The Tablet from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

19 THE TABLET, SATURDAY, MAY 5, 1951 RESORTS RESORTS Atlantic Cy RESORTS Now York RESORTS Now York RESORTS Now York RESORTS Now York RESORTS Lang Island A(lt CisiWsiHis.W nsiaT Saess No Dull Day at Dfl in Delta's on Lake George Pauline Salamonc Married To Frank Granato April 29 Missj Pauline Patricia Sala-mone, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Salamone. Qf 4410 14th Brooklyn, became the bride ol Frank Granato. son of Alfred Granato.

of 487 MacDonald at St. Catharine of Alexandria Church Sunday April 29. Elinor -Gary was matron of honor and Joseph Italiano was best man. A reception at The Terrace. 3ill Ocean followed the ceremony.

Mr. Granato is associated with the Standard International' Corporation, 120 Wall Manhattan. VI ft 2J" i it i i I i R. Werner: General Manager Booklet on Requent Cocoe to Hosetf! the liveliest and moot popular resort on the moot beautiful lake to America. Everything on the premises 250 acres.

twunming fishing boating hiking tennis golf co*cktail lounge movies in our own theater. Fun and plenty of planned entertainment. A grand place to get acquainted. Dancing nightly, our beautiful casino overlooking the lake, to a Rmby Norma orxMrtra, one of America's finest Bands. Yoej wiB long remember our fine food.

Cottages for families. i i CyaTifBa BtlfrusH property. Ted Moderate rates and up, including meals. Hoiett's new 116 11ULETT HOUSE Landing. New York, Phone demons, M.T.

1301 ora vnncaj jnqn a. uwumm I Fifth Avenue MUrray Kin 7-5148 SUGAR TJJC3W Naaraoaokat WITH CAROUtU AVE. ATLANTIC CITY, Hi. CoiitWiro PtaM K.T. PMM MU 4-47U EDWARD J.

McNELLIS BOTKX A VTWrtDVIA ANTS PACIFIO A modern, home-like hotel, elese so the Boardwalk aad Steel Pier, Over J0O outside sleeping rooms with bath or running- water, a rpaeiooa looby and sun oorenes. Operated ra the year round bv the owner. M. FBNNCIXT aad his Family KERRY MANOR Sit Oriental Ave. Atlantic City It.

1-With the cHarm and Aotsitelits' of a old Aowte Open sil year. Oas beat, block from Bosvrdwalk. Directly opposite Holy Spirit Chureto. Two delicious meals Included at the daily rate of H.bO per person. neuie u.

Barry sat ntaaei A. Kivars Phone 4-0647 FARRELL GUEST COTTAGE Bewth Indiana Ave. Lovely home, large rooms, parkins; centrally located: near board waik. amusem*nts and churches. Selected clientele.

Mrs. Elisabeth Farreli Finch. Ownor-Mgr, Phone 4-30BS Ave. ST. ELMO water.

Showers en aiag every Beer. Jt'LIA a MILLEB (Atlantis City) fa, -aia nEtii cLflfiion ATutsrne city ffjrraoav sv. StST OST SOAOOwALe; a SL SMWACl Mauschuserrt WHAT WOtXD TOP LIKE ON YOCB HONEYMOON friendly companions? suod Mod? a ornate ewlmmlog pool? dancing? cyeung? clean eom-torteble seeommodstlons? movies mountain sceoerr? All of these be yours masing reserratlone at parts LedH if tns lerkshires Writs ter IS esse salor boeklot. Sea 40S. Se.

Los. ar call N. V. ntflee. Circle (727.

We May 23th. INDIAN CAVI Charming Lodge In tha Berkshire on beautiful Lake OsrHeld. For discriminat ing suests Excellent rood Lake and other activities. 1300 ft. elev.

Always cool. Write for descriptive folder. Mon terey, Mass. gpiDG VACATION sr HONEYMOON at this aeeuty seat la tee Ssr In. Ires, tvory tesllity far Saert ar Seluatlen.

Tantsllilng Feed I I3S-S4 wkly. Skit. CHESTER S. MASS. New Homptkirs RED GABLES NEW LONDON NSW HAMPSHIRE Ao Ideal spot for wonderful vacation, situated oa Lake Pleasant, racing Kasrssrgs aft.

It baa bean fSeorUs for lbs psat Tt years, with Its prlrsto ssndy teach, swlaunlag, fishing, boats, doable buffisboard. tsnats. aweiee. sonars danc ing, golf nearby. Delist oue food served.

Near Churehea. Booklet. Rates tK-ttl. Real New England Hospitality, by New England People FRANK m4 LILLIAN MoCATJLEY. Pre.

nrit Are you a JUNE vacationist? Hera at 8UGAJI MAPLES, Juno vacationists really enjoy a aellghtfal time. There are always many eoncenial guests, an orchestra for dinner and dancing. There are sport aetlvitias galore four tennis eearts, roller skating rinks, swimming la a luxurious peel, baseball, handball, blerelea, saddle horses Just aboat evory-thing, and all on our own beautifully landscaped grounds. Play as.ysa like or take part la activities guided by capable social and athletic director. Special JUNE rates from $35 weekly incluoiho ixcelle-t mials Ideal setting for Bonermooner.

Thirty aeree ef landscaped grounds with, hundreds of hammocks and steamer chairs. Library, barber shop, soda and sandwich bar. Churches nearby. Accommodations for 500. Private hatha.

Elevation 8,000 ft. No Intoxicants. Restful nights. Per reservations, write Bog Maplecrest, N. T.

