna G. (Mrs. Matthew), 1954, 1958, 1962

Brown, Edward F., 1952

Brown, Fred E., Jr., 1942

Brown, H., 1943

Brown, Hazel (Mrs. Russell Allen), 1954-1955

Brown, Hugh, 1957

Brown, Hyman, 1943

Brown, Irving, 1956, 1961, 1964-1967

Brown, Jim, 1968

Brown, John E., 1961

Brown, Mrs. L. Page, 1962

Brown, Mrs. Lathrop, 1959

Brown, Leonard M., 1956-1957

Brown, Margaret Rout (Mrs. Herman), undated, 1956-1957

Brown, Mathilde C. (Mrs. Otis D.), 1949

Brown, Pauline and Irv, 1953

Brown, Royce Lee, 1957

Brown, Richmond L., 1958

Brown, Ruth (Mrs. William H.), 1963

Brown University, 1957, 1964-1965, 1968

Browne, Robert, 1960

Browne, Rosalind, 1966

Brownfield, George E., 1964

Browning Wells and Co., 1950

Brownstein, Gerald W., 1962-1963

Brownstone, Myron R., 1968

Broyhill Furniture Factories, 1964

Broyles, Harley, 1959

Bruce, Mrs. David, 1938

Edward Bruce Memorial, 1943

Bruce, Herbert Thayer, 1955

Bruce Museum, 1957

Bruce's Books, undated, 1957-1960, 1962-1963

Bruern Foundation, Inc., 1956

Brugger Fine Arts Forwarding Service, 1947, 1955

Brummer Gallery, Inc., 1931-1932, 1935

Brummer, Joseph, 1934

Bruner, Louise, 1965

Bruni, Claudio, 1966

Brunning, Mrs., 1955

Bruno, Frank E., Jr., undated, 1962, 1965

Brunsman, Arnold L., 1933

Brunsman, James L., 1956

Brunswig, Marcel, 1964

Bry, Doris, 1950, 1958-1959, 1962-1964, 1967, 1969

Bryan, Elizabeth (Mrs. W. B.), 1964

Bryan, J., 1961

Bryan, Wilhelmus B., 1966

Bryant, Edward, 1965

Bryant Foundation, 1961

Bryn Mawr College, 1969

Brynner, Edna Schwab, 1946, 1964

Buch und Kunstverlag Anton Schroll and Co., 1965

Buchanan, Elizabeth (Mrs. C. L.), 1962

Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Thomas, Jr., 1963

Bucher, George R., 1967

Buchholz Gallery, 1939, 1941, 1943

Buchman, Myron I., 1963

Buchsbaum, Myron, undated

Buck, Pearl, 1942

Bucknell University, 1958-1959

Budd, Edward G., Jr., 1952

W.S. Budworth and Son, 1932, 1939-1940, 1952-1953, 1956-1957, 1959, 1961-1968

Buehr, George, 1954

Buermann, Herbert T., 1950

Buffalo Fine Arts Academy, 1939, 1956 (see also: Albright Art School)

Bull, Harry, 1943

Bulliet, C. J., 1932

Bullock, David M., 1968

Bunim, David, 1951

Bunkin, Irving A., undated

Bunn, Harry, 1956

Bunshaft, Gordon, 1960-1961, 1965

Burack, Lillian S. (Mrs. Archie), 1958

Burden, Carter, 1965

Burden, William A. M., 1938, 1941, 1948, 1956-1957

Burdick, Mabel (Mrs. Carleton H.), undated, 1965

Bureau for Architectural Sculpture and Murals Organized for Architects, 1937

Bureau of City Collections, 1955

Burg, Copeland C., 1944

Burger, Rose, 1967

Burgess, Mrs. Ralph, 1935

Burke, A. J., 1965, 1966

Burke, Caroline, undated, 1958

George Burke Public Relations, 1953-1954

Burke, Kenneth and/or Libby, 1959

Burke, Robert Granville, 1961

Burke, Selma Hortense, 1945

Burlin, Paul, 1953, 1957

Burling, Mrs. John, 1952

Burnham, Lee, 1952

Burns, Edwin J., 1952

Burns, F. Patrick, 1968

Burpee Art Gallery, undated, 1939, 1965

Burrell's Press Clipping Bureau, 1964

Burroughs, Alan, 1943, 1950

Burrows, Carlyle, 1935, 1956

Burrows, Gladys and/or Selig S., undated, 1947, 1956-1958, 1960-1963 1967

Burrows, Helen Stimson, 1957

Burstein, Barney, 1956, 1960-1961

Burstein, Murray, 1963

Burtin, Cipe Pineles, 1964, 1967 (see also: Pineles, Cipe)

Burton, Doris and/or Irving Frederick, undated, 1959, 1961-1965, 1967

Burton, John P., 1964-1965

Burwell, Ernest, 1965

Burwen, Norman, 1961, 1967

Bush, Kathryn, 1962

Business Week -- , 1958

Butler and Baldwin, Incorporated, 1941

Butler Institute of American Art, 1962-1963, 1965-1966, 1968-1969

Butler, Joseph G., undated

Butler, Ken, 1954

Butterfield, Bruce, 1967

Butterfield, Clayton W., 1956

Bybee, Faith P. (Mrs. Charles L.), 1955, 1957

Byrne, Roy E., 1968-1969

Byrnes, Barbara and Jim, undated, 1950

Bywaters, Jerry and Mary, undated, 1951, 1959

Cabot, Judy and/or Lewis P., undated, 1960-1961, 1963-1964, 1966

Cadby-Birch Gallery, 1952

Cades, Charlotte (Mrs. J. Russell), 1963

Cadhill, Mrs. Joe W., 1953

Cahill, Holger (Eddie), 1931, 1936

Cahn, Joshua Binion, 1951-1953

Cahners, Helene (Mrs. Norman), undated, 1962

Cain, Mabel (Mrs. Joseph A.), 1952

Caldararo, Dante, 1958-1959

Calderon, Joseph, 1970

Calderwood, Stanford, 1962

Calfer, William H., 1946, 1952

California College of Arts and Crafts, 1955

California Graduate School of Design, 1939

California Palace of the Legion of Honor, 1931, 1939-1940, 1945-1946, 1948-1949, 1951, 1954-1955, 1961, 1963- 1964

California Print Makers Society (see: Print Makers Society of California)

California State College at Long Beach, 1965-1966

California, University of (see: University of California)

California Western University, 1960

Calkins, Deborah, undated, 1941, 1951-1952, 1958-1959, 1963, 1965

Calray Sales and Service, 1964

Cambridge Management Co., 1967

Cambridge Press, 1955

Camden, Maine Antiques Show, 1956

Camp, Mrs. Frederick, 1955

Camp Fund Drive, 1941

Campbell, Mrs. E. P., 1966

Campbell Ewald Agency, 1956

Campbell, Hugo, 1938

Campbell, Martha (Mrs. William A.), 1963

Campbell, Mrs. N. Stuart, 1934

Campini, Frank A., 1958-1959

Campo and Roberts, Inc., 1965

Canaday, John, 1960-1961, 1963, 1966

Canajoharie Library and Art Gallery, 1953, 1964

Candler, Duncan, 1927-1929, 1932-1933

Candy, William E., 1964, 1966

Cane, Melville, 1963

Canepa, Mrs. E., 1957

Canner, Julius S., 1960

Cantey, Becky and/or Sam III, undated, 1951-1955, 1957-1962, 1966-1969

Canton Art Institute, 1966

Cantor, Dale, 1961

Cantor, Joseph, 1962, 1964

Capalbo, Carmen, 1963, 1965, 1967, 1969

Cape Cod Village, 1956

Capital University, 1966, 1968-1969

Capitol Murals Commission, 1963

Capper Engraving Co., 1956

Card, Elizabeth Paine, undated, 1957

Cardullo, Hugo M., 1961, 1963, 1966-1967

Carlen, Robert, undated, 1941-1946, 1953-1956, 1963-1964, 1967

Carleton College, 1963, 1969

Carleton, Peter F., undated, 1963

Carleton, Mrs. Winslow, 1963

Carli, Sandra Lee, 1960

Carlin Lighting Co., 1960

Carlisle, Mrs. E. G., 1952

Carlson, Edith, 1966-1967

Carlson, Florence, 1960

Henry L. Carlsruh and Co., Inc., 1967

Carlyle Gallery, 1934

Carmeli, Louis, 1952

Carmitchell, Thomas H., 1953

Carnegie Corporation, 1941

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 1958

Carnegie, Hattie, 1942, 1953

Carnegie Institute Museum of Art, undated, 1933-1935, 1937-1939, 1941, 1945- 1947, 1949-1951, 1953-1958, 1960, 1962-1965, 1967

Carnegie Study of the Arts of the United States, 1958-1959

Carney, J. J., 1956-1957

Carney, Jack and Marian, undated

Carney, Mel C., 1961, 1966

Carpenter, Bert, 1960

Carpenter, Betty C., 1955

Carpenter, Charles H., undated, 1948

Carpenter, E. N., 1956, 1958

Carpenter, Horace, 1936

Carpenter, James, 1957

Carr, R. B., 1968

Carrich, Margaret, 1950

Carrie, M. et Mme. Louis, 1964

Carroll, Mark, 1957

Carson, David, 1954

Carson, Lundin and Shaw Architects, 1966

Carte, Mrs. Dale, 1968

Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, undated, 1962-1963, 1967-1968

Amon G. Carter Foundation, 1968

Carter, Howard, Jr., 1966

Carter, Nancy F., 1964

Cartier, Inc., 1955-1956

Carton, Alexis Wallace, undated, 1962

Carton, Fred, 1953

Case, Clarence C., 1958-1959

Case, Margaret W. (Mrs. C. M., Jr.), undated, 1958

Cash, Robert A., 1961

Cashwin, Samuel, 1934

Cassall, John, 1961

Cassis, Ann, 1961

Castel, Irving, 1964

Castleton China, Inc., 1949, 1955, 1958

Cathey, Ralph, 1964

Cathlina, Rose, 1960

Catholic University of America, 1965

Catholic War Veterans, Inc., 1940

Catto, Henry E., Jr., 1963

Cauman, Mrs. Samuel, 1958

Caumont, G. E., 1940, 1964

Cavano, Robert R., 1958-1959

Caylor, George, 1963

Cayuga Museum of History and Art, 1944

CBS, 1963

Cec[ul?], S. John C., 1953

Cedar Rapids Art Association, 1952, 1958, 1964-1965, 1967

Celender, Donald D., 1961-1962

Census Bureau, 1959

Centenary College, 1935

Center for Cross-Cultural Communication, 1962-1964 (see also: Robbins, Warren M.)

Center for Inter-American Relations, Inc., 1967

Central Bureau for Registered Addresses, 1930

Central College, 1955-1956

Central Petroleum Company, 1959

Centre de Metiers D'Art, 1965

Centre Manhattan Realty Co., Inc., 1941

Centro Internazionale di Arte e di Cultura, 1955

Century Lighting Co., 1946

Cerf, Bennett A., 1932, 1951

Chace, Beatrice O., 1967

Chace, Mr. and/or Mrs. Malcolm C., Jr., 1959-1961, 1966-1968

Chadbourn, Phil, 1939, 1943

Chalet Gallery, 1959

Chamber of Commerce of Honolulu, 1966

Chambers, Ernest, 1967

Chamberlain, Betty, 1959, 1965, 1967-1969

Champeau, Jean Louis, 1958

Chana Gallery, 1956

Chandler, Henry, 1933

Chanin, Abe L., 1953, 1956

Chanin, Margot, 1965, 1968

Channel Master Corp., 1954

[Channing?], 1947

Chanticleer Press, Inc., 1959, 1969

Chanute Times, 1951

George Chapellier Gallery, 1953, 1962-1963

Chaplin, C. Hal, 1966

Char, Stanley, 1952

Charak, Walter, 1958-1959

Charles, B., 1956

Charles-Fourth Gallery, 1953-1954

Charm, undated, 1952, 1954-1955, 1957

Charm House Furniture Galleries, 1961

Charnen, Mrs. D., 1963

Chase, Bessie E., 1956

Chase, Edward L., 1932

Chase, Howard, 1942, 1957

Chase, Mrs. M. A., 1966

Chase, Mrs. M. G., 1958

Chase Manhattan Bank, undated, 1956, 1958-1960, 1962-1969

Chase, Maurice, undated, 1960

Chase, Meg, 1961

Chase National Bank, 1942, 1952, 1954, 1955

Chase, Ronnie, undated

Chase, Sally (Mrs. Howard), undated, 1960

Chatham College, 1959, 1965

Chatham, Mrs. L. A., 1959

Chattanooga Art Association, 1949

Chayes, Antonia, undated

Cheek, Leslie, undated

Chelsea Clinton News -- , 1958

Cheltenham Township Art Centre, 1952-1953

Cheney, Sheldon, 1958

Cheney, Thomas S., 1959

Cherkasky, Martin, 1965-1966

Cherry, M. J., 1966-1967

Chestnut Court Book Shops, Inc., 1957

Chew, Paul, 1958

Chewing, John B., 1962

Chicago Art Institute (see: Art Institute of Chicago)

Chicago, Arts Club of (see: Arts Club of Chicago)

Chicago Museum of Contemporary Art (see: Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago)

Chicago Public Library, 1956, 1967

Chicago Slide Co., 1934

Chicago, University of (see: University of Chicago)

Chidsey, G. Alan, 1957, 1961

Children's Art Program, 1957-1958

Childs, Charles D., 1950

Evander Childs High School, 1949

Childs Gallery, 1960

Chimney and Furnace Vacuum Cleaning Corp., 1950

China Aid Council, 1942

Chinese Community Center, 1962

Ching, Mr. and/or Mrs. William, 1963

Chipp, Herschel B. undated

Choi, Wook Kyung, 1965

Chomicky, Yar G., 1964

Chorley, Kenneth, 1942

Chow, Raymond, undated, 1968

Christ-Janer, Albert and/or Virginia, undated, 1954, 1956-1957, 1959-1960, 1963, 1965

"Christ--The King--The Church," 1960

Christensen, Erwin O., 1964, 1966

Christian Art, 1966

Christian Science Monitor -- , 1954, 1959

Christiano, Rudy, 1952

Chrysler Corporation, 1963

Chrysler, Walter, Jr., 1935

Chrysomalides, Despina, 1952-1953

Cikovsky, Hortense and Nicolay, undated

Cimmino, Christian V., 1958

Cincinnati Art Academy (see: Art Academy of Cincinnati)

Cincinnati Art Museum, undated, 1941, 1944, 1948-1951, 1953-1955, 1957-1960, 1962-1964, 1966

Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Center (see: Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati)

Cincinnati Modern Art Society, 1944-1945, 1949, 1951, 1953

Cincinnati Museum Association, 1932

Cincinnati, University of (see: University of Cincinnati)

Cinnamon, Gerald E., 1952, 1955-1956

Ciranna, Alfonson, 1966

Circle Gallery, 1967, 1968

Circle Typewriter Co., 1963

Cirker Hayes Storage Warehouse, 1966, 1968-1969, 1971

Citro, Jane W., 1952

City Art Museum of St. Louis, undated, 1934-1935, 1944-1952, 1954-1961, 1963-1969

City College, New York, 1955-1956

City College Press, Inc., 1957

City of Long Beach, 1953

City of New York, Department of Finance, 1934

Clark and Gibby, Inc., 1952

Clark, Charles D., 1964-1965

Clark, Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton, 1930

Clark, Mrs. J. III., undated

Clark, Kemp, 1964

Clark, Stephen C., undated, 1949, 1953

Clarke, Jack, undated, 1956

Clarke, John Lee, Jr., 1956

Clawson, Rex, 1953

Clearing House for American Art, 1953

Clearwater Art Museum, 1943 (see also: Florida Gulf Coast Art Center)

Cleary, James N., 1941

Clements, Geoffrey, 1964-1965, 1968

Cleveland Institute of Art, 1949, 1956

Cleveland Museum of Art, 1932-1933, 1935, 1945, 1947, 1951, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1960-1965, 1967

Cleveland Plain-Dealer, 1951, 1955

Cleveland Press, 1951

Clifford, 1942

Clifton Antique Shop, 1953

Clinton Prison, 1940

Clivette, Junyta, 1932

Cloar, Carroll, undated, 1953, 1958, 1963

Cloar, Ethel, 1967

Clowns Unlimited, 1961

Coale, Rita (Mrs. D. Edgar), 1967

Coate, Judi, 1962

Coates, Boo and/or Robert, 1949, 1962-1963, 1965

Cobb, Hubbard H., 1962

Cobb, Margaret Ayer, 1958

Cober Gallery, 1960

Coblentz, Bart, 1968

Cochran, Gifford A., 1954-1955

co*cks, Dorothy, 1962

Coe College, 1954-1959, 1961

Coe, John J., 1960, 1962

Coe, Myrtle H., 1956

Coffin, Edmund, undated, 1964-1965

Cogar, James L., 1942

Cogswell, Mrs. Ledyard, 1963

Cohen, Alfred B., 1960

Cohen, George Mitchell, 1958-1959

Cohen, Herbert L., 1956

Cohen, Hyman, 1933-1934

J. M. Cohen, Inc., 1960

Cohen, Jack H., 1968

Cohen, Jordan, 1962

Cohen, Maurice U., 1959

Cohen, Sheldon S., 1967-1968

Cohen, Wilfred P., 1958

Cohn, Mrs. Charles N., 1966

Cohn, Harold, 1932

Cohn, Lilian (Mrs. David L.), 1964-1965

Coiner, Charles T., 1939

Colby College, undated, 1954, 1956-1957, 1959-1966, 1968

Cole, Allen O., 1968

Cole, J. Gerald, 1959

Cole, Richard, 1967, 1968

Coleman Art Gallery, 1948-1949, 1955, 1957

Coleman, Edward J., 1957

Coleman, Grace N., 1932

Colin, Mr. and/or Mrs. Ralph F., undated, 1952, 1958, 1961, 1968 (see also: Art Dealers Association)

"Collectors Choice," 1966

Collectors' Gallery, Inc., 1957, 1964-1965

Collectors Press, 1968

Collectors Society, 1956

College Art Association, 1933

College Art Journal, 1953, 1959

College of William and Mary, 1963 (see also: William and Mary College)

College of Wooster, 1941

Collins, Enid D., 1934

Collins, Robert J., 1958

Collins, William W., 1969-1970

Colonial Trust Company, 1949

Colonial Williamsburg, 1945-1946, 1955-1957, 1959

Colony Furniture Shops, Inc., 1952

Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, undated, 1953-1955, 1957, 1959, 1963-1964, 1967

Colorado, University of (see: University of Colorado)

Colten, 1963

Colten Photos, undated, 1940, 1946-1947, 1953

Coltman, Arthur, 1965-1966

Columbia Museum of Art, 1951-1952, 1955-1957, 1959-1960, 1962-1963, 1965-1968

Columbia University, 1952, 1956-1957

Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1933-1935, 1942, 1949-1950, 1952-1953, 1955-1957, 1959-1960, 1962-1965

Columbus Museum of Arts and Crafts, Inc., 1956, 1961

Comeau, Harry A., 1934

Comet-Ray Letter Service, Inc., 1954, 1960-1969

Commerce Trust Co., 1964-1966

Commercial Office Supply, 1962-1963, 1965, 1969

Commissione Americana per gli Scambi Culturale con l'Italia, 1956

Committee for the Negro in the Arts, 1950

Committee of Artists' Societies, 1964

Committee on International Exchange of Persons, 1963

Committee to Save the Cooper Union Museum, 1963-1964

Community, 1958

Community Arts Program, 1954

Community Coordinating Council of North Queens, 1959

Comolli and Company, 1958, 1959

F. E. Compton and Company, 1955, 1957

Compton, Walter, 1968

Computer Corporation of America, 1967

Comsky, David, 1963

Conant, Mrs. G. P., 1959

Concordia Teachers College, 1967

Con-Data Systems, Inc., 1964

Condé-Nast Publications, Inc., 1932, 1943-1945, 1957

Condon, R. E., 1956

Condon, Rudolph, 1964

Conference Board of Associated Research Councils, 1953

Congregation Adath Jeshurun, 1964

Congregation B'nai Israel, 1963

Congregation B'nai Torah, 1964

Congregation Emanu-El, 1959-1960

Congregation Zichron Ephriam, 1955

Connecticut Historical Society, 1965-1966

Connecticut Light and Power Co., 1967

Connecticut, University of (see: University of Connecticut)

Connor, Howard, 1964

Connor, Mr., 1966

Conrad, Earl, 1964

Conrad, Joan, 1961

Conrad, Rupert, 1961

Consolidated Edison Co., 1938, 1941, 1946-1947, 1950, 1953, 1958, 1961

Contact Answering, Inc. 1964

Container Corporation of America, 1959, 1962

Contemporaries Gallery of Sculpture and Graphic Art, undated, 1956-1957, 1967-1968

Contemporary American Sculptors, Inc., 1948

Contemporary Art, undated, 1948-1949

Contemporary Arts Association, 1949-1951

Contemporary Arts Association of Houston, Inc., 1950, 1952, 1954-1955, 1963-1965

Contemporary Arts Center, Cincinnati, 1954, 1956-1957, 1959, 1960-1961, 1963-1965, 1968

Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, 1955-1958 (see also: Houston Museum of Contemporary Art)

Contemporary Arts Society, Indianapolis, 1963

Contemporary Christian Art Gallery, 1965

Contemporary Crafts Museum, 1965

Contemporary Design, Inc., 1947-1948

Contemporary Interiors, 1967

Contemporary Paintings, undated, 1955, 1961

Contemporary Wallpapers, 1958

Continental Bank and Trust Company of New York, 1945

Continental Illinois National Bank and Trust Co. of Chicago, 1958, 1965

Continental Insurance Co., 1967

Contreras, Belisario R., 1964

Cook, Christopher, 1964

Cook, Mrs. George R., 1960

Cook, Hereward Lester, 1954

Cook, Howard, 1950

Cook, John Alfred and/or Margaret, undated, 1957, 1959-1960, 1962-1964

Cook, Robert H., 1956-1957

Cook, Mr., 1956

Cooley, Peter, 1963

Coolidge, Mountfort, undated

Coons, Mr. and/or Mrs. Sheldon, 1940, 1955-1956

Coopchik, Robert, 1956

Cooper, Mr. and/or Mrs. David Meade, 1962-1964

Cooper, Gary and/or Georgia B., 1947, 1949, 1951

Cooper, Mrs. James, 1955

Cooper, L. E., 1932

Cooper, Peter Brintnal, 1961

Cooper, Samuel C., 1945-1946, 1949, 1962

Cooper Union Museum (see: Committee to Save the Cooper Union Museum)

Co-operative Women's Civic League, 1945

Corbett, Harvey Wiley, 1932-1933

Corcoran Gallery of Art, undated, 1932-1933, 1935, 1944-1945, 1948, 1950-1953, 1956-1970

CORE (Congress on Racial Equality) Scholarship, Education and Defense Fund, 1965

Corinthian Gallery, 1964

Corn Exchange Safe Deposit Co., 1941

Corn Valley Historical Society, 1941

Corn, Wanda, 1964

Cornell College, 1961

Cornell University, 1954, 1956-1957, 1959-1960, 1962, 1964, 1966-1967

Corning Museum of Glass, 1966

Corson, David T., 1956

Cortor, Eldzier, 1942

Cosmopolitan, 1958-1959

Cosmos Travel Bureau, Inc., 1959

Costello, Mrs. John J., Jr., 1959

Louis M. Cottin and Company, 1947

Country Art Gallery, 1960-1961, 1963-1965

Country Beautiful, 1965

County Clerk, New York County, 1956

Courtais, Henri G., 1955

Covel, Elizabeth W., 1958

Covici Friede Inc., 1932

Covington, W., 1945

Cowan, Charna and/or Spencer M., 1951, 1953-1957, 1960

Coward, Thomas R., 1951

Cowdin, Andrea (Mrs. J. Cheever), 1956

Cowdrey, Bartlett, 1958-1959

Cowie Galleries, 1949

Cowlan, Burt, 1965

Cowles, Fleur, 1948

Cowles, Mr. and/or Mrs. Gardner, 1954, 1950

Gardner Cowles Foundation, 1955-1956

Cowles, John, 1951, 1956-1957, 1961, 1963-1965

Cowles, Russell, 1954, 1962

Cowles Syndicate, 1967-1968

Cox, Arnold, 1960

Cox, George, 1967

Cox, John Rogers, 1951

Coxe, Mary, undated

Craft Center, 1964

Craft, Douglas D., 1961

Cramer, David A., 1966

Cramer, Florence B., 1957

Cranbrook Academy of Art, 1944, 1953, 1958-1959, 1966 (see also: Museum of the Cranbrook Academy of Art)

Crane, Charles L., 1960

Crane, Harriet, 1956

Crane, Helen (Mrs. Harry H.), 1961

Crane Kalman Gallery, 1962

Crane, Margery A. (Mrs. Ralph T., Jr.), 1959

Crass, Roger, 1960

Craven, George N., 1957, 1959

Craven, Wayne, 1961, 1967-1968

Crawford, John M., Jr., undated, 1960-1961

Crawford, Peggy and/or Ralston, 1958, 1963

Creative Art -- , 1932

Creekmore, Raymond, 1934

Crehan, Hubert, 1955

Pachita Crespi Gallery, undated

Crichlow, Ernest, undated

Crisera, Joseph, 1956

Crispo, Andrew, 1968

Crispp, Norman, 1969

Criss, Francis, 1958

Crockett, Elizabeth A., 1964

Cronin, John F., 1965

Cronin, Richard, 1966

Caresse Crosby Gallery of Modern Art, 1945

Cross and Brown Company, 1960, 1962, 1966

Cross, Harold F., 1965

Cross, John M., 1969

Crossgrove, Roger L., 1963

Crossman, Jerome K., 1956

Crotty Heating and Cooling Corp., 1941

Crow, Tramwell, 1967

Crowell-Collier Educational Corporation, 1966

Crowell, Merle, 1934

Crowell, Rodger Palea, undated

Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1956

Crowley, M. J., 1960-1961

Crown Publishers, Inc., 1965, 1966, 1969

Crowninshield, Frank, undated, 1930-1934, 1939, 1941, 1945

Crozier, Mrs. Emmet, 1961

Crumbach, Mrs. Simeon, 1955

Crye, Caroll, 1952

Joan Crystal Gallery, 1963

Cudahy, Bettina (Mrs. Anthony B.), 1954-1955

Cuddeback, Charles H., 1944

Cue -- , 1962-1963

Culberg, M.E., 1951-1952

Cullen, Countee, 1943

Cullen, William, 1958

Culler, George, 1962

Cullman, Mrs. Howard, 1960

cumme*r Gallery of Art, 1965, 1968-1969

Cummings, Bill, 1965

Cummings, Marian (Mrs. e. e.), undated, 1959, 1963

Cummings, Millie and/or Willard H., undated, 1955, 1957-1958, 1960-1965

Cummings, Minnette (Mrs. H. King), undated

Cummings, Mr. and/or Mrs. Nathan, 1952-1954, 1956, 1959, 1967-1968

Cummings, Paul, undated,1968

Cummins, Ralph H., 1964

Cunningham, Charles C., undated, 1965-1967

Curl, Huldah Whipple, 1961

Curran, Ona (Mrs. Harold P.), 1965

Current Biography -- , 1964

Currier Gallery of Art, undated, 1948-1949, 1954-1957, 1959-1963, 1966

Currier, Stephen E., 1958

Curry, Larry, 1968

Curtis, George A., 1962

Curtis Lighting, Incorporated, 1945

Cushing, George M., Jr., undated

Customs Bureau, 1959, 1962 (see also: U.S. Customs Service)

Cutler, Carol, 1961

Cutler, Vergne, 1955

Cutting, Helen (Mrs. Charles Suydam), undated, 1946-1947, 1949, 1956-1958, 1960-1961

Cutting, Heyward, 1960, 1962-1965, 1967

D Contemporary Art Gallery, 1955-1962 (see also: Terry Dintenfass, Inc.)

Daché, Lilly, 1944

Dahill, Tom, Sr., 1956, 1958

Dahlberg, Edward, 1957-1959

Dailey, George A., 1952

Dale, Mrs. Chester, 1967

Dale County War Memorial Library, 1957

Dallas Morning News -- , 1956

Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, 1958-1963 (see also: Dallas Society for Contemporary Arts)

Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, undated, 1934-1935, 1940-1942, 1945, 1951-1954, 1957-1959, 1961-1965

Dallas Society for Contemporary Arts, 1956-1957 (see also: Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts)

Dallas Theatre Center, 1967

Dallas, University of (see: University of Dallas)

Dallas Young Collections, 1956 (see also: Young Collections)

Dallett, Ione Robinson, 1940

Dalton, Harry L., 1965, 1966

Dambrov, Alan S., 1968

Dame, Laurence, 1958

D'Amelio, Joseph A., 1964

Dameshek, William, 1962-1964

Damico, J., 1958-1959

Dana, Lester, 1956

Dana, Mr. and/or Mrs. Richard H., undated, 1958, 1964

Danbury Scott-Fanton Museum and Historical Society, Inc., 1958

Dane, Joseph Bert, 1958

Danhausen, Eldon, 1954

Daniel, Allen S., 1952

Daniel, Charles, 1932, 1959

Daniel, Edwin J., 1950

Daniell, George, 1956

Daniels, A. T., 1953

Danish Information Office, 1959

Dann, Gertrude H. (Mrs. David S.), undated, 1956, 1960

Bernard Dannenberg Galleries, 1966, 1968

Danoff, I. Michael, 1965

Danzig, Lamont E., 1969

Danzig, Mrs. Sidney J., 1963

Darbee, Mrs. William, 1939

D'Arcy Advertising Company, 1959

Darmstadt-Eberstadt, 1963

Darrah, Frank J., 1944

Darriau, Jean, 1956

Darrow, Paul, 1955-1956

Dart, Gawaine, 1960

Dartiel, 1969

d'Artista, Robert, 1952

Dartmouth College, 1930, 1935, 1944, 1948, 1951-1952, 1962-1963

Dartmouth College Club, 1959

Dartt, James G., 1949

Elsie Das Hawaiian Originals, 1962

Daughters of the American Revolution Museum, 1941

Davenport, Bill, 1964

Davenport Municipal Art Gallery, 1951-1952, 1958-1959, 1963, 1968

Davenport, Roselle, 1963

David, David, 1931, 1961

David Gallery, undated, 1966

David's Sholom, 1965

Davidson, undated

Davidson, Mrs. Daniel, 1955

Davidson, Leroy B., 1947

Davidson, W. F., 1939

Davis, Allan A., 1964

Davis and Heffner, 1951

Davis, Bernard, 1940

Davis, Bette, 1941

Davis, Dorland and Co., 1942

Davis, Mrs. Dwight F., 1938

Davis, Mrs. Edwin L., 1965

Davis, Emma Lou, undated, 1942

Davis, Ferdinand H., 1961

Davis, Floyd, 1938

Davis Galleries, undated

Davis, Ginger, 1968

Davis, Henry A., 1956

Davis, Hubert, 1941

Davis, Janet Evans, 1959

Davis, Kathe, 1959

Davis, Lew, 1959

Davis, Mary M. (Mrs. Keith), 1962

Davis, Richard, 1931

Davis, Richard B., 1966

Davis, Richard S., 1951-1954

Davis, Robert Tyler, 1943, 1959

Davis, Roselle and/or Stuart, 1931, 1946, 1953-1956, 1959, 1963-1965, 1967

Davis, Virginia Stetiley, undated

Davis, Mrs. Walter, 1963

Davison Art Center, 1952-1953, 1955 (see also: Wesleyan University)

Davisson, 1940

Dawson, Sam, 1959

Day and Meyer, Murray and Young Corp., 1968

Day and Zimmerman, Inc., 1955

Day, Lucy D. (Mrs. W. E., Jr.), undated, 1962

Days, Jacquelyn, 1968

Dayton Art Institute, 1934, 1939, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1955, 1958-1959, 1966-1967

Dayton Typographic Service, 1965

Dayton's Gallery, 1966

Deal, Ogden, 1960

Dealers of American Art, 1957 (see also: New York Dealers of American Art)

"Dealers Show American Art," 1941

Dearden, Francis Greenwood, 1952-1953

de Bedts, Ralph F. and/or Ruth, 1958, 1961

Decca Records, Inc., 1943

de Coninck, Suzanne, 1960

Decorators Club, Inc., 1939, 1941, 1943

De Cordova and Dana Museum and Park, undated, 1951, 1957-1958, 1959, 1961, 1963

de Cordova, Nancy, 1964

Major William F. Deegan Post No. 1, 1941

Defenbacher, Dan S., 1958, 1966

de Gampes, Enriqueta, 1953

de Golier, Mary Ann (Mrs. Ralph J.), undated, 1947, 1964, 1966-1967

de Graaf, Mrs. Peter, 1967

de Graaff, Mr. and/or Mrs. Jan, 1948, 1951-1952

Jack De Gregory and Company, 1967

de Groot, Adelade Milton, undated, 1941

De Haan, Norman R., 1965-1966

de Hauke, Cesar M., 1958-1959

DeHaven, Heidi, 1959

De Hovitz, Bernard, 1958-1959, 1961

Deitsch, Peter H., 1959

Deitsch Gallery, 1956

de Koven, Daniel, undated, 1950, 1956, 1959-1960

Delahantey, William E., 1954

deLara, Jea'Belle, 1957

Delavan, Elizabeth G. and/or Nelson B., Jr., 1963, 1965-1966

Delaware Art Center, 1959-1960, 1967 (see also: Society of the Fine Arts)

Delaware, University of (see: University of Delaware)

Delaware Valley Art Foundation, 1959

K. Delbanco, Incorporated, 1957

Delfino, Peter, undated, 1962

Isaac Delgado Museum of Art, 1949, 1959-1960

Delhorn, M. M., 1969

de Liagre, Alfred, 1959

Delloye, Charles, 1962

Delmonico's Hotel, 1964

Delphic Studios, 1933

Delta Letter Service, undated

Demarest Memorial Foundation, Inc., 1956-1957

de Menil, Mr. and Mrs., 1965

de Menil, Mr. and/or Mrs. Jean, 1951, 1955

de Menil, John, 1957, 1962

Demeter, Mary, 1958

De Mille, Agnes George, 1966

Demmer, Vera Haberle, 1962

Demmer, Victor, 1967

Demotte, L. J., 1933

Eva De Nagy Gallery, 1960

Dendal, Yves, 1957

Denenberg, Stuart R., 1966

De Niro, Helen M., 1952

Denman, Carl, 1963-1965

Denman, Jean and/or John C., undated, 1946-1949, 1951, 1953-1956, 1958-1960, 1962, 1964, 1966

Dennison, Carl L., undated, 1965-1968

J. M. Dent and Sons Ltd., 1959

Denver Art Museum, 1935, 1937-1939, 1942, 1951, 1955-1960, 1963, 1965-1966, 1968

Department of Commerce and Public Events, New York City, 1957

Department of Labor, 1952

Department of State, 1946, 1951, 1960-1963, 1965-1971 (see also: U.S. Department of State)

Department of the Army, Reorientation Branch, 1949-1950 (see also: U. S. Army)

De Pauw University, 1959

Deramus, Mrs. John, 1961

Derecktor, Lina P., 1956

Derkert, Carlo, 1963

Derrickson, Howard, 1949

Derskey, Morris, 1955

Derum, Ardis V., 1958

de Santamaria, Marta, 1955

De Schepper, Gerald R., 1964

De Sharp, Ernest, undated, 1942, 1944

J. Blaise de Sibour and Company, 1953, 1956-1957

Design -- , 1948, 1951

Design Associates Gallery International, 1967

Design Publishing Co., 1947

Deskey, Donald, 1932

Des Moines Art Center, 1949-1968

Des Moines Art Center, Junior Art Museum (see: Junior Art Museum of the Des Moines Art Center)

Des Moines Association of Fine Arts, 1934, 1939-1940

Des Moines Register and Tribune, 1955, 1957

Despres, Leon M., 1948, 1951-1952

Despres, Marion A. (Mrs. Leon M.), 1952

Detering Galleries, 1956-1958

Detroit Artists Market (see also: Mrs. H. Lee Simpson)

Detroit Institute of Arts, 1935, 1937-1946, 1948-1955, 1957-1960, 1962-1968

Detroit Museum of Art Founders Society, 1941, 1956-1957, 1960

Detroit School of Art, 1935

Detweiler, Joan (Mrs. Frank Hall), undated, 1962

Deutsch, Mrs. James, 1961

Devean, Ross R., 1940

Devernay, Joseph, 1966

Devine, Thomas, 1959

De Vito, Teresa M., 1961

Devlin Gallery, 1965

DeVoe, Nina, 1963

DeVoos, Julius J., 1966

Devree, Mr. and/or Mrs. Howard, 1940, 1955-1958, 1962

Dewald, Elsie, 1965

M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, undated, 1933, 1935, 1939, 1941-1943, 1945, 1946, 1949, 1965, 1968

d'Harnoncourt, René and/or Sarah, undated, 1951, 1968

Diamant, Linc, 1959

Diamond, Harold, 1958-1959

Diamond, Isidore, 1959

Dickinson College, 1965

Dickinson, Edwin W., 1959

Dickinson, Preston, 1930

Dickler, Gerald, 1964, 1965-1967

Dickson, George L., 1952

Dickstein, Samuel, 1941

Dienst Voor Schone Kunsten der Gemeente 'S-Gravenhage, 1954-1955, 1964 (see also: Gemeentemuseum)

Dijkstra, Sandra, 1967

Dilley, Ray, 1952

Dillon, C. Douglas, 1959

Dillon, Enid K. [Nikkie], 1968-1969

Diners Club, Inc., undated, 1959, 1967-1968

Dinko, Andrew, 1965

Dinner in Tribute to S. Hurok, 1967

Terry Dintenfass, Inc., 1962-1963, 1965, 1968, 1971 (see also: D Contemporary)

District of Columbia Public Library, 1962

Dobson, Merlin W., 1969

Dochterman, Lillian, 1962

Dodd, Mead and Company, 1941

Dodge, Mrs. B., 1956

Dodge, Hannah S. (Mrs. Ozias), 1955

Doemling, Robert W., 1959

Doerning, E. B., 1941

Doherty, Beatrice E., undated, 1955

Doi, Blanche, 1968

Doi, Isamu, 1966

Dole Company, 1968

Dole, William, 1967

Dollin, Lois Eaton, 1965

Dolphin, Harriet, 1968

Dombrowski, Jim, 1966

Dominat, Paul, 1961, 1963

Dominican Repbulic, Embassy of (see: Embassy of the Dominican Republic)

Donahue, Frank M., 1952

W. B. Donner and Company Advertising, 1953

Donoho, David, 1962, 1963

Donohue, Paula (Mrs. George M.), 1952-1953, 1955-1956, 1958

Donovan, Anne K., 1955

Ellen Donovan Gallery, 1953

Donson, Jerome Allan, undated, 1960, 1963

Dordan, Leonard, 1961

Doremus and Co., Ltd., 1964

Dorens and De Waal, 1950

George J. Dorfman and Company, 1958-1961, 1965-1967

Dorfman, Robert L., undated, 1969

Dorment, James, Jr., 1969

Dormer, James T., 1965

Dorne, Albert, 1940, 1941, 1952-1954

Dorner, Alexander, 1938

Dorsky Gallery, 1965

Doubleday and Company, Inc., 1966-1968

Doubleday Book Shop, 1959

Doudera, Gerard, 1961

Dougherty, Mrs. Frazer, 1967

Doughty, Frances, 1942

Douglas, Bernard, 1956

Frederick Douglass Institute, 1967 (see also: Museum of African Art)

George Douglass, Inc., 1966 (see also: Fine Arts Conservation Laboratories, Inc.)

