The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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riiaHroaflg yyOROESTEE AND NASHUA BAB On and after May 6 1568 Passenger Trains will run 18 follows: 7 Leave Worcester 630 1L15 420 Leave Nashua 710 a 12 and 6 pm or connections a Worcester itchburg Grotes Junction and Nashua see Pathfinder Ballway Guide for New England TURNER Worcester June 1 1870 jl VERMONT AND MASSACHUSETTS AND TROY AND GREENIELD BAIL Cars leave Boston (itchburg depot Cause way st) for Greenfield Brattleboro Hoosao Tunnel and Troy at 730 a or Greenfield Brat tleboro and Hoosao Tunnel 730 and 1100 a A special train will leave Boston every Saturday for Greenfield and Brattleboro at 530 Leave Hoosao Tunnel for Boston at 700 and 110 pm Leave Greenfield for Boston at 935 a and 230 Leave Brattleboro for Boston at 900 a and 150 RUGGLES Superintendent itchburg Mass November 5 1870 n3 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: TUESDAY APRIL 11 1871 6 Hailroairs 1 Spring field Mass (Elotbicg Steamboats finises anb Carriages EKS Cegal fjonse nmisl)ing AN THE PATENT CHINA BOARD PIANOS WINDOW SHADE £iqnars WINE BITTERS m201m Springfield Mass ENTIRELY NEW AND NOVEL INVENTION The Proprietors of Thb Springpield Rbpublioab also own and carry on an extensive general Bk and Job Printing Office Book Bindery And Blank Book Manufactory Including an Electrotyping Establishment and a manufac tory of Photograph Albums Tljeir establishment occupies bne of the largest buildings on Main street Springfield and In capacity and completeness has no superior In all New Eng land They run twenty five different Printing PreMee be tween fifty and sixty machines of all kinds and em ploy nearly three hundred workmen and women i Every description ef Printing from Cards and Handbills to Books from the simplest and plainest to the most intricate elegant and costly Binding of all sorts and in every style Blank Books of every fashion made to order or on sale wholesale and retail Photograph Albums from 25 cents to $25 each singly or by the quantity by mall or express ht lowest prices Books Stereotyped Printed Bound and Published Legal Blanks printed to order or on sale in any quantity In brief all Job Work and Manufacturing ever done in Printing Office and Bindery is performed at tills establishment promptly of the bestmaterials by the best of workmen and in the best manner known in either art Orders by mail as faithfully attended to as left In person SAMUEL BOWLES COMPANY Sprinofield Mass Each shade being complete In Itself without trou blesome fixtures can be easily put up or taken down They are made in attractive colors of the beet ma terials and highly finished Will outwear a dozen ordinary shades or curtains Do not get out of repair and if soiled are easily cleaned with a damp cloth In introducing the shade to the eastern public we beg leave to state that during the past three years it has met with a very extensive sale in the western states The conclusive evidence of Its great superiority lies In the largely increasing demand for it and the high recommendations from all who have used it It is now being rapidly introduced and is every where foundto give the most perfect satisfaction No shade In the market can compare favorably with it in any essential respect the CUINA BOARD WINDOW SHADE before purchasing anything else for your windows 8 Sold by all dealers in window shades and furni ture Manufactured by To Advertisers The circulation of Thb Republican both In char acter and extent puts it among the very choicest advertising mediums in the country Its subscribers number nearly 25000 and its readers rising one hun dred thousand and are among the most intelligent and enterprising families farmers and business men of New England and the West No paper out of Boston in New England has by half so large a circu latlon sax only two or three papers In that city ex ceedit i pAY IIOADLY CO Would call the attention of the public to their fine selection of REPUBLICAN A NEW ENGLAND AMILY JOURNAL of News Politics Literature and Social Life HOLLAND GOODRICH GOODRICH BLOCK MAIN STREEt staircase and one by one the guests ascended and passed by some with a smile of recognition some too fall of the conquests to have eyes or thoughts for aught else Susie Barton tripped by with a curt nod I was never a favorite with her and the mishap had not improved me in her estimation The bandits sauntered up the stair And stopped to ascertain my opinion concerning the relative merits of peaco*ck and os trich feathers as adjuncts of a apparel tilling me with mortal dread lest their pleasure should defeat my cherished hope of a moment with her alone At last they passed on Still fall of their momentous theme and I saw her! Slowly she approached and as she placed her foot on the topmost stair our eyes met I seized tier oy tne liana and drew her nastily into my al cove All footsteps had ceased to sound we are alone What I said I know not I fell at her feet and the fountain