Un-Tbe-Catskills. ar telephone Windham 11. JyyyyMWMyywWWyi'MWwWWMwwwwWi WINDHAM ARMS HOTEL Greene County, An axelnalve hotel Oaen Mar IS through Oct. IS Tha Wiadhaia Anna Natal la iust autaioa ef Windaaia Village ea the main highway. Elevation 1.008 The hotel Is furnlshee eemsletely with) lleaS, and "reek maple" furniture.

Steam hoot la every ream. TELEVISION, NO BAR. Alt reams ef ssarkllst beauty; all with private tewpaese, many with arlvata hatha and larae aleture windows everleeklss the mountains. Exsellent euisiss (Amerl sen) served slessntty In an exsuisite, beautifully with varied choices. Shuffleboard.

sins-sens, ereeuet. en premises. "Windham Country Club" serosa in front ef betel, horseback riding in villas. wish welcomed. CATHOLIC CHURCH 300 FT.

July and Auo. and up. Special Fall and Soring ratea. Coll or Write C. D.

LANE, WINDHAM ARMS HOTEL Bos 27S-A. Windham. N. V. New York State Exams The Jtar York State Civil Service Jommission has announced that examinations will be given in the following general fields on Saturday, June 23: engineering, social work', public health, education, accounting, blostatistics, library work, industrial relations, insurance and miscellaneous.

Information regarding specific examinations and applications may be obtained from the local office of the commission. Room- 2301, 270 Broadway. Manhattan. TRAVEL AT NO EXTRA COST TO VOU We make reservations A furaleb tiekets ter ALL steak LINES CRUISES 3 VACATIONS. AND HONEYMOONS Arranged te All Fart ef til World WE ALSO REPRESENT Leading TOUR Operatera GREYHOUND BCS HOTELS AND DUDE RANCHES Be 43 Tn.

Reliable. Cnrttau. KELLY ll Pierresent Brooklyn N. Y. Nr.

f*ckee St. at Bar Hall Pnene TR. S-120 Every Week JUNE 18- SEPT. 10 I to the Shrine of and SAGUENAY CRUISES Aaiericon Ezpresa CeMralTc Treval teeaee. $IT0A1 LEADERSHIP ESCORTED 17 day: ni mm 144-2 Brooklyn's Travel Bureau, Inc.

166 REMSEN STREET BROOKLYN 2, N. Y. MAin 5-2264 (ABOVE AVE MARIA SHOP) Make Reservations NOW Through ui at Main Office Rates it Ste. Anne He Beaupn Pilgrimages Pngrini2es ti Romi Famed Shrines All under leadership ef The Hierarehy or prominent clergy Many foreign and domestic toars I to chooe from Schreiber Travel Bureau 144-11 Jamaica Jamaica 2 60-19 Myrtle Ridjewei. A 1S-DAY BlT FILORIMAGE ST.

ANNE DE BEAUPRE t- From St. Teresa's Church I Sterling PI. Classon Ave. leaving Jane S9 Returning July with the following stops: AuriagvUle, It. St.

Joseph's Oratory. sVTontreal. Canada, cap de Is Madeleine, Cruebec. St. Anne de Beauprs.

Niagara $139 Including Hotel Meals for information I J. J. MAROTTA SIS Sterling Bklya 16. NErlna S-3S57 itsi olINE MB LL LODGE I HIGHLAND LAKE, N. Y.

91 MILES FROM CITY I 1 Beautifully sltua-ted amid, the plnee, overlooking Highland I I Lake. 2,000 ft. elevation. Accommodates 75 suests. All II modern Improvements.

Excellent food. Private beach. mm Tennis, shuffleboard. badminton, bail co*cktail lounge. Getf, saddle horses nearby.

Kates S3S-S44, includes meals. Kear Catholio ehuroh. Bklt. Tst rewwsylvosjis I Psswiylyswls THE GLENWOOD THE LODGE Now Hssnothiro LAST RESORT Vacation housekeeping, cottages on beau titul Lake Wlnmpesaukee, N. H.

Ideal (or oueymoon couples. Ipeelallow. ratea low ratea lor to bedrooms. une. Weekly rental S35.

S35, J' kitchen, screened porch, electricity, gas. refrigerator, running hot water, shower, heat! boatlns fishing hathlnt eamca: aeeluded area. For information write Raymond Kestler. S3k) tora Ave, BTV. 7-32flt BrooKiyn ii.

n. bet. 6-7 p.m. x. or sen LIVINGSTONE LODOB and LOO CABIN lfASCOM.

LAKE ENFIELD. N. fC Six aiin. walk to Cstholio Church. Inexpensive.

Restricted. 23rd year lime owner-manager. Open only July-August. Advance inquiries desirable ss seaept snce of new reservttlons limited. Swim.

Tennis. Dartmouth Oolf. Central Dining Room. Write tor booklet. A.

Livingstone, li-01-T Ellis Ave Fair Laws, N. J. KEEFErg CTJPOLA HOL'RE tka S'srna. Beat AlataA. N.

ft. now for fifSh issmti smrlm- mins. fishing, games. Summer theatre. 18 miles north of Keens.

N. H. Vermont IsjOf bolWay ef ltSm 1a Vests. Ira tkieeeji Mn I se4t wlleeste a caers, lews a slcr isttranaaL mtrt-nakifff ti ui tiaiit mrr familt sikeis Cstasl( r4l meet lee- twee oeaet Is It, SStt. fe Kuncisa sstniifi Cr Mats.

SeeeSittieeJ saiet. Oergr ang laems esse- cisar askawe. A WrKt fcy tttsns I rapp jTamilp Camp MISS m. T. TRAFF, STOWE.

VERMONT Lakeriew Hotel and Cottages Oa Lake Bomoaeea, Versaeat Friendly Informal Outdoor ports, good food. Reasonable rates. Booklet. J. B.