Douty, Esther M. (Mrs. Harry M.), 1960

Dove, Mrs., 1958

Dove, Aline, 1965

Dove, Reds (Mrs. Arthur), undated

Dove, William, 1954, 1968

Dover, Cedric, 1959

Dover Publications, Inc., 1963, 1969

Dow and Stonebridge, 1965

Dowell, Violet Hayden, 1964

Dowling, Robert W., 1959

Downing, George E., 1967

Downtown Community School, 1955, 1957-1958

Downtown Gallery, undated, 1927, 1936, 1952, 1961

Downtown Gallery Welfare Fund, 1952

Dows, Olin, undated, 1940-1942

Doyle, Louis, 1955

Drabkin, David and/or Stella, undated, 1956-1959, 1967

Drake, Ed, 1963

Drake, H. B., 1965

Lawrence Drake Gallery, 1960

Drake University, 1948, 1954-1956, 1965

Walter Drake and Sons, Inc., 1965, 1968

Draper, Mary Childs, undated, 1958, 1961-1966

Dreier, Katherine S., 1944-1945, 1948-1949 (see also: Société Anonyme)

Dressner Company, 1965

Drew University, 1966

Drewes, William K., 1955

Drey, Walter, 1938

Dreyfuss, Doris, 1966

Dreyfuss, Henry, 1947, 1949-1951, 1953, 1956-1957, 1959, 1961-1962, 1966-1967

Driscoll, C. P., 1966

Driscoll, Thomas, 1959

Dryden Press, Inc., 1946

Duane, James C., undated, 1969

Dubinsky, Linda, 1961

Dublin, Mrs., 1927

Dubnow, Rochelle Meta, undated, 1960, 1964

Dubuque Art Association, 1958

Duca, Alfred, 1961

Duchamp, Marcel, 1965

Duchin, Eddie, 1941

du Cros, L. Teissier, 1961

Dudensing Galleries, Inc., undated, 1931-1933

Dudensing, Leroy, 1930

Dudensing, Richard, 1930-1931

Dudensing, Valentine, 1957

Dudley, Harold R., 1961

Duffy, James F., 1957

Duhamel, P. Albert, 1965

Duhl, Leonard J., 1957

Dumont Broadcasting Corp., 1957

Dunbar Accessories, 1955, 1956

Dunbar, Anna (Mrs. Davis), undated, 1941

Dunbar Furniture Corporation, 1955-1957, 1963

Duncan, Barbara, undated, 1955

Duncan, Charles, 1950

Dundee Designs, 1955

Dunham, Katherine, 1941

Dunham, W. Stacey, 1952

Dunhill Construction Corporation, 1965

Dunleavy, Anne, 1966

Dunn and Bradstreet, Inc., 1960

Dunn, Harry Hopkins, undated, 1941

Dunn International Exhibition, 1963

Dunn, James Taylor, 1961, 1963

Dupont, Harry F., 1939

Durand-Ruel, Inc., 1942

Durant, T. W., 1942

Durfen, Charles, Jr., 1964

Durlacher Bros., 1955

Durnan, Charles F., 1933

H. Duroff and Sons, Inc., 1963

Dutila, Mary, undated

Duval, Jean-Jacques, 1960

Duval, Sally, 1951

Duveen, Albert, 1940-1941

Duveen Brothers, Inc., 1935

Duveen, Joseph, 1931

Duveen, Lord, 1934-1935

Duveen-Graham Gallery, 1957

Dwight, Edward H., 1948

Dwinell, Betty, 1952

Dyke Air Conditioning Co., 1961

Dykes Lumber Co., 1964

Dyne, Michael, undated, 1965

Eagle, Joanne Shaw, 1964, 1967

Eakins Press, 1968

East Cleveland Museum Galleries, 1964

East End Electric Company, 1941

East Side House Winter Antiques Show, 1955

Eastchester Library, 1964

Eastern Airlines, Inc., undated, 1945, 1960, 1966-1967

Eastern Arts Association, 1956

Eastern Illinois University, 1964

Eastern Washington State Historical Society, 1962

George Eastman House, 1959, 1961, 1966

Eastman, John, Jr., undated, 1964, 1967

Eaton, Lawrence G., 1961

Eaves, Winslow Bryan, 1948

Ebenhart Antiques, 1959

Eberts, Mrs. Frank J., 1954

Ecke, Mrs. B. T., 1969 (see also: Tseng, Yu-Ho)

Ecke, Mrs. Gustav, 1964 (see also: Tseng, YuHo)

Ecke, Tseng, 1968 (see also: Tseng, Yu-Ho)

Ecker, Frances S., 1946

Eckstein, George, 1958

Economy Buying Service, 1960

Edblom, T. Thomas, 1957

Edelman, Bernard, 1958

Edelson, Gilbert S., 1967

Edelstein, Anna, 1959

Edelstein, Haskell, 1968

Edelstein, J. M., 1963

Edelstone, Martha M. and/or Sigmund E., undated, 1954

Edenburg, Dorothy Braude (Mrs. E. M.), 1954, 1956-1957

Edison, Julian I., 1961-1962

Thomas A. Edison Industries, 1957, 1959, 1965

Editorial Projects, Inc., 1960, 1964, 1968

Edizioni d'Arte Moderna, 1965

Edmundson Art Foundation, Inc., 1963

Edson, Enid, 1964

Educational Alliance, 1963

Educational Dimensions Corporation, 1968

Edwards, Archibald C., 1949-1950, 1954-1955, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1963-1964

Edwards, F. P., 1952

Edwards, Oscar, 1965

Edwards Products Company, 1964

Eeckhout, Paul, 1964

Effenbach, Lillian, 1963

Efron, George, 1953

Egan Gallery, 1961, 1966

Egner, Arthur F., 1933

Ehrenfeld, Pierre, undated

Ehrenfest, Fritz, 1942-1943, 1951

Ehrenfest, Paul and Elizabeth, 1961

Ehrlich, Mrs. C., 1961

Ehrlich, Simon, 1957

Ehsofon, Joan, 1957

Eidlitz, Dorothy Meigs (Mrs.Ernest Frederick), undated, 1950-1951, 1954, 1968

Einhorn, Harold, 1967

Einstein, William, 1951

Eisenberg, Stuart, 1967

Eisenberg, Theresa (Mrs. Benjamin K.), 1963

Eisendrath, Bill and/or Eva, undated, 1960-1961

Eisenstadt, Julius, 1965

Eisenstein, Mrs. Julian, 1960

Eisler, Mrs. Lee, 1958

Elber, Mrs. George A., 1953

Elber, Sylvia, 1953

Elerbee and Co., 1957

Elfirn, Peggy, undated

Eliot, Alexander, undated, 1954

Elish, Mrs. Herbert, 1964

Elisofen, Eliot, 1958, 1962, 1964

Elkoff, Marvin, 1964

Ellenberg, Max, 1969

Ellenhorn, David N., 1969

Ellerbee and Company, 1958

Douglas L. Elliman and Co., Inc., 1944

Elliott, Mr., 1960

Elliott, James H., 1955

Elliott, Laura, undated, 1956

Elliott, Mathilde Rice (Mrs. Richard M.), 1966

Ellis, Billie L. (Mrs. Donald), 1965

Ellis, G. William, undated

Ellis, Garland A., 1952, 1956-1957, 1960

Ellis, William, 1960

Ellison, A. K., 1952

Ells, Hal P., 1961

Elmore, Helen, undated

Elsen, Albert E., 1965

Elterman, David I., 1959

Elwell, George L., 1952

Elzer, Mr. and Mrs. Norman, 1963

Emau-el Midtown YM-YWHA, 1965

Embassy of Israel, 1969

Embassy of the Dominican Republic, 1964

Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1941, 1958-1959

Embassy of the United States of America, Oslo, 1953 (see also: Norwegian Embassy)

Embry, Debbie, 1961

Emerson, R. H., 1953

Emery Air Freight, 1967

Emil, Allan D. and/or Kate, undated, 1955, 1957-1958, 1961-1963, 1965-1967

Emilson, Mrs. Sten, 1963

Emmel, G. Leonard, 1953

Andre Emmerich Gallery, 1960, 1962

Empire Furnace and Stove Repair Co., 1939

Employer Aids, 196

Encyclopedia Americana -- , 1955

Encyclopedia Britannica -- , 1944-1946, 1948, 1950, 1958-1959, 1962, 1968

Encyclopedia Judaica Research Foundation, 1966

Encyclopedia of World Art -- , 1958

Endicott, Priscilla M.,1949

Engelking, Mrs. A. C., 1963

Engel, Herman J., 1963-1964

England, Mrs. Ben, 1966

Engleman, Mark, 1952

Enlow, Max, 1962

Enoch, Margaret M., 1967

Enterprise Magazine, Inc., 1956

Environment, 1963

Epp, Allen D., 1966, 1967

Epstein, Ellen and/or Henry J., undated, 1959-1960

Epstein, Jacob and/or Kathleen, 1956-1959

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1965

Equitable Life Assurance Society, 1961, 1964

Erasco International Corporation, 1958

Erdelac, Joe, 1968

Eric, S. W., 1955

Erman, John M., 1966

Ermoyan, Genie, 1960

Ernst, Dallas, 1960

Ernst, Jimmy, 1958

Ernst, Virginia M., 1964

Erpf, Armand, undated, 1955-1956, 1959-1960, 1963-1965

Erwin, Hobe, 1949

Escarra-Champtier de Ribes, Marie Edmee, 1959-1960

Escola Nationale des Belles Artes (Brazil), 1931

Eshelman, John J., 1952

Esman, A. H., 1957

Esman, Rosa, 1958

Essex County Section, National Council of Jewish Women, Inc., undated

Esquir -- e, 1944, 1962

Esterly, John R. and/or Nancy B., 1961-1963

Estes, Anne (Mrs. L. H., Jr.), 1958

Ethe, Solomon, 1960

Etheridge, O., 1955

Etnier, Susan (Mrs. Carley), undated, 1934

Etra, Martin, 1962

Etrovich, Anthony W., 1951-1952

Ettinger, Henry, 1964-1965

Ettlinger, Marjorie and/or Richard L., 1961, 1964

Eulau, Mr. and/or Mrs. Milton B., 1965-1966

Eurich, Alvin, 1952

European Marble Co., 1968

Evans, Clifford, 1961, 1962-1963

Evans, Mrs. Harry, 1933-1934

Evans, Michael, undated

Evans, Richard II, 1962-1963, 1965, 1967

Evansville Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1968

Evansville Press, 1956, 1958

Evansville Public Museum, 1949, 1952

Evening and Sunday Bulletin -- , 1965

Evergood, Philip, undated

Everhart Museum, 1964

Everitt, Robert Staunton and/or Paulina, 1960, 1963

Everson Museum of Art, 1959, 1965-1966

Everts, Mrs. Frank J., 1954-1956

Evett, Kenneth, 1960

Ewing, Suzanna and Edgar, undated

Excelsior Savings Bank, 1946, 1953-1954, 1960

Exhibition Momentum (artists' group), 1954 (see also: Momentum)

Eyerly, Frank and/or Jeanette, 1953-1954, 1957, 1961

Fabry, Alois, 1958

Fadiman, Genee (Mrs. William), 1958, 1961

fa*gen, Abel E., 1956, 1958

fa*gen, Mildred R., undated, 1958-1959

Fainberg, M., 1934

Farleigh Dickinson College, 1952

Fairleigh Dickinson University, 1957-1963

Fairmount Temple, 1960

Fairweather, Sally (Mrs. Owen), undated, 1948-1950, 1954, 1967 (see also: Contemporary Art; Fairweather-Hardin Gallery)

Fairweather-Garnett Gallery, 1953

Fairweather-Hardin Gallery, 1952, 1954-1955, 1958-1960, 1962-1969 (see also: Contemporary Art; Fairweather, Sally)

Faison, S. Lane, Jr., 1963, 1965, 1967

Falk, A. C., 1959

Falk, Philip, 1966

George Fall Edition, 1958

Fall, Mrs. George, 1956

Falmer, Daniel W.,1956

Falzoni, Giodano, 1955

Family Weekly -- , 1959

Famous Artists Magazine -- , 1961, 1964, 1968

Famous Artists Schools, Inc., 1953, 1959, 1964, 1967

Far Brook School, 1957, 1959

Far Gallery, 1964

Farley, Marsha, 1957

Farnham, Emily, 1955-1956,1958, 1965-1968

William A. Farnsworth Library and Art Museum, 1948-1951

Farnsworth Television and Radio Corporation, 1944

Farrar, Margaret (Mrs. John), 1966

Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, Inc., 1956

Farrar, Straus and Young, Inc, 1954

Farrell, Helen Cottrell, 1957

Farrington, Carl S., 1961-1962

Fashion Institute, 1959

Faulkner, Ray N., 1943

Fawcett, Robert, 1963

Fawcus, 1965

Fay, Clark, 1933

Fearing, Kelly, 1951

Feder, Dan and/or Ruth, 1964-1965

Federal Air Conditioning Corporation, 1957, 1962

Federal Art Project, 1936-1937

Federal Civil Works Administration, 1934

Federal Storage Co., 1958

Federal Works Agency, Work Projects Administration, 1940-1943 (see also: Works Progress Administration)

Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, 1947, 1964

Fee, Irene, 1958

Feigen Palmer Gallery, 1966

Feigen, Richard Lee, 1955, 1964

Richard Feigen Gallery, Inc., undated, 1960, 1968

Feigman, Joyce and/or Saul, 1959-1960, 1963, 1966-1967

Fein, Barnet, 1965

Feiner, Mrs. Ben, 1954

Feiner, Wilhelmina Fox, 1954

Feingarten, Charles, 1954

Feininger, Julia and/or Lyonel, 1954-1955

Feld, Stuart, 1966

Felden, Victoria, 1962

Feldman, Barbara, 1960, 1962

Feldman, Gloria (Mrs. Marvin K.), 1962

J. Feldman Plumbing and Heating, 1941

Feldman, Joseph P., 1960

Feldman, Maurice, 1962

Feldman, Ralph, undated, 1953

Feldman, S. L., 1960

Feldman, Walter, 1952

Feldstein, Charles R., 1963, 1966

Felheim, La Salle, 1952

Feller, Amy A. Brocks, undated

Felson, H., undated

Fenmore, Maxwell J., 1964

Fenneberg, P., 1963

Fenster, Gershon, 1940-1943

Fenton, Lelia Timberman (Mrs. Gerald), undated

Ferargil, Inc., 1933-1934, 1939, 1943, 1947, 1950

Ferber, Martin J., 1955

Fergenson, A. Leon, 1959, 1961-1965

Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs., 1965

Ferine, James A., 1967

Fermi, Giulio, 1956

Ferrari, Louise, 1966

Ferrieu, Pierre H., 1964

Ferro, Mollie (Mrs. David J.), 1956

Ferry, W. Hawkins, 1953-1956

Ferzinger, Dan, 1963

Fessler, Mrs. James, 1945

Festival Foundation, Inc., 1957

Festival of the Bible in the Arts, 1960

Fidelity Appraisal Company, Inc., 1958

Field, Harold D., 1963

Field, Marshall, 1940, 1968-1969

Marshall Field and Company, 1934, 1941, 1956, 1958

Marshall Field Awards, Inc., 1956

Field, Mrs. Samson R., 1950

Field, Samuel K., 1960

Field, Virginia, 1952

Edward Fields Company, Inc., undated, 1946

Fields, S. R., 1953

Fiene, Ernest, 1958, 1960

Fifth Avenue Bus Advertising Co., 1934

Fifth Avenue Coach Co., 1932

Le Figaro -- , 1951

Figlia and Sons, Inc., 1966

Figueroa, Laura Lopea, 1954

Figure -- , 1956

Filene's, 1951, 1952, 1959

Filler, Louis, 1943

Film Associates, 1968

Filmer, Daniel, 1956

Filner, Catharine P., 1957

Filpi, John A., 1961

Filson, A. I., 1956

Finch College, 1964

Fine, Adolph, 1960-1961

Fine Art Committee, 1947

Fine Arts Associates, 1956

Fine Arts Society of San Diego, 1960

Fine Arts Conservation Laboratories, Inc., undated, 1960-1963, 1966 (see also: George Douglass, Inc.)

Fine Arts Expositions, 1934

Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, 1935, 1943, 1945-1947, 1951-1952, 1961, 1965, 1968 (see also: San Diego Art Museum)

Fine Arts Patrons of Newport Harbor, 1964 Fine, Barnet, 1965-1966

Finger, O. M., 1943

Fink, David, 1956

Fink, Don, 1956, 1957

Fink, Frances S. (Mrs. Nathan H.), 1963

Fink, Nelson P., 1940

Finkel, Doris W., 1967

Finkelstein, Lester M., 1965

Finkelstein, Maurice, 1946-1947

Finley, David Edward, 1961

Finn, Mrs. Albert, 1963

Finn, Gloria, undated, 1958

Fione, A., 1952

Firemen's Fund Group, 1953

Firestone, Leonard K. and/or Sally C., 1957-1958, 1960

"First Municipal Art Exhibition," 1934

First National Bank of Fort Worth, 1951, 1962

First National Trust and Savings Bank of San Diego, 1959-1961

Firzacca, Patricia, 1965

Fis Printing Sales Co., 1964

Fischer, Leo, undated

Fischer, Max, 1957

Fischer, Merrill, 1955

Fischer, Mr. and/or Mrs. Roland, 1959-1960-1963

Fischmann, Milton, 1961-1962

Fisher, David, 1964

Franklin Fisher and Associates, undated, 1947-1948

Fisher, H. F., 1944

Fisher, James, 1965

Fisher, Nora, 1966

Fishko, Bella, undated, 1961

Fiske Free Library, 1969

Fiske University, 1956

Fisse, Mari M. (Mrs. Frank H.), undated, 1941

Fitch, George H., undated, 1949, 1956, 1958, 1968

Dord Fitz Galleries, 1956-1957

Fitzgerald, Robert, 1966, 1968

FitzGerald, Vincent, 1965

Thoms A. FitzSimon Galleries, 1955

Five Mile River Gallery, 1960

Five Towns Music and Art Foundation, Inc., 1952

Flack, Mrs. Frank M., 1961

Flair, 1949

Flair Galleries, 1965-1967

Flash Mail, 1942

Fleck, Mrs. Edward M., 1959

Fleet Publishing Corp, 1962

Fleischman, Barbara and/or Lawrence Arthur, undated, 1952-1959, 1961-1963, 1965

Fleischman, Martha, 1961

Samuel S. Fleisher Art Memorial, 1965

Fleschner, Laura and/or Malcolm K., 1962, 1968

Fleury, Leo A., undated

Flexner, James T.,1954

Flinn, Gladd, undated

Flint Institute of Arts, 1942-1944, 1956-1958, 1962-1965, 1967

Flock Process Corp., 1940

Florida Artists Group, Inc., 1949

Florida Gulf Coast Art Center, 1949-1953 (see also: Clearwater Art Museum)

Florida Presbyterian College, 1966

Florida State University, 1950, 1952-1953, 1958-1960

Florida, University of (see: University of Florida)

Florsheim, Helen and/or Richard, undated, 1957

Florsheim, Lillian, 1954

Floyd, Thomas H., 1960

Flying Tiger Line, Inc., 1963

Flynn, Harrison and Conroy, 1961

Focus -- , 1951

Fogel, Howard H., 1960

Fogel, Seymour, 1957-1958

Adelaide Fogg Art Gallery, 1958

Fogg Art Museum, undated, 1933-1934, 1940-1945, 1951-1954, 1956-1957, 1960-1961, 1963, 1965-1967, 1969 (see also: Sachs, Paul J.)

Lucien Lefebvre Foinet Co., 1965

Folbre, Terry, 1967

Folds, Thomas, 1951

Foley, John R., 1951, 1953, 1957

Foley's, 1949, 1954

Folio Shop, 1959

Folkway Art Center, 1953

Folsom, Mrs. Arnott R., 1949

Folsom Engraving Co., 1955, 1957-1961, 1963

Fonda, Henry, 1941

Fong, Bernice, undated, 1968

Food Fair Stores, 1956

Foote, Cone and Belding Advertising, 1949

Foote, Donna K., 1967

Foote, John, Jr., 1955

Foote, John H., Jr., 1947

"For Modern Living," 1949

Forbes, Edward W., undated

Force, Juliana, undated, 1930, 1940-1941, 1943

Ford, Benson, undated, 1950

Ford, Mr. and/or Mrs. Edsel, 1933-1934, 1937, 1941-1942

Ford, Eleanor, undated

Ford Foundation, 1958-1961, 1963

Ford, Mr. and/or Mrs. Henry II, 1948, 1953-1957

Ford, Jane (Mrs. Maynard), undated

Ford, Mary, undated

Ford Motor Co., 1955, 1962

Ford, O'Neil, 1956

Ford, Mrs. Walter B., 1961-1962

Fordham University, 1958

Foreman, Mairi, 1961

Forest, Jack J., undated, 1969

Forest Neighborhood House, 1950

Forman, B., 1960

Forman, Cecile, 1957

Forman, Fred, 1960

Forman, Mrs. Joseph, 1957

Forman, Maxine (Mrs. Maurice R.), undated, 1941

Formes -- , undated, 1932

Forsythe Gallery, 1964

Forsythe, Mrs. H. Frank, 1966-1967

Forsythe, Jessie W., 1950

Fort Dodge Federation of Arts, Inc., 1940

Fort, Leonard, undated

Fort Riley, 1961

Fort Wayne and Allen County Public Library, 1964

Fort Wayne Art School and Museum, 1941, 1952, 1958-1959, 1962-1965, 1967

Fort Wayne Arts Foundation, Inc., 1958

Fort Worth Art Association, 1941, 1949, 1951-1953, 1957, 1960, 1964, 1967

Fort Worth Art Center, undated, 1954, 1956, 1959, 1961-1962, 1964, 1968-1969

Fort Worth Star-Telegram -- , 1951

Fortess, Karl E., 1955-1956

Fortune -- , 1939-1942, 1944, 1946, 1948, 1950-1951, 1955-1956, 1958, 1967-1968

40 Plus Club, 1957

Forum Gallery, 1963-1965, 1968

Foshee, Rufus, 1961-1964

Fossum, Syd, 1941-1942

Foster, Evelyn, 1963

Foster, Jim, 1964-1965

Foth, Felicia and Warren, 1963

Foundation Library Center, 1958

Fountain Gallery of Art, 1962, 1965

Four Arts Gallery, 1955

Four Seasons Bookshop, 1954

Fouraker, Stanley R., 1954

Fowler, Alfred, 1949

Fowler, Murray, 1950

Fox, Jerome L., 1961

Fox, Timothy, 1966

Fraiberg, Louis, 1965

Frame, Bryan Ardis, 1951, 1953-1954, 1956-1957, 1961-1962

Franc, Marian K. (Mrs. Spencer W.), 1969

Francis, Henry Sayles, undated

Francis, Muriel B., 1959

Frank, Arthur, 1932

Frank Brothers, 1956

Frank, Mrs. Herbert, 1954-1955

Frank, Joseph, 1965

Frank, Mr. and/or Mrs. Leonard S., 1966

Frank Travel Service, 1964, 1965

Frankel, Thelma (Mrs. Louis), 1958

Frankenstein, Alfred V., 1943, 1948, 1952-1953, 1955-1958, 1962-1963, 1965

Frankenthaler, Helen, 1956

Frankfurter Allianz, undated

Franklin and Walsh, Inc., 1960

Franklin Institute, 1935

Frano, Theodore S., 1954

Fransoli, Thomas A., 1955

Franzheim, Kenneth, 1951-1953, 1955-1956

Fraser and Co., 1968

Robert Fraser Gallery, Ltd., 1963

Fratelli Fabbri Editori, 1966-1969

Frazier, Walter S., 1961, 1964

Frechie, Gordon R., 1964

Freda, Carl, 1965

Fredenthal, H. D., undated

Fredenthal, David and/or Marianne, undated, 1951, 1953-1954, 1957

John Fredericks, Inc., 1954, 1957

Frederics, Fred, 1946-1947, 1952

Frederics, John, 1953

Fredonia Products, undated

Free Library of Philadelphia, 1962, 1964

Freed, John, 1956

Freedman, Florence B. (Mrs. Joel), 1964

Freedman, Dr. and Mrs. Joel M., 1963

Freedman, Michelle, 1952

Freeman, Arthur R. and/or Linda, 1961-1967, 1969

Freeman, Betty and/or Stanley M., undated, 1955, 1957-1960, 1964

Freeman, Fred, 1956

Freeman, Mrs. Gaylord, 1961

Freeman, Hersch B., undated, 1960, 1962-1965, 1967

Freeman, Ira Henry, 1953

Freeman, Joseph T., 1956

Freeman, Karen, 1962, 1965

Freeman, Karen Jane, 1966-1967

Freeman, M. Joel, 1957

Freeman, Reuben L., 1951

Freeman, Richard B., 1935, 1958, 1966, 1969

Freen, Alfred, 1958

Freer, Mrs. M. H., 1968

Freer, Margaret O'Neil, 1969

Freeworth, Leslie, 1960

Freiday, Dean, 1955

Frelinghuysen, A. H., 1941

Frelinghuysen, H. O., 1942

Frelinghuysen, Henry, 1965

French and Co., Inc., 1961

French, John, 1959

Frenkel and Co., Inc., 1953, 1968

Fresno State Teachers College, 1944

Fretwell, Joseph, 1965

Morton Freund Advertising Agency, 1946

Frick Art Reference Library, 1944-1946, 1952

Fricker, Jeanine, 1966

Fricks, Mrs. Ray, 1961

Fried, Elaine, 1965

Rose Fried Gallery, 1963

Fried, Sam, 1956-1957, 1962-1963

Friedberg, M., 1963

Friedland, George, 1954, 1956, 1959

Friedland, Jerome A., 1963

Friedlander, Brent, 1961

Friedlander, Maurice, 1958

Friedman, Mrs. Howard, 1961

Friedman, Jane, 1955

Friedman, M. H., 1965

Friedman, Meyer, undated, 1954, 1956-1958, 1961

Friedman, R. H., 1956

Friedman, Rubin, 1932

Friedman, Townsend, 1934

Friemark, Robert, 1961

Friendly, Dorothy G. and/or Fred W., 1956-1957, 1959, 1961, 1963

Friends Hospital, 1955-1956

Friends of American Art, 1940

Friends of Contemporary Art, Inc., 1950

Friesel, Mrs. Herman, 1958

Frishkorn, Suzanne G., 1963

Frisoli, John D., 1960, 1964

Fritz, Ronald, 1953

Frizzell, Richard, 1961

Froese, Maack and Becker, 1954

Frost, Robert, undated

Frost, Theodore, 1961

Frudenthal, Frank, 1941

Allan Frumkin Gallery, Inc., 1963

Fry, Clements C., 1950

Charles and Emma Frye Free Public Art Museum, 1954

Fryer, Judith E., 1965

Fuessenich, F. W., 1956-1957

Fuji International Art, Inc., undated

Fujii, Mrs. John S., 1962

Fujita, S. Neil, 1959

Fuller, Charles F., 1945, 1947

Fuller, Mrs. Daniel B., 1951

Fuller, E. L., Jr., 1967, 1969

Fuller, Fay N., Jr., 1958

Fulloni, Mario, 1959

Fulton National Bank of Lancaster, 1957

Fund Insurance Companies, 1962

Wilfred Funk and Co., 1965

Furness, F. R., 1941

Furness, Withy and Company, Ltd., undated

G Contemporary Paintings, 1960, 1962-1963, 1966 (see also: James Goodman Gallery)

G Place Gallery, 1944 (see also: David Porter Gallery)

Gabe, Grace, 1960-1961, 1964-1965

Gabriel, Francis X., 1959

Gaer, Joseph, undated

Gaglielmi, Steve, undated

Gaglione, Thomas A., undated, 1952, 1955-1960, 1966 (see also: Mayo Hill Galleries; Wellfleet Art Gallery)

Gaidano, Mario, 1964

Gainesville Sun, 1969

Galanti, Leo F., 1960

Galen, Mrs. Roland, 1957

Galería de Arte Mexicano, 1953-1955

Galerie Beaux Arts, 1931

Galerie Gerda Bassenge, 1963

Galerie Marcel Bernheim, 1963

Galerie de Berri, 1952

Galerie Bonnier, 1963

Galerie Chalette, 1959

Galerie Coard, 1963-1967

Galerie Georges Giroux, 1949

Galerie Hybler, 1960, 1962

Galerie International, 1961

Galerie Intime, 1964 (see also: Ansley Graham's Galerie Intime)

Galerie National, 1961

Galerie S. Ben Wargin, 1965

Galerie Zak, 1934

Galesburg Civic Art League, 1942

Gallagher, Edward J., Jr., undated, 1953-1957, 1959, 1963-1964

Gallagher, Mrs. James E., 1952

Gallagher, Mary, 1929-1931

Gallagher, Mrs. P., 1962

Gallant, W. E., Jr., 1964

Gallatin, A. E., 1931, 1935, 1938

Galleria Milano, 1965

Galleria Penelope, 1964

Galleria Schneider, 1956

Galleries Perreau-Saussine, 1961

Gallery, Inc., 1948, 1957

Gallery Daché, 1967

Gallery Daphne, 1967

Gallery "G", 1956

Gallery House, 1939

Gallery Itoh, 1966 (see also: Itoh Gallery)

Gallery Konarak, 1968

Gallery of Contemporary Art, Australia, 1958

Gallery of Contemporary Art, Toronto, 1956-1957 (see also: Modern Art Gallery of Toronto)

Gallery of Fine Art, 1960

Gallery of Israeli Art, 1969

Gallery of Modern Art incorporating the Huntington Hartford Collection, 1964-1965

Gallery of Modern Art, Scottsdale, 1964

Gallery Pascal, 1965

Gallery Passport, Ltd., 1965

Gallery Productions, 1965

Gallery Reese Palley, 1968

Gallery Seventy-Seven, 1954

Gallery 10, 1961, 1962

E. and J. Gallo Winery, 1964

Gallowhur, George, 1937-1939

Gans, Helene P., 1958

Gans, Mrs. Leonard, 1958

Ganseman, Mme. Jean Paul, 1958

Gantt, Alberta Rae, 1953

Ganso Gallery, 1950

Garbisch, Bernice and/or Edgar W., undated, 1947-1949, 1955, 1957

Gardiner, Avis and/or Rockwell, 1953-1954

Gardner, Conway, 1939

Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, 1935

Gardner, Margaret, undated

Gardner, Milton, 1961, 1963

Gardner, Paul, 1933-1934, 1950

Gardner, Ruth, 1957

Garelick's Gallery, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1962, 1964

Garfield, Evelyn G. (Mrs. Gustave B.), 1959

Garrett, Alice, 1935

Garrett, Shirley, undated, 1948, 1953

Garrett, William S., Jr., 1952

Gartenberg, Laura (Mrs. Albert), 1963

Gash, Mr. and/or Mrs. Frederick, 1951, 1959, 1967 (see also: Genauer, Emily)

Gast, Harold N., 1959

George Gastine Galleries, 1945

Gaston, Marianne, 1953

Gates, Doris Mead (Mrs. Clinton H.), 1964

George W. Gates and Company, Inc., 1945-1946

Gatling, Eva Ingersoll, undated

Gaudnik, Walter, 1962

Gaylor, Adelaide L. (Mrs. Wood), 1957, 1959, 1969

Geannader, Edward, undated

Geeslin, Campbell, 1962

Geeslin, Gene S., 1965

Geib, Wayne A., 1960

Geigy Chemical Corporation, 1968

Geis, James C., 1968

Geissman, Marcella, 1957

Gelber, Mrs. Walter, 1969

Gemeentemuseum, 1954, 1960-1961, 1964-1965, 1968 (see also: Dienst Voor Schone Kunsten der Gemeente 'S-Gravenhage)

Genauer, Emily, 1946-1948, 1953-1954, 1956-1957, 1959, 1961, 1963-1965, 1967 (see also: Gash, Mrs. Frederick)

General Adjustment Bureau, Inc., 1951, 1964, 1967

General Board of Evangelism of the Methodist Church, 1964 (see also: Methodist Church)

General Cable Corporation, 1951, 1964

General Council of the Mennonite Church, 1962

General Motors Corporation, undated, 1956, 1958, 1968

Geneseo State Teachers College, 1958

Geneva Historical Society, 1967

Gensac, Andre, 1962

Gentry -- , 1956

Geoffrey, Iqbal, 1963

George, Laverne, undated

George, Mr. and/or Mrs. Thomas, 1955-1956

Georgia Museum of Art, 1964

Georgia, University of (see: University of Georgia)

Gerber, Mrs. James, 1962

Gerber, Sidney, 1957, 1959

Germaise, Freitag and Altman, 1961

Gernard, Jack, 1966

Gerngross, Frances (Mrs. H. O.), 1966-1967

H. O. Gerngross and Co., Inc., 1965, 1967

Gersham, M., 1960

Gershoy, Eugenie, 1966-1967

Gershwin, George, 1932-1934

Otto Gerson Gallery, 1960-1961

Gersten, Isabelle and/or Joseph, undated, 1948, 1952-1953, 1955-1958, 1961

Gerwitz, Mrs. Paul, undated, 1961

Getlein, Dorothy and/or Frank, undated, 1958-1963, 1965-1966

Getler, Helen (Mrs. Monte), 1967

Getler, Marie Estelle, 1960

Gettysburg College, 1958

Gewarter, Roslyn, 1963

Gewirtz, Mrs. P., 1966

Ghent, Henri, 1968

Gianasi, Gail F., 1964

Giannadeo, Edward, undated, 1968

Gibbes Art Gallery, 1954-1955

Gibson, Walter S., 1957

Gidding's, 1955, 1956

Gifford, Damon, 1963

Gifford, Emily (Mrs. Harold), undated

Gilbert, Creighton, 1953

Gilbert, Edwin ("Gill") and/or Virginia, undated, 1955, 1957-1967

Gilbert, Holly, 1962

James Gilbert and Company, Inc., 1962

Gilbert, Peter, 1967-1968

Gilchrist, Bruce, 1956

Gillespie, Anna (Mrs. John), 1963

Gillespie, Sallie M., 1950

Gilliland, Mary M., 1967

Gilman Galleries, 1963

Gilson, Mrs. Robert H., 1967

Gilvary, James, 1953, 1964

Gima's Art Gallery, 1964

Gimbel, Mrs. Adam, 1952

Gimbel, Alva B. (Mrs. Bernard F.), 1938-1939, 1951-1952, 1956

Gimbel Brothers, undated, 1948, 1962-1965, 1967

Gimberts, W. A., 1957

Gingerich, Owen, 1963

Ginn and Company, 1964-1965, 1968

Robert H. Ginter and Co., Inc., 1960, 1962

Ginzberg, Charles, 1946

Giron, 1958

Girsch, M. L., 1957

Gittlin, Sheryl, 1964

Gladstone Hotel, 1959

Gladwin, Harold, 1947

Gladwin, Winifred Jones (Mrs. Harold), 1947-1949

Glamour -- , 1946, 1952

Glasco, Joseph, 1953

Glasgal, Isidor, 1941

L. Glashow Inc., 1962

Glass, Irving H., 1968

Glass, Sherry H., 1966

Glassboro State College, 1961-1962

Glens Falls Indemnity Company, 1950, 1962

Glick, I. J., undated

Glo Cold Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Co., 1955, 1958, 1960-1961

Globe Indemnity Company, 1939-1940

Gloeckner, André, 1965

Glott, Michael M., undated

Glueck, Grace, 1964, 1968

Gnudi, Cesare, 1965

Go -- , 1955

Godchaux, Adele, 1962

Goff, Lloyd, 1963, 1965

Gold, Mr. and/or Mrs. Joseph E., 1949, 1952-1953, 1955, 1957, 1960, 1964

Goldart, Natalie, undated

Goldberg, Mrs. Arthur, 1965

Goldberg, Gary, undated, 1968

Goldberg, Lisa, 1969

Goldberg, Margerie (Mrs. Jerome S.), 1967-1968

Goldberg, Samuel Sumner, 1959

Goldburg, Robert E., undated, 1955, 1959-1961, 1964

Golden, Cipe (Mrs. William), 1960-1961

Golden Gate International Exposition, 1938-1940

Golden Press, Inc., 1961, 1968

Goldenson, Mrs. David B., 1965

Goldfains, Z., 1940

Goldin, Leon Herman, 1957

Golding, Dorothy K. (Mrs. Arthur J.), 1966

Goldman, Adeline and/or Harold J., undated, 1962-1963, 1965-1967, 1969

Goldman, Harry E., 1956

Goldman, Jan (Mrs. R. H.), 1958

Goldman, Mera Lee (Mrs. Leonard), 1959

Goldman, Milton, 1956

Goldman, Mrs. S. H., 1958

Goldman, William, 1954

Goldsholl, Millie, 1963

Morton Goldsholl Design Associates, Inc., 1960

Goldsmith, Berthe K., 1935

Goldsmith, Bliss, Greene, Inc., 1953

Goldsmith Brothers, 1953, 1957, 1960, 1962-1965

Goldsmith, Harold S., 1937-1940, 1942, 1947-1949, 1951-1952 (see also: Popular Publications, Inc.)