of feeling burst forth! I raised my eyes to her's at length but to my as tonishment they looked coldly upon me I seized her hand but it was hastily withdrawn me ring for a she are not well the wines or the heat of the I said is no time for trifling! You do your deeper nature wrong and the mo ments are too precious to be wasted in idle sport iveness The chambers of my soul are yet ring ing with your tender tones and to my latest hour those words will echo those words which fell from your lips warm with flame and illumined the darkness with the light of love! Oh le tme hear them once those pre cious words heart my life is yours Was it the reaction of overcharged nature the relaxing of a too highly strained nervous tension she sank back upon a seat and her whole frame quivered with suppressed laughter! I en deavoured to soothe her but the effort only served to increase her agitation I racked my brain to recall the maxims of Wood and Bell under the head of and was at last sinking into utter perplexity when with a mighty effort she rose and stood before me but still with a spas modic twitching of the mouth and with tears glittering in her eyes you please go to your room and await a message from me' and her voice choked again I would have spoken would have detained her but she put her handkerchief to her face anddarted away Slowly making way along the hall I entered my room and throwing myself on a chair leaned my head upon my hand and tried to think How could I account for her strange behavior? her coldness and dignity at first followed by so sud den an explosion of almost riotous mirth! Stead ily there crept into my soul the chilling fear the irresistible conviction that at the supreme mo ment when her passionate love was free to gush forth without restraint her treason had deserted its tnronei Alas i ana A knock at the door Emily sends you this and will you be good enough to open it at I hastily tore off off the cover a thin pamphlet open At the head of the page and Clotilde or the Midnight beneath a strongly marked passage I read i Enter Clotilde LJ Hush! breathe not a word for walls have ears! My heart my life is yours! Let us Cabin On WEDNESDAYS as follows March 29 April 5 April 12 April 19 April 26 May3 May 10 PUBLISHED DAILY SEMI WEEKLY AND WEEKLY By SAJIL'LL BOHLEN Ar COMPANY 1 OR SALE AND TO RENT Also a new stock of GERMAN ACCORDEONS GUITARS VIOLINS HARMONICAS THE INEST MAKES Our stock Of EW STYLES Call at LIVERMORE BALL and get the very latest Sign of the Hanging Golden Pitcher Sxodreg On THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS as follows: CaLABRIA March 30 SAMARIA April 1 Aprue April 20 April 29 May 6 71 The orange blossom had crowned my brows or I was wed to a gallant spouse Noble heroic and grand was he And rance was the bride of Liberty The monarchs scoffed on their tottering thrones The people ceased from their weary moans And whispered not the world be free Now rance is wedded to Lo! unto me in those days there came One who muttered a soell of shame 1 And I forgot in his sorcery The love of my bridegroom Liberty lie slew my spouse in the dead of night He slaughtered my children in my sight Then cried mine and the world shall be Thine thou widow of The kisses were on my face The perjurer clasped me in close embrace Shame and splendor he brought to me And won the slayer of Liberty Gold and glory and power were mine Gorgeous raiment and sparkling wine The world cried sccffing see! Once the beloved of Where are my regal splendors now? 1 Where is the laurel that decked my brow? Lift up the gravestone friends and see They all were buried with Liberty Rise ghost of my murdered lord Rise and unsheath thy ancient sword Strike thou one blow for thy love and be Once more my savior Liberty Alas a specter with bloody hands Stalks abroad my ravaged lands Shrieking rance! at thy summons see License the ghost of dead bertj thine own hand that wrought this woe 'Twas not the work of thv victor Such desolation could never be Had rance been faithful to Lucy Hooper in Home Journal GfTESTERN TICKET PAS SENGER TICKETS 1st 2d and 3d Class to San rancisco and ail points West Northwest and Southwest via Albany New York Philadelphia Bal more and Washington GUNN MERRILL Opposite Massasolt House Springfield Mass 4 Negropbilists cannot complain of Indiana de mocracy It has a man in Congress who is as Niblack as could be desired SPRINGIELD ENGLISH AND CLAS PS SICAL INSTITUTE Boarding and Day Both sexes can receive a first class Academic Education in all the Common and Higher English branches in the Ancient and Modern Languages in Drawing Paint ing and Music and in the Special Business Studies Penmanship and Bookkeeping Summer Quarter begins on Monday May 8 Apply for information and admission at 5 Court street CHAS BURNETT A J30 Principal HARTORD AND PHILADELPHIA LINE Are Running Regularly Between HARTORD AND PHILADELPHIA Leaving each Port on Thursdays at Noon THIS ROUTE Is direct to BALTIMORE WASHINGTON WILMINGTON And all Points on the