Callahan. Mgr Bemoaeea. Verment SUNSET MOUNTAIN LODGE Far the REST ef your Ufa Lawn porta, fishing, awlmmmg, but especially loafing, private baitfcs, S49 weekly. Bos 337, Castleton. Vermont, KANDAHAR LODGE, Manchester.

Vermont (xsellent eeeenaisastlsas. Swlwalai, srivats sesek. All sserts. Friendly A Isformal. Seat-lol.

Oellaiees sssats. Transsertstlen ts enorek. tJg.oS weekly eg. Ftlear. Florida Tall Pines; NEAR NKW CATHOLIC ST.

JOHN PARISH DEVELOPMENT Catering to couples, $2300 weekly, everything furnished. 125 feet from Gul of Mexico. We meet trains, planes and buses. For; folder and reservations wire or write. TALL PINES, S34.1 W.

Oalf Boulevard, Suaaet Beach, 8t. Peterbnrg. Fla. 'V Csnsels sllaVle; Hiltoria KENT HOUSE HOTEL Near Oueeee City A Ste. Anas do Seaunre Dining Room, co*cktail Lounge, over looking Mentaiareary rails.

St. Lawrence River snd lis d'Orleans I Near great Shrine of Ste. Anne end Pare dee Laurentidet. Swimmtne, saddle ho'set, tens ft, eoif. btcyeZfas, ytihing.

JUNE I te CTOBEB 1 i our trsTei sgont er: i Tlmutnv M. HeTl. Mng. Dir. KENT HOUSE HOTEL Meetmorency Palls.

P. Q. Off: til Cseea Has. 01 (-472? twister: The Cerlten Hetel. en.

tat. I LOCUST GROUE HOUSE Eott Sfroudsbtirg 9, Po. Bushkill 261 All Sports, Orchestra Outdoor Dancing; Swimming, Boating, co*cktail Lounge Running Water in AU Rooms. Informal Atmosphere. Excellent Home Cooked Mesle.

Catholie Church Nesrbr. Ratrt $41.00 sntl tip. Accommo-idstions 'for Bus Rides during' Msy. snd June. OPEN ALL TEAR.

ECHO LAKE LODGE And Cabins la tns Peeoes mts. frr for our Vacation A Honeymoon I I 1DYWILE COTTAGE MT. POCONO, PA. ELEY. I.OOw FT.

A ptessartsly lnformat vaoatlon spot for the whole family. Playvround faoiilties for children and aporta or restful relaxation for parstvte. Hone oookiner eerved family style. VWtte for booklet or ohoce M. P.

9SSL Matt a Viola Carran. Owners-Managers CHESTER HOUSE ON THE Atea the Feeeae Mts. Tsbyhaaaa, Fa. til aad 3t a week laclodlag weU leaned steals per day. Morles.

rtanelag. senssaslng. ittng. fishing A all oatdoer eearts ea arosi. lies.

ChurcS within welkin eUstaaea. Booklaa. one alt. Poeoao 6S4S ar 4SS1; before Kay 1SU sell Mt. Poeeae tZ'ti.

George Vaa tXaaerlk, BENDER'S TILLAGE INN. Caaaaaeinlai 7, Pa. Informal, congenial, good, home-cooked meals. Idsal place to relax, rest. On Skytop nsar village and churches (Rt.

390). Booklet and nt on reeueet. Creseo SOU. prank As Frances Bender. a MOUNTAtNHOME.

PENhA 2 or 3 room furnished epertment. modern electric kitchen: by week or month. Near Cstholio Church. Apply FarrslL Creeco. Penna.

WHISPERING HILL COTTAGES ass. a ansae, ra. Informal Vacations and Ronermoons yp rssr. acatwo zrpm svae usa iu, a-aei weeaaays alter pat, jfflese Pletars Window Catlna Jt- with sr. bath, alas Raeme iu with sr witweut pr.

katk. (AJ Swlainilni Pasl. Seeial Olree- tee. Cesktall -Leuase. Orckea- I MT ksoore Danea, Navrisea, I i rt" St Teanla, leys lea.

Inferatal. I Free Chares trsas. Seek- lr) et" Cehs Lake Ledge. Vx i M. fa- A An X.

Pnene Snail- JF fL ft Vki4y-s 111 ij.apsia.aii I asm Blake's TOBYHANNA, PA. Speak at Pmsnae. prtvste baaeh, flehlng. bathing, aaneing. asortoe.

enurebee short. 4 walk. jutse ttt-ttl. Eateeil. Baa la.

Chlldraa It yrt. rates. Iiwbjdae saesli. D. L.

4 Orsyheuad at Marts buses. THE WASHINGTON Cliff Haron or Lake Cham plain Oat the grounds of tab Oatboho Bummer School. Ideal OaitooUe vaoattanlaod. EtoOy Msssffa. Prlyato bathmo beaon, boaUno, fiabific, horsateefc ridinc.

Prteodly, tn-formal, rsatfut Reasonable ratea. Addreai Tb WsflhlnoUm. THE COLONIAL HOUSE WINDHAM. N. T.

Modem bedrooms quiet, restful, plenty of cood food. Located on Route 23 In the Catsklll Mts. with a ylew from the lawn. Within walkinf distance of churehea. movies and sports.

Write or call Vernon Vsn Valkenburs, Tel. 233-J. Bos 102, Wlnttham, N. Y. Connecticut WAKE ROBIN INN LAKEVILLE, COftN.

Nearby Berkshire PootHills Plan that vacation or honeymoon NOW. Glorious scenery, spacious grounds, same room, colorful lounses, ta.p room, tempt ins food. Private beach, fishino, golf, tennis, pies pong, shuffle board. Social director. All room private bath.