Goldsmith, Morton R., 1938

Goldstein, Mr. and/or Mrs. Herbert, 1956, 1960-1961

Goldstein, Morton, undated

Goldstine, Abner D., 1963

Goldstone, Herbert A., 1963, 1965

Goldstone, Robert, 1958

Goldstone, Seymour E., 1964

Goldthwaite, Lucy, 1961

Golffing, Francis, 1955

Golinkin, Joseph Webster, 1962

Golterman, Patricia H., 1965

Gonzales, Lorraine and/or Richard J., 1955-1956, 1962, 1965-1966

Gooch, Gerald, 1967

Goodall, Don, 1949

Goode, Paul K., 1956

Goodman, Arthur H. and/or Jean, 1960, 1964-1965

Goodman, Bertram, 1955

Goodman, C. F., 1959

Goodman, Mrs. Charles F., undated

Goodman, Dorothy S. and/or Richard F., undated, 1965

Goodman, H. Nelson, 1939

Goodman, Harold, 1930

James Goodman Gallery, 1963-1968 (see also: G Contemporary Paintings)

Goodman, Moshe Y., 1964

Goodman, Nelson, 1948

Goodman, Percival, 1960

Philip H. Goodman and Associates, 1963

Goodman-Walker, Inc., 1937-1940

Goodrich, Esther F. (Mrs. Raymond H.), undated, 1957, 1960

Goodrich, Mr. and/or Mrs. Lloyd, undated, 1953, 1957

Goodrich, Madeline Lloyd, 1957

Goodrich, Mrs. Raymond H., 1961, 1963

Goodson-Todman, Inc., 1963

Goodwin, Claribel, 1960

Goodwin, James Patrick, 1958

Goodwin, Philip L., 1935, 1938-1939, 1944, 1947-1948, 1950, 1955, 1957

Goodwin, Susan T. (Mrs. H. Sage), 1957-1958

Goodyear, A. Conger, 1939, 1944, 1953, 1961-1962

Goodyear, John, 1963

Goossens, John, 1954

Gor, Regina (Mrs. Serge), 1960

Gordon, Anna, 1964

Gordon, Arnold W., 1961, 1964

Gordon, Celeste, 1955

Gordon, Harvey J., 1961

Gordon, John, undated, 1963, 1966

Gordon, Leah and/or Jack, 1964-1965

Gordon, Lois, 1952

Gordon, Roy, 1966

Gordon, S. Robert, 1960

Gordon, Selma, 1955

Gordon's Fifth Avenue Gallery, 1962

Robert Gordon's Technical College, 1959

Gorham, Mrs. Charles, 1961

Gorham Corporation, 1965-1966

Gorky, undated

Gorman, Eugene P., 1957

Gorsline, Douglas, 1960

Goslen, Mary, 1965

Gosman, M. W., 1967

Gosman, Mildred, 1958, 1960

Gotcliffe, Ted, 1963

Gotham Book Mart, 1958

Gotham Guide, 1958

Goto, Joseph, 1954

Gotthard Bank, 1959

Gottlieb, Adolph, 1967

Gottlieb and Schiff, 1956

Gottlieb, Carla, 1959

Gough, Galen, 1953

Gould, David, 1956

Gould, Mary Earle, 1956

Gourielli, Princess, 1952

Government Printing Office, 1956

Governmental Affairs Institute, undated

Henry Goverts Verlag, 1961

Grabow, Bart, 1957

Grace Church in Salem, 1958

Graf, Burket E., 1962, 1963

Graff, Marjorie S. (Mrs. Robert D.), 1963

Graham Gallery, 1961, 1962, 1963

James Graham and Sons, 1953, 1957

Graham, John, 1958, 1959

Ansley Graham's Galerie Intime, undated (see also: Galerie Intime)

Grail Center, undated

Grail Council of Christian Culture, 1958

Gramling, Mrs. David C., 1956

Grammar, George, undated, 1951, 1957-1958, 1968

Grand Central Art Galleries Incorporated, 1930-1933, 1935, 1939-1941, 1944-1949, 1955, 1957-1958

Grand, Mrs. J. H., 1959

Grand Rapids Art Gallery, undated, 1935- 1936, 1940, 1943, 1950, 1953-1956, 1959, 1961-1963

Grand Union Co., 1964

Graner, Ben and Melanie, 1958

Granick, Max, 1952, 1969

Granitz, Robert, 1957

Grant, Earle Wilkin, undated, 1937, 1949, 1956-1957, 1959-1963

Grantenstein, Jerome, 1959-1961

Graphis -- , 1960-1961

Graphische Sammlung Albertina, 1952, 1959 (see also: Albertina)

Graves, E. M., 1938

Gray and Rogers Advertising, 1946-1947

Gray, Cleve and/or Francine, undated, 1961, 1963-1964, 1969

Greason, Don, 1962

Greason, Mrs. E., 1959

Great Britain, Arts Council of (see: Arts Council of Great Britain)

Great Neck Cultural Center, 1963

Great Neck Education Association, Inc., 1953

Great Neck Public Schools, 1961

Great Neck Storage Co., Inc., 1960

Greeley, Bernice, 1965

Green, Mrs. A. Rodger, 1963

Green, Adolph, 1959, 1962, 1964

Green, Shirley L., 1968

Greenbaum, Edward S., 1948

Greenbaum, Wolff and Ernst, 1933

Greenberg, Caral Gimbel, 1959

Greenberg, Edward F., 1956

Greenberg, Hank, 1949

Greenberg Insurance Agency, 1959

Greenblatt, Jerome, 1953

Greene, Balcomb, 1939

Greene, Barbara (Mrs. Robert N.), 1958

Greene, C. S., 1965

Greene, Charles A., 1951

Greene, Gerda and/or Jerome L., undated, 1965-1967

Greener, George C., 1939

Greenfield, Elizabeth M. (Mrs. Albert N.), 1953-1954

Greenlund, Paul T., 1959

Greenspan, George, 1953, 1958, 1960, 1968

Sidney Greenspan and Company, 1961

Greenstein, Betty, 1963, 1967

Greenstone, Marion, 1963

Greenwich House, 1940

Greenwood Gallery, 1958

Gregg, John, 1946

Gregory, William D. II, 1954

Gregory, Yolánde Wagner (Mrs. Wayland), 1936

Gregory's Old Master Gallery, 1962

Gregson, Mrs. Wilfred J., 1963

Greiff, Ivan, Jr., 1962

Greiner, John H., 1952

Grenell, Judith (Mrs. Horber), 1962

Gresser, Seymour, 1963

Greyhound Corporation, 1963

Greystone Press, 1966

Griffin, Charles Ray, 1959-1960

Griffin, Harry L., Jr., 1961

Griffing, Marjorie and/or Robert, undated, 1963, 1965-1967

Griffis, Stanton, 1935, 1938

Griggs, Mary, 1939

Grimes, Bob, 1966

Grinnell College, 1962

Grinnell Galleries, 1963

Grippi and Waddell Gallery, Inc., 1964-1965

Grippi Custom Framing, 1961, 1963

Grippi Gallery, 1962

Grippi, Nick, undated, 1967-1969

Griscom, William, 1940

Griswold, Merrill, 1949

Griswold, Samuel A., undated, 1940

Griswold, W.E.S., 1958-1959

Grode, Robert J., 1965

Grohe, Glenn, 1943-1944

Grolier Club, 1953

Grolier, Inc., 1963

Grolier Society, Inc., 1963

Groner, Duncan G., 1950

Gropper Art Galleries, 1966

Grosberg, Herbert L., 1968

Grosman, Eugene, 1957-1958

Grosman, Joseph A., 1969

Gross, Edith (Mrs. Michael), 1966

Gross, John, 1959

Gross, Joseph, 1964

Julian Gross Advertising Agency, 1946

Gross, Robert E., 1946

Gross, Zenith H. (Mrs. Sidney), 1955

Grosse, Joseph L., 1938, 1940

Grosser, Maurice, undated, 1939

Grossfield, Sylvia (Mrs. Moses), 1961

Grossman, Emery, 1957, 1964-1965

Grossman, Jacob, 1935

Grossman, Martin B., 1967

Grossman, Morton, 1954, 1960

Grossman Publishers, Inc., 1963

Grosso and Company, 1965-1967, 1969

Group Gallery, 1968

Grove Press, Inc., 1954, 1959-1960

Grover-Cronin, Inc., 1956-1958

Grover, Donald, 1966

Grubb, Dora E., 1944

Gruber, Irene, 1962

Victor Gruen and Associates, Inc., 1956-1957

Grum, Germaine, 1957

Grumbach, George J., 1970

Grundy, Kenneth, undated, 1960

Guaranty Trust Company, 1955

Guarenas Country Club, S.A., 1956-1957

Guest, Mrs. Lester, 1958

Guest, William, 1963

Guggenheim, 1928

Guggenheim, Irene R. (Mrs. Solomon R.), undated, 1934, 1937-1938

John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, undated, 1934, 1938, 1940, 1944-1946, 1949, 1955, 1959, 1961, 1963, 1968

Guggenheim, Peggy, 1947

Guggenheim, Mrs. Simon S., 1938

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, undated, 1952, 1955, 1958, 1960, 1962-1969

Guggenheimer and Untermeyer, 1932

Guglielmi, Anne and/or O. Louis, undated, 1952-1953, 1956, 1958

Guglielmi, Stephen, 1967

Guglietti, Bronia Avella, undated

Guild Hall, 1956-1957, 1960-1961, 1963, 1966-1968

Guild of Creative Art, 1963

Guildhall Galleries, Ltd., 1960, 1964

Guitar, Mary Anne, 1963

Gulbenkian Foundation, 1964

Gulf State Advertising, 1959

Gumberts, W.A., 1948, 1951-1952, 1954

Lawrence C. Gumbiner Advertising Agency, 1959, 1963

Gump's Gallery, 1956-1958, 1960-1969

Gurry, Edmund A., 1933-1934, 1938

Gurwitz, Mrs. P., 1968

Gury, Jeremy, 1966

Gussow, Alan, 1956, 1961, 1971

Gussow, Bernard, 1932

Gustafson, Ingrid, 1965

Guthman, Leo S., undated, 1951, 1953-1958, 1960-1965, 1967

Guthman, Lynne, 1959

Guthman, Robert, 1958

Gutmanis, Ivars, 1965

Gwinn, David Marshall, undated, 1949, 1954-1955

H. K. Press, 1961

Haas, David M., undated, 1969

Haas, Lillian Huschel, 1932-1934, 1949

Haas, Mrs. Robert, 1959

Haberman, Philip W., Jr., 1967

Hackert, Karl, 1957

Hackett, Albert and/or Frances Goodrich, undated, 1947-1949, 1959-1963

Hackley Art Gallery, 1955, 1958-1959, 1964

Hadad, Marie, 1952 (see also: Société Libanaise Hadad)

Hadassah, 1952, 1960, 1962, 1966

Haddad, A., 1963-1964

Haefelin, Joseph C., 1965

Hagedorn, Charles, 1961

Hagel, Raymond C., 1965

Haggerty, Margaret, 1967

Hahn Bros. Fireproof Warehouses, Inc., 1960, 1966

Haimes, Herman, 1959

Haith, Anne (Mrs. William), 1968

Hale, Mrs. B. B., 1952

Hale, Frank C., 1948

Halff, Robert, 1959

Hall, Clifton, 1931-1934

Hall, Emma Swan, 1963

Hall, George W., Jr., undated

Hall, Jane (Mrs. S. E.), undated, 1953

Hall, Nona (Mrs. Thomas L.), 1960-1961

Hall, Sidney, 1957

Hallberg, R. E., 1953

Hallmark Art Award, 1949, 1957

Hallock, Robert, 1957

Hallstrom, Alice E. (Mrs. John L.), 1954

Halperin, Nathan, 1956

Halpert, Edith Gregor, undated, 1935

Halpert, Samuel, 1928, 1930

Halsell, M., 1964

Halseth, Elmer, 1963, 1965, 1967-1968

Halvorsen, Mrs. Bjorn, undated

Ham, Ganz and Connors, 1946-1947

Hamelsky, Samuel, 1952

Hames, Martin, 1963

Hamilton and Hamilton, 1962, 1969

Hamilton, Art Gallery of (see: Art Gallery of Hamilton)

Hamilton College, 1960-1961

Hamilton, George Heard, 1959

Hamilton, Mrs. H. R., 1959

Hamline University, 1950

Paul Hamlyn Publishers, 1964

Hammer, Arthur, 1956, 1960-1961, 1964

Hammer Galleries, 1966

Hammer, Ruth, 1959

Hammerslough, Mrs. John, 1959

Hammett, Mrs., 1952

Hammond, George M., 1964

Hampton Institute, 1941, 1951

Han, Raymond, 1960

Handy Associates, Inc., 1956

Handy, William Christopher, undated, 1941

Hanes, R. Philip, Jr., undated, 1961

Hanley and Woodward, Inc., 1965

Hanley, Mrs. T. E., 1959-1960

Hanna, L. C., Jr., 1946

Hanselman, Mrs. Jay B., 1961

Hansen, John, 1964, 1967

Hanson, Bill, 1963

Hantman, Murray, 1953

Har Zion Temple, 1964

Harari, Hananiah, 1943-1944

Harborfields High School, 1964

Harcourt, Brace and Company, Inc., 1957

Harcourt, Brace and World, Inc., 1963, 1968

Harcum Heart Affair, 1950

Hardin, Eleanor, 1962

Harding, Magnus Swenson, 1961

Hardison, Sammy, 1962-1963

Hardman, B. Sanford, 1955

Hardt, Anton, 1953, 1955, 1967

Hardy, Katherine Shaffer (Mrs. Frank A.), undated, 1964

Hare and Coolidge Antiques, 1946

Hare, Channing, 1956

Hare, Elizabeth Lape, undated

Hare, Mrs. Meredith, 1934

Haring, Alma L., 1959

Harlem Book Company, 1948-1949, 1961

Harley, Margaret Stewart (Mrs. George B.), 1968

Harmon, Ernestine (Mrs. John E., Jr.), 1956-1957

Harmon, Lily, undated

Harnick, Carl, 1966

Harnsworth, Margaret, 1955

Margaret Harold Books, 1965

Harper and Brothers, 1951, 1955, 1961-1962

Harper, Sharon, 1965

Harper, W. B., Jr., 1953

Harper's Bazaar -- , 1949, 1955

Harper's Magazine -- , 1953, 1961

Marie Harriman Gallery, 1940

Harrington, Mrs. J. J., 1967

Harris, David, 1952, 1953, 1955-1957

Harris, Elizabeth Stedman, 1951

Harris, Mrs. J. Maynard, 1960

Harris, Joyce, 1967

Harris, Leon A., Jr., 1956, 1968

Harris, Paul R., 1959

Harris, Paul S., 1940

Harris, Ray, undated

Harris, Roger, 1958

Harris, Stanley J., 1963

Harrison, Anne B., 1964

Harrison, Carter H., 1932-1933

Harrison, Mrs. George R., 1961

Harrison, Mr. and/or Mrs. Gilbert A., 1964, 1966, 1969

Harrison, Preston, 1926-1932, 1934-1936

Harrison, Rex, 1957

Harrison, Mr. and/or Mrs. Wallace K., 1951, 1953, 1964

Harrod, Mrs. G. R., 1958

Hart, Mrs. Archibald, undated

Hart, George O. ("Pop"), 1933

Hart, Jeanne Overbury, 1964

Hart, Mira (Mrs. William), 1956

Hart, Moss, undated, 1941

Hart Publishing Company, 1964

Hartfield, Mrs. Daniel, Jr., 1965

Hartford Accident and Indemnity Company, 1950

Hartford, Huntington, 1967

Huntington Hartford Collection (see: Gallery of Modern Art)

Huntington Hartford Foundation, 1958, 1962

Hartnell, Bettie, 1968

Harwood, C. Marvin, Sr., 1965

Hatoff, S., 1965

Hartt, Frederick, 1950

Harvard University, 1953, 1956, 1962

Harvard University Press, 1957-1958

Harvey, Robert, 1963

Hasenbush, L. Lee, 1962

Hashisaka, Mabel, 1967

Haskell, Benjamin, 1956

Haskell, Ernest, Jr., 1966-1967

Haspel, Leo A., 1957

Hastings College, 1958, 1961-1962

Hastings House Publishers, Inc., 1956

Haswell, Mr. and/or Mrs. Anthony, 1949, 1952, 1962, 1965-1966

Hatch, John (Jerry) David, 1965

Hatfield, Dalzell and Ruth, undated, 1944, 1951

Dalzell Hatfield Galleries, 1949-1950, 1952-1953, 1955, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1966

Hauberg, John H., Jr., undated, 1949-1950, 1952-1953

Haucke, Frederick, 1953

Haupt, Mr. and/or Mrs. Ira, 1951-1952, 1956-1957, 1961

Haverford College, 1956

Haverstick, Iola S., undated, 1960

Hawaii Statuary Hall Commission, 1966

Hawaii, University of (see: University of Hawaii)

Hawes, Johnny, Jr., 1959

Hawley, Henry H., 1956

Hawthorne Co., 1940, 1942

Hayden, Jeffrey, 1966-1967

Hayden, Richard, 1948

Hayes, Alzada (Mrs. R.), 1957

Hayes, Bart and/or Clare, undated, 1959, 1965

Hayes, Helen, 1956, 1957

Hayes, M. Vincent, 1967

Hayes, Roland, 1941

Hayes Storage, Packing and Removal Service, 1939, 1941, 1943, 1945

Hayes Storage Warehouse, Inc., 1946, 1960, 1965, 1967

Haynes, Ken, 1955

Hays, Susan Pope (Mrs. Richard M.), 1957

Hayward, Mrs. John, 1956

Fernand Hazan Éditeur, 1968

Hazard, Patrick D., 1961

Hazelrigg, Hal, 1956

Heald, Caroline C., 1936

Heald, Mr. and/or Mrs. Gordon T., 1964

Heald, James Nicholas, II, undated, 1964, 1967

Heastand, F. D., 1945, 1947, 1953

Heath's Gallery, 1966-1967, 1968-1969

Hebald, Milton, 1956-1957

Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 1957

Heckscher Museum, 1962, 1964, 1967

Hedge, Eleanor H., 1958

Hedman, Mrs. A. F., 1955

Hedstrom, Olaf H., 1955

Heermann, Norbert, undated, 1952, 1958, 1961

Heffenriffer, R. F., 1941

Heffner, C. M., 1952-1953, 1955-1956, 1958

Hefley, Martha, 1956

Heibonsha Limited, 1961

Heidner, Esther M. (Mrs. Fred C.), 1961

Heil, Walter, undated, 1943

Heineman, Bernard [Jack], Jr., undated, 1951-1952, 1955, 1957, 1959-1960, 1962-1965, 1967

Heins, Frances (Mrs. John P.), 1969

Heinz, H. J ., II, 1958

Heinz, Mrs. H. J., 1954

H. J. Heinz Company, 1965

Heist, Dorothy (Mrs. Robert Kendrick), undated

Helena Public Schools, 1960

Heller, Ben, 1962

Heller Deltah Co., Inc., 1946

Heller, Mrs. Edward, 1953

Heller, Herbert C., 1959

Heller, Irene Fanae, undated

Heller, Lawrence, 1951

Heller, William B., 1961, 1963-1965

Hellman, Lilian, 1948, 1961-1962

Hellstrong, Louise, 1958

Helm, Mackinley, 1963

"HemisFair '68," 1968 (see also: "International Exposition, HemisFair '68")

Hemmenway, Catherine C., 1961

Hemmingsen, R. V., 1963

Hemmingson, Victoria, 1965

Henderson, Hanford, 1960

Henderson, Priscilla A. B. (Mrs. A. I.), 1934-1955

Henderson, Ray, 1956

Hendrick, Mrs. James Pomeroy, 1961

Heninger, Helen, undated, 1963, 1969

Henquet, Roger, 1948, 1965

Henri, Robert, 1926-1927

Henry, David T., 1964

Henry, Helen (Mrs. Charles), undated, 1949

Henry, James F., 1958

Henry Street Settlement, 1958, 1962-1963

Hentschel, R. A. A., 1951-1954

Hepburn, Katharine, 1952

Herbert, Elmer, 1962

Herbert, James D., 1962

Herider, Ed. L., 1961

Heritage Gallery, 1960, 1964

Herman, Stanley, 1964

Herman, Vic, 1968

Herring, Audrey L., 1964

Herrington, Nell Ray (Mrs. A. W. S.), 1962, 1965

John Herron Art Institute, undated, 1934, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1957-1958, 1962-1964, 1967 (see also: Art Association of Indianapolis; Art School of the John Herron Art Institute)

Hertslet, G. Gordon, 1962, 1966

Hertz, Richard C., 1965

Hertzberg, Stuart E., 1967-1968

Heschel, Mrs. Abraham, 1961

Hess, Elaine Marie, 1965

Hess, Mrs. Thomas B., 1954

Hetzel, Margaret deL. (Mrs. Joseph L.), 1948

Hewitt, Ada M., 1953

Edwin Hewitt Gallery, 1953

Heydenryk, Henry, 1954, 1960, 1964

Heynick, Carla Marian, 1965

Hickok, M., 1958

Hiddens, Mrs. Earl, 1952

Hiersoux, Arne, 1966

Hi Fi/Stereo Review, 1960

High Museum of Art, 1950, 1955, 1961-1962, 1965-1968 (see also: Atlanta Art Association; Atlanta Art Association and High Museum of Art)

Highway Antique Shop, 1954

R. Hill and Son, Ltd., 1960

Hill, Ralph Nading, 1952, 1962

Hille, Elise B., undated

Hille and Curran, 1954

Hilleman, Alex L., 1956

Hiller, Paula, 1962

Hilles, Mrs. Frederick W., 1956

Hillman, Mrs. Joel, II., 1960

Hillside Hospital Clinic, 1949, 1953

Hillstrom, Richard L., 1958, 1962, 1964-1965

Hilltop Theatre, Incorporated, 1952

Hilsenrath, Yakov R., 1965

Hilson, Catherine [Katy] and/or John S., undated, 1958-1959, 1961-1966

Himel, Irving, 1963

Himmelsfarb, Samuel, 1955

Hines, Felrath, 1961

Hinkhouse, Inc., 1960, 1964

Hirsch, B., 1961

Hirsch, E. W., 1954

Hirschberg, J. Cotter, 1956

Hirschl and Adler Galleries, Inc., 1958, 1960, 1963-1965, 1968

Hirschland, Dr. and/or Mrs. F. H., undated, 1959

Hirschland, Paul Michael, 1945

Hirschburg, Mrs. Roy, undated

S. A. Hirsh Manufacturing Co., 1966

Hirshberg, Henrietta, 1961

Hirshhorn, Mrs. Arthur, 1960

Hirshhorn, Joseph H., 1946, 1948, 1951-1954, 1956, 1960, 1963, 1965

Joseph H. Hirshhorn Collection, 1959-1960, 1962-1963, 1965-1966

Hirshhorn, Lily Harmon, 1960

Hirshhorn, Naomi Caryl, undated, 1963, 1967-1969

Hirtt, Edgar, 1959

Hitchco*ck, Alfred, 1944

Hitchco*ck, Henry-Russell, 1945

Hobbs, Henriette, 1964-1965

Hobby, Mrs. William T., 1958

Hobi, Inc., 1968, 1969

Hochberg, David R., 1959

Hochberg, Jack, 1965

Hochschild, Walter, undated

Hockaday, Mrs. I. O., 1955

Hodes, Scott, 1963

Hodge, John, 1953

Hodges, Charles, 1968

Hodges, Steve, 1968

Hodgins, Eleann Treacy (Mrs. Eric), 1949-1950, 1953, 1960

Hofer, Philip, undated, 1948-1949

Hoff, Margo, 1954

Hoffberg and Oberfest, 1965

Hofflander, Jack, undated

Hoffman, Arthur J., 1941

Hoffman Fuel Co., Inc., 1966-1969

Hoffman, Mrs. H., 1953

Hoffman, Mrs. Lewis, 1957-1958, 1961

Hoffman, Louis, 1950, 1952

Hoffning, Hilda, 1953

Hofmann, Werner, 1961

Hofstra College, undated, 1956

Hofstra University, 1963-1964

Hogan, Carroll Edward, 1952, 1956, 1958, 1966-1967

Hogg, Ima, 1956-1957

Hoiles, Bee S., 1961

Hokin, Edward, 1952

Holabird and Root, 1948

Holabird and Root and Burgee, 1951

Holbrook, Alfred H., 1946-1951, 1953

Holbrook, Hollis, undated, 1963

Holbrook, Leona, 1949

Holcomb, Grant, III., 1967

Holden, C. Edwin, 1965

Holdridge, Barbara, 1960

Holes-Webway Co., 1967

Holiday, 1958, 1963

Holland-Goldowsky Gallery, Inc., 1960

Hollister, Paul, Jr., 1960

Holm, Marjorie M., 1957

Holman, Bud, 1955

Holman, Mrs. Cranston, 1961

Holmes, James S., 1963

Holmes, John, 1958

Holmes, Mary Jane, 1956

Holt, Mary B., 1955

Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc., 1962, 1967, 1969

Holt, Virginia (Mrs. Benjamin), undated, 1959

Hol[?]off, Alfred D., 1946

Holway, Martha, 1953

Holy Name Parish, 1960

Home and Hospital of the Daughters of Israel, Inc., 1951

Home Indemnity Company, 1955

Home Insurance Company, 1952

Hong Kong City Hall Gallery, 1963

Honig, Victor, 1968

Honolulu Academy of Arts, 1947-1948, 1959-1967

Honolulu Chamber of Commerce (see: Chamber of Commerce of Honolulu)

Honolulu Star-Bulletin, undated

Hooper, Mrs. Arthur U., 1955

Hoopes, Donelson F. and/or Ginny, undated, 1964

Hooten, Bruce, 1959

Hoover, Clara, 1955

Hoover, Lavergne Marcus, 1965

Hoover Processed Letters, Inc., 1958

Hope, Henry Radford, 1944, 1957, 1961

Hope Historical Society, 1956

Houston Museum of Contemporary Art, 1957 (see also: Contemporary Arts Museum of Houston)

Hopkins Center, undated

Hopkins, Harry L., 1934

Hopper, [illegible], undated

Hoppin Bros. and Co., 1954

Hoppin, Laurette K. (Mrs. Bayard C.), undated, 1952

Horizon -- , 1958

Grace Horn Galleries, 1938

Horne, Archibald C., 1933, 1935

Horne, Lena, 1958

Karen Horney Clinic, 1956-1957

Hornung, Clarence P., 1956

Horosko, Marian, 1963

Horowitz, Aren, 1963-1965

Horowitz, Mrs. Arnold, undated

Horowitz, Melvin S., 1968

Horrochs, Carol L., 1965

Horter, Elizabeth Lenz (Mrs. Earl), 1956, 1962, 1968

Horton, Miles G., Jr., 1957

Horwitch, Mrs. Arnold H., 1962

Hoskins, Beatrice (Mrs. Arthur), 1964

Hostetler, David, undated, 1964, 1967

Hotel and Club Voice -- , 1966

Hotel Publications, Inc., 1948

Hotel Statler, 1959

Hotel Winslow, 1964

Houghton, Arthur A., Jr., 1954

Houghton-Mifflin Company, 1962, 1965-1966, 1968-1969

Hound and Horn, Inc., 1933

Hourwich, Mr. and/or Mrs. George Kennan, 1956, 1967

Housatonic Valley Conference Incorporated, 1941

House and Garden -- , 1941, 1947, 1952

House Beautiful -- , 1952, 1958, 1963

House, Grossman and Vorhaus, 1933-1934

House of H. Heydenryk, Jr., 1956

House of Photography, Inc., 1956

Housen, Mildred (Mrs. Stanley Xavier), undated, 1946

Housse, C., 1958

Houston Artists Gallery, undated, 1958

Howard, Bessie J., 1935, 1960

Howard, Humbert, 1959

Howard, Jude (Mrs. William L.), 1961

Howard Savings Institution, undated, 1967

Howard, Sidney, 1937

Howard University, 1945

Howard, Mrs. W. L., Jr., 1958

Howarth, Shirley, 1965

Howe, Bruce, 1964

Howell, Joseph A., 1964-1965

Howell, Soskin, Publishers, Inc., 1944

Howell, W. H., 1952

Howells, William, 1944

Howes, John, 1965

Howland, Isabella, 1963

Houston, Norman O., 1948

Hryby, Peter, 1964

Hu, Gilman K. M., 1964

Hubbard, Barbara (Mrs. Earl Wade), 1958-1959, 1961

Hubbell, J. W., Jr., 1967

Huberman, Benjamin, 1967

Hudson, Mrs. Barclay M., 1945

Hudson, Mrs. C. Blaffer, 1962

Hudson, Edward R., Jr., 1968

Hudson Finishing Corporation, 1963

Hudson Fixtures, 1965

Hudson Forwarding and Shipping Co., Inc., 1934

J. L. Hudson Company, 1949, 1957-1959, 1962-1963, 1965, 1968

Hudson Painting and Decorating Co., Inc., 1963

Hudson, Richard, 1962

Hudson Shipping Co., 1965

Huffnagle Press, 1958

Hughes, Langston, 1948-1949

Thomas J. Hughes Construction Co., Inc.,1951

Hull, University of (see: University of Hull)

Hulse, Wilfred C., 1953, 1959-1960, 1962

Human Relations Council of Greater New Haven, Inc., 1966

Hume, J. H., 1966

Hunt, D. H. W., 1942

Hunt, Dorothy, 1942

Hunt Methodist Church, 1963

Hunt, Raymond H., 1940

Hunter College, 1967

Hunter, Sam, 1968

Hunter, Vincent C., undated, 1965

Huntington, Christopher, 1963

Huntington Galleries, Inc., 1952

Huntington, Nell, 1962

Huntington, Patricia S. (Mrs. John W.), 1960

Hurd, Frank E. and/or Lita, 1949-1952, 1955, 1963-1967

Hurley, Zita (Mrs. James E.), 1953

Hurok, S. (see: Dinner in Tribute to S. Hurok)

Hurtt, Clyde, 1959

Hurvitz, Nathan, 1963

Robert S. Hurwitz Advertising, 1962

Hurwitz, Max, 1952

Hussar, L., 1960

Hutchins, Mr. and/or Mrs. Curtis M., undated, 1958, 1965

Hutchinson, Mitchell, 1967

Hutzler, Esterlee, 1945-1947

Hyatt, Kenneth, 1934

Hyde, Candice (Mrs. Hugh), 1964

Mrs. Louis F. Hyde Collection, 1944

Hydeman, Albert, 1959

Hyman, Rubin, 1952

Hyman, Sigmund M., 1962-1963, 1966, 1968

Hyperion Press, 1943-1945

Ide, John J., 1957

Ideas, Inc., 1954

I. F. A. Galleries, Inc., 1960, 1966-1967

Ikonogenics Incorporated, 1963

Illinois Bell Telephone Co., 1966

Illinois Institute of Technology, 1962

Illinois State University, 1965-1966

Illinois, University of (see: University of Illinois)

Illinois Wesleyan University, 1941, 1947, 1948, 1950, 1952

Imbody, Ellen M. (Mrs. John Edwin), undated, 1960, 1961

Immigration and Naturalization, 1946

Imprimerie Union, 1964

Independent Credit Company, 1946

Indiana State Teachers College, 1960

Indiana University, 1941-1944, 1946-1947, 1949-1952, 1956-1958, 1960-1961, 1963-1964, 1967-1968

Indianapolis Art Association (see: Art Association of Indianapolis, Indiana)

Indianapolis Contemporary Arts Society (see: Contemporary Arts Sopciety, Indianapolis)

Industrial Home for the Blind, 1961

Ingenue -- , 1964

Ingersoll, Anna, 1942

Ingersoll, Mr. and/or Mrs. Ralph Sturgis, undated, 1933-1934, 1940-1942, 1950-1951

Ingle, Mrs. I. Paul, 1958

Ingraham, David, 1941

Ingraham, Marjorie, 1964

Inland Steel Research Laboratories, 1967

Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, 1948, 1951-1962, 1965

Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D. C., 1955, 1964

Institute of International Education, 1956, 1961

Institute of Modern Art, Boston, 1939-1943, 1945-1947

Institute of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 1959-1960

Instituto Grafico Tiberino, 1962

Instructor -- , 1966

Insurance Company of North America, 1962-1963

Interboro Elevator Company Incorporated, 1940

Intercollegian -- , 1959

Intercultural Publications, Inc., 1956

Interior Space Design, 1961

Internal Revenue Service, 1936, 1956, 1959, 1961-1966 (see also: U.S. Treasury, IRS)

International Advertising Council, Inc., 1960

International Antiques Exhibitions and Sales, Inc., 1956

International Art Galleries, Inc., 1960

International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), 1943, 1945, 1952, 1958-1960, 1964

International Center for Typographic Arts, 1965

International Directory of Arts, 1960, 1962-1963, 1966

"International Exhibition of Sacred Art," 1961

"International Exposition, HemisFair '68," 1967 (see also: "HemisFair '68")

International Gallery, Inc., 1964

International Graphic Arts Society, 1961

International Journal of Religious Education, 1962

International Political Advisory Council, Inc., 1964

International Publishers, Inc., 1954-1955

International Rescue and Relief Committee, 1948, 1959

Intourist, 1959

Iolani Palace, 1962

Iowa State Teachers College, 1956

Iowa, University of (see: University of Iowa)

Iowa Wesleyan College, 1957

Iredale Storage and Moving Company, 1954, 1956

Ireys, John, 1959

Iris Cleaners and Launderers, 1968

"Irish Exhibition of Living Art," 1963-1964

Irving, Flora (Mrs. Michael), undated

Irving Galleries, undated, 1964-1966

Irvington House, 1957

Isaacs and Bernstein, Inc., 1964

Isaacson, Joseph D., 1941, 1963

Isaacson, Philip M., 1967

Iselin, O'Donnell, undated, 1934, 1939-1945, 1947-1948, 1952-1953, 1956, 1963

Isenberg, Julie (Mrs. Norman), 1963-1964

Isham, Lea C. (Mrs. Lincoln), undated, 1934

Israel, Bob and Susan, undated

Israel Consulate General, 1964

Israel, Embassy of (see: Embassy of Israel)

Israel Government Office of Information Service, 1963

Israel Institute of Technology, Inc., 1958

Israel, Mrs. Justin, undated

Israel Ministry of Education and Culture, 1966

Israel Museum, 1965-1968

Israel, R. A., 1967

Israel, Robert, 1967

Israeli Independence Ball, 1963, 1968

Israeli, Nathan, 1961

Italian Information Center, 1962

Ito, Miyoko, 1954

Itoh Gallery, undated, 1962, 1965, 1967-1968 (see also: Gallery Itoh)

Ives, Byron G., 1952

Ivyside Gallery, 1961

Izbicki, Raymond, 1967

Jacks, Grant L., Jr., 1953

Jackson, Mrs., 1964

Jackson, Katherine G. (Mrs. Andrew), 1951

Jackson, Martha K. (Mrs. David S.), 1946, 1948-1949, 1962

Martha Jackson Gallery, 1954, 1961

Jackson, Martin, 1955

Jacob, Joseph A., 1963

Jacobi, Arnot, undated, 1942

Jacobi, Lotte, 1964

Jacobs, Gilberta (Mrs. Martin), 1963

Jacobs, Jack S., 1959

Jacobs, Mr. and/or Mrs. Martin D., 1963

Jacobs, Marvin, 1962

Jacobs, Mrs. S. Allan, 1964

Jacobs, William K., Jr., 1962, 1964

Jacobson, Raymond I., 1968

Jacobson, Mrs. Walter, 1941

Jacobson's Fine Arts, 1963

Arthur Jaffé Heliochrome Company, 1959

Jaffe, Henry, 1952

Jaffe, Irma B., 1967

Jaffe, Mildred, 1949

Jaffe, Mr. and/or Mrs. Sam, 1949, 1953

Jaffe, William B., 1952-1953, 1956

Jagendorf, M., 1938

Jager, Mrs. Eric H., 1957-1958

James, Chris B., undated

James, D. L., 1937

James, Mrs. Marquis, 1942

James, Oliver B., 1946-1949, 1951-1954

James, Olivia (Mrs. Bayard), 1936

James, Rebecca Salsbury, 1961

Jamison, Juanita M. (Mrs. James E.), 1942

Janis, H., 1956

Janis, Martin, 1934, 1948, 1953

Janis, Sidney, 1941-1942, 1962

Sidney Janis Gallery, 1954-1955, 1958

Janney Machine Corp., 1965

Janson, H. W. (Pete), undated, 1945-1946

Janss, Edwin, Jr., 1963

Janus -- , 1967

Japanese Ambassador, 1966

Jaretski, Mr. and/or Mrs. Alfred, Jr., 1957, 1964

Jarislowsky, Otti Elizabeth, 1964

Jarislowsky, Mr. and/or Mrs. Stephen A., undated, 1953-1954, 1955, 1957-1958

Jarocki, Barbara, 1966

Jay-Thorpe, Inc., 1946

Jedel, Harrison, 1961

Jefferson, Cyrus M., 1960

Jefferson Gallery, 1965-1969

Jefferson Place Gallery, 1961

Jeffries, Frances A. (Mrs. Lawrence), 1961

Jennings, 1942

Jennings, Elizabeth McNeal, 1953

Jennings, Oliver B., undated, 1940, 1943-1944, 1958

Jensen, Amy La Follette and/or Howard, undated, 1962, 1963

Georg Jensen Co., 1955-1957, 1962

Jensen, Lawrence N., 1958

Jensen Productions, 1962-1963

Jergens, Mary E. (Mrs. Andrew), 1955, 1956

Jessar, Gayle and/or Ralph Alfred, 1958-1960, 1962-1963

Jessup, Inc., 1950

Jessup, Mrs. John C., 1951

Jette, Edith K. and/or Ellerton M., undated, 1959-1960, 1964-1965

Jewell, Edward Alden, 1932-1934, 1937, 1941, 1947

Jewish Art Center, 1956

Jewish Center of Buffalo, Inc., 1955-1956

Jewish Community Center of Bayonne (see: Bayonne Jewish Community Center)