Pennsylvania Railroad CHAPIN BURR Agents 75 erry Street Hartford Ct WM BAIRD CO 132 South Delaware Ave Philadelphia a4 made with pure CALIORNIA WINE bittered with health giving roots seeds and flowers 8 1000 Cbses for sale by the Proprietors 1VEW LONDON NORTHERN RAIL Av WINTER ARRANGEMENT com mencing December 12 1870 Trains leave as follows: New London for 500 810 a and 245 pm Palmer for Greenfield Hoosao Tunnel itchburg Bellows alls and the North 810 and 1220 Palmer for Amherst 810 a 1220 and 550 Palmer for Ware 820 a 1210 and 545 pm GOING SOUTH Leave for 1000 a and 4 0 Amherst for 630 1035 a and 450 Ware for Palmer 715 1025 a and 445 Palmer for New 815 a 220 and 615 The splendid side wheel steamers of Bos of New op New Lon op and "City op Law run in connection with this route leavina Pier 40 North River New York dally are and rates of freight always as low as by anv other route a20 McMANUS TV OTICE is hereby given that the subscriber LT has been duly appointed executor of the will of Michabl Bateman late of Springfield in the county of Hampden deceased and has taken upon himself that trust by giving bonds as thelaw directs All persons having demands upon the estate of said deceased are required to exhibit the same and all persons indebted to said estate are called upon to make payment to GREENE Executor Springfield March 31 1871 al lS2Tu STRINGS Is worth the attention of all violin guitar and banjo players who desire to use a really good article TTVOeTOKE: Main Street under Haynes Hotel Springfield TuWS TT OTICE is hereby given that the subscribers AT have been duly appointed Executors of the estate of Alfred Hitchco*ck late of Brimfield in the County of Hampden deceased and have taken upon themselves that trust by giving bonds as the law directs All persons having demands upon the estate of said deceased are required to exhibit the same and all persons indebted to said estate are called upon to make payment to GEO HITCHco*ck 1 JAMES BLAIR '(Executors Brimfield March 20 1871 a7 l2Tu Gen Sherman at His office is one of the smallest I met with occupied by hn official of any grade and it was also one of the neatest In fact the office in its appointments had nothing to indicate that it was not the sitting room of some refined private dwelling I mention this because it must indicate some characteristic quality of the mind Gen Sherman we had not seen for some twelve years Time deals with him gently for there was very little difference in his personal appearance betweqn the principal of the military acadeniy at Alexandria La 1861 and the veteran hero of the from Atlanta to the And by the way what a precipice did Gen Sherman stand upon at the breaking out of the rebellion His home among the most enthusiastic and powerful opponents of the Union surrounded by men of eloquence and wo men of fascination and at a time when the natur al elements were dissolving into chaos when it seemed as if the federal flag was to go down in to obscurity for lack of friends to sustain the principles it represents Gen Sherman literally put his hands to his ears and fled from the temptations which surrounded Christian fleeing from the wrath to come was not more and great has been Gen re ward The general face and head form a whole which the photograph is from chemical laws obliged to libel His features are not large and his forehead is nearer like than I ever saw on living shoulders His hair is sandy and his complexion is ruddy but not free from slight imperfections in the skin Now the pho tographs of Gen and thev are to be seen are out of shape and out of drawing and give to his complexion the mot tled appearance peculiar to the shell of a turkey's egg This result comes from the fact that the forehead is exaggerated by the lens and instead of giving it the delicate form which indicates ge nius we have the heavy overburdened pro tuberance peculiar to dull plodding minds The imperfections in the complexion which are scarcely perceptible to the naked eye throw most delicate shadows upon the prying sunlight and the daguerreotype makes them 'so many dark spots on the face and so good people say the hardships of the have impressed their wear and tear when nothing of the kind is really the Washington Letter XT OTICE is hereby given that the subscriber AT has been duly appointed executor of the will of ABIAL PEASE late of Longmeadow In the county of Hampden deceased and has taken upon himself that trust by giving bonds as the law directs All persons having demands upon tire estate of said deceased are required to exhibit the same and all persons indebted to said estate are called upon to make payment to ERASMUS HAMILTON Exec tor Somers Conn March 21 1871 lS2Tu EDSON CLARK Mann Afacturer of first class and latest styles of Double and Single Carryalls Rockaways Cabriolets Phae tons Light Open and Top Buggies Beach Wagons Basket Phaetons Light Express Wagons A supply on hand Also the best Shifting Carriage Pole used Manufactory one half mile west of Chicopee Junction