Catholie cnurca eojoinmg. n. x. otnoe ju. e-ou, I Ops.

Lsks WsaawMsssaius OaUghUuIly Scanlo Countryaido. BpoUoasly Claan Booms. Food Dollciouily Praparad. Caansrng Haaaymsaa Aaaasiaiasatlaas Shurrlc board. Boating, Flthlng, Swimming, Dancing.

TJnutual co*cktail Lounge. Naar Vstchlns Golf I Course. Catholie Church nearby. Booklet. I W.

Csllsy, Own-Mr- Lskavlllo. Cass. Tal. "1 Vacationift ti Sooths lanjlei Nerves! Weekends ana vacations as BARTRAM INN SHARON, CONN. Designed to relax those who "have naTves" from the pressure of city living.

3all or write Bertram Inn, Sharon. For rates. i LAKE P0C0T0PAUG LODGE Directly on Lake. Private Beach. Sports.

Dajvclue. Many Activities. Spacious Lawns. Scandinavian Cooking- Reasonable. Near Church.

Booklet. Cast Hampton Conn. TeL SS LAKE VIEW HOUSE Lake Foeotopaug. E. Hampton, Conn.

100 ml. from nJ Yj As. 140. Modern. All Sports.

Recreation Hall Parties. Social Television. Priv. Beach. Good food.

Near churches and stores. (36 ark up. Booklet. New Jersey Now Open American Flaa LETCHWORTH On the Soring Lake. N.

J. SP, S-SOSt. S-tlS0 SPECIAL RATES DECORATION DAY WEEK-END MsCaSrey Ws R. Sohreck ST. JOHN'S GUEST HOUSE FOR LADIES In tfee heea-S of the plctursscue Waachnng Mta-, Ideal for Summer Tacavtlon.

Mod- ernly eqolpped. I hot water, showers, pri vate ana rooms, Acoeee to convent chapel. Contacted by the Sisters ef 84. John tha Baptist. Gladstone.

H. Phone: Peepeck 8-0640 OCEAN COURT APARTMENTS Ocean City. N. J. Home eomfort and gpcriment convenience In Amsrvoa's first family seashore resort Opart June 1st ts September 30th Completely furnished Automatie Elevators All outside rooma.

Rentals by -season, half season or Near Catholic Churehea. Write for partleulare, Carrie W. Kaupp. Ree. 3rd Ocean Ocean City, N.

J. ST. JOSEPH'S VILLA Rest House for Womeol Magnificent Chateae Conducted by the Sisters of St. John the Baptist Feapack, New Jersey Telephone Peopeck 8-0334 VILLA OF SACRED HEART GUEST HOUSE FOR WOMEN Unsurpassed climate: beautiful grounds, daily Mass. Ideal place for Pay of Recollection.

Open all year. Bus from Midtown. N. Y. i Tel.

Caldwell S2t Asbury Park POIVHATAH Third Are. At the Beeeh ASIURY PARK, N. J. OPEN AWL YEAR Capacity 1M TeL Asbary Park 2-M2. FRAKKUH T.

ZIMMXRMANN MONTAUK HOTEL Firs Ave. At Beni St. Atbiiry Park, N. J. Americsa Plan Ekceilcnt Table Capaoltv ISO Booklet Phono Asfcury Park 2-0491 I HENRY F.

MILLER THE SIIOREIIAM HOTEL IS THIRD ASBURY PARK, N. J. Open All Year Blork Beach Phono A. F. S-0000 New Low Europeaa Plan' Rates James J.

O'Connor Joseph A. Heimbecker THE BRco*kDAU 40S Sixth Asbary Park. Amer. sad European Plan. Finest home-eooked' food.

Attractive rooms, hot end eold running water. Near Oeeaa. Amer. Plan S35 and 140. AJ.

3- 161. r. A. Jriyaar. Artasitts City HOTEL MAJESTIC ATLANTIC CITY, N.

J. Jast Off Beard want. New Jersey Ave. OPEN 'ALL YEAR All rooms newly redecorated; private ar connecting bathe: Amer loan and Euro- peon Plana; low daily ana weekly rates Catholie Cburen acjaeent to tn not Phone: Atlantis Otty -BSa ar Hew York Office. MUrray Kill 4-3801.

Morel L. Petereoa, Oeoeral Manaeer Same Owner Mhi Hotel Buekmineter. Botton. Matt. JOkM Oy-rfowklaji loordWk Ideal Ceatral Leeatiea XI A XII tkdT Aa lrwf Ssscteas San Deok with Leanrlng Caaars.

Reef Desk Oeerloektar the Oeeaa. Every Mod era Comfort. Write for Folder. Ratea froaa Per Fereea. Fheae S-tlS William T.

Zasa. Meat. nELBURlVBil ON TNI SOAtSWAlk JI I Telaaheae AT1AETH CtTT d-tlft QUOGUE HOUSE Accommodating over 100 suests. On the fuuui sum av vuosue, it. n.

x. Special rate from Mar 15tn to July 15th. usii oeo pw peisvu a week urx Reeervetlona now will give rou your desired amfwemmts. Nr. ehurehee.

Swlnuntnc, Boating, oolf. Tennis and numerous otaier activities, i Lewia Paphan. Pre, and Managing IM- aeetor, Box P67. Telephones: (hane 780, 780. SOUTHOLD INN BOTJTHOLD, I.

Overlooking Peoonle Bay. Cheerful roomi. aU Improve meet. Excellent mcaia, Amn-ican plan SS5 per week, $8 per day with meaia. a cruris, txiaune, fleatung.

coll. convenient to churches. i James Chsmog, SOnthoU SMI ORIENT POINT INN ORIENT, LONG ISLAND Water view from every, window. Delicious, food. Wholesome family atmosphere.