Jewish Community Center of Bridgeport, 1968

Jewish Community Center of Elizabeth, 1960

Jewish Community Center of Harrison, 1961

Jewish Community Center of Milwaukee, 1958-1961

Jewish Community Center of Greater Washington, 1959

Jewish Community Center of Worcester, 1965

Jewish Community Center of Youngstown, 1952, 1958

Jewish Community Centers of Cleveland, 1950, 1953

Jewish Federation and Council of Greater Kansas City, 1946

Jewish Frontier -- , 1959

Jewish Heritage Foundation, 1961, 1963-1964

Jewish Museum, 1948, 1953, 1956, 1959, 1962-1967

Jewish National Fund, 1947

Jewish Social Services Agency, 1967

Jewish Theological Seminary of America, 1947-1948, 1963, 1966

Jewish Voice -- , 1958

Joel, Anne H., 1967

John-Frederics, Inc., 1942

Johns, Mrs. Walter T., 1959

Johnson, Ann C., 1960

Johnson, Alden P., 1959

Johnson, Mrs. Bruce, 1967

Johnson, C. K., 1943, 1956

Johnson, Carl, 1963

Johnson, Charles W., 1966

Johnson, D. Robert, 1965

Johnson, Dorothy, undated, 1966-1967

Johnson, Elaine Louise, 1952

Johnson, Esther (Mrs. J. S.), 1955, 1960

Johnson, Floyd, 1951

Johnson, Mrs. Frederick W., 1960

Johnson Galleries, 1955

Johnson, Henry R., 1955

Johnson, Hugh, 1935

Johnson, President and/or Mrs. Lyndon B.,1964-1965

Johnson, Paul, 1934

Johnson, Philip C., undated, 1950

Johnson, Mr. and/or Mrs. Robert S., 1960, 1964

Johnson, Ruth Carter (Mrs. J. Lee, III), undated. 1966-1967

Johnson, Mr. and/or Mrs. Seward, 1955, 1960

Johnson Wax Collection, 1967

Johnston, Dorothy M., 1953

Johnston, Mary E., 1942

Johnstone, D. Gordon, 1968

Jones, 1958,

Jones, Alfred E., Jr., 1951-1952

Jones and Erwin, Inc., 1941-1942, 1950

Jones, Anne, 1963

Jones, Barbara, 1967

Jones, Dorothy J., 1963

Jones, Mr. and/or Mrs. E. Powis, 1949, 1951

Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Paul, 1950

Jones, Frances Bird (Mrs. Charles S.), 1964

Jones, Helen M. (Mrs Everett H.), 1957, 1959-1962, 1964, 1967

Jones, Mrs. John Leddy, 1956

Jones, John M., 1944-1945

John Price Jones Corp., 1948

Jones, Joyce, 1958

Jones, Leslie, 1955

R. B. Jones and Sons Inc., Insurance, 1946

Joost, Nicholas, 1959

Jordan, E., 1958

Jorgulesco, Mrs. Jon, 1962

Josebler[?], Ronald, 1952

Josende, Leo P., 1956

Josephson, Matthew, 1960-1961

Josey, Verda, 1952

Joslyn Art Museum, 1955, 1959-1968

Joslyn Memorial Art Gallery, 1941-1942, 1949

Journal American -- , 1958

Journal Press, 1957

Joyner, J. Brooks, 1968

Judaism, University of (see: University of Judaism)

Judis, Bernice, 1951

Judlin Typerwriter Service, 1968

Juhl, Finn, 1963, 1966

Julian, Ira and/or Ruth, undated, 1963, 1966, 1968

Julliard School of Music, 1940-1941

Jungmeyer, Edith and/or Jack, Jr., undated, 1955, 1961, 1967

Junior Art Gallery, Incorporated, 1952, 1955-1957, 1960-1961, 1963

Junior Art Museum of the Des Moines Art Center, undated

Junior Council of the Museum of Modern Art, undated

Junior League of the City of New York, Inc., undated

Junior League of Mount Kisco, New York, Inc., 1956

Jurgens, John Albert, undated, 1952

Jurin, Benjamin M., 1953

Kaastra Gallery, 1955

Kacheigis, George J., 1951

Kachurin, Leon, 1961

Kacmarcik, Frank, 1960-1961

Kadison, Lily (Mrs. Milton), undated

Kaerwer, Barbara M. (Mrs. Howard E., Jr.), 1958

Kaganovitch, Max, 1956

Kahane, Melanie, 1958-1960

Kahn, Albert, 1937

Kahn and Co., Inc., 1966

Kahn, Anita, 1964

Kahn, Mrs. Arthur, 1964

Kahn, Charles L., 1960

Kahn, Edmund J., 1947-1949, 1956-1960, 1963

Kahn, Mrs. Gilbert, 1951

Kahn, Jacob P., 1960

Kahn, Milton, 1959

Kahn, Olivia, undated

Kahn, Robert I., 1963

Kahn, Sol J., 1962

Kahr, Mrs. Sidney, 1961

Kaiser, I. Howard, 1953

Kalamazoo College, 1963

Kalamazoo Institute of Arts, 1940-1941, 1943, 1955, 1960-1962, 1966-1967, 1969

Kalens Fine Arts, 1958

Kalil, Ford A., Jr., 1963

Kamath, Eugenie, 1962

Kamens, Irvine, 1955

Kaminiski, Josefa, 1955

Kamperman, George, 1938, 1941-1943

Kampermann, Mrs. Ike, 1961

Kander, Allen and/or Juanita N., undated, 1957-1960

Bernice Kandel and Associates, 1961

Kane, L. M.,1949

Kanegis Gallery, 1958

Kanin,Garson, 1942

Kanof, Abram and/or Frances, undated, 1949, 1951-1952, 1955, 1959-1960, 1963-1967

Kansas City Art Institute and School of Design, 1932, 1948-1950, 1960, 1962-1963

Kansas City Public Library, 1964

Kansas Institute of Art, 1933

Kansas State University, 1962

Kansas, University of (see: University of Kansas)

Kantor, Paul, undated, 1956, 1966-1967

Paul Kantor Gallery, 1955-1957, 1959-1960

Kanzler, Mrs. Ernest, 1941

Kaplan, Alice and/or Jacob M., undated, 1959, 1962, 1967

Kaplan, Bernard, 1958

Elayne Kaplan Gallery, 1966

Kaplan, Julian M., 1957-1959

Kaplan, Mrs. Morton, 1967

Kaplan, Phil, 1961, 1964

Kaplan, Richard, 1968

Kaplansky, M. B., 1959-1965, 1967

Kaplin, Tom, 1959

Kapp, David, 1951

Kardon, Janet and/or Robert, 1959, 1961, 1963

Karfiol, Bernard and/or Margaret, undated, 1937

Karfiol, George, undated

Karidis, Jerome, 1955

Karner, Walter, 1963

Karnes, Marilyn, undated, 1960-1961

Karolevitz, Robert F., 1969

Karolik, Maxim, undated, 1950-1952, 1954-1955

Karsh, Estrellita and/or Yosuf, 1966-1968

Karter, Lawrence B., 1960-1961, 1963

Kasmin Limited, 1964

Kass, Fred L., 1967-1968

Kassan, Elizabeth, 1965

Kastelas, Milton, 1955

Kastor, Hugo, 1950, 1952-1953

Katonah Gallery, 1956-1957, 1961-1963, 1966

Katz, Karl, undated, 1967

Katz, Rosalie K., 1957, 1965

Katz, William, 1961

Katzman, Herbert, 1953-1954

Katzman, Sidney, 1956

Kauder, Warren G., 1967

Kaufman Art Gallery, 1952

Kaufman, Beatrice, undated, 1942

Kaufman, Dorothy, 1966

Kaufman, Mrs. George S., 1932, 1942-1943

Kaufman, Max, 1956

Kaufmann Department Stores, 1956

Kaufmann, Edgar, Jr., 1940, 1958, 1962

Kaufmann, Steven N., 1957, 1965

Kavanaugh, Mrs. Dunn, 1951

Kawakami, Dan, 1967

Kawakami, Keija, 1969

Kay, Jane E., undated

Kayden, Mr. and/or Mrs. Herbert J., undated, 1951, 1954, 1956, 1966-1967

Kaye, Earl W., 1960

Kaye, Harold, 1955-1957, 1963

Kaye, Mort, 1956

Kaz, Kaye, 1968

Kaz, Nathaniel, 1941

Kealiinohom*oku, Joanne, 1960

Kealiinohom*oku, Thomas, 1960

Keating, Mary Aubrey, 1935, 1942, 1945

Keating, T. W., 1959

W. R. Keating and Co., 1959, 1962, 1964-1966

Keck, Caroline K. and/or Sheldon, undated, 1949-1952, 1954-1959, 1961

Keefe, Mrs. W., 1941

Keesling, Mrs. Francis V., Jr., 1961

Kegel und Konietzko, 1966

Keighley, Mrs. William, 1953

Keiser, Nancy Lee (Mrs. R. K.), 1964

Keiter, Richard. 1942

Keith, Paul, 1964

Robert Keith Furniture and Carpet Company, 1941-1942

Kellenberg, Harry, 1956

Keller, Graeme (Mrs. Erwin), 1964

Keller, Mrs. Joseph M., 1960

Kelley, Chapman (see: Atelier Chapman Kelley)

Kelley, Dorothy, 1951

Kelley, Theron L., 1952

Kelley, William Muir, 1952

Kellner, Mary, undated, 1943

Kellogg, Marion B., undated

Kelly, Andrew, 1933, 1947

Kelly, Anna L., 1929-1932, 1935, 1938-1939 (see also: Mrs. John D. Rockefeller, Jr.)

Kelly, Anne, undated, 1937-1938

Kelly, Daniel M., 1964

Kelly, Harriet (Mrs. Stephen Eugene), 1956-1957

Kelly, Leon, 1955

Kelly, Lillian and/or Stephen, 1955

Kelly, Sarah Hunter, 1966-1967

Kelly, Tom, 1967

Kelly, Mrs., 1957

Kem, James M., 1940

Kemeny, Arpad, 1953

Kemper, William T., Jr., 1954, 1956-1958, 1960, 1963-1965

Kempner, May (Mrs. I. H., Jr.), 1964-1965

Kemsley Newspapers Ltd. of London, 1956

Kende Galleries, Inc., 1946-1947

Kennebec Valley Art Association, 1965-1966

Kennedy, Edward, 1961

Kennedy Galleries, Inc., 1962, 1968, 1970

Kennedy, George C., 1957

Kennedy, Hattie Weir and/or John H., 1955-1956

Kennedy, J. M., 1934

Kennedy, Jane Robson, 1956

John F. Kennedy Center for Performing Arts, 1965

Kennedy, John H., 1955-1956

Kennedy, William, 1966

Kent State University, 1967-1968

Kentucky Guild Art Train, 1961

Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen, 1961

Kentucky, University of (see: University of Kentucky)

Kerby, Robert E., 1964

Kerner, Richard, 1956

Kerrigan, Anthony, 1956

Kerwin, Madeline, 1941

Ketterlinus Lithographic Manufacturing Company, 1955

Kety, Josephine G. (Mrs. Seymour S.), 1963

Key Productions, Inc., 1965

Kiam, Victor, 1961

Kieghley, William, 1949

Kiko Galleries, 1967

Killiam, Walt, 1962

Kincaid, William Wallace, 1941

Kindlers Malerei Lexikon, 1965

King, Mrs. Alexander, 1963

King, Alice (Mrs. Ivan), undated, 1960

King and Higham, Inc., 1941

King and Weese Studios, 1956

King, Hazel, 1946

King Korn Stamp Company, 1964

King, Vincent G., 1964

King, Virginia, undated

King, William, 1952-1953

Kingman, Betty, 1963

Kingsley, Carter R., 1947

Kingstein, Jonah, 1953

Kinnicutt, Francis P., 1937, 1958-1959

Kinyer, James M., 1958

Kinzel, Carol, 1952, 1956

Kiplinger Tax Letter, 1951

Kiplinger Washington Letter, 1960

Leonid Kipnis Gallery, 1955

Kipp, Roy Frank, 1946

Kipper, Katrina, 1952

Kirk, Katherine, 1961

Kirk, Phyllis, 1961

Kirkbride-Bradley Art Gallery, 1962

Kirkwood Motel, 1955

Kiro, Nadia (Mrs. Boris M.), 1958

Kirsch, Dwight, 1941, 1948, 1953, 1958, 1960

Kirsch, John, 1952

Kirstein, Lincoln, 1943-1944

Kislova, L., 1960

Kissin, Eve (Mrs. Benjamin), undated

Kitchener, David, 1965

Kiyokawa, Taiji, undated, 1962

Klass, Enid, undated, 1966-1969

Klawans, Harold L., Jr., undated

Kleeman Galleries, 1941

Kleeman, Henry, 1941

Kleeman-Thorman Galleries, Ltd., 1934

Klein, Eileen Ina, 1960

Klein, Harris J., 1968

Klein, Jerome, 1958, 1961, 1966

Klein, Louis, 1956

Klein, William J., 1966

Kline, Art, 1968

Kling, Ken, 1946

Kling, Roger, 1965

Knapp-Monarch Company, 1956

Knauber, Alma Jordan, 1948

Kneeland, Henry T., 1956

Kneznek, S. N., 1964

Knickerboch, D., Sr., 1956

Knight, Betsy, 1965

Knipschild, Robert, 1952-1954

M. Knoedler and Co., Inc., undated, 1932, 1939, 1941-1945, 1949, 1951-1954, 1956-1957, 1960, 1967-1968

Hans Knoll Associates, 1947, 1956, 1959

Alfred A. Knopf Incorporated, 1948, 1954, 1957, 1960, 1962, 1964

Knopf, Paul M., 1966

Knopp-Hunter Galleries, 1956

Knowlton, Monique, 1964

Knox, Katharine McCook, 1962, 1965

Knox, Mabel Isabel (Mrs. Alexander), undated, 1934

Knox, Seymour H., 1939, 1940, 1961, 1966

Seymour H. Knox Foundation, 1963, 1967

Kobler, Virginia, 1962

Koch, John Paul, 1966

Koch, Pyke, undated, 1960

Kochen, Anna M., 1959

Kodansha Famous Artists Schools, 1968

Kodner, Martin, 1959

Koenig and Bachner, 1958

Koenigsberg, Harry L., 1964-1967

Kogel, George, 1957

Mel Kohler Interiors, 1966

Kohn and Kohn Antiques, 1951

Kolarsey, Lynne, 1963

Kolker, Judith R. (Mrs. Jonathan W.), 1966

[Kollech?], Teddy, undated

Kolmar, Richard, 1950

Kolodin, Irving, 1960

Kolten, Frances, undated

Komor, Mathias, 1961

Komroff, Susan, 1961

Kondon, Vana E., 1968-1969

Kondrat, Hope N., 1967

Konrad, Olga, 1965

Kook, Edward, 1946-1947, 1953, 1955-1956, 1963

Kootz, Jane and Samuel, 1960

Samuel M. Kootz Gallery, Inc., undated, 1956-1958, 1963

Kopeman, Benjamin, 1937

Kopp, Helen, 1945

Kopp, Sidney S., 1941-1942

Kopplin, Hermann Martin, undated

Korda, Mrs. C. W., 1956

Korff, Sally, 1960

Korman, Barbara, 1957

Korman, Marvin, 1960, 1963

Kornblau, 1958

Korody, Erica, 1960

E. J. Korvette, Inc., 1964

Koshiba, H. T., 1936

Koven, Gustav H., 1961

Kowal, Jan S., 1956

Kozlow, Richard, undated, 1955

Kramer, Harold J., 1963, 1969

Kramer, Helen Kroll and/or Milton Lurie, undated, 1945-1946, 1950, 1953, 1955, 1958, 1961-1968

Kramer, Hilton, 1968

Kramer, Howard, undated

Kramer, Joseph L., 1964

Kramer, Robert, undated, 1962, 1965

Kramer, William Mortimer, 1962-1963

Krannert Art Museum, undated (see also: University of Illinois)

Krass, Mrs. Nathan, 1934

Kraus, Hans, 1968

Krause, Gertrude Ruth, 1962

Kraushaar, Antoinette, 1956-1957, 1965

Kraushaar Galleries, undated, 1934, 1945, 1948-1949, 1959, 1960-1962, 1964-1965

Kream, Marilyn, 1966

Krechniak, Mrs. J. M. (Helen Bullard), 1959

Kreeger, Carmen M. and/or David Lloyd, 1965-966

Kreger, Mary S. (Mrs. Henry L. F.), 1963

Kreiselman, Marian, 1959

Krentz, Adelaide S., 1960

Krentzin, Earl, 1959

Kress, Mrs. Walter H., 1958

Kreutz, Irving, undated, 1958

Kreutzer, Palma C., 1965

Kreymborg, Alfred J. and/or Dorothy, undated, 1962, 1966-1968

Kriebel, Charles, 1959

Kriegler, Joseph, 1962, 1967

Krim, Mrs. Arthur O., 1967

Kriz, Mrs. E. R., 1933

KRIZ Radio, 1966

Krogh, Elden, 1958

Borris Kroll Fabrics, Inc., 1958, 1961, 1967

Kroll, Hammond, 1941-1942

Kroll, Leon, undated, 1933-1935, 1953

Kronenberg, Bernard, 1956

Krook, Bernice, 1960, 1962

Kropf, Julius, 1953

Krug, Harry, 1967

Kruidnier, David, 1955, 1961

Kruik, Arie B., 1953, 1958

Kryzytski, Halina, 1959

Kryzytski, Serge, 1959

Kuh, Katharine, 1954, 1961-1966

Kuhl, Orville J., 1959

Kuhn, Hedwig Stieglitz, 1963

Kuhn, Margaret M. (Mrs. William R.), 1942

Kuhn, Walt, 1946

Kuhne, James, 1934, 1935

Kuipers, R., 1960-1961, 1969

Kuleck, Mrs. Sanford, 1957

Kulicke, Barbara, 1956

Kung, David, undated, 1962

Kunic, Helen M. L., 1969

Kuniyoshi, Sara and/or Yasuo, undated, 1941-1942, 1953-1954, 1957, 1963-1964, 1967

Kunstadter, Sigmund W., 1956

Kunstneres Hus, Norway, 1953

Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, 1963

Kuntz, Adelaide, 1933

Kuntz, Mrs. Charles, 1960

Kuntz, Joseph J., 1965

Kuntz, Robert M., Jr., undated, 1961

Kupferman, Lawrence, 1943, 1947

Kurson, Phyllis (Mrs. Kenneth Morse), 1957-1958

Kurtz, Alice H. (Mrs. J. Roland), 1939

Kurtz, Olga, 1967

Kusama, Yayoi, 1957, 1959

Kutak, Robert J., 1967

Kutela, Mary, 1962

Kutztown State College, 1963

Kwalleh, Nancy, 1966

Labor, Department of (see: Department of Labor)

La Caille, Joan, 1964

Lachaise, Isabel P. (Mrs. Gaston), 1952-1953

Lacy, Joseph H., 1955

Ladies' Home Journal -- , 1949, 1954

La Fase, Sam, 1958

La France Industries, 1944

La Guardia, Fiorello H., 1934-1935, 1941

Laisy, Emily (Mrs. Albert W.), undated

La Jolla Art Center, 1957-1958, 1960-1961, 1965-1968

Lake, Frederic E., 1963

Lakeview Center for the Arts, 1965

Lakin, Millicent, 1965

Laliberte, Norman, 1962

Lamb, John A., 1962, 1967

Lamb, Mildred H. and/or Paul, undated, 1927, 1933-1935, 1938-1940, 1948-1949, 1956, 1958-1959, 1961

Lambert, Mrs. J. Wooster, 1933

Lambert, Mrs. W., 1933-1934

Lampard, Marie T., 1963

La Napoule Art Foundation, 1955, 1964

Lancaster, Presley, 1957

Landau-Alan Gallery, 1968-1969 (see also: Landau Gallery; Alan Gallery)

Landau, Barry and Bobby, undated

Landau Gallery, 1951, 1955-1965

Landau, Mimi (Mrs. Gerald), 1965

Landgraff, Edna R., 1958, 1960

Landegren, Michael E., 1934

Albert Landry Galleries, 1960, 1968

Landy, Lynn (Mrs. Richard), 1964, 1965

Lane, Alvin S., 1965-1966, 1968-1969

Lane, Saundra and/or William H., undated, 1952-1969

Lanepee, Ernestine, 1957

Lang, H. Jack, 1955

Lang, Mary and/or Sylvan, 1948-1949, 1952-1953, 1955-1960, 1962-1963, 1966

Langford, Mrs. George, 1958

Langman, Anne W., 1957-1958, 1960

Langman, Lynn, undated

Langman, Nan, 1957

Langmuir, Peter B., 1965

Langston, Bryant W., 1961

Lanier Business Products, 1972

Lannan, J. Patrick, 1967

Lansen-Naeve Corp., 1963

Lansford, Alonzo, undated

Lansing Storage Company, 1960

Lansky, Maurice, 1967

Lanyon, Ellen, 1954

Lape, Esther Everett, 1945

La Port, R. J., 1964

Lariar, Laurence, 1954

Larkin, Oliver W., 1951, 1959

C. J. La Roche and Company, Inc., Advertising, 1951

Larsen, Karsten, 1953-1954

Larsen, Peter, 1953

Larsen-Roman, Lucy, 1959

Lasker, Mrs. Albert D., 1961

Lasser, Denise (Mrs. Richard), 1966

Lassiter, Barbara B. (Mrs. Frederic H.), 1967

Lassiter, Charles K., 1956

Lathan, Emily, 1963

Latner, Albert J., 1968

Muriel Latow Gallery, 1955

Laucke, Anthony, 1958

Laughlin, Alice D., 1946

Laughlin, Ann, 1957

Laughlin, Mrs. James, 1959

Laurent, Mimi and Robert, undated, 1945

Laurents, Arthur, 1956

Lauter, Robert S., 1961

Lavaggi, R., 1958

Lavaty, Frank A., 1955

Laveman, Joseph D. and/or Portia W., 1946, 1950, 1953, 1955-1957, 1959

Lavenson Bureau of Advertising, Inc., 1964

Lavenson, Jay, 1956

LaVenture, William B., 1963, 1965-1968

Lawrence, Eliot, 1956

Lawrence Gallery, 1960

Lawrence, Jack, undated, 1950, 1956-1957, 1959-1968

Lawrence, Jacob, 1953

Lawrence, Kay, 1960

Lawrence, Leonard H., 1964

Lawrence-Myeden Foundation, 1964

Lawrence, Paula, undated, 1961

Lawrence, Richard H., undated

Lawrence, Ruth (Mrs. James C.), 1965

Lawrence, Sandra, undated

Sarah Lawrence College, 1957, 1959

Lawrence, Seymour, 1956

Laws, Joan, 1959

Lawson, Adele, 1952-1953

Layton Art Gallery, 1932

Layton School of Art, 1955, 1958

Lazarnick, George, 1962

Lazarow and Co., 1967

Lazarus, Fred, Jr., 1950

Lazarus, Nancy, 1951

Lea, Wesley, 1953

Leach, Mrs. Ford H., 1957

Leaf, Milton, 1942

League in Aid of Crippled Children, Inc., 1952

Leahy, Richard G., 1961-1962, 1965-1966, 1968

Leahy, Sarah G., 1961

Leahy's, 1967-1968

Leamon, J. Thomas, 1963

Leavitt, Hart, 1969

Leavitt, Thomas, 1961, 1968

Lebovitz, Sue (Mrs. Herman C.), 1965

Leckay, Myron, 1934, 1943-1944

Le Corbeiller, Jean, 1959

Lederer, Lucy, 1958

Albert R. Lee and Co., Inc., 1946, 1952-1954, 1956, 1961-1964, 1966

Lee, Amy Freeman, 1952

Eva Lee Gallery, Inc., undated, 1960-1968

Lee, Mrs. Henry, 1957

Lee, Mr. and/or Mrs. Herbert C., 1960, 1964, 1966, 1968

Lee, Marshall, 1965

Lee, Sherman E., 1941, 1942

Tom Lee, Ltd., 1956-1957

Lee, Toomey and Kent, 1964

Leeds, Lawrence, 1934

Leepa, Allen, 1959

Leepa, Harvey, 1963

Leeper, Blanche and John Palmer, 1956-1967

Lefkowitz, Louis J., 1965

Lefort, Warren G., 1958 Lege, Frances Snowden (Mrs. Frederick M.), undated, 1967

Lehigh University, 1951, 1954-1955, 1962

Lehman, Mrs. Arthur, 1956

Lehman, Elliott, 1961

Lehman, Lucille, undated

M. Lehmann, Inc., 1957

Lehmbruck, Manfred, 1966

Lehtonen, L., undated

H. Leiber Company, Inc., 1952

Leibold, Mrs. Carl, 1932-1933, 1940

Leibold, Frank, 1966

Leicester Galleries, undated, 1958-1962, 1964-1967

Leigh, David I., 1965-1966

S. D. Leisdorf and Co., 1968

Lekus, Max, 1959

Eleanor LeMaire, Inc., 1955-1959, 1961, 1963

Lemann, Bernard, 1934

Lenert, Belle, 1934

Lenin and Mitchell, Inc., Advertising, 1947

Lennen and Newell, Inc., 1959

Lenney, Annie, 1967

Leofanti Studios, 1958

Leonard, Esther, 1963

Leong, James C., 1957, 1960

Leopold, Eunice R. (Mrs. Irving H.), undated, 1965

Lerner, Abraham, 1960

Lerner Photography, Inc., 1968

Lerner Publications Company, 1965

Lescase, William, 1962

Leslie, G. D., 1936

Leslie, Warren, 1961-1962

Lesser, Mrs. Julius, 1964

Lesser, Marjorie F., 1962, 1964

Lesser, Sol, 1962

Lester, Lee, 1964

Lethbridge, Rodney, 1954

Leval, Fernand, 1960

Levenson, Claire B. (Mrs. Joseph), 1967

Leventhal, Lucille, 1961

Leventon, Vladimir, 1953

Levi, Arch C., 1959

Levi, Corrado, 1959

Levi, Julian, 1953, 1955, 1957-1958

Levi, Thyda H. (Mrs. Robert H.), undated, 1962

Levick, Irving and/or Mildred, 1959, 1961-1963

Levick, L. E., 1965

Levin, Mrs. E. E., 1956

Levin, Herman, 1932

Levin, Hoke and/or Maxine, undated, 1951, 1954, 1956, 1958-1959, 1962-1963

Levin, Mrs. Isadore, 1956

Levin, Martin, 1963

Levine, Helen G. (Mrs. Lawrence M.), 1967

Levine, Herbert, 1957-1958

Levine, Jack and/or Ruth, undated, 1939, 1949, 1953

Levine, Max, 1957

Levine, Saul, 1959

Levine, Seymour, 1961

LeViness, W. Thetford, 1961

Levinger, Mr. and/or Mrs. Paul, 1960, 1963

Levinson, Edwin D., 1952

Levitt, Irving and/or Shirley, undated, 1957, 1962-1965

Levitt, Marvin, undated, 1957- 1958

Mortimer Levitt Gallery, 1948

Levonius, Irma (Mrs. Charles K.), 1963

Levy, Mrs. David M., 1941-1942

Levy, Esther L., 1958

Gaston Levy Studios, Art Restoring, 1966

Levy, Mrs. Gustave, 1961

Levy, Herbert S., 1957

Levy, Jane, 1958

Levy, Jean and/or Julien, undated, 1958-1960, 1962, 1964

Levy, Jerome B. and/or Marion, 1967-1968

Julien Levy Gallery, 1936

Levy, Norman F., 1967

Levy, Norman J., 1956, 1961

Levy, Robert Charles and/or Rosalie A., 1957-1958, 1962

Levyne, Sidney, 1948

Lewandowski, Dolores and/or Edmund D., undated, 1941, 1953, 1958-1959, 1961

Lewbin, Hyman J., 1955-1956

Lewenthal, Reeves, 1944

Lewin, Albert, 1946

Lewin, Bernard, 1965

Lewin, Tobias, 1960

Bertha Lewinson Gallery, 1960

C. Russell Lewis Paint Stores, 1953

Lewis, Edward B., 1943

Lewis, Elizabeth C. (Mrs. Leslie L.), 1959-1960

Lewis, Francis H., 1946

Lewis, Harold, 1960

Lewis, Jerry D., 1934-1935

Lewis, Mrs. Madison H., 1950

Lewis, Robert Q., 1963

Lewis, Samuel, 1956

Lewis, Veronica, 1962

Lewisohn, Alexander, 1950

Lewisohn, Margaret F. and/or Samuel A., undated, 1941, 1947-1948, 1951

Lexington Stationery and Cigars, 1961-1963, 1965, 1968

Liba, Richard Dana, 1942

Libhart, Henry M., 1958

Librarie Galerie La Hune, 1955-1956

Library of Congress, 1941-1942, 1946, 1957-1961, 1966-1968

Libri Fabbri Ferrari, 1959

Libsohn, Sol, 1961

Lichten, Frances, 1951

Lichtenberg, Linda, undated, 1965

Lichtenstein, Mr., 1964

Lichtenstein, Frank H. and/or Sarah Jane, 1950, 1954-1955, 1957, 1959

Lichtenstein, Mrs. Lawrence M., 1961

Liddle, Charles M., 1957

Liddy, Rita T., 1953

Lie, Jonas, 1934

Lieberman, Grace K., 1950

Lieberman, Nathan, 1930

Lieberman, William S., undated, 1964, 1968

Liberty Paint Supply Co., 1941

Liebhold, Franz, undated

Liebman, Alice M., undated

Liebman, Mrs. Charles, 1934

Liebowitz, Mrs. J. S., 1967

Liebowitz, Mrs. Robert, 1957

Liechty, Rod, 1962

Liehue[?], Aline M., 1934

Life -- , 1939-1940, 1954-1955, 1958-1960, 1963

Liggett, Richard A., 1960

Lighthouse, 1962

Lightolier, 1965-1966

Lilly, Joseph and/or Margaret, undated, 1934, 1944-1945, 1949

Lilly, Rita T., 1953

Limited Editions, 1945

Limited Editions Club, 1967

Abraham Lincoln High School, undated

Lincoln County Cultural and Historical Association, 1960

Lincoln National Life Insurance Co., 1966-1967

Lincoln Storage, 1953

Linden and Deutsch, 1965

Linden, Bella L. and/or Leonard, Jr., undated, 1963-1969

Lindenwood College, 1949

Linder, Mr. and/or Mrs. Bertram N., undated, 1962

Linder, H. F., undated, 1958

Linger Werke, 1966

Linnenkamp, Irmela and/or Rolf, 1964, 1965

Lionni, Leo, 1955

Lipman, Howard and/or Jean, undated, 1940, 1951, 1954, 1957, 1960, 1962

Lippincott, Benjamin E. and/or Gertrude, undated, 1934, 1959, 1962, 1964

Lipchitz, Jacques, 1959

Lipschultz, M. A., 1961

Lipson, David S., 1952

Lipson, Stuart, 1966

Lipton, Harold L., 1960

Lisa and David Co., 1962

Lishka, Julie, 1960

Liss, George M., 1968

List, Mr. and/or Mrs. Albert A., 1964-1966

Liszkowska, Janina (Nina), 1929-1932

Little, Brown and Company, 1958, 1965, 1968

Little, Emma H., 1953

Little Gallery, undated, 1956, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1966

Little Gallery Frame Shop, 1960

J. J. Little and Ives Co., Inc., 1960-1961

Little, Nina Fletcher, 1955, 1959

Little Red School House, undated

Little Studio Gallery, 1964

Littlefair, Duncan E., 1958

Livingston, B., 1934

Livre de Poche, 1966

Ljubljana Modern Gallery, 1965

Lloyd and McCarthy, Inc., 1945, 1949, 1950, 1952

Lloyd, Horatio Gates and/or Lallie, 1941, 1956-1958, 1963

Lloyd, Margaret H. (Mrs. Richard W.), 1963

Loccheim, Aline, 1952

Loch Haven Art Center, 1965-1966

Locher, Robert E., 1947, 1949, 1954

Locke, Alain, undated, 1929, 1941-1944

Locke, John, 1950

Locker, Theodore, 1964

Loeb, Mr. and/or Mrs. Henry A., undated, 1954-1955, 1959, 1963, 1965-1966

Loeb, Jane, undated

Loeb, Judy Krueger, 1968

Loeb, Louise, undated

Loeb, Richard A., 1941, 1943, 1949, 1954, 1956-1957, 1963

Loebl, Jerrold, 1958-1962

Loew, David L., 1949, 1955

Raymond Loewy Associates, 1957-1958

Lofstrom, James E. and/or Virginia, 1959-1961

Logan, Mrs. Joshua, 1965

Logan, Peter S., 1966

Logsdon, Mabel, 1953

Lohr, George, 1958

London Sunday Times -- , 1954 (see also: -- Sunday Times of London -- )

Loningo, Frances S. (Mrs. Hinton), 1956

Long Beach Island Foundation, 1964

Long Beach Museum of Art, 1960

Long Island Arts Center, Inc., 1964

Long Beach, City of (see: City of Long Beach)

Longchamps Restaurant, 1968, 1969

Look -- , undated, 1947-1949, 1951, 1954, 1964-1965

Loomis, Mrs. Alfred, 1961

Loper, James and/or Mary Lou, 1963

Lorillard, Mrs. S., 1960

Loring, Porter, 1947

Lortz, Richard, 1956

Los Angeles County Fair Association, 1953

Los Angeles County Museum, 1944, 1949, 1951, 1957, 1959-1965, 1967, 1968-1969

Los Angeles Municipal Art Department, 1965

Los Angeles Museum of Art, undated, 1934, 1936, 1939, 1944, 1949

Los Angeles Times -- , 1951

Lott, John S., 1961

Louccheim, Mrs., 1950

Louccheim, Walter C., 1955

Loud, Mrs. William C., 1958

Louisiana Art Commission, 1951

Louisiana State University, 1936, 1949-1950, 1953, 1964

Louisville, University of (see: University of Louisville)

Louvre Artists' Materials, 1950

Love, Howard O., 1961-1962

Low, Claire B. (Mrs. Frank H.), undated

Low, Sanford, 1959, 1960

Lowe, Fred W., 1956

Lowe, Harry, 1968

Lowenthal, Edith and/or Milton, undated, 1946-1947, 1949-1951, 1953, 1955-1958, 1960-1969

Julius Lowey, Inc., 1953

Lowis, Samuel, 1956

Lowney, P. J., 1940

Lowrey, John, Jr., 1961

Lubarsky, Ruth (Mrs. Lester), 1957

Lubin, Louis, 1957, 1967

Luce, Clare and Henry R. (Harry), 1950, 1962

Luce, Molly, undated

Luce-Romeike, 1964

Lucien, Edward, 1967

Lucini, Emilio, 1963

Luck, Robert H., 1965

Lucom, Bertha and/or David S., undated, 1957, 1965

Luddington, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas L., 1963

Ludgin, Earle and/or Mary, undated, 1943-1945, 1948-1949, 1951, 1953-1954, 1957

Ludington, Wright S., undated, 1934, 1939, 1941-1948, 1950, 1952-1953, 1964-1965

Lueloff, Mrs. R. T., 1956

James Luer and Co., 1946

Luim, John R., 1963

Arthur S. Lukatch, Inc., 1947-1948, 1952, 1954

Irving S. Lukatch, Inc., 1946

Stanley Lukatch, Inc., 1946

Lukens, Savage and Washburn, 1954

Lulli, Antonio, 1965, 1967-1968

Lumenfeld, Mr. and Mrs. Norman, 1956

Lumet, Sidney, 1960

Lunde, Asbjorn, 1966

Lundeen, Lowell, 1966

Lupfer, Mrs. C.M., 1934

Luria, Milton, 1969

Lurie, Boris, 1957

Lurie, Frances H., undated, 1960

Lurie, Walter, 1948-1950, 1956

Luster, Hyman I., 1951

Lutheran Church in America, 1966

Lutheran Society for Worship, Music and the Arts, 1966

Lutheran Student Foundation, 1967

Lutzker, Marilyn, 1963

Lyman Allyn Museum, 1935-1936, 1956-1967

Kenneth Lynch and Sons, 1965

Lynch, William L., 1969

Lynes, Russell, 1946, 1961

Lyngby-Taarbaek Kommune, 1964

Lynn, James B., 1961, 1967

Lynnbrook Public Schools, 1957

M and M Transportation Co., 1968

M and R Directories, 1964

Maas, John, undated

MacAgy, Betty and/or Douglas, undated, 1963

MacAgy, Douglas, 1963

Macagy, Jermayne, 1958

Macagy, Jerry, 1956

MacAlister, Paul R., 1962

Macbeth Gallery, 1955 (see also: William Macbeth Incorporated)

Macbeth, Robert, 1933

William Macbeth Incorporated, 1935, 1943, 1951, 1953 (see also: Macbeth Gallery)

MacDonald, Kenneth, 1954

MacDougall, Ranald, 1959

Macdowell, John Henry, 1960

MacGibeny, Bruce, 1967

MacGregor, Robert M., 1957

Mach, Janet (Mrs. E. L.), 1967-1968

Machlin, Sheldon, 1963

Mack, Charlotte, undated, 1949, 1953-1954

Mack, Preston W., undated, 1965, 1967

MacKendrick, Lillian, 1955

Maclean's -- Magazine, 1960

Macmillan Co., 1969

MacMillan, Henry Jay, 1959-1960

MacMullen, Stanley L., 1954

Charles H. MacNider Museum, 1965-1969

Macomber and Company, Inc., 1956

MacPherson, James, 1965

R. H. Macy and Co., 1934, 1939, 1953

Mad Welshman's, 1956

Madeira, Louis C., IV, 1952

Mademoiselle -- , 1960

Madigan, Dick, 1966

Madigan, Podd, 1969

Madison College, 1959

Madison Credit Bureau, Inc., 1951

James Madison High School, 1935, 1965

Madison Square Garden Corporation, 1965-1967

Madlener, Mrs. Otto, 1961

Madson, Jack, 1958

Magazine Management Company, 1951

Magazine of Art -- , 1950

Magazine of Building -- , 1952

Magill, James P., 1957

Mahl, Claire, 1963

"Maid to Order" Maid Service, 1968

Maine Coast Artists, 1965, 1968-1969

Maine, Florene, 1951-1953, 1955

Maine, University of (see: University of Maine)

Mainichi Newspapers, 1953

Maitland, Mrs. Leslie M., 1932

Makler Gallery, 1960

Makler, Hope and/or Paul Todd, undated, 1958-1960

Malitsky Art Books, 1954

Mallach, Esther D., 1964

Malmö Museum, 1966

Malone, Adrian H., 1951, 1952, 1954

Malone, Lee, 1963

Malone, Robert R., 1967

Maloney, Vincent H., 1964

Malowe Robert, undated

Man, Levy and Nogi, Inc., 1961

Management Methods -- , 1954

Manchester College of Art and Design, undated

Mandel, Estelle, undated, 1951-1953

Mandelbaum, Robert A., 1966

Manealoff, Dorothy C., 1944

Manhassett Press, undated

Manhattan East -- , undated

Manhattan Moving and Storage, 1967

Manhattan Savings Bank, 1953

Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Company, 1951

Mann and Brown, 1961

Mann, Charles, 1960

Mann, Gerald C., 1956

Manning, Gordon P., 1956

Manuella, Frank R., 1967

Manus, Mrs., 1956

Manzelmann, Richard, 1967

Maon Hagalmud, 1965

Maple Heights, Inc., 1964

Marantz, Evelyn and Johnny, undated

Marantz, Mrs. Leon A., 1956

Marashack, Al, 1960

Marboro Books, 1960

Marc-Long Associates, 1962-1963

Marcus, Betty and/or Edward S., undated, 1950, 1952-1954, 1956-1959, 1963

Marcus, Edward, 1954, 1956-1957, 1959

Marcus, Laurence, 1957-1958

Marcus, Mrs. Leonard, 1957

Louis Marcus Corp., 1955

Marcus, Mary and/or Stanley, undated, 1946-1947, 1949-1953, 1955-1962, 1964-1965, 1967