Soriugfield Post Office address Chicopee Mass j2 dawly gONOMA m31 HILTON Hartford providence and fish KILL On and after Deo 19 1870 Trains will leave as follows going east Hartford for Providence at 610 a and 150 160 conaectln for or for Willimantic 610 a 150 and 815 tn the 610 a 150 and 615 connect for New London the 610 a and 150 connect for Palmer Wllllmantio for Providence 740 and 325 Plainfield for Provldeace 655 a m1 1215 and 430 connecting from Norwich at 835 a and 1215 connecting from Worcester GOING WEST Hartford for Waterbury 820 1120 a and 410 tn connecting for Winsted the 1120 a and 410 tn trains connect for Bridgeport Willimantic for Hartford 620 940 a ond 500 the 620 940 a and 500 trains connect from New London the 940 a and 600 trains con nectfrom Palmer Providence for Hartford 700 a and 215 connecting for Now Haven New York and Geld Providence to Willimantic 700 a and 215 Providence for Plainfield 7001010 am 2 15 and 605 the 700 and 1010 and 505 trains sonneot for NQnrichf the 1010 am and 215pm trains connect for Worcester SAMUEL NOTT Sept HARVARD SCHOOL No 20 Block Next term commences April 17 1871 Pupils fitted for Business College or Scientific Schools Address j28 1yd ROBINSON Box 849 ABYSSINIA JAVA RUSSIA CUBA CHINA SCOTIA JAVA Carrvinr Only Cabin Passengers IBBT CABIN Sfngle Ticket S130 Gold Return Tickets $250 Gold SECOND CABIN Single Ticket 80 Gold Return Tickets 8150 Gold BREJXTWOOD AND BRANDON The Mischief of Private Theatrical Glad to see me! Of course you are Tom my boy Now settle yourself into your easy chair again forget that you are playing host imagine us two back in the dear old room at St while I tell you why I am not spending the holi days at Brentwood as you supposed but come swooping down upon you like a predatory uhlan with the delightful prospect of being billeted here for a week to come I wrote you of the flirtation with Emily last summer at the Beeches confess to you now my dear boy what I then that it' had got to be something more than flirtation with me' and 1 moped for three days after it was broken up and she went back with her aunt to Chester I know but it was a glimmering hope that the old times might come again which made me jump so eagerly at invitation to meet them all at Brentwood Christmas It might have been that which led me to astonish my man tel mirror with such ridiculous antics when 1 opened his note I know it was the postscript which led to the fractuie of the same in a fit of passion lhe fellow in his innocence actually confided to me his engagement with Emily and dilated upon her charms as though the remem brance of every one of them was not yet rankling in my bosom Do you know Tom that a man will do the most unaccountable and contradictory things sometimes even when the grand passion might be supposed to have had time to cool? 1 was never so eager to see her as after I knew that she was lost to me and with the full consciousness that every moment in her presence would be misery unutterable I yet looked forward to those very moments with indescribable longing and school boy fashion worked myself quite into a fever for fear something happen to debar an entrance into my infernal paradise But the fates were anticipate just enough here Tom to say I believe they were furies in disguise and I landed safely at Brentwood late iu the afternoon All was bustle and excitement the companv was large and brilliant and damsels were there Tom stir a fever in the blood of and to warm even such a slow going azygos as yours into its liveliest pulsation I met her at last radiant and beautiful! Was it fancy alone that her cheek grew pale and her hand trembled as it touched my own? How the blood bounded in my veins as the words of welcome 'faltered upon my lips and died inarticulate! The tide of arrivals and greetings separated us a nd bore heraway nor did we meet again dur ing the afternoon Dinner was a disappoint uiuub 6UC wim bcvcruiui lUuiuQicSj excused herself to prepare for the rehearsal of some theat ricals and I made hollow merriment with two rows of animated figure heads got up an im promptu headache during dessert and left them to crack their nuts and dull jokes together Wandering aimlessly through the deserted draw ing room I passed the archway pushed aside a heavy crimson curtain and found mvself in a dimly lighted room fitted up with a "stage and other theatrical appliances Something was evi dently going wrong The management stood with its hands in its pockets addressing the or chestra who leaned dejectedly upon the piano here is a go despairingly exclaimed the first named individual thrusting his hands still deeper in his pockets ready to ring up the curtain traps set everybody in place and just at this moment of all others Harrv must be dragged off to drug some colicky infant or whee dle some hypochondriac old spinster! The ban dits murder anybody if they any body to murder and the whole upset! by Jove Wilkins! the very man for cried he delightedly suddenly catching sight of me and thecloud