All sports. Aocommodate 200. Literature. 3 ENS X. MCDONNELL Orient 369 New York OX BEAUTIFUL SCHROON LAKE, N.

Y. Capacity 1O0. Excellent food. American All land and water sports. co*cktail lounge.

AU churches. N. bus to door. .1 Mrs. D.

McNeil. CAVAHAOirS Delightful Catsklll resort for Health. Rest, Fun. Plenty of good food. All recreational ad athletic facilities.

$28 weekly. Ohil-iren welcome half rate i Special Sprint and Fall Rates Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cavanagh, Prop. Phons Greenville 5-4295 I NEUMANN'S REST.

Box 83. Grand UOtiVf A tUOOl HlaVWV iVi Oaka MWU. 2.000 ft. elevation. Qood plain meals; aU Improvementi: near Catholio Churcn.

write tutuct. TRAVEL DAILY BUS SERVICE New Super DeLuxe Coaches Direct to Jersey Shore I ASBURY PARK MONMOUTH PARK I TRACK Long Brancir Red Bank Keyport Spring Lake Belmar Manasquan Point Pleasant Learinc Every. Few Minates oai Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Ever? Boar Other MoraJac From Greyhound Capitol Terminal, 50th Street Greyhound Penn Terminal, 34th Street ASBURY PARK-NEW YORK TRANSIT! CORP. Keyport, N. J.

Phono 7-0797 EUROPEAN 12 DELUXE ESCORTED TOURS 4S TO 81 DATS $1205. up May 17. Z. 20. SI June it.

S. July SS, Aug. 7. 32. SS I I BUDGET ESCORTED TOURS 5J TO SS DATS MMm-i'!$1195.up INDEPENDENT TOURS 14 TO 48 DAYS 11(1 Ln vary Liners -4 Is).

Up 5" 13 20 INDEPENDENT AIR TOURS S. 3. 4 WEEKS OB LONGER I $892. up Write or nbene for Booklet "European Travel 1951" BARTH F. DILLON Bay Ridge Travel Bureau, Inc.

425 MTH STREET, BROOKLYN Shore Road 8-7800 5 PILGRIMAGES "T0- I Shrine St. Anne de Bcaaprs I and Saguenay CrniM June 18 every week I I until Sept. 1 Or $144.20 SPEGAL TRIP JULY 7 Leadership of j. I Francis Cardinal Spellman Tours la the Shrines of Europe and Roma Conducted All Expenses i Write for Folder oal ltu Brooklyn 17, New York 3-0442, 3-3791 DAWSON DUBLIN A OTHER SACRED SHRINES ABROAD TRAVEL SERVICE Y. VL.

-100 HELLS 5 MILL RIFT, PENNA. it miles from Port Jervit. H. i 'X. fri ft I Ji A delightful resort in the mountains, only 9 hours from N.

Y. The perfeet honeymoon spot. Plan your vacation now and enjoy exceptional meals, planned activities, dancs orchestra, etc. i Near Catholie Chnrch. Write for booklet, or tetephona Matemorwe 8v-Sl ar S1-1S7.

EOW. L. STODDARD, Mgr. Med era Accommodations Acres Beeatifnl Grounds Known far Good Feed Ootdoor A Indoor Activities Swimming- co*cktail Lounge; Modern, Coon try Dancing VkstabUahed 45 years Free Transpertstlea to Nearby Catholie Charch Averse Weekly Rate, Spring, S3Si Simmer, 4t a to Miles from N. Y.

C. Wrtte for Booklet Reeesdale, Ulster County, N. Y. TeL: Rosea dale 2321 'sad 2821 HetuonviBe, N. Grceae Co.

T. WlftS TL Go Wiadhass 322 A CHARMING RESORT HIGH IN THE MOUNTAINS Operstinf oa the Modified Americsa Servian; Breakfast ('til 11 o'clock) and Diaaer. A-la -carte saacks served at all times. INEIIURST ON THE LAKE Hir bland Lake. Sullivan Coontr.

N. Y. Oiposite Catholic Church.l lilaht, -airy rooms, innerspring mttresse, running hot cold water. Private beach, boating, fUhlnc aU other recreational features and aporta. Exc.

home cooklni. Reasonable rates. Wrtte for booklet and reservations or phone Barry? ills 2703. FRIDA JITNG, Prep. Fully niuUtra.

Hot and cold running watr tn momi. Hlioweri. Fli't Iiallan- Amarican cultlne. Air eondltionril Dining room. Calno Dancing.

co*cktail ixxmr Motion rirturaa. Swimming. AiK tor hook let. Bovarial Pros. Kirwvn vaAKVK nilniUf! IT QclLpin Cfcel 'nttSw In tht Htart or the Adiroridacks Bt ineluda board, tiding.

lmmlng. nigbtly antartainment. aU Free trana-portitlon to and from bus, tralna churchaa. Beauatt Booklet C. Waleoma Hunrymoonara.

Dan ak Ann Gallagher North Creek 7, New Tors. 0) AY RIDGE HOUSE 0 and CABINS Jefferson HeUhU, Catsklll. N. T. Tel.

CatskUl 08S Open from May till October. Airy rooms with hoi and cold water. Television and all kinds of aporta on premises. Churches and swimming nearby. Oerm an-American hcooking.

Bates $34 as. Mrs. M. a. Walberer, rrop.

TTop of the Catskillif Windham. N. T. aa tts. esune family.

Feafurlna home cooked food and informal, restful 10 off during June. Hot and Orrtd water all rooma. Innersprlng rnattreseee. ChuTohea nearby. Rates $34-S3.