Marcus, Mitchell, 1964

Mareck, George R., 1959

Maremont, Adele and/or Arnold Harold, 1945, 1955-1960, 1963

Margolis, Michael H., 1965

Margulies, Harold, 1961

Marien Historical Association, 1955

Marin, John C., Jr. and/or Norma, undated, 1947, 1960-1967

Norma and John C. Marin Foundation, Inc., 1958

Marion High School, 1952

Markewich, Robert, 1964

Marks, Claude, 1963

Marks, S. J., 1964

Markson, Annabelle and/or Yoland D., undated, 1955-1956, 1959, 1961, 1964

Markson, Joyce and/or Robert T., undated, 1952-1955, 1959-1961

Markson, Oscar, 1959, 1961

Markus, Henry A., 1964

Marlborough Fine Arts, Ltd., 1961

Marlborough Gallery, undated

Marlin, Edward, 1956

Marlowe, Marjorie, 1953

Marquand, Mrs. John P., 1941, 1948

Marquette University, 1961

Mars, Florence, 1954

Jordan Marsh Co., 1962

Marsh and McLennan, 1965

Marsh, Esther (Mrs. Stan), 1962

Marsh, Mrs. Reginald, 1955

Marshall, Becky (Mrs. E .J.), undated, 1958-1959

Marshall, Elizabeth, 1958

Marshall, H. James, 1958-1959

Marshall, Joseph, 1959

Marshall, Mary E. (Mrs. Ray A.), 1968

Marsteller, William A., 1964

Martin, Anna Bridgewater, undated, 1962

Martin, Anne, 1956

Martin, Mr. and/or Mrs. Easoni, 1950

Martinson, Joseph B., 1962

Marvel, Gladys (Mrs. Josiah), undated, 1956, 1960, 1964

Marvel, Lee, 1965

Marx, Allen, 1944

Marx, Harpo, 1944, 1947

Marx, Samuel A., 1951, 1956

Marx, Mrs. Samuel A., 1948

Maryland Institute, 1957

Maryland, University of (see: University of Maryland)

Maser, Herman G., 1963

Maslan, Mrs. Aaron L., 1958

Maslon, Mrs. Samuel, 1948

Mason, Mrs. Arthur, undated, 1960

Mason, Mrs. Clyde R., 1963

Massa, Robert F., 1939

Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1950, 1959, 1960, 1968 Massachusetts State Association of Architects, 1958

Massachusetts, University of (see: University of Massachusetts)

Massalon Museum, 1954

Massie, Mr. and/or Mrs. Edward, 1955

Masters, A. Edward, 1964

Masters Mart, Inc., 1951

Masters, Steve, 1939

Mathews, Jean (Mrs. Irving), 1958

Mathias, James F., 1968

Matisse, Pierre, 1945

Matthews, Gene, 1962-1963

Matthews, Mrs. Norman, 1964

Mattos, Betty, 1956

Mattuck Museum, 1968

Matson, Mrs. Benjamin Philip, undated

Matsuoka, Isaac Jiro, undated, 1963

Mauze, Jean, 1953

Maxon, John, 1959

Maxwell Associates, Inc., 1960

Maxwell, Barbara, 1966

Maxwell Galleries, undated, 1945, 1959, 1963

May, Morton D., 1950-1951, 1953-1954

Mayer, Albert, 1933

Mayer Gallery, undated

Mayer, Jerome, 1960-1961

Mayer, Robert B., 1962, 1965

Mayers, John J., 1960, 1965

Mayo Association, 1953

Mayo Clinic, 1953

Mayo Hill Galleries, Inc., 1952-1956 (see also: Gaglione, Tom)

Mayor's Golden Anniversary Committee, 1948

Mayor's Office, 1934, 1941-1942

Maze, Laurence E., 1958-1959

Mazo, Sara, 1961

McAfee, Aaron, 1948

McAndrew, John, 1949, 1953

Mother McAuley Liberal Arts High School, 1967

McBride, Henry, 1933, 1935, 1955

McBride, Margaret, 1964

Robert N. McBride and Company Publishers, 1934

McCall's -- , 1954, 1967-1968

E. S. McCann and Son, Inc., 1965, 1966

McCauley, Jane, 1964

McCausland, Elizabeth, 1941-1942, 1955

McClain, Tom G., 1969

McClelland, Donald and/or Janet, undated, 1966-1968

McClintock, James I., 1960-1961

McClish, B. Douglas, 1967

McCormick-Armstrong Co., 1954

McCormick, Mrs. Cyrus, 1952-1953

McCormick, Mrs. Hamilton, 1933

McCormick, Michael H., 1955

McCracken, John, 1944

McCrone, E. E., 1946-1947, 1952

McCulloch, Edith L. (Mrs. Frank W.), 1955

McCurdy, Charles, 1958

McCutcheon, John T., 1933

McDermid, Alice C. and/or Ralph Manewal, undated, 1962

McDermid, Ralph M., undated

McDonald, Don and Janet, 1967

McDonald, Jill, 1969

McDonnell, Joseph A., 1961

McDowell, Obolensky, Inc., 1959

McElroy, Michael, 1950

McElwee, Mary L., 1956

McFadden Studio, 1964

McFarland, Jeanne E. (Mrs. Robert), 1964

McFee, Henry, undated, 1926

McGill - University of Montreal Art Exhibit, 1957-1958

McGinnis, Patrick B., 1960

McGonagle, William A., 1963-1964, 1967

McGowan, Kenneth, 1967

McGraw-Hill Book Company, undated, 1957-1958, 1960, 1964-1965, 1967

McGuire, William, 1959

McHue, John, 1957

McIlhenny, Henry P., 1958-1965

McInerney, William K., 1959

McIntyre, Robert, 1958

McIntyre, Mrs. Warren O., 1953

McInvaill, Harry, Jr., 1952

McKee, Mrs. G., 1954

McKim, William L., 1943

McKinley, Helen, 1946

McKinney, Roland, 1939, 1960

McKnight, Henry T., 1956

McLanathan, Richard, 1959, 1962

McLaughlin, John D., undated

Betty McLean Gallery, 1953-1954

McLeod, Archibald, 1967

McMahon, Audrey (Mrs. A. Philip), undated, 1967-1968

McMahon, Richard P., 1963

McMichael, Jeanne, 1959

McMillan, F. R., 1953

McNally, Mrs., 1948

Marion Koogler McNay Art Institute, 1954, 1956-1960, 1962-1964, 1966, 1968

McNitt, Frank, 1935

McNulty, Kneeland, 1966

McVickar, Polly, 1958

McVicker, J. Jay, 1951

McVitty, A. E., 1934

Mebel, Frederick R., 1963

Mechling, Ethel Love (Mrs. B. Franklin), 1958-1959

Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, 1968

Medical Economics, Inc., 1967

Medical Press, Inc., 1952-1953

Medoff, Mrs. David, 1956

Medvin, Henry, 1968

Megill, Donald, 1962

Mehlman, Justine and/or Samuel, undated, 1965, 1968

Meigs, Mary, 1965

Meigs, Walter (Pete), undated, 1952, 1956-1958

Meilach, Donna Z., 1965

[Meir?], undated

Meiss, Millard, 1944

Meister, Mrs. A. A., 1959

Meklman, Justine and Sam, 1965

Melamed, Abraham, undated, 1959-1960, 1966

Melamed, Abraham and/or Hope Goodman, 1959-1960, 1962-1963, 1966

Melamed, Myron, 1968

Mellon Galleries, 1932-1934

Mellquist, Jerome, 1951-1953

Melnick, Mrs. Daniel, 1961

Melnick, Joseph L., 1963

Melrose Glass Co., 1965

Meltzer, Adele, 1935

Meltzer Gallery, 1957, 1961

Meltzer, Milton, 1966

Meltzer, Paul B., 1962

Memphis Academy of Arts, 1964

Mencken, Mrs. H. G., 1959

Mendoza, Don Eugenio, 1951

Mendoza, George, 1960

Mengeriel, Helene, 1935

Mennonite Church (see: General Council of the Menonnite Church)

Meo, Salvatore, 1956, 1958

Merck, Sharp and Dohme International, 1958

H. Merdinger and Co., 1963

Mergendahl, T. E., Jr., 1959

Mergentine, Charles, 1958

Mergentine, Marguerita, undated

Merians, S., 1968

Meriden Gravure Company, 1959

Meridian Area Associates, 1959

Merinoff, D., 1952

Charles E. Merrill Books, Inc., 1965

Merrill, Edys, undated, 1943

Merril, Victoria L. (Mrs. Edward A.), 1958-1959, 1961

Mersey, Marcia (Mrs. David), 1963

Messer, Thomas, 1956

Meta Mold Aluminum Company, 1954

Metcalf, Arthur G. B., 1958

Metcalf, Elizabeth P. (Mrs. Thomas), 1951, 1953

Methodist Church, 1967-1968 (see also: General Board of Evangelism of the Methodist Church)

Mètiers d'Art Caribbean Art Center, 1965

Metropolitan Broadcasting Television, 1963

Metropolitan Fair and Expo Authority, 1962

Metropolitan Lighting and Fixture Co., Inc., 1967

Metropolitan Museum of Art, undated, 1931-1935, 1938, 1942, 1945, 1948, 1950, 1953-1960, 1963-1970

Meyer, Charles A. and/or Suzanne S., 1965, 1967

Meyer, Heather, 1969

Meyer, Jeralyn P., 1962

Meyer, Marion (Mrs. O. G.), 1964

Meyer, Marjorie W., undated

Meyer, Mrs. Matthew A., 1967

Meyers, Charles, 1960

Meyers, Claire and/or Sidney, 1965, 1967

Meyers, Evelyn and/or Raymond R., 1953, 1956, 1961, 1967

Meyers, Lucille G. (Mrs. Philip M.), undated, 1960, 1962, 1968

Meyers, Muriel (Mrs. Lawrence A.), 1967

Meyers, Raymond, 1967

Meyersburg, Dorothy, undated

Meystre, Edith, 1957

Miami Museum of Modern Art, 1964-1965

Miami, University of (see: University of Miami)

Miceli, Antonio, 1965

Michael, Marie Louise, 1960

Michaels, Stan, 1958-1959

Michener, James A., 1961-1963

Michener, Mrs. James A., 1961

Michigan Art Education Association, 1960

Michigan State College, 1955

Michigan State University, 1955-1956, 1959-1960, 1964, 1967-1968

Michigan, University of (see: University of Michigan)

Middlebury College, 1951, 1957

Middleton, Howard, 1957

Midonick, Dorothy and/or Millard L., undated, 1962-1967, 1969

Midtown Galleries, 1945, 1949, 1955, 1960-1961

Midway Hardware and Electrical Co., 1945

Midwestern University, 1962

Midwood Industries, Inc., 1961

Mikelson's, 1955

Milam, John J., 1963

Milch Galleries, 1933, 1941, 1952, 1955, 1960-1962

Military District of Washington, Historical Properties Section, 1946

Millard, Charles W., 1965, 1968

Miller and Chevalier, 1962

Miller, Annette M. (Mrs. David H.), 1967-1969

Miller, Arthur, 1957

Miller Company, undated, 1945, 1947, 1952, 1956 (see also: Tremaine, Burton G., Jr., and/or Emily Hall)

Miller, Dorothy, 1956, 1961

Miller, Earl, 1955

Miller, Edgar B., 1959

Miller, Edward, 1968

Miller, Eleanor, 1955

Miller, Fred, 1962

Miller, Gladys N. (Mrs. Rudolph), 1963

Miller, Grace G. Macculloch, 1967

Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, 1962

Miller, Helen and/or Max, 1950-1951

Herman Miller Furniture Co., undated, 1952, 1956

Miller, Mrs. Lawrence K., 1962

Miller, M., 1949

Miller, Mary T., 1952

Miller, Mrs. Melvin, 1963

Miller, Mildred, 1958

Miller, Milton H., 1959

Miller, N. Richard, 1966-1967

Miller, Nancy K. (Mrs. Morris F.), 1967

Miller, Pamela B., 1962

Miller, Ronald W., 1963

Miller, Robert, 1953

Miller, Tracy, undated, 1965, 1967-1968

Millett, Martha R. and/or Stephen, undated, 1962-1963, 1967-1968

Millier, Sarah P., 1949

Milligan College, 1963

Milligan, George F., 1964

Milliken, Arthur, 1937-1938

Milliken, William A., undated

Millman, Edward, 1953, 1958, 1960

Mills, 1957

Mills College, 1949, 1960

Mills, Dorothy, 1960

Mills, Mr. and/or Mrs. Frederic C. L., 1963-1964

Mills, Jane Leffingwell (Mrs. Alfred G.), 1965

Mills, Richard L., 1953, 1955, 1960

Millsaps, Daniel, undated, 1962

Millstein, Irving, 1963

Milrad, Aaron M., 1967

Milter, Mildred, 1958

Milton, Abby R., undated

Milton College, 1965

Milton, Mrs. David, 1930-1931

Miltzlaff, M. H., 1964

Milwaukee Art Center, 1935, 1943, 1945, 1950-1951, 1953, 1955, 1957-1958, 1959, 1961-1968

Milwaukee-Downer College, 1960

Milwaukee Journal -- , 1968

Miner, Ann, 1968

Minginoursh, Nicholas, 1964

Ministry of Finance, Denmark, 1960

Minneapolis Institute of Arts, undated, 1950-1951, 1953-1957, 1959, 1961-1963,1967, 1969

Minneapolis School of Art, 1952-1953, 1961

Minneapolis Society of Fine Arts, 1960

Minnesota Education Association, 1961

Minnesota Historical Society, 1966

Minnesota, University of (see: University of Minnesota)

Minnick, Francis, 1954

Mint Museum of Art, 1952, 1964-1967

Mintz, Harry, 1954

Mintzes Contracting Co., Inc., 1955

Miro, Melissa, undated

Mirski, Aida and/or Boris, undated, 1947-1949, 1951-1963, 1965-1968

Misch, Robert Jay, undated, 1964-1965

Mishell, Helen (Mrs. Daniel R.), undated, 1961-1962

Mishler, Carlos M., 1956

Miskell, Ford F., 1966

Miss United States Pageant, Inc., 1956

Mississippi State College for Women, 1956

Mistner, Walter, 1956

Mitch, Miriam, undated

Mitchell, Richard, 1967

Mitchell, Sara Edwards, 1966

Mitchell-Smith, Mary, 1963

MKI Gallery, 1965-1966

Moak, Peter V., 1963

Mobile Galleries Company, 1963

Mobley, Mrs. Charles Arden, Jr., 1950

Mobley, Flora Y., undated, 1950

Mock and Blum, 1955

Mocsanyi, Paul, 1959

Modelleda, Mercedes, 1958

Modern Art Foundry, Inc., 1958, 1965-1966

Modern Art Gallery of Toronto, 1957, 1966 (see also: Gallery of Contemporary Art, Toronto)

Moderna Museet, Stockholm, 1963

Modernage Furniture Corp., 1935

Moe, Ole Henrik, 1955-1956, 1958

Moise, Adelaide M. and/or William L., undated, 1960-1967

Moldover, Aaron, 1955

Momentum (artists' group), 1954 (see also: Exhibition Momentum)

Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, 1969

Monmouth Museum, 1965

Monroe, Marilyn, 1957

Montclair Art Museum, 1934, 1935, 1951-1952, 1963, 1966, 1969

Montclair State College, 1959

Montgomery, Charles, 1949

Montgomery, L.A.D., 1953

Montgomery, Lucy (Mrs. Kenneth), 1958, 1963

Montgomery, Margaret K. (Mrs. Robert L.), undated

Montgomery, Mrs. Roger, 1952

Montgomery, Seymour, 1951

Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1953, 1964

Moore, Alice K., 1941

Moore, C. Elmer, 1966

Moore College of Art, undated, 1965

Moore, Dawn, 1952

Moore, Fanny H. (Mrs. Paul), 1943, 1948, 1950

Moore, Marian D., 1966

Moore, Marianne, 1959

Moore, Patricia, 1965

Moore, Richard D., 1965-1966

Moore, Robert N., 1961-1962

Moore, Winifred, 1964

Moorepark, Howard, 1938-1939

Moorman, Mr. and/or Mrs. Louis J., 1960

Moos Gallery, 1959

Moran, John A., 1964

Morgan and Bros. and the Manhattan Storage Co., 1959

Morgan, Harry M., 1966

Morgan, Lila (Mrs. James F.), 1965-1966

Morgan, Maud (Mrs. Patrick), undated

Morgan, Randall, 1961

Morge Delivery Company, Inc., 1945

Morgenthau, Mr. and/or Mrs. Henry, Jr., 1935, 1948

Morner, Hampus, 1952-1953

Morris, Don, 1962

Donald Morris Gallery, 1963, 1965-1966, 1969

Morris, Florence A., undated

Morris, George L. K., undated, 1951, 1953, 1958-1959, 1965-1966

Morris, Mrs. George Maurice, 1968

Morris, Robert M., 1967

Morris, Stephen V. C., 1967

Morris, Suzy, 1952

Morris, Willamene S. (Mrs. Herbert Cameron), undated, 1958

Morris, William H., 1965, 1966

Morrison, Don, 1964

Morrison, Elliot, undated, 1960

Morrison Street Gallery, 1958

Morse, Gene, 1962

Morse, Margaret (Mrs. McLennan), undated, 1961, 1964-1965

Morse, Peter, 1962, 1965

Morse, Richard E., 1958

Mortgage Corporation of New York, 1940

Mortimer, Frank, 1962

William H. Mortimer Co., Inc., 1962

Morton, Sophia P. (Mrs. Sterling), 1960

Moskowitz, Ira, 1963

Mosman, Warren T., 1952-1953

Moss, Aubrey L., 1958

Moss, Emanuel C., 1961-1962

Moss, Joe, 1965

Moss, Susan, undated, 1966

Mostel, Zero, 1963

Motive, 1949, 1966

Motor Club of America, Inc., 1954

Mount Holyoke College, 1943, 1949, 1953-1954, 1961

Moyen, H. M., 1952-1953

Muhlbert, Jan Keene, undated

Muhlenberg, C. H., Jr., 1947

Muhlenberg College, 1962, 1967

Mull, Jane A., 1954

Alexander Mulligan and Son, 1940

Mulligan, George, 1965

Mullins, Edward S., 1963

Mulvane Art Center of Topeka, 1950-1951,1959-1960

Mumford, Bryant, 1945-1946

Munch, Arthur C., 1959

Munger, Eleanor W., 1958

Munger, Pliny Fisk, 1946, 1959, 1962

Municipal Art Society of New York, undated, 1960

Municipal Museum of the City of Baltimore, undated, 1931-1932, 1938 (see also: Peale Museum)

Municipal Museum, Hague, 1964 (see also: Gemeentemuseum)

Municipal Museums of Amsterdam, 1950, 1956, 1959-1960 (see also: Stedelijk Museum)

Municipal University of Omaha, 1965

Munro, Alan, 1955

Munson Gallery, Inc., undated, 1959-1961, 1966

Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1945-1947, 1950-1951, 1953-1963, 1965-1969

Munsterberg, Hugo, undated, 1943

Munsterberg, Peggy, 1944

Muramater, Honosuke, 1957

Murchison, John D., 1964

Murdock, Chloe, 1955

Murdock, Louise C., Estate of, undated, 1941-1942, 1945, 1947, 1949, 1951-1957, 1960-1961, 1965 (see also: Navas, Elizabeth)

Murphy, Grace E. Baislow (Mrs. Robert Cushwell), 1942-1943

Murphy, James P. J., 1955

Murray, Joan, 1957

Musée Cernuschi, 1962

Musé d'Art Juif, 1956

Museo Nacional de Arte Moderno, Mexico, 1965

Museu de Arte Contemporânea, Sao Paulo, 1963

Museu de Arte Moderna, Sao Paulo, 1956

Museum of African Art, 1964-1969 (see also: Center for Cross-Cultural Communication; Robbins, Warren M.)

Museum of American Folk Art, 1968

Museum of Art of Ogunquit, undated, 1952-1959, 1962-1963, 1968

Museum of Art of the Rhode Island School of Design, 1943-1947, 1950-1951, 1953, 1955-1956, 1966 (see also: Rhode Island School of Design)

Museum of Art, Science and Industry, Bridgeport, 1960, 1963-1966

Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, 1967

Museum of Contemporary Crafts, 1961, 1965

Museum of Cranbrook Academy of Art, 1944-1948, 1950, 1952-1955

Museum of Early American Folk Arts, undated, 1962-1963

Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, 1962

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1935-1944, 1946-1949, 1951, 1953-1969 (see also: School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston)

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, 1931, 1935, 1953-1957, 1962-1963, 1965

Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield, 1942, 1944, 1963, 1966, 1969 (see also: Springfield Museum of Fine Arts)

Museum of International Folk Art, 1955

Museum of Irish Art, undated

Museum of Modern Art, undated, 1930, 1932-1935, 1938-1939, 1941-1944, 1946-1968

Museum of Modern Art, Junior Council (see: Junior Council of the Museum of Modern Art)

Museum of Modern Art, Kamakura, Japan, 1963, 1965

Museum of Modern Art, Miami (see: Miami Museum of Modern Art)

Museum of New Mexico, 1959, 1963

Museum of the City of New York, 1952, 1958

Museum Tel Aviv, 1954-1955

Museum, Texas Technological College, 1953, 1958-1960 (see also: Texas Technological College)

Museum voor Schone Kunsten, Ghent, 1964

Myden, Walter P., 1955, 1959, 1961, 1964-1965, 1967

Myer, Peter L., 1966

Myers, B., 1957

Myers, H. F., 1957

Myers, Jimmy, 1951

Myers, L. S., 1959

Myers, Mrs. Philip M., 1959

Myersburg, Dorothy, 1952

Myerson, Martin, 1959

Myrick, Burny, 1951, 1953

Mystic Seaport, 1955

Nadel, E. Eddy, Estate of, 1969

Nadler, Harry, 1958

Nakamura, Edward H., 1966-1967

Nantz, Martin, 1965

Napoule Art Foundation (see: La Napoule Art Foundation)

Nardgren, Oke, 1945

Narotzky, Norman D., 1957, 1959

Nash, Alice, 1963

Nash, Susan Higginson, undated, 1940-1941

Nasher, Patsy and/or Raymond D., undated, 1954, 1958, 1962-1965, 1967-1969

Nassau Galleries, Inc., 1954, 1956-1958

Nassaux, Frederic, 1968-1969

Nathan, Ann and/or Walter, 1964, 1968

Charles S. Nathan, Inc., 1965

Nathan, Mrs. Emil, III, 1965

Nathan, Emily S., 1943, 1953, 1958, 1960-1961, 1963

Nathan, Fred C., 1932

Nation -- , 1962

National Academy of Design, 1944, 1951

National Antiques Show, 1956, 1962, 1964-1965

National Art Education Association, 1962

National Art Museum of Sport, Inc., 1968

National Arts and Antiques Festival, 1965

National Association of Fine Arts Dealers, 1962

National Blank Book Company, 1960-1961

National Broadcasting Company, Inc., 1953, 1957, 1960-1961

National Carloading Corporation, 1952

National Collection of Fine Arts, undated, 1944, 1964-1969, 1974

National Council for United States Art, Inc., 1954-1955, 1961

National Council for the Arts and Government, 1956, 1962

National Council of Jewish Women, Inc., undated, 1955-1956, 1958-1959, 1963, 1965-1966

National Council of Jewish Women, Inc., Essex County Section (see: Essex Country Section, National Council of Jewish Women, Inc.)

National Council of Women of the United States, Inc., 1960, 1968

National Educational Television and Radio Center, 1964

National Foundation, 1961, 1962

National Gallery, Norway, 1961

National Gallery of Art, undated, 1940-1941, 1945-1946, 1948, 1950-1951, 1956-1958, 1961-1962, 1964-1965

National Gallery of Canada, 1953

National Gallery of Victoria, 1958

National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1951, 1953, 1956, 1958, 1961, 1964, 1966- 1967

National Jewish Hospital of Denver, 1959

National Museum, Sweden, 1950, 1960-1961, 1963, 1966

National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, 1954

National Portrait Gallery, 1965-1967

National Recovery Administration, 1933-1934

"National Religious Art Exhibition," 1964

National School of Fine Arts, Argentina, 1959

National Society of American Art, undated

National Society of Interior Designers, Inc., 1959

National Wholesalers Board of Trade, Inc., Ltd., 1931

Naval Air Material Center, 1953

Navas, Elizabeth S. (Mrs. Rafael), undated, 1939-1946, 1948-1949, 1951-1957, 1961, 1965 (see also: Murdock, Louise C., Estate of)

Nazareth College of Rochester, 1967-1968

NBC, undated, 1965

Neal, Quintin, 1966

Nebraska Art Association, 1939, 1953-1954, 1956, 1959, 1962-1963

Nebraska Congregational Conference, 1962

Nebraska, University of (see: University of Nebraska)

Necker, Claire, 1968

Negro Digest -- , 1951

Neikrug Galleries, Inc., 1967

Neilson, Winthrop, 1950

Neiman, Deana, undated

Neiman, Irmgard Hess, undated, 1965

Neiman, LeRoy, 1957

Neiman-Marcus, undated, 1962, 1967

Nelson, Blair, 1956

Nelson, C. E., 1965

Elizabeth Nelson Galleries, 1954

George Nelson and Company, Inc., 1959, 1961

Nelson, O. E., 1961-1962, 1968

William Rockhill Nelson and Mary Atkins Museum of Fine Arts, 1962-1963, 1965-1966

William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, 1933-1934, 1936, 1940-1942, 1944-1947, 1951, 1953, 1955-1956, 1958-1960

William Rockhill Nelson Trust, 1933, 1937, 1965-1966

Nemser, Cindy, 1967

Ness, Harold B., 1958, 1967-1968

Nesse, Julius, 1967

Nesterman, Hy, 1960, 1963, 1965

Neuberger, Roy R. and/or Marie, undated, 1941-1942, 1945-1946, 1948-1949, 1951, 1953, 1955-1958, 1961-1968

Neuman, Hans, 1961

Neuman, Robert S., 1952

Neumann, Lotar, 1968

Nevada, University of (see: University of Nevada)

Nevis, Paul, 1958

New-Age Color Slides, 1956

New-Age Gallery, Inc., 1950-1951

New American Library of World Literature, 1953

New Britain Institute of Art, undated, 1942, 1965-1966 (see also: Art Museum of the New Britain Institute)

New Directions, 1951, 1957, 1961

New Gallery, undated, 1955-1956, 1961

New Haven Jewish Community Center, 1955, 1957, 1961

New Haven Railroad, 1968

New Jersey State Museum, 1946, 1950-1953, 1955, 1959-1961, 1963-1967, 1969

New Lincoln School, 1964

New Mexico, University of (see: University of New Mexico)

New Orleans Arts and Crafts Club (see: Arts and Crafts Club of New Orleans)

New Orleans Jazz Museum and Archives, 1966

New Republic -- , 1955, 1960

New, Robert H., 1963

New Rochelle Art Association, 1951, 1962

New School Art Center, 1964

New School for Social Research, 1952, 1955, 1960, 1962-1963, 1966, 1968

New York Board of Fire Underwriters, 1945

New York Central, 1965, 1967

New York Circulating Library of Paintings, Inc., 1952

New York City Board of Education (see: Board of Education of the City of New York)

New York City Board of Transportation (see: Board of Transportation of the City of New York)

New York City Center Gallery, 1955

New York City Commissioner of Borough Works, 1959

New York City Council for Art Week, Inc., 1941

New York City Department of Buildings, 1960, 1964

New York City Department of Commerce and Public Events (see: Department of Commerce and Public Events, New York City)

New York City Finance Department, 1937 (see also: City of New York, Department of Finance)

New York City Fire Department, 1966

New York City Mayor's Advisory Committee for the Aged, undated

New York City Police Department, 1964

New York City Sales Tax Division, 1943

New York City's 300th Anniversary, 1953

New York Committee for Stevenson, Kefauver and Wagner, 1956

New York Council to Abolish the House Un-American Activities Committee, 1961

New York County, County Clerk (see: County Clerk, New York County)

New York Dealers of American Art, 1957 (see also: Dealers of American Art)

New York Graphic Society, undated, 1956-1966, 1968

New York Guild for the Jewish Blind, 1956

New York Herald Tribune -- , 1959, 1961, 1963, 1966

New York Hilton, 1963

New York Hospital, 1956 (see also: Society of the New York Hospital)

New York Journal American -- , 1940, 1963

New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Co., 1966

New York Post -- , 1960

New York Psychoanalytic Institute, 1957-1958

New York Public Library, undated, 1933, 1950-1951

New York Shakespeare Festival, 1962

New York Star -- , 1948

New York State Art Teachers Association, undated

New York State College of Home Economics at Cornell University, 1945

New York State Council on the Arts, 1964-1966

New York State Department of Labor, 1962, 1964, 1967

New York State Department of Law, 1968

New York State Department of Taxation, 1956,1958

New York State Exposition, 1965-1966

New York State Fair, 1961

New York State Historical Association, 1949, 1956, 1960

New York Steam Corporation, 1941-1942

New York Studio School of Art, 1965

New York Telephone Company, 1940-1941, 1958, 1960, 1965

New York Times -- , undated, 1951, 1953, 1960-1965, 1967-1968

New York University, 1955, 1960, 1965-1966

New York University-Bellevue Medical Center, 1959-1960

New York World-Telegram -- , 1949

New York World's Fair Corporation, 1965

New York World's Fair, Department of Contemporary Art, 1939

New Yorker -- , 1950-1951, 1953, 1958, 1965, 1967

New Zealand Embassy, 1966

Newark Museum, 1935, 1940-1942, 1944-1946, 1949-1950, 1952-1954, 1958-1959, 1963- 1964, 1966-1968

Newberry, Joan, undated

Newberry, John S., Jr., 1945, 1949, 1951, 1961, 1964

Newcomb-Macklin Co., 1958

Newhall, Jennifer, 1967

Newhouse Galleries, 1940

Newman, Arnold, undated, 1943-1945

Newman, Dean, 1949

Newman, Lucille, 1962

Newman, Mrs. Philip, 1959

Newman, Rose, 1965

Newman, William A., 1968

Newman, Mrs. William T., 1962

Newport Harbor, Fine Arts Patrons (see: Fine Arts Patrons of Newport Harbor)

News Sentinel -- , 1966

Newsday -- , 1967

Newspaper Women's Club of New York, 1964

Newsweek -- , undated, 1942, 1950, 1954, 1956-1958, 1960-1961, 1965-1966, 1968

Newtown Bee -- , 1966-1968

Newtown, Conn. Board of Selectmen, 1957

Nichols, J. C., 1933-1934, 1937, 1939

Nichols, Marilyn A., undated, 1961

Nichols, Nicholas H., 1965-1966

Nickle, Robert, 1951

Nihombashi Gallery, 1965-1966, 1968

Nikkel, Vernon, undated, 1952, 1954, 1964

Nikko Co., Ltd., 1962-1963

Nilson, Mrs. R. A., 1964

Nipp, Francis S., 1953

Nippon Express, 1965

Nordness Gallery, undated 1958-1966

Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences, 1950, 1954, 1960-1961, 1965, 1967

Norman, Ben, 1965

Norman, Charles, 1966

Norman, Dorothy, 1946

Norris, Ben, 1962

North Alabama Missions, 1961

North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College (see: Agricultural and Technical College of North Carolina)

North Carolina Collectors, 1966

North Carolina Museum of Art, 1956-1957, 1960

North Carolina State Art Society, 1963

North Carolina, University of (see: University of North Carolina)

North Dakota, University of (see: University of North Dakota)

North Hills YM-YWHA, 1963

North, Phylis, undated

North Shore Arts Festival, 1957-1959, 1961

North Shore Child Guidance Association, Inc., 1957, 1967

North Shore Congregation Israel, 1958

North Shore Hospital, 1964

North Texas Museums Resource Council, 1967

Northeast, Irene, 1968

Northern Illinois University, 1960

Northern Trust Company, 1945, 1952-1953, 1955, 1957-1958 (see also: Smith, Solomon Byron)

Northern Virginia Fine Arts Association, 1965-1966

Northpark National Bank of Dallas, 1965-1966

Northrup, Guy, Jr., 1953

Norton, Ann and/or Ralph H.undated, 1941-1943, 1946-1948, 1952-1954, 1958

Norton Gallery and School of Art, 1941-1943, 1947, 1950-1953, 1956-1959, 1961-1968 (see also: Palm Beach Art Institute)

Norton, Marion S., 1952

W. W. Norton and Co., Inc., 1957

Norwegian Embassy, 1954 (see also: Embassy of the United States of America, Oslo)

Norwich Art School, 1957

Notre Dame University, undated, 1931 (see also: University of Notre Dame)

Noun, Louise R. and/or Maurice H., 1951-1952, 1960, 1962, 1965, 1968

Nugent, M. A., 1964

Nuland, Evelyn and/or William, 1969

Nu-Lite Corporation, 1959, 1966

Null, Mrs. Henry, 1965

Numero Gallery, 1962

Nunes, Gordon M., 1955

Nunsing, Stephan P., American Embassy, London, undated

Nusland, Dr., undated

Nydick, Irwin, 1960

Oakes, Audrey, 1961

Oakland Art Museum, 1964

Oakland University, 1966

Oberfest, Abraham, 1962, 1964-1968

Oberlin College, 1938-1939, 1942, 1944-1947, 1951, 1954, 1967

Obluck, Warren, 1966

Dale O'Brien Company, 1949

O'Brien, Mrs. Eugene, 1964

O'Brien, Libby, 1963

Occidental College, 1955

O'Connor, Cornelius, 1956

O'Connor, Francis V., 1968

O'Connor, John, Jr., 1955, 1958

Odol Chemical Corporation, 1965

Odom, Jaime N., 1953

Odorfer, Adolf, 1945

Oehlschlaeger, Frank J., 1946, 1954

Office Appliances, 1958

Office Management, 1953-1954, 1958

Office of International Information and Cultural Affairs, 1946

Office of Military Government for Germany (U.S.), 1948

Office of Special Service Headquarters, Camp Kilmer, N.J., 1943

Office of War Information, 1945

Charles Z. Offin Advertising, Inc., 1947, 1951, 1953, 1958, 1960, 1962-1964, 1966-1968

Ohannessian, Griselda, 1968

Ohio State University, 1953, 1958-1959, 1960, 1963

Ohio University, 1931, 1946, 1952-1954, 1958, 1964

Ohio Wesleyan University, 1954, 1956, 1958, 1960

Oi, Lam, 1967

Oka, Wilfred M., 1968

O'Keeffe, Georgia, 1946, 1952, 1954-1956, 1958, 1960, 1963-1964

Okeley, Edward, 1940

Okimoto, T., 1967

Oklahoma Art Center, 1946, 1967-1968

Oklahoma Printmakers Society, 1960

Old Town Galleries, 1969

Old Westbury Gardens, Inc., 1960

Oldfield, Otis, 1931

Olds, Elizabeth Fogg (Mrs. Lawrence B.), undated, 1963

Olds, Ella Raines (Mrs. Robin), 1951

Olin, Gladys, 1960

Olivia Associates, Ltd., 1967

Olsen, Fred, 1950

Olson, Elizabeth R. (Mrs. Reuben L.), 1954

Omaha Agricultural and Mechanical

College, 1957

Omaha Municipal Univeristy (see: Municipal University of Omaha)

Omnibook, 1949

120 Antiquities (see: Locher, Robert E.; Weyand, Richard)

O'Neill, Marie, 1960-1961

O'Neill, Terrence J., 1962

Ontario East Gallery, 1966

Openair Museum, 1962

Oplinger, Curt, 1955

Oppenheim Collins Co., 1958

Oppenheim, Donny, 1962

Oppenheimer, Arthur, 1946

Pabst Brewing Company, 1953

Paccassi, Virginia, 1946

Pace College, 1958

Pach, Walter, 1944

Pacific Art Review, 1942

Pack, Richard M., 1966

Packard, Artemus, 1931

Padawer Galleries, 1959-1960

Paddock, William, 1962

Padgett, Gail, 1967

Paepcke, Elizabeth and/or Walter P., 1949-1951, 1953, 1957, 1966, 1968

Page, Charles, 1962

Page, Homer, 1962

William A. Pahlmann Associates, Inc., 1964

Paine Art Center and Arboretum, undated, 1964

Paine, Ellen Lea (Mrs. Peter Standish), 1951

Paine, Stephen D., 1962-1963

Paitevin, Mercedes, 1969

J. Pak, Inc., 1962, 1963

Pakehita, Natenko, 1954

Palette Art Co., Inc., 1952, 1964

Paley, George E., 1959

Paley, Lillian, 1961

Paley, Mr. and/or Mrs. William, 1952, 1966

Pall, David B., 1966, 1968

Palm Beach Art Institute, 1962, 1964 (see also: Norton Gallery and School of Art)

Palm Beach Post -- , 1965

Palmer, Eleanor, 1965

Palmer, Fred L., 1960, 1963, 1966

Palmer, Hans C., 1964

Palmer, Herbert B., undated, 1966, 1968

Palmer House Galleries, 1958

Palmer, J. Wood, 1956

Palmer, Mrs. L., 1962

Palmer, Mary C. (Mrs. Gerald J.), 1962

Palmer, Roland S., 1930

Pan American Union, 1950

Pan American World Airways, 1958, 1964

Pandolfini, Joseph, 1940

Pantheon Books, Inc., 1954, 1961-1963

Paplanus, Samuel, 1953, 1962, 1964

Pappas, Louis, 1957

Pappenheimer, Louise B. (Mrs. Ralph), 1949-1950

Papsdorf, Fred, 1942

Parade, Inc., undated

Pare, Gladys R. (Mrs. Robert E.), 1953

Paris, Robel, 1952

Pariser, Susan M., 1961

Park, Arthur R., 1956

Park Gallery, 1951, 1960, 1962-1963

Park, Julian, 1956

Park Synagogue, 1961, 1965

Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc., undated, 1939, 1946, 1953, 1955-1958, 1961, 1964-1965, 1967-1968

Parke, Samuel C., Jr., 1967

Parker, Bill, 1958

Parker, Inez Grant, undated

Parker, James Reid, 1950

Parker, Thomas, 1952

Parkinson, Elizabeth B. (Mrs. Bliss), undated, 1950, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1962

Parlett, Lynda, 1964

Betty Parsons Gallery, 1961

Parkway Triangle Construction Co., 1959

Parnes, Sidmore, 1959

Parrish Art Museum, 1946, 1956, 1966

Parsons College, 1953

Parsons, Harold W., 1945

Parsons School of Design, 1961

Part-Time People, Inc., 1966-1967

Parzen, Dr. and Mrs. George, 1962

Pasadena Art Institute, 1944, 1947, 1951, 1966

Pasadena Public Library, 1958

Pascal, E. L., 1965

Pascal, Vern, 1966

Passedoit, Georgette, 1961

Paston, S., 1959

Patterson, William J. J., 1952

Pattison, Abbot L., undated, 1953-1954, 1956-1958, 1960, 1967-1968

Patzig, Cynthia Lee, 1967

Paul, Henry, 1951

Paullin, Ethel Parsons (Mrs. Telford), 1956

Paulist-Newman Press, 1969

[Payson?], Helen, 1953

Peabody Book Shop, 1930

George Peabody College for Teachers, 1963-1965

Peace, Bernie, 1965

Peaco*ck Memorials, Inc., 1958

Peake, Channing, 1955

Peale Museum, 1931, 1955 (see also: Municipal Museum of the City of Baltimore)