passing from his face instanter Thespia send you here? I impress you into the service! Here take this book bundle your self into where 1'11 show you and when Melissa says see "Hold off base ruffians Unhand me or my dear fellow' remonstrated I play never saw the thing before 'It matter a particle Wilkins you are in for it now You can read you? only a rehearsal and it will help us so much you tell a good fellow now Come and he dragged me toward the stage and behind the curtain explaining as he went lie low you see until Melissa cries for help when you rush on the stage attack the vil lains (Hayden and Smith you know over power them and kneel to receive her thanks when more villains charge in upon you After defending yourself with reckless valor your came near forgetting that) you are outnumbered and fall desperately wounded with yuur icei iu me ieit upper entrance ion don come in again till the third act and Harry is sure to be back by that time so we need you again In with opening a small door and pushing me forget your cue off base ruffians and the door was shut It was perfectly dark the room seemed high aiij unu iiau nut me cuiupresseu leeiiug oi a closet but was evidently filled with scenery and rough lumber probably a small ante room lead ing to the library which the exigences of the oc casion had converted into a place of storage I had settled the matter to my own satisfaction and was beginning to strain my ears for the first sound of base when through the darkness breathed a a voice which thrilled me to my low hushed butdistinct and impassioned the voice of Emily it said not a word for walls have ears! My heart my life is yours! Let us fly thus may I rend asunder the chains that bind me To after the we shall meet! Hist! no the sound of footsteps you come out till you are pulled sounded in my ears the voice of the irate man ager as I was helped on the stage with no gentle hand where I told you you were to rush out and attack the bandits who are carrying off Melissa and when she cried for help' pouted Susie Barton the fair I cried off base ruffians three times or more until I concluded there was no one within hearing chivalrous enough to defend The two bandits likewise glowered (heir dissatisfac tion at my tardiness in coming out to slaughter them and intimated that under the circum stances they could hardly be expected to follow out their instructions and die in agony 11 But the manager who was really a good hearted fellow soon set the matter to rights and sword in hand with the sound of another voice yet ringing in my ears I went through the wretched mimicry until at last hardly waiting for the courteous acknowledgments of the manager I escaped to breathe freer air and to still the wild beatings of my heart The night was clear and cold and the frosty air struck with a sense of re lief upon my fevered temple With the calmer spirit there awoke in my soul the still small voice the upbraidings of conscience What was it that I would do Should I betray my friend under his own roof? Should I rob th casket with which he has entrusted me of its choicest I looked up at the bright stars above me and felt their tender influ ence sink into my depths It was the de cisive the scales trembled when into my heart burst that appalling voice and flooded all my soul with its passionate heart my life is It was the sea swept over me my resolution was taken Blame me despise me Tom if you will but remember that tlp strained cord must break sometime the spark maw leap into living flame! How long I wandered there I know not but when returned to the house lights were gleam ing in the upper chambers and the guests were dispersing But one thought possessed mep to meet her but for one momen A word a look a signal would be enough and the same strong heart which did not hesitate to declare its pas sion might be trusted for the rest To see her was the first object to be attained I lingered about the hall near the first landing of the broad Hartford and new york steam BOAT The steamer State of New Yor leaves Hartford for New York Mondays Wednesdays and ridays at 4 steamer Granite State leaves Hartford Tuesdays and Thursdays at 4 and Sundays at 4 are 1st class Springfield to New York $215 2d 180 Tickets for sale by POWERS BRO Agts under Massasoit House SpringfieldjBIass m27 OR NEW The first class Steamers CONTINENTAL and ELM CITY leave New Ha ven at 10 15 a and 1130 leaving New York at 3 15 and 11 Horse cars run from the railroad depot in New Haven to the steamboat wharf The State Rooms and the Cabins of these Boats are heat ed by steam making them perfectly comfortable in the coldest weather reight by the 315 boat from New York teaches Springfield early next morning my9 A RICHARDS CO Washington Street Boston mylOTly 6ooi8vr TpOR A few more Northern Horses A left for sale cheap Also one two horse full Leather Top Carriage and one Top Phaeton one open Buggy a few sets Double and single Harness second hand Massasoit Stables ROBINSON a8 6d THOROUGHBRED This A