O. Moore. Mgr. THE DELLWOOD JCNB HONEYMOONS RR The "Deliwooer offers a hoaeymeoa In June at special reduced rates. Reserva- t.l.

land. I ueni auso iiiw Transportation to ana irom Church. Write now for Intereslins booklet. Mr. sad Mrs.

J. Gerardi. Frope. Box 3. FarUng.

Oreeno Cewnty. N. T. Tel. Cairo 9-288.

PINE POINT LET'S GET TO THE POINT Lake front. Housekeeping Log Cabins erltb flraplec'. Prltato Showers All Sports. Free Roata. Prirate Sand Beach.

Resene Early, also Kon- Housekeeping Cabins. Write lor Booklet A. FARINA Lake Laser no N. T. Pheae 41-F-B CARELAS FARM ABBPMVlLLC.

N. Y. utSAlUT GLEsSON CARELAS, Mgr. I T.l Ml sr en Decoration Day to Not. 1st.

Near cnurcnes. voucrns Bwiiuuuu. 7' sports, movies, dencing every uign ui and AUK. finest OI uuuio vuyuus. vrz-' 30 pr WeeiL inClUUCS Sun Valley Farm CALLICOON.

N. tAmt wfl.fltin anot. BMLutiful Scenery t.n Anorta. awimminc. shins in Oreek.

GermannArnerican cooking knnwn at. Joseph's Seminary in Well town i Season Mey-ept. Leaflet. TeL JOHN IHBIO a iiini tneeetulUAB CAIRO. H.

Y. niLLKCdl niAllUA.Calre-2l27 Med Snorts, daneins. hoase cooking, television. private pool, bar and grill separate from hoase. alalia S3S a weekly.

Hot and cold water every room. Booklet or N. X. Tel FXnshing t-ZMS. BEFORE T0U ARRANGE A VACATION See Mr.

Ellis New York' i Outttandino Vacation Retort Contultant Weekdays 9-7 Sanders 1-5 Kntlrs 184h near 1st West eZad St. VALLEY STREAM FARM CAIRO, N. Y. CAIRO -87 AN IDEAL VACAXIU.K rttAM. Private lake.

swisamiBg, fishing, outdoor games. Hot aad cold water he all rooms. Showers. Near ehnrehea. Excellent foes.

Mar-Jane tit. Jaly-Aagast S3. Booklet. TWIN LODGE FARMS BOX 41, HIGHLAND, N. Y.

Oar 3rd Year ItaJian-Amarieaat meals. All seats aa eommodated In cabins with arlvata bath and showers. Tranaportatiea to! ahareh and swimming. Special ratea henermoeners May and Jane. EVA'S FARM wnr vmip tiorfer.t vaeation In the Catekill Mts.

Catholic Church within walking distance: also roller skatlns. swimming and dancing. German-American cooking Sim mons mattresses, write lor douk.icl. Mrs. Eva eve, raruna.

n. a. FREEHOLD Meeers. Met. Cold Water all Hssiellks states-1 Mill 17 A DM share, sistsd tar ssesllset siaaaaaaw a rsssm feed.

Beautiful arneas. swiasalae. Heneyweesers. Caere nee. Sly.

FREEHOLD II. M. V. Seek let. Tal.

741. MOUNT LORETTO Amsterdam, JH'. Y. Convalescent dc Rest Home. Excellent Care.

Pleasant Egiviroatnent. Quiet. Restful Country Surroundings. For Particulars Write Can Sisters of ttw Roeurrootiea. Tel.

Amsterdam l5 SHADY LANE FARM R.D. t. Greenville, N. Y. Tel.

Oreesaville 9-4382 Small farm near town and churches: Germ. -Amor, cooking, shuffle-board, showers, riding, auto races nearby. Rates S2a wk. 1 mm a ft te ly N. for la deserated, air oendltieeetf dining room, fash mane Catering to an adult clientele with your every Other ehurehee within walking distance.

Rates. Phone eo A ELM SfAOsT GREENVILUE 4. Si. Tel. Sreeevillo S-4J2J the nesrt et vseatleo land.

Swinsslsf seal, tennis eaurt. reereatlea nail. shuffleoaarS. anevles. all as arsialsee tree.

Clean, slry rooms with running water. Asle showers, baths. Near churches. Seek let Rates: (eateltont steals Mneludedl Nil 1st to Jvna 17. 127 weekly: Jane to Labor Day 32 weekly: sftsr Lssor 0 ay 127.

BAVARIAN MAHOR aaadere lessrovswesta. Swiajalag Pool. Bali Field. Self. Other Sserts.

Osseins. Entertain. aiahtl. Exsollsat American. Gefmas table, Near Chun has.

Boa or train ts Cstsklll or Had. sea. N. v. tS a a.

Writs tree Seek let. Karl Bauer. PURLING 5, K. Y. Eastern CatskiH Refion COIIASSET ON BEAUTIFUL FOURTH LAKE the Pines.

Where food and fun are their best. Bandy bathing beach and outdoor sports, bui ana train service. Near Churches. "Oenulne Hospitality." Booklet. K.

T. McOrath, Old Forge. It. t. Tf-ff AOrsflgask Mts.

JWHITE ElOnSE DUDE RANCH rioeet FeeS Fan HeesHaMty A aoraes. all sserts. near aksreaea. Pvt. lake.

4S at ss. tend for B'ktt. Waavorteaa SI. V. Tel.

Nortk Creak IliFi O'SHEA HOUSE In the Heart of the CatskUl East Derrkass, N. Y. TeL Freefcolel 7412 Boaetifully situated near villages. Modern, airy roasna Sporta, amusem*nts, Csthelle Cburehi ad- lolnlng. Bates -Teaaoaabls.