Pear, B. Lincoln, 1964

Pearle, Elsie (Mrs. Stanley C.), undated, 1960, 1962-1963, 1967-1968

Pearson, Lucia S., undated, 1965

Pearson, Norman Holmes, 1969

Pearson, Ralph M., 1943, 1948, 1953

Pease, Roland Folsom, Jr., 1960, 1964

Peat, Marwick, Mitchell and Co., 1967

Peavy, Paulina, 1952

Pecher, William, 1969

Peck, Augustus, 1930-1931

Peden, Dell, 1959

Pei, I. M., 1960

L. E. Pelletier and Associates, Inc., 1968

Pelligrini and Cudahy, Publishers, 1950, 1953

M. Pelligrino and Co., 1963

Penguin Books Ltd., 1963-1964, 1966

Penick, Mary Monroe, undated

Penn, Bill, 1953

William Penn Memorial Museum, 1966

Wm. Penn Publishing Corporation., 1957, 1966

Penney, Charles P., Jr., 1963-1965

Penney, James and/or Rachel, 1943, 1961

Pennington, Mary Anne, 1965

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, undated, 1931, 1934, 1940-1948, 1950-1965, 1967

Pennsylvania College for Women, 1952

Pennsylvania Museum Commission, 1966

Pennsylvania Railroad Company, 1947, 1965

Pennsylvania State College, 1931, 1937

Pennsylvania State University, 1955-1959, 1961, 1963-1965

Pennsylvania, University of (see: University of Pennsylvania)

Pennypacker, John, 1955

Penobscot, 1966

Pensanto, Joyce, 1961

Peoples Bank of Johnstown, 1941

Pepper, Ben, 1941

Pepper, Charles Hovy, undated

Pepsi-Cola Company, 1945, 1947

Pepsi-Cola's Annual Art Competition, 1946

Pereira, Irene Rice, 1945, 1965

Perelman, Laura West, undated

Perelman, S. J., 1956, 1965

Peril, Barry R. and/or Marilyn, undated, 1964-1968

Perin, Bradford and/or Nancy, 1941, 1967

Perkins, Alta B., 1955

Perkins, F. H., 1930

Perkins, Philip, 1946

Perkins, Ralph, Jr., 1952

Perleman, S. J., 1938, 1942

Perlestein, S., 1943

Perlin, Bernard, 1946

Perlin, Zalmar, 1951, 1953

Perlman, Bennard B., 1962

Perlman, Betty (Mrs. Aaron W.), 1961

Perlman, Meyer, 1953

Perlmutter, Jack, 1946

Perlmutter, Victor, 1958

Frank Perls Gallery, undated, 1942, 1949-1957, 1964

Perls, Klaus, 1963

Perper, Mark, 1934, 1942-1943

Perrin, Madeline, undated

Perry, Anna, 1964

Perry, Donna S., undated, 1963

Perry, Norman, undated, 1946

General John J. Pershing Memorial Committee, 1954

Perspectives U.S.A. -- , 1952

Pertzoff, Constantin A., 1953

Perutz, George, undated, 1964, 1966-1969

Peruvian Ambassador, undated

Peshkin, Mrs. Milton, 1957

Peterman, C. H., 1966-1967

Peters, Alice, 1960

Peters, Joseph, undated, 1964

Peters, Muriel, 1941

Peters Signs, 1940-1941

Peterson, Charles, 1955

Peterson, S. Marjorie, 1967

Petschek, Stephen, 1962

Peyser, Mark, undated

Pfeiffer, Heinrich, 1933

Pfeiffer, Ken H., 1951

Phaneuf, Richard, 1964

Phelan, Frances C., (Mrs. George A.), 1961

Phelps-Stokes Fund, 1963

Philadelphia Art Alliance, undated, 1931, 1939, 1942, 1947, 1952-1954, 1956, 1959-1960, 1964

Philadelphia Inquirer -- , 1952

Philadelphia Maritime Museum, 1964

Philadelphia Museum College of Art, 1962-1964

Philadelphia Museum of Art, undated, 1939, 1941-1946, 1948-1955, 1957-1963, 1965-1969

Philadelphia Print Club (see: Print Club (Philadelphia))

Philadelphia Water Color Club, 1950-1951

Philbrook Art Center, 1939, 1941-1942, 1944, 1947-1948, 1952, 1962-1964, 1967

Phillips, Mrs. Charles S., 1953

Phillips Collection, 1951, 1953, 1964, 1967 (see also: Phillips Memorial Gallery; Phillips Gallery)

Phillips, Duncan and/or Marjorie, 1930-1931, 1942-1943, 1951, 1954, 1966

Phillips Exeter Academy, 1960, 1962, 1966

Phillips Gallery, 1954-1955, 1957, 1959, 1961-1962

Phillips, Harlan B., 1964

Phillips, James, undated, 1956

Phillips, Mrs. John G., undated

Phillips Memorial Gallery, undated, 1931, 1940-1942, 1944-1947, 1949 (see also: Phillips Collection; Phillips Gallery)

Phillips, Mrs. Seymour, 1959

Phillips, Stephen, 1961

Phoenix Art Museum, undated, 1959-1960, 1962, 1964-1966

Phoenix Assurance Co., 1962-1963

Phoenix Fine Arts Association, 1954, 1959

Piaskowski, Nata, 1966

Picadilly Gallery, 1962

Picard Gallery, 1959

Picher, William, undated, 1968

Pick, Frederic G., 1952

Pictures on Exhibit -- , 1940-1941, 1951-1952, 1954, 1956, 1959, 1961-1962

Pictures Publishing Company, 1946

Pierce, Ethel May, 1965

Pietrzak, Richard, 1968

Pike, Marion, 1955

Pilgrim Airlines, 1968

Pillsbury, Edmund, 1964

Pillsbury, Mrs. John S., 1961-1962, 1964

Pinchuck, Mrs. D., 1961

Pinckney, Pauline A., 1939-1940, 1955-1956

Pincus, I. N., 1959

Pine Cupboard Antique Shop, 1953

Pine Shops, Inc., 1951, 1953

Pineles, Cipe, 1960 (see also: Burtin, Cipe Pineles)

Pines, David, 1959

Pines Publications, Inc., 1959

Pinkerton's, Inc., 1965

Pinney, Richard D., 1958

Piper, Raymond F., undated, 1956

Pipes, James, 1947

Pipes, Raymond F., 1955

Pippin Press, 1948-1949

Piroumoff, Nina, undated

Pirtle, Eugene, 1956

Pitt and Scott Limited, 1962

Pittman, Hobson, 1934

Pittman Publishing Co., 1962

Pitts, Anne, 1968

Pittsburgh, University of (see: University of Pittsburgh)

Plach, Eva R., undated

Plack, Mrs. Louis E., 1947

Paul Planert Associates, 1962, 1965, 1967

Platel, Edward Charles, 1963

Platt Steel and Supply Co., 1962

Plaut Travel, Inc., 1959

Playboy -- , undated, 1958, 1960

Playhouse Gallery, undated, 1958, 1961

Plaza Palette, 1959

Pleadwell, Theodora H., 1946, 1954-1955

Pleasants, Frederick R., 1961

Pleasants, J. Hall, 1941

Pleet, Gilbert, 1957

Plimpton, George F. and Mary Wilcox, undated, 1931

Ploch, Henry H., Jr., undated, 1964, 1967-1969

Plymouth Rock Publications, Inc., 1958

PM -- , 1940

Pocket Books, 1953

Podell, D. L., 1940-1942

Pohl, La Vera, 1940

Pohl, William M., 1931

Poland, Reginald, undated, 1966

Polier, Midonick and Zinsser, 1961-1962, 1964 (see also: Midonick, Millard L.)

Pollack, Frederick, 1960

Pollack, Peter, undated, 1941, 1954, 1956-1957, 1960-1964, 1967-1968

Pollack, Sidney, 1942

Pollak, Mrs. James E., 1966

Pollak, Maurice, 1957

Pollak, Robert, 1955

Pollitzer, Anita, undated, 1954

Pollock, Lawrence S. and/or Shirley, 1960, 1962-1963

Polster, Edythe, 1961

Pomerantz, Louis, undated, 1949, 1951-1953, 1961, 1965

Pomona College, 1946, 1958

Pond, Everett H. and/or Emily H., 1940, 1954

Pool, Dr. and Mrs. J. Lawrence, undated

Pool, James L., 1961, 1964

Poor, Ann, 1956

Poor, Henry V., 1927

Poplack, William J., 1962

Popper, Mrs. Arthur, 1946

Popplereuther, Hans O., 1950

Popular Publications, Inc., 1951-1953 (see also: Goldsmith, Harold S.)

Port of New York, 1958

Porte-Petit, J. Antonio de Villers, 1967-1968

Porter, Cole, 1940-1943, 1945

David Porter Gallery, 1945, 1951 (see also: G Place Gallery)

Horace C. Porter Antiques, 1955

Porter, Milton, 1949

Porter, Sylvia, 1956

Porter, Teresia B., 1961

Portland Art Museum, 1939-1947, 1950-1953, 1956-1958, 1960-1961, 1963-1964, 1966, 1969

Portland State College, 1958, 1968

Portraits, Inc., 1960

Portrayals of the Finer Arts and Span of Progress Exhibits, 1952

Post, A. Alan, undated, 1942-1943

Post, Mrs. C. K., 1940

C. W . Post College, 1964

Post, Diane, undated

Post, Mrs. Jack E., 1959

Postal Telegraph and Cable Co., undated, 1942

Postmaster, 1942, 1961, 1963-1965

Potamkin, Mr. and/or Mrs. Meyer, 1952, 1954-1956, 1965, 1968

Potsdam State University (see: State Teachers College, Potsdam, N.Y.; State University Teachers College, Potsdam, N.Y.)

Potter, Mr., 1955

Potter, Arnold, 1963

Potter, Bertha H., 1932

Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1961, 1967

Potter, Margaret, undated

Potts, Ada G. (Mrs. C. S.), 1956

Potts, Mrs. John, 1961

Pousette-Dart, Nathaniel, 1953

Powel, Mrs. Samuel, 1961

Powell, Helen (Mrs. Charles), 1952

Powell Floor Machine Co., Inc., 1940

Powell, Mrs. Roe M., 1964

Powell, Mr. and Mrs. Watson, n..d.

Powell, Watson, Jr., 1962-1963

Powelson, Harry, 1962

Powers, John G., 1970

Pozzatti, Rudy O., 1951

Practicing Law Institute, 1956

Praeger, Evelyn G., 1961-1962, 1964, 1966-1967

Praeger, Frederick A., 1961, 1965, 1968

Praeger, Mr. and/or Mrs. Leo, 1962-1963

Prasso, Leona E., 1958

Pratt Center for Contemporary Printmaking, 1967-1969

Pratt, Dallas, 1959

Pratt Institute, undated, 1958-1963, 1965-1968

Premiere Art Gallery, 1961-1962

Preminger, Otto, 1959-1960

Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1956, 1962, 1966

Presbyterian Life -- , 1968

Presley, Jane, 1962

Prestige Personnel Agency, 1967

Preston, Catherine and/or Robert, 1963

Preston, Flora Mobley, 1959, 1966

Preston Gallery, 1962

Prestopino, Gergorio, undated, 1945, 1958

Preusser, Don, 1955

Preusser, Robert, 1952-1954, 1960

Previn, André and/or Dory Langdon, undated, 1959-1968

Price, Edmund T., 1951, 1958-1959

Price, F. N., 1945

Price, Glenn, 1951

Price, Maurice A., 1958

Price, Vincent L., undated, 1949, 1956, 1959, 1962

Pride, Robert G., 1961

Primoff, M. W., Mr. and/or Mrs., 1958-1959

Princeton Press, Inc., 1954-1956

Princeton Print Club, 1941

Princeton University, 1930-1931, 1934, 1960-1961, 1966

Princeton University Press, 1955, 1959

Pringle, Rosa, 1956

Print -- , 1958

Print and Drawing Society of North Carolina, 1964

Print Club (Philadelphia), 1929-1930, 1935, 1951-1953, 1955-1958, 1960, 1961-1963, 1965, 1967

Print Club of Rochester, 1935

Print Council of America, 1957-1962, 1964-1965

Print Makers Society of California, 1931

Prior, Ann and/or Harris K., undated, 1958, 1963, 1965

Prior, Roger W., 1931

Pritchard, Edith M. F., 1959

Pritz, N., undated

Harvey Probber, Inc., 1958, 1965

Proctor snd Gamble Company, 1958

Progressive Citizens of America, 1947

Progressive Packaging, Inc., 1963

Promenade, undated, 1959

Prosser, Hortense H. (Mrs.John), 1961-1963

Providence Art Center, 1953

Providence Art Club, 1955, 1961-1963

Providence Lithograph Company, undated, 1968

Provincetown Art Association (Incorporated), 1946, 1964

Provincetown Art Festival, 1958

Prown, Jules D., 1957

Proy, Michael E., 1950

J. T. Pryor, Jr., 1942

Public Education Association, 1961

Puerto Rico, University of (see: University of Puerto Rico)

Pulaski Council of Milwaukee, 1946

Pullitzer, Joseph, Jr., 1953

Pullman Co., 1966

Puma, Fernando, 1944, 1952

Punte, G., 1963

Purdue University, 1962, 1964, 1966

Pure Oil, 1961

Pushkin Fine Arts Museum, 1963

Pustilnik, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome, 1965

Putnam, Kingman W., 1949

G. Putnam's Sons, 1935

Putzel, Howard, 1940

Putzker, Heidi and Ralph, 1951

PWPA, 1936

Pyle, Albert and/or Polly, 1965, 1967

Pyle, Richard Temple, undated, 1951, 1958

Quadrum Revue Internationale d'Arte Moderne, 1964

Quaker Storage Co., Inc., 1966

Quandt, Russell J., 1953, 1968

Quarrie Corporation Publishers, 1946

Quatre Chemins, 1930-1931

Queens College, 1960, 1962-1963

Quest, Dell, undated, 1965

Quick -- , 1952, 1953

Quigley Music Studios, 1952

Quinn, J. William, 1966

Quinn, John R., 1963

Quinn, Ruth, 1965

Quinnipac College, 1968

Quintel, Lorraine, 1953

Rabinowitz, Jarold W., 1953

Ernest Raboff Gallery, 1963

Alexandre Rabow Galleries, undated, 1952-1953, 1955-1956

Racolin, Alexander E., 1958, 1960

Radio Advertising Bureau, Inc., undated, 1956

Radulovic, John, undated

Radwany, Emery A., 1951

Raffo, Steve, 1952, 1965

Raiff, Stanley, 1959

Railway Express Agency Incorporated, undated, 1945-1946, 1953, 1957-1958, 1960, 1962-1967

George Rainbird, Ltd., 1964

Rains Auction Rooms, Inc., 1934

Raines Galleries, 1935, 1937

Rainey, John, 1958

Rainsford, Richard A., 1963

Raker, Mildred, 1954

Rambusch Decorating Co., 1955, 1958-1959

Ramsay, John, 1942

Rand, Mr. and/or Mrs. Jacob, 1945-1946, 1948, 1952-1953, 1957

Rand, Nettie, 1949, 1951-1952, 1954, 1957

William Rand, Inc., 1955

Randal, Jules C., 1944

Randall, Anthony, 1952-1953

Randall, James D., 1961

Randlev, Karen Ruth, undated, 1963

Randolph, A. Philip, 1942

Randolph County Schools, 1954

Randolph-Macon Woman's College, 1946-1947, 1953, 1956-1965, 1966, 1968

Random House, Inc., 1952-1953, 1956, 1963, 1965

Randells, Neil J., undated, 1964

Ransohoff, J. Louis, 1946

Raoul, Rosine, 1964

Raphael, Annette, undated, 1958

Raphael, T., 1959

Rapp, Carol, 1962

Rappaport, Beatrice (Mrs. J. L.), 1950

Rappaport, Roslyn, 1955

Rapoport, Olga, undated

Raskas, Bernard S., 1960-1961, 1964, 1969

Rassmussen, R. Jens, 1961-1962

Ratenburg, W. H., 1943

Rathbone Books Ltd., 1959

Rathbone, Perry, 1963

Ratico, Ruth G., 1958

Rattner, Abraham and/or Esther, undated, 1956, 1958-1960, 1962, 1964-1966, 1968

Rattner, Lewis J., 1964

Rau, Anne, undated

Rau, Penny, undated, 1952

Rau, Robert, 1959

Rau-Kealy, Frieda, 1959

Rausokoff, Mrs. J. L., 1940

Ravin, Ellen, 1970

Ravinia Festival Association, 1958

Rawlings, John, 1947

Rawson, Catharine G., 1956

Ray and Ray, 1970

Rayburn, Harold E., 1965, 1967-1968

Raymond and Raymond Art Galleries, 1938

Raymond and Raymond, Inc., 1945, 1950

Raymond, Bernard, 1950, 1953

RCA Communications, Inc., 1962, 1965

Readers' Subscription, Inc., 1960, 1961

Reading Public Museum and Art Gallery, 1950

Réalités -- , 1965, 1967

Reconstructionist -- , 1958

Redbook Magazine -- , 1963

Redding, Eleanor (Mrs. H . E.), 1964

Redka, Eugenia, 1956

Carroll Reece Museum, 1968

Reed College, 1963

Reed, Elizabeth (Mrs. John E.), 1953

Reed, Isadora Bennett, 1965

Reengum, Jerry J., 1952

Reep, Edward, 1967

Reese, Betty, undated

Reese, Mr. and/or Mrs. Charles Lee, Jr., 1956, 1963

Reeves, Ruth, undated, 1947

Reeves, W. Harrison, 1966

Refregier, Anton, 1960

Regenstein, Helen M., undated, 1962

Regenstein, Louis, Jr., 1960, 1963, 1965

Register, James P., 1963

Rehm, Mary Torr, 1958, 1967-1969

Frank K. M. Rehn, Inc., 1955-1958, 1960

Reiber, John G., 1943

Reich, Sheldon, 1963, 1965

Reichard, Myron L., 1963

Reichardt, Jessica, 1962

Reichhold, Henry H., 1945

Reichman, Fred, 1964

Reichmann, Edith, 1968

Reid, Alma M., 1955

Reid, Anne Cooke, 1960

Reid, Mrs. Ira, 1960

Reimer, C., 1960

Reimer Inc., 1962, 1964

Ethel Linder Reiner Productions, 1957

Reingold, Gail M., 1964

Reinhold Book Division, 1967, 1969

Bernard Reis and Company, 1953, 1966-1968

Reisman, Marshall M., 1957-1958, 1961-1962

Reisner, Neil, 1965

Reiss, Wallace, undated, 1952-1953

Reitman, John, 1961

Reliable Office Furniture Co., 1960

Renaissance Society of the University of Chicago, 1945, 1948-1949, 1954, 1957, 1961

Renders, Mrs. John F., 1964

Rendle, D. E., 1965

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1958-1959

Charles H. Renthal and Company, 1967

Reporter -- , 1953

Resor, Helen and/or Stanley, 1935, 1938-1939

Restrepo, Pedro, 1966

Revel, Henry L., 1964

Revere Copper and Brass Incorporated, 1934

Revere Paper Products Corp., 1965

Rex Envelope Co.., 1964

Reynard, Grant, 1962

Reynolda House, 1967

Reynolds, 1960

Reynolds, Harold F., 1947

Reynolds, John J., 1965-1966

Reynolds, Joseph N., 1961

Reynolds Metals Company, 1959-1960

Rex, Frances L., 1952

Rhode Island School of Design, 1935, 1939, 1956, 1966 (see also: Museum of Art of the Rhode Island School of Design)

Ribicoff, Belle and/or Irving F., undated, 1959-1960, 1964

Stewart Ricard Gallery, 1959

Rice, Dr., 1952

Rice, Elmer, 1944, 1962-1963

Rice, Marion, 1958

Rice, Martin, 1953

Rice, Maurice A., 1958

Rice, Shirley R., 1960

Rich, A. John, 1966

Rich Displays, 1964

Richards, Beatrice (Mrs. Bartlett), 1957

Richards, Helen Hughes, undated

Richards, Joe, 1961

Richards, John Alan, undated, 1945, 1960

Martin Richards, Inc., 1952-1953

Richards, Rowland, 1946

Richardson, Page G., 1954

Richardson, Thomas L., 1963

Richert, Bill, undated

Richman, Robert, 1955

Richmond, Anne (Mrs. Aaron), undated, 1959

Richmond, Frederick, 1960

Richmond, Larry, 1957, 1963

Richter, Horace, 1959

Stewart Rickard Gallery, Inc., 1960-1963

Ridley, Emily Derr, 1943

Ridley, Orrin R., 1963

Rie, Robert, 1966

Riesnfeld, Victor, 1953

Riff's, 1953

Riker, Jerome, 1955

Riley, Eleanor Piper (Mrs. R. C.), 1950

Riley, Marie (Mrs. Bernard J.), 1952

Riley, Mary, 1955

Riley, Mary Alexander (Mrs. Chapin), 1952-1953

Riley, Maude, undated

Riley, Verna P. (Mrs. Chester L.), 1965

Rimmel, P. Grebe, 1956, 1965

Ringel, Frederick J., 1954

Ringer, Lotta (Mrs. Philip), 1954-1955

John and Mabel Ringling Museum of Art, 1949-1950, 1955, 1957-1958, 1962-1965

Ringold, Evelyn (Mrs. Herbert H.), 1960

Ripley, S. Dillon, 1967

Ritchey, Virginia, 1962

Ritchie, Andrew C. and/or Jane, undated, 1960

Ritter, Ralph L., 1956

Ritz Associates, Inc., undated

Ritz Tower, 1965, 1967-1968

Rival, Freddy, undated, 1958

River Dell Senior High School, 1964

Rivers, Larry, 1967

Riverside Radio, WRVR, 1960

Rixey, Lilian, 1964

Road, John, undated

Roadside Art Gallery, 1959

Robbins, Jerome, 1965

Robbins Library, 1962

Robbins, N.J., 1967

Robbins, Warren M., 1961-1964, 1966 (see also: Center for Cross-Cultural Communication; Museum of African Art)

Roberson, Edgar Paul, Jr., 1956

Roberson, Genevive, 1964

Roberts, 1937

Roberts and Reimers, Incorporated, 1941

Roberts, James M., 1955

Roberts, Laurence, 1956

Roberts, Mr. and/or Mrs. Michael, 1968

Robin, Mary, undated

Robins, Janet L. (Mrs. H. S.), 1959-1960

Robinson, Andrew, 1962

Robinson, Boardman, 1934

Robinson, Carol, undated

Robinson, Edward G., undated, 1934, 1942, 1945-1946, 1948, 1956-1957

Robinson, Eleanor, 1937-1938

Robinson, F. E. M., 1961-1962

Robinson, Frances, 1935

Robinson, George, 1944

Robinson, Grace M. (Mrs. Romney), undated, 1955

Robinson, Hazel Andre, 1963

Robinson, John-David, 1959, 1961

Robinson, Mary Turlay, 1952-1953

Robinson, Sallie White, 1956

Robinsons, Inc., 1958

Esther Robles Gallery, undated, 1960-1961

Robsjohn-Gibbings, Ltd., 1951, 1960

Robsjohn, J. H., 1950

Robson, Mark, 1950, 1960

Sara Roby Foundation, 1962

Roche, Martha, 1956

Rochester Memorial Art Gallery, 1945-1946, 1954, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1963-1965

Rochester Print Club (see: Print Club of Rochester)

Rochester, University of (see: University of Rochester)

Rock-Hil-Uris, Inc., 1963

Rock of Ages, 1958

Rock Springs High School, 1961, 1963

Rockefeller, 1929

Rockefeller, Abby A., undated, 1930, 1934, 1941-1943

Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Collection, 1955-1957

Rockefeller, Barbara, 1955

Rockefeller, Blanchette and/or John D. III, 1935, 1938, 1945-1946, 1949-1951, 1956, 1960, 1962-1964

Rockefeller Center Galleries of American Art, Inc., 1933

Rockefeller Center, Inc., 1932

Rockefeller Center Weekly, 1937

Rockefeller, Mr. and/or Mrs. David, undated, 1952, 1955, 1957-1958, 1961, 1965-1967

Rockefeller Foundation, 1937, 1941, 1961

Rockefeller, Mr. and/or Mrs. John D., Jr., undated, 1930-1933, 1935, 1938, 1941-1942

Rockefeller, John D., II, 1955

Rockefeller, Laurance Spelman, and/or Mary F., undated, 1935-1937, 1946-1948, 1950-1957, 1965

Rockefeller, Mary Clark, undated

Rockefeller, Mary and/or Nelson A., undated, 1932-1939, 1941-1942, 1944-1949, 1951-1952, 1955-1956, 1959-1960, 1962, 1965-1967

Rockefeller, Winthrop, 1960, 1966

Rockford Art Association, 1965

Rocknem, Robert E., 1965

Rodale Press, 1968

Rodgers, William H., 1967-1968

Roditi, Edouard, 1947, 1951, 1955

Rodman, Selden, undated, 1945, 1947, 1951, 1955, 1957, 1959-1960

Rodriguez, José, 1968

Roebling, Mary G., undated, 1959, 1961

Roebling, Olga, undated

Roebling, Paul, 1959, 1962

Roelofs, Mrs. Richard, 1964

Roemer, Helen J. (Mrs. James A.), undated, 1959, 1962, 1965

Roese, Maack and Becker, 1954

Roffman, Richard E., undated, 1954

Rogers, 1960

Rogers, Charles Bolles, undated, 1959

Rogers, Helen and Myron, undated

Rogers, Mrs. Huddleston, 1947

Rogers, Mrs. J. T., 1961

Rogers, Jane, 1946

Rogers, Miriam, 1963

Rogers, Phyllis J., 1967

Rogers, Mrs. Richard, 1965

Rogers, Saul E., 1937

Rogers, Mrs. William, 1967

Rohlfing, Christian, undated

Roko Gallery, 1962

Rollins College, 1962

Romaine, Lawrence B., 1954

Roman Bronze Works, Inc., 1958

Romansky, Alvin S., 1950, 1963

Romany Marie, 1955

von Romberg, Emily (Mrs. Maximillian), undated

Rome Manufacturing Company, undated

Rome, Morton E., undated, 1953, 1958, 1962, 1968-1969

Romeike Press Clippings, 1955, 1958, 1960-1963, 1965

Romer, Mrs. A. T., undated, 1964

Rood, Dorothy B. A. and/or John, undated, 1954-1957, 1959-1961, 1965-1966

Roos, Allan, 1959

Roos, Mrs. Frank J., 1968

Roosevelt, Elliott, 1958

Roosevelt Field Art Center, Inc., 1958

Roosevelt, President and/or Mrs. Franklin Delano, undated, 1935-1936, 1941

Roosevelt Memorial Association, Incorporated, 1961

Roosevelt, Mrs. Philip J., 1934

Root, Edward W. and/or Grace, undated, 1930-1931, 1936, 1938, 1945-1946, 1950-1951, 1953, 1958, 1963

Rose, Billy, undated, 1948, 1954-1956, 1959, 1961-1963

Rose, Daniel, 1961

Stanley Rose Galleries, 1936, 1938-1939

Roseman, Shirley, undated

Rosen, 1945

Rosen, David, 1946, 1952, 1955-1956, 1959

Rosen, James, undated, 1966

Rosen, Louis, 1964

Rosen, Lydia, 1947

Rosen, Samuel, 1961

Rosebaum, Aaron, 1960

Rosenbaum, Katie M., 1964

Rosenbaum, Mrs. Maurice, 1964

Rosenberg, James N., 1956

Rosenberg, Libbie L. (Mrs. Samuel), 1946

Rosenberg, Morton G., 1960, 1961, 1962

Rosenberg, Dr. and/or Mrs. Norman, 1963, 1967

Paul Rosenberg and Co., 1958, 1961, 1964

Rosenbloom, Charles J., 1955

Rosenblum and Kramer, Inc., 1955, 1958, 1965, 1968-1969

Rosenbluth, Nathan, 1953

Rosenfeld, Elaine G., 1964, 1966

Rosenfeld, Mrs. Joseph, 1967

Rosenfeld, Samuel L., 1960, 1962

Rosenfield, Donnie, 1967

Rosenfield, Louis I., 1962

Rosenquist, Mrs. Ivan, 1955-1956

Rosenshine, Annette, undated, 1932, 1952, 1954

Rosenstein, Adele B., undated, 1965-1968

Rosenstein, Mrs. Lewis, 1935

Rosenstein, Marian and/or Neil, 1961-1964, 1968

Rosenstiel, Robert F., 1959

Rosenthal, Allan H. and/or Lenore, 1952-1953, 1962, 1964

Rosenthal and Co., 1962

Rosenthal and Klein, 1960

Rosenthal, Bernard, 1952

Rosenthal, Mrs. Charles, 1955

Michael M. Rosenthal and Co., Inc., 1953, 1955

Rosenthal, Peter J., 1962

Rosenthal, Shepherd and Cobern, 1960

Rosenwald, Lessing J., 1959

Roshal, Jean M., 1958

Roskin, Jules J., 1945-1946

Rosoff, William L., 1966

Ann Ross Gallery, 1954

Ross, Daniel, 1961

Ross, Felice, 1965

Ross, John, 1964

Ross, Mr. and/or Richard M., 1962, 1965, 1967

Ross, Sidney B., 1933, 1959

Ross-Talalay Gallery, 1958

Rossi, Jean C. (Mrs. Eugene), 1964

Rossiter, Henry P., undated

Rossman, Louise, 1951

Roswell Museum, 1957-1958, 1962, 1967

Rotblatt, Evelyn, 1962

Roth, Jack, 1961

Rothbart, Albert, undated, 1934

Rothbein, Renee, 1952

Rothberg, Howard, 1957

Rothner, Mrs. Jacoby T., 1946

Rothschild, Lincoln, 1944

Round-the-World Fair, 1960

Rouk, Mrs. Joseph, 1955

Rourke, Constance, undated, 1937-1938

Rowan, Edward B., 1942, 1943

Rowantrees Pavillion, 1950-1951

Roy, Emily, 1961-1962

Roy, John, 1934

Roy, Malcolm D., 1968, 1970

Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Denmark, 1960, 1968

Royal Ontario Museum, 1960-1962

Royce, Jack, 1963

Royce, Mrs. Fred, undated, 1967

Royer, M. J., 1955

Rubel, C. Adrian, 1962

Ruben, Mrs. Edmund R., 1953

Rubenstein, Ben, 1964-1965

Rubenstein, Helena, 1942

Rubicoff, Belle Krasne (Mrs. Irving S.), 1957

Rubin, Baum and Levin, 1961, 1964-1966 (see also: Baum, Frederick; Rubin, Wachtel, Baum and Levin)

Rubin, E., 1959

Rubin, Mrs. Eddie, 1963

Rubin, Harry, 1963

Rubin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry, 1963

Rubin, Hyman, 1962

Rubin, Lil and Hyman, 1960

Rubin, Samuel, 1959

Rubin, Wachtel, Baum and Levin, 1967, 1969-1970 (see also: Baum, Frederick; Rubin, Baum and Levine)

Rubner, Marianne M. (Mrs. Maurice), 1963, 1965

Ruder, Bernet B., 1939

Ruder and Finn, Incorporated, 1959-1960, 1963-1965

Rudin, Fred D., 1968-1969

Rudin, Irma, 1969-1970

Rudin, Louis E., 1961

Rudman, Mrs. S., 1960

Rudolph, Louis, 1957, 1959-1961

Ruff, Carl, 1946

Rugile, Paul, 1960

Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen, 1965

Rumsey Hall School, 1963

Runcie Club, 1954

Rupel, Esther F., 1969

Rusitzky, Louis M., 1962

C. M. Russell Gallery, 1955

Russell, Carole (Mrs. Paul S.), undated

Russell, Ethel King (Mrs. Charles H., Jr.), undated, 1936

Russell, J. Townsend and/or Lois R., 1962

H. L. Rust Company Real Estate Loans and Insurance, 1950

Rutman, Nell, 1952

Ruttenberg, Harold J., 1967-1968

Ryan, Glendenning, 1933

Ryan, Gordon James, 1967

Ryerson, Edward, 1953

Saarinen, Aline (Mrs Eero), undated, 1955-1956, 1962-1963

Eero Saarinen Associates, 1954-1956, 1958

Sabado, Robert G., 1962

Sabersky, William M., 1963

Sacartoff, Elizabeth, undated, 1940, 1944-1946

Sacco, Giovanni, 1959

Sachs, Mrs. Jordan H., 1960

Sachs, Morris, 1956

Sachs, Paul J., undated, 1933, 1951-1953, 1955, 1958 (see also: Fogg Art Museum)

Sachs, Mr. and Mrs. Paul J., 1950

Sackton, Alexander, 1963

Sadik, Marvin, undated

Sadron, Maurice, 1930

Saffian, Jack, 1965-1967

Safrai Art Galleries, 1955

Sahlman, Ira, 1961

Saidenberg Gallery, 1959-1960

St. Albans School, 1959

St. Armand's Gallery, 1959, 1962-1964,1968

St. Boltoph Club, 1947

St. Brice, Robert, 1958

St. Cloud State College, 1960-1963

St. George, Armand R., 1965

St. John the Baptist Church, 1956

St. John, Bruce, undated, 1960

St. Lawrence, Katherine (Mrs. William), 1961

St. Lawrence University, 1961

St. Louis Artists' Guild, 1962

St. Louis Board of Education, 1964

St. Louis City Art Museum (see: City Art Museum of St. Louis)

St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 1947

St. Louis Union Trust, 1964

St. Margaret Mary School, 1965

St. Mark's Church, 1958

St. Martin's Press, 1966

St. Mary's College, 1957-1958

St. Monica's Rectory, 1964-1965

Saint Olaf College, undated, 1955, 1965-1966

Saint Paul Art Center, 1962, 1965-1966

Saint Paul Fire and Marine Insurance Co., 1954

Saint Paul Gallery and School of Art, 1953, 1961, 1963, 1965

St. Petersburg Times, 1969

Saint Rose of Lima Church, 1966

Sainz, Francisco, 1954

Saklatwalla, Ann and/or B. D., undated, 1927-1937, 1944-1945

Saks Fifth Ave., 1957, 1961

Saks, Mrs. Julian, 1966

Salantrie, Frank, 1958-1959

Salem College, undated, 1945-1947

Salemon, William E., 1964

Salisbury, William, 1931, 1934

Salomson-Keezer, Toussie, 1957, 1959, 1962

Salpeter, Harry, 1945

Harry Salpeter Gallery, 1958, 1960-1962, 1965-1966, 1968

Salsbury, Charles B., 1952

Saltonstall, 1961

Saltonstall, John L., Jr., 1950, 1960

Saltonstall, Nathaniel, undated, 1945-1946, 1950, 1952-1954, 1956-1957, 1959-1961, 1963-1966

Saltzman, Mrs. Arnold A., undated

Saltzman, William, 1964

"Salute to Seasons," 1957

Salz, Sylvia J. (Mrs. Jerome), 1965

Salzberger, Edyth W. (Mrs. Henry X.), 1967

Salzer, Oscar, undated

Salzman, Joan R. (Mrs. Arnold), 1958

Salzman, Rosalind (Mrs. Max M.), 1967

Sammartino, Peter, 1957

Samoiloff, Carlene, 1961-1962

Sample, John Glen, 1959-1960

Sampliner, Gay, 1961

Sampson, Carol (Mrs. B. J.), 1959, 1961

Spencer A. Samuels and Co., Ltd., 1967-1968

San Antonio Art League, 1959, 1965 (see also: Witte Memorial Art Museum)

Sandak, Inc., 1960, 1968

Sandberg, 1958

Sandberg Municipal Museum, 1950

Sandberg, Robert Alexis, 1965

Sandberg, W., undated

Sander, Mrs. K., 1961

Sanders, Morris B., Jr., 1934

San Diego and Point Magazine, 1959

San Diego Art Museum, 1951 (see also: Fine Arts Society of San Diego)

San Diego Fine Arts Festival, Inc., 1968

San Diego Fine Arts Gallery (see: Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego)

San Diego Society of Fine Arts (see: Fine Arts Society of San Diego)

San Diego Union, 1955

Sandler, Herbert and/or Marion O., undated, 1962-1968

Sandler, Ted, 1946, 1948

Sándor, Molnár, 1967

Sandoval, Corliss, 1965

San Francisco Art Association, 1934

San Francisco Museum of Art, undated, 1935, 1939, 1944, 1946-1947, 1949, 1951, 1954-1956, 1958-1959, 1960-1963, 1966-1969

Sanger, Eleanor N. (Mrs. E. M.), 1960

San Jose State College, 1967

San Marino League, 1964

Sanstrom, Robert, 1969

Santa Barbara Museum of Art, undated, 1940, 1942-1947, 1950, 1951-1955, 1957, 1959-1968