celebrated four mile Horse bred from the stout est racing blood and winner of many long races among which was the four miles at Jerome Park June 17 1868 will make the present season at my stable for $50 pavable in advance Privateer is eight years old bright bay full sixteen hands and has very noble action or pedigree and description send for circular Mares recid vea at orcester a6 TuThaS3m JOHN RUSSELL Leicester Mass The most complete perfect and useful article ever manufactured superseding all others now In use Recommends itself especially for durability neat ness simplicity and bbauty The best and cheap est thing out A BEAUTIUL SHADE AT A LOW PRICE PROVIDENCE and WORCESTER RAIL Winter Dee 5 1870 Express train (stopping only at Woonsocket and Uxbridge) leaves Worcester at 1015 a Providence at 215 pm Accommodation trains will leave Providence for Worcester and way stations at 740 and 1145 a and 405 pm Worcester for Providence and way stations at 730 and 1130 a 400 and 630 Leave Providence for Waterford at 900 am con necting immediately with trains for Southbrldre Putnam and Norwich Uave Woonsocket for Providence at 220 Leave Providence for Uxbridge at 7 Leave Uxbridge for Worcester at 545 a Trains leave Milford for Providence and Worcester at 800 and 1100 a and 430 At Worcester Junction will connect with trains to and from the Boston and Albany Nashua ltohburr and Norwich and Worcester Railroads The Express train makes close connection with the through train from and the evening train to the north and west URNITURE WABER00M8 The subscriber Invites aH hie old patrons and the public In general to come in and examine his new and extensive stock of URNITURE Having very care fully selected a good stock of urniture at Low Prices I am able to offer extraordinary bargains HKNAPPE PACIIC MAIL through line to California and China ares greatly reduced Steamers leave Pier No 42 North River foot of Canal street at 12 noon on the 15th and 36th except when these days fall on then the day previous April 15 OCEAN QUEEN Capt A Gray con necting with COLORADO Capt Parker All departures connect at Panama with steamers for Central American and South Pacific ports De parture of 15th touches at Kingston Jamaica' or Japan and China steamer AMERICA leaving San rancisco May 1 1871 One hundred pounds baggage allowed each adult Medicine and attendance free or reight or Passage Tickets or further inform ation apply at the ticket office on the wharf to BABY Agent or to the Agents for New England BARTLETT CO 16 Broad street Boston or BTaN lyd 103 Main street Springfield Maes (Junard Line of MAIL STEAMERS OR QUEENSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL ROM BOSTON SIBERIA Saturday April 8 TARIA Thursday April 20 ALEPPO Thursday April 27 SAMARIA Thursday May 4 SIBERIA Thursday Mav 11 CABIN I STEERAGE $80 Gold Steerage $30 Currency ROM NEW YORK BALDWIN VAUGH AN NEW YORK CLOTHING HOUSE' No 138 Main street Owing to large Increase of business the last year have now added a much larger and better selected stock of NEW SPRING GOODS Than ever consisting of and CLOTHING Spring Overcoats of various styles urnish ing Goods and and Hats and Caps Silk Hats which we are selling for five dol are mllTuThS CALABRIA TRIPOLI PARTHIA BATAVIA ALGERIA ABYSSINIA zMayl3 Carrying Cabin and Steerage Passengers IRST CABIN Single Tlckqt $80 Gold Return Tickets $150 Gold STBEBAGB PREPAID STEERAGE PASSAGES rom Liverpool Glasgow Queenstown or Derry to Boston or New York 834 CURRENCY StatM9eBgera booked to a11 part8 of the New Efland DRATS ISSUED OR XI AND UPWARD or reight and cabin or steerage passage apply at the office 80 State st Boston a JAMES ALEXANDER Agent Or in Springfield to RYAN 103 Main st 11 ly A LBERT BENKER A PRACTICAL UPHOLSTERER 297 Main st three doors below State st Having recently enlarged my business with my facilities for manufacturing enable me to offer the best goods at the lowest prices Parlor urniture Draperies Mattresses made to order in any desired style Also Curtains made and hung making and fitting loose covers Carpets made and laid and repairing of all kinds done promptly m2i 3ma (JOURT SQUARE I Its Scope and Aim To picture the progress of the varied and busy life of New England as to represent its inquisitive and active thought on all questions that concern the com fort and the elevation of society to make Indeed a part of that life and that this is the scope and the aim of Thb Springfield Republican newspaper Confessedly it has become the most rep resentative and comprehensive of New England jour nals as a record of its news' for home use or foreign enlightenment as an exponent of its best thought most intelligent cancAd and advanced on questions of political and religious liberty and progress of so cial order and development and of literary and art and it Is the ambition and effort of its con ductors to maintain and extend this leadership to still more elevate and widen the character of the paper and to vary and enlarge its interest and usefulness for