Wrtte Ssr beokfat. IDA O'SHEA uomon house GREENVILLE, N. Y. Phona 5-9379 Modern bedrooms; best meals; gorgeous view. Nr.

Tillage. Bklt. D. Rates 130 and S2I. Mrs.


Kn.ln. GUEST house for women. Boarders accommodated. Modern new building; ahnwora; ovcalletns. meals.

Daily Mass. Swimming pool nearby. Address Bister la Charge. HARMONY LODGE KISKATOM. N.

Y. BeauUfullr ahadeo? surroaaTMlinea, hcese- ttkm atznoaohera talertatoa. Bathing, fleh. en grounds. Good food.

Near ehnrehea. Write R. D. 1. Box chateau ii.

is. PHONE PALENVELLB S47S CREEK SIDE LODGE Freehold. Greeae OS- N. Y. itsden.

all faculties, pleasant hstas-Uka etaMe- phers, food home eooking aad plenty own fans produce. Airy room wun somiortsDie oeo. wwun- attng, retreat Ins hau. anurrisoesra. aooi wie.

Near Ylllsgs. Booklet. Free no to. M. V.

TeL 7714. VILLA CUCINELL0 Home Cooked Italiaa. American Meals Privets Baths aad Shewers Charch. Swimming, Movies nearby For rate write to V. J.

Cacinello, HithUnd, N. T. PINE GROVE HOUSE ftsirvn wr TeL CAIRO B-111S Modern Resort, hot, oold running water all rooms, showers, sports, battling, io minutes to CsahoUe ebureh. Known for exoelleat table. Bookiet.

Mar and June special rates. L. st, nse. VILLA ST. DOMINIC GLASCO-ON-THE-HUDSON f.l.Ma M.

T. T.taal OuaaA Houaa for Women Onea SII year. Beautlruily situated on ins wen bank of the Hudson. Bpaolous wood lands, excellent meals. Phone Sauger ties 333 or write Slater Superior.

FIRST FOB FTN IN HI Writs far Seekiet A all-lneleslvs raise or telephone eotleet tw rsasrvstlens. Fatnam VaUey S. N. Y. Lakeland S-S001 INGLESIDE Quiet farmhouse, Homs-eooked food.

Near Church. Villas and Rates 128 ass, Mrj. gs'her MitoheC BarryrUle 2910L a 1 100, easy miles from rijjppa- rT Nw Yofk Jl ff 7" f't' wsleie vscstisa iss tsax fete? isxsiuf i A delightful hotel an 1100 acre private preserve. Enjoy treat fishing In. the Wiilewemec, gelf.

swimming, II tparts. Excellent cuisine. Mess In, cur private chapel. Write for folder and rates M3, llvingston Manor, T. 17 W.

S7m N.Y.C. Fl 7110 A too The Catski! HURLETVILLE. N. T. All assrt and seeial aetivities, S-Nele Gtlf Csurie.

Tslevl- sios, swimsting sool, lake. Near St. Jeeesh'a Cans Cntertainoient, Darning, srill-sahk roeni. Dellcieus asaale. At-tractive Rates.

Week Seders and FsmiMea Aeeemeiedated. a Booklet ss reeueet. Vs Tel. Harleyyille 2te-tz co bO tiOJCt Scfaoe a VACATfOK PAXAtHM a UONtyMOOH P. 0.

Adirondack, N. Y. TELEPHONE Chestertewa 3392 i Opeainf JUNE 1st Rates frost $50 n. v. wrriee: suit elf III ISS W.

42S Stb Fl. Pnene L0 4-7S33 Irlc WEIGH HOUSE AND COTTAGES ON LOON LAKE Chestertewa, Warren Ceanty, N. Y. Moq ern accommodations -for 126; S27 to spring water, nne taoie, noiesome iooo 12O0 feet; 4 mile on lake. Pure mountain S35 weekly.

Reduced June rates. Altitude Boabinav bethmc, fiahlng, teonia, saddle horses. Orchestra. Dancing- every evening Social director. Near all churches.

Booklet free. H. C. WILSON, P. O.

Address. Ch ra rtown, N. Y. Phone Cheatertown 2428 PINE CREST FARM eetakin Mts. FREEHOLD, NEW YOKK Tos'il enjoy the SWISS coot tog.

and the friend, en Tiro run en t. On premises, concrete pool, all sports, morlee, amusem*nt hall with bar. Five minutes dries to sil churches. Booms la ssblas with sr without prlrsto baths er rooms la main house. Special pre-sossensl rates.

Swiss management. Booklet (T). i CHESTNUT LAWN HOUSE FALENVILLE. NEW YORK Daliehtful spot for your honeymoon. Specially equipped cottages; swimming, ail mnortM Ait.nmniMi Onlv 1 milaa from Rates: IH weekly.

Phone or write booklet. CITY PHONE S-4S7S FALENVILLE S31S PIIIE KIIOLL HOUSE LAKE GEORGE, N. Y. Yon eaa afford beaatlfal Lake George. Ratea S4S to SM per person.

EzeellaDt meals. Opaeslte Catholie Chureh. Modern lnnerspring mattresses, twin beds, shew erg. Booklet. GLEN DURHAM HOUSE heath Darham, N.

Y. Tel. Cairo HMB Etc. meals. Outdoor gamee.

Recreation rm. Swiss, outdoor showers. Ressonabss. Special rates for June. EVERGREEN CROFT.

Freehold. N. Y. Showers, hot -and cold Bathing. au sports, nne meats, new seas.