Santini Brothers, Inc., undated, 1960-1961, 1963, 1965-1968

Saporita, John, 1952, 1955, 1961

Sapp, Kitt George, 1951

Sarah Lawrence College, 1942

Sarasota Art Association, 1957-1958

Saretzky, Mrs. Gary D., 1967

Sargent, Barbara and/or Martin, undated, 1959-1960, 1963, 1966

Sargent, W. R., 1956

Sarnoff, Mrs. Robert, 1952

Sarot, Irving Arthur, 1963

Satoru, Abe, undated, 1961, 1969

Saturday Gallery, undated, 1953

Saturday Review -- , 1946, 1958, 1964

Sauder Furniture Store, 1956

Sauder, I. Emanuel, undated, 1935-1936

Saunders, Josephine Eckert, undated, 1948

R. J. Saunders and Co., Inc., undated, 1956, 1958-1960

Savoy Art and Auction Galleries, 1964

Sawens, Arnold, 1962

Sawyer, Kenneth, 1959

Scalabrini, Roberto, 1964-1965

Scandinavian Airline Systems, 1963

Schäffer, Nic, 1963

Schaefer, Herwin, 1958, 1961

Schaefer, Rudolf, 1958

Schaeffer, Bertha, 1959, 1965, 1967, 1969

Schaeffer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert, 1956

Schamberg, Ira Leo, 1960, 1967

Schanker, Louis, undated, 1947

Schapps, Mrs. Jack, 1954

Harvey L. Schary, Inc., 1966

Schary, Miriam, 1956

Schatzki, Walter, 1954

Scheaffer, Louis, 1966

Schenck, Betty (Mrs. Edgar C.), undated, 1960-1961, 1967

Schepps, J., 1940

Schepps, Jacob J., 1962

Scheuer, Simon H., 1947, 1953, 1960

Schiff, Bennett, 1963

Schiffer, Herbert F., 1966

Schiffren, Ellen, 1959

Schiller Decorating Co., Inc., 1955

Schiller, Mrs. J. D., 1967

Schilthuis, Willliam C., 1956, 1964, 1967

Schimmel, Douglas, 1963

Schindler, Rochelle, 1965

Schlageter, Bob, 1966

Schler, Mrs. William, 1946

Schlessinger, Paul, 1963

Schlosser, Leonard Benjamin, undated, 1955-1956, 1961-1962, 1965

Schluger, Helen and/or Saul, 1953, 1955, 1957

Schmeckebier, Laurence, 1958, 1960-1961

Schmidt, Eric von, 1956

Schmidt, Louise W., 1961

Schmitz, Marie L., 1962

Schnakenberg, Henry, 1949, 1962-1965

Schneid, Otto, 1961

Schneider, Cy, 1958

Schneiderman, Dorothy, 1964

Schnell, Ernest B., 1962

Schnidt, Walter, 1967-1968

Schnitzer, Arlene (Mrs. Harold), 1961

Robert Schoelkopf Gallery, 1969

Schoen, Armund J., 1957

Schoen, Jean (Mrs. Morris), 1965

Schoen, Lee, 1966

Schoener, Allon T., 1954

Schoener, Jason L., undated

Schoenfeld, Richard, 1965

Schoenheimer, Mrs. W. L., 1960

Schohol, Margaret, 1944

Scholastic Magazines, 1958, 1962

School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1941, 1953

School of Visual Arts, 1961

Schoonover, Elsie M., 1953

Schraff, Alexander, undated

Schramm, Dorothy and/or James S., undated, 1943-1947, 1950-1965, 1967

Schramm, Stephen J., 1963, 1965

Schreiber, Georges, 1933, 1948

Schreiber, Taft, 1964

Schreiver, George A., 1946

Schroeder, Mrs. K. M., 1967

Schulman, 1960

Schulman, Mrs. Benjamin, 1967

Schulman, Mrs. Bernard, undated, 1955

Schulman, Mr. and/or Mrs. Jacob, undated,1953, 1955-1960, 1962-1969

Schulman, Marvin, 1964

Schulman, Robert, 1960

Schulte, Arthur D., 1958

Schulte, Charles F., 1957

Schulte, John S., 1953

Schultz, George L., 1968

Schulz, M. F., 1965

Schulz, Werner, 1967

Schum, Betty, 1965

Schuman, Jack C., 1961

Schumm, Henrietta M., 1965

Schumm Traffic Agency, Inc., 1959, 1962, 1967-1968

Schurman, Jacob Gould, III, 1957

Schuster, G. S., undated

Schuster, Mr. and/or Mrs. M. Lincoln, 1956, 1957

Paul Schuster Art Gallery, 1960

Schuwater, Ray, 1963

Schwab, Eloisa, 1934

Schwabach and Co., 1958

Schwabacher, W. S., 1934, 1948

Schwachman, Irene (Mrs. Harry), 1958

Schwalb, Richard A., undated

Schwartz, Alan E., 1957

Schwartz, Estelle (Mrs. Jack G.), 1962

Schwartz, Gerald G., 1966

Schwartz, Lee H., 1956-1957

Schwartz, Mrs. Philip, 1962, 1967

Schwartz, William S., 1935

Schwarz, John, 1940

William A. Schwarz and Son, Inc., 1955

Schwarzchild, Henry, 1958

Schwarzkopf, I. M., undated, 1945-1947, 1951-1954, 1956-1961, 1963-1964

Schwarzkopf and Lukatch, Inc., 1945, 1948

Schwebel, Susan, 1960

Schweitzer, Gertrude, 1955

Schyler, H. H., 1945

Science and Medicine Publishing Co., Inc., 1960, 1962

Scientific American -- , 1956

Scobey Fireproof Storage Company, 1957

Scobey, Joan, 1959-1960

Agnes Scott College, 1956

Scott, Charles H., 1954

Scott, David, undated, 1969

Scott, Delmore, 1953-1955

Scott, Dorothy, 1955

Scott, Foresman and Company, 1953

Scott, Howard, 1955

Scott, Robert S., 1966

Scott, Tirsa (Mrs. Dana), 1966

Scott, William E., 1961

Scott, Zachary, 1963

Scottsbluff Public Library, 1958

Scottsdale Gallery of Modern Art (see: Gallery of Modern Art, Scottsdale)

Charles Scribner's Sons, 1953, 1958, 1961

Scull, Christine Biddle, undated, 1955

Sculptors Guild, Inc., 1961, 1964, 1967

Sculpture House, 1958, 1960, 1966-1967

Seacrest, Mildred E. (Mrs. Frederick S.), undated, 1961

Sears, Joan N. (Mrs. Robert A.), 1962

Sears, Roebuck and Co., 1962

Seatt, Tirsa (Mrs. David), undated

Seattle Art Museum, 1935-1936, 1950-1951

Seattle Peace Information Center, 1962

Seattle World's Fair, 1961, 1962

Sebold, Louise and/or J. T., undated, 1962

Security Insurance Company of New Haven, 1953

Security Storage Company, 1946, 1968-1970

Seeberg, Mrs. Edward, 1964

Seeger, Joachim, 1952

Seeger, Stanley, 1956

Seegerman, Allen Warren, undated

Segal, Bernard, 1964

David Segal Associates, 1960

Segal, Leslie A., 1961

Segat, Albert, 1967

Seiberling, Frank, Jr., 1946

Seid, Walter, 1962, 1965, 1968

Seide, Charles, 1946

Seidel, John G., 1956

Seiff, Mathilde C., 1947

Seipp, Katerina, 1962

Selch, Patricia B. (Mrs. Frederick Richard), 1962

Selden, Carl, 1960

Selden, Marjorie Jester (Mrs.Percy), 1963

Seldis, Henry J., undated, 1964-1966

Selig, Manfred, 1960

Selig Manufacturing Co., 1967

Seligman, Germaine, 1958

Otto Seligman Gallery, 1958, 1964

Seligmann, Herbert J., undated, 1953

Jacques Seligmann and Co., Inc., 1955, 1957-1958

Selinger, Paul E., 1968

Sellin, David, undated, 1959, 1964

Seltzer, Phyllis, 1956

Laurence H. Selz Organization, Inc., 1958

Selz, Peter, 1958

Selznick, David O., 1949

Semans, Mary T. (Mrs. James), undated, 1961

Der Senator für Volksbildung, 1951

Senior, John L., Jr., 1950

Senior, Robert, 1965

Senturia, Mrs. Hyman R., 1960

Sepeshy, Dorothy, undated

Sepeshy, Zoltan, 1957-1959

Serigraph Galleries, 1954

Serv-Well Waxing and Maintenance Co., 1946

Serwer, Lawrence, 1944

Charles Sessler Booksellers, 1955-1956, 1960, 1964-1965

Settle, Elmer, 1959

Seventeen, 1949

Sevich, Mildred and Irving, undated

Sewell, Mrs. R. Barclay, 1955

Sexton, John L., 1940, 1945

Sexton, Peggy (Mrs. Robert), 1965

Seymour, Harold J., 1934-1935

Seymour, Willard, 1946

Shadbolt, Jack, 1963

Shafer, Cameron C., II, 1960

Shahn, Ben and/or Bernarda, undated, 1954-1956, 1958-1962, 1964

Shahn, Philip, 1959

Shahn's "Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti," undated

Shaker Community, Inc., 1961-1966

Shakertown at Pleasant Hill Kentucky, Inc., 1963-1964

Shands, H. C., 1964

Shannon Electric Co., 1967

Shannon, Leo, 1968

Shannon, Ogden K., 1953, 1955-1956

Shannon, Sara Roby (Mrs. Edward), 1966-1967

Shapiro, Albert M., 1964

Shapiro, Daisy V., 1959-1961

Shapiro, Florence (Mrs. Irving), 1957

Shapiro, Joe and Julia, undated, 1963

Shapiro, Joseph Randall, 1945, 1952, 1962-1964

Shapiro, Mr. and/or Mrs. Louis, 1956, 1964

Shapiro, Saul, 1953, 1956, 1958

Shapleigh, Warren M., 1967

Sharaf, Alexandra, 1968

Sharkey, Alice, 1944

Sharnoff, Mark, 1966

Sharon Creative Arts Foundation, 1961

Sharp and Dohme Incorporated, 1946-1947

Sharp, Gretchen (Mrs. Jack S.), 1962

Shatz Painting Co., 1955

Shaw, A., 1947, 1964

Shaw, Joanna M., 1960-1962

Shaw, Matt, 1967

Shaw, Ray, 1963

Shawkey, Sigmund J., undated, 1961

Shaye, Lillian and/or Nathan, 1960

Sheafer, Emma A., undated

Sheafer, Mrs. Lesley, 1935

Shearer, Teddy, 1940

Sheeler, Charles and/or Musya, undated, 1942, 1953, 1957, 1961-1965, 1967

Shelburne Museum, Inc., undated, 1951-1954, 1956-1957, 1960, 1961-1965, 1967-1968

Sheldon, Cheney, 1934

Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery, 1967

Sheldon, Olga (Mrs. Adams Bromley), undated, 1961, 1963, 1965

Shenefield, John, 1964

Shepatin, Eleanor (Mrs. Nathan), 1963

George Shepherd and Son, 1965

Shepherd, James L, Jr., 1958

Sheppard, Edgar, 1968

Sheppard, William, undated

Sherburne, Eugene J., 1956

Sherman, Charles, 1952

Sherman, H. P., undated, 1961

Sherman, Laury, 1966

Sherrill, James W., 1952

Sherwell, G. Butler, 1942

Sherwood, Brinton, 1959-1960

Sherwood, Richard E., 1960-1961, 1963

Shield of David, 1965

Shipley, David H., 1963

Shipman, Mary Dana (Mrs. Arthur J., Jr.), 1965

Shoolman, Regina, 1946

Shopp, Robert O.,1962

Shorefront YM-YWHA of Brooklyn, 1963

Shorewood Press, 1960, 1962-1963, 1965-1966

Shorofsky, Mrs. Gerald, 1966

Shortess, George K., 1968

Shosteck, Patti (Mrs. Herschel), 1963

Shotwell, Marcia S. (Mrs. David R.), 1962

Show, 1962, 1965

Shriver, Robert Sargent, Jr., 1962

Shropshire, Dorothy (Mrs. H. W.), 1963

Shubert, Irwin, 1947

Shubert, Mrs. Irvin, 1961

Shulman, Deana (Mrs. Herbert), undated, 1964-1966

Shulman, Mr. and/or Mrs. Herman, 1935, 1944-1945, 1947, 1952, 1955

Shulman, Rea K., (Mrs. Harry), undated, 1953-1955

Shwalb, Richard A., 1963, 1965, 1967-1968

Shyobo, Kawade, 1955

Shyrock, Burnett H., 1943

Siani, Emma A., 1965

Sicron, Sarah, 1967-1968

Siden, Franklin D., 1962

Franklin Siden Gallery, Inc., 1966

Sidenberg Gallery, 1956

Sieber and McIntyre, Inc., 1966

Sieburg, Virginia, 1965

Siegel, Adrien, 1953

Siegel, Arthur, 1969

Siegel, Donald S., 1961-1962

Harold J. Siegel Company Publicity, 1953

Siegel, Joshua, 1965

Siegal, Natalie, 1967

Siemonn, George and/or Mabel Garrison, 1960-1962

Siger, Leonard P., 1966

Silber, Mrs. Robert, 1960

Silberell, Peter, 1963

E. and A. Silberman Galleries, Inc., 1955

Silberstein, Mrs. Robert G., 1966

Silerman, Mabel G., undated

Silliaman University, 1962

Sills, Philip, undated, 1959, 1962, 1965

Silman, Robert, 1936

Silva, Rufino, 1960

Silver Burdett Company, 1967-1968

Silver, Hanna, 1966

Silverman, Samuel, 1957

Silvermine Guild of Artists, Inc., 1963

Silverstein, Morma, 1951

Simms, Richard A., 1966, 1968

Simon, A., 1952

Simon and Schuster, 1966

Simon, Anne Westheimer, 1961

Simon, Ben and Nan, 1965

Simon Brothers, 1952

Simon, Charles and/or Irene B., 1959, 1962-1964, 1968-1969

Simon, Mrs. Leo S., undated, 1953-1954, 1962, 1964

Simon, Mrs. Leon, 1951

Simon, Maron J., undated, 1949, 1952, 1964

Simon, Mr. and/or Mrs. Robert E., undated, 1965

Simon, Sidney, 1954

Simon, Walter A., 1950

Simpson, Frances Ruth, 1965

Simpson, Mildred, 1935

Sinai Temple, 1964

Singer, E., 1961

Singer, Herbert M., 1962

Sinkinson, F., 1966

Sinkoff, Marvin, 1962, 1964

Sinnamon, Lynwood D., Jr., 1965

Sioux City Art Center, 1958

Siporin, Judy, undated

Siporin, Miriam and/or Mitchell, undated, 1939, 1941, 1953-1955, 1962

Siporin, Rachel Jane, undated

William Sirefman Plumbing and Heating, 1941-1942

Sirmans, James, undated, 1963-1964

Sirota, Hilda A. (Mrs. Ira L.), 1959

Sirotto, Allen D. (Chick), 1959-1960, 1962

Sisk, Robert V., 1967-1968

Sivard, Robert, 1959

Sivard, Ruth, 1959

Sixtieth Street Gallery, 1935

Skidmore College, 1944

Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, 1956-1958, 1961

Skinner, Cornelia Otis, 1954

Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, undated. 1952-1957, 1960-1961, 1963-1967, 1969

Skutch, Robert Frank, 1945, 1947

Slater, H. N., 1946

Slater, Martin, 1953

Slater Memorial Museum, 1954, 1958

Slater, Nelson, undated

Charles E. Slatkin Galleries, 1959

Slavitt, Lynn M. (Mrs. David), 1963-1964

Slick, Thomas, 1956-1958, 1960-1962, 1967

Charles J. Slicken Company, 1963

Sloan, Eugene, 1963

Sloan, Mr. and/or Mrs. J. Seymour, 1959, 1962

Sloan, Sonny, undated

Sloan, Sylvia, 1948

Slonim, Evelyn, undated

Slonim, Jay, 1957

Slonim, Jill, 1959

Slosberg, Helen S. (Mrs. S. L.), 1958

Slosson, Theodore, 1955

Slotnick, Merv, undated, 1964

Slusser, Jean Paul, 1964

Small, Amy G., undated

Small, Marvin and/or Sylvia, undated, 1955-1956

Smallens, Mimi K. (Mrs. Alexander, Jr.), 1961-1962

Smathers, Senator George, 1957

Smeltzer, Anne, 1946, 1948

Smiley, George W. and Helen, 1949

Smiley, Leonard V., 1952

Smith, Adele Godschaux (Mrs. Bradley), 1952

Smith, Alfred C., 1946

Smith, Alfred E., 1932

Smith, Anne G. (Mrs. Parker B.), undated, 1946

Smith, Mr. and/or Mrs. Arnold, 1963

Smith, Beauchamp, 1962

Beverly Smith and Sons, Ltd., 1964

Smith, Burwell, 1945-1946

Smith, Carleton, 1949

Smith, Charles E., 1945

Smith, Charles Edward, 1965-1966

Smith College, 1940-1950, 1954-1955, 1958-1960, 1967

Smith, Gene, 1965

Smith, Howard E., 1964

Smith, Jerome B., 1966, 1968-1969

Smith, Kent H., 1956

Smith, Lawrence C., 1951

Smith, Lillian (Mrs. Stephen), 1949, 1955

Smith, Louise (Mrs. Bertram), undated, 1953, 1955-1957, 1963

Smith, Mollie Higgins, 1952

Smith, Olive Cole, 1941, 1945

Smith, Rita and Bradley, 1962

Smith, Sidney, 1946

Smith, Solomon Byron, 1950-1952 (see also: Northern Trust Company)

Smith, Suzanne Mullett, 1946

Smith, Wallace H., undated, 1962

Smith, Mr. and/or Mrs. William Gordon, Jr., 1955, 1958

Smithsonian Institution, undated, 1931, 1933, 1954-1957, 1959, 1961, 1963-1969 (see also: Archives of American Art; National Collection of Fine Arts)

Smokler, Bert L., 1956

Smyth, Nelson, 1967

Smythe, Lanier, 1965

Sneteony, E. E., 1959

Snider, Gratia, 1962

Snider, Stanley, 1962

Snow, V. Douglas, 1963-1964

Snyder, Ben, 1956

Snyder, Mrs. C., 1961

Snyder, Charles Russell, 1954

Henry Sobel and Co., 1961

Soby, James Thrall, undated, 1945-1948, 1953-1954, 1956-1961

Société Anonyme, 1948-1949 (see also: Katherine S. Dreier)

Société Libanaise Hadad, 1952 (see also: Hadad, Marie)

Society for Contemporary American Art, 1956

Society for the Advancement of Judaism, 1964

Society of Architectural Historians, 1959

Society of Arts and Crafts, 1930-1934, 1949 (see also: Art School of the Detroit Society of Arts and Crafts)

Society of Illustrators, undated

Society of Independent Artists, Inc., 1934

Society of Philatelic Americans, 1965

Society of the Four Arts, undated, 1941, 1943, 1947-1948, 1950, 1952, 1955-1956

Society of the New York Hospital, 1951 (see also: New York Hospital)

Socin, Jay, 1961, 1964

Socolow, Alfred, 1959

Sofia Bros., Inc., 1968

Sokoloff, Arthur, 1966

Solinger, David M., 1949-1962, 1964, 1967

Solman, Helen Gray and/or Edw. C., undated, 1962

Solnary, Carl, undated

Soloman, Harry, 1944, 1946, 1955

Solomon, Hyde, 1953

Solomon, Norman, 1964

Solomon, Samuel M., 1963

Sommers, Davidson, 1964

Songwriters' Protective Association, undated

Sonnenberg, Mr. and/or Mrs. Benjamin, undated, 1950-1951, 1953

Sonner, Eric, 1962

Soote, John, Sr., undated

William H. Sopher and Co., Inc., 1951, 1954

Sorce, Anthony John, 1969

Sornik, Lillie E., 1961

Sorvari, Arnold, 1965

Sotheby and Co., 1964, 1968

Sour, George B., 1961, 1963

South Bend Art Association, 1963, 1965

South County Art Association, 1947

South Plains Art Guild, 1955-1956

Southern Art Museums Directors Association, 1955

Southern California Council for a Sane Nuclear Policy, 1962

Southern Conference Educational Fund, Inc., 1966

Southern Methodist University, 1957-1958

Southern Illinois Normal University, 1943

Southern Illinois University, 1954, 1962, 1965-1966

Southern New England Telephone Company, 1946, 1962

Southman, H. S., 1944

Southwestern Art Association, 1941

Soviet Friendship Societies, 1961

S.P.A. Journal [Society of Professional Artists?], 1965

Spaet, Fannie, 1949

Spaeth, Eloise and/or Otto Lucien, undated, 1941, 1943-1946, 1950, 1952-1953, 1955-1956, 1958, 1960-1961, 1965-1966

Spall, Pamela, 1966

Ira Spanierman Gallery, 1967

Spark, Victor D., 1941

Spaulding, Mrs. Philip E., 1948

Special Work, Inc., 1933

Spector, Marlene, 1965

Spector, Mrs. Morris, undated, 1967

J. B. Speed Art Museum, 1961, 1964

Speed, Robert Malcolm, 1962

Speed-o-lite, 1962-1963

Speiller, William M., 1968-1969

Speiser, Maurice J., 1933-1934, 1936

Spellmeyer, Irene E., 1952

Spelman College, undated, 1964-1966

Raymond Spelman Industrial Design, 1964

Spence, Willard, 1964

Spencer, Catherine Brett, 1956, 1963, 1966, 1968

Spencer, Henry M., 1967

Spencer, Mildred, 1963-1964

Spencer, Suzanne D., 1964

Sperie, Frederick M., 1961

Sperry, Albert F., 1955

Spertus, Herman and/or Sara, 1957-1959, 1964

Spewack, Bella, undated, 1936

Spiegel, Rosalynde G., 1957

Spiegelberg, Bruce, 1962

Spielberger, Alane, 1965

Spielman, Sheila (Mrs. Philip), 1964

Spillars, Ed, 1951-1952

Spiller, Jeanne W. (Mrs. Henry), 1959

Spinola, Cyril A., 1958

Spira, Henry E., 1964

Spiral Press, 1954

Spiro, Harry, 1969

Spittal, William Guy, 1962

Spitzer, Frederick R., 1960

Spivack, Dorothy and/or S. S., undated, 1944, 1960, 1964, 1967-1968

Spoerer, George Richard and/or Hester L., 1940-1941

Sports Illustrated -- , 1954

Sprague and Carleton Incorporated, 1963

Spreckles, Emily, undated

Sprinchorn, Carl, undated, 1954, 1956, 1958-1961, 1964

Springfield Art Association, Illinois, 1950, 1958

Springfield Art Museum, 1945, 1949-1950, 1952

Springfield Museum of Art, 1934-1935, 1947

Springfield Museum of Fine Arts, 1950-1954, 1956, 1959 (see also: Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield)

Springold, Frances, 1958, 1965

Springold, Nate B., undated, 1955, 1956

Springs Cotton Mills, 1962-1963

Springville High School Art Association, undated, 1946-1947, 1950, 1953, 1958, 1965, 1967

Springville Insurance and Realty Co., 1950

Sprouse, Edith M. (Mrs. James M.), 1955

Spruance, Benton, undated

Square D Company, 1955

SRO, 1948

Staatliche Kunsthalle Baden-Baden, 1963

Stainbrink, Mrs. Edward, 1961

Stainow, Gregory, 1960, 1964-1965

Stair, Gobin, 1958

Stall, Jeffrey R., 1969

Stamats, Mrs. Peter, 1962

Stand 207, 1960

Standard Education Society, Inc., 1955, 1958

Standish, Rosamund T. (Mrs. Welles A.), undated

Stanek, Elizabeth J., 1963

Stanford University, 1955-1956, 1960

Stanton, Arthur, 1962

Stanton, Frank, 1957-1959, 1963

Stanton, Louise, 1954

Star, Leonard, 1967

Stark, Jane T. (Mrs. Richard S.), 1958

Stark, R., 1946

Stark, William H., 1966

Stark, William James, undated

Starr, Mr., 1966

Starr, Alfred, 1947

Starr, L. D., 1961

Starr, Leonard, 1967

State College of Washington, 1946-1947

State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1952, 1957

State of New York, Department of Labor, 1951 (see also: New York State Department of Labor)

State of New York, Department of Social Welfare, 1955, 1961

State Teachers College, Potsdam, N.Y., 1943 (see also: State University Teachers College, Potsdam, N.Y.)

State University of Iowa, 1941, 1945-1946, 1948, 1950-1951, 1953, 1955, 1958, 1960, 1962-1964

State University of New York State Teachers College, New Paltz, 1953-1954, 1956

State University Teachers College, Potsdam, N.Y., 1953 (see also: State Teachers College, Potsdam, N.Y.)

Staten Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, 1959, 1961

Staten Island Museum, 1959

Statsinger, Evelyn, 1951, 1954

Staub, Nancy Liesbethe, 1967

Stauffer, John A. and/or Valerie, 1959-1960, 1962, 1968

Stauffer, Josephine, 1945

Steadman, William E., 1966

Stebbins, Theodore E., Jr., 1962

Stecker, Robert, 1956

Stecker, Rose Gimbel, 1960

Stedelijk Museum, undated, 1949-1951, 1956-1958, 1960-1961, 1964, 1967 (see also: Municipal Museums of Amsterdam)

Stedman, Gerda (Mrs. Samuel Lee), 1963

Stedman-Harris Co., 1957

Steel Guide Distributors, Inc., 1965

Steele, Fletcher, 1959

Steele, Mary Evarts (Mrs. John Nelson), 1952

Steele, William T., 1958-1960

Steen, Barbara. 1961

Stehley, Virginia A., 1950, 1966

Steig, William, Mr. and/or Mrs., undated, 1942, 1956, 1961

Stein, Donna, 1967

I. Stein and Sons, 1950

Stein, Mrs. J. E., 1954

Stein, Jeanette S. and/or Sydney, Jr., undated, 1951, 1963-1964

Stein, Pauline, 1961

Stein, Peter S., undated

Stein, Robert F., 1963

Stein, Mrs. Rubin, 1957

Steinberg, Dorothy M. (Mrs. Perry S.), 1956

Steinberg, Harris B., undated, 1957-1958, 1961

Steinberg, Mr. and/or Mrs. Jay Z., 1951, 1954

Steinberg, Mrs. Milton, 1965

Steinberg, Robert S., 1967

Steinbrocker, H., undated

Steindler Gallery, 1962

Steine, David, 1954

Steinfirst, Susan, 1964

Steinhardt, J. Laura M., 1946

Stella, Michael, 1953, 1959

Stella, Serge, 1950, 1953

Stember, Sheila, 1963

Stendler, Celia, 1960

Stenvall, John F., 1946

Stephens College, 1954-1955

Sterling, Audrey and Bobby, 1964

Stern, Mrs. Alfred, 1952

Stern Brothers, 1956, 1966

Edward Stern Co., 1947

Stern, Geraldine, 1965

Stern, Jane M. (Mrs. George A.), 1956

Stern, Louis E., 1929-1931, 1946, 1954, 1957-1958

Stern, Rita, 1956

Sternberg, H. Sumner, 1955-1956

Sternberg, Harris, 1962

S. G. Sterne and Company, 1940

Sternfield, Edward, 1968

Stevens, George F., 1958

Stevens, Joseph T., 1961

Stevens, Roger L., 1950, 1952, 1964-1965, 1967

Stevens, Walter H., 1964

Stevenson, Adlai E., 1956, 1960-1961

Stevenson, Elizabeth, 1966

Stevenson for President Committee, 1956

Stevenson, John Fell, 1967

Stewardson, William E., 1960

Stewart, Janet Lenzner, 1963, 1967-1968

Stewart, M. J., 1962

Stewart, Michael, 1966

Stewart, Waldo, 1956

Stiles, George, 1956

Stiles, George and Virginia, 1957

Stillwell, John B., 1954

Stix, Hugh S., 1956

Stix, Thomas, 1954

Stoddard, Helen E. and/or Robert Waring, 1957, 1961-1964

Stokes, Elizabeth S., 1953-1954, 1959-1960

Stokowski, Mrs. Leopold, 1954

Stoll, Mrs. Herbert, 1959

Stoloff, Charles I., 1963

Stoloff, Carolyn, 1952

Stone, Alex B., 1958

Stone, Deborah, 1964

Stone, Dewey D., 1959-1960

Stone, Faye Gloria (Mrs. David G.), 1957

Stone, H. H., 1961

Stone, Harry K., 1936, 1955

Stone, Jerome H., 1957-1958, 1961

Stone, Lester B., 1944

Stone, Stephen A. and/or Sybil, undated, 1952, 1955-1969

Stones, Brian, undated, 1959

Stoney, George C., 1962

Stony Point Folk Art Gallery, 1955, 1958

Storm King Art Center, 1966

Storrs-Booz, Monique, 1967

Story, Ala, undated, 1965, 1967-1968

Story, James, 1963

Story, Lewis, 1966

Storza, Eleana (Mrs. Francis), 1956

Stouffer's Restaurant Corp., 1957

Straight, Michael, 1955

Straight, Stephen M., 1963, 1965

Stralem, Donald J., 1957

Strand, Ruth, 1956

Strater, Henry (Mike), 1952, 1956-1957, 1959

Strathmont Museum, 1958, 1960

Stratton, Catherine M. (Mrs. Julius A.), 1967

Straus, Carol and/or Robert David, undated, 1945-1946, 1948-1949, 1951-1958, 1961-1964, 1966-1968

Straus-Frank Company, 1953

Straus, Gerhard D., 1959-1960, 1962, 1964

Straus, Lois M. (Mrs. Gerhard D.), 1958-1959, 1962

Straus, Percy, Jr., 1953

Straus, Robert, 1933-1935

Straus, Robert K., 1954

Strauss, Harold and/or Mildred, 1961-1964

Strauss, Jenny N. (Mrs. Leonard), undated, 1948, 1951, 1953

Strauss, Maurice J., 1938

Street, John, 1956

Strick, Joseph, 1957-1959, 1963

Stritzler, N., 1957

Strobelite Co., 1960

Strong, Alice and/or L. Corrin, undated, 1953, 1955, 1957, 1959-1960, 1964

Struck, Paul A., 1944

Struck, William C., 1962

Stryker, Donald W., 1962

Stuart Art Gallery, 1944-1945

Stuart, Betty Thornley, 1954

David Stuart Gallery, 1967

George M. Stuart, Inc., 1954, 1962, 1965, 1967-1968

John Stuart, Inc., 1960

Stuckey, James, 1967

Studin, Robert M., 1964

Studio Craft Shop, n.d

Studio International -- , 1964

Studio School of Art, 1937

Studio Second, 1959

Sturges, Elizabeth (Mrs. Hollister), undated, 1960

Sturman, George, 1963

Stwin, Fred, 1955-1956

Suares, C., 1960

Suba, Susanne, 1944

Sudler, James S., 1954

Robert Sugden School, Inc., undated

Sugerman, Mrs. B., 1955, 1956

Sukoff, Mrs. Marvin, undated

Sullivan, Betty (Mrs. John A.), 1966-1967

Sullivan, Daniel H., 1954-1955

Sullivan, M., 1945

Sullivan, Max W., 1965

Sullivan, Philip B., 1955-1956

Sulmeyer, Irving, 1963

Sulmeyer, Noreen, 1959-1960

Sulzberger, Arthur Hays, 1935

Sulzberger, Jean, 1952

Summers, Martin, 1958

Sun Magazine -- , 1958-1959

Sunami, Soichi, 1965, 1968-1969

Sunday Times of London -- , 1962 (see also: -- London Sunday Times -- )

Sunshine, Lotte, 1968

Survey of Contemporary American Art, 1955

Sussman, Arthur H., 1964

Sussman, Ernest, 1953

Sussman, Eva W., 1969

Suter, Carl R., 1967

Sutnar, Ladislav, 1964

Sutter, Mrs. Walter, 1955

Swain School of Design, 1960

Swan, Mabel Minerva, 1957

Swann, Erwin D., 1961

Swanson, Swanson and Boeye, 1966

Swanström, Rune, 1956, 1957

Swarthmore College, 1964

Swartz, Arnold, 1955

Sweeney, Anne P. (Mrs. E. F., Jr.), 1966-1967

Sweeney, James Johnson, undated, 1949, 1956

Sweet Briar College, 1950

Sweet, Frederick, undated

Sweet, Mrs. Gordon, 1945

Sweet's Catalog Service, 1947

Swetzoff Gallery, 1953-1956, 1958, 1961-1963

Swift, Mrs. Charles, 1940

Swope, Horace M., 1930, 1935

Sheldon Swope Art Gallery, 1942, 1944-1946, 1948, 1950, 1961-1962, 1965-1966

Sword, Arthur W., 1952

Swoyer, Arline D., 1964

Swyers, Michael, undated, 1960-1961

Sydney, George, 1943

Symonds, Bernard K., 1955

Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts, 1953, 1959

Syracuse University, undated, 1956, 1958-1968

Szanto, Jack, 1968

Szekely, Gillian M., 1968

Szold, Brandwen and Shubert, 1943-1947, 1951-1952

Szold, Robert, undated

Taddei, M., 1953, 1955

Taetzsch, Lynne, 1963

Tafel, Edgar, 1962

Taft Museum, 1950-1951, 1963-1964

Tagliabue, Angelo, 1958, 1959

Tahcheechee, Leon, 1930

Tait Appraisal Co., 1954

Takayesu, Ben G., 1964-1965, 1966-1967

Takehita, Natsuko, 1954

Takemoto, undated

Talad, Richard and Sonya, undated

Taliferro, Mrs. J. R., 1954

Tam, Gerry and/or Reuben, 1953, 1960

Tamarind Lithography Workshop, Inc., 1961, 1963, 1966

Tampa Art Institute, 1958

Tanglewood Gallery, 1958-1961, 1963

Tannenbaum, Joseph, 1967

Tannenbaum, Julius, 1952

Tannihill, Robert Hudson, undated, 1932-1937, 1939, 1941, 1944-1948, 1952, 1954, 1963

Tarbell, Roberta K. (Mrs. James V.), 1966-1967

Tarleau, Mrs. Thomas N., 1961

Tarlow, Al. E., undated, 1959-1961, 1963, 1965

Tarnopol, Emil, 1960

Tarr, Mrs. Thomas A., 1952-1954

Tatar, Richard P., 1966, 1969

Tatar, Seymour M., 1967

Tate Gallery, 1956-1957, 1960-1963

Taubman, Reva (Mrs. A. Alfred), 1960

Taussig, Theodore D., 1947-1948, 1951-1962

Tavara, Zulema, 1950

Durand Taylor Co., 1956

Taylor, G. C., 1966

Taylor, J. Scott, 1965

Taylor, John N., 1955

Taylor, McKay, 1961

Taylor, Pamela, 1950

Taylor, Winthrop, 1958

Tedeschi, Alberto Bruni, 1957

Tedesco, N., 1951

Teitz, Richard Stuart, 1968

Tekizan, Seitaro Bamba, 1958

Telanserphone, Inc., 1956, 1961, 1966

TeleCircuit Company, undated

Telfair Academy of Arts and Sciences, Inc., 1968

Temple, Alan H., 1952

Temple Beth El, 1958, 1969

Temple B'nai Jeshurum, 1949

Temple B'rith Sholom, 1958

Temple, Mrs. E. B., 1946

Temple Emanu-el, undated, 1963-1965

Temple, Gloria E., 1953

Temple Israel, 1959, 1964-1965

Temple, Mrs. John, 1952

Temple, Latané, 1957

Temple University, 1967

Tenth Muse, 1968

Ten-Thirty Gallery, 1948

1020 Art Center, 1954, 1957

Tennessee Fine Arts Center, 1962

Tennyson, Jean, 1942

Tepper, Mr. and/or Mrs. Benjamin, 1946-1947, 1950

Terhune, Anne Gregory (Mrs. Harry E.), undated, 1966-1967

Terken, John, 1966-1967

Terner, Emanuel M., 1964

Terry Art Institute, 1949

Texas Christian University, 1950-1953

Texas Technological College, 1960-1962 (see also: Museum, Texas Technological College)

Texas, University of (see: University of Texas)

Thabor Collection Bureau, 1966

Thames and Hudson, Ltd., 1961, 1963, 1968

Thannhauser, Barbara L., 1963

Thannhauser, Justin K., 1950, 1955, 1957, 1959

Thannhauser, Leslie, 1929

Thaw, Eugene, 1965

Thébaud, Jules, 1962

Thecla, Julia, 1954

Theobald, Frank, 1963

Thibaut, Richard E., Jr., 1953

Thiebaud, Wayne, undated, 1961

Things -- , 1964

13 West Gallery, 1963

This Week -- Magazine, 1954, 1962

Thoby-Marcelin, Eva, 1959

Thoener, George E., 1964, 1967-1968

Thoma, Belle B., 1959

Thomas, Mrs. B. B., 1959

Thomas, E. A., 1946-1947

Thomas, Herrel George, 1952, 1954

Thomas, Julie, 1965

Thomas, Marion, 1943, 1945

Thomas, Vincent, 1962-1963

Frederic B. Thomason, Inc., 1936-1937, 1939-1941

Thomm, Mrs. John F., 1963

Thompson, Andrew Z., 1959

Thompson, George David, undated, 1935

J. Walter Thompson Company, 1941-1942, 1946

Thompson, Mrs. Lawrence, 1963

Thompson, Lynne, 1957

Thompson, Mrs. Rector M., Jr., 1961

Thompson, William W., 1953

Thoms, Floyd L., 1958

Thomson, Virgil, 1962

Thomson, William, 1967

Thoresen, Inc., 1965

Thorndike, R. A., 1958

Thorne's Transfer Co., 1961, 1965

Thorne's Warehouse, 1946

Thrall, Donald, 1951, 1953, 1955

Three Two Seven Gallery, Inc., 1961

Thurber, Helen and/or James, 1937, 1962-1963

Thurber, James, 1937

Thurek, Harry, 1956

Thuyssen, Fran, 1955

Tibbetts, Helen A., undated

Tiber Press, 1955

Tiffany and Co., 1965

Louis Comfort Tiffany Foundation, 1947, 1958, 1962

Tillich, Paul, 1961-1962

Tillotson, Stephen, 1951

Time Incorporated, undated, 1931, 1938, 1944, 1947, 1950-1951, 1953-1955, 1957, 1959-1961, 1963-1965

Time-Life Books, 1966-1967

Tincher, Virginia L., 1960

Tindall, Morris Hanco*ck, 1956

Tinkham, Sally Gresham (Mrs. David J.), 1961

Tinsley, Milton, 1957

Tintner, Leóntine Camprubi, 1961-1962

Tips About Town -- , 1945

Tisch, William, 1957

Tischler, Henrietta (Mrs. Kenneth), 1962

Tishman, Paul, 1950

Titelman, Frank M. and/or Rose, 1964-1967

Titelman, Richard, 1969

Titus, William E., 1968

Tobian, Louis, Jr., 1960

Tobias, Mr. and/or Mrs. Abraham Joel, 1962, 1968

Tobias, Leslie, undated

Tobias, William, 1958

Tobin, Mrs. Edgar, 1964, 1966

Edgar Tobin Aerial Surveys, 1963

Tobin, Robert L. B., undated, 1962-1968

Today's Art -- , 1965

Tofel, Jennings, undated, 1952

Toledo Museum of Art, 1935-1936, 1942-1944, 1946-1947, 1950, 1952-1957, 1959-1960, 1964, 1966, 1969

Tolin, Mrs. David, 1954

Tom, Stanley, 1956

Tompkins, Robert Schuyler, 1954-1955

Arthur Tooth and Son, 1966

Tooth, Dorothy, 1963

Tooth, Dudley, 1963

Tooze, Arthur E., 1943

Topper, Victor, undated, 1960, 1964, 1966-1967

Toronto, Art Gallery of (see: Art Gallery of Toronto)

Toronto Museum of Fine Arts, 1956

Toronto, University of (see: University of Toronto)