all classes of our people Its ffleans for Growth The means for the interest and the growth of The Rbpublican were never so rich and various as now Its editorial strength has been greatly enlarged and diversified the past season and its correspondence ex tended and elevated while its news columns both general and local prove the increased fidelity and spirit and intelligence with which they are fed and filled No other journal in New England has a stall of writers news gatherers and reporters so numerous so skilled and so intelligent in their profession as The Republican Urged on by the law of growth stimulated by a high journalistic pride and encour aged by the recognition and appreciation of (the pub lic its conductors seek still longer and further to hold for it the place of the representative newspaper of New England and a representative journal of America It Prominent eatures The prominent featyes of The Republican as a Newspajwr and amily Journal are completeness and promptnese Intelligence and system in the prep aration and publication of News of every descrip seeking to give not only the fact bnt the mean jng and morab of every event free candid and piquant Editorial Discussions of all public occur rences men and things intelligent and independent Correspondence from Boston New York and Wash ington the far West and from letters of travel letters of fact letters of opinion and criticism Reviews and Extracts from New Books special sum maries of intelligence in the Literary Art and Relig ious worlds Stories Sketches Essays oetry bits of Biography Science Agriculture Mechanics etc from original contributors or from the choicest mag azines and literary journals of America and Europe No other newspaper proper (gives so much space as The Republican to all this latter wide variety of Literary and amily Reading The Daily Republican Thb Daily Republican Is abreast of the most enterprising journals of New York and Boston In all Its news arrangements Special dispatches complete the reports of the associated press and together they sweep the world In their dally reports In local news its reports and compilations are especially full and re liable and have become an envied model for near and distant contemporaries The Daily Repub lican is now printed regularly on a large sized double or quarto sheet with 24 to 30 columns of reading matter every day It is the only double sheet or quarto dally in New England Both in amount and variety as well as In the character of Its contents Thb Daily Republican claims superiority to any of its provincial rivals while the price at which it is afforded is below nearly all of them and of its metro politan contemporaries i(i The Semi Weekly Republican Thb Sbmi Webxly Republican printed on a double sheet with seven of its eight pages filled with news and miscellaneous reading has no superior as a newspaper for interior circulation In New England It gives all the news of the dally paper promptly and ordeily and embraces besides all the editorial liter ary and miscellaneous contents of that sheet To persons who have heretofore taken weekly papers and are not in favorable locations to receive a dally or to persons at a distance who desire more promptly and folly than the weekly paper can furnish all the local news and opinions of New England we can especially commend Thb Srmi Werkly Republi can The Weekly Republican Thb Weekly Rbpublican is becoming more and more an organ of New England Opinion and a am ily Political Social and Literary Journal Its fall and intelligent Review of the Week its page of especial New England items and Its column of finan cial commercial and market affairs furnish its read ers all that is wanting in the way of news Especial events are given in more detail But the great buj of Its ample pages Is devoted to Editorial Discus sions Correspondence Literary Reviews and Selec tions Stories and Essays and other Interesting and instructive family reading Its circulation is rapidly extending not only throughout New England bnt all over the country first as the best compiler of local New England news second as the best representative of nationalized New England opinion and third as a generous collection of the best current literature of the day HTnsical pHURCH ORGANS 'J Built to order by A JOHNSON of Westfield Mass and Tuning done on short notice by thoroughly competent workmen Seoend hand Organs for sale ng lyd STEER TURNER continue to manufacture Church Organs at their old stand corner of Elm and Meadow streets Westfield Mass Second hand Organs for sale Tuning and Repairing promptly attended to 1 70 Boston and albany On and after Monday May 2d 1870 Passenger Trains will leave Springfield or Boston 2am (express) 715 a (way) 1130 way) 145 (express) 4pm (way) 810 'express) Sundays 1226 and 630 a or Albany 1245 a (express) 9am (way) 1216 i (way) 630 (way to Pittsfield) Sleeping cars on 630 train run through to Rochester All trains connect at Albany with trains on New York Central road 9 a and 1215 pm