Die rooma. near ehurehee and village; S33 up. Booklet. Glen Falls Hoot BOTJND TOP NEW YORK the northeastern CatakUls. Lseoly soenery, reereatlm.

BkH. eeoktas-basing sw- iimiiiiiisiiiiii Ats The Catskills gist ymr0 anSSena" In all i 17 all Til st all Ins In SCAPULAR JUBILEE PILGRIMAGE 'to KNOCK SHRINE "The Irish Lourdes" AND 1- AYLESFORD SCAPULAR SHRINE rrrr aithe. "vi LAUREL VILLA and CASINO MILFORD, PA. wenSerfti time for reur'peeone VACATION sr HONEYMOON The VILLA stslstslss a trad I ties er eaeellent aeeeemesartlene aunerh food ssd sveslina sanrlao. AH rasas wlrk ruaalng waasr.

Prlyntt baths. All fa-elllttss far recreative sad rslaaatlee, Inelsdisi eve Basd. Osiy terse heart trees Now York. Chnrshea nearby. Osws-te-eartb Swmasr rates ef te 5S.0S.

Write ferfrae. Illaatrated folder H. T. DOSCHER CO. BlILroSD.

PA. Mllferd S-7H Tm et the Peteaes" vacstioa vshiesl Hers st this S00 sen estate and banfslow camp oar ever- fjowise circle of friends find new holidgy enchant- mem Tour mJl-m-one rate covers your events activities. Summer Theatre, social, athletie staffs ocean sand beech, bee canoes. Fine food, comforts bis syxormnodsuons; sB tporB night tennis too! Hones and sailmf at aoernaal fee. riorsss free to June 29.

CeOi. and Frof. asrv-soss. AB right os the grotmds. t) miles from Y.

Moderate rates. Special low rates ts Jase i. Seem June IS ts Sept. OWNID ANO OntATIO SY 1T3aWTM SOt 32 YIAH Wrlfe fee free beetlef. ISIIVl NOWI AOAMORR.

Milford S. Pike Cenntr. Pa. Lhrs lafstirwfy mt bssuHf wl Mt. Loks Nested SKY LAKE LOOSE wtsTX INDIVIDUAL COZY C0TTASE.

teed. Seeasd tns Cloak Chorea lervlsss se Prsatlses. Irloseysaeeaert (Special Rates) FAMILIES Wrtte fee Booklet iZ 1 ottos, Fiks psj. For Immadiato raaenratlena Cat U. 7-S4SS PIIIE TREE COTTAGE narrtev.

PrVKS. tauetrieted summer resort. Attitude lssO rt-. always eooi; oar own oa.ry ana farm produota, snseaaeot meats, home style. Alt recreations.

Near churches. Ratea S2S.00. Pheae Laekawaases s-tv-s YLVAJf LODOB COTTAOEE, F. O. Bes Its.

Meaataiaheme. Fa. Modern homelike in the poeonoe. capacity jz rsnned adult suests. Swimming pool, game room, ehuffie court.

Home ooeklns. Ooen Mar to Oct. 15. Rates and dollars daily per peraon. LAUREL LODGE.

GREELEY, FA. A nice place for nice people. In the Po- eonos. Excellent food. Catholic Church 9 min.

walk. Rates S28 adults only. Ace. 20. TeL Laekawaxen 2R11.

Mrsr T. Bihl. Prep. REEDERS INN, RaTRDBRS PENNA. Swimming private lake, dancing.

Chll-1 wsess, aseaSassaw ayeaa. vnm Booklet. AC Rlnker. ui numm cooaing. tseteom, aa weeaiy.

i iOm Twtw aksteelnhe Feeaeeej al ia Under thm Patronage of CARMELITE FATHERS Sairirtfl from New York Aua. 1st, 1951 MAURITANIA- For further details apply SYNN TT TRAVEL BUREAU One Flatbush Avenue, PHONE STERLING IBISB BRANCH CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGES AND VACATIONS 1 HOLY LAND PILGRIMAGE sponsored' by Has thcoeUenoy Moat Reverend Edmund F. Gtbbone, Bishop of Albany. 34 days. Leavlns New York June iX Vlsitlne Mt.

Carroei, Nazareth, Can, Galilee, Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Mt. of Olives, Ge-Jisemane. Calvary. Holy Sepulchre and. Jericho.

Oonttane to Cairo. Atiiena. Rome, Assist. Florence. Mlssxt.

Mcmtreux (Seltoeitaod), XiOUrdee and Parts. All inclusive rste tl.T93.00, i 3. 10 days, to the Shrine of Our taekr of OitadaJuna, ksexieo City, the Prramida, Xoohimlloo, Cuernavvaoa. laaoo. Acapuleo.

All lnctusrvo, 00. plus fare to aod from home town. SOUTH AMERICA 36 days. Havana, Cuba; Lima, Peru; Santiago, Cblie; the fabuloos ChUeao Lake District; Buenos Aires, Argentine; Montevideo, Uruguay: Rio de Janeiro, Brasfl; Panama. 1.300.

AJeo 14 47 special Havana, Lima, Rio de Janeiro. Panama, for S94S.OD. i iPTLORIMAG-BS to Fettma, Rome and Ixntrdes. Monthly deaartarea. Basaf iut so iwj wnr irt.r.

aetcrtnUne literature and reservatione write INTERNATIONAL CATHOLIC TRAVEL SERVICE 725 Duportt Circle Building, Washington 6, D. er CONSCLT YOCB FAVOaUTB THAVkX AGENT 1951- PILGRIMAGES 1931 TO STE. ANNE DE BEAUPRE AND COZINE-STEWART UONTACVS tT, BKOOKLYK N. 1M -1 kseeaa.

The Tablet from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Author information

Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.