Torrey, Arthur H., 1936, 1950

Arthur H. Torrey - Tay Hohoff, 1937

Totelite, 1965-1966

Tourtellot, Arthur, 1952

Tovish, Harold, 1951, 1956

Town and Country -- , 1942, 1946, 1955

Town Hall, 1951

Townley, Hugh, 1960

Tracey, Elinor, 1940

Tracy, Mrs. Robert J., 1968

Tragos Gallery, 1966

Trainer, Kathryn, 1964

Trasel, Helen (Mrs. Edward George, Jr.), 1954

Tratt and Tratt, 1942

Trattler, Ruth, 1964

Traube, Mildred, 1962

Travelers Insurance Company, 1941, 1963

Traveling Art, Incorporated, 1954

Traver, John Dubois, 1936, 1940

Treasury Department, 1934, 1937, 1943-1944, 1962 (see also: U.S. Treasury, Department of Internal Revenue)

Treiman, Joyce Wahl, 1954

Tremaine, Burton G., Jr. and/or Emily Hall, 1935, 1945-1947, 1952, 1956, 1958-1959, 1961 (see also: Miller Company)

Triangle Publications, undated, 1962

Trianon Press, 1962, 1965

Trice, Trudi, 1957

Trinity College, 1961-1962

TriStates Arts Council, 1961

Trites, Beatrice, 1961

Triton Hotel, 1960

Triton Press, Inc., 1963, 1966

Trolin, Mr. and/or Mrs. Henry J., 1958-1960, 1962

Troop, Miriam, 1968

Trotter, Joanne Vaughan (Mrs. Frederick E.), undated, 1963, 1965, 1967-1968

Trotzky, Jean N. (Mrs. Lewis A.), 1958- 1959, 1969

Trounson, Charlotte, 1960

Trovato, Joseph S., 1966

Troy, Mrs. John, 1965

Truax, Carol, 1960

Truman, Harry S., 1959

Trumbo, Dalton, 1961

Trump, Ross M., 1957

Tschirky, Leopold, 1956

Tschudin, Olga (Mrs. Robert Charles), undated

Tseng, Yu-Ho, 1960 (see also: Ecke)

Tsuchidana, Harry, 1960

Tu Fano, Miguel, 1967

Eve Tucker Galleries, 1964

Tucker, Jean S. and/or Joseph L., undated, 1959-1963

Tucker, Marcia, 1967

Tucson Art Center, 1966

Turek, Harry, 1950-1951

Turnbull, Murray, 1950

Turner, Mary S. (Mrs. Bert A.), 1960

Turner, Viola, 1961

Charles E. Tuttle Company, 1955-1956

TWA, 1963, 1965

Twentieth Century Club, 1961-1962

Twin Editions, 1950

Tynan, Kenneth, 1962

Tyson, Carroll, 1945

Tyson, Helen, 1952

Uhler, Madeline (Mrs. Alfred), 1965

Uhlmann, Paul, Jr., undated, 1945-1946, 1950

Uhlmann, R. Hugh, 1947

Uhr, Jewel and/or Nathaniel, undated, 1935, 1937, 1942-1945, 1949, 1955-1956, 1961-1962, 1965, 1968

Uhry, Alene (Mrs. Ralph K.), 1965

Uht, Carol K., 1953-1954

N. V. Uitgeversmaatschappij Elsevier, 1963

Ullman, Mrs. Charles, undated

Ullman, Eddie, 1957

Ullman, Mrs. G., 1957

Ullman, Harold P., 1961

Ulrich's Books, Inc., 1963

Unarco Industries Inc., 1963

Underhill, Stanley, 1962

Underhill, Farnum S., 1957

Union College, 1961-1962, 1967

Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 1948, 1959, 1961

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Embassy of (see: Embassy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics)

Union Theological Seminary, 1964

Union Towel Supply, 1963, 1965-1966

United Auto Workers, 1955-1956

United Church Herald, 1965

United Educators, Inc., 1964

United Hospital Fund of New York, undated, 1948

United Jewish Appeal, 1959

United Jewish Federation of Pittsburgh, 1967

United Medical Service, Inc., 1960-1962

United National Association of Post Office Clerks, undated

United Nations, 1951

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 1950

UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Education Fund), 1958

U.S. Appraiser of Merchandise, 1962

U.S. Army Air Corps, 1944

U.S. Army Air Force, 1943-1944

U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 1959

United States Committee of the International Association of the Plastic Arts, 1956

U.S. Customs Service, 1951, 1967 (see also: Customs Bureau)

U.S. Department of State, 1952 (see also: Department of State)

United States Educational Commission for France, 1956

U. S. Government Printing Office (see: Government Printing Office)

United States Information Agency, 1955-1967

United States Post Office, 1941

U.S. Steel Corporation, 1953

United States Time Corporation, 1946

United States Treasury, Internal Revenue Service, 1955, 1958, 1962-1963 (see also: Internal Revenue Service; Treasury Department)

U.S. Trucking Corp., 1959

Universal Metal Chain Co., Inc., 1967

Universite Libre, Belgium, 1958

University Center in Virginia, 1969

University of Alabama, 1941, 1948, 1953, 1962

University of Alaska, 1965

University of Alberta, 1962

University of Arizona, 1945, 1955, 1962-1969

University of Arkansas, 1950-1951, 1953-1954, 1960

University of California, undated, 1953-1946, 1966-1969

University of Chicago, 1948-1951

University of Cincinnati, 1968

University of Colorado, 1950, 1954, 1957-1958, 1967

University of Connecticut, 1956, 1959, 1967-1969

University of Dallas, 1965

University of Delaware, 1949, 1953, 1967-1968

University of Florida, 1949, 1952-1953, 1960, 1966-1969

University of Georgia, 1949, 1951, 1954-1955, 1957-1959, 1964-1965, 1967-1969

University of Hawaii, 1960-1961, 1966

University of Hull, 1965

University of Illinois, 1947-1948, 1950-1955, 1957, 1959, 1961-1965, 1967-1969 (see also: Krannert Art Museum)

University of Iowa, 1953, 1958, 1963, 1967

University of Judaism, 1966

University of Kansas, 1948, 1957-1959, 1961

University of Kentucky, 1958-1960, 1965, 1967-1968

University of Louisville, 1940, 1953-1954, 1960-1961

University of Maine, 1950-1953

University of Maryland, 1959, 1966-1967

University of Massachusetts, 1968-1969

University of Miami, 1950-1955, 1959-1960, 1965-1968

University of Michigan, 1950-1951, 1954, 1958, 1960, 1962-1963

University of Minnesota, 1942, 1949-1953, 1955, 1957-1958, 1960, 1962-1963, 1966, 1968

University of Nebraska, undated, 1939-1958, 1961-1965, 1967-1968

University of Nevada, 1962

University of New Mexico, undated, 1963-1964, 1966, 1968

University of North Carolina, 1948, 1961-1962, 1965-1968

University of North Dakota, 1964

University of Notre Dame, 1958-1959, 1962-1965, 1967-1968

University of Oklahoma, 1949-1950, 1958, 1963-1964

University of Oregon, 1945-1946, 1955

University of Pennsylvania, 1958, 1966

University [of Pennsylvania] Museum, 1942

University of Pittsburgh, 1955-1956, 1962-1963

University of Puerto Rico, 1956

University of Rochester, 1963, 1968

University of Southern California, 1950, 1955, 1957, 1959

University of Texas, 1944-1946, 1950-1951, 1960, 1963, 1965

University of Toronto, 1962

University of Utah, 1950, 1956-1958, 1960-1961, 1964, 1967-1968

University of Vermont, 1956-1962, 1964-1965, 1968

University of Virginia, 1952, 1956

University of Washington, 1965, 1968

University of Wisconsin, undated, 1946-1947, 1949, 1951, 1953, 1956, 1958-1962, 1964-1965, 1967

University of the Americas, 1965

University Press of Cambridge, Inc., 1953, 1955-1957, 1960-1961, 1963

University Prints, 1951, 1956-1958

University Settlement, 1967

Upjohn Company, 1961

Upstairs Gallery, undated, 1958

Uris, Mrs. Harold, 1956

Uslan, Mrs. Arthur, undated, 1967

Utah, University of (see: University of Utah)

Utley, Gordon D., 1968

Utter, Bror, 1951

Curt Valentin Gallery, Inc., 1952

Valentine, Helen, undated, 1957, 1959

Valparaiso University, 1961-1967

Valva Realty Insurance, 1965-1966

van Bark, Peter, 1945, 1946-1947

van Bark, Virginie, undated, 1946-1947, 1953

Van Camp, Betsy and George, 1955

van Caulaert, Jean Dominique, 1959

Vance, Donna (Mrs. Norman), 1959

Vance, J. Colville, 1953

Van Cleef, Jeanne W. (Mrs. Paul), 1949

Vancouver Art Gallery, 1952, 1954

Vandalia Community Schools, 1952

Vandenberg, J., 1948-1950, 1956

Vanderbes, Patsy Baum (Mrs. Romano), undated,1966 (see also: Baum, Patricia Ann)

Vanderbilt University, 1940-1941

Van Dyke, Mrs. L. S., 1962

Van Goethem, Paul, 1960

Vanguard Film Company, 1948

Van Loan, Dorothy, undated

Van Loen, Alfred, 1960

van Someren, Peter, 1963

Van Vechten, Carl, 1941, 1949

Van Veen, Felicia (Mrs. Stuyvesant), undated, 1965

van Weeren-Griek, Hans, 1954

Varrella, Amelio J., 1965

Vassar College, 1934, 1950, 1954, 1963-1965, 1968-1969

Vega, Max Fernando Braun, 1959

Velthuizen, Andries, 1965

"Venice Biennale," 1956-1957 (see also: "La Viennale di Venezia")

Venn, Diggory, 1953

Verlag Gerd Hatje, 1958-1959

Verlag M. Dumont Schauberg, 1963, 1966

Vermont, University of (see: University of Vermont)

Vernet, Albee, 1959

Vestal, David, 1947

Vetter, Edward O., 1966

Vick, Frances R. (Mrs. Frederic G.), 1950

Victorian Shop, 1955-1956

Vidar, Frede, 1933

Vidor, King, 1944, 1946, 1953

Vieth, Ulrich, 1967

James Vigeveno Galleries, 1944-1946, 1948, 1950, 1956

Viking Press, Inc., 1960, 1962

Village Art Center, 1953

Village Newspaper Service, 1962, 1965-1966

Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1945-1957, 1959-1962, 1964-1966, 1968-1969

Virginia State College, 1950, 1952-1953

Virginia, University of (see: University of Virginia)

Visions 65, 1965

Visitors East, 1966

Visson, Vladimir, 1955

Visual Education Consultants, Inc., 1966-1967

Voca Corporation, 1967

Vocational Advisory Service, 1962

Vo-Dinh, 1967

Vogel, Bernard, 1960, 1962

Vogel, Mrs. David, 1963

Vogel, Eleanor, 1961

Vogel, I. H., 1952

Vogue -- , undated, 1939, 1946, 1949-1950, 1952-1954, 1956-1958

von Haesler, William, 1960

von Keller, Beatrice, 1949

von Nardoff, Elfrida, undated, 1960

Von Schlegell, David, 1947

Von Schlegell, William, 1934

von Svoboda, Alex, 1961

Vorhaus, Martin G., 1935-1936, 1939

Robert C. Vose Galleries, 1943, 1949

Vose Galleries, Inc., 1958, 1963

VR Interiors, 1956

V'Soske, Inc., undated, 1960

WABC-FM, 1964

Wacaster, Mrs. A. E., undated, 1945-1946

Anna Wachsman Color Photography, 1959

Waddell, Chauncey, 1964

Waddington Galleries, undated, 1963-1964

Wadsworth Athenaeum, undated, 1933-1935, 1938, 1941-1942, 1946-1967

Wagner College, 1963

Wagner, Harvey M., 1964

Wagner, Karl A., 1952

Wagner, Oscar, undated

Wagner, Sherle, 1955

Wagner-Taylor Company, 1953

Wagner, Vernon M., 1963

Wagstaff, Sam, 1967

Wakeley, Mrs. R. W., 1945

Walabe, Paul K., 1965

Walbridge, Norton S., 1964, 1968

E. H. Waldeck Co., 1964

Walden School, 1958

Waldman, Mrs. N. E., 1958

Waldstein, Benjamin, 1960

Walker, Anne Kendrick, 1943-1944

Walker Art Center, undated, 1941, 1943-1969

Walker, Catherine H., 1934

Walker, Edith G. (Mrs. Samuel G.), undated, 1940-1941

Walker Engraving Corporation, 1955

Walker-Goulard-Plehn Company, 1965

Walker, Hudson D., 1959, 1963

Walker, Jennie (Mrs. Stephen J.), 1957, 1962

Walker, Mr. and/or Mrs. Maynard, undated, 1943, 1954, 1964

Maynard Walker Galleries, 1939, 1955, 1958

Walker, Raymond, 1943

Walker, Samuel S., Jr., 1959

Wall, Grace W., 1967

Wall Street Journal -- , 1964

Wall Street Synagogue, 1954

Wallace, Hugh C., 1963

Wallace, Moira, 1940, 1946

Wallach, J. B., 1956

Wallenstein, Alfred, 1941

Wallenstein, Mrs. Alfred, 1941, 1952

Wallenstein, Barry, 1966

Wallis, J. H., 1941

Wallowick, David, 1965

Wallowitz, Charles, 1968

Walsh, Gene, undated

Walsh, John, 1962

Walt, Blise Dodson (Mrs. Edward), 1956

Walter, Don, 1967

Walter, Pat, 1967

Walter, Paul F., 1957

Walters Art Gallery, 1946

Walters, Carl and/or Helen, 1939, 1945-1946

Walters, Daniel A., 1933-1934

Walters, Faye, 1949

Walters, John H., Jr., 1964

Walters, Raube, 1946-1947

Walther, Henry W. E., 1940

Wang Chi-Yuan, 1955

John Wannamaker's, 1934

War Assets Administration, 1948

War Department, 1942-1944

War/Peace Report, 1962, 1964

War Production Board, 1944

Warburg, Edward M. M., 1941-1942, 1968-1969

Warburg, Mr. and/or Mrs. Frederick, 1960, 1962

Ward, Charlotte, 1955

Ward, Lyle E., 1955

Ward, Mildred (Mrs. Paul), 1967

Ward, William, 1955

Warde, Frances, 1963

Wardell, Carolyn, 1961

Wardner, G. Philip, 1952

Waring, Helen Ford (Mrs. George L.), 1962

Warmbein, K. C., 1954

Warner Brothers Company, 1965

Warner, George Coffing, 1940

Warner, Mrs. Harold Hambridge, 1942

Warner, Harry, 1944

Warner, Keith, 1943-1945, 1957

Warner, Rawleigh, Jr., 1967

Warrek, G. R., 1965

Warren, Samuel B., 1954

Warring, Helen R., 1962

Warring, James E., 1966

Washburn, Mr. and/or Mrs. Gordon, 1950, 1960

Washington and Lee University, 1955

Washington Art league (see: Art League of Washington)

Washington, Barbara (Mrs. Selden), 1959

Washington Cathedral, 1957

Washington County Museum of Fine Arts, 1945

Washington, D.C. Institute of Contemporary Arts (see: Institute of Contemporary Arts, Washington, D.C.)

Washington, D.C. Public Library (see: District of Columbia Public Library)

Washington Gallery of Modern Art, 1962-1963, 1965, 1967

Washington International Art Letter, undated, 1962-1964

Washington Irving Gallery, 1960

Washington Post -- , 1961, 1963, 1965

Washington Square Galleries, 1964

Washington State College (see: State College of Washington)

Washington University, 1946-1947, 1950-1953, 1955, 1956, 1961, 1963-1966

Washington, University of (see: University of Washington)

Wasserman, Harvey R., 1958

Wasserman, Dr. and Mrs. Louis, 1959

Wasserman, Max, 1964

Watabe, Paul K., 1966

Waters, Ethel, 1941

Waters, George, 1961

Waters, Mrs. Norman, 1965

Waters, R. T., 1955, 1959

Watherston, Margaret M., 1959-1969

Watson, Dr. and Mrs., undated

Watson, Dori, 1969

Watson Elevator Co., 1960

Watson, James Sibley, 1959

Watson, Mrs. James Sibley, 1963

Watson, Jean, 1940, 1941

Watson, Thomas J., undated, 1940-1942

Watter, Doris and/or Michael, undated, 1953, 1955, 1958-1961

Watter, Sonia, undated, 1956

Waugh, Elizabeth, 1961

Waugh, Samuel Clark, undated, 1943-1945, 1947, 1949-1950, 1960, 1962

Waxler, Jack, 1960

Wayne, June, 1955

Wayne, Irving, 1957

WBAI Radio, undated

WBNS, 1962

WCBS-TV, 1963, 1965

Weakland, I. W., 1971

Weathermatic Corporation, 1965, 1967-1968

Weaver, Richard W., 1963

Weaver, Shirley F. (Mrs. William F., Jr.), 1955

Webb, Aline U., 1965

Webb and Lynch, 1953, 1961

Webb, Electra and/or James Watson, undated, 1941, 1945-1946, 1949-1961

Webb, J. Watson, Jr., 1953, 1960-1964, 1968

Webb, Richard, undated

Webb, Mrs. Vanderbilt, 1960

Webber, Vera, 1958

Weber, undated

Weber, Bill, Jr., 1964-1965, 1967-1968

Weber, Esther (Mrs. Henry), undated, 1957

Weber, Frances and/or Max, 1956, 1961, 1963, 1966, 1968

Weber, Joy S., 1963, 1967

Weber, Mrs. Orlando F., undated

Wechsler, Nancy F., 1940

Wedertz, Bill, undated, 1958

Weed, E. L., 1952

Wehle, John L., 1965

Wehlschager, Frank, 1945

Wehr, Ethel (Mrs. Edward R.), undated, 1957-1960

Wehrbeck, Wilfred, 1958

[Weibe?], Donald, undated

Weichsel, John, 1963

Weidler, Charlotte, 1960

Weidner, Roswell, 1941, 1963

Weil, Richard K., 1959

Weinbeer and Son, 1952-1953, 1960

Weinbeer, Charles P., 1946

Weinberg, Helen Joy, 1954, 1963

Weinberg, Jane G. (Mrs. Louis E., Jr.), 1954-1955, 1960-1962

Weiner, Fred, 1967

Weiner, Lilian (Mrs. Herman), 1963

Weiner, Lucille, 1952

Weiner, Ted A., 1952-1954, 1967

Weingarten, Victor, 1966

Weinstein, Lewis V., 1959

Weinstein, Max, undated, 1958-1960

Weinstock, Leonard, 1965

Weinstock, Dr. and Mrs. Leonard M., 1963

Weintraub, William H., 1946

Weiss, Bernice 1959

Weiss, Dave E., 1963

Weiss, Edward H., 1967

Weiss, Laurie (Mrs. James B.), 1964

Weiss, Marguerite, undated, 1941, 1946-1947

Weiss, Martin L., 1951-1955

Weiss, N. Spencer, 1948

Weiss, Stymean Karlen, 1952

Weissberger and Frosch, 1956

Weissberger, L. Arnold, undated, 1957-1962, 1966

Weissman, Barbara, 1963

Weitzen, Elaine Graham, undated, 1968

Weitzman, Charles, 1967

Weitzmann, Mary, 1946

Weller, Allen, 1964

Welles, Jane, 1969

Wellesley College, undated, 1947, 1950, 1952, 1954, 1958-1959

Wellfleet Art Gallery, 1963 (see also: Gaglioni, Thomas)

Wells College, 1953

Wells, Fred N., 1959

Wells, James Lesene, 1931

Wells, Walter J., 1950

Rudolf Wendel, Inc., 1945

Wenger, J., 1961-1962, 1964

Wengler, Harold, 1941

Anna L. Werbe Galleries, 1959-1960

Werner, Alfred, 1959, 1964

Werner, Charlotte and Walter, 1960

Werner, M. R., 1952

Werner, Nat, 1952

Werner, Newton D., 1967

Werner, Walter, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1959, 1960

Werthan, Mary Jane (Mrs. Albert), 1965

Wertheim, Mr. and/or Mrs. Maurice, 1941, 1943, 1963

Wertheimer, Jerome, 1964

Wescher, Herta, 1958, 1962, 1966

Wescher, Paul, 1953

Weschler, Anita, 1946

Wescott, Mrs. L. B., 1960

Wesley, Elaine, 1962

Wesleyan University, 1955, 1962, 1965 (see also: Davison Art Center)

Benjamin West Society, 1945

West, Clifford, 1967

West Orange Chamber of Commerce, 1965

West, Samuel A., 1960

Westchester Art Association, undated

Westchester Art Society, 1965

Westergren, Mrs. G. S., 1962-1963

Western Adjustment and Inspection Company, undated, 1951, 1955, 1959

Western Association of Art Museum Directors, 1956

Western Family, Inc., 1957

Western Illinois University, 1965

Western New Mexico University, 1966

Western Printing and Lithographing Co., 1968

Western Union Telegraph, 1942

Westheimer Transfer and Storage Co., Inc., 1955

Westinghouse Broadcasting Company, Inc., undated, 1963-1966

Westminster Press, undated, 1960-1961

Westmoreland County Museum of Art, 1958-1960

Westport Community Art Association, 1956, 1963

Wetmore, Edith, undated, 1942

Wetmore, Dr. and/or Mrs. Robert Jackson, 1961-1962

Wettereau, Robert L., 1957-1958

Wettling, George and Jean, undated

Weyand, Richard, 1950

Weyerhaeuser, Carl A., undated, 1956

E. Weyhe, Inc., 1954, 1962

Whale Oil Company, 1965

Wheaton College, undated, 1944, 1950, 1952, 1960

Wheeler, Edward Everett III., undated, 1962

Wheelright, Mrs. Robert, 1941

Whelan, Gloria (Mrs. Joseph), 1955

Whicker, James William, 1945

Whipper, Leigh, 1943

White, Mrs. Davenport, 1959

White, Doris, 1962

White House, 1962-1963

White House Historical Association, 1962

White, June, 1958

Ruth White Gallery, 1957

White, Vera (Mrs. S. S., III.), 1942, 1957

White, Winsor, 1952

William Alanson White Institute, 1957

Whitechapel Art Gallery, 1956

Whitehead, James L., 1965

Whitehead, John N., 1942

Whitehill, Clayton, 1947

Whitehill, Jean L., 1951

Whitehorn, Eugene D., 1952

Whitlock, C. E. H., 1952-1953

Whitlock's, 1945

Whitman, Jack, 1952

Whitney, Mr. and/or Mrs. John Hay, 1941, 1948, 1952, 1955, 1967

John Hay Whitney Foundation, 1960-1961

Whitney Museum of American Art, undated, 1931, 1933, 1935, 1939, 1941-1949, 1951-1969

William C. Whitney Foundation, 1955

Who's Who in America -- , 1952

Who's Who in American Art -- , 1961, 1964

Who's Who in Graphic Art -- , 1960-1961

Who's Who of American Women -- , 1969

Whyte, A. Robert, 1968

Whyte Gallery, 1946

Whyte, M. Donald, 1939

Wichita Art Association, 1958

Wichita Art Museum, undated, 1939, 1946-1947, 1952, 1956, 1960-1961, 1963, 1965, 1968

Wichita City, 1961

Wick, Mrs. George, 1968-1969

Wick, Robert M., 1961

Wicker, Philip J., 1943

H. B. Wiggin's Sons Company, 1940, 1945

Wight, Alice S. (Mrs. Carol), 1956

Wight, Frederick, undated, 1955, 1958, 1963

Wigodsky, Herman S. and/or Jo Ann, 1953-1954, 1961

Wijsenbeek, L. J. F., undated

Wilbraham Academy, 1937, 1964

Wilbur, Brayton, 1954, 1962

Wilcox, Jane (Mrs. Merton Frederick), 1960

Wild, Mrs. Morton, 1946

Wilde, Mrs. Charles, 1958

Wildenstein and Company, Inc., 1946, 1952, 1955, 1957, 1969

Wilder, Mitchell A., 1958-1960, 1967

Wilderness Road Trading Post, 1953

Wile, Dorothy K. (Mrs. E.), undated

John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 1960

Wilhaus, Bill, undated

Wilinsky, I. J., 1953, 1962, 1968-1969

Wilk, Max, 1962

Wilke, Ufert, 1944

Willard, Charlotte, 1958-1960, 1964-1966

Willard Gallery, 1955, 1958, 1960-1964

Willard, Virginia, 1962

Willaumez, Marilyn Karnes, 1963

Willey, Nancy, undated, 1959

William and Mary College, 1963 (see also: College of William and Mary)

William Penn Place Corporation, 1953

Williams, Alexander, 1941

Williams, Alice and/or Herman W. Warner, Jr., 1945-1946, 1962, 1964-1966, 1968

Williams, Bill and/or Alice, undated, 1965

Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, 1950

Williams College, 1958-1959, 1961, 1963

Williams, Dan, 1934

Williams-Fleetwood Heating Corp'n., 1950

Williams, H. C., 1948

Williams, Herman, undated

Williams, J. C., 1934

Williams, John L., 1946

Williams, Mary, undated

Williams, Mary F., 1965

Williams, Mrs. Parker, 1935

Williams, Mrs. Robert F., 1962

Williams, Rodney W., 1942

Williams, W. C., 1940

Williams, William C., 1954, 1957-1959

Williams, William Carlos, 1948

Williamsburg (see: Colonial Williamsburg)

Williamson, Clara, 1950

Williamson, Judy, undated, 1962

Willing, Charles, 1959

Willis, Martha B. (Mrs. James M.), 1962-1963

Willoughby, Bob, 1959, 1966

Wills, Grace D., 1955

Wilmington Society of the Fine Arts, 1942, 1946-1947, 1953-1954, 1956, 1958, 1960-1961, 1965, 1968 (see also: Delaware Art Center)

Wilson and McIlvaine, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1967, 1968, 1969

Wilson, Mrs. Anthony, 1957

Wilson, Bob, 1956

Wilson, David, 1961

Wilson, Edwin C., 1955, 1957-1959, 1962

Wilson, Glenn D., 1958

Wilson, Irene, 1965

Wilson Picture Frames, 1958

Wilson, Stanley, 1956

Wilson's House of Suede, 1959

Wiltwyck School for Boys, Inc., 1955-1957

Wimpfheimer, Ann, 1954

Winchester Associates, 1967

Windfohr, Anne Bernett (Mrs. Robert F.), 1948-1949, 1951, 1953-1955, 1957

Windham College, 1965, 1967

Windward Artists Guild, 1964-1965

Wines, James N., 1956

Wing, Adeline, 1950-1951

Wingate, David A., 1959-1962

Wingate, Ealan, 1959

Winkelman, Peggy and Stanley, 1964

Winkler, John K., 1933

Winman, L. J., 1959

D. P. Winnie Co., Inc., undated, 1960, 1963, 1965

Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1967

Winnipeg Art Gallery Association, 1953, 1955

Winslow Hotel, 1960

Winston, Donald, 1956-1958, 1960

Winston, Francesca S., Estate of, 1957

Winston, Harry Lewis and/or Lydia, 1941, 1944-1945

Winston-Salem Gallery of Fine Arts, 1961

Winter, Ella, 1940

Winters, Mr. and/or Mrs. L., 1952

Wintersteen, Mrs. John, 1947

Winterthur Museum, 1962-1964, 1968-1969

Winthrop, Murray Crane III., 1936

Winton, Frank J., undated, 1965-1967

Wisconsin State Historical Society (see: State Historical Society of Wisconsin)

Wisconsin, University of (see: University of Wisconsin)

Wisdom, 1956

Wise, Donald, 1965

Wise, Howard E., 1957

Howard Wise Gallery, 1962, 1964

Wise, Leo, 1964

Wiswell, Doris, undated, 1955

Wiswell, George, 1955

Witherspoon, Mrs. J. T., Jr., 1946

Witherstine, Donald F., 1947

Witte Memorial Museum, 1946, 952-1953, 1959-1961, 1963-1965 (see also: San Antonio Art League)

Wittenberg College, 1950

Wittenberg, Philip, 1932-1935

Wittenborn and Company, 1960

George Wittenborn, Inc., 1962

WMFT Perspective, 1962

WNBC, 1953

WNDT, 1963

WNYC, undated, 1944, 1952

Woechle, Fritz, 1962

WOI-TV, Ames, Iowa, 1953

Wolanin, Barbara A., 1969

Wolf, Burton, 1953

Wolf, Jay R., undated, 1962-1964, 1966-1968

Wolf, Marcia and/or Stanley J., 1952-1953, 1955-1956, 1959, 1965-1966

Wolf, Rose, 1945

Wolff, Herbert, 1968

Wolff, Remsen, 1968

Wolfson, Erwin S., 1957-1958

Wolkoff, Donald M., 1960

Woll, Bennett, 1953

Wollens, Bernard, undated, 1962

Wollowick, David, 1965

Wolsey, Thomas, 1958-1959

Woman's Day -- , 1964

Women's American ORT, 1955

Women's City Club of New York, Inc., 1953, 1960

Women's Press Club of New York City, 1961

Womer, Robert L., 1961

Wood, Mrs. D. L., 1969

Wood, Myron, 1964

Wood, Mrs. P., 1958

Wood, Richard H., 1954, 1956

Wood, Mr. and/or Mrs. Robert W., Jr., 1959

Wood, Roy W., 1960

Wood, Sheldon H., Jr., 1965

Wood, William P., 1958, 1968

Woodie, 1931

Woodruff, Hale, 1943, 1945, 1947

Woods, Charles F., 1955

Woods, Sarah L. (Mrs. Thomas C.), 1957

Woodstock Artists Association, Inc., 1948, 1956

Woodstock Foundation, 1957, 1962

Woodward Foundation, 1961-1962, 1965

Woodward, Sarah R. (Mrs. Stanley), 1962, 1964

Woody, Marquis W., 1961

Wookey, Richard H., 1952-1953

Woolworth, Robert F., 1958

Worcester Art Museum, undated, 1934, 1935, 1939, 1941-1943, 1945-1947, 1950, 1952, 1955, 1957, 1959-1961, 1963-1965, 1967

Worker, 1959

Workman, David Thorpe, undated, 1961-1965

Works, George, Jr., 1952

Works Progress Administration, undated, 1935-1936, 1939-1940 (see also: Federal Works Agency, Works Progress Administration)

World and Its People -- , 1966

World House Galleries Corp., 1960

World Journal Tribune, Inc., 1966

World Publishing Co., Inc., 1963

World's Fair Art Project, 1940

World's Fair of 1940, 1940

Worldwide Books, Inc., 1964

Wormley, Edward J., 1947, 1949, 1955, 1959

Worms, Mrs. Charles H., 1945

WPAT, 1963

Wragge, B. H., 1945

Wragge, Sydney, 1948, 1960

Wright, Carl, 1960-1963

Wright, Dorothy B. (Mrs. Golding), 1952

Wright, Mrs. Frank W., 1952

Wright, Iris, 1942

Wright, Jann W., undated, 1959

Wright, Marjorie P. and/or William L., 1952-1953

Wright, Richard, 1941

Wu, Nelson, 1960

Wulf, Victor R., 1965

Wurdemann, Helen, 1955

Wyckoff, Mrs. Richard D., 1965

Wyman, Mrs. Charles, 1953

Wyman, M. Richard, 1963

Wynne, Angus G., Jr., 1952

Wyoming Arts Council, 1966

Yaddo, undated, 1952

Yale University, 1932, 1935, 1949-1951, 1954-1956, 1958-1966, 1967, 1969

Yamasaki, Minoru, 1963

Yancey, Foster, 1952

Yane, Margaret, 1955

Yasinow, J. B., undated, 1957

Year -- , 1953, 1954, 1962

Yiddisher Kemfer, 1959

Yochelson, Kathryn M. (Mrs. Samuel), undated, 1955-1957, 1959-1960, 1963-1964

Yochelson, Leon, undated, 1965

Yochim, Louise D., 1965

Yonkers, Richard T., 1959

York, Mr. and/or Mrs. Holcomb, 1934-1935, 1964-1965

Yoseloff, Thomas, 1962

Young, Art, 1933-1934

Brigham Young University, 1960-1961

Young, Cameron, 1952

Young Collections, 1956, 1959, 1963 (see also: Dallas Young Collections)

Young, George, 1964-1965

Young Men's Christian Association of Pittsburgh, 1945-1946

Young Men's/Young Women's Hebrew Association, 1959-1960

Young Men's/Young Women's Hebrew Association of Brooklyn, undated

YM/YWHA of Essex Co., 1967

Young Men's/Young Women's Hebrew Association of Philadelphia, 1961

Young Women's Christian Association, 1946

Zabarsky, M., 1965-1966

Zabriskie Gallery, 1963

Zadok, Mr. and/or Mrs. Charles, 1948-1950

Zajac, Jack, 1967

Zander, Arthur J., 1955

Zander, W. D., 1958

Zanseville Art Institute (see: Art Institute of Zanesville, Ohio)

Zarem, Jack Daniel, 1950

Zauho Press, 1955

Zeffer, Mr., 1968

Zeisler, Richard, 1956

Zeitlan and Ver Brugge Booksellers, 1961- 1962, 1964

Zeller, Anne, 1959-1960

Zerbe, Karl, undated, 1951, 1953, 1958

Zerdek, undated

Zeugnisse dur Angst in der modernen Kunst, 1963

Zevin, Lillian C. (Mrs. Ben D.), 1963

Zieget, Julius, 1963

Ziegler, Laura, 1956

Zierler, William S., 1959-1960

Zimmerman, Mrs. Isadore J., undated, 1960

Zimmerman, William, 1957-1959

Zinkler, Anne (Mrs. L.), 1959

Zinn's Ltd., 1958

Zinsser, William, 1950, 1955, 1957

Zion, Robert, 1959

Zipkin, Jerome R., undated, 1946, 1951, 1955, 1959-1960, 1965

Zirinsky, Julius, 1966

Zittle, Virginia B., undated, 1964

Zittle, Walden M., 1964

Zoler, Emile C., 1953

Zone, Stephen, 1953

Zorach Fountain Committee, Bath Garden Club, 1960

Zorach, Marguerite and/or William, undated, 1956-1958, 1960, 1963-1965, 1967

Zorach, Tessim, 1965-1968

Zsissly, 1943

Zucker, Louis C., 1959

Zucker, Mrs. Seth, 1960

Zulawoski, Joseph J., 1954

Zurich Insurance Company, 1963

Zurier, Max M., 1955-1959, 1961

Zytowski, Donald G., 1963

Unknown and Illegible -- :

Adele, undated, 1947-1948, 1951, 1959-1961, 1963, 1965, 1967-1968

Alan, 1962

Albert, undated, 1962

Albert and Polly, 1964, 1966

Alice, undated, 1964-1965

Alfred, 1947

Aline, 1948

Ann, 1956

Anne, undated

Aubrey and Mose, undated

Audrey, undated

Barbara and Jimmy, 1956

Bea, 1947

Bella, 1945

Benjamin, undated

Bert, 1955

Betty, 1952-1953, 1956, 1964

Bill, undated, 1953, 1956, 1958, 1960, 1965

Bitly, 1962

Bob, undated, 1944, 1947, 1960, 1962

Buck, 1958

Carol and Robert, undated

Celia, undated

Channing, undated

Charles, 1959

Charles W., 1957

Cipe P., undated, 1952, 1959

Dan, undated, 1931, 1943, 1945

Daniel, 1968

David, 1951, 1953, 1965

D.C.G., 1932

Dick, 1959

Dick McL., 1959

Dolores and Ed, undated

Donna, 1961

Doris, undated

Dorothy, 1963

Duncan F., 1940

E. B., 1967

E. G., 1964

E. W., 1955

Earle, 1949

Ed, undated, 1953, 1955-1956

Eddie, 1957

Edith, undated, 1948-1949, 1958

Edith and Mickey, 1949, 1951, 1953

Edmund, 1933

Edward, 1957, 1964

Elizabeth, undated, 1945, 1952

Emil, 1961

Ernest, undated

Estelle, 1945

Esther, 1934-1935

Esther and John, 1949

Ethel, 1965

Eunice, undated

Flossie, 1963

Frances, 1963

Frances, Max, and Jory, 1961

Frank, 1951, 1960

Frank and Lita, 1963

Fred, undated, 1954, 1958, 1962

George, undated, 1949

Gil, 1958-1959

Gus, 1955

Harold, 1948

Harriet, 1955

Harry, 1948, 1958, 1961

Helen, undated, 1946, 1955, 1958, 1961, 1965-1968

Helen and Milton, 1959

Henry, undated

Hilda, 1967

Howard, 1955, 1961

Henry, 1951

Jack, 1959-1960

Jack and Walter, undated

Jake, 1957

Jay, 1963

Jean and Lawrence, undated

Jerry, 1961

Jerry and Gerda, undated

Jim, undated, 1945, 1960

Joan, 1957, 1966

Joe, 1940, 1952

John, 1946-1947, 1949, 1958, 1960

Joseph, undated

Julian, 1953

Karen, 1967

Karl, 1958

Karl K., undated

Kate, undated, 1950, 1961

Katherine, 1961

Ken, 1953-1954

Laverne, undated

Lawrence, undated, 1942, 1950, 1958

LeRoy, undated

Lisa, 1964

Lita, 1964

Louis, 1949-1950

Lucie, 1963

Mari, 1956-1957

Marilyn, 1966

Margaret K., 1960

Margot and Seth, undated

Marguerite, 1959

Marian, undated

Marion C., 1963

Marion and Herb, 1962

Mary, undated, 1951, 1956

Maurice, 1960

Max, 1962

Maxim, undated

Me, 1966

Michael, 1958

Mike, 1961

Mike F., undated

Mike, Marianne and David, 1948

Mildred, undated, 1939-1940

Millie, 1956

Milton, undated

Miriam, undated, 1955-1956

Mitch, undated, 1958, 1960

Morris, undated

Nat, 1941, 1946, 1956, 1966

Niura, 1967

Norma, 1956

Norma and Eddie, 1951

Ottie and Sunny, 1931

Patsy, 1959-1960

Patsy, Howard, Sally, and Ron, undated

Paula, undated

Paul, 1956

Peggy, 1954

Pete, 1963

Polly and Albert, 1961, 1963

Presto, undated

R. G., 1966

Raymond, 1953, 1958

Regina, undated, 1959-1960

Renée, 1961

Reuben, 1953

Rob, undated, 1957

Robert, 1936, 1945, 1959-1961, 1963

Roland, 1962

Ronnie, undated, 1961, 1963

Rosalie, undated

Rosalind, 1966

Roy and Marie, 1952

Ruth M. (Mrs Henry W.), 1947

Ruth, Jack, and Susie, 1959

Sally, undated, 1931, 1960-1961

Sally and Howard, 1961

Sam, 1944

Saundy, 1967

Sonia, 1953

Steve, 1958, 1963

T., undated

Ted, undated

Tess, 1965

Todd, 1961

Tom, 1953-1954

Tom J., undated

Tommy, 1959

Vincent, undated

Virginia, 1956, 1958, 1964-1966

Walter and Jack, 1959, 1968

[unknown], 1936

[illegible], undated, 1931, 1945-1946, 1951, 1956-1959, 1963

[incomplete; without signature], undated, 1953, 1961, 1967, 1968

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.