trains connect at Chatham with trains for Hudson 9 am 1215 and 630 xn trains connect at Pitts field with trains for North Adams Westfield special 715 a and 4 pm returning from Westfield at 9 a and 530 On Mondays a train will leave Springfield for Westfield at 5 30 a returning from Westfield at 630 am' a30 RUSSELL CONNECTICUT RIVER Passenger Trains leave Springfield Ar 800 a for Brattleboro Bellows alls White River Junction St Johnsbury Lake Memphremagog Montpelier Burlington St Albans Rutland Keene and intermediate stations At 145 for Brattleboro Bellows alls Rutland White River Junction Keene and way stations At 645 (night express with sleeping car) for Brattleboro Bellows alls White River Junction tfontneller Burlington St Albans Montreal Ogdens burg Rutland and intermediate stations At 12 and 815 (on arrival of evening express trains from Albany and New York) for Northamp ton at 910 a and 355 for Holyoke At 715 and 955 a 1220 315 615 and 830 for Chicopee alls Passenger Trains for Springfield leave Chicopee alls at 620 750 and 1636 a 100 345 and 637 pm Chicopee Junction at 636 800 1010 1053 and 1117 a iw 131 463 4401545 and Holyoke at 622 955 and 1104 a 118 426 and 534 pm Northampton at 553 558 910 and 1039 am 1256 and 512 je29 MULLIGAN New haven Hartford and SPRINGIELD RAILROAD On and after Monday Dec 12 1870 Trains leave Springfield as follows 520 a Accommodation Train for New Haven and Way Stations connecting at Berlin with Train tor New Britain and at New Haven with Train for New York 790 a Accommodation Train for Hartford New Britain Middletown New Haven New York and Way Stations connecting at Windsor Locks with train for Suffield 1040 a Accommodation Train for Hartford and way stations north of Hartford connecting at Wind sor Locks with train for Suffield 1210 a Express Train for Hartford NewBrltlan Middleton Menden New Haven New York 220 Accommodation Train for Hartford New Britain Middletown New Haven New York and way stations connecting at Windsor Locks with train lor Suffield 610 Accommodation Train for Hartford and Bay stations north of Hartford connecting at Wind sor Locks with train for Suffield 630 Express Train for Hartford New Brltlan Middletown Meriden New Haven and New York 1230 a Train stopping at Hartford Meriden and New Haven only connecting at New Haven with Train for New York On Sunday nights a train will leave at 1226 a for Hartford New Haven and New York Trains leave New Haven for Springfield at 765 and 1056 a 315 555 and 1115 pm Leave Hartford for Springfield at 1240 600 and30 a 1220 200 445 630 and 715 Leave Windsor Locks 'for Suffield at 740 1005 1118 a 258 and 545 my7 REED Supt IV EW HAVEN AND NORTHAMPTON LI RAILROAD On and after July 20 1870 Passenger Trains will run as follows viz: NORTH Leave New York by Boat from Peck Slip 11 Leave New York by New York and New Haven Rail road 8 am and 300pm i Leave New Haven 650 a 1055 a and 545 Leave Hartford 615 a 1125 a and 625 Leave Plainville 758 a 1158 a and 652j Leave New Hartford 715 1120 a and 555 Arrive New Hartford 850 910 a 136 and 756 Leave Westfield 913 a 125 and 815 Leave Westfield special for Williamsburg 650 Leave Northampton 950 a 206 732 ana 850 pm Arrive Williamsburg 1010 a 226 750 and 915 pm SOUTH Leave Williamsburg 600 a 1046 a and 446 Leave Williamsburg for Westfield only 1155 a Leave Northampton 620 1108 a 1214 and 505 AQttvc uoLiielllj jW 111 lljDV ft IU HHQ plu Leave New Hartford 715 ll 20 am and 555 Arrive Hartford 935 a 1 46 and 800 Arrive Plainville 820 a 108 and 706 pm Arrive New Haven 932 a 2w and 820 Arrive New York 1250 pm 605 and 1120 Steamboats leave ew Haven at 1100 and reach New York next morning THROUGH PASSENGER CARS will be run to end from New York on the 6 00 a Train from Williamsburg and the 3 Train from New York SHORTEST AND MOST DIRECT ROUTE to Pitts field Saratoga and the West via Westfield and Bos ton and Albany Railroad THROUGH TICKETS SOLD AND BAG GAGE CHECKED from New Haven Plainville an Northampton CT Passengers by 650 a Train from New Haven reach Albany at 1 and Saratoga at 3 Buffalc it 1216 a and Suspension Bridge at 1235 a Passengers by 545 Train from New Haven ar rive at Albany (by Sleeping Cars from Westfield) at 530 a in season for the morning trains West Only Onb Change of Cabs bbtwben NbwHavbn and Suspension Bridge ob Buffalo CHAS YEAMANS and New Haven July 1870 dj fly together: thus may I rend asunder the chains that bind me! To night after the revel we shall meet! Hist no word! the I dashed the book upon the floor! The murder was out! She had only been rehearsing to herself her part in the confounded play and I like a consummate fool imagined her words addressed tome I packed up my portmanteau instanter scrawled a note to Harry alluding vaguely to a suppositious telegram left the house before day light hid in the town all day took the night train for Brandon and here I am! Pass me the absinthe Tom Hang it I wish it were nepenthe! I hate to think of it!.

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.